Funny greetings for your nephew's birthday. Funny birthday greetings to nephew

New Year

Happy birthday, buddy!
May fate find you
And it will grab you, spin you around,
It will inspire you to succeed.

Will give you good luck and goodness,
May you be lucky in everything,
So that you jump with happiness
And I never tired of being weird!

Be loved always be friends
And celebrate all births with us.
And if suddenly there is not enough money,
Then anyone will pay for you!
We wish that for all thoughts
They would pay without delay
And they wouldn’t disappear in the fog
Your brain's inventions!

Let the world be sunny
And have a fun birthday.
I want to wish you success,
I'm waiting for an invitation to the holiday.

I wish everyone to love, fall in love,
Get married, have sex.
Then be fruitful, multiply,
And also have sex.
Dedicate yourself to work with ardor,
And then have sex.
Enjoy the blessings of life
And have sex zealously.
Wait for everything I dreamed of,
But still have sex.
And don’t give up to age! -
Getting old, but having sex!
...It’s time, perhaps, to wrap things up:
They invited me to have sex.

Let the dream merge with reality,
Your tomorrow will be bright,
May adversity, sadness and worries
They will run away without leaving a shadow.

I want to wish you a lot,
Three carriages, no, a whole train,
Happiness, peace, great health,
Well, life is about a hundred years old.

Funny birthday greetings to a friend in verse

Freaky mood
Have a great holiday,
Love to the point of dizziness
Happy Birthday!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday, friend,
You are the only one dear to me in this world,
You come to me and suddenly say:
Good day and how are you?..
Your hand will always help me, I know,
And in difficult times you will not betray,
In difficult and difficult hours you will always help me,
One day you will give me everything I need,
When I'm in trouble you can't refuse me!

May you always have cash.
What you spend it on is a personal matter...
Perhaps you will buy a house, a car, a dacha,
And then you can treat your friends for change!

Your friends are gathered here
Happy birthday to you!
Our friendship cannot be counted,
We had to eat a ton of salt

And today we want to wish
Stand even stronger on your feet,
Always be a daring young man
And a brave fighter for the truth,

Breathe and live deeply
To love the world and yourself in it
Let it burn with a seven-color arc
Life is like a rainbow above your head!

Be a brutal man
Like Banderas - sexy,
More brilliant than Tarantino
Direct your life beautifully.

So that Bill Gates asks for a loan,
Maybe even about hiring.
Do it all, you're cool, buddy.
Happy birthday! Give me your hand.

I won’t give you a bag of green dollars,
A car, a yacht, a plane, I don’t promise
But always remember how much I appreciate you,
Happy Birthday today, as a friend, I congratulate you!
Let your happiness overflow
Don’t forget about your friends and girlfriends,
Don't let the chickens peck about your money,
And the nightingales sing in my soul!

Buddy, take a couple of these with you today,
And invite your friends and girlfriends to your birthday,
And so that there is no shortage of treats,
Keep an eye on your wallet so everything is in order!
Let your holiday go with a bang,
And so that we don’t have a headache in the morning,
You can invite us all again,
And a cold beer, like pouring medicine!

Funny birthday greetings to a friend in prose

Happy birthday, buddy. I wish you to relax in the Maldives more often, travel around the world, learn the secret of success and fame, enjoy women’s tenderness and caresses, not overwork yourself and live, basking in luxury and chic.

My friend, happy birthday to you. I wish you to be a great cucumber in life, I wish you to be constantly surrounded by luxury and chic ladies, I wish that Brad Pitt himself would envy you, that not a single party and not a single grandiose holiday would be complete without you.

I wish you to become the hero of the fairy tale “At the behest of the pike, at my will.” Let the work be done as if by itself, and you will have more time to relax. Instead of a stove, a car with a personal driver is quite suitable. May your wife certainly be a princess: beautiful, graceful, delightfully beautiful. Let every dream come true, you just have to wish!

