Your personal Golden Ring: how to choose the appropriate route through ancient cities. Golden Ring: budget travel for lovers of native antiquity Day four "Yaroslavl - Rostov"

Choice of colors

Traveling along the Golden Ring of Russia is a traditional choice for those who have limited leisure time or are just getting into driving tourism. But despite the short route, by the standards of avid autotourists, there will be a lot of impressions. After all, you will have to visit the ancient and most beautiful cities of Russia, each of which has preserved cultural monuments of Ancient Rus'.

The Golden Ring is formed by eight cities: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. To appreciate the sights of each of them without fuss and rush, it will take about 14 days. If the vacation is short, you can do it in 7 days. But in this case, you will have to spend less than one day for sightseeing in each city. The starting point of the route will be Moscow.

There is no need to stock up on fuel. The cost of gasoline along the entire route is equal to capital prices, but it is better to refuel your car at proven gas stations, for example, those of the Rosneft company.

Check the technical condition of the car in advance. In the small towns of the Golden Ring you will, of course, find car repair shops. But there is a possibility that their employees may not be able to cope with complex repairs.

First point of the route: Sergiev Posad

From Belokamennaya we go to Sergiev Posad. Distance – 75 kilometers, estimated travel time – 1 hour 12 minutes. But this is a calculation of traffic without the traditional congestion in the Moscow region. Tourists will find a well-paved road with several lanes.

Sights of Sergiev Posad

The most popular attraction in Sergiev Posad is the Trinity Lavra of Sergius - the largest Orthodox monastery in Russia. It is worth seeing the Chernigov Temple, under which there is a cave church built in 1851.

There are many interesting sights around Sergiev Posad. For example, the famous Abramtsevo estate is located 15 kilometers away. 14 kilometers from the city, near the village of Vzglyadnevo, there is a Gremyachiy waterfall, flowing from a height of 25 meters. Its water is believed to have healing properties. Its temperature does not change all year round and even in cold weather is 6 degrees above zero. But you can drive to the waterfall only in the dry season. After rains the road gets into bad condition.

Tourists may also be interested in the Hermitage of the Holy Spirit of the Paraclete, located 6 kilometers from the monastery. Several ancient wooden monastic cells, a stone temple and a bell tower from the late 19th century have been preserved in the desert. And be sure to visit the village of Deulino, where a truce agreement between Russia and Poland was signed in 1618.

Service Sergiev Posad

There are more than 20 hotels, private and monastic, in Sergiev Posad. The average cost of a room is 1,800 rubles. Shops and cafes - for every taste and income.

Second point of the route: Pereslavl-Zalessky

From Sergiev Posad the path lies to the second city of the Golden Ring - Pereslavl-Zalessky. The distance is 75 kilometers. The GPS navigator will be wrong if it assumes that you will complete the journey in 1 hour 5 minutes. And all because of the bad roads surrounding Pereslavl-Zalessky. For example, the opinion of autotourist Nikita Tyurin is as follows: “Patch on patch and patch on patch. The Pereslavl-Zalessky ring road is a quiet horror: the ruts are so great that it seems that the car will drive like on a railroad if you let go of the steering wheel.”

Sights of Pereslavl-Zalessky

In the homeland of Alexander Nevsky, road travelers will have to carefully plan their time in order to have time to see all the sights of the city. Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for its many cathedrals and monasteries (Savior Transfiguration Cathedral, as well as Nikitsky, Holy Trinity Danilov, Feodorovsky, Nikolsky, Nikolo-Solbinsky and Goritsky monasteries). There are also three holy springs here: Varvarin, Nikitsky and St. Anthony and Theodosius of the Kiev-Pechersk. There are several active monasteries in the city, which can be visited daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. The museum-estate “Boat of Peter I” is popular. It is interesting to see the famous Blue Stone, which lies on the shore of Lake Pleshcheevo. There are many legends associated with this huge boulder. According to geologists, the stone was once dragged by a glacier.

And 28 films were shot in Pereslavl-Zalessky, the most famous of which are “Boomer”, “The Orphan of Kazan” and “The Thief”. With the help of guides, you can visit the streets where the filming took place.

When planning a visit to Pereslavl-Zalessky, you must take into account that in the summer various events are held here: June 1 - the “Visiting Berendey” festival, June 12 - Russia Day and City Day, in July - the Balloon Festival, in August - the Art Song Festival. During festivals there will be many more tourists in the city than on normal days, which means there may be difficulties with hotel bookings and traffic on the roads.

Pereslavl-Zalessky service

There are more than 15 hotels in the city, among which mini-hotels predominate. The average cost of a room is 2,300 rubles. You won’t go hungry in Pereslavl-Zalessky; there are many cafes, restaurants and pizzerias.

Third point of the route: Rostov Veliky

The distance between Pereslavl-Zalessky and Rostov is 66 kilometers. According to the most optimistic estimates, it can be overcome in 60 minutes. But the reality is that bad roads will cause travel times to increase somewhat.

