In which countries what is the pension in rubles? Dignified old age: overview of pension amounts in different countries

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Countries with the largest pensions in the world are scattered throughout the planet, and in them the income of people in old age exceeds the salaries of many specialists and workers in many countries. Information about such states, the amount of payments and other interesting information is indicated in the article.

Confident leader

The largest pension in the world is paid to Danish citizens in the amount of $2,800. Their pension reform is considered almost ideal from the point of view of ordinary people. To receive such an amount, it is enough to have a certain work experience, as well as live in the country for at least forty years. If a person does not pass one of the requirements, then he will not be left without a pension. Money will be paid in old age, but in much smaller quantities. It is worth noting that the Scandinavian countries have the most acceptable social conditions for living, and Denmark does not stand out from the total. Pensioners have enough money for a carefree life, as well as savings for children or grandchildren.

Unexpected second place and third

Mexico occupies a confident second place in the list of countries with the largest pensions in the world. Here, an elderly couple is paid $2,129 between them, which is already quite a significant figure. At the same time, older citizens spend on average only a third of this figure per month, and therefore they are guaranteed a carefree life. In the United States, such programs do not exist for people, and therefore many people move to Mexico as they get older, where it is easier to live and pays more. The country does not boast economic prosperity and stability, but it is worried about its elderly citizens.

Third place goes to Finland, which also has one of the largest pensions in the world. This amount on average reaches almost two thousand dollars. The indicator is usually formed based on the following criteria:

  • hard physical labor,
  • work in hazardous working conditions.

For native citizens, a pension is mandatory, but immigrants must have lived in the country for more than 40 years.

Fourth and fifth places

The list of countries with the largest pensions in the world continues with Switzerland, where pension reform is time-tested and based on a three-part system. The first of these is monthly contributions of a certain percentage of income to special funds. The second aspect is the mandatory insurance of your labor, which allows you to receive about 60% of your income in old age. The third factor is considered to be voluntary investments in excess of the percentage that is mandatory to be deducted. The system works perfectly, without much effort people retire without thinking about the need to ensure a carefree old age. The average payment per month is $1,900.

The top five, unexpectedly for everyone, is closed by the small country of Panama. Here, a retired married couple is paid $1,865. Considering that this is only a thousand less than in Denmark, where the pension is the largest in the world, and the level of the economy is several times higher, then the result is impressive. It only remains to add that very little of this amount is spent on paying bills and daily expenses.

Continuation of the rating

Which country in the world has the largest pensions became known from the beginning of the list, but Denmark’s neighbors are doing quite well in this regard. Sixth place is confidently occupied by Norway, where the average level of payments is slightly more than one and a half thousand dollars. The pension reform of this country is included in the list of the best researched by specialized publishing houses.

The state policy is such that an amount of 4.5% of GDP is spent on providing for the older generation. Payments are divided into basic and additional; bonuses are possible depending on the amount of labor and place of work. In Germany, the payout level is slightly lower, but $1,200 is enough for sixth place on the leaderboard. Here, pensions are awarded to citizens in two ways. The first is state provision for people whose monthly income does not exceed 3,900 euros. The second direction was created for those who want to save for themselves for a carefree old age. A person transfers the amount to funds that pay out savings after retirement.

End of the list

If US residents knew what the largest pension in the world is, they would probably think about moving to Denmark. In their home country, the average level is frozen at $1,200, which allows them to share sixth place with Germany. This figure is only approximate, because the system of calculating money in this state depends on the place of work, length of service, working conditions and many other factors. Often people receive about half the amount from their salary.

In Spain, the average pension is 10 dollars less than in the USA and Germany. However, here the system is based on the number of social insurance contributions. When the time for payment comes, the indexation of price increases is taken into account and the amount of money is determined. The top ten is closed by France, where the pension is divided into basic and additional. The first type is awarded by the state as assistance, and the rate of the second category is determined by the number of points scored when leaving work. The average is a thousand dollars.

