Even the most generous person tries to pay cheaper for what is bought daily. Show help with arguments


Household appliances play an important role in the life of every modern person. From the first days of birth, a person directly or indirectly contacts with household appliances, uses the product of household appliances. How many hours can you go without household appliances? How many times a day do we go to the refrigerator, turn on the microwave, iron, toaster, washing machine? The modern urban dweller is spoiled with household appliances and is helpless without them. It is difficult for us to imagine an evening without a TV, a computer, without talking on a mobile phone, we habitually throw the laundry into the washing machine and forget about it until the laundry is washed in the machine. We choose equipment by price, power consumption, power, case color, design, equipment belonging to a particular brand. Often we give preference to one or two brands of household appliances that serve us for many years, have proven themselves in the best way, are easy to use and repair, or simply because of their conservatism. Every year, new names appear on the household appliances market, new models are developed, the design of old brands changes, completely new household appliances appear that are radically different in their functions, parameters, and capabilities. We strive to improve our life by acquiring more and more new units. And there is also a new trend of our time. It has already become a tradition to donate small household appliances. We give relatives and friends hair dryers, irons, toasters, deep fryers and fondue makers, electric kettles and electric coffee makers, mixers and blenders, juicers and food processors, electric heating pads and electric lighters, and many, many different household trifles created in order to facilitate our work, improve our life, spoil us and save our time for more important and pleasant things.

Answered by: Guest

Personality is understood as a stable system of socially significant features that characterize an individual as a member of a particular society. Personality is a product of social development and the inclusion of individuals in the system of social relations through active objective activity and communication.

The behavior of an individual as a person essentially depends on his relationship with the people around him. Such relationships with one person, group (large or small) are called interpersonal relationships. They can be classified according to various bases.

1. Official and unofficial. Relations that develop between people by virtue of their official position are called official (for example, a teacher - a student, a school principal - a teacher, the President of the Russian Federation - the head of the Government of the Russian Federation, etc.). Such relations are built on the basis of officially approved rules and norms (for example, on the basis of the Charter of an educational institution, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, etc.), with the observance of any formalities. Relationships that arise between people in connection with their joint work can also be called business.

2. Informal relationships (often referred to as personal relationships) are not governed by the rule of law; there is no appropriate legal basis for them. They develop between people regardless of the work performed and are not limited by established formal rules.

Interpersonal relationships are based on certain feelings of people, their attitude towards another person. Feelings fluctuate between two poles - sympathy (internal disposition, attractiveness of a person) and antipathy (internal dissatisfaction with a person, dissatisfaction with his behavior). A person perceives another person primarily on the basis of appearance, and then, adding up his impressions of his words, deeds and character traits, forms a general impression of him. Consequently, the basis of the perception of any personality is the relationship of character, behavior and appearance of a person.

Psychologists identify several factors that interfere with the correct perception and evaluation of people. These include:

1) inability to distinguish between the intentions and motives of people's actions;

2) inability to understand the state of affairs and the well-being of people at the time of observing them;

3) the presence of predetermined attitudes, assessments, beliefs that a person has for a long time
before the first meeting (for example: “What can he tell me that I don’t know? ..”);

4) the presence of stereotypes, according to which all people in advance belong to a certain
categories (for example: “All boys are rude”, “All girls can’t keep their mouths shut

5) the desire to make premature conclusions about a person's personality long before
it received sufficient and comprehensive information;

6) lack of desire and habit to listen to the opinions of other people, the desire of sex
go only to your own opinion.

Normal relations between people develop in the presence of a desire and need to sympathize, empathize with other people, put oneself in the position of another person.

The broadest form of interpersonal relationships is acquaintance. Under certain conditions, acquaintance develops into closer interpersonal relationships - friendship and love. Friendship can be called positive interpersonal relationships based on mutual openness, complete trust, common interests, devotion of people to each other, constant readiness to help each other at any time.

