Breast milk for a runny nose. Is it possible to bury breast milk in a child's nose: an unconventional way to treat a runny nose in infants


A runny nose in a small child is a real disaster. The baby himself cannot yet blow his nose, it is also impossible to rinse the nose, and not all remedies for the common cold can be used at such an early age.

So mothers turn to traditional medicine. And surely someone will advise using mother's milk for treatment. Let's see, is it possible to drip breast milk into the nose?

The strongest argument in favor of this method is the composition of breast milk. After all, pediatricians themselves very persistently tell all young parents that it is milk that forms the initial immunity in a child.

It contains antibodies from the mother's blood, which do not allow the infection to enter the child's body, and if it has already penetrated, they help to get rid of it quickly.

However, it is important to understand that antibodies only work properly if they are absorbed into the blood from the stomach.. Thus, the general immunity of your child is formed, and not at all local.

It turns out that there is no benefit from instillation of the nose with breast milk.. So, the need for this procedure too.

Note! Nasal mucus itself contains much more various components that increase local immunity than milk!

So let food be food. Breastfeed your baby, communicate with him at this time, strengthen communication and overall immunity. So it will be much easier for you to cope with the disease together.

Benefit or harm

But if it were only the fact that breast milk does not help with a runny nose in a baby, everything would be much simpler.

The fact is that lactose, which is contained in milk, is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria..

That is, by dripping milk into a child's nose, you can harm him.

If the nature of the common cold is viral, then after milk drops, a bacterial infection can also join them. If bacteria were the original cause of the common cold, then having received additional nourishment, they can grow even more.

This can spread the infection deeper into the nose, throat, or even ears.

The debate about whether it is possible to drip breast milk into the nose of a child with a runny nose has not subsided for a long time. A few decades ago, pharmacies did not have such an abundance of products for washing or eliminating nasal congestion on the shelves, so women used their milk for medicinal purposes. Of course, breast milk is good for the baby, this product is better than formula, but is it reasonable to use it to eliminate nasal congestion or remove mucus.

Mother's milk is the ideal source of nutrition for a newborn. This product contains all the important and necessary elements for the growth and development of the baby. The table provides detailed information about what breast milk is made of and what elements form its composition.

Breast milk - photo


SquirrelsThe protein in human milk consists of two parts: casein (20-30%) and whey (80-70%). Whey protein is supplied by a woman's blood, casein protein is formed in the mammary gland. Due to the high absorbability and special structure, proteins do not overload the work of the gastrointestinal tract and are quickly digested. Thanks to this, the newborn can be fed on demand, without fear of harming or overloading the gastrointestinal tract.
It is also worth noting that the natural product does not contain a very strong allergen - beta-lactoglobulin.
CarbohydratesMilk sugar (lactose) is the main source of carbohydrates in human milk. Lactose is broken down into two components: glucose and galactose. Glucose gives a newborn baby the right amount of energy, galactose contributes to the normal development of the central nervous system, and is involved in the formation of important intestinal bacteria.
FatsFats are very small balls in size, contained in the most useful and digestible product for a child. Their number is constantly fluctuating and depends on various reasons: the mother's nutrition, the type of milk. In colostrum, the fat content is quite low - less than 2%. In foremilk, the concentration of fat cells is increased to 4%. There are much more fat globules in hind milk - up to 20%.
Fats also include fatty acids, the concentration in milk of which is constant: unsaturated - 56%, saturated - 40-42%. These substances are very important for the health and development of the newborn, as acids regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and activate natural immunity. Also, the natural product is rich in prostaglandins, which normalize the work of many internal organs.
Fats are a source of energy for a newborn baby.
Antibodies and immune protective factorsSubstances contained in women's milk work in two directions: they strengthen the child's natural immunity and increase its protective functions. Antibodies that the female body produces contribute to strengthening the immune system. These antibodies protect the child's immature immunity from infection by viruses and bacteria. The protective functions of the immune system are enhanced by the introduction into the body of the child of various bacteria transmitted with breast milk.
Macro and micronutrientsIn women's milk, all the important elements are contained in a specially split formula, which allows the child's body to absorb them without problems. It is on breastfeeding that a child rarely experiences a lack of any substances, which contributes to normal growth and development.
vitaminsThe types and amount of vitamins in women's milk depend on the following indicators: a woman's diet, type of milk, lactation period.
Breastfed babies receive the right amount of vitamins and they rarely develop diseases caused by beriberi.

