Crafts from candy wrappers. Flower made from candy wrappers

Other reasons

After every holiday, there are a lot of sweet wrappers left in the house. The simplest thing is to take them and throw them in the trash. But don't rush to do this. We invite you to remember your childhood, when candy wrappers became a wonderful material for creativity. Appliqués and origami figures are what each of us made from wrappers. In this article we will talk about what crafts you can make from candy wrappers with your own hands. Attract to creative process their children. They will probably enjoy “transforming” an ordinary candy wrapper into original craft. And here, in fact, are the ideas. Study them, get inspired and have fun crafting!

Keychain made from candy papers - simple and fast! Preparatory stage

Crafts made from candy wrappers in the form of pendants can become a real decoration mobile phone, keychain, handbag or school backpack. It looks unusual, but very stylish and original.

For work we prepare the following:

Stage of making a craft from candy wrappers in the form of a keychain: instructions

Unfold and line up all wrappers. Mark stripes 1-1.5 centimeters wide on them. Cut the candy wrappers along the lines. Fold each strip in half lengthwise. Wrap the paper blank onto a wooden skewer, applying glue to it. There is no need to lubricate the entire surface of the candy wrapper with it. It will be enough to drip glue from time to time. Attach the remaining strips in this way until the circle is the size you need. Next, remove it from the skewer and glue the tip of the last piece well. This product itself can become a pendant. You just need to thread a decorative cord or special fittings through the central hole in it. But similar crafts made from candy wrappers, consisting of several such rings of different sizes, look much more interesting. For example, three circles connected in a row can be a pendant in the shape of a snowman. And if you fasten several of these elements in a circle, you get a flower keychain. Imagine yourself and invite the kids to do it, together you will definitely come up with many interesting figures from rings.

Decorations made from candy wrappers are almost a designer item!

We continue to learn how to make crafts from candy wrappers. You can make it with your own hands original bracelets and beads made from this material. Your sweet daughter will definitely like this idea. She can wear such jewelry herself, give it to her friends and, of course, decorate her favorite dolls with it. To make this product you will need sweet wrappers (made of foil or paper) and a clothespin. Read the following description for the bracelet manufacturing technology.

Bracelets are beautiful crafts made from candy wrappers. Master class on making

Line each wrapper up and fold it in quarters lengthwise. The width of the resulting strip should be approximately 1 centimeter. It is important that all elements are the same size. Now bend the strip in half. Make such blanks from all the wrappers. Next, insert the second into one part so that the resulting figure resembles the letter “T”. Bend the edge of the top element at a right angle down and to the sides. The folds must coincide with the bottom crossbar of the part. Turn the product over and secure it with a clothespin. Insert another candy wrapper into the resulting loop and weave it in the same way as the first. As a result, you will get a curly stripe. When the product reaches the right size, thread the ends of the first part into the loop of the last one and bend them outward. For reliability, you can fasten them with a stapler or glue.

Such crafts made from candy wrappers can become a whole set: bracelet, beads and earrings. You will need to insert the appropriate fittings into the latter.

Butterflies and flowers from wrappers - bright decor for a children's room

In just a few minutes, you can use candy wrappers to make a magnificent decoration for your home’s interior in the form of a butterfly figurine. For its manufacture, except bright wrappers from under sweets, you will need a small piece thin tape or braid and thread.

Fold the paper blank like an accordion. Start doing this from the corner of the candy wrapper. The width of one step should be no more than four millimeters. To make one butterfly, make two such blanks. Connect these parts together in the middle, securing them with tape. Gently straighten the “wings”. Do not cut off the ends of the ribbon; they look like butterfly antennae. Pull the thread under the ribbon and hang the figurine from the ceiling or chandelier.

Using the same principle, you can make products in the form of flowers, connecting three or four parts together.

We hope that the information and photos presented in this article have inspired you to make interesting crafts from candy wrappers with your own hands. Create beauty from the most ordinary materials, feel like a real wizard!

Yulia Orlova

In our kindergarten A competition was held to develop constructive model actions. To develop an interesting project, I studied a lot of literature and Internet resources. I came across several master classes on making . I immediately remembered mine crafts from childhood, because in my childhood we they saved up candy wrappers, exchanged, made baskets from them and much more, so I decided to show my children the possibilities of simple candy wrapper.