I won’t wish you money, you’ll skip anyway. I won’t wish you good health either, you’ll drink it. I don’t want love either, you already have a lot of it. I wish you best friends, loyalty from them, so that all your dreams come true, and all your problems remain in yesterday....

Congratulations, my faithful friend!
Birthday is around the corner!
Train your neighbors' nerves
And your feet for dancing!

Friend, what about friend? Today I just have a terrible problem - I really want to celebrate your birthday with you! And as we were taught in childhood, we must always help a friend in need. So wait - now I will appear with heavy artillery consisting of alcohol and gifts and we will correct the current situation. Happy holiday!

I want to tell you on your birthday that you are a great fellow. Do you remember when you were born, you were small, bald, and couldn’t speak or walk. And now you are big, beautiful, you chat freely on any topic and have learned not only to walk, but even to run. I wish that you succeed in any task in life just as easily!

I wish that WOW!
And never OHO-HO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can WOW!
To take your breath away.
Of course, to have a WOW!
And so that FU is very little.
WOW! - so that it surprises more often,
THAT'S ALL, KICK! - it wasn’t enough.
And if desired - HEY-HEY-HEY!
And to make everything come true - pour it!

Happy birthday greetings to a friend with humor

Happy birthday today, my friend, I want to start with an ancient parable. God said to one wise man: “By taking from people, you will lose the most important thing. And by giving, you will increase it in your life.” Therefore, I wish you to remain as responsive, kind and not spare anything for your friend!

If only people could create miracles
(Name) was then given in full:
A basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday,
A healthy backpack for fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a wad of bucks - upon meeting!

To eat and drink,
So that I would like and could,
So that everything and everywhere
It was with whom and it was where!

We raise mugs for your health
Let all your friends and girlfriends always be nearby.
So that your ears turn red on your birthday year after year
We will celebrate your centenary without a doubt!

What will I tell a true friend
On his birthday?
About the fact that I value friendship.
And there is no doubt about it!

Thank you, friend, for being there
Always without delay
Without pathos and fuss.
Buddy! Happy birthday!

My friend, comrade
On your birthday
I don't know, honestly
What to wish for.

Careers? You are successful in business.
You don't have to worry about it.
I wish you to be loved
Family, boss and friends.
And may fortune fly
To your house as often as I do!

Let your wallet burst with currency,
May there not be enough nights for pleasure,
Let everything be not just any way, but cool,
More beautiful than these and those.

Let the weekend be more often than weekdays,
And birthdays last all year,
Be happy - it's not difficult, you know,
And everyone is happy, like a well-fed cat!

An apartment, a car and a dacha,
Salon, shop and stall to boot
I would like to buy it soon
For our gifts to you on your birthday!

Funny poems for a friend's birthday

I wish you enough money
For a house, a car and a vacation in the south.
May your luck fall from the sky
And to be appreciated by friends and girlfriends.
I wish you not to turn sour, away with problems,
Dive headlong into joy and happiness!

Something has changed imperceptibly
It’s like someone has grown up exactly a year.
Why is there such a pandemonium at the door?
It's just your birthday today.
How can we congratulate you now,
We'll pull you by the ears with love,
And your popular person
We wish you regular love!

Happy birthday, good friend,
The sun has completed its circle
And today is your holiday
You and I are celebrating.
Be healthy and happy,
A kind, wise family man,
Cheerful and vigorous,
And responsible for work,
The wallet will be full -
This is my congratulations!

Happy birthday!
And I give you a poem!
Cool, good
And it looks like you!
Be stronger than the strongmen
And faster than all the balls!
And happiest of all happy ones,
And beloved by all loved ones!
In general, always be the coolest
More desirable than all, better than all!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Health and wealth,
Don't give up on your dream

Be mobile, active,
Fit, athletic,
Good luck and luck,
My friend, Happy Birthday!

My friend, may you be lucky
Keep a huge notepad,
Write down all your wishes,
And plan your endeavors!

Let fate accept it as an order
Your whims - and at a time
Everyone will fulfill them on their birthday!

I wish you on your birthday
Break your stomach laughing
In love affairs
Continued success!

