Do good and it will come back to you. Scenario for the class hour “Do good and it will come back to you!” (for primary school students)

For teenagers

“Do good, and it will return to you,” says ancient wisdom..... In the same situations, people often behave differently. Sometimes it depends on your mood: if your soul is bad, then everything around you appears in a black light. If the mood is good, then the sun seems to be shining all around and the birds are singing. But there are people who are ready to see good and bright things around them, regardless of their mood or condition. This is the Youth Organization “Born from Yeniseisk” - which includes 30 volunteer students of the Yenisei Pedagogical College, who do not know anger and hatred, envy, fatigue and irritability. For 10 years, with their caring actions, they have been proving that the power that works miracles lives in everyone’s soul. The organization brings together students from different faculties, specialties, and hobbies. The coordinator of the youth organization is a wonderful person with a capital “P”, an honorary teacher of secondary vocational education Irina Alekseevna Epova, who has been leading volunteer work at the college for many years, is very attentive to students and tirelessly tells them how wonderful it is to help children. She knows, not in words, but in deeds, to become a volunteer, you don’t have to have high earnings or a lot of free time, the main thing is the desire to give a part of yourself and share warmth with those who need it. “Any child needs care and attention,” says Irina Alekseevna, so the organization’s task is not easy: to create a happy atmosphere of fun and comfort for the children of the rehabilitation center, and most importantly, to show that they are needed and loved. “We are happy to come to visit you, we try to cheer up the children, and the teachers have the opportunity to take a little break. When you see that they are waiting for you and are happy about your arrival, when a child says that he missed you and, smiling, runs to meet you, a sense of responsibility appears and a desire to give him a piece of yourself. The guys, especially the older ones, look up to and look up to my students. They see that a lot can be achieved in life if only they have the desire, and they have it.” “Mamanters,” as the students and employees of the rehabilitation center call the volunteers in their circle, not only prepare unusual holiday scenarios, come up with theatrical performances, quizzes, and games, but also regularly congratulate their charges on their birthday, and in their free time from school they go for walks with them , help build snow slides, play hide and seek, read books. For children, every meeting with students is a holiday that evokes the kindest emotions. Our “Mamanters” are active, caring, kind and tolerant, they take part in all city and regional events, and are also our partners in holding annual events: “Do good throughout the Earth”, “Don’t hold a grudge - hold the ball”, “Help me go to study”, a music and game program for children with disabilities “Let’s share kindness with each other”. They provide assistance in conducting master classes for children with special needs and their parents, and this is real help, without which we might not have been able to cope. Our students especially celebrated World Volunteer Day. On this day, congratulations awaited our “Mamanters” in the game room. Everything was the other way around - the kids became volunteers, and the volunteers became their wards. The day ended with a small concert and honoring the most active students - volunteers. The entire team of the Yeniseisky social rehabilitation center for minors thanks our beloved volunteers for their sensitive and attentive attitude towards our pupils! By performing caring actions, the guys from the organization “Born from Yeniseisk” encourage others not to become isolated in the problems of material concerns, not to drown in a sea of ​​hypocrisy and lies of indifferent people. You need to hurry to do good, and as popular wisdom says: “Do good, and it will return to you.” We wish you happiness, health and success. May good deeds go with you throughout life! Thank you guys! We are always glad to see you all visiting us!

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Kachul Secondary School"

Class hour script

“Do good and it will come back to you!”

(for primary school students)


Turtsina Nadezhda Sergeevna

primary school teacher

Purpose of the lesson: - introduce students to the main moral concepts in life - “good” and “evil”;-to help students understand the important task of human moral behavior - to prevent evil and fight it;

Kindness is the sun that warms a person’s soul.”

(M. Prishvin)

(teacher reads quote on the board)Teacher. During the class hour we will talk about the rules of communication with others.- What is a polite, friendly, attentive attitude towards people?Children's answers : in helping the elderly, in a polite attitude towards friends, helping out in difficult times, etc. Student.

