What should I do to make my eyes look bigger? Makeup to increase the eyes and expressiveness of the look


The most expressive part of the face, no doubt, are the eyes, since in the first minutes of meeting the interlocutor’s gaze stops precisely at them. How to make eyes bigger and brighter? Numerous cosmetic products help with this, such as matching eyeshadows, mascaras, eyeliners and pencils. However, it is too tiring to apply make-up every day, in order to always look stunning. Not only does it take a couple of extra hours, but also the naturalness, which attracts better than any cosmetics today, suffers. How to make eyes bigger without makeup? There are also such methods. Read more in this article.

Life mode

It is no secret that large and radiant eyes shine with a natural brilliance from the fact that a person is healthy and happy. Therefore, an important criterion in order to make the eyes visually larger, and the look more open, is the observance of the correct "mode of life". It all starts with the daily routine, because entertaining thoughts and dreams give health and attractive depth to the look. You need to rest at least seven to eight hours a day, then constant lack of sleep will not make your eyes narrow slits. Bags under the eyes also visually narrow the look. Give up dancing until the morning on weekends, start getting enough sleep, and you will immediately feel that your eyes have radically freshened up.

The next piece of advice is a complete cessation of smoking and alcohol, since these addictions are so harmful to the body as a whole that an extinct look and a tired look are only small signals of how great the damage will be.

The main stage will be the establishment of your diet, fluid drinking regimen, as well as vigorous activity. Eat more vegetables and fruits, a kind of "rule of seven". If you eat up to seven vegetables and fruits a day, then in a month the body will be refreshed and vigorous, the body will feel the lightness lost before, and the eyes will become sparkling with health and fullness, visually becoming larger and more expressive. You should also drink enough fluids, at least two liters a day, but you should not drink too much at night in order to avoid puffiness under the eyes in the morning.

And, finally, include more outdoor activities in your life, and sit less at the computer, so your look will always be cheerful and rested, and your eyes will be brighter and larger, respectively.

Folk remedies

The best "folk remedy", which has already been tested even by scientists, is the complete rejection of cosmetics. A month without makeup returns the skin to its natural color, as the paint no longer spoils the tone, the cheeks acquire their own natural blush, and the eyes become larger due to the lack of tightness and constant emphasizing them with mascara or pencil.

At home, simply curling your eyelashes with a special brush or tweezers will also help visually give your eyes more volume. This practice will make the look more open and the eyes brighter.

The most ardent enemy of natural eye enlargement is also the sun. It ages the epidermis, and gives the skin around the eyes a wrinkled structure, which negatively affects the formation of a clear and direct look.

There are several rules:

  1. Dirty hands should never touch the skin! From this, its texture becomes rough, which clearly does not contribute to a beautiful and natural look.
  2. Herbal compresses. The best way to relieve fatigue from the eyes, and accordingly make them visually larger, is the usual decoction of chamomile. You need to wipe your eyes every day with a cotton swab dipped in a decoction.

  1. Ice Cube. An excellent folk remedy that returns freshness and vigor to the skin around the eyes, which means it makes the look visually larger.

  1. Light massage. Fine palpation and circular movements around the eyes every day will make the skin elastic, which will have a wonderful effect on the appearance of your eyes as a whole.

  1. Gymnastics for the eyes. Special exercises will keep the eye muscles in good shape, which means making the look deeper and clearer. The simple exercise itself is to mentally draw a figure eight lying on its side with your eyes. A kind of infinity sign, first from right to left, and then from left to right. Such daily exercises will also help you improve your visual acuity as well.


You can also enlarge your eyes without surgery with the help of lenses. To date, a huge number of young girls use lenses not only to correct their vision, but also in cases where it is necessary to visually expand their gaze and make their eyes bigger without any makeup and surgical interventions. When choosing lenses that visually enlarge the eyes, their diameter is important. 14.5mm is the most suitable lens standard used by actresses and models for photography and videography. A diameter of 14.7 and above makes the eyes completely doll-like. Such lenses are no longer suitable for wearing, but for a short babydoll-style photoset, because you can wear such lenses for no more than 6 hours. Photo below.

Big eyes tend to make facial features more attractive. But what about those whom nature has not endowed with a similar appearance? In this case, cosmetics come to the rescue. How to perform makeup to visually enlarge the eyes with it - any girl can master a simple technique.