Answered by: Guest

Each person attracts one or the other to satisfy a particular need. In need of many things, many people gather together to live together and help each other: such a joint settlement is what we call a state, isn't it? » Thus, people come together, pursuing their own goals - this is an element of the theory of the contract. But behind this is the fact of the generic inferiority of a person - in this, Plato's concept manifests his naturalism, which is further developed: “At first, people are not born too similar to each other, their nature is different, and their abilities for this or that business also .. . Who works better - the one who owns many arts or only one?. . You can do everything in greater quantity, better and easier, if you do one kind of work according to your natural inclinations ... "

This is how Plato introduces the economic principle of the division of labor (reminding us of the similarities between Platonic historicism and the materialistic understanding of history). Plato substantiates this principle with the help of a statement characteristic of biological naturalism, namely, the statement about the natural inequality of people. At first, this idea is introduced imperceptibly and seems almost innocent. However, in the next chapter we will see that this idea has far-reaching consequences: the only really important kind of division of labor in Plato is the division between rulers and ruled, based, as he argues, on the natural inequality of masters and slaves, wise and ignorant.

Answered by: Guest

Civil law is a branch of law that combines legal norms governing property, as well as related and unrelated personal non-property relations, which are based on the independence of property independence and legal equality of the parties in order to create the most favorable conditions for meeting private needs, as well as the norms for the development of economic relations.

Public relations regulated by civil law include, first of all, commodity-money (purchase and sale, supply, transportation, rent, etc.) and other property relations in connection with the transfer of rights to property (donation, gratuitous use, etc.) , relations in the field of intellectual property, personal non-property relations (for example, relations arising from such intangible benefits as name, honor, dignity, business reputation).

The operation of civil law also extends to such social relations in which citizens do not take part at all. Thus, the norms of civil law regulate relations between organizations (legal entities) that arise in the process of selling manufactured products, transporting them by rail, sea, river or air transport, insuring this cargo, making payments for delivered products, and so on. Civil law regulates relations with the participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities, for example, in the case of a citizen bequeathing his property to the state.

Civil law does not regulate other non-property relations (for example, those regulated by family and labor law), as well as relations based on the imperious subordination of one party to the other (regulated by administrative, criminal and financial, including tax and budgetary law, etc.).

"Without society, man would be pathetic, lacking the urge to improve." W. Godwin

“There is no unconditional opposition between tradition and reason… Preservation of the old is the free attitude of man.” H.G. Gadamer

“Without a goal there is no activity, without interests there is no goal, and without activity there is no life.” V.G. Belinsky

“In married life, the united couple should form, as it were, a single moral personality.” I. Kant

"The great secret of any behavior is social behavior ... Not in the least degree would I dare to say anything about how a person will behave in a group." F. Bartlett

“The great goal of education is not knowledge, but action” G. Spencer

"The greatness of a people is not at all measured by its number, just as the greatness of a man is not measured by his height." V. Hugo

"The pinnacle of ourselves, the crown of our originality, is not our individuality, but our personality." P. Teilhard de Chardin

“All marriages are successful. Difficulties begin when life begins together. F. Sagan

“Truth is forgotten in disputes. The smartest one stops the argument. L. Tolstoy

“Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.” W. Shakespeare

"A woman, like a caryatid, props up the family hearth." I.N. Shevelev

"Everyone wants to be the exception to the rule, and there is no exception to this rule." M. Forbes

"The roots of nationalism are in the division of the population into indigenous and non-indigenous." I.N. Shevelev

“The personality of a person is in no sense pre-existent in relation to his activity, like his consciousness, it is generated by it.” A.N.Leontiev

"Personality is a person as a carrier of consciousness." K.K. Platonov

"People are born only with pure nature, and only then do their fathers make them Jews, Christians or fire worshipers." Saadi

"People exist for each other." M. Aurelius

“We must always try to look not for what separates us from other people, but for what we have in common with them.” D. Reskin

“We need to stand on our own feet and look the world straight in the face…see the world for what it is and not be afraid of it.” B. Russell

“We are shaped by the things we do.” Aristotle

“Independence and freethinking are the essence of creativity.” F. Mitterrand

"One and the same person, entering different teams, changing target settings, can change - sometimes within very significant limits." Yu.M. Lotman

