How not to raise a lazy child - the psychology of effective life - online magazine. Proverbs and sayings about parents Proverbs and sayings about parents

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Every parent wants their child to be good and obedient. Mothers are worried that their children do not want to help around the house, they are lazy and even throw tantrums about it. They are afraid that their beloved son or daughter will grow up lazy and will not be able to realize themselves in life.

I had the same fears and experiences when my daughter was born. In order not to inadvertently raise a loafer, I responsibly took up this issue.

Now my daughter is 14 years old. She is my best friend, my assistant and just my beloved daughter, for whom I do not have to blush.

How did I manage to raise a hardworking child? The knowledge that helped me helps my clients as well. And that means they will help you. Take note!

1. Show love to your child

Often mothers believe that “loving a child” is natural. Therefore, why show your love in some way, because everything is clear by default anyway. I often hear phrases: "I'm his mother, and all mothers love their children."

But if you ask a child if he feels loved just by the fact that his mother is standing nearby, you are unlikely to hear a positive answer. It is important for any child to see the manifestation of love. And for him, it manifests itself in hugs, kisses, touches, approval of his actions, support and acceptance of him as he is.

2. Less comparison and more praise

One of the gross mistakes in education is the constant comparison of your child with other children. By doing this, parents expect a positive result. They think that someone else's example will immediately push their child to the desired changes. But what is really happening? The effect is just the opposite.

When a child is repeatedly cited as an example of other children, he experiences stress and feels that he has been deprived of parental love. At this moment, he is overcome by emotions of guilt and shame. He is ashamed that he is not the way they want to see him. He feels guilty that he didn't live up to expectations.

The more often parents engage in comparisons, the more often and stronger these emotions are manifested. Ultimately, the child comes to terms with his inconsistency with an unattainable ideal, and an inferiority complex forms in him.

Many of us carry a baggage of self-doubt into adulthood. If in childhood we were often compared with others, we continue to play comparisons on our own, automatically. And, if the result is not in our favor, we feel a sense of shame.

In order not to condemn the child to a lifelong struggle with an inferiority complex, praise him! Do not forget that he is still only learning, learning this world. It may not meet all your expectations, let alone be perfect.

Each person, both small and large, has his own character, his own needs and abilities. If one is diligent, then for the other it may be a problem.

Instead of trying to reshape your son or daughter, get to know them every day. Believe me, they will never cease to amaze you.

3. The magic phrase "I believe in you" + support

These are truly magical words. But they work only in combination with sincere faith and support. Saying this phrase, you let the baby know that the closest people believe in him, that they are always there and ready to help, give him hope.

For example, when my daughter Angelina started learning English, it was difficult for her. Bad grades upset her, but I believed in her and did not forget to tell her about it.

Inspired by my faith, my daughter began to persevere in her studies, and I, for my part, supported her by hiring a personal tutor. Together we have achieved good results - she succeeded!

4. Do not force, but inspire

When raising a child, do not forget that children love to do what they like and find it interesting, and they hate what they are forced to do.

Turn educational moments into an exciting game. Do you want the toys to be collected? Get your child interested. For example, tell him that the toys are tired and want to sleep. Ask where the ball will sleep. And where will the car go to rest? The doll's eyes are closed, where is her bed? Your baby will love this cleaning!

5. Turn off the “parents know best” function and turn on the “I am your friend” function

Many parents consider themselves smarter, wiser and more experienced than the child. Well, quite possibly it is. But do not forget to explain to the child why he should follow your instructions. Phrases "That's right, don't ask stupid questions" or "Because I said so" anyone will be discouraged from doing something.

Explain, justify. Asking for help, say that you can not cope without the support of the baby.

One of my clients complained that she felt guilty towards her children for taking them to the garden every morning. They cry terribly. They don't want to go. And, having come home, she cannot do anything for herself, as she feels guilt and shame in front of the children and suffers from these emotions all day.

I suggested that she tell the children how important it is for her to be at home alone while they are in kindergarten, and ask for their support. After she complied with my recommendations, her girls (2.5 and 4 years old) began to go to kindergarten without whims. Everything turned out to be easy!

6. Lead by example

If you want your child to be hardworking and successful, be that parent yourself. If you play sports and you enjoy it, your baby will love exercise too. If you constantly read books, you will not have time to look back, as your child will take over this habit from you.

At the beginning of the year, I always have to buy two diaries, as my daughter also asks for one for herself. She, like me, plans the day, sets goals and goes to their implementation.

And lastly, remember that a child copies ANY behavior of his parents. If you do not want to get up from the couch once again, then why should your child want to?


Starting with yourself is a universal rule that works in any life situation. If you want your child to grow up hardworking, responsible, organized, first put things in order in your own life. For example, finally deal with unfinished business. How to do it, advises a business consultant Olga Chuvatova: .