This is a serious word
The main thing is important.
What it means
Very important for everyone.
It contains care and affection,
Warmth and love.
There is aspiration in him
Come to the rescue
Again and again.
This is quality
Lives in the hearts of many
And about the pain of others
Doesn't let you forget.
And it's more important
Than facial beauty.
Can you guess what it is?
Hearts... (kindness)

(L. Nikolaenko)

Teacher. What is kindness?Teacher. It is not enough to be kind - you also need to show kindness in a way that is understandable and pleasant to other people.

Now you will see and hear a fabulous story that happened one summer day. Her heroes are a butterfly and a flower.

(children dressed as fairy tale heroes).

Sketch based on the fairy tale “Butterfly and Flower”( author Tatyana Borodulkina )

It was boring for the Flower to stand in the middle of the flowerbed on one leg near the house. But one fine day a completely unfamiliar Butterfly sat on the Flower. She must have flown from a distant country, because Flower had never seen such beautiful wings before. The Butterfly also admired the beauty of the Flower, and while she was resting, the Flower began to complain to the Butterfly how sad and lonely he often was. The butterfly was kind and compassionate and therefore decided not to fly further, but to settle closer so that she could fly to the Flower every day and tell interesting stories about the places where she had been.

Now the Butterfly flew to the Flower every morning with news, and he, opening his petals, joyfully greeted his friend. But one day, when the Butterfly was not around, a boy approached the Flower and wanted to pick it.

The flower shook with fear and asked not to pick it, but instead offered the boy to catch his beautiful friend. The boy agreed and went home to get a net. When he returned, he hid and waited. Soon a Butterfly appeared in the sky. She was in a hurry somewhere and flew past, but the Flower, opening its petals wide, exclaimed:

Butterfly, fly to me quickly, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time, I need to tell you something.

The butterfly happily flew up to the Flower and suddenly found itself in a net. She wanted to break free, but she couldn't. She beat her wings, looked for cracks, but it was useless. Suddenly she managed to escape from captivity. She flew up and saw from above that the boy’s net had broken the Flower and was lying among the grass. The boy left, and the Butterfly sat for a long time next to her broken friend and, crying bitterly, said: “Oh, it’s my fault, it’s because of me, you were broken, forgive me, Flower.

B)Conversation based on the content of what was read.

Tell me, guys, what were the heroes of the fairy tale like - Butterfly, Flower and boy? - Guys, you said that Butterfly is very kind. What does kindness mean, good person?
Working on conceptsgood and evil .



What do you guys think, what is more on earth: good or evil? Maybe scales can help us with this?
– On one side of the scale we will put “evil” (dark chips that mean envy, betrayal, greed, rudeness, war, lies, cowardice, indifference).
– To defeat evil, you must try to tip the scales with good deeds. Let's remember what good deeds you have done, what people around you are doing, and put them on the scale, drop by drop.

(Children talk about their good deed, a white chip is placed on the scale. Soon the scale of “good” outweighs the scale of “evil.”)

You see, guys, how you can defeat evil. It’s the same in life: droplets of goodness, merging, turn into a stream, streams into a river, rivers into a sea of ​​goodness.


Every person, unfortunately, has character traits that interfere with his life and prevent him from communicating with people around him. Think and write down on a piece of paper the quality that bothers you the most in life and which you would like to get rid of first. Fold the sheets and sign them. We will collect them in a large envelope, which we will open in a year and see if you managed to get rid of this trait.

Teacher. Guys, what proverbs do you know about kindness, about goodness?(Children remember and name)Now continue the proverbs:

If you wish good, do good.
Remember the good, and... forget the evil.
A good deed praises itself...
A good deed and... the cat is pleased.
A kind word is better than... a soft pie.
A good son brings joy to his father, but a bad son brings sadness.

Game task “Flower of Desires”.

I suggest you now play the role of a wizard and try to make a wish for people close to you, and all your wishes together will help a magical flower bloom on our board

Become a good wizard
Come on, try it!
There is no need for special cunning here.
Accept and fulfill the desire of another -
A pleasure, honestly!


(Children voice their wishes, petal after petal appears on the board.)

Game “Fairytale Heroes”.

Now let's play a little. You all love fairy tales. And one of the main themes of Russian folk tales was the theme of good and evil. In fairy tales there are good and evil heroes. I will name the fairy-tale hero, and you will answer whether he is good or evil. If you are angry, you cover your face with your palms, and if you are kind, you clap joyfully.

