Stages of dry-cleaning clothes, differences in processes taking into account pollution. Chemical cleaning of the skin


We all want to be young for as long as possible. And to do this is quite realistic - regularly caring for yourself. Dry cleansing of the face is a great way to tone the skin, restore its beauty and velvety.

The skin is an organ that displays absolutely everything, age, health problems, negative environmental impacts, stress and much more. Over time, it becomes dull, loses its attractiveness, pimples, black dots may appear due to the fact that the pores become dirty. She requires special attention and care. You may even need mechanical or chemical cleaning of the face. Modern cosmetology offers a huge selection of facial treatments that can be done at home without going to beauty salons.

The expression "dry cleaning" sounds intimidating to many, thinking that it is something bad for health. In fact, the concept of dry cleaning of the face provides for several procedures, different in terms of the strength of the impact and the mechanism of work. They can easily be done at home.

Chemical cleaning is of two types:

  • preparation;
  • enzymatic;

In the first case, various masks and preparations are used, based on natural acids, such as: fruit, lactic, salicylic, glycolic. In the second case, useful enzymes are used - bromelain and papain.

To start cleansing your face at home, you do not need to wait until the skin and pores are heavily polluted. The earlier chemical cleaning of the face is started, the effect will be more noticeable. Cleansing is especially recommended for those who have a fatty type, and abundant sebum secretion. For dry skin, it is better to use a salicylic acid mask or peel, and for those with problematic or combination skin, a mechanical treatment with glycolic acid is better.

Benefits of dry cleaning

Facial cleansing done at home is no different from a professional one and helps to clean the face well, narrow pores, smooth out wrinkles and improve skin tone. In addition, the combined chemical and mechanical treatment of the face with various acids, ultrasonic, peeling, allow you to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands, tone up and rejuvenate.

Dry cleaning is more acceptable than any other hardware procedures, because it has a mild effect on the skin, does not injure the epithelium, but, on the contrary, soothes.

Skin preparation and cleansing processes

Before starting the deep cleaning procedure at home, be sure to remove all makeup. The skin is cleansed of dirt, dust, excess fat, using a lotion or tonic. Now you can apply the acid mixture of your choice. For the first layer, the concentration should be small so that the pores have time to open.

  1. As soon as the pores have steamed out, you can proceed to the main stage: we lubricate the skin of the face and problem areas with a concentrated solution of glycolic acid.
  2. The second layer is designed to remove black dots from the pores, sebaceous fat from the glands, dissolving it, remove dead skin cells of the epidermis. The mask is kept for up to ten minutes, depending on the sensitivity, washed off with warm water.
  3. Such deep cleansing greatly expands the pores, so the need to make a mask to narrow and restore them.

If you want to remove more serious cosmetic skin defects or age spots at home, then you may need not chemical, but ultrasonic cleaning, which can have a stronger effect on the metabolism of skin tissues and its regeneration. Although with such a common problem as acne, it is better to use a salicylic peel. The solution has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, so it fights acne well. For problems such as pigmentation, a bleaching chemical can be recommended.

Natural products for skin cleansing

As a dry cleaning of the face at home, you can use the following natural recipes:

  1. To make the keratinized layers of the skin softer, lubricate it with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. We steam the face over a hot decoction of chamomile or sage for five minutes.
  3. I do peeling with salt and baking soda powder, preferably in a ratio of 1 to 1, after smearing the skin with soap or cream. So, a mechanical procedure is done. To tighten the pores, you can do a contrast shower - wash your face with warm and then cold water.

Apply a layer of hydrogen peroxide and let dry. We steam the face well, then rub it with a damp swab with this mixture:

  • drinking soda half a teaspoon;
  • the same amount of borax;
  • a teaspoon of coffee grounds;
  • a pinch of bodyaga;
  • we make several circular movements in all problem areas, then wash off with a decoction of herbs.

And one more way how deep cleaning is done at home: to begin with, we wipe oily skin with salicylic alcohol. Wet a cotton pad in fine salt, and cleanse the skin with massage movements. This procedure allows you to remove fat and blackheads.