How do you get organized and get things done? Sometimes this is hard. Spinning all day like a squirrel in a wheel, and by the evening you realize that you still have to figuratively carry the baggage of unresolved issues to bed. IT manager Ksenia Leshchenko offers to introduce a simple and effective time management technique into your life:.

Obedient children are accustomed to unquestioningly fulfill everything that their parents require of them, once again without asking why it is necessary. After all, the order of the parent - the law. But this habit can easily migrate into adulthood. Have you ever tried your best for a certain result, and then realized that you didn’t need it at all? But what if many of the goals we are trying to achieve are imposed on us? To understand this complex issue offers a psychologist Yaroslav Voznyuk: .

Adaptation of first graders to school

Adaptation to school is a process of getting used to new school conditions, which every first grader experiences and realizes in his own way. Most first graders come to school from kindergarten. There were games, walks, a quiet regimen, daytime sleep, the teacher was always nearby. There, the current first graders were the oldest children! At school, everything is different: here - work in a rather intense mode and a new strict system of requirements. It takes time and effort to get used to them.
The period of adaptation of the child to school lasts from 2-3 weeks to six months. It depends on many factors: the individual characteristics of the child, the type of educational institution, the level of complexity of educational programs, the degree of readiness of the child for school, etc. The support of relatives - mothers, fathers, grandparents is very important.

  • The first grader likes school, he goes there with pleasure, willingly talks about his successes and failures. At the same time, he understands that the main purpose of his stay at school is teaching, and not excursions into nature and not observing hamsters in a living corner.
  • The first grader is not too tired: he is active, cheerful, curious, rarely catches a cold, sleeps well, almost never complains of pain in his stomach, head, throat.
  • A first-grader is quite independent: he changes clothes for physical education without any problems (he easily ties his shoelaces, fastens buttons), confidently navigates the school building (he can buy a bun in the canteen, go to the toilet), if necessary, he will be able to ask for help from one of the adults.
  • He made classmates, and you know their names.
  • He likes his teacher and most of the teachers who teach extra subjects in the class.
  • To the question: "Maybe it's better to return to kindergarten?" he emphatically replies, "No!"

A child who comes to school for the first time will be met by a new team of children and adults. He needs to establish contacts with peers and teachers, learn to fulfill the requirements of school discipline, new responsibilities associated with academic work. Experience shows that not all children are ready for this. Some first-graders, even those with a high level of intellectual development, can hardly endure the burden that schooling requires. Psychologists point out that for many first-graders, and especially six-year-olds, social adaptation is difficult, since a personality capable of obeying the school regime, assimilating school norms of behavior, and recognizing school duties has not yet been formed.
The year separating a six-year-old child from a seven-year-old child is very important for mental development, because during this period the child develops an arbitrary regulation of his behavior, orientation to social norms and requirements. At this time, a new type of mental activity is being formed - “I am a schoolboy”.
As already mentioned, the initial period of education is quite difficult for all children who enter school. In response to new increased demands on the body of a first-grader, in the first weeks and months of training, children may complain of fatigue, headaches, irritability, tearfulness, and sleep disturbance. Children's appetite and body weight decrease. There are also difficulties of a psychological nature, such as, for example, a feeling of fear, a negative attitude towards learning, a teacher, a misconception about one's abilities and capabilities.
The above-described changes in the body of a first-grader associated with the beginning of schooling are called by some foreign scientists "adaptation disease", "school shock", "school stress".

According to the degree of adaptation of children can be divided into three groups.
First group children adapt during the first two months of training. These children relatively quickly join the team, get used to school, make new friends. They almost always have a good mood, they are calm, benevolent, conscientious and fulfill all the requirements of the teacher without visible tension. Sometimes they still have difficulties either in contacts with children or in relations with the teacher, since it is still difficult for them to fulfill all the requirements of the rules of conduct. But by the end of October, the difficulties of these children, as a rule, are overcome, the child is fully mastered with the new status of a student, and with new requirements, and with a new regime.
Second group children have a longer period of adaptation, the period of non-compliance of their behavior with the requirements of the school is delayed. Children cannot accept a new situation of learning, communication with a teacher, children. Such students can play in the classroom, sort things out with a friend, they do not respond to the teacher's remarks or react with tears, insults. As a rule, these children also experience difficulties in mastering the curriculum; only by the end of the first half of the year, the reactions of these children become adequate to the requirements of the school and teacher.
Third group - children whose social and psychological adaptation is associated with significant difficulties. They have negative forms of behavior, a sharp manifestation of negative emotions, they learn the curriculum with great difficulty. It is these children that teachers most often complain about: they "interfere" with work in the classroom.