Experienced autotourists advise checking a map or GPS navigator, since, according to Nikita Tyurin, “the signs showing how much time is left to certain cities seem to be frozen in one place. For example, there is a sign - 134 km to the city, we drive 20-25 kilometers, another sign shows 130 km. And there is such confusion about the mileage to Rostov the Great.” One of the advantages of driving on the highway is the absence of traffic jams; the disadvantages are a large number of traffic police “ambushes” and broken roads in the city and its approaches.

Sights of Rostov Veliky

Excursions in Rostov the Great can take you for several days, the history of this city is so rich. Therefore, you will have to choose the most interesting. For example, a tour of the Rostov Kremlin, where the comedy “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession” was filmed. Be sure to visit the Sarskoye settlement, where the hero Alyosha Popovich lived in the 13th century. Take a look at the village of Godenovo, where the Life-Giving Cross is installed. It is believed that he is capable of performing miracles. It is very popular to explore the city from the viewing platforms of the monastery towers or from the side of the ancient Russian boat from Lake Nero.

Rostov Veliky service

There are more than 15 hotels in the city. The average cost of a room is 600 rubles. Car travelers Pavel and Svetlana Martynenko advise staying in a mini-hotel located on the territory of the Kremlin. In their opinion, this is “a very unusual hotel - the former metropolitan chambers. The downside is the “convenience” in the hallway. One of the advantages of living on the territory of the Kremlin is the opportunity to explore all its nooks and crannies after 17:00 in the evening, when the visit ends.”

In Rostov the Great there are more than 20 hospitable places where you can have a snack. There are no large supermarkets, but small shops have a decent range of goods.

Fourth point of the route: Yaroslavl

The distance between Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl is 57 kilometers. Get ready for the fact that there will be many “ambushes” with traffic police inspectors in this area. Observe the speed limit, as there may be numerous hidden video cameras recording violations.

Sights of Yaroslavl

The city has a huge number of Orthodox monasteries and churches. The most popular excursion is to the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, famous for the fact that the headquarters of Minin and Pozharsky were located on its territory. Another pride of Yaroslavl is the Vasilyevskaya Tower, built in the 17th century. You can admire the frescoes in the Church of Elijah the Prophet, and appreciate the collection of bells and bells in the private museum “Music and Time”. Travelers with children will be interested in the Bear monument and the “My Favorite Bear” museum, which contains toys made of plush, wood, porcelain, metal and straw. Kids will also love the children's railway, which is almost 3.5 kilometers long.

According to autotourist Yulia Gallyamova, “Yaroslavl is a relaxing city. There is grass, pine trees, houses everywhere and no honking cars or crowded roads.” Julia advises road travelers to look into folklore-themed shops, look at the first Russian theater, and try delicious Yaroslavl bread and baked goods.

Yaroslavl service

There are more than 25 hotels in the city. The average cost of a room is 1,800 rubles. Those planning to visit Yaroslavl at the beginning of July should take care of booking a room in advance: on July 6, the city will host the “Night of Ivan Kupala” holiday. Presumably, it will attract a large number of tourists to Yaroslavl. There are many establishments in the city that offer Russian cuisine.

Fifth point of the route: Kostroma

And Kostroma is already ahead - from Yaroslavl it is only 86 kilometers.

Sights of Kostroma

Kostroma is a quiet, calm and cozy city. Visit the Ipatiev Monastery, founded in 1330, a monument to a dog, the Snow Maiden's tower, a museum of wooden architecture, a museum of flax and birch bark. Auto traveler Alexander Vidov advises not only to take a photo next to the dog monument, but also to be sure to touch its nose. It is believed that this will bring good luck.

Service Kostroma

There are almost 40 hotels in the city. The average cost of a room is 1,800 rubles per day. In cafes and restaurants, tourists should not rely on low provincial prices. According to many tourists, the cost of food in Kostroma is comparable to that in Moscow. There is no shortage of minimarkets in the city.

Route 6: Ivanovo

The journey to the weavers' city is 106 kilometers. If the quality of the road allows, this distance can be covered in an hour and a half. However, motorists warn that Ivanovo traffic police officers are particularly interested in drivers from other regions. Therefore, be vigilant and follow traffic rules.

Sights of Ivanovo

Ivanovo is a small town. Most likely, you will not spend much time there, since there are relatively few attractions of interest to tourists. But you won’t leave without photographs as souvenirs, because in Ivanovo there is a unique house-ship. This unusual building was built in 1930, and it really looks like a sea vessel. In the city center you will find the Vvedensky Women's Orthodox Monastery - an architectural monument of the early 20th century. And even if you are far from the world of fashion, take a look at the Ivanovo Calico Museum. It houses a unique textile collection of half a million items.

Service Ivanovo

There are more than 15 hotels and mini-hotels in the city. The average cost of a room is 1,200 rubles. In any district of Ivanovo, travelers can easily find cafes and grocery stores.

Seventh point of the route: Suzdal

Suzdal is separated from Ivanovo by 78 kilometers. The next city on the route is called the pearl of the Golden Ring of Russia. The high interest of tourists in Suzdal is due to a large number of “ambushes” by traffic police inspectors.