Providing for an increase in the retirement age, it has already been adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President. The government justified the need to make a decision on the issue of retirement age by the fact that Russia is one of the last European countries and republics of the former USSR that has not yet adjusted these values ​​to take into account the increase in life expectancy.

The old retirement age standards in Russia were installed January 5, 1928 During the Soviet Union, these values ​​did not change and no proposals for their adjustments were made. This is the first time this question has been asked began discussion in 1997, when the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration a bill on increasing the limit of the working period. Then this law was rejected. Subsequently, this issue was raised more than once in one way or another, but in fact to the implementation of pension reform in Russia on the initiative of the Government of Dmitry Medvedev.

In many countries, the upper limit of the working period reviewed regularly upward. According to the international Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), already in 2016 The average retirement age in the organization's member countries is 63.7 years for women and 64.3 years for men. In total, according to OECD information, 30 of the 37 member countries of this organization have already raised the retirement age or are planning to do so in the coming years. On average, over the past 10 years, the member countries of this organization have increased the working capacity of their citizens for 2.1 years for women and 1.5 years for men, and there are no plans to stop further growth of values.

Thus, it is necessary to recognize that the values ​​of the retirement age of Russians at the end of 2018 (60 years for men and 55 for women) significantly lower those that are established in many developed and developing countries (since the times of the USSR, these standards have not changed only in Russia and Uzbekistan).

Referring to this circumstance, the Government of Dmitry Medvedev decided to start in 2019 up to 65 years for the male population and up to 63 for the female population. However, direct comparison of retirement age in different countries is not enough to obtain an objective one - it is necessary to take into account and a number of other factors, such as:

  • life expectancy of the country's citizens;
  • life expectancy after retirement;
  • the ratio of the working-age population to the elderly population;
  • employment of the elderly population (including work after retirement);
  • the amount of cash provision for citizens of these countries upon retirement;
  • as well as the general state of the country’s economy, labor market, etc.

Retirement age in different countries of the world in 2019 (table)

Below is a table of retirement ages in countries around the world with comments on plans for future adjustment of these values, as well as, for comparison, the life expectancy of citizens of these countries (data collected from open sources):

CountryRetirement age in 2019Life expectancy (according to Rosstat for 2015/2016)Comments
Austria65 60 79,6 84,2 From 2014 for women the value increases to 65 years (by 2033)
Azerbaijan64 61 72,8 77,6 The value increases by six months per year until the age of 65 (previously it was 63 and 60)
Armenia63 71,6 78,3
Rep. Belarus61 56 68,9 79 Since 2017, it increases by six months per year to 63 and 58 (from 60 and 55)
65 78,8 83,9 An increase is planned from 2025. up to 66 years, and from 2030 - up to 67 years.
Bulgaria63 60 71,1 78,0
65 79,8 83,5 They plan to increase it to 68 years
Hungary62 72,4 79,7
65,5 65,5 78,7 83,6 Since 2012, it has been increased to 67 years by 1-2 months per year (depending on the year of birth). Was 65 years old.
Israel67 62 80,1 84,1 Plans to increase to 64 years
66 years 7 months81,1 86,0 Since 2012, the age has been increased to 67 by 2021 (previously it was 65 and 60)
Kazakhstan63 58,5 68,1 76,6 From 2018, it will be increased by six months per year to 63 years.
Canada65 80,2 84,1
Kyrgyz Republic63 58 67,0 75,1
Latvia63,25 69,1 79,4 Since 2014, it has been increased annually by 3 months. before reaching 65 years of age (was 62)
Lithuania63,5 62 69,9 80,6 Since 2011, it has been gradually increased to 65 years by 2026 (from 62.5 and 60)
Moldova62 57 68,1 76,2
Norway67 80,1 84,2
Russia 60,5 55,5 66,5 77,1 From 2019, the retirement age increases to 65 and 60 years, respectively.
Romania63 58 71,4 78,7
67 76,4 81,2
Tajikistan63 58 71,9 75,7
Uzbekistan60 55 71,4 76,2
60 58,5 66,7 76,5 Women will be gradually increased to 60 years of age by 2021
62,5 79,5 86,0 Planned to increase to 67 years
Estonia63,5 72,4 82,1 Gradually increases until age 65 in 2026
Japan65 80,8 87,1

As can be seen from the table presented, in many foreign countries there is a widespread trend when the retirement age for men and women is established on the same level. In most countries of the world this value is 65 years and older. In some of these states, new standards have already been enshrined, in others the importance is gradually increasing, and some are just starting to reform the pension system, such as, for example.