Important information! Unlike formulas or cow's milk, women's milk is the most useful and easily digestible product for the harmonious growth and development of a newborn.

Despite the fact that no vasoconstrictor or antiseptic components have been identified in the composition of breast milk, some mothers continue to use the natural product as a remedy for the common cold. These actions of a woman are accompanied by not very strong arguments: “We were treated like that, milk is more useful than medicines, grandmothers cannot be wrong, etc.”

The use of breast milk as medicinal drops is not only useless, but sometimes harmful!

  1. White crusts form in the nose, which clog the mucous membrane and aggravate nasal breathing.
  2. In the composition of milk, even in a healthy-looking woman, an infection that is quite dangerous for a child can be revealed.
  3. Milk is an ideal breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria.
  4. In newborns, a runny nose can turn into bronchitis or pneumonia in a few hours.

Breast milk is not the best cure for a cold!

Important information! If a newborn baby has a runny nose, you should consult a doctor. It is also effective to rinse the nose with special means and humidify the air in the room.

Infections that can be transmitted through breast milk

Despite the fact that breast milk is very useful and contributes to the formation of immunity, sometimes viruses and infections that are quite dangerous for the life and health of the child can be found in it. It is worth knowing that even in a healthy-looking woman, milk can be infected with pathogenic bacteria. A woman may be a carrier of the virus, in some cases, bacteria enter the body through microcracks in the nipples in the absence of daily hygiene procedures.


The breeding ground for these bacteria is the nasal mucosa. If a woman's milk is contaminated with these bacteria, the consequences for the baby's health can be extremely negative. When infected with Staphylococcus aureus, purulent rashes on the skin are diagnosed, which can also affect the internal organs. Also, this bacterium can provoke otitis, pneumonia, disruption of the cardiovascular system. The treatment of this infection is quite long, since staphylococcus aureus is resistant to antibiotics.

If women's milk is infected with candidiasis, then the child develops thrush on the mucous membranes - a white fungal coating that causes a lot of discomfort to the newborn. Instillation of breast milk into the nose can provoke candidiasis of the nose and nasopharynx.
The mucous membrane of the nose is covered with a white coating and swells, nasal breathing is difficult. Treatment of candidiasis of the nasopharynx is much more difficult than the treatment of thrush on the oral mucosa. In particularly difficult cases, candidiasis can affect the paranasal sinuses.

This pathogenic bacterium actively multiplies in dairy products at room temperature. Klebsiella is present in certain amounts in the human body.
If it is found in women's milk, then when instilled in the nose, it is possible to infect the nasal mucosa with a strain of this bacterium. Symptoms of infection are very similar to the common cold: inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and bronchi, shortness of breath, increased secretion of mucus.
It is very difficult to get rid of this bacterium, since Klebsiella penetrates deep into the tissues. Very often, infection leads to a chronic form of the disease.

Women's milk is a healthy and nutritious product, but you should not elevate it to the rank of a medicine. Grandma's way of treating a runny nose can cause a serious illness.

Video - Komarovsky's opinion on instillation of the nose with breast milk

When a child gets sick, the question arises of how to treat him. It is not always desirable to resort to medical treatment, especially for infants. Mothers are trying to try alternative treatment, one of the options for which is breast milk. It not only serves as food, but also has the ability to fight the common cold.

When a child under one year old falls ill, he cannot describe his feelings and pain. A disease such as a runny nose, without treatment, can spread pathogens to other organs. This is due to the structure of the nasopharynx and mucous membrane. As a result, the infection quickly descends to the lower respiratory organs. Complications of the common cold include otitis, bronchitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis.

Swelling and inflammation of the nasal passages makes it difficult for the child to breathe. The accumulated mucus of the baby cannot be blown out, and the infection begins to intensify its effect every day. The appetite disappears, the baby sucks milk intermittently, becomes capricious and irritable, his sleep is disturbed.

The benefits of a magical drink

Is it possible to bury breast milk in the nose with a cold? Undoubtedly, it contains many useful substances, including antibodies that can resist infections. They form the immunity of the child at the moment when he feeds on mother's milk. It is necessary to take into account the fact that such immunoglobulins are effective only when they are in the blood. They get there from the stomach of the child.

By dripping any milk into the nose, you can create even more favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. Lactose will take care of this, which will feed microbes and viruses. Bacterial rhinitis may develop. Further instillation can lead to even more serious problems.

In addition, the mucus that appears in the nose as a result of the entry of a virus or bacteria is a response of the body. It has much more protective substances than milk.

