What did Shepelev's paternity test show? The “biological” father of the son of Zhanna Friske spoke about the relationship with the singer

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Lawyers for the family of Zhanna Friske, who died of brain cancer, recently gave an interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda, in which they suggested that Plato's father was not Dmitry Shepelev at all, as previously thought. As it turned out, after meeting Shepelev, Friske also talked with her ex-civil husband, whose name is still kept secret. The singer lived with her lover in her apartment, but the couple often had quarrels on material grounds: as Zhanna's relatives say, her man was worried that he was earning less than his girlfriend.

We admit that Zhanna could become pregnant from her ex-civil husband, but after that she decided to finally break with him. And, having given birth to Plato in America, she herself asked in the maternity hospital to write him down as Shepelev's father. After all, the ex-boyfriend did not want children, he said that he was not ready to become a father. And Shepelev, according to Zhanna, could become a good dad for a future baby.


The lawyers also emphasized that Shepelev was recorded as Plato's father in the American maternity hospital solely from the words of Zhanna. According to Russian law, if a child is born in wedlock, the parents are automatically recorded. In other cases, it is necessary to go through the procedure for establishing paternity through the courts.


The former lover Friske himself is aware of this situation and really does not exclude that he may be the biological father of the child. But he does not plan to sue yet, so as not to injure Plato: the boy is already accustomed to considering Shepelev's dad. That is why the mysterious man and Zhanna's family offer Shepelev to take a DNA test of their own free will in order to dispel all doubts.

  • In 2015, the famous lawyer Radik Gushchin made a sensational confession: the man said that he was the real father of Plato. Gushchin said that he and Zhanna had a short romance, after which she became pregnant. However, it soon became clear that all the statements of the man were not true.
  • Zhanna Friske died at the age of 40 from an inoperable brain tumor. After Channel One announced a fundraiser for the singer's treatment, more than 67 million rubles were collected, for which Zhanna Friske personally thanked all those who helped her on the Rusfond website. In January 2016, it became known that more than 20 million rubles transferred by Rusfond for Friska's treatment were stolen.

The other day, interesting news appeared on the network that the biological father of Zhanna Friske's son revealed the whole truth about alleged paternity. Radik Gushchin, that's the man's name, is a well-known lawyer. Earlier, he shared with the press the details of how he became the father of Plato.

Lawyer Radik Gushchin

A year ago, he came up with an affair with the singer. Dmitry Shepelev and Jeanne's relatives were shocked to hear this statement from an unknown man. Radik even insisted on conducting a DNA examination, for some reason he was sure that the results would be beneficial to him. Over the past six months, Jeanne's family has only been in trouble. The father of the late singer Vladimir Krylov and husband Dmitry Shepelev, in court, are trying to get the opportunity to become Plato's guardians. Everything would have been much easier if Jeanne's father had no doubts about Dmitry's sincerity. For some reason, the man is sure that Shepelev is not the biological father of the baby. In addition to all this, the singer's family is trying to find money for Rusfond.

Zhanna Friske with Dmitry Shepelev

Apparently, the lawyer Radik Gushchin decided to take advantage of a convenient situation - to compete for the place of a guardian. He repeatedly told the public that he had an affair with Zhanna Friske. Of course, those around her, the singer's friends and the stars of the Russian show business doubted the veracity of the words. But the man was categorical, and when Jeanne's parents said they had never heard of him, Radik said he was ready to take a paternity test. But the fight turned out to be beyond the power of Radik Gushchin, and he decided to step aside, pretending to put it mildly as a “victim”.

“Yes, indeed, I have never met the singer, let alone an affair with her. But the likelihood that Plato is my own son is great. The fact is that in 2011 I did not have a stable income, my financial situation was catastrophic, and I decided to become a sperm donor. By coincidence, at that moment Zhanna Friske wanted to turn to the service of artificial insemination. Perhaps my sperm was used for this. And also, I noticed that Plato is very similar to me - so I thought, why can’t I become his guardian, ”said Gushchin. Apparently, the lawyer is not embarrassed by the fact that Dmitry Shepelev has been raising the baby since birth.

Dmitry Shepelev with Plato

But these are not all the reasons why the man decided to sue the baby about Jeanne's relatives: “I am a Muslim by nationality, and it is not customary for us to abandon our children. I read a lot about Jeanne's life, I was shocked by her death, and my wife and I decided to file a lawsuit with the Khamovniki Court of Moscow in order to resolve this situation as soon as possible, ”said Gushchin.