(Ivan Tsarevich, Kashchei the Immortal, Goldfish, Thumbelina, Karabas-Barabas, Little Red Riding Hood, geese-swans, Vodyanoy, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Malvina, Morozko.)

What kind of people do you like in life? Why?

Teacher. Not only should our words be kind, but our actions should be such that neither you, nor your parents, nor your friends have to blush for them. We must always strive to be useful to people in everything.
– What good deeds have you done?
V.A. Sukhomlinsky “Ordinary Man” There is a well in the hot dry steppe. Near the well there is a hut where a grandfather and grandson live. There is a bucket on a long rope near the well. People are walking, driving, turning to the well, drinking water, thanking their grandfather. One day the bucket came off and fell into a deep well. Grandfather didn’t have another bucket. There was nothing to get and drink. The next day, in the morning, a man in a cart drives up to his grandfather’s hut. He has a bucket under the straw. The traveler looked at the grandfather and grandson, at the well, hit the horses with his whip and rode on.

“This is not a person,” answered the grandfather.
At noon, another owner drove past his grandfather's hut. He took a bucket out from under the straw, tied it to a rope, filled it with water and drank himself, gave his grandfather and grandson a drink, hid the bucket again in the straw and drove off.
-What kind of person is this? – the grandson asked his grandfather.
“And this is not a person yet,” answered the grandfather.
In the evening, a third traveler stopped at his grandfather’s hut. He took a bucket from the cart, tied it to a rope, filled it with water, and drank. He thanked him and drove off, leaving the bucket tied at the well.
- What kind of person is this? – the grandson asked his grandfather.
“An ordinary person,” answered the grandfather.
Which person turned out to be the kindest?
– Why did his grandfather call him an ordinary person?

Teacher. Show compassion and mercy to people who need help.
Our words about mercy echo the content of the familiar song “Faith.” Let's sing this song and try to feel the deep feelings of love for others that these authors experience.

Song "Faith" words by A. Pakhmutova and music by N. Dobronravov

Faith and charity are interconnected, like light and warmth in spring. When they unite, everything on earth blossoms.


Do you think the theme of good and evil is important for all people these days? Each of you has colorful leaves on the table. If you think the topic of our conversation is important, then attach a green leaf to the tree on the board; if you think that nowadays you can live without kindness, attach a yellow leaf. (Yellow and green sheets of paper are on the children’s tables in advance.)

Guys, what can you do to make the world around us kinder?

Children's statements: they helped old people, protected the world around them, always helped out in trouble, etc.


Don't stand aside indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
Need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if someday someone
Your kindness will help
Your smile
Are you happy that day
It was not in vain that he lived,
That you have not lived for years in vain!

(M. Plyatskovsky)

Literature used.

1. V. A . Sukhomlinsky Book about conscience - G. Simferopol: Publisher A.P.Vyrodov, 2003. 2. D.S. Likhachev Lettersabout the good and the beautiful -Saint Petersburg.Publishing house “LOGOS” 2006. 3. Collection of Proverbs and sayings about goodness and evil - Moscow V. DalEd. Agency "Moscow Russian Book". Volume 1, 1993G .