Minimum set of makeup tools:

Makeup products:

  • primer;
  • Foundation;
  • concealer;
  • powder;
  • corrective agent;
  • highlighter;
  • blush;
  • eyebrow products;
  • eyeshadow;
  • eyeliner / eyeliners;
  • ink.

A complete list of makeup products is completed by lip products - lipstick or gloss, depending on preference.

To prevent the shadows from rolling and gathering in the folds of the skin of the eyelids, professional makeup artists recommend using a base under the shadows. This tool will allow you to "keep" the shadows during the day in such a state as if they had just been applied. If such a tool is not in the home arsenal, it can be replaced with powder.

Basic Mistakes

Flaws in appearance with makeup can be corrected for both better and worse.

What to avoid:

How to prepare your face for makeup

In order for makeup to stay fresher longer and hold better throughout the day, the skin must be prepared for applying decorative cosmetics:

  1. The skin must be clean. Use tonic to remove dust and dirt particles. Being between the skin and the foundation layer, dust can cause irritation or inflammation.
  2. To cleanse the skin, an alcohol-free tonic is most suitable, which will not cause tightness and dryness.
  3. If the skin is dry, prone to peeling, it is advisable to make a mask with a weak scrubbing or exfoliating effect. A faster way to eliminate peeling is to use a moisturizer. In any case, in the process of preparing the face for makeup, it is necessary to moisturize the skin.
  4. Do not neglect the use of a base for foundation. This is especially true for those whose skin quickly becomes oily during the day. In this case, you need a base for makeup with a matte effect.
  5. A tired look can be eliminated with the help of a special base with a radiance effect.
  6. Eye cream is an insidious friend for a persistent make-up, as it gathers in small wrinkles, rolls and spoils the overall look. The under-eye product should be applied a little in advance and used with a non-greasy, fast-absorbing texture. After applying the cream or gel, you must wait until it is completely absorbed, remove the residue with a napkin.

Application rules

When applying shadows, it is important to correctly place accents. To achieve the goal, you need 2-3 colors.

The right combination and application of eye shadow:

The right combination

For blue and gray, color combinations are suitable:

  • silver / muted pink / graphite;
  • golden/bronze/dark brown;
  • ivory/sky blue/muted blue.

For green eyes color combinations:

  • muted yellow/brown with a gray tint;
  • gentle lilac tones / rich khaki;
  • light green/purple.

For brown eyes, a combination of colors:

  • beige/golden/dark chocolate;
  • delicate blue / emerald / bright blue;
  • light grey/walnut/black.

With a liner pencil

How to enlarge eyes with makeup using a contour pencil - there are 2 options:

1. To apply makeup, you need three colors:

  • white;
  • light (any color optional);
  • dark.
  • Draw the inside of the eye with a white pencil.
  • With a light pencil on the upper eyelid, draw an arrow along the lash line.
  • Draw the lower arrow with a dark shade. The line should be drawn thinner at the inner corner and slightly expanded towards the outer. In this case, you can not go to the visible mucous line of the eye, so as not to reduce the volume of the eyes.

2. For this method, you only need light and dark pencils.

  • With a light pencil, highlight the inner corner of the eye, shading it on the upper and lower eyelids to the middle of the eye.
  • With a dark pencil, draw a line from the middle to the edge of the upper eyelid. The line should be made thin, slightly above the height of the eyelashes.
  • On the lower eyelid, also draw an arrow from the middle to the edge of the eye, slightly thickening at the outer corner.

Having small eyes by nature, it is highly undesirable to make wide arrows from the beginning to the end of the century - this technique hides the volume of the eyes.

Light and dark tones will help to enlarge the eyes with makeup.

When applying makeup to enlarge the eyes, eyeliner should be used carefully. For small eyes, thin arrows are most suitable, with a short, slightly elongated “tail” at the outer corner of the eye. It is better not to draw long elongated arrows for such eyes, as they visually narrow the shape.

It is undesirable to use a black pencil if your eyes are naturally small. In some cases, it can be abandoned by applying dark shadows of a saturated color. Makeup will look more natural using a brown or blue contour pencil.

With the help of an eyeliner

  • To make it easier to draw an arrow with an eyeliner, it is first recommended to use a soft contour pencil, making a “sketch” of the future arrow. To do this, it is easy to draw a line without pressure, starting to draw it not from the beginning, but only on 2/3 of the eye.
  • After that, use the liner. With a liner brush, repeat the line drawn with a pencil.
  • On the outer corner, thicken the line slightly and bring it up a little.