"Having obeyed the law of the crowd, we return to the stone age." S. Parkinson

“When explaining any mental phenomena, a person acts as a united set of internal conditions through which all external influences are refracted.” S.L. Rubinstein

“It is easy to preach morality, it is difficult to justify it.”A. Schopenhauer

"The mere absence of vice does not imply the presence of virtue." A. Machado

“The process of socialization is entering the social environment, adapting to it, mastering certain roles and functions, which, following its predecessors, is repeated by each individual throughout the entire history of its formation and development.” B.D. Parygin

“To decipher a person means, in essence, to try to find out how the world was formed and how it should continue to form” P. Teilhard de Chardin

"A role is not a person, but ... an image behind which it is hidden." A.N. Leontiev

“Children give their debt to their parents to their children.” I.N. Shevelev

"Family interests almost always ruin the interests of the public." F. Bacon

"The family is more sacred than the state." Pius XI

"The family is the crystal of society." V. Hugo

"The family is the primary womb of human culture." I. Ilyin

“Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.” V.G. Belinsky

"Becoming part of an organized crowd, a person descends several steps down the ladder of civilization." G. Lebon

"He who, turning to the old, is able to discover the new, is worthy of being a teacher." Confucius

"Each nation - great or small - has its own unique crystal, which must be able to highlight." I.N. Shevelev

“Learn to rule yourself” A.S. Pushkin

“Good people become more by exercise than by nature.” Democritus

"Man does what he is and becomes what he does." R. Musil

"Man is inconceivable without contact with the people around him." A.M. Yakovlev

"Man simply exists, and he is not only what he imagines himself to be, but what he wants to become." J.P. Sartre

“Man will become, first of all, what he is designed to be.” J.P. Sartre

“Man is a being who rushes towards the future and realizes that he is projecting himself into the future.” J.P. Sartre

"Human essence is present only in communication, in the unity of man with man." L. Feuerbach
“The higher the position of a person, the more strict should be the framework that restrains the self-will of his character.” G. Freitag

"I'm too proud of my country to be a nationalist." J. Wolfrom

Having studied this topic, we should find out: How does the interaction of the main participants in a market economy take place? How is the interaction of the main participants of the market economy? What is demand and what factors influence its change? What is demand and what factors influence its change? Problem!

Remember: What types of economic systems do you know? What types of economic systems do you know? Define a market economy. Define a market economy. Who are the subjects of a market economy? Who are the subjects of a market economy?

IPhone 4G There are currently no analogues to a smartphone: There are currently no analogues to a smartphone: A new powerful processor is installed in the Apple iPhone 4G smartphone, A new powerful processor is installed in the Apple iPhone 4G smartphone, Stainless steel phone case, tempered glass display, Phone case made of stainless steel, tempered glass display, World's thinnest smartphone, World's thinnest smartphone, Screen resolution quadrupled, Screen resolution quadrupled, WiFi enabled, WiFi enabled, 5 megapixel camera, 5 megapixel camera, High-definition video recording, 10 hours of video playback. High-definition video recording, 10 hours of video playback. Built-in memory - 16, 32 and 64 GB, Built-in memory - 16, 32 and 64 GB, Talk time: 7 hours on 3G, 14 hours on other networks Talk time: 7 hours on 3G, 14 hours on other networks Noise canceling function Noise canceling function

Telephone demand Price (P) Demand value (Qd) 5 thousand rubles 15 thousand rubles 25 thousand rubles 35 thousand rubles 40 thousand rubles P - price Demand scale Demand curve (demand curve) Q d - demand value D - demand D (demand) - demand, P (price) - price, Q (quantity) - quantity zero demand maximum demand

What is demand? Demand is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity of a good that buyers are willing and able to buy (demand) Demand is an inverse relationship between the price of a good and the quantity of a good that buyers are willing and able to buy (demand) the economy fulfills the demand, what does it show, reflect? What function does demand perform in society, in the economy, what does it show, reflect? Demand reflects the usefulness of the good to the consumer. Demand reflects the usefulness of the good to the consumer.