In one beautiful city there lived a wonderful family. The husband worked as a school teacher, and his wife worked as a kindergarten teacher. They lived modestly.
After some time, their son was born. The boy grew quickly; it seemed to them that they could not keep up with his development. He quickly learned to read and write. At the age of three he was already reading world classics. He knew not only French and Russian, but also managed to master English. Science came easily to him and at the age of four he was already in the second grade of the Gymnasium. And at the age of ten he graduated from the Gymnasium ahead of schedule. I completed university in three years.
And now there is a serious life ahead. But his analytical mind gave him great opportunities to see his future far ahead. At first the earnings were very small. But he was sure that he would create his favorite business.
One day, returning home from school, he went into a small store to buy his mother’s favorite small cake.
But I heard the boy’s conversation with his grandmother. The boy asked his grandmother to buy him a cake for his birthday today, which I also wanted to buy.
I saw how my grandmother began to count the money, and as it turned out, she didn’t have enough money for a cake. They left the store in silence and disappointment.
I bought this cake and went out to the boy and his grandmother and asked him to accept this cake as my congratulations on his birthday. They were surprised, later they wanted to give me the money and asked for my address. But I told the boy: When you grow up, maybe you will give something good to someone. And on the piece of paper that they gave me to write the address on, I wrote: Do good, and it will come back to you.
So we parted.
Time passed, and the boy grew into a completely mature man. He even became a grandfather. And his beloved granddaughter always pleased him with her completely extraordinary thinking.
Fate makes its own adjustments. Life has placed a once promising boy, now a grandfather, in a wheelchair – a stroller. He stopped going outside. And now the granddaughter and grandmother went to the same store. The granddaughter's birthday coincided with her grandfather's birthday in the same month and even on the same day. They are back in the old store, which still sells the same delicious cakes.
That's the problem, they don't have enough money for our favorite cake.
The upset grandmother and granddaughter, with their heads down, left the store without a cake.
But unexpectedly, a man called out to them and asked them to accept their favorite cake from him. They were embarrassed and protested. Later they asked for his address so that they could return the money spent on them, he took a piece of paper handed to him, on which he wrote: Do good and it will come back to you.
Arriving home, they immediately went into their grandfather’s room and told the story about the cake. Later they handed him a note. The surprise knew no bounds.
After all, he once wrote these words to a boy.
I thought, the goodness has returned.

05/04/2016 "Nikolay"

At this special meeting we discussed, what is happening on the planet, how can EVERYONE protect themselves and avoid the influence of disasters. Questions “what to do?” and “what should I do?” have become very relevant at the moment.
And in an open lesson, we conducted powerful meditations and sent the energy of love to our planet.
Why weren't you with us?

I just want to scream: SOS!!! Let's save the EARTH!!!

Are you ready? Then join us. The full recording of the webinar along with the meditations is made freely available for 24 hours only:

OOPS! Time has expired and the recording has been removed from public access.

November 21 at 19:30 in Moscow we will conduct a SPECIAL practical lesson“Open your heart to love” to activate the heart chakra ANAHATAS and throat chakra VISHUDHI within on- line Practical course «Opening energy centers»

Especially for those who wanted work on your heart and throat chakras We give everyone the opportunity to attend this class.

50% discount only for 12 hours upon introductioncoupon rs50 here:

Are you ready pump up my confidence, money channels And energy of abundance?

Take off various blocks V his body?

will take place 5 weeks: classes every Thursday at 19:30 in Moscow until December 12

Life is energy.

Everything that surrounds us - money, love, work - is all energy, and chakras are energy centers.

There are so many tragedies in such a short period of time (if you don’t know, then look at the news for the past month) that you can’t help but understand: we need to act. But how? Climb into the bunker and sit and wait? Wait for what? Or do something?

We did a very powerful meditation and sent love energy to our planet.
Why weren't you with us?

If you think that world cataclysms do not concern you, then here are the problems of the Russian banking system today (November 20, 2013):

The collapse of Master Bank “disabled” the cards of dozens of Russian banks

On November 20 at 00:00, the decision taken by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to revoke the license of Master Bank hit not only its clients. Unexpectedly, many thousands of people suffered, who did not even suspect that their financial affairs had anything to do with the credit organization that had angered the Central Bank. After all, Master Bank is also one of the largest processing centers in Russia; only thanks to the information passing through it, owners of plastic cards issued by dozens of other Russian banks could pay by bank transfer in stores and withdraw cash from ATMs.

But about natural disasters:

Death toll from powerful storm rises in Sardinia

20.11.2013 12:06:00

Cyclone Cleopatra has already killed 19 people on the Italian island. Including a child. There are missing people. About three thousand local residents were left homeless. The authorities declared a state of emergency. Victims are being evacuated from hard-to-reach areas. Heavy rainfall and strong winds caused flooding. Rivers overflow their banks. Stormy streams demolish houses, wash away roads, and destroy power lines.
In the near future, a cyclone will come to the Italian capital - rain and squally winds await Rome. The city's main river, the Tiber, may overflow its banks, and serious problems with power supply are expected.