Errors can be corrected with cotton swabs.

Types of arrows

Make-up: how to enlarge eyes with arrows, examples:

  1. Colored arrows. Draw with a pencil, dry shadows, soft shadows in a pencil or a colored liner.

Suitable colors:

2. "Cat's look."

You will need a soft pencil or liner.

  • You can use a sheet of paper folded in half, and then you can draw straight arrows in the corners of the eyes. Attach a piece of paper folded in half to the corner of the eye, directing the line up to the eyebrow - this will be the lower border of the arrow. After drawing the arrow along the eyelid, bring its end up, along the edge of the sheet, the even tip of the arrow is ready.
  • Preferring classic colors, black can be replaced with:
  • brown;
  • dark blue;
  • gray or smoky.
  • With a liner, draw a line from the beginning of eyelash growth to the outer corner of the eye.

3. Double or parallel lines are one way to add volume to small eyes.

  • Start the arrow on the upper eyelid from the middle of the eyelid, bring it to the outer edge and extend it slightly, slightly raising the tip of the arrow up.
  • The lower arrow originates from a point slightly receding from the inner corner, is drawn exactly along the line of hair growth. Its edge extends beyond the eye parallel to the top line. The tip of the lower arrow is made slightly shorter than the upper one.

Using the inner corner of the eyelid

How to enlarge the eyes with makeup using a light-colored kajal is not an easy task. c - a soft cosmetic pencil, which includes minerals.

For make-up you will need:

  • kajal (beige, silver);
  • primer;
  • beige and brown shades;
  • Eyeliner;
  • ink.

Step by step:

If the shape of the eyes is narrow

Required for work:

  • shades of natural shades, matte and with mother of pearl;
  • replace the liner with dark, brown or dark gray colors;
  • brown or dark blue ink;
  • eyelash curler.

Low or very wide eyebrows need to be corrected by plucking the hairs at the bottom of the hairline. Comb the eyebrows, shade the gaps between the hairs, using shadows that match the tone.

Step by step process of not wearing makeup:

  • Cover the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid with shadows of light edema.
  • Apply a medium-tone eyeshadow to the crease of the eyelid. Using shadows a tone darker, highlight the outer corner of the eye, blend up, towards the temple. Shadows with mother-of-pearl cover the middle part of the moving eyelid.
  • Draw arrows with a pointed eyeliner brush, typing dark shadows on it. Stepping back a little from the corner of the eye, draw an arrow, bringing its edge up to the temple.
  • Dip your finger in matte shadows, blend the borders.
  • Lighten the inner corner of the eye with pearlescent shadows.
  • Curl eyelashes and apply mascara. Pay attention to the hairs at the edges of the eyes, they need to be painted over 2-3 times.

With deep-set eyes

How to enlarge eyes with makeup if they are deep set - step by step instructions:


  • primer;
  • shadows with glitter;
  • matte shadows of the same color, different tones;
  • liquid eyeliner;
  • ink.

Detailed process:

  1. Cover the entire upper eyelid with a primer.
  2. Bring the lower eyelid with shadows of a medium tone. The fold of the eyelid, starting from the middle part, is highlighted with shadows of the same color, moving to the outer edge.
  3. On the outer corner of the eyelid, connect the lines drawn by the shadows. Cover the corner with dark shadows.
  4. Apply light shadows to the space from the inner corner of the eye to dark shadows. With the help of shading, make a magical transition between colors.
  5. Carefully paint over the eyelashes, paying attention to the eyelashes growing on the outer edge of the eye. Apply mascara on them, pulling the brush to the side to the temple, as if stretching. The lower eyelashes are also good to paint over, but only on the corner of the eye.
  6. To add volume to the eyelashes on the outer edge of the eyelid, use false eyelashes - bunches. Stick them on and curl them.

Round form

The emphasis in this case is on the outer corner of the eyelid. In order not to make the eyes even more rounded, you should not pluck your eyebrows too much, make them thin and high.
Instead of a liner for drawing arrows, use a brown or blue pencil.

For work you will need:

  • base or light powder;
  • light shadows,
  • dark shadows;
  • contour pencil;
  • beige kayal;
  • mascara with villi that significantly lengthens the eyelashes.