Let it be on your banknotes
There will be a lot of zeros
Let the money be in your pockets
They breed like rabbits.

Happy birthday my friend!
Let there be a lot of girlfriends
Very cute, lively
Sexy and dashing.

Let there be many friends
Bright holiday lights.
Fashionable clothes, euros, cars.
Only this way and no other way!


Cool and funny birthday greetings to your nephew

"Cool poems for my nephew's birthday"

Nephew, dear, listen,
I will put my soul into congratulations
And on your birthday -
Have a great holiday in your destiny!

Let there be a thicker wallet,
There will be more bills with zeros
So that you don't know where to spend it,
And to always get along with Fortune!

Happy birthday, nephew!
Congratulations! Be healthy!
Let your body not know
No pills, no doctors!

Let him not know fatigue
Drak doesn't know at all
And no salary
And other funny problems!

So that the soul sings with happiness,
I want to wish you
So that everything is great,
Affordable, affordable!

"Cool SMS congratulations to your nephew from your aunt and uncle"

Today my nephew should drink and sing,
You know neither malice nor aggression,
Don't be sour, leave it alone, everything is vanity and vanity,
Stay the way you are in life!

Lots of health and a lot of money,
So that you don't think about them,
And I felt the beauty of freedom,
Pleasant, clean, like a spring!

Dear nephew, accept him on his birthday
Gifts and toasts, heartfelt congratulations!
Love - crazy and very beautiful,
I wish you health with heroic strength,

I also wish you a little prosperity,
May you be on every magazine cover!
And your yacht, and your own plane.
The dream has been waiting for a long time, so go ahead!

"Humorous birthday greetings to my nephew"

You thought - I would congratulate you
And I wish you a thousand blessings?
Never mind - I’ll be bad!
Nasty, arrogant. Yes, that's it!

Come on, I'm joking of course.
Nephew, happy holiday to you!
Don't try to be gloomy, otherwise
I can't vouch for myself!

I wish you, nephew, success on your birthday,
Only joyful tears and happy laughter.
So that banknotes crunch and glasses clink,
So that there is little room for fun in the soul.

May you find a happy place under the sun,
So that super-brides line up,
Golden so that luck becomes a fish,
Helping to solve all matters and tasks!

"Cheerful congratulations to my nephew on his birthday"

Beloved nephew, handsome man,
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I want to buy a big car,
It’s less likely to take you to the dentist.

But seriously, success in life
I only wish, nephew, for you.
And let any interference disappear,
What can happen in a happy destiny.

I remember going fishing in the winter
We loved running away with you.
I remember how we went to the rocking chair,
I remember your first love.

You have grown up imperceptibly, my friend,
Well, I've aged a little,
I see that you are not looking for freebies,
And he became very skilled in business.

Dear nephew, happy birthday!
Happy spring days! Good luck and love!
You are successful, to hell with all doubts!
Rejoice, create, burn, live!

Dear nephew, happy birthday!
I wish you more luck!
I wish you to achieve your goal
Walk along the road with precision.

After all, life, although a glorious thing,
Sometimes he can be a viper,
And we need an antidote
Find it without losing optimism.

Be happy, loved and successful,
Be gentle towards children and women,
Let misfortunes rush past!
Love! Inspiration and passion!

I really, really want to
Happy birthday
Beloved's niece
Happy and cute!

And even if I am not a prophetess,
But I know without a doubt
That your talent will not be wasted,
And your success will come to you.

Love! Good luck in your creativity,
Patience, luck,
I wish you, my boy,
And remember, I am always with you!

My dear nephew,
Darling boy,
Good luck chosen one,
My light is unquenchable.

Congratulate you
I want a happy birthday
To meet you
I'm flying on wings.

I want to wish you
Sea of ​​smiles
Good luck in everything
And fewer mistakes.

Nephew! Happy birthday!
Good luck and good luck!
Grow big, don't be a noodle!
Study, work and don't be lazy!

Our planet is spinning
And we wish you courage!
Big victories and small troubles,
Dream, take risks and don’t be sad!