Law of Demand Law of Demand Fundamental principle of economic theory: We choose the course of action that promises us more benefits and fewer costs Consumers buy more goods when the price falls and less when it rises Consumers buy more goods when the price falls and less when it grows 30 rubles per kg 20 rubles per kg

Demand for a phone P - price Demand curve (demand curve) Q d - quantity demanded (number of purchases) D - demand D (demand) - demand, P (price) - price, Q (quantity) - quantity Each point on the demand curve shows , how many people are willing to buy a product at a given price in a given market, i.e. what quantity demand corresponds to what price. Each point on the demand curve shows how many people are willing to buy a product at a given price in a given market, i.e. what quantity demand corresponds to what price. The change in demand is caused by a change in price. This is graphically represented by the movement of a point along the demand curve (the curve itself does not change). The change in demand is caused by a change in price. This is graphically represented by the movement of a point along the demand curve (the curve itself does not change).

D2 D D1 P P Q Q1Q2 Shift in the demand curve But the quantity demanded can change even if prices remain the same. Then the demand curve will shift to the right (in case of increase) or to the left (in case of decrease). But the quantity demanded may change even if prices remain the same. Then the demand curve will shift to the right (in case of increase) or to the left (in case of decrease). QdQd !

What factors influence demand? Read the text and think about what factors influencing demand are discussed in newspaper articles? Read the text and think about what factors influencing demand are discussed in newspaper articles? Give practical advice on how to behave in such situations? Give practical advice on how to behave in such situations? First Inflationary Law: "If everyone thinks prices will go up, prices will go up." First Inflationary Law: "If everyone thinks prices will go up, prices will go up." Write down the factors that influence demand in a notebook. Write down the factors that influence demand in a notebook.

Prospective expectations of sellers and buyers related to inflation How will the expectation of a decrease in the price of a given product in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? How will the expectation of a decrease in the price of this product in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? Demand for this product will decrease today. The demand curve will shift to the left. Demand for this product will decrease today. The demand curve will shift to the left. How will the expectation of a rise in the price of a given commodity in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? How will the expectation of a rise in the price of a given commodity in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? Demand for this product will increase today. The demand curve will shift to the right. Demand for this product will increase today. The demand curve will shift to the right.

Normal and inferior goods Normal goods - Normal goods - those for which demand increases as income rises and vice versa, when income decreases, demand decreases Inferior goods - those for which demand rises when income falls and vice versa, demand decreases when income are growing. Inferior goods are those for which demand rises when incomes fall and vice versa, demand decreases when incomes rise.

Prospective expectations of sellers and buyers associated with changes in income How will the expectation of income growth in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? How will the expectation of income growth in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? Demand will rise as consumers will not save. The demand curve will shift to the right. Demand will rise as consumers will not save. The demand curve will shift to the right. How will the expectation of lower incomes in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? How will the expectation of lower incomes in the future affect demand today? In which direction will the demand curve shift? Demand will fall because consumers will save. The demand curve will shift to the left. Demand will fall because consumers will save. The demand curve will shift to the left.

Change in prices of interrelated goods Substitute goods Goods that satisfy the same need as the given good A direct relationship between the price of one good and the demand for another A decrease in the price of a substitute good will lead to a decrease in the demand for this good and vice versa. Complementary Goods One good cannot be consumed without the other. Inverse relationship between the price of one good and the demand for the other. An increase in the price of one of the complementary goods will lead to a decrease in the demand for the other, and vice versa.

FACTORS AFFECTING DEMAND: Changing tastes and preferences of consumers (advertising, fashion, traditions, advice, rumors) Changing tastes and preferences of consumers (advertising, fashion, traditions, advice, rumors) Changing the number of buyers in the market, the demographic composition of the population. Change in the number of buyers in the market, the demographic composition of the population. Change in buyers' income. Change in buyers' income. Prospective expectations of sellers and buyers associated with inflation, government policy, adverse climatic conditions, etc. Prospective expectations of sellers and buyers associated with inflation, government policy, adverse climatic conditions, etc. Changes in prices for related goods and goods - substitutes. Change in prices for related goods and goods - substitutes.
How will demand change? In which direction will the demand curve shift? 1. The price of beef will increase Demand _________Curve _________ 2. Millions of immigrants increase the US population Demand _________Curve _________ 3. Doctors warn that eating a lot of pork leads to high cholesterol Demand _________Curve _________ 4. The economic crisis reduced the income of Russians Demand _________Curve _________ 5. Traditions national cuisine - pancakes and pies Demand in Russia _________Curve _________

