How to weave bracelets from rubber bands with a heart. Rubber band heart bracelet: a cute addition to a stylish look

Choice of colors

Bracelet made of rubber bands Hearts- this is a very cool accessory that you can weave not only for yourself, but also as a gift for a birthday, Valentine's Day or a girl, mother, sister on March 8th. Little red hearts in this weaving look very gentle and romantic.

What you need to make a heart bracelet:

  • white silicone rubber bands;
  • red Rainbow Loom rubber bands;
  • translucent pink rubber bands;
  • special slingshot or any other machine tool;
  • removal hook;
  • clip for accessory connection.

How to weave a bracelet from rubber bands Hearts on a slingshot?

Weaving a bracelet from rubber bands Hearts is performed on two columns and, of course, it is most convenient to do it on a slingshot.

The beginning of weaving Hearts is very similar to many others. We throw a single white elastic band on both parts of the slingshot in the form of a figure eight.

* We put on in the usual way, first one translucent, and then another white one.

Lower the white bottom from both columns to the center.

Now we put on one red.

On the right side, remove the translucent in the middle.

We transfer the red from the left pin to the right.

We put on another red elastic band. Now on the left side we lower the translucent pink to the center.

And we transfer the top red from the right side to the left.

We put on one white rubber band.

Now we throw off the rubber bands using the “from the inside” method. On the right pin we start a hook under both red rubber bands.

We capture the bottom white one and send it to the center.

We repeat the same on the left column. Inserting a hook under two red ones,

we hook the lower white one and lower it from the column.

We throw off the top red ones from each of the pins to the center.

Then we put on a single white elastic band and send the remaining red elastic bands to it. *

And we repeat weaving from * to * until we get the bracelet of the required length.

We complete the bracelet in the following way.

We throw one white rubber band on the pins, and send the lowest ones from both columns to the center.

Then once again we lower the lower ones from the columns to the middle.

We transfer one of the remaining ones to the adjacent pin and hook it with a clasp. We cling to the second side of the fastener for the initial “eight”.

Bracelet made of elastic bands Hearts is ready!

Weave and wear this beauty with pleasure!

A girl who wants to look stylish and fashionable must have many different accessories in her arsenal. Rubber bracelets are one of the options to replenish your wardrobe with a variety of bright jewelry that matches every outfit.

Today we offer a master class on weaving a very chic bracelet made of rubber bands Angel Heart. Try to choose beautifully combined color schemes to further enhance the beauty of this accessory. This bracelet is made on a slingshot of two contrasting colors of rubber bands.

An angel heart is the most appropriate name for this incomparable bracelet made from a chain of delicate hearts. The Angel Heart bracelet is sure to become one of your favorites!

Materials for a rubber band bracelet Angel heart on a slingshot:

  • 25 green silicone rubber bands;
  • 50 yellow rubber bands;
  • device - slingshot;
  • plastic hook from the kit or crochet hook (No. 4);
  • S-shaped clip fastener.

How to make an angel heart bracelet on a slingshot?

Take the slingshot in your left hand so that the open parts of the columns look at you. Also decide what color hearts will be in your bracelet, and from which internal chain.

In our master class, the inner chain will be green, and the hearts will be yellow.

Take a green elastic band and put it on both columns with a figure eight i.e. twisting it between them.

Then put on the yellow elastic without twisting. All subsequent rubber bands should also be worn in the usual way.

With the help of a hook, hook the green elastic on the left column and throw it off to the center (between the columns).

Now hook the yellow elastic on the right column and transfer it to the left column.

Put the yellow elastic back on both columns in the usual way.

Hook and slip the green elastic band on the right side into the center.

Slip the green elastic over both columns.

Then slip off the top yellow elastic bands from both columns to the center.

This is the beginning of the weaving of the Angel Heart bracelet. Then a repeating combination is used. So that you know what actions to repeat, we will mark the beginning and end of the combination with asterisks.

** Put the yellow elastic band on the two columns in the usual way.

Remove the lower yellow elastic band from the left column and discard it to the center.

Remove the top yellow from the right column and transfer it to the left column.

Put the yellow elastic on two columns again.

Now remove the lower yellow elastic band from the right column and drop it to the center,

and then flip the top yellow elastic band from the left column to the right.

Put a green elastic band on the column.

Remove the top yellow elastic bands from both columns in turn and discard to the center.

Insert the hook inside the yellow elastic band on the left column, hook the lowest green one and throw off the center.

Repeat this combination from ** to ** as many times as necessary to obtain the desired length of the bracelet.

When the length of the bracelet is already sufficient, finish it as follows.

On the slingshot, you should have 2 rubber bands on each of the columns.

Remove and fold the lower elastic bands from each of the columns to the center.

Throw one of the top ones onto another column. Pull the bracelet back so that the elastic bands on the column stretch and hook them with one of the hooks on the clip-clasp.

Hook the other clip of the fastener to the two parts of the initial elastic band, which was the "eight" at the beginning of the weaving.

Bracelet made of rubber bands The heart of an angel on a slingshot is ready! Wear with pleasure!