The goal of my project: Develop fantasy, creative thinking And Creative skills children through construction from candy wrappers.


1. Create a sustainable interest in constructive activity, desire to create, invent.

2. Develop fine motor skills hands, stimulating the future general speech development and mental abilities.

3. Cultivate perseverance, endurance, friendly relationships, respect for one’s own and other people’s work.

4. To form children’s interest in using waste material for the production of creative works.

On preparatory stage I found and compiled technological maps for the production of various crafts and applications from candy wrappers. With the help of parents and children they collected candy wrappers.

During the main stage we made:

1. Butterfly

3. Making an aquarium

4. Making a rocket in space

5. Making the Firebird

A master class on making fish was held for parents and children together.

At the final stage, an exhibition was organized crafts and photo report

Publications on the topic:

The candy is eaten, the candy wrapper remains. Here it is, beautiful, lying on the table! And I’m very sorry to throw it away, it glitters like foil in the sun.

Despite the fact that autumn is coming to an end, in its creative works The guys and I continue to admire this great time of the year.

Constructive-modular activity (senior group) “Patchwork quilt” (From candy wrappers) Structurally - modular activity. ( Senior group) Subject: " patchwork quilt"(From candy wrappers) Objectives: To arouse interest in the creation.

Not far away wonderful holidays New Year and Christmas. That's why the idea of ​​these was born wonderful toys with your own hands, especially.

Very delicious candy. I love her for this. And also for an elegant wrapper, you can make a bow out of it, put a ring on your finger, and just put it on it.

Today we will create miracles in half an hour! And who can do that! Who takes on everything with soul! A little skill, a little patience and a little more work.

Candy fairy: Garland of candy wrappers: Materials and tools: candy candy wrappers, scissors, stapler, needle and thread and a piece of cotton wool. All.

Glitter candy wrappers are best for this job. You will also need plasticine and thin wire. Give your child a piece of brown or black plasticine so that he can roll a sausage in his hands, which will be the body of a butterfly. From a mass of a different color you need to make two balls and flatten them a little. These will be the eyes. Using round-nose pliers, twist two pieces of thin wire to create antennae for the insect. Stick them into the butterfly's head.

Smooth out four shiny candy wrappers. Using small scissors, round off the corners of the candy wrappers. Then twist one edge of each shiny piece. You should end up with two large and two small wings. Adjust the size of the wings while twisting the candy wrapper.

Fold the butterfly wings onto a piece of paper. Glue the plasticine body on top. Secure the structure from below with another small piece of plasticine.

Having made several butterflies, the child will be able to use them as volumetric decor for a children's frame with a photo.

Angel from candy wrappers

This original little angel can decorate christmas tree. To create it you need beautiful candy wrappers, thin wire and a large bead. Take two candy wrappers of different sizes or cut one of the same candy wrappers around the edges.

Fold them along the long side into an accordion. Fold each accordion over the middle. Place the two pieces side by side and align their bent centers. Use a thin wire to secure them in this state. Leave the tails of the wire on top of the small wrapper.
Thread the remaining wire through the bead. You have the head of an angel. Twist the wire tails into a loop. For it, your craft can be hung on the Christmas tree.

Additionally, you can decorate the bead by gluing small beads to it or painting it acrylic paint, or apply a pattern with an outline.

Bend and straighten the lower accordion. Glue its two parts in the center. Simply straighten the upper accordion on each side.

Flower bouquet of candy wrappers

A small gift bouquet can be made using candy wrappers and candies. First, make the blanks on wooden skewers. It is best to take a candy with one twisted tail. Straighten it out and apply a narrow strip of double-sided tape. Attach a skewer and wrap it around the candy tail. Secure the top with another narrow strip of double-sided tape.

Fold the bright, beautiful candy wrappers in half and cut off the top two corners. You should end up with a semicircle. Punch a hole in the bottom center with a hole punch. Make several of these. Use scissors to turn the remaining candy wrappers into circles. Make holes in the center of each with a hole punch.

Collect flowers. Pass the skewer first through the holes of the semicircles, distributing them evenly around the circumference, then through the circles of candy wrappers. Secure the structure at the bottom and along the entire length of the skewer with green tape.