If a woman decides to apply a similar method for a runny nose in a baby, then the following recommendations should be followed.

  1. You can drip up to four times a day.
  2. It is enough to drip 2 drops of breast milk into each nasal passage.
  3. It can be instilled in its pure form, but it is better to dilute it with saline in a 1: 1 ratio. This will prevent the risk of turning the milk into a thick curdled mass.
  4. Before the procedure, the nose should be freed from mucus.
  5. After instillation with milk, after a while, you need to clean the nasal passages again.

What is the advantage of this treatment

  1. This method contributes to good hydration of the nasal mucosa. This relieves nasal congestion and improves breathing.
  2. You can drip breast milk into your nose if crusts appear in it. Due to this, they soften and do not bring discomfort.
  3. Thick mucus thins and comes out faster.

It is better to use this method for preventive purposes. In the case when the infection has taken over, you should not count on a speedy recovery in this way.

How to quickly get rid of a runny nose

To help your child get rid of a runny nose in a short time, you need to consider some points.

  1. To free the nose from the accumulated mucus, you need to purchase a special aspirator at the pharmacy. With it, you will quickly and easily extract the mucus.
  2. Saline solutions are effective, which you can buy at a pharmacy or make yourself. Buy medicine only in drops.
  3. It is important to monitor the temperature and humidity of the air in the room. Dry and cold air further exacerbates the course of the disease.
  4. If there is no temperature, the weather is warm and dry, then walks are recommended.
  5. It is necessary to give the child warm clothes. Make sure your feet are warm.
  6. The baby should be breastfed as often as possible and, if necessary, given additional fluids. So thick mucus will liquefy.
  7. In the event that treatment is started late or does not help, it is necessary to use drugs that will cope with microbes.
  8. In some cases, with a runny nose, local antibacterial drops are prescribed.

Any drops are prescribed only by a doctor. It is important to dose the medicine correctly in accordance with the age, weight and health of the child.

A runny nose is not a harmless symptom.

In young children, a runny nose can lead to more serious disorders in the body. Be sure to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • against the background of a runny nose, a high temperature rose;
  • the duration of the disease exceeded two weeks;
  • sleep disturbances appeared, the child does not eat well, constantly irritated and capricious;
  • there was a cough.

When clear mucus turns yellow or green, medical treatment is indispensable. The child needs to be shown to a doctor (ENT or pediatrician).

Milky crusts in the nose - the result of improper feeding

In some cases, mothers notice milk residues in the baby's nose without special instillation. If the rules were not taken into account during breastfeeding, then regurgitation may occur through the nasal cavities. For a child, this is harmful because:

  • the mucous membranes of the nose are exposed to hydrochloric acid and pieces of milk already curdled in the stomach;
  • adenoids and polyps may develop;
  • dry crusts form in the nose;
  • breathing becomes difficult.

Therefore, it is important for a mother to properly attach the baby to the breast during feeding. The head should be slightly raised. Before eating, you can do a light massage in the form of circular movements. After feeding the baby for some time, it should be carried in the arms in an upright position. It is important not to overfeed the baby and maintain intervals.

If any violations occur in the health of a child under one year old, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician. Do not listen to the opinions of other mothers and relatives - this will avoid complications. Modern methods of treating diseases allow you to quickly and without unnecessary harm get rid of the common cold.

A runny nose is an unpleasant symptom that signals the development of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. The appearance of mucopurulent discharge in newborns is associated with the multiplication of viral or bacterial pathogens in the upper respiratory tract. Frequent morbidity in infants is due to the reduced resistance of the body and the lack of acquired immunity.

Can breast milk be used for a runny nose in a baby?

Many young parents believe that mother's milk has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Therefore, it can be used as nasal drops to eliminate mucous secretions in the nasal passages in newborns. What is the opinion of experts on this matter?

Composition of breast milk

Milk is a source of a large number of useful substances necessary for the normal development of an infant. It contains vitamins, minerals and organic acids that help strengthen the immunity of the newborn. The main components that make up milk are:

  • proteins - casein and whey proteins contribute to the intensive development of bone and muscle tissue;
  • lactose is the main source of carbohydrates, which is involved in the normalization of the central nervous system;
  • fatty acids - have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to an increase in the reactivity of the body;
  • vitamins - take part in many biochemical processes, which helps to strengthen general and local immunity;
  • micro and macro elements - contribute to the normal development of the skeleton and muscles;
  • antibodies - prevent the penetration of microbes and viruses into the body, entailing the development of acute respiratory infections.