Lactic acid cleansing

As you know, dairy products not only cleanse, but also whiten. As a mask, you can use kefir, milk. Its acid penetrates well into the subcutaneous layers, nourishing from the inside. Important tip: the oilier the skin, the more acidic the products used should be. It is best to apply the mixture and keep it for 10-20 minutes. It will be good to leave the moistened skin in milk or yogurt all night, so it is recommended to do it at home. On the dry surface of the face, dairy products cause a slight burning sensation. Therefore, before the procedure, the skin is rinsed with plain water.

Cleaning with calcium chloride

Dry cleaning of the face with a solution of calcium chloride is considered deep and more aggressive compared to other methods that can be done at home, at home. However, it should not be written off. The effect will not be long in coming if the ingredients are used correctly.

  • clean the skin well;
  • moisten a cotton swab in the solution, lubricate the skin, in three layers, leaving them to dry beforehand;
  • soap foams, circular movements are made with soap fingers over the entire treated area;
  • dried calcium rolls behind the fingers, cleansing the skin;
  • wash off the particles of the roll, apply a nourishing cream.

Fruit acids and their action

Fruit acids contained in products such as lemon, tartaric acid, kefir, orange, apples are ideal for gentle peeling at home. It is better to kill the selected product into gruel, add a little crushed oatmeal to thicken the mass, and apply on the face. Tingling, pinching speaks of the action of acids on the pores. At home, such procedures are a pleasure to do, and quite inexpensively. Today, fruits and ready-made products are available to us, which are easy to buy at a pharmacy. Ultrasonic cleaning is possible using a special apparatus.

Which cleaning to choose

Before choosing any chemical facial treatment at home, you should consult a dermatologist and find out your skin type. It is best to use manual cleaning. They are more effective for oily and mixed type. For normal and non-problem skin, an ultrasound procedure is suitable, in a beauty salon or with a special apparatus, at home.

After dry cleaning, the face may be slightly reddened and sensitive. In this case, direct sunlight, strong wind and rain should be avoided. It is also not recommended to use decorative cosmetics. But, no matter how threatening the name of the technique sounded, mechanical cleaning with various acids is much better than ultrasonic cleaning. And gives much better results.

Beautiful and well-groomed facial skin adorns any woman. But sooner or later, every representative of the weaker sex has to deal with rashes, age spots and facial wrinkles. Chemical peeling will help to effectively deal with all these troubles.

What is a chemical facial?

Chemical peeling of the face involves the removal of the surface layers of the epidermis using special compounds (most often acids). Due to the aggressive impact, the process of tissue regeneration is accelerated, the cells are rejuvenated. Chemical peeling stimulates the skin's defenses. Thanks to this effect, the epidermis becomes more resistant to negative environmental factors - ultraviolet, cold, frost.

Dry cleaning of the face can be used not only to remove dead skin particles, but also to eliminate many age-related changes. The result of the procedure depends on the condition of the skin before contacting a specialist. Naturally, chemical peeling cannot eliminate deep creases. But it will be quite possible to get rid of mimic wrinkles.

The procedure is not effective even if the skin has lost its elasticity, has become stretched and sagging. Chemical peeling perfectly rejuvenates the face during aging in a finely wrinkled type.

The effect of the use of dry cleaning is as follows:

  • Restoration of skin immunity. The epidermis begins to respond better to negative environmental factors.
  • Exfoliation. The skin becomes more even, it is possible to eliminate pigmentation.
  • Elimination of inflammatory processes.
  • Synthesis of collagen. Already after the first procedure, scars and stretch marks become less noticeable.

Chemical peels are quite aggressive. Such a cosmetic procedure is not suitable for everyone. Such cleaning is prohibited in the presence of dermatological diseases of the skin of the face or herpes. In addition, you should definitely find out what kind of substance the cosmetologist will use for peeling, if there is a tendency to develop an allergic reaction.

Chemical peels will help to remove age-related changes in the skin

Absolute contraindications for chemical peeling include:

  • epilepsy;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the active composition.

With caution, facial cleaning is carried out for patients with rosacea, a large number of moles on the face.

Neglecting the recommendations of a specialist can lead to the development of complications such as erythema, swelling of the epidermis. To reduce the negative effects of a chemical peel, a cosmetologist may prescribe a sedative or use anesthesia before applying the active composition. The duration of the procedure is from 15 minutes to 1 hour.