Place a piece of polystyrene foam in a gift basket and stick the resulting flowers into it. Decorate the free space with festive wrapping paper.

Everyone usually throws away candy papers and no one suspects that wonderful products can be created from them. After looking at photos of crafts made from candy wrappers on the Internet, anyone will have the desire to decorate their home with something similar. To this interesting activity You can involve children who will really like the idea of ​​​​creating products from candy forfeits.

Now we will conduct a master class on crafts from candy wrappers. For children this will be not only an interesting, but also a useful activity. Their imagination and motor skills of their hands and fingers will develop.

Candy wrapper applique

All children love to do handicrafts. They often do various applications. Therefore we offer simple ideas crafts for children with a description and first of all we will create a plot application.

For the manufacture of original products To make candy forfeits you will need the most common materials:

  • candy wrappers;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

Before creating an application, you must first draw a picture. Next, we make a craft from candy papers step by step. Using your imagination, you can do beautiful product, which will complement the house with bright colors.

It is very easy to create fish or butterflies from pieces of paper, which we will then attach to the cardboard using glue. All you have to do is fold the wrappers into an accordion and make the necessary shapes.

You don't have to glue all your products to cardboard. They can serve as toys on the New Year tree.

You can make anything from candy papers. For example, Nice dress for a doll, decoration, garland, doll, keychain, slippers, ornaments and even a handbag. Therefore, they no longer need to be classified as trash. They will also be useful for creating an original product.

New Year's toys

Let's try to make several toys that can be used to decorate the Christmas tree in the future. To glue the doll together, you need to prepare:

  • three forfeits different sizes(large, medium and small);
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • igloo;
  • stapler;
  • a large bead for the head.

We take two forfeits and fold them lengthwise into an accordion. From the third you need to cut out a rectangle and fold it into the same accordion.

We tie the thread tightly so that the product holds. Or just wrap it with thread and secure it with a stapler. The doll is ready and can be hung on the New Year tree. You can glue several of these crafts from candy forfeits with your own hands and use them every year.

We present to your attention another step by step instructions how to make a craft from candy wrappers. Let's try to make the next toy for the New Year tree.

For this we need:

  • 20-25 forfeits from sweets (preferably they should all be the same);
  • scissors;
  • thread;
  • pin.

Fold all the candy wrappers lengthwise like an accordion, align along one edge and secure in the middle with a clothespin. Next, take the thread and wrap it several times in the place where the clothespin is attached. All edges must be smooth.

You should make a loop on the thread so that the toy can be hung on the Christmas tree. Next, you need to carefully straighten each wrapper and the product is ready.


Wrappers can be used to make not only various toys, but also decorations. Therefore, we will make a bracelet that a child can wear. To create this product, we need to prepare 10-14 pieces of paper of the same size.

All wrappers must be cut into two pieces lengthwise. Take half and fold along the long side. Next, unfold and fold both sides to the line in the middle.

Once again we fold along the length to make a long, narrow strip and bend it. This action should be done with all wrappers.

Let's try to assemble the bracelet. Take a strip (it needs to be bent) and insert the next strip into it perpendicularly. Let's place the third phantom on the first one so that it is opposite the second one. On one side of the third strip two legs from the first should stick out. We fold both onto a piece of paper.

Next, put on the next strip and fold the ends. We continue to do this with all the other pieces of paper. We will get a zigzag stripe. We roll up the bracelet, tuck the ends of the last wrapper into the first and the decoration is ready.

Umbrella made from candy wrappers

To make an umbrella from candy wrappers, we will need:

  • three wrappers;
  • toothpick;
  • half a bead (optional);
  • PVA glue;
  • glue gun

First, we make an accordion out of all the pieces of paper and bend them in half. The inner edges need to be glued and we will get three fans. Next we glue the edges of all the blanks. We should get a circle.

Glue half a bead in the middle of the circle using glue gun. If you don’t have such a bead in your house, then you can do without it. On the other side we glue a toothpick and our umbrella is ready. It can be used as a cocktail garnish.

Have you met best ideas crafts made from candy wrappers that will appeal to every lover of needlework. Now you won't have to throw away the candy papers that are left over after the holidays. They found excellent use. Previously, they were always considered trash, but now these colorful and shiny pieces of paper can decorate your home.