What difficulties do parents and teachers face in the first years of children's education, what are their main complaints?
1. Chronic failure.
In practice, there are often cases when the difficulties of a child's adaptation at school are associated with the ATTITUDE of parents to school life and the child's school performance.
This, on the one hand, is the parents' fear of school, the fear that the child will feel bad at school. This is often heard in the speech of parents: “If it were my will, I would never send him to school.” Fears that the child will get sick, catch a cold. On the other hand, this is an expectation from the child of only very good, high achievements and an active demonstration of dissatisfaction with him that he can’t cope, that he doesn’t know how to do something.In the period of primary education, there is a change in the attitude of adults towards children, to their successes and failures.A “good” child is considered to be a successful student, knows a lot, easily solves problems and copes with learning tasks. The parents, who did not expect this, have a negative attitude to the inevitable difficulties at the beginning of education (verbally and non-verbally). Under the influence of such assessments, the child's self-confidence decreases, anxiety increases, which leads to deterioration and disorganization of activity. And this leads to failure, failure increases anxiety, which again disorganizes his activity.The child learns new material and skills worse, and, as a result, failures are fixed, bad grades appear, which again cause discontent of parents, and so, the further, the more, and break this vicious the circle gets harder. Failure becomes chronic.

2. Withdrawal from activities.
This is when a child sits in a lesson and at the same time, as it were, is absent, does not hear questions, does not fulfill the tasks of the teacher. This is not due to the increased distractibility of the child to foreign objects and activities. This is withdrawal into oneself, into one's inner world, fantasies. This often happens with children who do not receive enough attention, love and care from parents, adults (often in dysfunctional families).

3. Negativistic demonstrativeness.
It is typical for children with a high need for attention from others, adults. Here there will be complaints not about poor study, but about the behavior of the child. He violates the general norms of discipline. Adults punish, but in a paradoxical way: those forms of treatment that adults use to punish turn out to be encouragement for the child. The true punishment is deprivation of attention.
Attention in any form is an absolute value for a child, which is deprived of parental affection, love, understanding, acceptance.

4. Verbalism.
Children developing according to this type are distinguished by a high level of speech development and delayed thinking. Verbalism is formed at preschool age and is associated primarily with the peculiarities of the development of cognitive processes. Many parents believe that speech is an important indicator of mental development and make great efforts so that the child learns to speak smartly and smoothly (poems, fairy tales, etc.). The same activities that make the main contribution to mental development (the development of abstract, logical, practical thinking - these are role-playing games, drawing, design) are in the background. Thinking, especially figurative thinking, lags behind. Lively speech, clear answers to questions attract the attention of adults who highly appreciate the child. Verbalism, as a rule, is associated with a high self-esteem of the child and an overestimation on the part of adults of his abilities. With the beginning of schooling, it is found that the child is not able to solve problems, and some activities that require imaginative thinking cause difficulties. Not understanding the reason, parents are prone to double extremes: 1) blame the teacher; 2) blame the child (they increase the demands, make them study more, show dissatisfaction with the child, which, in turn, causes him to be insecure, anxious, activities are disorganized, fear of school and parents increases for their failure, inferiority, otherwise the path to chronic failure.
Necessary: pay more attention to the development of imaginative thinking: drawings, design, modeling, appliqué, mosaic.Basic tactics:keep the speech flow and stimulate productive activity.

5. The child is lazy" - These are very common complaints.
Anything could be behind this.
1) reduced need for cognitive motives;
2) the motivation to avoid failures, failure (“I won’t do it, I won’t succeed, I don’t know how”), that is, the child refuses to do anything, because he is not sure of success and knows what a bad assessment, his work not praised, but once again accused of incompetence.
3) general slowness of the pace of activity associated with the peculiarities of temperament. The child works conscientiously, but slowly, and it seems to the parents that he is "LAZY TO MOVE", they begin to push him, get irritated, show dissatisfaction, and the child at this time feels that he is not needed, that he is bad. Anxiety arises, which is the disorganization of activity.
4) High anxiety as a global problem of self-doubt is also sometimes regarded by parents as laziness. The child does not write a phrase, an example, because not sure how and what to write. He begins to evade any action, if he is not convinced that he is doing the right thing, well, because he already knows that his parents will love him if he does everything well, and if not, then he will not receive that "portion" of love necessary for him.
Less common is laziness in the proper sense, when a child does only what pleases him. This is spoilage.