My profession is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood, in the world of fairy tales and fantasy. You especially realize the importance of the teaching profession when you see children’s eyes wide open, eyes greedily catching my every word, my glance and gesture, eyes ready to accommodate the whole world. Looking into these children's eyes, you understand that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, that it is you who lay the sprouts of future characters, support them with your love, give the warmth of your heart...

"Do good and it will come back to you"

Project topic:



- Volunteering
- Education
- Patriotic education
- Work with veterans


Dmitrovsky city district

Brief description of the project:

No matter how life flies -
Don't regret your days,
Do a good deed
For the sake of people's happiness.
To make the heart burn,
And it didn’t smolder in the darkness
Do a good deed -
That's why we live on earth.

Modern society faces a number of serious problems, one of which is the moral education of the younger generation. The moral education of a preschooler should be decided by everyone who is involved with children today. Preschool age is a period of active knowledge of the world and human relationships. What we put into a child’s soul today will manifest itself later and become his and our life.
It is important to instill in a child those human qualities that allow him to grow not only an intellectual, but also a spiritually rich personality. Intelligence plus character, which contains moral principles, is the goal of education today.
The many years of participation of our children in environmental charity events “Forest of Victory”, “Feed the Birds”, “Titmouse Day” was a good school for instilling in preschoolers the basics of a caring attitude towards the environment and birds. Charitable events organized by the preschool institution: “Charity Fair”, “Sweet Fair”, “Book Day”, “We feel good when we are together”, thematic days “Day of Good Deeds”, “Friendship Starts with a Smile”, conversations and activities “About Goodness” and evil”, “Island of Friendship”, “Please others”, “Our kids”, etc., will allow preschoolers to form a conscious attitude towards the people around them, children. They will lay the foundations of morality: patience, understanding, love, respect, mercy, kindness, intolerance of bad deeds.
In Russia, a Russian person has always had a special role in the formation of his self and his education, moral values ​​have played. One of the central ones was and remains the idea of ​​the value of the moral qualities of an individual. There was a unique set of etiquette personality qualities, among them: mercy and compassion, love for one’s neighbor, helping those in need, respect for old age, etc.
Love for one's neighbor is based on the firm conviction that all humanity is one family. Mercy is love for all people. “Mercy consists not only in the alms that you give, not only in those words of consolation that you sometimes say to a suffering person, but in complete inseparable inner goodwill applied to all his actions, in warm participation,” wrote Archpriest Valentin (Mordasov ). From here we draw conclusions: there are no strangers on earth, all are relatives.
Charity in Rus' has always been something more than simple financial assistance. Mercy depends on anything, but not on wealth. Today, each of us has the opportunity to help another. Share with your neighbor if he is much worse off than you. This is a gracious work in which the result is visible.
The future of Russia is laid in preschool age and with the loss of cultural values ​​our heritage will be lost. Let's ask ourselves this question: who will create Russia tomorrow? A spiritual and moral nation or a devastated people?
In order for a person to become a virtue, he must be educated. But, unfortunately, today's atmosphere in our society is not always based on mercy. A lot of television screens reproduce militants, murderers, rapists who live under criminal laws; modern cartoons often have a distorted form about goodness, love and mercy. All this is the formation in the child of a social attitude towards aggressive actions towards a peer. So, in our time, how can we preserve in a child those spiritual and moral values ​​that were laid down by our ancestors? How to cultivate mercy and love for one's neighbor in a child? What does it mean to give creatively?
Mercy, in modern terms, is social work. And here everything is not so simple. In pedagogical practice there are no ready-made programs, developments and methods; there is no established mechanism for carrying out such work among preschoolers.
Seeing such a problem, the teaching staff was given the task of developing a project for charitable deeds. This project contains the main task - to form spiritual and moral feelings in preschoolers in relation to the world around them.
This project “Do good, and it will come back to you!” can be used in any educational institutions aimed at good causes.
Do good and it will come back to you!
1. Kindness is a person’s inner feeling.
2. People who do good deeds are magicians for all of us.
3. Raising the status of the family and family values.
4. Uniting pupils and adults: (parents, teachers, veterans, elderly people, etc.) through common good deeds.
5. Instilling in children respect for old age and older people.
6. Kindness, Orthodoxy, happy children are symbols of a strong Russia.