How to enlarge eyes with makeup - a detailed description for owners of round eyes:

An excellent solution for round eyes would be smokey makeup.

To work, you will need shades of three colors - light (beige or gray) graphite and black, as well as:

  • light powder or primer;
  • black mineral eyeliner pencil;
  • black lengthening mascara.

Step technology:

  1. First, lighten the skin of the eyelids with light powder.
  2. With a mineral pencil, draw a wide arrow, stretching it out on the outer edge, blend with a felt pencil or applicator.
  3. Apply black shadows to the crease of the eyelid, blend with fingertips.
  4. Graphite shadows cover the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe eyelid located above the crease. The color should be applied mostly to the outer corner and stretch it to the temple, thus lengthening the eye. Highlight the lower eyelid with the same color. On the visible mucous membrane of the eyelid, draw a black arrow from the middle to the edge. This technique is acceptable with small eyes of this shape.
  5. Cover the inside of the upper eyelid with light shadows, blending the colors well.
  6. Top lashes are thickly painted with black mascara. The underside should not be painted.

With the impending century

Makeup artist tips for eyes with an overhanging or “falling” eyelid:

  • Apply dark shades slightly above the crease of the eyelid. Perform this step with your eyes open. Light or mother-of-pearl shadows (with a shimmer) are applied to the moving eyelid.
  • Do not use shadows with glitter or mother-of-pearl in the crease of the eyelid - glitter in this area will steal the volume of the eyes.
  • No need to abandon the liner or contour pencils, fearing that the eyeliner will aggravate the flaw.

Step-by-step instruction:

The meaning of eyelashes

In order for the eyes to be more open and expressive, it is worth making it a rule to curl the eyelashes with special forceps. Naturally light eyelashes, like eyebrows, can be tinted. So dark eyelashes will look more voluminous.

For eyelash extensions, it is better to give preference to bundles. With their help, it will be possible to “stretch” the corner of the eye. Eyelashes on a tape, long and fluffy, on the contrary, are not suitable for small eyes.

Eyebrow correction

The shape and color of the eyebrows can significantly affect the overall makeup. Painting with henna or special paint will make them bright and clearly defined.

You can raise your eyebrows by removing excess vegetation on the bridge of your nose and the fixed part of the eyelid under the eyebrow. A simple technique, like lightening the skin under the eyebrow, adds volume to the eyes.

Colored and groomed eyebrows look thicker. The gaps between the hairs can be shaded with a special eyebrow pencil or shadows to match the hair. Modern makeup can work wonders, you need to make a little effort. A woman should not be upset if her eyes are not very large and her eyelashes are not long enough.

You can enlarge your eyes and make them expressive, just with the help of decorative cosmetics.

Article formatting: Mila Fridan

Video on how to make eyes bigger with makeup

How to enlarge eyes with makeup:

How to enlarge eyes:

Is it possible to visually make the eyes bigger?

If you are the owner of small eyes and really want to enlarge them, you should not resort to radical methods. You can visually enlarge your eyes with the help of the right makeup technique. This can be done in a variety of ways, using makeup products such as shadow, mascara and contour pencil and correcting the shape of the eyebrows. But, as with anything, the key is moderation. You should not get carried away too much, because otherwise, instead of a beautiful woman with big eyes, a rather vulgar lady will look at you from the mirror. - .

How to do it with shadows?

You can visually increase the size of the eyes with the help of matte shadows, which must be applied to the outer part, thereby lengthening the eye towards the temple. In this case, it is not necessary to cover the moving eyelid with shadows, and shadows of light shades should be applied to the space under the eyebrows. Eyelashes must be black. Small and deep-set eyes will help enhance light (pearl) shadows. Darken the space under the eyebrows, slightly softening the transition, with matte shadows.

How to make eyes bigger with mascara?

To visually enlarge small eyes, curling or lengthening mascara, which should have a rich black color, will help. If you cannot be attributed to lovers of this shade, take a dark brown brasmatik.

Using a special eyelash tinting technique, you can visually change the shape of the eyelids. The emphasis on the central part of the cilia will help to round the eyes. If you want your eyes to become almond-shaped, pay more attention to the hairs of the outer corner: apply mascara to this part of the eyelashes in several layers.

In addition, stylists use the following method to visually increase the size of the eyes - it is recommended to apply mascara only on the upper eyelashes. Under the lower ones, it is worth drawing a thin line of shadows of a light shade.