Sights of Suzdal

There are many churches in the city, built in a manner characteristic of Suzdal. It is worth visiting the Intercession and Spaso-Evfimiev monasteries, as well as the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which are part of the ensemble of the Suzdal Kremlin. The Golden Pantry and the Suzdal Prison Museum will be interesting. Autotourist Vladimir Miroshnikov recommends listening to the bell ringing (sounds every hour) and choral singing inside the cathedral. And be sure to include in your cultural program a museum of wooden architecture, where you will see a church, a wealthy gentleman’s house, a poor peasant’s house, a couple of mills, a well, a barn and rural houses.

Suzdal service

The city is characterized by price fluctuations between weekends and weekdays. Please note: on weekdays you can save up to 50% of the cost of accommodation. And on holidays (not only official, but also local) hotel prices can be increased by 30–50%. The average cost of a room is 1,800 rubles per day.

There are a lot of mini-hotels in Suzdal. There are cafes and restaurants almost everywhere.

Eighth point of the route: Vladimir

The journey along the Golden Ring ends with the city of Vladimir. It is separated from Suzdal by 35 kilometers. Drivers will find an excellent road with high-quality surfaces.

Sights of Vladimir

In the 12th century, the Golden Gate was erected at the entrance to Vladimir, which has survived to this day. Entering the city through them is considered a lucky omen. Popular among tourists in Vladimir are the Trading Rows, Cathedral Square, the Nativity Monastery, Kozlov Val and the water tower, on top of which there is an observation deck. Don’t forget to take a photo at the monument to the 850th anniversary of Vladimir - the pyramid with three heroes. Inspect the central cathedral of Vladimir - the Assumption. It preserves icons painted by Andrei Rublev.

Vladimir is a big city. Every auto traveler will find something close to their soul in it, so this point on the route is worth spending more time on. You may even have to stay an extra day.

Vladimir's service

There are many hotels and mini-hotels in the city. There will be no problems with accommodation even during the seasonal influx of tourists. True, this may affect the cost of living. There are a lot of cafes, restaurants, and supermarkets in Vladimir.

It's time to go home!

Well, the journey around the Golden Ring of Russia has come to an end. The final point of the route, Moscow, is 190 kilometers away. If you are lucky enough to travel this distance without traffic jams, after 2.5 hours you can already download photos to your computer and remember how great it was during the trip!

We thank Vladimir Miroshnikov, Alexander Vidov, Yulia Gallyamova, Nikita Tyurin, Pavel and Svetlana Martynenko for their help in preparing the material.

8 chosen

The Golden Ring of Russia is the history and soul of our country. Why do we so often pass by this beauty? Moscow, Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Sergiev Posad are the historical centers of Russia. Thousands of tourists from abroad come here to get acquainted with our country and be amazed at the beauty of its nature, to see the golden domes of our churches, works of Russian masters of applied art, to see living Russia. Why should we go?

If you have a few free days and are faced with choosing a route for a short trip, the most unmistakable choice would be a trip along the Golden Ring. Living history, Russian architecture and carefully preserved traditions - that’s why you should choose this particular direction, but that’s not all! Everyone will find something special for themselves in each of the cities included in the Golden Ring.

Russian churches, monasteries, holy places - where else can you rest your soul, leave all the bad things behind, clear your thoughts? The architectural ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery in Rostov the Great, the Murom Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal - this is only the very beginning of the list of holy places of Rus' located along the Golden Ring.

Perhaps you will be able to see historical reconstructions of various historical events of Russian history, and if you are a passionate person, then take part in them. How can you not appreciate the delicious dishes of Russian cuisine, prepared according to ancient recipes from the best ingredients. An amazing tasting awaits you in Kostroma - here you can try elk milk, the wide floods of the Volga will delight fishing lovers with a catch of pike and vendace, you can wander through blueberry and mushroom meadows. This is where lovers of good cuisine and agritourists(there is also such a new direction). The most interesting excursions to historical places and museums of the cities of the ring await history lovers, Lake Pleshcheyevo - those who prefer active recreation, and those who are keen on painting the fabulous beauty of views of Plyos, where Levitan painted Russian nature.

During the trip, you can not only watch and listen, you can touch history and Slavic art yourself, but also try yourself in ancient Russian crafts.

Zagorsk nesting dolls and Bogorodsk toys, Rostov enamel, Gusev crystal, Yaroslavl majolica, Vladimir forging - in what other country can you find so many beautiful and amazing souvenirs? You can even try your hand at playing the harp at the Guslar School or take a master class in defense against evil spirits. The most amazing museums in the world are right here - on the Golden Ring: in Uglich, the Museum of Myths and Superstitions of the Russian People is adjacent to the Museum of the History of Russian Vodka and the Museum of Prison Art, the Crystal Museum in Gus-Khrustalny and the Museum of Enamel in Rostov the Great, the Iron Museum in Pereyaslavl-Zalessky , Museum of Flax and Birch Bark and Museum of the Working Horse in Kostroma.

Festivals and fairs dedicated to Orthodox and ancient Slavic holidays are constantly held along the route of the Golden Ring. Driving through its cities at one time of the year, at another you will see everything in a different light, but it is in autumn that the nature of the Golden Ring plays with its brightest colors.