How can I help my child adjust to school?
The most important result of such assistance is to restore the child's positive attitude towards life, including everyday school activities, towards all persons involved in the educational process (child - parents - teachers). When learning brings joy to children, or at least does not cause negative experiences associated with the realization of oneself inferior, insufficient love, then the school is not a problem.
A child starting school needs moral and emotional support. He should not just be praised (and scolded less, but it’s better not to scold at all), but praise precisely when he does something. But:
1) in no case compare his mediocre results with the standard, that is, with the requirements of the school curriculum, the achievements of other, more successful students. It is better to never compare a child with other children at all (remember your childhood).
2) You can compare the child only with him and praise only for one thing: the improvement of his own results. If in yesterday's homework he made 3 mistakes, and in today's - 2, this should be noted as a real success, which should be appreciated sincerely and without irony by parents. It should be emphasized that since he has learned to do something well, he will gradually learn everything else.
Parents should wait patiently for success, as in school affairs, most often, a vicious circle of anxiety is closed. The school must remain for a very long time a sphere of gentle evaluation. The soreness of the school sphere must be reduced by any means: to reduce the value of school grades, that is, to show the child that he is loved not for good studies, but is loved, appreciated, accepted in general as his own child, of course, not for something, but in spite of everything. The more we try to educate, push, the more resistance grows, which sometimes manifests itself in sharply negative, pronounced demonstrative behavior, as already mentioned, demonstrativeness, hysteria, capriciousness is generated by a lack of love, attention, affection, understanding in the life of a child. Each case is best considered individually. We can only give some general recommendations. Minimize all comments when the child is "tricking", and most importantly, minimize the emotionality of your reactions, because it is the emotionality that the child seeks. Punish for tantrums in one way - deprivation of communication (calm, not demonstrative).
Main award - this is kind, loving, open, trusting communication in those moments when the child is calm, balanced, doing something. (Praise his activities, work, and not the child himself, he still won’t believe it). I like your drawing. It's nice to see how you deal with your constructor, etc.).
1. The child needs to find an area where he could realize his demonstrativeness (circles, dances, sports, drawing, art studios, etc.).

Medical advice:
For students who have reached the age of 6.5 by the beginning of training, classes are held only in the first shift, not earlier than 8 a.m., on a five-day academic week, in compliance with a stepped mode (in the first quarter - three lessons of 35 minutes each; in the second quarter - four lesson for 35 minutes). To create such a regime, it is recommended to place the first classes in a separate educational section. The layout of many schools does not allow this; in this case, teachers should be recommended to devote the last 10 minutes of the lesson to quiet games, drawing, watching funny cartoons. From the second half of the year, no more than four lessons of 45 minutes are allowed. After the second or third lesson, a dynamic lesson lasting at least 40 minutes should be organized daily with the organization of outdoor games under the supervision of a teacher in the air or, in case of adverse weather conditions, in recreation.
Education should be carried out without scoring for the whole year and without homework for the first six months. Wednesday should include an easy day in the class schedule (subjects that are less difficult to learn or with a dynamic component). Mandatory additional weekly holidays in the middle of the third quarter.
Compliance with the norms of physical activity by first-graders is of great importance for facilitating adaptation. To do this, they should be organized at school: gymnastics before classes, physical education in the classroom, outdoor games during breaks, a dynamic pause - daily, physical education lessons - at least twice a week, as well as extracurricular sports activities. Parents are encouraged to take their child for a daily walk after school and before bed.
Of course, to facilitate the adaptation of first-graders, there should be organized
rational daily routine. Experts recommend, if possible, not to immediately send a first grader to an extended day group for the whole day; it is highly desirable at least in the first quarter to arrange one or two days for the child, completely or partially free from the “extension”.
First grade students can engage in sections and circles (predominantly physical education and aesthetic classes should be recommended): no more than two circles are recommended with a total duration of classes no more than 6 hours per week. It is recommended to start homework assignments no earlier than 16:00. In the daily routine of children, it is necessary to provide for a quiet rest after lunch, it is possible to organize
daytime sleep for children who do not attend an extended day group. The duration of a night's sleep for first graders should be at least 9.5 hours, and playing games on the computer and watching TV should not exceed 1 hour a day.
The first grade of school is one of the most difficult periods in the life of children. When entering school, the child is influenced by the classroom team, the personality of the teacher, the change in the regimen, and the unusually long restriction of motor activity, and the emergence of new responsibilities.
Adapting to school, the child's body is mobilized. But it should be borne in mind that the degree and pace of adaptation for each individual, so each child needs help and great patience from all the surrounding adults.


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Soon to school...

The bell rings for ten years in a row. Hearing it, people smile, And the faces of the guys bloom: The time has come - the lessons begin.

Problem Is the child ready for a new stage of his life: to study at school?

Is it possible to be sure that the Reader Knows the names of all continents Knows the brands of all cars, etc. Successful student NO!

Academic success depends on the desire and ability to learn The ability to see the connection of phenomena, patterns From the desire to understand, understand why, how, why ...

And also: The child must understand the role of the student Obey the general school requirements and the requirements of the teacher

The child should be able to concentrate for a sufficiently long time Hold attention, not be distracted Listen to the teacher, be able to sit through the whole lesson Find a common language with classmates

Only in this case can we talk about the readiness of the unborn child for school.

"Adaptation" - the term was introduced by A. Ubert (German psychologist) "ada p tatio" - adjustment, adaptation, adaptation

What should be the preparation for school? Today's requirements are completely different than a few years ago. What was previously studied in the 1st grade, today you need to be able to read, write, count, answer smart questions before school

Preparation should be designed specifically for your child, take into account the individual characteristics of his development. It is desirable to consult a specialist. Avoid overloading in any class. Classes at home should be systematic (no more than 30 minutes).