Superficial chemical peel

This procedure is the least aggressive. To remove dead cells, lactic, glycolic, salicylic 20% acids are used. The composition of the mixture may also include retinoids that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis. Superficial peeling allows you to cleanse the face of impurities, remove minor age-related changes. Good results can be achieved with acne and post-acne. During the procedure, the skin color is evened out, the face looks refreshed.

Superficial dry cleaning is suitable for young girls with minor age-related changes.

Superficial chemical peeling is a completely safe procedure. After the session, the patient can lead a full-fledged lifestyle, the regeneration of the affected area takes place as soon as possible. A good result can be noticed after the first trip to the beautician. However, experts recommend 4 procedures with an interval of a week.

Medium chemical peel

The procedure implies a deeper impact. In work, a cosmetologist can use trichloroacetic acid. Salicylic acid 30% also shows good results. Medium peeling is considered more effective. However, if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, you can already get a burn. Therefore, peeling of this type is not recommended for home use.

The procedure allows you to improve skin turgor, increase its elasticity, remove noticeable age-related changes. In just a few sessions of such peeling, it is possible to get rid of age and sun age spots. For best results, at least 5 treatments are recommended.

Medium peeling involves a deeper effect

In the process of medium chemical peeling, a client of a cosmetology office may experience discomfort. People with sensitive skin do not tolerate the procedure especially well. The beautician can use a special fan, ice cubes. Various anesthetics may also be used. After peeling, multiple crusts may form on the face, which gradually peel off. The interval between individual sessions should not be less than 10 days.

Deep chemical cleaning

This procedure is the most aggressive, as it acts on all layers of the skin. During the session, blood dew may appear on the patient's skin, you should not be afraid of this. In their work, cosmetologists use phenol derivatives. This method is quite traumatic. However, with its help, it is possible to quickly get rid of pronounced age-related changes and defects. The procedure can be performed on people over 60 years of age or locally in the presence of large scars.

Deep peeling is a painful procedure that is performed only in a hospital setting.

After the session, the patient should be under the supervision of medical personnel for some time, observing bed rest.

The process of deep cleaning is carried out strictly under anesthesia. A large area of ​​damage is formed on the face, so a person needs competent care.

It is necessary to properly carry out subsequent treatment of the face in order to avoid infection.

After a deep cleansing, a bark forms on the face, which in no case should be removed. It should peel off on its own in a few weeks. In addition, the patient will have to use anti-inflammatory drugs for external and internal use. The entire course of recovery may take several months. After a deep chemical peel, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe for three months.

Deep cleaning suitable for people over 60 years old

Chemical cleaning of the face at home

A really good effect can be obtained only in the beautician's office. However, if there are minor problems on the face, it will be possible to carry out the procedure at home. To do this, you will have to purchase special formulations based on fruit acids in advance. Only a superficial chemical peel can be performed at home. Before the procedure, it is recommended to consult with a cosmetologist and carefully study the instructions for the current composition.

Before cleaning, it will not be superfluous to also perform a sensitivity test for the selected fruit acid. A small amount of the product must be applied to the inside of the wrist and observe the reaction. If after 10 minutes there is no redness, the composition can be applied to the face.

Proper facial cleansing will make you look much younger than your years.

The dry cleaner is applied in the same way as any other mask. First, you must thoroughly wash your face using a suitable foam or milk. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. A slight tingling sensation may be felt during brushing. If discomfort occurs that is difficult to tolerate, the mixture must be immediately removed from the face.

The chemical peel is washed off with warm water. Then a soothing cream should be applied to the face. The procedure should be carried out at home no more than once a month.

Chemical peeling is a procedure that can really improve the face. However, not knowing all the subtleties, you can harm the skin. Therefore, such cleaning should still be entrusted to a professional.

Dry cleaning of the face is one of the most popular varieties of such a cosmetic procedure. It is highly valued for its ability to prevent acne even in a problematic transitional age, which is accompanied by hormonal changes.

Manipulation perfectly copes with the first signs of aging, and also removes traces of inflammation. The measure works even for the future, reducing the areas of damage to skin imperfections, eventually eliminating them almost completely.