The Golden Ring is the most popular and developed tourist route in Russia. Born in the late 60s of the last century, this circle of the most ancient cities in the European center of the country was primarily intended for foreign tourists. Thanks to this circumstance, cultural monuments in the cities of the “golden ring” were always repaired on time, and the infrastructure was constantly updated and developed. Today, traveling through the most interesting cities of Russia is an alternative to overseas voyages for history buffs (the route, alas, cannot replace the sea, palm trees and coral reefs).

The cities of the “Golden Ring” are located relatively close to Moscow (northeast), their location is convenient for independent (wild) travel. According to most journalists, the route includes the following cities:

  • Sergiev Posad;
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky;
  • Rostov the Great;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma;
  • Ivanovo;

The “second echelon” considers small and no less interesting cities for tourists such as Uglich, Alexandrova Sloboda, Kalyazin, Tutaev, etc. Let's consider several options for inexpensive travel along the most interesting tourist route in Russia.

Ready tour

A week-long tour of the Golden Ring with three meals a day and overnight stays in hotels can now be purchased for 20,000 - 24,000 rubles. per person. This offer includes visits to all major cities in the ring, as well as several small towns. The price includes a dozen excursions and the services of a professional guide.

You can buy a more modest tour (two days - 5,000 rubles per person, one night in a hotel, one breakfast), but in this case you will visit no more than 3-4 cities, and the pace of the trip will be simply frantic.

Similar tours can be purchased from Moscow, St. Petersburg and any major city in the country. This travel option has its attractive sides:

  • all your worries about planning a trip end with the purchase of a tour from the company and clarification of the dates and place of the group’s meeting. Then you just obey the approved plan and torment the guide with tricky questions;
  • all meals are thought out in advance, you will not have a choice (most likely), but the food will be quite satisfying, and most importantly, served on time;
  • in every city you will find a hotel bed and more or less digestible comfort;
  • At your disposal is a guide who knows the answers to all questions and is ready to provide you with as much information about any object as your head can accommodate.

There are also disadvantages to such a trip:

  • most of the time you are “doomed” to be in the company of travelers with completely different tastes and preferences, manners;
  • your time for visiting attractions is strictly limited (if you are interested in something, you will have to hurry - the group will not wait);
  • You will have limited food choices for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The level of restaurants and cafes will be very average;
  • the week will fly by quickly, the information will make your head swell, but... Will these same impressions be retained in your memory or will it be your neighbor with a very original point of view on beauty and history?

After weighing all the pros and cons, you may be ready to go on an independent trip. If so, go ahead! We'll tell you how to do this without extra costs.


It is best to start your trip from Sergiev Posad. Get here from Moscow by train (210 rubles, the journey is an hour and a half), by train (prices from 800 rubles, the journey is about an hour). The bus will cost less, but the trip takes longer (from 145 rubles, the journey takes 2 hours).

The road from St. Petersburg will take much longer and require greater expenses. You can get to Moscow by train (from 1,400 rubles, travel time from 3.5 hours to 10 hours). A bus ticket to Sergiev Posad costs from 1,358 rubles, travel time from 10 to 14 hours.

"Golden" cities: accommodation, food, attractions

Sergiev Posad

The “ring” route begins from this monastery city. See above for information on how to get here.

An overnight stay in Sergiev Posad may be too expensive, or it may cost practically nothing. It all depends on luck and the season. Hotels near the monastery are expensive (from 23 euros for a modest single room). You need to look for cheap accommodation further from the center. In the hostel you can find a bed for no more than 8 euros.

But the cheapest housing is in the monastery itself. There are several service hotels for the clergy here. If there are rooms available, anyone can stay in them (no more than 3.5 euros per room). Not everyone knows about this, especially since it is impossible to get a room here through hotel booking systems. You should ask about available rooms at the monastery's information service (located at the entrance to the Sergius Lavra).

Trinity-Sergius Lavra is the largest Orthodox monastery in Russia.

An overnight stay in Sergiev Posad may be of interest to those who come from afar. If you start along the “Golden Ring” from Moscow, then it is better to spend the night in the next city.

There are plenty of restaurants and cafes in Sergiev Posad. Most of them offer clients dishes of authentic Russian cuisine. The average bill at a local restaurant is from 15 euros. Cheaper (5 - 7 euros) you can have lunch in the monastery refectory.

Sergiev Posad is the center of Russian Orthodoxy, the residence of the patriarch and the entire church administration. There are many pilgrims to the Sergius Lavra all year round. You should plan your visit to the monastery early in the morning, preferably in winter. At this time, you can leisurely and without fuss examine all the treasures that the Sergius Lavra stores.

The most impressive thing about the monastery is the architectural ensemble of the 15th-17th centuries, ancient icons (among them the famous “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev, although a copy). The temples of the monastery contain many relics. The main object of all pilgrims is the incorruptible relics of the founder of the monastery, St. Sergius.


The bus takes an hour and a half from Sergiev Posad to Pereslavl (the average ticket price is 150 rubles). Buses run frequently and without breaks - around the clock.

Prices in cafes and restaurants are very attractive: a set lunch costs less than 100 rubles, a business lunch in a cafe - from 120 rubles, dinner in a restaurant - 500 - 800 rubles.

Bed in a hostel - from 6 euros.

A room in a modest hotel starts from 15 euros.

A room in a good guest house - from 23 euros.

Goritsky Monastery.