Watch the video tutorials on weaving the Angel Heart bracelet.

Every girl wants to be stylish and fashionable. And for this, she needs to have a lot of different accessories in order to select them for each outfit. And bracelets made of rubber bands in this case will be most welcome. Now we will teach you how to weave a beautiful openwork bracelet "Angel Heart". At first glance, it seems that it consists of rubber bands simply twisted together. But if you look closely, you will notice a lot of small hearts. That is why the bracelet got its name. In this lesson, you will learn the technique of weaving "Angel Heart" on a slingshot and learn how to weave a stylish bracelet in the shape of an angel's heart out of small rubber bands.

How to weave a bracelet "Angel Heart" from rubber bands with your own hands

As we have already said, the Angel Heart bracelet is woven on a slingshot. But what if you don't have it? you can, following the same principle, weave a bracelet on your fingers or on a fork.
Particular attention should be paid to the selection of colors. Since this bracelet consists of two layers: inner and outer, it will look beautiful only when the colors complement each other. And if the colors merge, then these layers will become invisible. Therefore, it is best to choose contrasting colors, such as pink and blue, white and black, blue and yellow. A bracelet made of rubber bands of different shades of the same color will look good. For example, dark and light pink. The main thing is that the color difference is clearly visible.

So, we will need:

  • Rubber bands in two colors (for the outer layer about 50, for the inner layer - 25)
  • Plastic hook from the kit or crochet hook (No. 4)
  • S-shaped clasp
  • Slingshot.

For example, to weave a bracelet 17 cm long, you will need 22 elastic bands of one color and 42 of another.

Now you can start weaving.


The pattern of weaving this bracelet is not complicated. Follow the photo instructions and you will succeed.

You need to hold the slingshot so that the open parts of the columns are turned towards you. Also, before starting weaving, you need to decide what color the core of the bracelet will be, since we will start weaving from it.

We take the first gum, we will have it white. We put it on a slingshot with a figure eight. We will not twist the rest of the gum.

Now in the usual way we put on a pink elastic band.

Now we hook the white elastic band on the left column and remove it to the center.

And we transfer the pink rubber band from the right column to the left, as shown in the photo.

Again we throw a pink iris on the columns.

We remove the white rubber band from the right column to the center through the pink rubber band.

We put a white rubber band on the slingshot.

From two columns we remove the upper pink loops to the center.

The main stage of weaving.

We put one pink elastic band on the slingshot.

Crochet the lower pink loop on the left column and remove it to the center.

We transfer the upper elastic band of pink color from the right column to the left.

We put on the pink gum again.

We remove the lower elastic band of pink color from the right column.

We will throw the upper loop from the left column to the right. Compare the result with the photo.

Now we will throw a white rubber band on the posts.

From two columns we throw off the upper pink loops to the center.

Now we repeat the main stage again. When the bracelet is the required length, it is necessary to finish weaving and fasten the lock. This is done in the following way. Remove all pink loops from the posts. Two white loops are transferred to one column and we cling to the fastener for them.

You have learned how to weave an Angel Heart bracelet without a loom. It's very simple. Such openwork bracelets look beautiful on the hand. They are very light and almost not felt. Now the bracelet can be worn or given to a friend.

"Heart of an angel" on the machine.

On the machine, the bracelet is woven in the same way as on the slingshot. For weaving, you need only two columns. Therefore, the third row of columns can be removed from the machine. Lay the machine with the open sides of the posts facing you and start weaving, as indicated above.

You can weave several of these bracelets using different elastic bands, and you will get accessories for any outfit. After you have learned the Angel Heart weaving technique, be sure to learn other techniques, such as Dragon Scale.

Educational video on the topic of the article

Although weaving such a bracelet is not difficult, but if you are a beginner, you can easily get confused in the sequence of actions. If you have any difficulties during weaving, or you just like to learn from videos more, then watch the following selection of video lessons. They will help you master the Angel Heart technique.

Great craft for girls. This bracelet will look great on your hand.

For work we need:
thread for embroidery (mulina) of two colors, scissors and a good mood.

Measure the required length of thread. This can be done with your hand. Pull the thread from your fingertips to your shoulder, and then back to your fingertips. Cut off. Repeat this procedure twice for each of the colors. Fold the cut threads in half and tie in a loop. In total, you should get 8 threads to work with: 4 threads of each color. Attach the loop to the board or pin it to the pillow.
First, let's look at the basics of weaving bracelets from threads:

Hold the second thread (blue in the picture) in your left hand. With your right hand, take the first thread (it is red in the picture) and, having made a loop on the first thread, drag the red thread to the left. Pull the red thread so that it forms a 90° angle. Make two more knots on this side. Hold the red thread in your right hand!
Now let's move on to the left side. Repeat these steps. For this bauble, you will need to make three knots in each direction.

Consider the schema:
1. Arrange your threads as shown in the picture. The color of the first and eighth strands will determine the color of the hearts on the bauble.

2. Make the first row following the instructions above. Do not forget to tie a knot in the middle, thus connecting the left and right motifs.