Tips for parents from psychologist Geraldine Chapey They will help to establish and maintain good relations with your child, to be real friends with him

To do or not to do? Do it! Enjoy your baby Talk to your baby in a caring, soothing, encouraging tone When your baby talks to you, listen empathetically and carefully

Set clear and firm expectations for your child Be patient Encourage your child to ask questions Be generous with rewards such as praise or a kiss Encourage your child's curiosity and imagination Encourage play with other children

Try to have the baby take part in your affairs: cook dinner, transplant flowers, etc. Help the child learn his full name, surname, address Take the child to the library regularly Be an example for the baby: let him see how much pleasure you get from reading newspapers, magazines , books. Play different games with your child

Do not do it! Do not interrupt the child, do not say that you understood everything, do not turn away until the child has finished his story Do not force the child to do something that he is not ready for Do not force the child to do something if he is fidgeting, tired; do something else

Do not demand too much at once: it will take a long time before the baby learns to clean his toys or tidy up the room on his own Never criticize the child in the presence of strangers Do not set too many rules for the child: he will stop paying attention to you

Don't overdo it by giving your child too many stimuli or experiences Don't compare your child to any other children

Now Test Yourself Quiz for Parents Choose one of three answers: almost always, sometimes, never

Do you like your baby? Are you listening to what the child is saying? Do you try to give the child a sense of the significance of what he says? Do you correct your child's speech? Do you allow your child to make mistakes?

Do you praise the baby, do you hug him? Do you laugh with your baby? Do you set aside time every day to read and talk to your child? Do you and your baby play any games? Do you encourage your child in his interests and hobbies?

Does the child have revenge at home, which is reserved only for him? Do you try to set an example for your child by reading newspapers, magazines and books? Do you discuss anything interesting from what you read with your family and with your child? Do you try to say everything for the baby before he has time to open his mouth: at the dentist or in the store?

Do you watch TV with your child? Do you ask your child questions about what they watched on TV? Do you limit your child's ability to watch TV? Does the child have the opportunity to express their emotions within the framework of generally accepted behavior (“tinkering” in games, hugging, squeezing soft toys, etc.)

Do you try to take your child for walks in the forest, on the lake, etc.? Do you go with your child to a museum, theater, etc.? Does the child have their own books?

Scoring For each answer "almost always" 4 points "sometimes" - 2 points "never" - 0 . Add up the scores

Key: 88 points - great! 44 points is not bad. Less than 22 points - worth considering


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Learning difficulties

Parents of younger schoolchildren often complain that their children do not want to study, do not know how to do homework on their own and always require parental help - even in the simplest cases. At the same time, the same children willingly help their parents with household chores, go to the store, study with their younger brother or sister. And parents are lost - to say that the child is just a lazy person, and therefore does not want to do homework, is impossible, because he willingly spends his time on useful things for the home and family. But this attitude to learning cannot be ignored either. Therefore, it is worth looking into and finding the real reason for not wanting to learn.

The main thing that parents need to do is to understand what kind of relationship the child has at school - with teachers, with other children. It often happens that the first failures of a student, ridiculed by classmates and indifferent teachers (unfortunately, this is not uncommon) cause the child to fear subsequent failures. Moreover, the fear can be so strong that it does not allow the child to concentrate.

At the same time, your child does not understand and cannot explain what is happening to him, but his behavior changes noticeably. And the task of parents is to see this and take immediate action. It is especially dangerous if children become inhibited from such fears, disconnecting from external worries. And, although they outwardly look quite calm and even serene, it is a mistake to consider such behavior as the norm.

If this psychological trauma is not eliminated in time, then the child may develop the so-called school neurosis. And it is fraught with nervous breakdowns and various psychosomatic diseases. What should parents do in this case? Having discovered the reason for this state of your son or daughter, stock up on patience and endurance, calm the child and do not refuse him help in preparing homework, even if it seems to you that he can easily do it himself.

It is quite possible that the reluctance to do homework is due to quite objective difficulties, for example, the lack of logical thinking. Naturally, the child does not want to do what is difficult and incomprehensible to him, and therefore he begins to shirk doing homework.

To help a student, follow the child's reasoning about the solution of a problem or example, and you will understand what he does not understand. Do not get angry, do not scold the child if he does not immediately understand everything. And, of course, in no case do not call him names. He knows how to think and think, he just does it a little differently.

It happens that, not wanting to do homework, children thus try to attract the attention of adults. This is very serious, because the child does not feel the love and care of adults, he lacks parental warmth. The child suffers from loneliness and, unable to communicate with adults, acts instinctively, realizing that poor study will automatically cause anxiety of adults, and, accordingly, attention to himself.

Do not spare affection for children. When seating a child for lessons, sit a little next to him, stroke, kiss, tell him something encouraging, affectionate. This attitude of yours can act much stronger than reproaches, abuse, punishment.