This increase is primarily based on increasing life expectancy of citizens because of which the number of pensioners is increasing and the tax burden on the working population is increasing. Therefore, the authorities are adjusting the boundaries of the population’s working capacity in order to balance the country’s pension system.

However, no clear conclusions, based only on established standards of retirement age and data on life expectancy, it is impossible. It must be borne in mind that pension systems in different countries and built differently. There is no universal system that can be used in every state.

In each individual country, the pension system is adjusted to a number of constantly changing factors:

  • ratio of working and non-working citizens;
  • the state of the economy, government savings, tax system, labor market;
  • and of course, the increase in life expectancy of citizens.

Retirement age in European countries

The first European country to announce an adjustment to the retirement age for its citizens was Italy. The country's authorities announced their plans in 2008, and began to increase since 2012. Before the start of the reform in the country, the standards were set at 65 years for the male population and 60 for the female population. By 2021 these values ​​will be increased to 67 years for both men and women.

To process payments, payment of insurance premiums is a prerequisite. for 20 years. At the same time, despite the increase, Italian citizens are also entitled to early retirement if you have a certain work experience:

  • for men: 42 years and 10 months;
  • for women: 41 years and 10 months.

In France The authorities' initiative to increase the retirement age in 2010 caused a wave of discussions, protests, demonstrations and strikes. However, these actions did not influence the decisions of politicians- currently the standards established by law for men and women are 62.5 years, and in the future it is planned to increase them up to 67 years old by 2023.

In Belgium The retirement age for women and men is the same - 65 years, but from 2025 this value will also increase up to 66 years old, and from 2030 - up to 67. At the same time, for certain categories of workers of this state it is provided preferential retirement:

  • miners (depending on the type and duration of work) at 55-60 years old;
  • sailors at 60 years old;
  • civil aviation pilots born before 1957 - at 55 years old.

If they have a certain length of work experience, Belgian citizens are entitled to early retirement(table below):

Raising the retirement age in Ukraine so far affects only women - for them, by 2020, the working period will be equal to the standards for the male population and will increased to 60 years. In addition, adjustments are being made to the minimum required length of service to apply for a pension: from 01/01/2018 it has been increased from 15 to 25 years, and by 2028 the value will be gradually increase until age 35.

Retirement age in Germany

Retirement age changes for men and women are progressing at the slowest pace in Germany - 1-2 months a year. The reform provided for increasing the period of working capacity of citizens from 65 to 67 years, about which the population was informed in advance back in 2007 - 5 years before the start of adjustments.

A gradual increase in retirement dates in this country is carried out according to the following plan:

  • From 2012 to 2023, the standard increases by 1 month annually, that is, over 12 years it will increase by 1 year (from 65 to 66 years).
  • From 2024 to 2029 there will be an annual increase of 2 months (from 66 to 67 years).

On January 1, 2014, amendments were made to German pension legislation, which made it possible to issue early payments to citizens of the country, have worked for 45 years or more, upon reaching 63 years of age.

You can apply for early retirement until age 67, but for each month that a person did not complete until the established age, he will need to return it to the state budget 0.3% of your pension savings(that's 3.6% for one whole unfinished year).

Retirement age in England

Pension reform has begun in the UK in 2010, as a result of which the retirement age gradually increased over the course of 8 years from 60 to 65 years for men and women. But the country’s leadership did not stop there - the following adjustments are planned in the future:

  • Until October 2020, the age value will increase to 66 years (by 1 year).
  • Until 2026, the period of working capacity will be extended to 67 years.
  • By 2039, the upper limit will be increased to 68 years.