The sun is waking up
The stars are smiling
Wonderful life! Treasure her!
Live, grow up, love people!

Happy birthday my beloved,
My nephew is golden
I'm always with you invisibly,
Even if not with you.

Grow up quickly, buddy.
Don't worry, don't be sad.
My artist, my seeker,
Choose your path in life.

I wish you, darling
Many joyful moments
So that life gives you
Sweet carrot, not stick.

The best boy in the world
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
Dear nephew, my meticulous empiricist,
I value you very much.

I wish you happiness and good luck.
Happy days and great discoveries,
I know that you will solve any problems,
I believe that you will accomplish a lot.

The world was created for boundless love,
Let its light be reflected in fate.
Let the stars light up for you,
Let the sun smile on you.

Nephew, dear, we love you very much
And we hasten to congratulate you on your birthday.
Be honest with yourself and attentive to people,
Work with fire, relax from the heart.

What if some misfortune happens?
Don’t be sour, don’t be angry, don’t be sad, don’t be sick!
May the bird of luck smile on you
And may you be lucky to have good friends,

We wish you to meet one day in your life
The girl who will become destiny
Family, dear, is vitally important!
We believe in you and are proud of you!

Accept congratulations from your aunt,
Nephew, at this good hour,
I wish you a happy birthday
And there’s still some extra for later!

I wish only good friends,
To help you thrive.
And only multi-currency deposits,
So that you never know what you need!

I wish my nephew on his birthday
Good luck, energy and inspiration,
Let life be like an aperitif!
You opened the happy door,
Be wise and strong, unconquered,
Selflessly in love with your work,
Feelings are kind, mutual and real,
Busy days and hot nights!

My little nephew has grown up
Here I am up to your shoulder...
Cute “washbasin” with bristles
And the wisdom of life is in speech.

How quickly children grow up!
I hasten to kiss you.
Still no stool
I can reach your cheeks!

My baby, my bunny, cat,
Accept a poem from your aunt
And many good wishes,
Confessions of love and tenderness!

We'll throw a cool holiday for you,
We will give you different gifts!
Don't forget our generosity -
Be obedient all year now!

Funny short birthday greetings to your nephew from your aunt for SMS

Happy birthday, nephew!
Let life become like a delicious gingerbread
Let your wallet be full,
And nothing will hurt!

Nephew, happy birthday! The most successful cases,
Energy sea, real friends,
Strong love and flow of finances,
Good, positive, advances from life!

On your next birthday
Get advice from your aunt:
Compare the behavior
With the number of years lived!

Nephew, dear, happy birthday!
Test lungs and luck
Your aunt wishes you this holiday,
And he’s waiting for you to invite him to visit!

Happy holiday, nephew!
We will carry out all plans,
When we unite with you,
And let's eat some delicious cake!

Comic birthday greetings for a nephew from an aunt in prose

Dear nephew! I wanted to wish you huge gold reserves, but they don’t always bring true happiness... I thought about wishes for the most faithful friends and loving relatives, but you already have them... So, just appreciate what you have, love your family, respect your friends and strive be happy every day! Happy birthday!

I remember you very little, when you uttered your first words and “walked under the table.” Even then, you made it clear to everyone that a difficult little man had been born. You have grown and achieved a lot, you, like an Energizer battery, always fly forward and do not stop there! Open up, make your wildest dreams come true, spread kindness, positivity and keep your human face! Angels to help, faithful friend, may life seethe like a hot volcano and intoxicate you with joyful events, may the doors of Luck open before you and a waterfall cover you with Happiness! Happy Birthday, beloved nephew!

His most beloved aunt wishes his nephew a happy birthday! It's me! I gladly wish that your circle of interests expands and goes beyond the computer monitor, that your friends are loyal and not virtual, that your achievements are real, and that your future salary is at least the same as that of Bill Gates!