What guided the man, making such loud statements is not clear. But the singer's fans are sure that relatives are unlikely to leave this unpunished, for sure this is not the end of the story.

Scandalous stories around the family of Zhanna Friske do not subside. After litigation with Rusfond's accounts, as well as a showdown between the singer's relatives and her husband Dmitry Shepelev, a man suddenly showed up who may be Plato's father.

A lawyer for the Friske family, in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda in St. Petersburg, said that the biological father of the son of the late star may well be her ex-civil husband. As the lawyer explained, before having an affair with Dmitry Shepelev, the singer met with a young man. He loved Jeanne very much, they lived together in her apartment. At the same time, it is known about the man, only that work brought him together with the artist.

As the father of the deceased admitted, his daughter told him about this relationship. Even having met Shepelev, the singer could not leave the mysterious gentleman and rushed between two men. The family lawyer assured reporters that already being in a relationship with the showman, Zhanna Friske met with her ex-lover several times.

The lawyer and the star's family have doubts that Plato is the son of Dmitry Shepelev. However, a possible dad, after breaking up with the singer, succeeded in business and does not want to talk about an affair with Friska, so as not to be promoted on her behalf. The man admitted that if he was going to establish paternity, he would do it quietly, try to arrange everything so that only the judge knew about the results of the DNA test.

The former boyfriend of the artist doubts whether it is worth suing at all, because Plato considers Dmitry Shepelev to be dad. All proceedings can be a blow to the boy. The singer's relatives suggest that the TV presenter himself voluntarily do a genetic examination in order to remove all questions.

    It's hard to say for sure. I think he doesn't even want to know if he's really Plato's blood father or not. After all, in any case, this is his son, they love each other and probably it no longer matters to Dmitry. I don't think he has any materialistic feelings about this whole situation. The saddest thing is that in all these quarrels, gossip and scandals, a small child is involved, who has had an irreparable situation in his life.

    Before, looking at the child, I saw that he did not look like either Zhanna or Shepelev, and when I saw Gushchin, I realized that yes, he is the father of this boy, he is his copy. And I am for the fact that he does not turn out to be the father of this bulbash is your vile typechik Shepelev. I used to like him, but now I hate him. You don't even need to do DNA - it's clear that the father is a lawyer. Hooray!!! if that's the case. And Shepelev's face says that he clings to the inheritance. Yes, even relatives do not date the child, and no one himself can call him. That's right - he doesn't want to know the truth to take an analysis - it's so convenient for him - money for free. Yes, and he did not love Jeanne - she loved him - love is evil - you will love a goat. So Santa Barbara continues. And Jeanne's parents can be understood - they lost their blood, and some gigolo (the cat is not even the father of the child) did not give them a grandson. I would have killed my son-in-law for that.

    They staged a display all over the country! Would Jeanne want this?! If Shepelev was recorded in the certificate as a father, then he is a father. Why make an elephant out of a fly? I believe in the integrity of people. Jeanne's parents most likely just had a fight with the father of their grandchildren. They're having a hard time.

    You know, I'm on Shepelev's side. He is a fairly public person, and Jeanne's father does everything for his own promotion and attracting attention.

    All claims of Zhanna's father to Dmitry are subjective.

    Neither during Friske's lifetime, nor immediately after Jeanne's departure, did the question of whether she had another close man, except for Dmitry, come up at all. But the field of how it is not known where the money collected for Zhanna's treatment, which Dmitry had nothing to do with, unlike her parents, urgently appeared a desire to conduct a DNA analysis.

    When all this hype and strife over the child of Zhanna Friske began, Dmitry Shepelev seemed to me at the very beginning to be a rather noble person. Well, of course, he didn’t leave Zhanna during her illness, he went to her in the USA when she was undergoing treatment. But now some things seem strange and made me strongly doubt Shepelev's sinlessness.

    Jeanne's father showed himself to be a brawler. But he also worries about his daughter. Who cares more about their children than parents. And D. Shepelev, in a strange way, left for Bulgaria, hiding behind his son Plato, like a shield. At the same time, saving his tender psyche from the sight of the dying Jeanne.

    Moreover, Zhanna Friske's father accuses D. Shepelev of entrusting Zhanna's treatment to the wrong specialists, and they allegedly simply experimented on her with a new and untested medicine.