Women's milk is a balanced, easily digestible product that is superior in usefulness to cow's milk and infant formula.

Is it possible to bury the nose with breast milk? According to some folk healers, mother's milk is a universal antiviral and antibacterial agent that can be used as a medicine to eliminate rhinitis. But is it really so?

The composition of the nutrient fluid includes antibodies, which form the immunity of the newborn. However, the medicinal properties of the product are manifested only when its main components are found in the child's blood. Experts warn that antibodies are not absorbed into the body through the mucous membranes of the ENT organs, and therefore do not contribute to the elimination of the pathogenic flora in the foci of inflammation.

Burying breast milk into the nose with a runny nose can only harm the newborn.

The composition of the product includes proteins, which are a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic microbes. Inappropriate use of milk can cause a bacterial infection to join SARS, which is fraught with the formation of abscesses in the nasopharyngeal mucosa and the development of sinusitis.

Danger of using milk

Why can't breastmilk be instilled into the nose of a newborn? The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of the product appear only in the case of oral administration. Using it as therapeutic drops can be not only useless, but also dangerous, due to the following reasons:

  • after instillation of the product, crusts form in the nasal passages that prevent normal breathing through the nose;
  • ineffective therapy for a cold can cause the development of bronchitis, sinusitis and pneumonia;
  • The product contains lactose, which is an ideal substrate for the development of aerobic bacteria.

Before dripping breast milk into your nose, consult your pediatrician. Many parents are sure that a natural product is no less dangerous for a child's health than synthetic nasal drops. In fact, drugs containing toxic substances are not used to treat rhinitis in infants. As a rule, children's drugs for the common cold are made on the basis of saline or sea salt, which has anti-inflammatory properties.

Important! Do not use vasoconstrictor drops to treat a newborn without the advice of a specialist.

Possible Complications

Most pediatricians and otolaryngologists are sure that it is absolutely impossible to instill breast milk into the nose of an infant. In the case of oral consumption, the product helps to increase immunity, which reduces the risk of developing colds. At the same time, one should not forget that a woman can be a carrier of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, which in a child's body will provoke the development of the disease. The most common of these include:

To prevent the occurrence of complications, if a runny nose occurs in a newborn, seek help from a pediatrician. After examination and testing, the specialist will be able to determine the type of pathogens that provoked inflammation, which will facilitate the choice of the optimal course of treatment.

Children's nasal drops

Breast milk from a cold in newborns can be replaced with nasal drops that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. As part of pediatric therapy, preparations based on sea salt, plant extracts and isotonic water are used to eliminate rhinitis. They do not dry out the mucous epithelium, but help eliminate secretions that prevent normal nasal breathing.

To stop the symptoms of a runny nose, experts recommend using the following types of nasal drops:

  • moisturizing - safe drugs that contribute to the regression of inflammatory processes in the ciliated epithelium. They are not addictive, so they can be used up to 10 times a day for a half month;
  • vasoconstrictor - symptomatic drops that help reduce swelling of the nasopharynx, resulting in easier nasal breathing. They contain components that, in case of an overdose, can provoke complications, so they are used in extreme cases to treat children from 3-4 months;
  • immunomodulatory - medicines, which include components that enhance local immunity. They are used to eliminate rhinovirus infections in children under the age of 1 year;
  • antibacterial - drugs, which include antibiotics that inhibit the development of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes. They are used exclusively for the treatment of complicated colds, due to their toxic effect.

Oil solutions such as "Pinosol" are undesirable to use in the treatment of newborns, due to the high risk of developing an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Overview of nasal drops

Untimely treatment of rhinitis in infants often causes complications.

Children are not able to blow their nose on their own and clear the nasal passages of mucus, which, when the child is in a horizontal position along the back of the pharynx, can enter the digestive tract.

Ineffective treatment of the common cold leads to the development of sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia and other complications.

To eliminate inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx in newborns, the following types of nasal drops can be used:

  • "Nazol Baby" - vasoconstrictor drops that contribute to the rapid elimination of puffiness in the nasal mucosa; cannot be used in pediatric therapy for more than 3-4 days;
  • "Genferon-Light" - an immunomodulatory drug based on interferon, which helps to increase immunity and eliminate viral pathogens in the foci of inflammation;
  • "Otrivin Baby" - an antiphlogistic drug based on xylometazoline hydrochloride; can be used to treat children from 3 months;
  • "Aqua Maris" - sterilized sea water, which helps to eliminate inflammation and moisturize the nasal mucosa;
  • "Akvalor" - a preparation based on sea water, which does not include preservatives; has a pronounced antiviral, anti-edematous and wound-healing effect.