The modest size of the city further emphasizes the abundance of attractions that attracts fans of educational tourism from all over Russia and the world:

  • Kremlin;
  • Iron and Teapot Museums;
  • Berendey House (entertainment complex);
  • Russian Park (for lovers of traditional crafts and ancient customs);
  • Sin-kamen is a cult place of the pagan Slavs (for those who believe in healing magic).

This is a very shortened list of tourist pleasures of a small ancient city. This is where it makes sense to stay longer than one day.

Rostov Veliky

We get from Pereslavl to Rostov by bus - the journey takes an hour and a half, ticket starts from 2.30 euros.

Lunch in a Rostov canteen costs no more than 1 euro. The average bill in a cafe in a tourist area is from 10 euros. Dinner in a restaurant - from 15 euros.

A double room in a Rostov hostel costs from 12 euros. Room in a 3* guest house - from 16 euros. In most hotels in the city, the price for a two-room apartment does not exceed 20 euros.

Lake Nero. View of the Spaso-Yakovlevsky Monastery.

The city is worth visiting and exploring:

  • Borisoglebsky and Yakovlevsky monasteries;
  • Kremlin;
  • Lake Nero (excellent fishing, resort place for local residents);
  • Finifti Museum.

The city is beautiful and full of fascinating places, but one day is enough to avoid staying here.


Bus "Rostov-Yaroslavl" - travel one hour and a quarter, ticket 1.5 euros.

Set lunch in the dining room - from 2 euros. Cafe or restaurant in the tourist center - from 7 euros. Dinner with wine - 12-15 euros.

A bed in a Yaroslavl hostel costs from 8 euros.

Guest house - from 10 euros.

A room (kopeck piece) in a good hotel in the city center - from 22 euros.

Yaroslavl played such an important role in the history of Russia that it is necessary to devote two to three days to visiting all the main attractions:

  • Several monasteries, one more interesting than the other;
  • Assumption Cathedral and Church of Elijah the Prophet;
  • “Aleshino Compound” is a museum and theater at the same time, for those who love folklore;
  • A dozen museums, both historical and scientific;
  • Art galleries, which contain many Russian masterpieces;
  • The Fyodor Volkov Theater is the oldest drama theater in Russia, a unique opportunity to see a very good performance in the best provincial theater in the country;
  • Dolphinarium, zoo, natural parks, embankments, etc.


Kostroma sights are varied and unusual:

  • The Ipatiev Monastery is a landmark place in Russian history - here the Romanovs turned from a boyar family into a royal family;
  • Museums: wooden architecture, birch bark, Russian toys;
  • Jewelry Museum;
  • The Snow Maiden Museum - after all, Kostroma is the birthplace of this fairy-tale character;
  • Interesting Drama Theater named after. Ostrovsky.

In summer, you can spend even three or four days interestingly in the city, and in winter, one is enough.

From Yaroslavl to Kostroma by bus: the journey takes two hours, ticket costs 2.5 euros.

Accommodation in Kostroma is quite inexpensive: a separate room in a hostel starts from 9 euros, a double room in a 3* hotel starts from 18 euros.

Prices in inexpensive restaurants or cafes range from 5 to 10 euros for a full meal. Canteens offer set meals from 1.5 euros.


In terms of attractions, Ivanovo is inferior to many cities of the “golden ring”. In summer, you can truly enjoy nature here - it is truly beautiful. And at other times of the year, you can stop by the city for a few hours to see the Vvedensky Monastery and the Calico Museum. Other historical and cultural monuments are much more interesting in other cities.

From Kostroma to Ivanovo by bus: the journey is almost three hours, ticket - from 3 euros.

In Ivanovo you can have a very elegant lunch; a business lunch in a good restaurant here costs from 7 euros. But the city has enough eateries and canteens where you can have a hearty lunch, paying no more than 2 euros.

Mini-hotel or private room in a hostel - from 15 euros. If you prefer housing with a level of at least 3*, prepare to pay from 35 euros. Modest apartments on the outskirts - from 12 euros.

Museum of Wooden Architecture.

From Ivanovo to Suzdal it’s a two-hour journey. Bus ticket - from 2.30 euros.

The popularity of the city and the year-round flow of tourists have led to high hotel prices. Bed in a hostel - from 16 euros. Guest house (separate room for two) - from 20 euros. The same price applies to modest apartments. Room in a 3* hotel - from 30 euros.

Suzdal is a city of the best restaurants of Russian cuisine. The real fish soup or kurnik pie prepared here is simply delicious. The average bill in such a restaurant is from 7 euros (without alcohol and dessert); dinner according to the full “program” will cost 23-25 ​​euros per person. In the dining room, a full lunch starts from 1 euro.

One day is not enough to see only the most important historical sites of the city:

  • Kremlin;
  • Three ancient monasteries;
  • Shchurovo ancient settlement - a historical entertainment center, with complete immersion in the Russian Middle Ages;
  • Ancient churches, a museum of wooden architecture;
  • Wax museum, historical, art gallery;
  • Entertainment centers, craft workshops, etc.

You can safely stay here for three or four days. It won't be boring. In principle, Suzdal can be visited separately, without mixing the amazing atmosphere of this city with the cities of the rest of the “golden ring”. There are more opportunities in summer.