    Even D. Shepelev wrote a statement to the police against his father-in-law, and the very successful and timely recording on the dictaphone, where there were threats against Shepelev, served as evidence. Strange case.

    And not to let the boy see his family grandparents is just mean. So, not without reason about D. Shepelev there were not very pleasant rumors, because there is no smoke without fire. And what then is left for Zhanna Friske's parents to do so that they are ALLOWED to see their grandson, as in all normal families?

    There were rumors that in Shepelev's relationship with Zhanna, everything was not so smooth at all.

    And as to whether D. Shepelev is Plato's father or not, this can only be shown by a DNA test. I think that Zhanna's parents will do the right thing if they ask Dmitry Shepelev to take this test. Maybe the rumors about their daughter's friend aren't completely unfounded, how do we know. But Shepelev does not want to lose the inheritance and acts very cunningly, hiding behind the boy and the law, and nevertheless doing his own. And Jeanne's parents were in a hopeless situation. It is very CRUEL to deprive grandparents of dates with their grandson. Moreover, if Plato's father later marries, then not every stepmother will love her stepson.

    Something suspicious strongly painfully divorced a lot.

    Sun is looking for something, sniffing, digging in underwear.

    Why do a DNA test for Dmitry Shepelev is absurd.

    Shepelev does not need to prove anything to anyone.

    The child is a copy of him, was born in a marriage, albeit a civil one (they did not have time to get married).

    To prove it is not clear to anyone is humiliating. Yes, and for what? You can't keep your mouth shut.

    Dmitry does not owe anything to society, and it would be time for the media to leave him behind.

    Such a statement discredits the already deceased Zhannochka.

    And Dmitry had such a hard time that he endured and survived - you won’t wish the enemy ..

    All these strife of the Friske and Shepelev families are already causing real horror.

    Relatives are ready to rinse the name of the deceased for the sake of the inheritance, attributing some kind of friend to her! Do they really not understand that all this from the outside looks just awful. This is disrespectful to the memory of their daughter. Now everyone will endlessly procrastinate on the topic of whether Plato is Dmitry Shepelev's son.

    If Jeanne decided that he was the father, then he is. If this is not so, then why, then, in the last difficult years, Dima Shepelev was next to them? It was necessary to be near the real father of the boy! Horror. Poor child.

    They write that Shepelev himself does not doubt his paternity, so he is not going to do DNA. He's not sure the relatives won't just fake the results.

    Yes, a provocative situation.

    I think that Dmitry, like any man in his situation, is simply confident in his paternity and considers him beyond any doubt.

    Having imagined myself in his position, it would be humiliating for me to prove such a thing - how could such a thought be allowed at all !!!

    Probably, Plato's grandfather should have been more tactful in matters relating to his grandson.

    Such a proposal on his part was caused, rather, by a desire to deepen the gap between people close to Plato - a parent and grandparents.

    Without a doubt, Plato needs a father, and it is a loving father, such as Dmitry.

    Yes, in life a lot does not happen the way we want, but the grandfather, most likely, is afraid of the possible appearance of a stepmother in the fate of his grandson - after all, Dmitry is a young, very handsome man, and clearly allows the creation of a new family. In any case, I think Dmitry will not allow his child to be deprived of love and affection.

    Because the requirements of Zhanna Friske's father to take a DNA paternity test for Dmitry Shepelev are nonsense. All previous accusations could be explained by the desperation of the father who lost his daughter, but now it smells of loss of mind from grief. I don't want to believe that it's all about the money, but it looks like it.

    When a person is heartbroken, he does not run around on various shows and does not shout to the whole country that his daughter was stupid and loved such a bad person as Dmitry and at the same time cheated on him. Moreover, she also registered her son with someone else's uncle, and he spent all the money on her. the impression is that Shepelev before Zhanna was a beggar and now does not earn a living. But the family lost income from their daughter. Here you need the help of doctors or pills for greed.

    For many years Zhanna had a close friend, but he is married, and only Zhanna's relatives know about him. The Friske family intends to demand that Shepelev take a paternity test, but he flatly refused. Does this mean that Dmitry himself is not sure, but he does not want to lose the inheritance. After all, only the son of Jeanne Friske Platon has the right to it. Jeanne and Dmitry were not married.