Initially, raise the retirement age to 68 years Government planned by 2044, but due to the steady increase in life expectancy of the country’s citizens, it was decided postpone the planned reform. Already, the country's authorities note that the number of people who receive state pensions is constantly increasing. To ensure a stable system that will allow stable payments to pensioners, it was decided to adjust (accelerate) the plan to increase the working period of citizens.

Upon reaching retirement age, a citizen of this country can continue to work. For this, the state provides such a person additional pension increase- for each additional year of work he receives a bonus up to 25% of earnings.

Retirement age in the USA

Initial retirement age in the US ( 65 years for men and women) was installed in 1935. In 1983, amendments to the legislation were adopted that provide increasing these values ​​to 67 years. Adjustments are made within 22 year period with 11 year break, during which the value was fixed at 66 years (from 2009 to 2020).

The retirement age for US citizens depends on their year of birth. In addition, Americans have the right to make payments early - at 62 years old, but this makes them lose some money ( from 20 to 30% of the monthly payment depending on the year of birth of the pensioner).

The table below shows the retirement age in the United States depending on the year of birth, as well as the percentage of the monthly payment that a citizen will lose if he retires early at age 62:

Year of birthRetirement ageIf you retire early at age 62, your benefit will decrease by:
number of complete yearsmonths
Before 193765 0 20%
1938 2 20,83%
1939 4 21,67%
1940 6 22,50%
1941 8 23,33%
1942 10 24,17%
1943-1954 66 0 25,00%
1955 2 25,83%
1956 4 26,67%
1957 6 27,50%
1958 8 28,33%
1959 10 29,17%
1960 and following years67 0 30,00%

That is, the final retirement age (67 years) will be established for US citizens Born 1960 and younger. For persons who were born from 1937 to 1959, transitional provisions apply - the age for them gradually increases.

It is worth noting that the legislation provides for measures to motivate citizens to late payment processing(from 67 to 70 years inclusive). The monthly payment amount will be increased by 8% for each year of additional work, i.e. the maximum increase can be upon retirement at 70.

Today, increasing the retirement age is a global trend, driven by the development of medicine and the high life expectancy of citizens around the world. Also, this process was motivated by the need to increase pensions and the need to improve economic indicators in the country. In Russia, the problem of the retirement age is extremely relevant and controversial due to the adopted draft law, according to which it is planned to increase the retirement age. The transformation of the Russian pension system forces us to pay attention to the experience of foreign countries and find out at what age their citizens retire.

Why are retirement ages different around the world?

Differences in retirement age around the world are due to a number of factors:

  • the share of pensioners and the coefficient of support for the elderly. This coefficient reflects the number of people of working age per pensioner. Thus, a low indicator of this coefficient inevitably leads to an increase in the retirement age;
  • average life expectancy of the population. The higher this indicator, the later citizens retire;
  • life expectancy of the population. Since pension reforms are long-term, it is important to make the most accurate forecasts of life expectancy.

TOP 5 countries with the lowest retirement age - table

UAE49 49
China60 55
Russia65 63
(depending on state,
(depending on state,
where the pensioner lives)
Japan60–70 60–70

Each of the countries considered has its own characteristics that determine the retirement of citizens:

  1. In the UAE, at the age of 49 or upon reaching 20 years of work experience, only citizens of the country have the right to receive a pension. Foreigners employed in the UAE can retire at age 60. In turn, the state is not interested in expats staying in their country and receiving pension contributions.
  2. In China, the retirement age was set in 1978. A special feature of the legislation is the right of women who face heavy physical labor during their work to retire at 55 years of age. Since 2018, reforms have begun in China, the ultimate goal of which is to increase the retirement age. As for women, they are expected to increase the retirement age by one year every three years. For men - one year every six years.
  3. The retirement age in Russia was established in 1932. However, the country plans to increase the retirement age starting in 2019. As a result of the reform, men will retire at 65 years old, and women at 63 years old. This will happen in stages, one year each year.
  4. In India, a peculiarity is that each state has separate legislation defining the procedure for retirement, and also the fact that only employees of government agencies can count on pension payments.
  5. Japan is also planning to raise the retirement age. In 2018, the Government approved a plan according to which citizens of the country will retire at 71 years of age and older. This issue will be considered in 2020.