How to make eyes bigger with a pencil?

First you need to choose the right pencil color. It should be lighter than black and finely sharpened. With this pencil, it will not be difficult for you to draw a thin line at the very base of the eyelashes from above. You can apply both a continuous line and draw strokes, which can then be shaded to form a “haze”.

You can not draw a line beyond the growth of eyelashes. This will only reduce the size of your eyes.

If a line is drawn on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, then the size of the eye will also increase. Instead of white, you can use a light gray, silver or flesh-colored pencil.

How can color help make eyes stand out?

The selection of shades in cosmetics is also very important. The very first condition for increasing the size of the eyes with the help of shadows is the correct selection of tone. It should be in harmony with the color of the eyes. Only in this case success is guaranteed to you. For blue eyes, it is recommended to use gray mascara, for brown eyes - bronze, gray, purple and brown.

If you learn how to correctly apply the listed principles of makeup in practice, none of those around you will guess that by nature you are the owner of small eyes.

Big eyes are considered one of the standards of beauty, and in some cultures there is a belief that the eyes are a mirror through which the soul is reflected. Sometimes you want, at least for a short time, to acquire a charming look, without resorting to expensive operations to increase them. There are several painless and simple ways that will help the owners of medium and narrow eyes to expand them, and large ones, on the contrary, to emphasize, making them more expressive.

The methods are simple enough to resort to at home, but not durable. Accordingly, procedures must be performed regularly.

  1. Makeup for the eyes.
  2. Skin care.
  3. Magnifying contact lenses.
  4. Special glue.
  5. Facebook building or facial muscle training.

Eye makeup

How to enlarge your eyes? The look can be increased visually by cosmetics. There are several options that can be used independently or safely combined with each other. Little makeup tricks can change the shape of the eyes, making them bright and expressive.

It is important to choose the right base. To even out skin tone, use a makeup base, concealer, powder, BB cream, blush, which will also help hide natural skin imperfections.

Features of applying shadows

Properly applied shadows are the key to big beautiful eyes:

  • light shades emphasize and highlight the areas to which they were applied, while dark ones hide and reduce;
  • convex zones are covered with dark shadows and shaded, and sunken ones are light. The main feature of any beautiful makeup is the correct transition from one shade of shadows to another.

Usually, for a magnifying effect, light shadows are applied closer to the inner corners, while dark ones are applied to the outer ones. In this case, the transition should be smooth and imperceptible. To get this effect, you need to be able to shade the shadows correctly.

The second way to use shadows is to apply a light, shiny shade to the area under the eyebrow. Thus, the effect of open eyelids will be obtained, although the method is more suitable for evening than everyday use.

Pencil or eyeliner

As a standard, dark colors are used when summing up the eyelids: dark brown and black. So that the eyes do not seem narrow, the lines should be thin, and the eyeliner should lie only on the upper eyelid and along the very edge of the eyelashes.

Note! In stage make-up, to achieve the effect of large eyes, a method is often used when the eyeliner is applied just below the lash line.

At the inner corner of the eye, the line should be thin, and expand towards the edge. In addition, moving the arrow beyond the contour of the eyelid will change its shape and visually stretch it. You need to be very careful with the arrows, as in some cases they, on the contrary, visually narrow.

The second option is a narrow beginning of the line, a smooth expansion towards the middle of the eye and a narrowing towards its edge. Eyeliner should be thin, unobtrusive, and at the same time, quite noticeable.

For an additional effect of enlarging the eyes, you can use a light pencil. It can be either white or any other pale variant, combined with shadows.

The color is applied to the lower eyelid above the lash line, slightly going beyond the borders of the eye along the edges.

In order for the pencil eyeliner to be combined with the superimposed shadows, its contours need to be slightly shaded and made softer.


Mascara should have the characteristics of lengthening the eyelashes and increasing volume. It is applied starting from the lash line on the upper eyelid, with the brush tilted towards the outer edge. The inner corner of the eyes can not be tinted, so as not to get the opposite effect. The layer should be even, and after application it is necessary to comb and twist the eyelashes, trying to direct the eyelashes from the outer part of the eye to the temples.

Lower eyelashes must be painted very carefully. One thin layer of mascara will be enough to shade the eyes.

Note! If your eyes cannot boast of lush natural eyelashes even with mascara, you can use false options or build them up.