Various recipes are aimed at deep cleansing of contaminated skin. In order for each patient to be able to leave the beauty parlor completely satisfied, doctors have developed several types of such chemical intervention. They are tailored to the needs of people of different ages and skin types. According to the reviews, the first result can be seen immediately after the procedure is completed. Visual changes will please even those who have not previously applied for professional cosmetic help.

Dry cleaning classification

The main factor responsible for the success of the event is the procedure carried out exclusively by a professional in their field. The specialist will be able to choose the best remedy, determining the characteristics of a particular ward, and also tell you how to care for the face after cleaning.

Despite the fact that today there are many ways to do peeling yourself at home, experts advise not to engage in such amateur activities. The risks of developing an allergic reaction, as well as possible individual intolerance to drug components, are too high.

Difficulties will be added by the fact that not everyone at home is ready to follow the protocol clearly, being distracted or trying to save money. This leads to a deterioration in the condition of the skin of the face, up to the formation of pronounced chemical burns. Therefore, only a master of his craft, who has undergone special training and has a specialized medical education, should do this.

Technically, peeling with chemical active ingredients is the removal of the top layer of the skin. This concept includes dead cells, as well as accumulations of sebaceous secretions. Chemical acids are taken as the basis, which, with a careful approach of an experienced person, will not harm the skin.

With maximum cleaning, it will be possible not only to neutralize pollution of any type. With its help, it will be possible to activate the internal renewal process, followed by tissue repair at the cellular level. Such regeneration will have a positive effect on the general appearance, making the treated area look fresher.

Schematically, dry cleaning can be divided into three categories, which differ in the depth of action on the body:

  • superficial;
  • middle;
  • deep.

The first version is based on the use of almond, or. All three of these liquids affect the treated area gently and moderately. Manipulation is great for young people whose regeneration process is still functioning stably. A gentle effect can be achieved due to the fact that the effect extends exclusively to the surface dermatological layer. Together, this guarantees:

  • improvement of blood microcirculation;
  • neutralization of small wrinkles;
  • increasing the level of elasticity;
  • skin smoothing.

The most important advantage of the superficial type is the ability of the skin to easily tolerate it without significant consequences or complications after application.

The middle analog acts a little more strongly. For him, use a powerful salicylic or trichloroacetic acid. Their action is more pronounced, acting as a guarantee of a stable result.

Due to its strength, the procedure cannot be used as a prophylaxis. Instead, it is used to solve a strictly defined front of problems, the list of which implies:

  • wrinkles;
  • decrease in elasticity;
  • pigmentation.

In addition to covering the upper layer of the dermis, acids cover deeper levels, reaching the basement membrane. The cleansing technique has a positive effect on non-cellular recovery, and also helps to form new collagen fibers. Due to the normalization of local blood circulation mechanisms, it is possible to restore a healthy complexion.

Here it is worth preparing for the fact that the intervention has a number of side effects. They can only be leveled under the supervision of an experienced cosmetologist, which gives a red light for any attempts to independently conduct a middle cleansing.

The most powerful tool is the depth measure, for which phenol is involved. The price of such a service will be somewhat higher due to the cost of the drug itself, as well as the complexity of the implementation. The action will not take long.

Despite the fact that when considering the face before and after, the difference is colossal, not all doctors are ready to offer their patients such a radical approach. Many people refuse it even at the stage of discussing the best option, since the recovery period of six months is too long.

Deep cleansing is a full-fledged chemical burn, the consequences of which come down long enough and painfully. It is not for nothing that doctors, if necessary, use freon prescribe local anesthesia.

The latter can be problematic in itself if the medical staff did not first perform a preliminary allergy test. Otherwise, the likelihood of possible anaphylactic shock increases.

Manipulation is allowed only in a hospital, which will allow you to urgently provide professional assistance if something suddenly does not go according to plan.

Main indications

Depending on what specific cleaning configuration was chosen by the attending physician, the scope of work will be determined. And although each of the presented categories has its own medical indications, experts have compiled a common list of possible reasons for seeking help. This is about:

  • excessive fat content of the skin;
  • abundant secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • wrinkles and wrinkled folds;
  • grayish complexion;
  • solitary acne and acne;
  • inflammation of varying degrees of coverage.