Before using the drops, the nasal passages of the newborn must be cleared of accumulated mucus.

After instillation of the drug, the child should be tilted forward slightly to prevent the solution from entering the oropharynx.

With the birth of their first child, many mothers face a number of difficulties. The child cries too much, poops badly, sleeps little, and many more similar problems due to which the head is spinning. And an unexpected illness, even a common cold, can lead to real panic. Even in our time, the opinion that breast milk will cure a cold much better than pharmacy medicines has its supporters. Especially often, a similar method of treatment is advised by representatives of the older generation, who "raised their own, and nothing, everyone is alive and well." But you can also hear advice from pediatricians to use your own milk. What are they guided by, and does such treatment have any benefit?

The opinion of representatives of traditional medicine

The conviction of the advocates of traditional medicine that breast milk is a panacea for all diseases of the baby is justified very simply. Perhaps everyone, without exception, knows that women's milk is a storehouse of vitamins, micro- and macroelements and, of course, immunoglobulins of classes A, G, M. The content of the latter in milk in the first months of a baby's life is especially huge. It is they who help the child develop his own immunity in order to adapt to an unfamiliar world. Class A immunoglobulin, having enveloping properties, protects the gastrointestinal tract of the newborn from the influence of pathogens.

But how can these properties help treat the common cold? The answer is unequivocal - no way. The fact is that immune factors are effective only when they are in the blood or in tissue fluids, where they enter from the stomach. With any other use, breast milk, even with a loading dose of immunoglobulins, is simply useless. In addition, if you drop it in the nose, you can harm the child.

For the sake of justice, it should be noted that if you drip milk into the nose, the effect of recovery can still be achieved. This happens in two cases:

  1. The nasal passages were treated not only with milk, but also with other substances, for example, saline. Such treatment may well defeat the common cold. Competent pediatricians advise rinsing the baby's nose with salt water by instilling it.
  2. The body of the newborn coped with the disease itself, but not thanks to, but in spite of breast milk in the nose. Under the influence of immunoglobulins that enter the body in the right way, the child's immunity is able to overcome such a trifle as a runny nose on its own. Especially in the first six months of life.

What are the dangers of misuse of breast milk

“Assigning” breast milk to the nose with a runny nose, traditional healers and persons equated to them, as a rule, note that the problem will not go away immediately. You need to wait a bit, not forgetting to instill milk, useful substances will kill microbes and the runny nose will pass. What milk is an excellent breeding ground for these same microbes no one, of course, says whether this happens out of ignorance or for other reasons. When a child suddenly has complications at the site of a simple runny nose, all that remains is to grab his head and run to the hospital.

Before dripping milk into a child's nose, you need to remember that lactose, which is part of it, is very fond of pathogenic bacteria. They will happily pounce on the proposed delicacy and, of course, will not even think of dying, but will begin to actively multiply. Further, this treatment will lead to the appearance of bacterial complexes on the mucosa of the newborn. They will develop into bacterial rhinitis, the symptoms of which are characteristic green snot and even fever.

If, after this, the followers of alternative methods of treatment continue to use milk, the infection will quickly move on, spreading to the throat and ear canals. And this is a direct path to otitis, which is treated only with antibiotics. Of course, such a development of events will not benefit the fragile immunity. Therefore, it is worth thinking many times before thoughtlessly treating even a trifling disease with improvised means.

How to treat a runny nose in a baby

How to help the baby cope with snot without harming him? First, call a doctor. A competent pediatrician will probably prescribe the following procedures:

It is not advisable to use vasoconstrictors, even in a small concentration specially designed for babies, up to a year. They can cause unpleasant sensations of tightness in the nasal passages, and there is also often an addictive effect, when the more you drip, the faster the nose is stuffed up again. In the body of a baby, the process occurs much faster than in an adult. Therefore, it is necessary to bury such strong drugs only as directed by a doctor and only as a last resort.

Oil drops should also be treated with caution. The oil included in their composition easily blocks the thin nasal passages, only aggravating the situation. The uncontrolled use of such drops is a direct path to complications, otitis and eustachitis (inflammation of the Eustachian tube).

Before you start treating a runny nose in a baby, you need to turn on common sense and remember that the body of a newborn is not an object for experimentation.