    Where does all this gossip and speculation come from? They want to be dishonored by the whole world, let them be dishonored. It's no secret that TV channels are fighting for ratings. Shepelev is not the last person, and according to some sources, he has the third largest income among showmen. And his parents, Jeanne, call him a beggar. Everyone understands that they are fighting for money, not for their grandson. channels to each other. Shepelev stepped back, even though he protects the child from this fuss. Jeanne publicly recognized him as her father. The rest is guesswork and a thankless job. Draw conclusions one way or the other. Everything will settle down with time and fall into place. And the most interesting thing will be: if Shepelev is now calmly collecting everything legal in his direction and at one moment will give it all away. And Malakhov will certainly have it on the first channel. And if on the part of Jeanne's ancestors all this is a vile lie, then deprive them by law of all rights to their grandson. And he will grow up and decide for himself what to do. But this is also all guesswork, we must wait for the denouement.

VIDEO: Zhanna Friske gave birth using in vitro fertilization

The son of the singer Zhanna Friske Plato was born using in vitro fertilization (IVF) and only a DNA examination will show who the real father of the boy is Dmitry Shepelev, Radik Gushchin or someone else.

In the studio of the program "Live", Zhanna Friske's father explained why he requires a DNA examination regarding the paternity of Plato, the son of his deceased daughter, and what his doubts are based on that Dmitry Shepelev is the boy's biological father.

It turns out, said Vladimir Borisovich, Plato was born through in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Let's explain. During IVF, the egg is removed from the woman's body and fertilized artificially under "in vitro" ("in vitro") conditions, the resulting embryo is kept in an incubator, where it develops for 2-5 days, after which the embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity for further development.

Vladimir Kopylov relies not only on his own information (according to him, men who claimed to be Plato's paternity personally approached him), but also on the data of the doctors involved in the treatment of his daughter.

“I’m not just sitting there, I recognize the whole process of treatment that was, which took place without me at all. And there are some circumstances that give me this(paternity of Dmitry Shepelev - website) doubt. Nastya Khabenskaya's mother called me, who was directly involved in Zhanna's treatment, she herself, everything was done through her ... And she said that the doctors told her that there seemed to be IVF "- explained the father of the deceased singer.

“As for the topic of paternity, I don’t know any lawyer Radik Gushchin, who is supposedly my friend. I have only one lawyer who can speak on my behalf - this is Alexander Karabanov, whom I trust. I don’t have any other lawyers. I don't know. Don't believe all the nasty things that are written on the Internet" Kopylov said.

Mariana Said Shah, a journalist from Express Gazeta, visited the studio. She claims that back in 2012 she talked with a man who called himself the real father of Zhanna Friske's child.

Said Shah did not specify the details of her communication with the supposedly real father of Plato, but, according to her, in 2012, as soon as Zhanna Friske's pregnancy became known, most of those who knew the singer doubted that Shepelev was the father of the child.

Who is the father? DNA examination will reveal the secret of Zhanna Friske - Live (29.12.2015)

Zhanna Friske's father received support from Lolita Milyavskaya and Bedros Kirkorov.

“I was not Zhanna’s girlfriend, we see her dad for the first time. And I’m not Dima Shepelev’s girlfriend, although I respect him as a host. But for some reason my feminine instinct says ... In general, I believe everything that Zhanna’s dad says. As for the story of Zhanna's son, my gynecologist advises all women over 30: "Guys, if you still haven't conceived, take a surrogate mother. Or adopt. Don't do IVF, it leads to cancer!" That's why I can't stand this business called IVF. I don't know if Zhanna did this procedure... But this thing, in my opinion, is very harmful" Lolita said.

“A person comes into this world to leave something behind. And I was very worried about Philip that he had no children. And then my son gave me a granddaughter and a grandson. Believe me, these children are higher than any wealth in the world! Grandchildren made me happy man. And I believe that Dmitry Shepelev should not separate his grandfather from his grandson. The father has the law on his side, but there is another human law. Vladimir lost his daughter. And now he is being deprived of his grandson. Is it possible?"- said Bedros Kirkorov.

In conclusion, Vladimir Kopylov confirmed that he was ready to go to reconciliation with Dmitry Shepelev. And by phone they agreed to sign a settlement agreement, which is now being developed by lawyers.

“Now Dima’s lawyers are drawing up a world contract. Dima asked to rewrite the country house on him. I’m ready for anything for the sake of my grandson. Dima, I want to turn to you. I’m 64 years old, I won’t take everything to the grave, I’ll leave everything to Plato. so that we have peace. Give me the opportunity to see Plato, help you educate him. And I will always help you in any way I can"- said the father of Zhanna Friske.