Photos of crafts made from candy wrappers

The imagination of craftswomen knows no limits, and interesting decorations and crafts can be created from a wide variety of unexpected materials. It's not always a good idea to throw away trash. For example, what do you think can be made from candy wrappers that have been eaten a long time ago, and only sweet memories remain? It turns out there are many options! Let's look at a few of them.

Weaving method

Products made from confectionery wrappers are always useful: decorate the interior, bring an atmosphere of comfort to your home. In addition, for vases, boxes and baskets there is always quite practical use: store cosmetics, stationery, medicines, pincushions, the same candies on dining table. Making such crafts is quite simple, even children can do it, and therefore their creation is suitable for family creativity.

Weaving is based on the following principle. The candy wrapper should be folded lengthwise several times to form a strip. Then you need to bend it in half, and insert another one of the same kind into the middle (it should be contrasting color). Now you can check out concrete examples what can be made from candy wrappers, and how to get an interesting and useful thing.


A basket woven from candy wrappers will look very organic. Depending on what candy wrappers are selected, it will turn out either variegated or aged in a certain color scheme, and even with a beautiful, thoughtful design. In the latter case, you will need to stock up big amount candy wrappers of the same brand. All of them need to be folded lengthwise to get strips of the same width.

There are many options for what can be made from candy wrappers. For this craft you will need scissors, a needle and thread and a sheet of cardboard. After all the candy wrappers have been smoothed out and folded in a certain way, you can begin weaving. In this case, another one must be inserted into the middle of each folded strip of wrapper. Initially a strip will come out. It will form the volume of the future basket. There should be such preparations required amount(for example, five pieces). The handle is created in the same way.

To make a small basket, you need to stock up on forty candy wrappers. In order to fasten the strips together, they must be stitched using a needle and thread, it must be tightened tightly and passed through all the strands. The stitched strips should be connected into a circle and secured again with a needle and thread. The bottom can be made from thick cardboard. Moreover, its diameter should slightly exceed the parameters of the basket. Then it is covered with candy wrappers and the previously created blank is sewn onto it. For the pen you will need twenty-five candy wrappers. Weave a strip out of them and attach it to the basket. Sew the ends of the handle tightly. If everything is done correctly, you will have a very neat basket. Handbags and cosmetic bags are created in a similar way. You can sew on a ready-made handle, purchased at a craft store.

Vases made from candy wrappers

A vase made from candy wrappers will look like a real miracle. It will become a must-have attribute of your room. You can successfully pour water and hold bouquets of flowers into this openwork wicker container. The weaving is done in a checkerboard pattern. Making a vase is similar to making a basket. You can connect strips together not only with thread and a needle. A stapler will come in handy. In this case, it is better to fasten the products with reverse side. The shape of the vase depends on the skill of the manufacturer. It may look like the one on your desk, made of crystal. To create a masterpiece you will need to weave several strips different lengths(to form the neck of the vase).

They must be connected in series. To give the product strength, you can insert a container made of tin or glass into the middle.

Beautiful garland

The most successful and simple option is a garland of candy wrappers; it will decorate the entrance to the kitchen and can be placed in the room for the New Year. Such a decoration can be woven using the method already described above, or various figures created from wrappers, for example, butterflies, can be assembled into a garland. They are strung on a thread or fishing line.

Wonderful flowers

In order to get tender and beautiful flowers For candy wrappers, you will need cling film wrappers. This material is the strongest. How lush the flower will be depends on the number of candy wrappers. To obtain an inflorescence, you will need to perform the following manipulations with the accumulated wrappers. They need to be straightened and smoothed out. Place five or six pieces in a stack, and they must be shifted relative to each other. To connect them you will need a bead and a fishing line, which must be threaded into the center of the candy wrappers. The resulting petals are collected into a bud. Tie a knot on the outside. There may be several such flowers. They need to be tied to the base. To make the stem, a kebab skewer or chopsticks designed for Japanese food are suitable. The flower will be very large and bright.

Now you know what can be made from candy wrappers. They make simply fantastic butterflies, umbrellas, handbags, Christmas trees, snowflakes and stars, bright balls and many other things.