TOP 5 countries with the highest retirement age - table

Features of countries with high retirement ages:

  1. Norway, being one of the most prosperous countries in Europe, is considered the best place to live for retirees. The high retirement age is due to the level of income of pensioners, developed medicine, the possibility of employment in old age and life expectancy. However, back in 2003, citizens became pensioners at 61, and in 2013 at 64.
  2. Icelanders rate their standard of living very highly. This is facilitated by a clean environment, high wages and social protection of citizens. As for the retirement age, despite the mark of 67 years, the actual male population retires at 68.5.
  3. In the United States, the retirement age began to rise in the 1990s. The standard of living of retirees in the United States is high due to the large selection of pension programs (their number reaches 7,000). The country also observes part-time employment of citizens aged 65 years and over.
  4. Denmark is one of the leaders among countries in terms of living standards. High wages and developed medicine make this country one of the most comfortable for retirees.
  5. Pensioners in Italy feel extremely protected, since even those who were not employed or had unstable work have the right to receive a pension. As for the retirement age, it is due to the high life expectancy in the country.

Retirement age in European countries - table

Retirement age in America - table

Retirement age in Asian countries - table

The most unusual pension system among all countries in the Asian region is found in China. Here, only residents of urban districts have the right to receive government payments. For citizens with rural registration, pension payments are not provided; by law, children are required to provide them.

This policy became a reality due to the desire of the Chinese authorities to urbanize their population, providing additional injections into the state budget. As you know, residents of rural areas spend much less compared to city residents. As practice shows, such an approach to pension provision bears fruit. If in 1990 the majority of China's population lived in villages, now it is one of the most urbanized countries in the world.

Planned pension reforms in countries around the world

Due to increasing life expectancy and a significant burden on the budget, many countries around the world have begun to pursue a policy of gradually increasing the age limit for retirement. Among the countries of the former USSR, Russia became the first country to raise the retirement age. For residents of the country it is now 65 years old for men and 63 years old for the fairer sex.

In the foreseeable future, many states are planning to launch a full-scale pension reform, as a result of which the pension system will radically change:

  1. United Kingdom. Currently, the retirement age for women and men is the same, 66 years. By 2037, it is planned to raise the age limit to 68 years.
  2. France. As early as 2023, French residents will be able to retire at age 67 (currently the retirement age is 62 for men and women).
  3. Italy and Spain. The governments of these European countries have decided to increase the retirement age to 67 years. The innovation is expected for Italians in 2022, for Spaniards in 2027.
  4. Netherlands. Due to the increase in life expectancy, from 2022, residents of the country will retire at 67 years (versus the current 66 years).
  5. Japan. A systematic increase in the retirement age to 65 years by 2025 is being implemented here. At the same time, the Japanese will be able to retire earlier (at 60 years old), but their pension payments will be 70% of the amounts that are guaranteed to pensioners who have completed their working career at the age of 65.
  6. Indonesia. In this country, the retirement age until 2019 was 56 years for women and men. At the beginning of 2019, a pension reform came into force, according to which it is planned to increase the age limit by 1 year every 3 years until it stops at 65 years.
  7. USA. Already in 2025, Americans may face an increase in the retirement age to 69 years (currently 65 years). This is explained by high life expectancy and late retirement (most American retirees continue to work after their 65th birthday).
  8. Canada. From 2023, the retirement age will increase by 1 year to 67 for men and women.
  9. Israel. Currently, the retirement age in Israel is 67 for men and 62 for women. In 2020, pension reform begins, the goal of which is to gradually increase the age limit to 70 and 65 years.
  10. Ukraine. Here the reform affected only the fair sex. For several years now, Ukraine has been observing an increase in the retirement age for women. In 2019 it is 58.5 years. The final value of 60 years will be set in 2021.