Panorama of Vladimir - Golden Gate and Trinity Church.

It takes less than an hour to get from Suzdal to Vladimir by bus, the ticket costs from 1.5 euros.

A bed in a Vladimir hostel will cost no less than 11 euros. A private room in a modest hotel - from 14 euros. Apartment or apartment - from 25 euros. Hotel 3* - from 35 euros.

Lunch (business lunch) in a restaurant - from 3 to 7 euros. The canteen will offer a complex for no more than 2 euros. Dinner in a cozy and popular restaurant - from 20 euros.

In the Gzhel Museum.

There is a lot to see in Vladimir:

  • Assumption Cathedral, Demetrius Cathedral, Nikitskaya Church.
  • Museums: Gzhel, Crystal and lacquer miniatures;
  • Historical, city and many other museums;
  • Golden Gate;
  • The planetarium is the most unusual and technologically advanced in Russia;
  • Vladimir Central is the country's most famous prison, turned into a museum;
  • The Patriarchal Garden is one of the most colorful parks in central Russia;
  • Shopping arcades, city council, water tower.

The ancient capital of Northern Rus' has much that will surprise tourists. But the atmosphere of the Middle Ages has not been preserved here. In its main part the city is quite gray and ordinary.

We get to Moscow from Vladimir by bus: the journey takes 3.5 hours, ticket costs 4.60 euros.

It is better to travel to the most famous and ancient cities in summer or winter. But it is at this time that prices for food and accommodation skyrocket. The above costs await travelers who choose a different time for their trip (late autumn or early spring). The weather at this time rarely spoils us. But all the main beauties of the “golden ring” remain invariably interesting at any time of the year.

13.09.18 15 175 11

How to save money when traveling around the Golden Ring

With a tourist passport

In June of this year, my family and I vacationed in Pereslavl-Zalessky and Yaroslavl.

Veronica Vysotina

drove along the Golden Circle

From the trip I brought souvenirs, two hundred photographs and a Golden Ring tourist passport. This is a document according to which I received discounts of 10% and gifts, for example a free excursion and 5 cans of herring.

In this article I will tell you how to organize a trip along the Golden Ring, get a passport and save on entertainment.

Why Golden Ring

The Golden Ring of Russia is a popular tourist route in the center of the country. It includes eight cities: Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir. Some also include other cities in this list, for example: Moscow, Gus-Khrustalny and Uglich.

This summer, my husband and I only had four days for vacation, so we went traveling around the Golden Ring. We didn’t consider other options: our son Misha is 2 years old, and long trips with him can be a nightmare.

There wouldn't be enough time to drive around the entire ring, so we stopped at Yaroslavl. It stands on the Volga, and my husband and I have long wanted to see it. A week before the trip, we decided to make an additional stop in Pereslavl-Zalessky: it was on the way.

How to get there

You can get from Moscow to Yaroslavl by train or bus. A ticket in a seated carriage will cost from 887 rubles per person. The price for a bus is from 390 to 600 rubles, but tickets can be found even for 73 rubles. The train and bus from Moscow to Yaroslavl take about three to four hours.

My husband and I decided to go by car: in addition to three bags with things, we took a stroller and a scooter with us. The route Podolsk - Pereslavl-Zalessky - Yaroslavl - Sergiev Posad - Kolomna took 806 km, gasoline was filled for 2260 rubles. In the Yaroslavl region, gasoline is cheaper: in Moscow they paid 45.09 rubles per liter, in Yaroslavl - 42.85 rubles.

The route is good, but there are often cameras on the Yaroslavskoye Highway. There were practically no traffic jams; they only started near Moscow. There are many roundabouts in Yaroslavl - I advise you to take a navigator.

What kind of tourist passport?

When we were planning our trip, we looked for ways to save money on activities and food. It turned out that this can be done using a Golden Ring tourist passport. This is a document by which travelers receive discounts and bonuses in restaurants, hotels and entertainment venues.

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worth a Golden Ring tourist passport

The list of partners depends on the city; they are fully listed on the program website. The passport is valid for 10 years and costs 1,000 rubles.

In fact, a passport is an ordinary discount card, which is designed as a souvenir. It is produced by representatives of the local tourism industry to attract customers. With such a passport you cannot get a discount on visiting the main attractions - state churches, museums and exhibitions. The discount will only be given for the services of private companies and visits to certain establishments.

In Yaroslavl they gave me a passport in 15 minutes, although I did not register in advance. Bank cards were not accepted at the passport office - I had to transfer money to the administrator's card. A photo was required for registration. It was made there, but they didn’t let me choose the frame.

Before receiving a passport, I recommend carefully studying the list of partners. For example, in Moscow, Suzdal and Sergiev Posad you will not be able to get a discount on hotels. A tourist passport will not be useful if you do not plan to eat in restaurants or visit private museums.

The passport discount on hotels is valid only if you book on their website and not through Booking. When checking in, you must have your passport in hand. Some hotels offer discounts on all rooms, others only on specific types of accommodation.