But if, after seriously analyzing the situation with your child’s school affairs, you are convinced that the child is simply lazy and irresponsible about learning in general, then you missed the moment to instill in him a sense of responsibility for his deeds and actions. It is clear that everything needs to be done on time, but even now it is not too late to correct the mistakes made.

First you need to try to explain to your child that studying is important and necessary for him, that he is learning for himself, his future, his life, and not so that mom and dad do not worry.

It is not necessary to constantly remind the child of the need to do homework and drive him to the desk. In elementary school, children are very worried if they get bad grades or fall behind. Let your child go to school a couple of times with unlearned lessons, get deuces and explain to you why. This is much more useful than educating a child with your reminders the feeling that parents need more education.

In addition, it would be fair to punish a child for deuces and unlearned lessons by depriving him of some important life values ​​​​for him - going to the cinema, watching TV shows, playing on a computer, etc. Since he does not do his job well, it would be logical to be punished. And let him choose for himself what is more profitable and calmer for him - to study properly, or to constantly sacrifice his entertainment for the sake of imaginary idleness at the desk. This technique will work much more effectively than your constant reminders, pulling and trying to drive the child out of the lessons.

Younger students require a lot of patience and time, which parents often lack. But there is nothing to be done - it is impossible to leave a child alone with his problems - this is fraught with serious consequences. Be careful and caring, attentive and patient - and everything will work out for you!

Types of dysgraphia Articulatory-acoustic. It is connected with the fact that the child pronounces sounds incorrectly, which means that when pronouncing them to himself, he writes them down incorrectly. To treat this type of dysgraphia, you need to work on the correct pronunciation of sounds. Acoustic. In this case, the child correctly pronounces the sounds, but confuses them with those similar in sound (deaf-voiced: b-p, d-t, s-s; hissing: s-sh, z-zh; and also do not distinguish between the softness of individual sounds) . Optical. A child with optical dysgraphia finds it difficult to write and distinguish between letters: he adds unnecessary elements (sticks, dashes, circles), skips the necessary ones, even writes in a mirror image in the opposite direction). Dysgraphia due to problems of language analysis and synthesis. A child with this problem in writing can skip or repeat whole words, rearrange syllables and letters in places, write different words together (prefixes and prepositions are confused with nouns - they write together or separately, attach part of the next word to one word, etc.) Agrammatical dysgraphia. As a rule, it is detected after grades 1-2, as it requires great knowledge of the rules for writing words ("good cat", "beautiful sun", etc.). That is, this problem is connected with the fact that the child cannot correctly decline words by gender and case, cannot agree on an adjective and a noun. Such a problem can be observed in bilingual (bilingual) families, as well as when the child is taught in a non-native language.

Dyslexia is a specific violation of the ability to read when a child makes the same type of mistakes while reading. In this case, the child can be fully intellectually developed and not experience other learning difficulties.

Types of dyslexia Phonemic dyslexia. It is most often found in younger schoolchildren, and is associated with the fact that the child mixes similar sounds (deaf-voiced, hard-soft, voiced-deaf, for example, b-p, d-t, ts-s, w-sh). This type of dyslexia is expressed in letter-by-letter reading, in the fact that the child, when reading, can skip letters and syllables, rearrange them). Mechanical reading (semantic dyslexia). The child owns the technique of reading, but cannot understand partially or completely the meaning of what is read. One of the reasons for semantic dyslexia is that the words in a child's sentence are not connected, the child cannot get a big picture of the semantic content. Agrammatical dyslexia, like agrammatic dysgraphia, is associated with problems of agreement, in particular, nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs, when the endings of words do not agree: "beautiful cat", "high poplar", etc. Optical dyslexia. All letters consist of approximately the same elements: dashes, sticks, circles. Optical dyslexia is expressed in the fact that children confuse letters that are similar in spelling, letters that differ in one or two elements or are differently located in space. mnestic dyslexia. It is connected with the fact that the child cannot remember the connection between the designation of the letter and the sound that it "gives" when reading.


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Parents are the foundation of the family, the support and support of the child. Mother and father are always beacons in the life of the baby, they protect and educate their child. However, not always mom and dad pay due attention to how to explain to the child the importance of the right attitude towards them.

Proverbs and sayings about parents will help to do this. They emphasize their importance, often remind of how much tenderness and love the mother gives, what protection and support the father is. Sayings teach to respect relatives, appreciate them, help in the future. In this section, we have collected expressions about harmony between children and parents, love and tenderness. About the importance of parents in the life of every person.