The procedure helps to cope even with the consequences of acne, which is typical for people who, in adolescence, did not want or could not seek help from a doctor. Even uneven skin relief can be leveled if you choose the appropriate cleansing option followed by proper care.

Due to the fact that chemical peels are allowed to be performed on patients from the age of 16, the technique is in consistently high demand. Visitors especially appreciate the preventive goals of the method, which will help maintain skin condition at a good level.

step by step diagram

The doctor will definitely warn the patient that the superficial type of procedure is carried out in a course. Usually three to five sessions are enough, depending on the specific skin type and associated problems. But for a middle or deep analogue, one visit to a specialist is quite enough, but rehabilitation will stretch over a longer period with many recommendations for supportive care.

Regardless of the type of cleaning chosen, the expert must follow a two-step instruction to implement the plan:

  • Preparation;
  • direct cleaning.

The first point implies the need to prepare the future front of work for the application of concentrated acid. To do this, you will have to apply creams with a low content of the selected acid for some time, so that the dermis has time to get used to the principle of its effect.

Only after the completion of the previous stage is it allowed to proceed to the main part of the plan. First, the master will perform a preliminary degreasing in order to increase the effectiveness of the measure. Next, an acid mask is applied to particularly problematic areas.

Depending on the spectrum of action of the acid, exposure on the face will vary in time from three minutes to twenty. The final step involves the neutralization of the current composition.

In order for the patient to quickly evaluate the result, it will be necessary to apply auxiliary moisturizing and nourishing medicines, based on the problems of a particular person.

Rehabilitation progress

Since each type of chemical exposure has its own rehabilitation period, which, in addition, seriously fluctuates due to the characteristics of the patient's skin, no one will name the exact recovery time.

The easiest way to heal is with superficial cleansing of the dermis, which will take about three days. But recovery with the middle technique can take almost a month.

To consolidate the result, as well as to avoid possible complications such as a not too pleasant appearance in the early days, experts recommend adhering to medical recommendations. The cosmetologist will definitely advise a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream that can saturate the damaged dermis with useful substances and moisture in sufficient quantities.

An excellent solution to the problem is the use of thermal water. If you apply it on a regular basis, you will be able to avoid puffiness and provide sufficient moisture.

It is also worth refusing to independently remove the manifestations of skin peeling, waiting for the natural completion of the process. We'll have to wait a little with trips to the solarium and tanning under the sun's rays. It will be necessary to avoid saunas, baths and other rooms where an atmosphere of high humidity and high air temperature is maintained.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the proven effectiveness of the chemical treatment of the face, it does not always go perfectly. This happens due to a violation of the technology of manipulation, the use of cheap substitutes for high-quality care line products, and also due to a lack of skills of a cosmetologist.

The only good news is that a number of side effects are considered the norm when occurring within the framework of average statistics. Just such signs include moderate swelling, discoloration of the skin or its redness.

Do not be afraid of the manifestation of irritation or a feeling of itching. It is allowed to calm the dermis with special means that the doctor prescribes, but it is strictly forbidden to comb the top layer with your hands. You have to put up with dryness and peeling. Sometimes inconvenience affects mild pain or general discomfort, but in the first few days it is quite a common response of the body to harsh outside interference.

To reduce the likelihood of developing atypical complications, it is extremely important to have time to identify latent contraindications for the procedure. Relative prohibitions include pregnancy and lactation. In the latter case, exceptions are possible after consultation with and beautician together.

Other contraindications include exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as viral or bacterial diseases. Even the usual sore throat, flu or SARS must first be neutralized, to say nothing of a more serious similar pathology - fever.

It is equally important to take into account the characteristics of the skin of each applicant. If the patient has skin hypersensitivity and a tendency to scarring, then it is better to look for more gentle alternatives.

But diabetes mellitus, nervous breakdown, individual intolerance to acid, skin lesions, open wound surfaces and extensive inflammation are absolute contraindications. Chronically high blood pressure and oncological neoplasms of various localization can also be entered here. Until the treatment of the latter is officially over, you should not do chemical peels.