Project stage:

The project has been implemented

Project goal:

Fostering positive character traits in children, promoting team unity, motivating children and adults to do good deeds, good deeds for the benefit of other people, the Orthodox faith, for the benefit of our Motherland. Unite all departments of the educational institution: employees, children, parents for a common goal - to do good for free.

Project objectives:

To form in children a positive attitude towards all people;
- Deepen children’s understanding of kindness as a valuable, integral quality of a person;
- Strengthen knowledge of the rules of polite communication;
- Improve communication skills (the ability to listen to a friend, sincerely express one’s opinion, show kindness to the opinions of other children);
- Encourage the child’s desire to do good deeds;
- Cultivate kindness, responsiveness, friendliness, the desire to do something for other people, to benefit them;
- Teach children to avoid quarrels, give in and negotiate with each other.
- Explain to children that good deeds bring joy;
- Help children understand that charity is something that brings joy, light and great benefit to others and to oneself;
- To support in children the desire to respect old age, to help older people, to strive to do something pleasant for them, to please them;
- To interest parents in the upbringing and formation of the moral culture of children;
- Increase the competence of parents on the topic of this project;
- Involve families to participate in the educational process on the basis of pedagogical cooperation.

Results achieved over the past year:

We have enriched children's experience in the field of moral education by using different methods and techniques;
- expanded children's vocabulary;
- throughout the entire project, children and adults developed a desire for good deeds and actions, learned to draw simple conclusions, to see not only in others, but also the most important good and bad in themselves; answered the main question independently: “Is it possible to make it so that goodness can be given every day?”;
- produced an accessibility passport for our preschool institution;
- organized wonderful concerts for elderly people and WWII veterans: “Victory Day”, “Russia Day”;
- Planted living seedlings “Tree of Good” on the territory of the preschool educational institution;
- Participation of MDOU teachers in the city campaign “Forest of Victory”;
- We held 3 charity fairs for the restoration of the Trinity Church in Yakhroma;
- After charity events, they donated a sum of money to Trinity Church for the restoration of the temple in the amount of 7 thousand rubles;
- We held a charity event to repair books “Book Day” in the library of Yakhroma;
- Donated books to the Yakhroma City Library;
- Took part in the regional competition “The Beauty of God’s World”;
- Conducted seminars for teachers and parents on the topic “Give Kindness!”;
- Took part in the charity event “Feed the Birds”, “Titmouse Day”;
- Participated in the exhibition: “It’s warm in the sun, good in the mother’s presence!”;
- Took an active part in preparing the families of our students for the “Super-MOM” competition;
- They staged and showed the fairy tale for kids “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats” with the help of the older pupils;
- Participated in the city competition “Christmas Miracles”;
- They took part and adequately demonstrated the experience of their preschool educational institution in the regional Forum: “Dmitrov Sprouts - 2016”;
- We held the “Give the baby a book!” campaign inside the kindergarten;
- Conducted open classes for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions on the theme of the project: “Island of Friendship”, “Acquaintance with Russian traditions”, Let’s go for a visit. Russian hut" and others.
- We held a competition in the garden for International Cat Day. We organized a charity event “Cat Day” for children with prizes and gifts.
- We held a charity event among parents: “Toys as a GIFT” for the children of our preschool educational institution
- We prepared and held a holiday for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and the elderly. Cooperation with the “Veterans Council” of Yakhroma.
- Conducted the “Immortal Regiment” campaign in the preschool educational institution;
- Planted 2 trees (apple trees) on the territory of the preschool educational institution (accepted as a gift from parents);
- We held a charity “Sweet Fair” (for the restoration of the Trinity Church in Yakhroma);
- We held a concert in honor of “Russia Day!” for veterans and elderly people on the territory of the Veterans Council organization in Yakhroma. “Preschool children for veterans!”;
- Donated books to the library;
- Conducted an excursion to the museum of Yakhromskaya secondary school No. 2;
- We held a round table of teachers with a tea party in the city library of Yakhroma “Flame of War”;
- Participated in the city campaign “Forest of Victory”;
- Participated in a citywide cleanup;
- Participation of the team together with children “Peremilovskaya Vysota”;
- We took an excursion to the Trinity Church in Yakhroma with older children;
- We conducted an excursion for the Day of Slavic Literature with the older children of the preschool educational institution to the library in Yakhroma.