Eyebrows play an important role in the correction of facial features. They must have the correct shape, and also be touched up if they are too light in themselves. Thick eyebrows, close to each other on the bridge of the nose or highlighted in black, will make the look harsh, sharp and repulsive.

Eyebrows set high from the eyes will help visually enlarge the eyes, but a thin thread of eyebrows will look ugly and old-fashioned, so you need to find a balance.

You can also increase the look by applying a light tone along the lower eyebrow growth line.

Skin care

How to quietly increase the eyes? The answer is very simple. The size of the eyes and the breadth of the gaze is affected by the condition of the skin. Puffiness of the eyelids, bruises under the eyes, swelling and redness will negatively affect the appearance and visually reduce the look. The reason may be:

  • stress;
  • long stay in front of the computer and eye strain;
  • allergies;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of sleep.

There are several ways to eliminate negative consequences.

So, swelling due to stress and lack of sleep is removed with the help of massage and special essential oils. If oil is not available, regular ice or frozen herbal tincture and tea compresses will do.

If the cause is cosmetics or any other allergy, then it is necessary to stop using makeup products, consult an allergist who will prescribe appropriate medications. Eliminating the cause of the allergic reaction will also help.

In case of eye fatigue due to overexertion and prolonged use of computers, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist who will help you choose the best eye drops.

It is worth paying attention to the correct position for sleeping, abandoning the abuse of alcohol and drinking a minimum amount of water before bedtime.

An additional means of improving the condition of the skin and strengthening it is the use of special face masks and creams with a rejuvenating and tightening effect.

Magnifying contact lenses

Great for people with all levels of vision. There are tinted lenses that completely cover the color of the eyes, transparent, with UV protection.

Note! Magnifying lenses from many brands are not meant to be read or worn for long periods of time. It is necessary to consult with specialists in advance and choose lenses that are suitable for curvature and size so as not to damage the eye.

Magnifying lenses are wider than usual, due to which they cover not only the iris, but also part of the sclera. Such lenses are called scleral lenses, and they enlarge the eye itself. Ordinary lenses can also cover and enlarge the iris. In addition, the lenses have several diameters, from a barely noticeable increase to a large one, due to which the eyes will appear larger, acquiring a puppet effect.

By purchasing colored lenses or with a pattern, you can not only enlarge your eyes, but also change their color. There are many shades that will block even the darkest iris. This applies primarily to Korean manufacturers who create lenses specifically for blocking black eyes. Thus, by purchasing several pairs of lenses, you can vary your own image depending on the occasion and mood.

Interesting to know! If you do not know how to enlarge the eyes of a man, then use this method or gymnastics for the eyes.

It must be remembered that the use of any lenses for a long time can damage the eyes. At a minimum, it is necessary to use moisturizing drops and good cosmetics that will not crumble.

Special glue

In the East (this is Japan, South Korea, China), where people naturally have narrow eyes, glue was created to give them an enlargement effect. Usually people with an Asian type of appearance or who have narrow eyes use this method. But even the owners of ordinary European facial features can resort to it by experimenting and choosing a convenient option.

For this procedure, you will need eyelid glue itself and a special slingshot stick, with which a crease is formed on the eyelid. First, it is tried on and a crease is created with a stick, then glue is applied to the upper eyelid and the crease is adjusted again until the desired effect is achieved.

The second similar option, how to enlarge the eyes without surgery, is to use adhesive strips and a slingshot stick in the same way.

Note! The procedure itself can be unpleasant, as well as all the time while the glue is on the eyelid.

Facebook building - how to enlarge your eyes with exercise

This is a set of exercises or, as it is also called, gymnastics to enlarge the eyes, aimed at tightening and smoothing the skin, rejuvenating the face, giving it the necessary shape. Exercises must be performed regularly, at least once a day, and for a long time to get the desired result.

Exercise #1

Put the middle fingers between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. The index fingers are placed at the outer corners of the eyes. The gaze should be directed towards the top of the head.

Strongly squint the lower eyelid up, while you should feel how the muscle beats on the outside of the eye. After that, while holding the squint, it is necessary to tightly squeeze the eyelids and tighten the buttocks, count to forty and relax.

It is important to press on the skin between the eyebrows so that wrinkles and folds do not form.