Is the statement true. justify your answer: 1. An increase in consumer income will cause an increase in demand for all goods and services 2. An increase in demand means a shift in the demand curve to the left 3. A fall in the price of Pepsi-Cola will most likely reduce the price of Coca-Cola

Conclusions: 1. For buyers, the price determines the amount of demand for a product, which is graphically depicted as a movement along the demand curve. 2. Non-price factors lead to a change in demand, which is graphically represented by a shift in the demand curve. 3. Buyers will buy more if the price is lower. 4. Demand reflects the utility of the good for the buyer.

Generosity knows no bounds.

Generosity is measured not by how much you give to others, but by how much you demand in return.

It is more blessed to give than to receive.

We do not distribute anything with such generosity as .

The one who is generous should be respected, not the one who can be generous.

There are far fewer ungrateful people than people think, because there are far fewer generous people than people think.

A man is sometimes more generous when he has little money than when he has a lot; maybe to keep from thinking that he doesn't have them at all...

A generous person is one who gives the right person the right thing at the right time.

Phrases of the great about generosity

Even the most generous person tries to pay less for what he buys daily.

A generous person has inexhaustible wealth.

Glamorous phrases of the great about generosity

Generosity is more profitable than stinginess.

To be generous means to give more than you can; being proud means taking less than you need.

You have to be poor to understand generosity.

Indeed, generosity will never ruin Dionysius, the ruler of Syracuse. To us who ask a lot, he gives little, but to Plato, who takes nothing, he gives a lot.

Truly generous is he who gives out of what is his own.

Avarice is the sister of poverty, and generosity is the mother of wealth.

The so-called generosity is usually based on vanity, which is dearer to us than everything that we give.

Other pours generously, and more is added to him; while the other is thrifty beyond measure, and yet grows poorer.

Who gives twice, let him give quickly.

It is easier to be generous than not to regret it later.

Many of us will gladly share the latest out-of-fashion shirt with our neighbors.

Long phrases of the great ones about generosity

Generosity and unselfishness are measured not by how much you give to others, but by how much you demand later for it in return.

Spending someone else's, you add glory to yourself, while wasting your own, you only harm yourself. Nothing else exhausts itself like generosity: in showing it, at the same time you lose the very act of showing it and either fall into poverty, arousing contempt, or ruin others, thereby incurring hatred on yourself.

The most generous is the one who has nothing to give.

Diogenes asked the spendthrift for a whole mine; he asked why he begged for an obol from others, and he had a whole mine. "Because," answered Diogenes, "I hope to ask others again, and whether it will be possible to ask you again, only the gods know."

Generosity knows no bounds. Especially if it's the boundaries of your own home.

Do not ask for what you have, give what you no longer need.

Asceticism springs not from greed, but from generosity.

Generosity gives what it has, but stinginess does not have what it can give.

When old age is poor, it is generous; when it is rich, it is stingy.

Do not be proud, oh venerable one, of intelligence or knowledge - you must be able to live generously in this world.

The virtue of the poor is generosity of soul.

Top phrases of the great ones about generosity

Personal being is generosity.

If you are so kind and generous, then why are you so rich?

Although every virtue attracts us to itself, justice and generosity do it most of all.

Doubly takes the one who takes quickly.

Generosity consists not so much in giving much, but in giving in time.

The generosity of a person indicates that he has almost all the other virtues that adorn a member of society; stinginess speaks of the absence of these virtues.

You quickly get tired of being generous, just as quickly you get tired of being sober and reasonable.

Give, and it will be given to you.

Rich is not the one who has a lot, but the one who can give a lot to others.

Generosity towards the future is the ability to give everything that is connected with the present.