Social significance of the project:

Modern society faces a number of serious problems, one of which is the moral education of the younger generation. The moral education of a preschooler should be decided by everyone who is involved with children today. Preschool age is a period of active knowledge of the world and human relationships. What we put into the child’s soul today will manifest itself later and become his and our life, the life of our region.

Activities carried out within the framework of the project:

1. Drawing up a work plan for the academic year.
2. Elections of teachers and parents of students to the initiative group.
3. Open day. Meeting guests. Tour of the kindergarten. Familiarization with the conditions of the kindergarten.
4. Charity event together with students of Yakhroma Secondary School No. 2 “Tree of Goodness” (tree planting)
5. Order and work of the commission to examine preschool institutions for accessibility for people with disabilities. Production of an Availability Passport
1. Making announcements about charity events within the framework of the project.
2. Charity event in the city branch of library No. 1 in Yakhroma “Book Day”.
3. Participation in the regional competition “The Beauty of God’s World”
4. Charity fair “Let’s restore the shrine together” (For the restoration of the Trinity Church in Yakhroma)
1. Seminar for teachers: “Development of creative abilities of older preschool children”, Master class “Making an Invitation Card”.
2. Charity event for feeding wintering birds “Feed the Birds”.
3. Participation in the exhibition: “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence!”
4. Participation of teachers and students in the charity event “Titmouse Day”
5. Preparation and participation in the city competition “SUPER MOTHER”
6. Donation of books to the Yakhroma city library.
1. Staging and participation of children from the preparatory group in the fairy tale for children “The Goat and the Seven Little Goats.”
2. Participation in the city creative competition “Christmas Miracles”.
1. Preparation for the participation of teachers and students in the event Dmitrov Social Sprouts-2016"
1. Preparation for the “Give the baby a book” campaign.
2. Carrying out together with children of the middle group: “Let's go for a visit. Russian hut"
3. Preparation and participation for the 4th Festival of Patriotic Song “Peremilovskaya Heights”
1. Charity event for children of the Municipal Preschool Educational Institution “Cat Day” as part of International Cat Day.
1. Open lesson for teachers and parents: “Introduction to Russian traditions”, “Island of Friendship”, “Preparing for Great Easter”.
2. Charity event “Toys as a Gift”.
3. Preparations for the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory
4. Participation in the city campaign “Forest of Victory”
5. Participation in a citywide cleanup day
1. Charity event “Day of Good Deeds”, dedicated to Children’s Day.
2. Victory Day with the invitation of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, elderly and honorary residents of Yakhroma (Work with the Veterans Council)
3. Preparation for the Children's Day holiday
4. Planting fruit-bearing trees “Gift from graduates”
5. Open lesson in the middle group “My City”
1. Charity Fair “Sweet Fair” inside the MDOU (funds are collected for the restoration of the Trinity Church in Yakhroma)
2. Concert with tea for Russia Day at the Veterans Council “Pre-school children for veterans!”
3. Excursion with the donation of a charitable collection to the Trinity Church in Yakhroma
4. Job analysis. Drawing up a project plan for the next academic year. Generalization and dissemination of experience in conducting charity events in the media.
5. Summing up the results of joint work with parents, children, and employees.

Project scope:

Pupils, parents, kindergarten staff; Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, Council of Veterans of Yakhroma.

Resources spent:

Almost 1 year, all funds are voluntary material resources of people who want to help.

Project start date:

Savrasova Nadezhda Vladimirovna author Ermakov Evgeniy Vladimirovich Mikheev Vyacheslav Alexandrovich Komarova Marina Gennadievna Butyreva Anastasia Dmitrievna Stepanova Olga Nikolaevna Samarina Tatyana Alekseevna Sutyagina Yulia Alexandrovna Gureeva Larisa Alekseevna