The passport discount is not always the maximum. Sometimes you can find better deals on Biglion. But their validity period is usually limited: the coupon can only be used until a certain date. For example, a double room at the Aristocrat Hotel in Kostroma will cost 7,400 rubles on the hotel’s website, 6,600 rubles with a discount on a Golden Ring tourist passport and 5,950 rubles at Biglion.

Program partners hang signs like these on their doors. Photo:


In Pereslavl we stayed in the city center, at the Herring Tsarsky Ambassador hotel. It is built in the style of Dutch houses, and there is a wooden boat in the yard. Free parking is available on site.

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we paid for a room at the Herring Tsarsky Ambassador hotel

The hotel has standard rooms for two and shared rooms with several beds. The cost of accommodation is from 500 rubles per bed in a room for 4, 6 or 8 people. We took a separate room, which cost us 2340 rubles per day. The price included breakfast for two. There was a choice of pancakes and porridge or scrambled eggs and cheesecakes. Additionally, yoghurt, apples and coffee with milk were served. We liked the food. We paid separately for the child. Cheesecakes with sour cream and fruit juice cost 165 rubles.

When we checked into the hotel, we did not yet have a tourist passport, so we did not receive a discount. When we were returning back, we decided to stop by to put a mark on the document. The hotel administrator put a stamp and presented five cans of herring. This is a one-time bonus on your passport. I don’t eat fish, but my husband said that herring is moderately salty and spicy. According to rough estimates, this herring would cost 750 rubles.

In Yaroslavl we stayed at the Two Wings hotel. It is located on the outskirts, for two nights we paid 4140 rubles. The interior is modest, and so is the breakfast: pancakes with cottage cheese thawed in the microwave, porridge, scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and yoghurt. On the first day there was a choice of hot dishes, but on the second day no longer. My son’s breakfast was also paid separately - 150 rubles per day.

Our room in the Yaroslavl hotel “Two Wings”. Photo: Hotel "Two Wings"

Attractions and entertainment

In the cities of the Golden Ring, tourists admire traditional Russian architecture, visit temples, monasteries and museums. For example, in Yaroslavl alone there are 140 architectural monuments, and the city itself is included in the UNESCO list of historical heritage sites.

Our child could not stand a tour of the temples, so we planned to visit only iron museum and “Boat of Peter I” in Pereslavl, and also stop by the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve and take a boat ride on the Volga. We were unlucky with the weather, so the boat and the museum-reserve had to be cancelled. But we wandered around the city to our heart's content and took photos for memory.

In the Pereslavl museum “Boat of Peter I” I wanted to look at the White Palace. This is an estate where the history of the origins of shipbuilding in Russia is presented and there is a room in which Peter I lived. But we were there on Monday, when most of the exhibitions were closed, so we could only see the ancient boat “Fortune”. Presumably, it was built by the emperor himself.

Entrance tickets to the museum cost 180 rubles for two adults, a child was allowed in for free.

The hotel administrator in Pereslavl offered free invitations to the museum of antique sewing machines. I didn’t like this excursion: we were given a monotonous audio lecture - it would have been more interesting with a live guide.

But the iron museum was great. The guide told about the history of this device and its types: steam, coal and even alcohol. Entrance tickets for adults cost 240 rubles, my son was allowed in for free.

Back in Pereslavl, we went to the “Berendey House” - this is a center for the preservation of folk crafts and traditions. There was a children's party there. Our son was scared of fairy-tale characters; probably, the entertainment was intended for older children.

We paid 600 rubles for entrance to the holiday and regretted it. It would be better to just walk around the city.

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we paid for admission to the holiday at the Berendey House. We didn't like the holiday

And in Yaroslavl we visited the “Residence of the Empress Maslenitsa” - this is a cafe, a museum and a puppet theater. According to our tourist passport, we were entitled to a free excursion for two adults. Typically an adult ticket costs 300 rubles, children under 14 years old - 150 rubles, under 5 years old - free. It turns out that we saved 600 rubles.

I made a tourist passport the day before departure, so we were not able to get many discounts on entertainment, but we will have a reason to return - we have already planned two museums. This is the Alyosha Popovich Dvor museum-theater, where guests are told about ancient times and heroic deeds. I still want to go

The most famous tourist route in Russia - the Golden Ring - appeared 50 years ago. Soviet journalist and art critic Yuri Bychkov then visited historical places and shared his impressions on the pages of the newspaper “Soviet Culture”. Today, tourists can easily follow his example or design their own driving tour.

Direction and geometry

In 1967, journalist Bychkov did not plan a long trip to historical sites. He was only going to Suzdal to write about how local tourism was developing. It is generally accepted that a short business trip turned into a detailed car tour purely by chance: the author saw a sign for Ivanovo and decided to stop by. And then, in order not to return the same way, he went to Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

A couple of years after the publication of the essay in Soviet Culture, the journalist invited the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical Monuments to study the route. After several expeditions, eight cities began to be more or less officially included in the Golden Ring: Vladimir, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Rostov Veliky, Pereslavl-Zalessky and Sergiev Posad.

Today, the infrastructure and routes make it possible to travel both in the footsteps of the pioneering journalist and in the opposite direction. Motorists often choose the second option, moving from Sergiev Posad to Vladimir.