  • Without a mother, the sun does not warm.
  • Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother and the whole orphan.
  • Without supervision, only ants breed.
  • To live in orphanage is to shed bitter tears.
  • All children are even, no matter what finger you bite - everyone is sick.
  • Every mother loves her child.
  • A stupid son and the father will not sew the mind.
  • Children are small, so they don’t let you sleep, but when they grow up, you won’t fall asleep yourself.
  • Children are like flowers: they love care.
  • The children are small - they won't let you eat, the children are big - they won't let you live.
  • The children are crying, and the mother's heart hurts.
  • Children are good - father, mother's crown, thin - father, mother's end.
  • For a mother, a child is a child up to a hundred years old.
  • A house with children is a bazaar, without children is a grave.
  • Daughters flaunt, sons live in high esteem.
  • Bad fisherman - bad nets, bad mother - bad children.
  • Pity your father and mother, you will not find others.
  • Wife with advice, mother-in-law with greetings, and dear mother with affection.
  • Parents are alive - read, dead - remember!
  • Earth without water is dead, a man without a family is an empty flower.
  • What you teach a child to do is what you get from him.
  • As the father is, so are the children.
  • What is the tree, such is the wedge; What is the father, such is the son.
  • If there is a father and mother, then grace to the child.
  • Feed your son for the time being: the time will come - the son will feed you.
  • Whoever is afraid that the child will cry will cry himself.
  • Who indulges children, then sheds a tear.
  • Who brings parents to tears, and he himself will not see happiness.
  • Who was not a father himself, does not know the price of a father.
  • Who could not take caress, will not take and severity.
  • Whoever honors his parents lives a happy age.
  • Small children - small worries, big children - big worries.
  • A mother feeds her children like the earth feeds people.
  • A righteous mother is a stone fence.
  • From the moose - moose, from the pig - piglets.
  • Father and mother are not enough for life.
  • The hut is full of children, so it's happy in it.
  • The bird rejoices in the spring, and the mother rejoices in the children.
  • A child without a mother is like a table without a tablecloth.
  • Parents are hardworking - and children are not lazy.
  • Know how to walk - know how to amuse a child.
  • He knew how to give birth to a child, know how to teach.
  • Whatever the child amuses, if only she does not cry.
  • The apple never falls far from the tree.

There are many peasant farms in our region, which have long and firmly established themselves in agriculture, have large cultivated areas under crops, the latest agricultural equipment and, importantly, use hired labor, providing work for those who cannot imagine life without the expanse of our fields, the smell of sweat in the sowing and harvesting season, without spikelets of pouring bread ... There are those who are just beginning to try themselves in this field.

Today our story will be about the labor dynasty of the Marievskys, living in the village. Moretz, Yelansky district.

Alexander Vladimirovich is the head of the family, a novice farmer. He formalized his activity not so long ago, in 2014. It was difficult to make such a decision. What did he not have to do during his professional development! For more than 14 years he worked in the Yelan TV studio, because the initial profession of Alexander Vladimirovich was a radio mechanic for the maintenance and repair of radio and television equipment, then as an electrician in his native Pobeda collective farm, then as the chief engineer and head of the mechanization department of the department at Bolshoy Moretz LLC, a specialist LLC Agrofirma Agro-Elan.

The far-sightedness of Alexander at a rather mature age allowed him to consciously make a decision to study at the Volgograd Agricultural Academy. And now, in 2011, the coveted diploma of an engineer with a specialization in "Mechanization of agriculture" in his pocket. Feeling the desire and strength to do his own thing, to provide himself and his loved ones with work on their own, he opened his own small farm.

Yes, and how Alexander Vladimirovich could not make such a decision, because the roots of his dynasty have long been strengthened in agriculture. Alexander's grandfather, Ivan Ivanovich Marievsky, was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, after which he worked as a foreman in the army. Grakov. Father, Vladimir Ivanovich Marievsky, recently also worked at the Pobeda collective farm as a warehouse manager. Alexander's mother, Roza Nikolaevna, devoted her whole life to agriculture, working on a collective farm as a milkmaid, a livestock specialist, and a dispatcher.

Accustomed from childhood to work, Alexander, together with his wife and children, taught him to love work and his native land. Even at school, during the summer holidays, Antokha and Dimka enjoyed running to work on a collective farm, helping their parents with the housework. Time passed, the sons grew up. They followed in the footsteps of their father, successfully graduating from the Volgograd Agricultural Academy. The eldest son Anton got married. The youngest son Dmitry served in the army in Sevastopol in the navy. Both tried to work in the city, but, as they say, who was born where, he came in handy there. The guys like working in their native land! Good helpers have grown up, you can be proud of such sons!

Despite the vagaries of the weather from the very early morning, the whole family is on its feet: there is enough work in the farm for everyone. Irina, Alexander's wife, a primary school teacher by profession, a resident of the city in the recent past, plunged into this bustling village life with pleasure. Now she can’t even imagine herself without a huge household: her beloved cows, pigs, ducks, geese, chickens ... An excellent hostess, a caring mother, wife, and now her mother-in-law does an excellent job with everything. Cleanliness, beauty and order in everything: in the house, and in the garden, and in the garden, and in the flower garden.