If the patient has moles or other formations on his face, then it is worth choosing some other type of cleaning. Also, a woman should take into account her menstrual cycle. It is believed that some days her skin is more sensitive, which can add to the discomfort during the acid period.

Dry cleaning of the face can prevent acne, inflammation and even early signs of aging, and subsequently reduce or eliminate their manifestations. The procedure provides deep cleansing of the skin, has several types, is carried out in cosmetology clinics and at home, provides real and visual changes after the first session.

Definition of procedure, types and principle of operation

Dry cleaning (or peeling) is a procedure for removing the top layers of the skin, dead cells and accumulations of sebaceous secretion using chemical acids. Maximum cleansing allows you to get rid of all types of pollution and activate the internal processes of cell renewal and restoration. There are three types of dry cleaning, differing in the depth of exposure:


Based on lactic, mandelic or malic acid, they have a mild, moderate or mild effect. The procedure is indicated as a prophylaxis and to eliminate defects on young skin. The effect is only on the surface layer of the dermis, as a result of which blood microcirculation improves, fine wrinkles disappear, the level of elasticity increases and the skin relief is leveled. Cleaning of this kind is easily tolerated and does not cause complications, it is carried out by specialists and at home on their own.


It is carried out on the basis of salicylic or trichloroacetic acid. It has a pronounced effect and forms stable results during course implementation. The procedure is not recommended as a prophylaxis, it is prescribed to solve specific problems (pigmentation, wrinkles, reduced elasticity). The impact on the dermis is quite deep, down to the basement membrane (middle layers of the dermis). Cleansing activates cell regeneration, the formation of new collagen fibers, and normalizes local blood circulation processes. It is carried out mainly by cosmetologists, it is not indicated for self-administration, it is often accompanied by complications and side effects.


It is carried out with the help of phenol. Possesses the rigid expressed action. To achieve the desired result, one procedure is enough, after which rehabilitation lasts up to six months. This kind of cleansing is a powerful chemical burn, it is painful and requires anesthesia. It is carried out in a hospital setting.


Dry cleaning is acceptable for patients of any age (from 16-18 years old) and gender. Indications for the procedure include:

  • Excessive oiliness of the skin, an abundance of sebaceous secretion, enlarged pores.
  • Consequences of acne, scars, uneven skin texture.
  • Hyperpigmentation.
  • Wrinkles and folds.
  • Gray complexion.
  • Acne and inflammation.

Depending on the type of cleaning, it is carried out for a preventive purpose or for a specific elimination of the indicated problem.

Carrying out the procedure

Superficial dry cleaning is carried out in a course of 3-5 procedures, medium and deep cleaning provide results in just one session (maximum two for the middle). Manipulations in all cases are recommended to be carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Preliminary preparation. The task is to prepare the skin for the application of concentrated acid. The principle of implementation is the need for regular application of creams with a low content of it for the adaptation of the dermis.
  2. Cleaning. It is carried out after preliminary cleaning and degreasing. It consists in applying an acid mask to problem areas. It is aged for 3-20 minutes, depending on the condition of the patient's skin, as well as the task set for the beautician. After neutralization of the composition, additional hydration and nutrition are provided.

Video: Malysheva about peeling

Rehabilitation after the procedure

The duration of recovery after cleaning directly depends on the depth of exposure. With a superficial effect, rehabilitation is minimal and lasts 2-3 days, with a median effect it reaches 2-3 weeks. To prevent complications and consolidate the results, the following manipulations are performed:

  • Use moisturizing or nourishing creams.
  • Apply thermal water to moisturize and relieve puffiness on a regular basis.
  • Do not try to remove skin peeling on your own, wait for the natural completion of such a process.
  • Avoid contact with the sun's rays, do not go to the solarium, places with high humidity and air temperature.

Side effects

Unfortunately, even 100% compliance with the recommendations for the recovery period does not guarantee the appearance of temporary complications after cleaning. The patient should prepare for such a phenomenon in advance, because side effects occur in 9 out of 10 cases.