First of all, Sergiev Posad is simply closer. By making it the first point of the route, you can begin the excursion program within an hour and a half after starting from Moscow. To get to Vladimir you would have to travel 180 kilometers, with the first 15 going through Balashikha near Moscow, which is generous with traffic jams and traffic lights. In addition, after noisy Moscow, many people want to plunge into the peace and tranquility of a small old Russian city. And here the modest Sergiev Posad again wins over the more magnificent and crowded Vladimir, which also has the status of the regional capital.

When tourists flocked to the “main” eight cities of the Golden Ring, the geometry of the route became more complicated. Tour operators and administrations of neighboring settlements tried to add new points to the established list.

Now you can include from four to 16 cities in thematic tours, depending on the amount of free time. The minimum program necessarily includes Vladimir, which for a long time remained the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality and has preserved churches made by Italian masters and stunning examples of stone carving. In Suzdal, also the princely capital at different times, it is worth looking for familiar places from films: many film episodes about the history of Rus' were filmed here. Even the shortest programs certainly include Rostov the Great and Pereslavl-Zalessky - the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky and once the largest city in the region.

If you don’t get too carried away with the excursion program, you can easily travel around these four cities in a weekend. It is better to spend at least 4-5 days on the classic route from the eight cities of the Golden Ring. This will be enough to get acquainted with the main attractions, tick a dozen tourist “ticks” and... want to return for a longer period.

Additional program

“We had a wonderful trip, but we didn’t manage to do anything!” - tourists often complain after a study tour of the Golden Ring. You followed the route exactly, looked at everything noted in the guidebooks. But on the main square of Vladimir, some Irishman, his eyes wide, talks about the incredible beauty in Kideksha. And a glamorous young lady in high heels shows off designer felt boots from Ivanovo.

A detailed trip with stops in the cities of the so-called “big” Golden Ring will require at least a week. Experienced travelers advise budgeting at least a couple of days for large cities such as Vladimir or Yaroslavl. Moreover, from there it is convenient to make car trips to small settlements, which are certainly worth it.

Thus, in the suburbs of Vladimir lies the village of Bogolyubovo, where buildings from the 12th century have been preserved, including the staircase tower and the adjacent gallery where Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky died. Nearby is the world famous Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. A little over two hours' drive from the regional center is the birthplace of Ilya Muromets, the city of Murom. About the same distance to Gorokhovets, famous for its merchant houses and wooden mansions. Less than 50 kilometers from Vladimir is Kideksha, where temples from the pre-Mongol era still remain.

Rostov is also a good place for a long stop. From here you can go to the villages of Borisoglebsky, Kalyazin or Uglich, where the six-tiered iconostasis of the Transfiguration Cathedral and several other monastery ensembles are open for inspection. In Uglich, by the way, not only the antiquity is impressive. Tourists are offered excursions to the Uglich hydroelectric dam with a picturesque dam.

In turn, from Yaroslavl it is convenient to make trips to the lovely province - Tutaev, Rybinsk or, for example, Myshkin, famous for its original attractions like the world's only Mouse Museum and unusual excursions. On one of them, by the way, you can learn how Russian felt boots were used to cure a hangover. There is also a museum of wooden architecture and a department of ancient technology.

Rest and heal

The longer you extend your journey through the cities of the Golden Ring, the more you want to stay in this leisurely and calm atmosphere, to take a good rest here from the bustle of the city. If you are planning a long vacation, it is worth considering suburban sanatorium options as “strongholding” points instead of regional capitals. The recreational opportunities of the regions included in the route are not as widely known as the historical sites. But in Soviet times, almost the entire party leadership came here to rest and receive treatment.

In the Vladimir region, vacationers will be greeted by forests, clean air and mineral waters. Here they treat the musculoskeletal system, improve the health of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems.

The Ivanovo region has its own profile - peat mud. Peat from the local Svyatoozerskoye deposit is considered to have a mild effect, so procedures using it are also prescribed for the elderly and children. Raw materials are used in the treatment of a variety of diseases - from hypertension to skin diseases.

In the Kostroma region, sanatoriums use water from mineral springs, mud and brine from local lakes. In addition, there are salt caves in the region, a visit to which is recommended for respiratory diseases. They also treat with salts in the Yaroslavl region, but a little differently. The local salt springs have been known since the 9th century. The hospital has been operating since 1915 and offers therapy using salt baths.

In most sanatoriums, prices outside of high seasons are comparable to the cost of rooms in regional centers and other cities of the Golden Ring. In autumn there are relatively few people here; for a room they ask on average from 2.5 to 5 thousand rubles per person. As a rule, this price includes certain health procedures.

But the main thing here in the off-season is the landscapes painted in autumn colors, which are no less breathtaking than the thousand-year-old antiquity.

What to bring from a trip to the Golden Ring

Yaroslavl: donuts (better to eat before reaching Rostov), ​​souvenir bears from a walk “through bear places”.

Suzdal: mead, tapestries.

Kostroma: cheese, birch bark boxes and boxes.

Ivanovo: Russian scarves, designer felt boots.

Pereslavl-Zalessky: interior items made of carved wood.

Vladimir: patchwork, jewelry made of semi-precious stones.

Palekh: lacquer miniature.