Video: pension size in different countries of the world

As an example, here is a comparative table showing the average pension in different countries of the world for 2019

CountryPension amount (dollars/month)
United Kingdom700

Analysis of pension legislation in different countries and data on retirement age indicates the inevitability of pension reforms in most countries of the world. This process has both pros and cons. It is very important for citizens to take care of their future pension in advance by making regular insurance contributions, as well as considering non-state pension funds for their contributions.

Russian officials are increasingly saying that citizens need to take care of the size of future pensions themselves. First, Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said that you need to save for retirement on your own. Now his idea is being developed by the Ministry of Economic Development, which has presented a program of voluntary savings for citizens. At the same time, the funded part of the pension, which amounted to 6% of the 22% of payments made by employees to the Pension Fund, has been frozen for several years, and all the money goes to payments to current pensioners. However, there is not enough money for them to index their pensions. The Village studied how things are with pensions in different countries and compared their systems with the Russian one.


Retirement age

Average pension

$1,500 per month

How to get

Pay 15% salary tax for ten years for social pension

Work for a company for five to six years for a corporate pension (maximum contribution is $18,000 per year)

Contribute any amount to your retirement account yourself

Total pension assets in 2015 were $24 trillion. The money is invested in financial instruments, including shares. This is done by both private foundations and the Social Security Administration (which manages $2.8 trillion in Social Security pension contributions). It employs 65 thousand people throughout the country, and its maintenance costs amount to approximately 0.39% of the volume of social pension assets per year.



60–62 years (entitles you to old age benefits)


$1,500 (after contributing to a pension fund for 30 years)


Contribute between 6.95% and 18.5% of your salary to the National Insurance Institute to receive an old-age benefit of $370 per month

Pay contributions to pension funds for at least ten years (then you can count on a pension of $700 per month)

Features of the pension system

As of the first half of 2016, the country's total pension assets amounted to $170 billion. There are several types of pension funds in Israel. The old funds were non-profit cooperatives and could pay pensions not only in money, but also in kind. But as the number of depositors grew in the 90s, they developed a deficit, which by the beginning of the new century reached $25 billion. The state began to rehabilitate the funds, and their investors raised the retirement age to 64–67 years. In the 2000s, new funds began to appear in which both employees and companies can invest money. The average contribution to such funds is 11% of salary. In addition, many repatriates come to Israel who did not contribute money to the funds - the Ministry of Finance pays them old-age benefits.

United Kingdom

Retirement age

Average pension

£1,590 per month (about $2,000)

How to get

Contribute money to the social insurance fund for at least ten years to receive a basic state pension

Save money yourself in a pension account in a non-state fund

Features of the pension system

This year the rules for calculating pensions have changed. Those retiring before 6 April this year had the option of receiving a basic pension from the State of up to a maximum of £119.3 per week, plus an additional pension if they contributed more than this to the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (maximum of £160 per week ). Those retiring this year will only be able to receive one government pension - a maximum of £155.65 a week. The average state pension will be £130 per week. But in reality, pensioners receive more thanks to independent savings. Thus, in 2013–2014, the average pension exceeded the average income of a working Briton.

Retirement age

60–62 years

Average pension

How to get

Contribute 16.35% of income to the pension fund monthly to receive a basic pension

Pay insurance premiums to Arrco and Agirc to receive additional points that will increase your pension

Features of the pension system

All French people have the right to receive a pension, but it is advisable to work for more than 40 years. If there is not enough length of service, the person is paid a solidarity pension. Typically, the pension is calculated based on payments to the pension fund and points accumulated through additional contributions. At the same time, the pension system has a distribution nature: money is paid to pensioners from the earnings of working citizens.


Retirement age

Average pension:

1,000 yuan (about $150)

Russia is among the top 5 worst countries in the world for people of retirement age to live. In the Global Pension Index of the investment company Natixis Global Asset Management, the country took 40th place out of 43 possible

Russia remains one of the worst countries in the world for people retiring. In the Global Retirement Index 2017 (Global Retirement Index), it took 40th place out of 43 possible, behind Turkey, China and Mexico. Only Brazil, Greece and India are below Russia in the ranking.