Nephew! I would like to wish you ambition, drive, passion, success, ideas and space! Don’t lag behind your peers, don’t yield to anyone in anything! Let everything you dream come true, let everything you strive for bring not only joy, but also prosperity! Not only for you, but for all your family and friends!

Congratulate your nephew on his birthday from your aunt with humor in your own words

Handsome like Alain Delon, smart like Bill Gates, witty like Evgeny Petrosyan - all this is about my beloved nephew! And today, on the Day of your birth, I wish that Lady Luck favors you, the Muse inspires you to new achievements, Humor does not let you lose heart, and Strength and Determination lead to the fulfillment of your cherished desires! Sea of ​​Love and Ocean of Happiness! Happy Birthday, dear nephew!

My dearly beloved nephew! I hasten to congratulate you on yet another Valentine’s Day! I wish you to behave diligently and take care of yourself, since I have many nephews, but only one aunt for all of them! I need to be protected from worries and worries. I completely rely on you in this matter. I kiss you and believe in your bright, stormy, within reason, future!

Happy Birthday, nephew! I wish you good luck, because even the richest person can become poor, the healthiest can get sick, but the lucky one will quickly return all his wealth and increase it, restore health and use his experience wisely!

By Name For Nephew To Boy Happy Anniversary To Man

You are another child for me.
I'll tell you seriously, not jokingly:
I wish you to know everything in life fully -
Drink the sinful wine to the bottom.
Who in his youth did not sin at all,
Nephew, remember, he didn’t live at all!

Happy birthday, nephew,
May your life be so sweet
Like honey and sugar gingerbread,
And, like fluff, or cotton wool, it is light.

I wish you countless successes
And prosperity, well, without it,
And let it be an honor in the area
To be a friend, even to your dog.

Perhaps I did not have the most honest rules, uncle, but still allow me, nephew, to wish you to carry the banner of our family with dignity, to increase its traditions and heirs. Happy birthday!

My golden nephew, your holiday has come!
I want you to grow up kind, to eat and drink sweetly,
I would find my own business, throwing away the vanity,
He was cheerful and brave and made his dream come true!

Dear you are my nephew,
Happy wonderful birthday!
Bring the round bread,
Treat me to some delicious wine!

What about gifts? Don't joke!
Is this really important?
Come visit more often
And remind me one day!

My nephew, you have grown so much! Stubble on your face and a fixed gaze... On your birthday, I wish you not to hang your nose, get carried away and dream, love, give kindness. Be optimistic, let every day bring positivity, and let the best and happiest fairy tale story happen in your life!

How old are you, nephew - all yours!
At least remember to say a toast:
Don’t consider what you have lived in vain -
Have a blast and rock it!

You're practically like a son to me,
Your life is not indifferent to me.
I wish you heights
In the profession and in personal life.

But only those to conquer,
To be the first in love, in work.
So that he does wonderful things,
May the eagle always be on the rise!

How quickly you are growing, nephew: I can’t reach your ears and cheeks, nor tug on them, nor pinch them! Be healthy, beloved giant, on your next birthday I will come with a stepladder.

My nephew is funny
You can be lazy these days!
Skip school today
Let's go for a walk on your birthday!

I want to wish you
So that you can take me for a ride
On your personal plane,
And may you have a great life.

I also wish you
So that there is a king in his destiny,
So that you manage it yourself
And I found my happiness.

My best and most beloved nephew, I wish you a life as if in your favorite movie with your favorite car and an even more beloved and amazing girl next to you! And let the rest of the world be at your feet! Happy birthday!

Let him always pursue
Love on the path of life
And, among the priestesses of this love,
You can find the goddess.

I remember about my birthday
And without hesitation or doubt,
I’m giving you some advice that’s not complicated,
But very smart and reliable:

My wonderful nephew
So that your name is not Teapot -
Try to stick your nose into the matter
And act skillfully in everything!

It was not in vain that you were born! You have your own mission in the world! My nephew, on your birthday I wish you to pluck stars from the sky, breathe in every moment, admire, let your feelings inspire you to do things, and let energy and positivity become your best friends!

Alina Ogonyok