Mother Earth does not recognize weekends and holidays. As the saying goes: “If you want to eat kalachi, don’t sit on the stove!” But those who have been accustomed to work since childhood cannot sit idle themselves. They have time to cultivate their own land, and leased. Most of the year from dawn to dusk in the field. For their efforts, the land gives them good harvests of grain and sunflower from year to year. The head of the farm, Alexander Vladimirovich, does not intend to rest on his laurels, he constantly monitors the news, looks for something on the Internet, visits various agricultural exhibitions: he often visits Novoanninsky, Volgograd, and traveled with his sons to St. Petersburg.

Of course, beginners have problems: fuel purchases, low grain prices. Of course, you need to help novice business executives survive in this difficult time. We have so many examples in the employment center when, unable to cope with the difficulties and problems that have piled up, novice farmers close their business, leaving what they started halfway. We hope that this will not happen to the Marievskys. Let their family grow stronger, the family grows, grandchildren will be born to continue the dynasty!

E. Borovikova,

Leading Inspector of the CZN.

For a long time there has been a rumor among the people that the best means of raising children, aimed at forming a holistic personality, is a parental example. It is not easy to instill in a child a love for classical music, painting, hiking or mathematics, if you do not light a flame of curiosity and interest in him and do not light up with this fire yourself. This truth is well understood by Sergei and Alexandra Afanasyev from the village of Chernava. They themselves are skillful, creative and enthusiastic people, and they instill in their children, Semyon and Anna, a love of work, support all their undertakings, knowing well that creativity is only 1 percent of talent and 99 percent of perseverance and patience.

Sergey and Alexandra have been together for 9 years. A strong marriage, according to the spouses, rests on three "elephants": mutual understanding, respect and trust. And they, in turn, are based on the "turtle-love." This durable structure will withstand any winds, storms and storms, the Afanasievs are sure.

They moved to Chernava a few years ago from the Komi Republic. They were fascinated by the picturesque expanses of Chernav. In fact, the local beauties have bewitched many talented people, connoisseurs of the unique beauty of the Russian hinterland. So the Afanasyev family ended up here not by chance and forever. Sergey is one of the few craftsmen in our days who are engaged in the manufacture of various products from birch bark, wood, metal and other materials. He is well versed in the technique of making household utensils. What is not in his collection: bread bins, trays, vases, hats, bast shoes, boxes - you can’t count everything. Sergey also has his own home forge. In addition to blacksmithing, the talented craftsman independently mastered the plumbing business, as well as metal science, the technique of welding and cutting metals. His works are presented at exhibitions not only in the local recreation center, but also in Syktyvkar and Ukhta of the Komi Republic, where Sergey works on a rotational basis in his main specialty - an engineer of automated control systems for the maintenance of administrative and industrial buildings, fire alarms and systems security.

When Sergei leaves his family for a long time, all household chores and worries fall on the shoulders of Alexandra, but she is not inferior to her husband in entrepreneurial spirit. More than a year ago, she discovered a new hobby for herself - soap making. This hobby brings a woman pleasure and at the same time does not take much time, and therefore it is not troublesome and at the same time entertaining. Everyone knows how many worries and troubles there are in the village, but with younger schoolchildren there are many times more of them. Especially during the school year. The school is far from home. We need to take Semyon and Anna, pick him up, accompany him to music lessons, help with his homework. But Alexandra is only a joy. Children for her are the most important thing in life, and in order to devote maximum time to them, she even left her job. Although sometimes it is difficult to be separated from her husband for a long time, Alexandra supports Sergey in everything. She is proud that everything in their house is made by the caring hands of a craftsman husband, who is a worthy example of diligence for their children.

Alexandra, Semyon and Anna are looking forward to Sergei's return from another trip. They love to go out into nature with the whole family, sunbathe and swim, pick berries and flowers, enjoy the peace and quiet of the forest.

Anna and Semyon are twins. Dad dreamed of a daughter, and mom dreamed of a son. And dreams came true. Surprisingly, they were born exactly one year after the wedding - the best gift for the first significant date for the family.

Like parents, brother and sister have their own hobbies. Anna weaves beaded baubles, is fond of embroidery and crocheting, helps her mother in the kitchen or fusses in the forge when her father is at home. She wants to be in time everywhere and everywhere, try everything and learn everything. Simon is diligent. And this perseverance is only to his advantage. A few hours of hard work - and plasticine in his dexterous hands turns into extraordinary masterpieces. Most of all, the boy loves to sculpt dinosaurs. He reads books about them, watches cartoons and movies in order to recreate his favorite characters in the smallest detail, and he does it well. Semyon is also trying to learn from his father the skills of working with birch bark. In this hobby, he already has the first successes, which means there is someone to continue the old folk craft. He sowed the seeds of curiosity and love for work in the child's soul. Years will pass, these seeds will sprout, bear fruit, and another original craftsman will live on the land of Chernav.

Milena SPRING.