The negative reaction of the body manifests itself literally in the first hours and is observed within a week, then gradually disappears and causes less inconvenience to the person. The most common side effects are:

  • Puffiness.
  • Change in skin color, redness.
  • Feeling itchy, irritated.
  • Pain, severe discomfort.
  • Peeling of the skin.
  • Dryness.

Photos before and after

photos before and after superficial peeling

before and after photos of salicylic peel

photo before and after mid-peeling

photo before and after acid peel

photos before and after deep peeling

All these defects simply interfere with life! Even owners of dry skin often complain of black dots that they cannot get rid of in any way. But this is the result of a violation of the sebaceous glands. Not only to get rid of skin defects, but also to improve the functioning of its glands and narrow the pores, chemical cleaning of the face will help. Behind such a frightening name lies a completely painless, and maybe even pleasant procedure.

Types of dry cleaning of the face

Depending on the composition of the cleansing peel, it can be conditionally divided into cleansing with salicylic, glycolic and fruit acids. The principle of their action is almost the same, but for dry skin it is better to prefer peeling based on salicylic acid, which pushes out small “plugs” from the sebaceous glands and effectively removes dead skin cells. For oily and problematic skin, facial cleansing with glycolic acid is more suitable, which warms up the skin, allowing the master to remove large “plugs” and clean deep, stretched pores.

What to expect after cleaning?

Dry cleaning can not only cope with blackheads and comedones, but also improve complexion, smooth fine wrinkles and narrow pores. In addition, with the regular use of this type of cleansing, it is possible to normalize the fat metabolism of the skin and regulate the activity of the glands.

As a rule, after dry cleaning, a nourishing, moisturizing or tonic mask is applied to the skin, the substances of which penetrate deep into the skin and saturate it with vitality. As a result, the skin becomes smooth, soft and radiant.

It is a pity, of course, that the effect is not eternal! On average, the skin looks great for 7-10 days. This is due to the fact that dry cleaning of the face is not deep, but only removes superficial "plugs" and tightens the pores, thereby removing part of their contents. In order for the skin of the face to always look amazing, it is enough to resort to a chemical peel procedure three to four times a month for oily skin and two to three times for dry and normal skin.

How is the cleaning process

First, the skin is cleansed with a gel or milk. Then a gel containing acids is applied to dry skin. It is kept for about 5-7 minutes and removed with a napkin. If gel peeling is applied, then the skin of the face is massaged until “pellets” form on the skin and the gel is completely absorbed.
The next step is a face mask. Choose it according to the type of skin and the wishes of the client. Most often, a mask in the form of a cream is applied in a thick layer on the entire face, with the exception of the skin around the eyes. Leave on for ten minutes and rinse off.

In total, the procedure takes about twenty minutes.

What is required for the procedure? First of all, acid-based gel and mask according to skin type. You will also need a napkin and a terry towel.

After applying dry cleaning, the skin does not need special care conditions. The same means are used as before the procedure, subject to their correct selection. You can also get advice from the master on what tools are best to use. Typically, skin care includes the steps of cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing, and the skin type for which the product is intended is indicated on the package.

Misconceptions and questions about dry cleaning

Dry cleaning is bad for the skin

This is absolutely not true. On the contrary, acids normalize the functioning of the skin glands, leading the skin to a healthy and radiant appearance.

Using chemical cleaning gels can cause burns

Yes this is true. But, if you contact a specialist in a beauty salon, then this probability is excluded. So it’s better not to risk doing such procedures at home.

Chemical cleaning of the face at home

Now many companies produce chemical peels based on acids, with the help of which the dry cleaning procedure can be carried out at home. It is only very important to know what percentage of the gel is acid, but as practice shows, most companies do not indicate the percentage composition on the package.

If you are determined to carry out the procedure at home, then follow the method outlined above. Most importantly, remember that the mask after peeling is a mandatory procedure. Another important point is that in no case should the gel be applied to the skin around the eyes, as it is highly sensitive, and a burn with acids is almost guaranteed.

If you are afraid of a burn, then it is better to contact the salon where proven professional products are used.

Contraindications to dry cleaning of the face

A direct contraindication to the procedure is the presence of inflamed acne, scratches and cuts. Do not resort to dry cleaning for owners of very sensitive skin.

Video - dry cleaning of the face