3. Make a second row of knots in the same way, but this time using threads of a different color.

4. Take the second thread and tie it around the first on the left. Then take the seventh thread and tie it around the eighth.

5. Fill in the space between the knots made in step 4. Starting with the second thread (we have it in red), tie two knots on the left and in the same way on the right. Connect the knots in the middle. In this step, we have formed the upper part of the heart.

6. Take the second thread (red) and tie it around the blue outer thread. Tie the seventh thread around the eighth. So we formed the extreme points of the heart.

7. Fill the middle of the heart with blue. Let's make two knots to the right, starting from the second thread, and two knots to the left, starting from the seventh. Let's connect them in the middle.

Recently popular small colored rubber bands allow you to show your creativity and realize interesting ideas. Let's consider in this article several ways to weave a heart out of elastic bands, connecting fantasy and imagination.

The easy way to weave

For beginners, a heart-shaped figure can be easily and quickly crocheted.

1) Throw the first elastic band in two turns on the hook. Pull a pair of elastic bands through the twisted elastic band, grabbing the other end from your finger. Weave three pairs of elastic bands like this.

2) Insert the hook into the very first loop, put two elastic bands on the hook, stretch them through this loop, grabbing the second end from the finger. Next, weave the second column of three pairs of elastic bands. When knitting, elastic bands must be pulled only through the first two loops on the hook. Throw on the next pair of rubber bands and stretch through all the loops on the hook.

3) Insert the hook into the first loop, weave the third column of three pairs of elastic bands.

4) Weave the next three columns in the same way. Grab two rubber bands on the hook, stretch through all the loops. Insert the hook into the first loop, weave two pairs of elastic bands. Pull the next pair through all loops. Throw on a couple more elastic bands, stretch through two loops on the hook.

5) Insert the hook into the central loop, put a pair of elastic bands on the hook, pull through the loop, grabbing the second end of the elastic band on the hook. Weave three columns of two pairs of elastic bands. Then weave 2 columns of three pairs. Pull another pair of elastic bands through all loops. Take 2 more elastic bands, grab onto the hook, pull through two loops on the hook. Weave a chain of four pairs of rubber bands.

6) Insert the hook into the central elastic band, throw one elastic band on the hook, stretch it through all the loops, grabbing the elastic band from the finger. Bring one loop into the second to make a knot.

Fancy accessories

"Angel Hearts"

You can weave such an interesting rubber band bracelet on a slingshot, using a hook and elastic bands of two colors in addition to a mini-loom.

We start weaving from the central chain. Add a white elastic band to two columns, twisting it with a figure eight. Then add a blue elastic band to both columns, and remove a white loop from the left column on it. Move the blue rubber band from the right to the left column. Then throw another blue elastic band, throw a white loop on it from the right column, and transfer the blue elastic band from the left to the right column. Throw the next white elastic band over both columns, throw one blue loop on it on each side.

Add a blue elastic band to both columns. Throw off the bottom blue gum from the left side to the center. From the opposite column, remove the upper blue loop, transfer it to the left side. Then throw on another blue elastic band. Remove the lower blue elastic band from the right side, move the upper blue loop from the opposite column to the right column. Throw a white elastic band over two columns. Throw off the top blue elastic bands from both columns. Next, on each column, pick up the bottom white elastic bands, throw them into the center. According to this scheme, weave the chain to the desired length.

When the weaving of the chain is finished, it is necessary to reset the lower loops on both sides to the center. Transfer one of the remaining loops to the opposite column, pull off the elastic, and fasten the clip. Pick up the very first loop with the second end of the clip. A beautiful decoration is ready.

"Dragon Heart"

In the process, you will need a machine, a hook and rubber bands in red and black.

The machine must be turned so that the open sides on the columns look to the right. Weaving will be located on the last four columns of the middle row, the remaining rows will not be needed, they can be removed.

Alternately twist two black rubber bands on your fingers. Throw them from the second to the third and from the third to the fourth column, twisting them with a figure eight. Grab the elastic, which is located between the second and third columns, pulling a little, throw it over the second column, then over the third column.

Weaving sequence:

  1. Throw one red elastic band with a figure eight from 4 to 2 columns (we count the columns on the right). Add the next red elastic band with a figure eight from 3 to 1 column.
  2. Insert the hook into the middle of the second column, grab the lower black elastic band and pull it out behind this column. After getting the hook into the third column on the side, and also drop the black elastic band behind this column.
  3. Twist two black elastic bands in two turns and alternately throw from 1 to 2 columns and from 3 to 4. Throw off all the lower elastic bands behind the columns.

According to this scheme, it is necessary to weave the product to the desired length. To complete the weaving, you should throw all the elastic bands on the second column. Twist one black elastic band in two turns, put it on the hook and stretch it through all the loops on the column. Then put the clip on all four loops on one side, and on the first loop on the second side. This thing will be a great addition to the image.

If you can’t work on the loom, there is no slingshot either, then such cute accessories can be easily woven on forks.

Video on the topic of the article