Exercise #2

Raise the upper eyelid as much as possible, opening the eyes, while the eyebrows should not rise, and wrinkles should form on the forehead. Do the exercise several times in a row, keep your eyes open for at least 10 seconds.

The combination of several methods will allow you to create a unique look that can become both an everyday option and an evening one.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger - the question is important for girls who naturally have small, drooping or narrow eyes.

Resources and tools you will need

Eye make-up is very popular among women.. In order to make the eyes beautiful, one has to resort to different methods in order to correct this deficiency. For example, the correct make-up. Knowing the technique of this make-up with the help of decorative cosmetics, such a flaw can be corrected and transform oneself beyond recognition.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger, you will learn from our article.


  • concealer, base;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • black and white pencil;
  • eyeliner or liner;
  • curling black mascara.

Eye Makeup Tools:

  • a set of brushes (eyeshadow brush, angled eyeliner brush, flat blending brush).

Preparation of the skin of the eyelids

Beauticians advise to properly prepare the skin of the eyelids before applying makeup. To do this, cleanse the skin with special means or wipe the eyes with a damp cloth that does not contain alcohol in the composition. Do not apply moisturizers because makeup will not last.

Covering wrinkles and dark circles with concealer

To mask bruises under the eyes, fine wrinkles and uneven skin around the eyes, a concealer will help, which is selected in accordance with the skin tone. It will hide imperfections and give the skin of the eyelids a healthy look.

To completely hide dark circles under the eyes It is important to apply concealer correctly, for this you need to know a few tricks:

  • if you shade the concealer fingertips, then they must be warm, because this moment affects the desired effect;
  • the agent is applied in small portions and small strokes so that there is no excess and does not aggravate wrinkles;
  • concealer is applied, as if drawing a triangle. This scheme allows you to remove dark bruises under the eyes and brighten the skin as much as possible.

The area under the eyes should be powdered with transparent powder. This will help to avoid smearing the shadows and not spoil the makeup.

If the shadows crumble, you can simply brush them away with the powder with a large brush.

Tidy up your eyebrows

How to make makeup to make your eyes look bigger, you can use a special technique, but if the eyebrows are not in order, then the image will be unfinished. Eyebrow makeup is a separate topic. Eyebrow shape changes the face, look and overall appearance of a woman.

It is important to know! To determine your individual eyebrow shape, you need to contact a beautician so as not to get the opposite effect, and then you can independently maintain the eyebrow shape correctly selected by a specialist.

The simplest eyebrow makeup tool is a special pencil.

Usually its color is chosen a tone lighter than its own eyebrow color:

  • you need to draw the future shape of the eyebrow with a slight movement, without pressure;
  • draw with small strokes, as if hairs - this will help create the effect of thick eyebrows and fill in the previously drawn shape;

With the help of shadows, you can also give the eyebrows the desired color and make them more clear and visible, especially if they are light and sparse.

Eyeshadow colors can be mixed to match the color of the eyebrows as closely as possible:

  • outline the contours of the eyebrows with a pencil;
  • apply shadows with a special beveled brush, but not too bright to look natural;
  • blend them with a special brush.

Drawing the contour of the eyes with a pencil

With the help of a pencil, you can change the shape of the eyes, emphasize it, make the image more spectacular.

The line can be made any, thin, wide, transparent or clearer. There are no hard and fast rules in pencil technique. You can use a pencil of any color and texture, matte and glitter.

Contour drawing:

  1. To make up, in order to make the eyes appear larger, outline the mucous part of the eyes along the lower eyelid with a white pencil. This will freshen up the look.
  2. Line the lower eyelid with a black pencil, slightly shade.
  3. On the upper eyelid, you can draw a thin outline and add soft arrows, thereby making the eyes visually wider.

Arrows can be made double and multi-colored, one line on top of the other.

Don't Forget the Arrows

Makeup with arrows makes the image more attractive and stylish. The arrows can be elegant and thin, or they can be intense and wide, regular and double, colored, feathered, etc.

To draw arrows, you can take a pencil, eyeliner or a special marker.


Important to remember! The arrows are drawn symmetrically to each other.

Apply shadows

Before you use eye shadow, you need to choose the right colors for them. They can be chosen according to skin type, eye and hair color. In eyeshadow palettes, they are usually selected in a palette of one color scheme.

Professional makeup artists advise using shades of the same shade.

When the color is chosen, you need to place an accent. Light colors are applied under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eye, a darker color is applied to the middle and shaded so that there are no obvious boundaries.