Russia is in the “basement” of the ranking, as are its BRIC partners - India (43rd place), China (38th) and Brazil (41st). The top five countries for retirees to live in are Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Sweden and New Zealand. The United States in the global top fell by three positions over the year and took 17th place.

The first Global Retirement Index was released in 2013. It is calculated by the management company Natixis Global Asset Management and the provider of research services in the field of finance and strategic consulting CoreData Research. It includes developed and developing economies that are members of the International Monetary Fund, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and BRIC.

When calculating the index, 18 indicators are taken into account, which are distributed across four sub-indexes: pension finance, material well-being, quality of life and health. The sub-indices reflect four key aspects of retirement security: financial means for a comfortable retirement, access to quality financial services to protect savings and increase income, access to quality health care services, and a clean and safe environment. According to the authors, the index can serve as a guide in choosing countries and means to effectively preserve your wealth and create the most comfortable conditions in retirement.

Over the year, Russia worsened its position in the components of “material well-being” (35th place) and “health care” (42nd place) and improved its position in quality of life (36th) and finance (43rd). In terms of more detailed criteria - in terms of income equality and per capita income - Russia took fifth and seventh places from the bottom.

In the employment sub-ranking (the higher the unemployment in a country, the worse the potential situation of pensioners), the country dropped five positions to 17th place. The authors of the study also note a deterioration in the state of affairs in Russian healthcare. In terms of life expectancy, Russia took second to last place in the ranking - this indicator for the country has worsened for the second year in a row.

“In Russia, compared to other OECD countries (mostly they participate in the review), there really is a significant lag in the financial situation of citizens,” Evgeniy Biezbardis, head of the analytical service of the Association of Non-State Pension Funds (ANPF), commented to RBC on the study’s findings. “So, according to Rosstat, the share of people living below the poverty line has been growing recently and amounted to about 22 million at the end of the first quarter of 2017.” The situation for pensioners is getting worse: their real pension is falling, the expert says. Based on Rosstat data, the incomes of the poorest Russians, which often include pensioners, are almost 16 times less than those of the group with the highest incomes.

Russia is also at the bottom of the top for indicators such as health care insurance costs (fourth place from the bottom) and health care costs per capita (eighth place from the bottom). Over the year, Russia managed to improve its average score in the “finance” category, however, despite this, the country took last place in the corresponding top. Russia also ranked last in the categories of “government” and “inflation”, as well as sixth from the bottom in problem bank loans and tenth from the bottom in interest rate dynamics.

Russia showed good results in only two indicators: it took third place in the sub-rating of “public debt”, and also 11th in terms of the pension burden ratio, which is the ratio of the population aged 65 years and older to the population aged 20 to 64 years. . Russia strengthened its position in the quality of life subcategory due to an increase in the “feeling of happiness” score, as well as improvements in environmental factors as a result of progress in reducing carbon dioxide emissions per GDP. However, the country ranks third from bottom in the list of environmental factors, and sixth from bottom in the subcategory “biodiversity and habitat”.

It is incorrect to combine countries with different pension systems into one index, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Vice-Rector for Development of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations Alexander Safonov told RBC. “Firstly, the Russian pension system, unlike Western ones, is additionally financed by the state through a system of social benefits and benefits for pensioners and persons with veteran experience. Secondly, Russia has one of the lowest age rates for retirement (no country in the world retires early at age 45). Thirdly, the social structure of society in Russia is determined by the industrial economy, i.e. a large number of pensioners are hired workers, which is why their pensions are lower. Fourthly, medicine is free in Russia,” the expert explained. “However, in terms of the replacement rate for lost earnings, we are very far from European indicators, and we do not reach the pension standard established by the International Labor Organization (ILO) - 40% of lost earnings,” Safonov noted. “There is also a problem of inflation, and this is a true reflection of the situation that is developing in Russia.”