Evening makeup or brighter daytime makeup can be diversified with colored shadows.

Mascara with curling effect

Mascara is the final step in eye makeup. It completes the look and highlights the lashes.

How to make up your eyes with mascara so that your eyes look big, and the look is more open and expressive. You need a mascara with a curling effect. Its special curved brush evenly coats lashes and curls them.

Professional makeup artists advise not to open your eyes wide when staining, but to cover them, slightly stretching the skin of the upper eyelids with your fingers. In this case, it turns out that the brush will press from below on the cilia and they will acquire a curl and be well painted over at the same time.

To make the makeup seem complete, the lower eyelashes also need to be slightly tinted.

Features of eye enlargement in specific cases

With the help of makeup, even very narrow eyes can be enlarged. In this technique, the main thing is to “open your eyes”.

How to enlarge narrow eyes

The contour is drawn, retreating from the lash line in order to visually expand the eyes. Draw the lower eyelid too, the lines along the upper eyelid should be symmetrical to each other. The drawn outline can be slightly shaded. To hide the gap between the line and the eyelashes, shadows are applied. No need to thickly paint your eyes with shadows, you can overdo it, and you get the opposite effect.

Makeup for deep-set eyes

Such makeup has its own characteristics in application. The main thing in it is a light shade of shadows. Eyelashes are painted with black mascara, and shadows and contour pencil should be white.

Light shadows are applied to the entire eyelid and up to the eyebrow line. Under the eyebrow, shadows of a medium shade are applied. Bulk mascara should be applied in several layers.

round eye enlargement technique

  1. With a contour pencil, draw along the upper eyelid from the middle of the eyelid, then draw a line beyond the crease.
  2. Blend the contour and apply dark shadows all over the eyelid.
  3. In this technique, you should paint the eyelashes with lengthening mascara. It is important to remember that eyelashes at the edges of the eyes must be painted over most carefully in order to achieve the effect of lengthening the shape of the eye and its increase.

Features of makeup to increase brown eyes

Makeup for the impending century

Interesting fact! Professional makeup artists believe that the problem of how to make makeup so that the eyes appear larger if there are hanging eyelids is not a problem.

And with the help of the right technique for applying makeup, you can turn this disadvantage into a virtue:

  1. It is important to shape the eyebrows. They should be neat and thin, because thick and voluminous eyebrows will aggravate the situation.
  2. Use concealer to hide dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. This will give more volume and freshness.
  3. The base is applied.
  4. Shadows are used in several colors that are combined with each other.
  5. Matte shades of dark shades are applied along the entire edge of the impending eyelid, as if drawing a fold. Shadows of a lighter shade (golden, shimmering) are applied to the eyelids in the middle of the eyeball to enhance the visual volume.
  6. The border between the transition of different shades of shadows needs to be shaded. The outer corners of the eyes should be painted in a darker color.
  7. Outline the mucous membrane of the upper and lower eyelids with a black contour pencil. Blend the lines so that they are slightly longer than the actual shape of the eyes. Fix the outline with shadows using a brush.
  8. Lighten the inner corners of the eyes and the space under the eyebrows.
  9. Paint over eyelashes with several layers of mascara. You can stick false eyelashes, this will give an even greater effect.

Secrets of professional makeup artists

There are several secrets in the technique of eye makeup to visually make them bigger and more expressive:

  • On the lower eyelids along the mucous and the contour is applied with a white pencil, and along the eyelid, apply the contour with a black or dark brown pencil. Also apply on the lower eyelids according to the color of the shadow, a tone darker than those with which the movable eyelid is painted over.
  • Make up your eyes in order for them to appear more you need dark matte shadows. To do this, draw an arrow that extends beyond the eyes. This will give the eyes a perfect almond shape and lengthen them.
  • Eyebrows should be raised. It is important not only to pluck them and give them a shape, but also to make an accent with light shadows.
  • Arrows are drawn thin having a bend upwards, or slightly shaded. They should be drawn only on the upper eyelid.

It is possible to make the eyes bigger with the help of decorative cosmetics, owning special makeup techniques. It's easy to learn them. The main thing is to follow the advice of professional makeup artists and cosmetologists. Any lack of appearance can be turned into a virtue.

Useful video on how to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger:

How to make eyes bigger. How to hide the overhang of the century: