Interplanetary New Year! New Year's fun (aliens kidnap Santa Claus).

Other reasons

Alien New Year

(for primary school)

physics and computer science teacher

Semishina Nina Borisovna

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum" Dedovsk

Dedovsk, 2012 Alien New Year

Leading: December 29th. 6th grader Sasha sat comfortably in a chair in front of the computer.

Sasha: Finally the holidays. Now I can play on the computer as much as I want. And I’ll call Masha in Germany and find out how she’s preparing for the New Year.

Presenter: Sasha opened Skype (Skype) , but before he could dial Masha’s call, someone spoke on the computer.

King Tam-Tam: Can you hear me?

Sasha (scared): I hear...

King Tam-tam: Do you see?

Sasha: I see...

Leading: On the screen, Sasha saw the face of an unknown person with a crown on his head.

Sasha: Who are you?

King Tam-Tam: I am King Tam-Tam from the planet Tantum.

Sasha: And I'm Sasha from planet Earth.

King Tam-Tam: Sasha, I need your help. Soon New Year, and the evil Bash-Bash stole the “Snow” toy from our main Christmas tree. And now we don’t have snow, and what would New Year be without it?

Sasha: How can I help, because I’m on another planet?

King Tam-Tam: Are you ready to help?

Sasha: Yes, it's so exciting!

King Tam-tam: Then hold on!

(Cosmic music plays)

Leading: Sasha closed his eyes. He was whirled around in a whirlwind. When I felt a solid surface under my feet, I opened my eyes. King Tam-tam stood in front of him.

King Tam-Tam: Hello, Sasha. Thank you for responding to my request.

Sasha: How to find the evil Bash-bash?

King Tam-Tam: He lives on the planet Bashiba...

Sasha: Now let's look at the GPS. Here it is planet Bashiba. But along the way I will need help. Guys, are you ready to help me?


Sasha: How will I get there?

King Tam-Tam: Here's our cart with a deer, but he won't go until you sing his favorite song.

Sasha: What song?

King Tam-Tam: The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree…

Sasha: Oh, that's the easiest way. ( Starts to sing) A Christmas tree was born in the forest, and there it grew while it grew... I’m somehow confused. Guys, help!

(Everyone sings the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

(Words by R. Kudasheva, music by L. Beckman)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

Slim in winter and summer,

It was green.

The snowstorm sang a song to her:

“Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye!”

Frost covered with snow:

“Look, don’t freeze! »

Cowardly bunny gray

Jumped under the Christmas tree

Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf,

I ran at a trot.

Chu! Snow in a private forest

It creaks under the runner;

Hairy horse

He's in a hurry, running.

The horse is carrying wood,

And in the logs there is a man,

He cut down our Christmas tree

Right down to the spine.

Now she's dressed up

She came to us for the holiday

And many, many joys

I brought it for the kids.

The deer delivers Sasha to another planet.)

Sasha: According to GPS data, this is the planet Comica.

Leading: While Sasha was examining the planet, two inhabitants came out to meet.

Inhabitants of the planet Comica:Let's play, let's play.

Sasha: I don’t have time to play, I’m in a hurry.

Inhabitants of the planet Comica(jumping around Sasha): Let's play, let's play.

Sasha: Okay, what are we going to play?

Inhabitants of the planet Comica:Our favorite game "Fanta".

Sasha: But there are few of us, so it’s not interesting. Let's invite the guys to the game. Want to participate?

Leading: Game "Fanta". Each participant puts one of their own things in the box. This could be a hairpin, ring, etc. (forfeits). The presenter says that he must make this or that forfeit.

Example tasks:

1. Read New Year's poem as if you are falling asleep.

2. Perform a dance with Christmas tree rain on your ears.

3. Draw the Snow Maiden by holding the felt-tip pen between your palms.

4. Dramatize a line from the song “somewhere in this world.”

5. Come up with and say New Year's greetings on behalf of postman Pechkin.

6. Draw with a felt-tip pen New Year's garland standing with your back to a sheet of paper.

7. Perform the gypsy dance with Christmas tree beads around the neck.

8. Draw a snake, holding a felt-tip pen between your elbows.

9. Depict festive fireworks in pantomime.

10. list 5 Christmas tree decorations.

11. Find chocolate among the candies, but only with your hands.

12. Without looking into the bag, guess what is there.

13. Unwrap the wrapped candy with one hand and put it in your mouth.

14. Drink a cup of tea using a teaspoon.

15. Eat 5 dragees lying on a saucer, using the middle fingers of both hands.

16. Bite an apple suspended on a thread.

17. list 5 Christmas tree decorations.


Inhabitants of the planet Comica:Hurray, hurray, hurray. We haven't played so much fun in a long time! Where were you in such a hurry?

Sasha: To the planet Bashiba.

Inhabitants of the planet Comica:We will show you a shortcut. Fly to that bright star(point to the sky).

Sasha: Thank you! Goodbye!

(Space music plays)

Sasha: So, so... We again didn't reach it quite a bit. Look, someone lost the bags.(Raises the bags)

Inhabitants of the planet Hitti:He picked them up, picked them up. Now he will play with us. Hooray!

Sasha (surprised): What's in these bags?

Inhabitants of the planet Hitti:We'll tell you if you promise to play with us.

Sasha: I promise. And we'll invite all the guys.

Inhabitants of the planet Hitti:The game is called "Gifts". To receive a gift from the first bag, you need to guess the riddle from the second.

Riddles can be different, for example:

1. Who whitens the clearings with white

And writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows? (Winter)

11. You will always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

Stands prickly like a hedgehog

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

2. White flakes are flying,

They fall quietly and circle.

Everything turned white.

What covered the paths? (Snow)

12. I come with gifts,

I shine with bright lights,

Elegant, funny,

For the New Year, I am in charge. (Christmas tree)

3. He goes first in the count,

The new year will begin with it.

Open your calendar soon

Read! Written -...


13. A cap of snow on the mountain,

All the trees are silver

The ice sparkles on the pond,


(New Year)

4. Stars are falling from the sky,

They will lie down in the fields.

Let him hide under them

Black earth.

Many, many stars

Thin as glass;

The stars are cold,

And the earth is warm!


14. In summer he walks without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost.


5. The purest snow fell,

From it everywhere...


15. You will put magic shoes on your feet -

And you’ll immediately rush along the winter road.


6. At night, in the frosty darkness,

I draw on glass.

Visible through the curtains in the morning

My intricate pattern.

And trees and bushes

Unprecedented beauty.


16. Look through the crack of the door -

You will see our Christmas tree.

Our tree is tall

Reaches to the ceiling.

From stand to crown

Hanging on the branches...


7. What a strange man

Arrived in the twenty-first century:

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of the sun and heat?


17. He is both kind and strict,

Full of beard,

Now he is in a hurry to come to us for a holiday,

Who is this? ...

(Father Frost)

8. When there is frost and cold in winter,

Both the pond and the puddle are covered with it.


18. She is dressed in silver with pearls -

The magical granddaughter of a magical grandfather.

(Snow Maiden)

9. If the snow on the roofs melts,

Then the sisters grow up.

These winter sisters

Cold, transparent, calls,

And they grow upside down.

Don't stand under them!


19. On decorated branches

Snow fringe,

Apples are rosy

They grew up in winter.

Apples on an apple tree

They scurry about merrily

Ice cream caterpillars

Apples are pecked.


10. Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It can hurt when he bites.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street... (Frost)

20. Two sisters, two braids

From sheep wool thin.

How to walk - how to wear it,

So that five and five do not freeze.


Sasha: I didn’t know that it could be so difficult to solve riddles. But I forgot about my mission. We urgently need to fly to the planet Bashiba. Goodbye, residents of Hitti!

(Space music plays)

Leading: And so Sasha ends up on the planet Bashiba, where he meets the villain Bash-bash.

Sasha: Bash-bash, return the “Snow” toy to the inhabitants of the planet Tantum.

Villain Bash Bash: No, I've wanted to get this toy for a long time. Now there is snow on my planet too.

Sasha: But the residents of Tantum were left without snow, which means the holiday will no longer be so joyful.

Villain Bash Bash: What other holiday?

Sasha: What don’t you know? New Year!

Villain Bash Bash: I don't know any New Year holiday!

Sasha: So I'll tell you about him. Now the New Year is celebrated on January 1st. They put up a Christmas tree in houses. Adults and children enjoy decorating the Christmas tree New Year's toys, beads, candies and colorful lanterns. In the morning, gifts from Santa Claus are found under it. Celebrate the holiday in New Year's costumes, with dancing, poetry, songs and a delicious feast.

Villain Bash Bash: And I want New Year, I want to dance. I love dancing so much!

Sasha: Return the toy to planet Tantum, and we will give you a dance.

Villain Bash Bash: You will deceive. First the dance.

(Dance prepared by the guys)

Villain Bash Bash: I'm spinning, spinning... Great!

Sasha: Now you keep your promise.

Villain Bash Bash (stops): And I? What about me? Will I be left completely alone in the New Year?

Sasha: Of course not! King Tam-tam will definitely welcome you to his kingdom to celebrate the New Year. Let's fly!

(Comic music plays. The heroes find themselves on the planet Tantum)

King Tam-Tam: Hooray! Our toy is back. It's time to hang it on the Christmas tree. But we need the help of all the guys.

(All the guys have pre-prepared paper toys. A Christmas tree is drawn on whatman paper. The guys with their eyes closed must attach the toy to the tree.)

Villain Bash Bash: How fun it is to celebrate the New Year in a large and friendly company. I want to continue to have fun.

Sasha: It's time for me to go home. Yes, and I was hungry.

King Tam-Tam: Thank you, Sasha, for your help! Bon Voyage!

(Space music. Sasha finds himself at home in front of the computer)

Sasha: I’ll go to Kolya and tell him about my adventure. I don’t want to sit in front of the computer all holidays. I will go for walks, sledding and skiing, and visit.(Sasha leaves)

Leading: And we invite everyone to our New Year's feast. But someone is missing. Whom? That's right, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden! Let's call them together.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out)

Father Frost:

Who comes on New Year's Day

Quiet on your toes?

Who gives you gifts?

In different socks?

Who leaves on the Christmas tree

Sweet candy?

Everyone in the world knows me,

Adults and children!

Well of course, well of course

It's me, your Santa Claus!

In addition to colorful gifts

I brought you congratulations:

Happy New Year

All people without exception,

So that never in life,

We didn’t meet any disappointment!

(Inna Strykova)

Natalya Mikhnevich
"New Year's Eve with Aliens." Scenario for the preparatory group

« New Year's holiday with aliens»

Dance "Icy Palms"

Leading: Last year It was a glorious year, but time does not wait hastily.

The last calendar leaf has been torn off, the New Year is marching towards us.

Check out our Christmas tree: how decorated she is!

The snow is fluffy on needles, and a star is burning above.

1 child: It smells like fresh tar again, we are gathered around the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree was decorated, the lights on it were lit.

2reb-k: The Christmas tree came to us today, all made of gold lights,

Everyone is happy about her: children, guests, we will have more fun with her.

3reb-k: Everyone is singing and having fun, leading a friendly round dance,

Because today holiday. What the holiday?

Together: New Year!

4reb-k: Get into a circle quickly, hold hands tightly,

We’ll start a round dance, because that’s what the New Year is for!

Round dance « New Year»

(children sit on chairs)

5reb-k: On this winter starry evening,

The old year is passing away.

New Year to meet him

He comes to us with gifts.

Along the magical path

You can enter a fairy tale.

But where is the magic path?

How can we look into a fairy tale?

The music is about to start,

We will be able to get into a fairy tale!

"Dance of the Stars"

(the sound of a space rocket descending is heard)

Leading: Well, miracles fell like stars from the sky! It seems to me that someone has come to visit us!

The boys come out Aliens.

Aliens: -Hello dear!

Good afternoon

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Where and why did you come to us?

Aliens: We came to you from the Alpha Planet! We are looking for magical objects for our museum. Do you have anything for us?

Leading: Of course have! We are waiting for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, magic and fun await us, because today New Year holiday! Stay on our holiday and we will find magical objects.

Aliens: Certainly! We'll be happy to stay!

The sound of horses' hooves and bells can be heard.

Leading: This is probably Santa Claus who has arrived. The presenter draws the children's attention to Santa Claus, who is visible in the window.

Let's all call him together so he can find us faster!

All: Father Frost! Father Frost! Father Frost!

Father Frost enters with the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: Hello, dear little and big!

Take me into your round dance, guys!

I am ruddy, bearded,

I came to you for the New Year.

Lots of fun today!

The friendly song is ringing!

Noisy New Year's holiday,

Light up your lights (The presenter lights the Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Hello guys, quickly all get up in a circle and sing a song together!

Round dance Santa Claus is our guest New Year.

Leading: Santa Claus, look what guests have arrived to us.

Aliens: We came to you from the Alpha Planet! We are looking for magical objects for our museum.

Father Frost: Well, then we'll have to go to magical land fairy tales And there we will find magical objects. Do you agree? (Music sounds, the lights go out, the children circle around them)

Father Frost: Well, here we are in a fairy tale!

Music sounds, the Queen comes out, looks in the mirror, admires.

Father Frost: Hello, dear Queen! Let me ask you?

Queen: Speak!

(Aliens repeat their story: "We have arrived...")

Leading: Would you give us your mirror?

A noise is heard, Kikimora runs in with Leshiy.

Kikimora, Leshy: What is this I hear! We made it! We've done it! They sell everything, they buy everything! Everyone is shaking over their own good! Oh, you see, give them magical things! I'll show you! I'll arrange it for you! I'll grab them myself! Give me, give me the mirror!

Leading: Guests have flown to us, asking for magical objects for the museum, but why do you need a mirror?

Kikimora: I will look at myself and admire it!

Goblin: And I!

Queen: Well, if you ask so much, earn it! Complete my task!

My pearl necklace has fallen apart! Whoever collects the most beads will own a mirror!

Leading: Guys will help you now!

A game "Collect the Necklace".

Children are divided into 2 teams, some go to the team aliens, the other half to Kikimora with Leshiy. The team wins Aliens.

Goblin: Such small beads. Can't see without glasses!

Kikimora: Yes, it’s definitely not visible! (they leave, whisper)

The queen gives Mirror for aliens.

Leading: Stay Queen on our holiday.

Father Frost: Well, guys, let's play some more!

Game with Santa Claus.

Music sounds (the sound of an airplane, the Sultan appears in the hands of a carpet airplane.

Sultan: Hello guys, I came to you from an eastern country!

(Notices oriental beauties)

How many beauties do you have?

Leading: They know a wonderful dance and want to dance for you.

Dance of oriental beauties.

Father Frost: Dear Sultan! You have such a wonderful airplane carpet. Would you give it to guests from another planet?

Sultan: He's old, full of holes and doesn't fly well!

Aliens: So what, is it old? For us, for the museum.

Kikimora runs out with Leshiy.

Kikimora (to the Sultan) Expensive! You are from a fairy tale, I am from a fairy tale! We will understand each other!

Give me a carpet, I will fly on it.

Sultan: And do you need an old, holey carpet - an airplane?

Well, okay, then I'll give you a competition.

(thoughtfully) It's winter outside! What task would you like to come up with?

Father Frost: Sultan, let’s see how they can ski? (brings skis)

A relay race with skis is held

Participate aliens and Kikimora with Leshim. You need to run around the tree on one ski and pass it to the next one.

Sultan: The winners are the aliens! I give you a carpet!

Kikimora and Leshiy are pulling the plane carpet, but they won’t give it up.

Leading: They won’t give it back! We'll have to scare them. Robbers, come out!

Robber: We are robbers - murderers,

These are the big darlings.

Dance of the robbers.

At the end of the dance, the carpet is given to the plane. They leave.

Leading: Stay Sultan on our holiday! Let's have fun! (Remain)

Game with felt boots.

The children sing “Masha went to the market, Masha bought felt boots, we began to ask her, let me wear them a little...”

Masha (speaks): “I don’t feel sorry, vilify, vilify, but return” - gives one felt boot to the children between whom she stopped. The children put one felt boot on each foot and run in a circle towards each other. Whoever ran to the place first takes the felt boots and play continues again.

Leading: - Santa Claus, the children want to read poetry to you.

Children's poems.

Father Frost: Guys, aren’t you afraid of frost?


Father Frost: Yes, yes, that means you’re not afraid. I'll check it out.

Leading: Santa Claus, why do you scare children by their ears or grab their nose?

Father Frost: I’m cheerful today, and I’m friends with the guys.

I won’t freeze anyone, I won’t give anyone a cold! (Children join hands)

Oh, how can I get out of the circle?

A game “We won’t let you out”.

Leading: Santa Claus, dance with us, then we will let you out of the circle.

Father Frost: Well, what can you do with you?

We will continue the holiday,

Let's dance merrily

Just don't lag behind

Repeat after me.

The dance is common.

While dancing, Santa Claus loses his mitten. (Kikimora and Leshy appear, steal the mitten, and run away)

Father Frost: Oh, I'll freeze them now!

Kikimora: Please forgive us!

Goblin: Don't freeze, let go!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, I can’t see tears. Let's forgive them?

Father Frost: You must atone for the guilt

Try to do good.

This is a thick log

It has been under the tree for a long time.

You must cut it

And surprise all the guys with this.

Kikimora: Goblin, roll up your sleeves! Hold the saw (Kikimora and Leshy are sawing a log)

Goblin: We sawed the log,

And it is, it is all full of gifts.

Father Frost: Gifts for children, for cheerful preschoolers.

Distribution of gifts.

Kikimora: Do we have any gifts?

Father Frost: Of course have! Kikimora for you big bow, and Leshy - warm boots for you.

Kikimora: Let's go home, Leshy. I’ll show off my bow to Vodyany.

Goblin: And my feet won’t get cold in felt boots!

Kikimora, Leshy: Thank you Santa Claus! Goodbye! (Leave).

Father Frost: You have a nice Christmas tree in your kindergarten,

But many are waiting for Frost now.

Snow Maiden: Goodbye! (Leave) The host invites aliens with you in the group. Everyone leaves the hall.

"Aliens from other planets"

Script for New Year's performance for 9th grade



Father Frost

Snow Maiden

The Snow Queen

Baba Yaga


New Year

Presenter (1 ). It was 2015, the year of aliens' stay on planet Earth.

Presenter (2). Yes, yes, you heard right, they have been among us for a very long time. They arrived on Earth to populate it and destroy people.

Presenter (1). Their insidious plan was supposed to come true in 2012, but the evil Mayan tribe with its calendar failed them greatly.

Presenter (2). And when they realized that there would be no end of the world, and the exchange rate of the ruble was falling, they decided to fly away from planet Earth.

Presenter (1). But before flying away, on New Year's Eve they decided to open up to people and congratulate the Earthlings on the upcoming holiday!

Presenter (2). As you know, aliens cannot be among us in their real form, so they turned into people.

Presenter (1). Presenter(2 ). (in unison) . BUT IT'S TIME TO OPEN!

So, meet the aliens of the planet “Boom Babuk”.

(music from the TV game “What? Where? When?” plays)

Presenter (1). And the first one who comes out to us isSnowman Kolyanovich!

(cheerful music in the style of rap sounds. "Snowman" dressed in sports suit, from the audience rises to the stage).

Presenter (2). You can meet people of this type in dark time days in a dark alley when returning from work or training.

Presenter (1). They also “live” near bus stops, in entrances, and they can also steal your wallet. Be careful! But our Snowman Kolyanovich doesn’t carry wallets...

Snowman: Where am I? Where I am? Oh, that's it, I understand. Neighboring area. What, who should I pinch? Who's the greyhound here?

(Remains on stage)

Presenter(1). And we meet Santa Claus. He is Gosha, he is Goga, he is Zhora.

Father Frost (goes to the stage and says ) : Phones, tablets, headsets...(repeatedly )

Presenter (2). You will meet this type in the passage, near the metro, at the station. He gives out something all the time, but not for free, although he may give a small discount.

Dialogue between the Snowman and D. Moroz.

D. Moroz : Phones, tablets, headsets...

Snowman : Do you have carrots?

D. Moroz: No.

Snowman: What if I find it?

Presenter (1) . Now look everyone here! The Snow Maiden - Lyubochka goes on stage!!! (girl brightly dressed, blonde)

(the song of the group “Serebro” “Mi-mi-mi” sounds)

Presenter (2). You can meet this girl in nightclubs, cafes, restaurants, casinos and other entertainment venues. Lyubochka is not particularly intelligent, but, nevertheless, she knows what she wants from life. But she is very sick with an incurable disease, and she really loves to be photographed.

(D. Moroz and the snowman look at her and evaluate her, and the Snow Maiden takes out her phone and takes a photo of herself, then grabs D. Moroz, jumps off the stage and runs to the Christmas tree.)

Snow Maiden: Deed, Deed, we haven’t taken a photo near that spruce tree yet!

(music “Mi-mi-mi”)

Grandfather : Grandchildren are such grandchildren!

Presenter (1.) And now meet Snowflake Lida! A Komsomol member, an athlete and simply a beauty. And that's it!

(music from the movie “The Adventures of Shurik.” A snowflake spins around everyone to the music )

Snowman: Nothing like that!! Clean girl!!

On stage: Snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowflake


Father Frost : Shh, I smell trouble. Evil is coming.

(The Snow Queen appears)

Snezhana: Here I am! Didn't you wait? I am Snezhana Queen.

Presenter (2). Meet Snezhana Korolevna. Known in narrow circles as a business lady. Her work always comes first. Snezhana works in a bank and freezes cabbage.

Snowman: - Do you have Carrots?

Snezhana: No.

Snowman: What if I find it?

Snezhana: Do not interrupt. So, I, the Snow Queen, will freeze you all.

Snow Maiden: Oh no! The old one has taken over again, calm down already!!!

Snowman: And I’ll call Grandma Lucy, she’ll fly in on her electric car and sort everything out.

(The snowman calls Baba Yaga)

Hello, Lyuska, where are you? There's an arrow here, let's fly.

(Any ROCK style music plays and Baba Yaga “flies” onto the stage, dressed in a leather jacket, holding a broom that represents a guitar)

Presenter (1). This is Lyuska. This woman is not simple, but fatal and rock and roll, in general, like that! You will rarely see her at home. But you can always find her at concerts. She's either at the stage or on it, depending on your luck!

Lyuska: Well, what happened here?

Snowman : Yes, Snowball is running into us again.

Lyuska: Hey, I found someone to contact, that’s enough already. (gives a slap on the head)

Snow Maiden: Let's live together, we're all from the same planet and shouldn't quarrel.

Presenter (1). So all our New Year's aliens have finally gathered together. It's time to fly away!


Lyuska : How is it all?

Snowflake: A. What about “New Year”???

Snow Maiden: Come out here!

New Year : Nooo, you have doubles on Earth, but I don’t. I seem to exist, but it seems I don’t!! And the guys on Earth won’t be able to live without me. When else will they eat so many tangerines if not on New Year's Day? I'll stay here!


Snezhinka-Lida : Well, okay, really, how will people live without the New Year.

Father Frost : We aliens have become kind, and therefore let the “New Year” remain on Earth!

The Snow Queen :

What do we want them?

Pozhelyak we are good-natured.
Snow Maiden:

Pozheljaka big guy,
So that the old man will not be old for a long time.
Father Frost:

And a big wallet

Good luck to you guys
AND cosmic energy you are the boss

Dosvidyaka, dosvidyaka!!!
Fly away!!! Fly away!!!

All: New Year, come and dance with us one last time cheerful dance?

Funny music. Everyone is dancing a youth dance.



New Year's holiday

"The Adventures of Aliens in the New Year's Forest"

In a forest clearing there was a town made of snow and ice, in which snowmen and snowflakes lived. They helped in the harsh winter forest animals, grew and decorated Christmas trees and prepared gifts for children for the New Year. In the midst of preparations for the holiday, two snowmen caught “poachers” who turned out to be not dangerous villains, but funny aliens. They just needed a Christmas tree, because there are no holidays on their planet, and life is very boring for alien kids. The residents of the snowy town consulted and agreed to give one Christmas tree for a while. They even offered to choose the most beautiful one. The result was a “beauty contest” with all sorts of funny competitions and poetic and musical performances. The chosen Christmas tree agreed to fly to an alien planet, but it turned out that a bunny lives under it, which will then lose its home. The snowmen invited him to their snowy city for a holiday, before the return of his Christmas tree, and at the same time they invited all the forest animals. If there is room in auditorium, you can invite everyone to a fun round dance.* * *

Forest Glade. Snow town. Dim lights, mysterious music. Then the music fades and becomes lighter. Snowmen and snowflakes emerge from behind the houses. They spin first in pairs, then in a general round dance and sing. Song"Snowflakes are coming down from the sky"

Snowmen and snowflakes In a forest clearing Under a tall pine tree Snow-white city And transparent and icy. We get up early in the morning, Let's patrol the forest We'll drive away all the hunters, We will scare away poachers. Let's count: one, two, three, How many Christmas trees - look! How many hares, how many squirrels, Tit birds, wolves, foxes...

Snowmen and snowflakes stop.

Snowflake (with notepad and large pencil): Let's count the population - How many treats do you need? One two three four five… Don't forget to call the guys And with the forest children Entertain them with your game. There are also six and seven... Oh, I'm completely confused. Tell me, animals, birds Who wants to treat themselves to what?

Fox (without undue modesty, pushing away the hare): I want a piece of salsa.

sparrow bird Ten grains of oats.

Snowflake (takes the bunny by the paw and asks him): Come on, bunny, get out And make a wish!

Bunny (embarrassed and stuttering): I want some...

Snowflake: Cutlet?

Bunny: No... ka-ka-ka...

Fox: Candy?

Bunny: No... ka-ka-cabbage!

Snowflake: Finally! Hey bunny, well done!

Suddenly the sounds of sirens, noise, screams (recorded on disk) are heard, and a disheveled crow flies into the clearing.

Crow (screams loudly): Kar! Kar! What a nightmare! There are monster villains here They wanted to cut down the Christmas tree But our watch is fearless Caught them. A shame! A shame!

Two snowmen are escorted by two “aliens”.

1st alien: We didn't mean anything bad We arrived on Earth From our little planet,Because children cry.

2nd alien: Year after year, day after day We live without holidays. We don't laugh, we don't dance, I don’t sing loud songs.

1st (or 3rd) alien: Teach us to have fun Give me a miracle Christmas tree. At least for a while, at least for a year, For our people to see

Together: Miracle holiday, best holiday Happy New Year!

Crow: Kar! Kar! Kar! Well, I do not know… Let the snowmen decide What's wrong with you - punish Or invite you to a holiday.

The snowmen look at each other and confer with the snowflakes.

Snowflake: We forgive you for the first time And we invite you to the holiday. Well, forest kids, It's time for everyone to go to the snowy city!Song"New Year at the Gate"The animals, holding hands, march under cheerful music and leave. Then the music changes, snowflakes and snowmen dance to the rhythm of a waltz. The lights go out, the music stops. Everyone stops. Snowflakes are on the right, snowmen are on the left of the walls of the snowy town. Aliens stand near the snowmen, animals sit down near the snowflakes. Christmas trees come to the foreground.

Snowman (addressing the alien): Christmas trees together now They will dance for you to see, And they will dance and sing, And they will still read poetry. You look and decide Choose a miracle tree After all, this Christmas tree will have to Perform in front of the entire planet!Each Christmas tree girl performs her own number (songs, dances, poems - any that could be learned for other matinees throughout the year).New Year's days, The snow is frosty and stinging. The lights came onOn a fluffy Christmas tree. The painted ball swayed, The beads jingled. Smells like forest freshness From a fluffy spruce.

On furry prickly pawsThe Christmas tree brings the smell into the house:The smell of heated pine needles,The smell of freshness and wind,And the snowy forest,And a faint smell of summer.

Sparkle with lights, Christmas tree,Invite us to the holiday.Fulfill all your wishesMake all your dreams come true! But I can’t seem to choose the best one. And then the last competition is announced -ditties.1st tree:

Come on, Christmas tree friends, Get ready to sing ditties And dance from your heart,How good are you!

1st tree: I am a merry Christmas tree I'm ready to dance and sing. Who else is shy? Let him look up to me!

2nd tree: I am a forest tree So naughty The guys are worried They are afraid that they will inject themselves!

3rd tree: Don't look how small it is I went to dance anyway. And from my song Everyone in the forest will become warmer!

4th tree: Squirrels and tits know: I can't stand still. I dance, I'm not ashamed I'm spinning on one leg!

5th tree: I am a prickly Christmas tree And on this occasion, The wolf is so afraid of me - Doesn't sit under the tree!

Christmas trees (all together): We sang and danced here, But we weren’t the least bit tired. Didn't drop the Christmas treeNot a bump, not a needle!

The Christmas trees all dance together and finally freeze and sit down. While they are dancing, a bunny sneaks into the middle of their circle and sits down. The aliens confer and point to one of the Christmas trees. Then the trees stand up, holding hands. When they raise their twig-like hands, a hare crawls out from under them, sits down and cries loudly.

Bunny: This Christmas tree is my homeI have lived in it since birth.

The snowflakes run up, console the hare, wipe his tears, then enclose him in their round dance.

Snowflakes (singing): A bunny sits under the tree, He can’t sleep both at night and during the day because of fear.

Bunny: Why am I the smallest?The fox is catching me, the owl is watching over me!

Snowflakes: Come on, come with us, little bunny. We will not let you be offended. We'll give you earflaps and felt boots, We'll treat you to fresh carrots!

The bunny refuses felt boots, but happily gnaws on carrots.

Snowflakes (look at the clock, catch themselves): Well, forest kids, It's time to decorate the Christmas tree! (addressing aliens) Well, you help us, Decorate your Christmas tree. (addressing the snowmen) By the way, by the way, where are the toys? Beads, balls, firecrackers, What did Santa Claus send us? Snowman, have you seen it?Song “Christmas Tree of Sparkle”

The main snowman, the one who was counting the animals, with difficulty pulls out a huge chest (a TV box) from behind the walls of the snowy town, places it near the Christmas tree, opens it, begins to take out toys (unbreakable) and attach them directly to the dress of the living Christmas tree. She herself helps him with this - she puts beads on his neck and toys on his hands.

Snowmen men Open the chests Get all the giftsAnd give it to the guys! Prepare a treat The kids are surprised Have fun, forest people: Soon, soon New Year!

And you, snowflake girls, Sweep the paths What if on a snowy pathSanta Claus was able to come to us. With good Aunt Blizzard Spin around the carousel Invitations along the way Don't forget to spread it.

Snowmen men Open chestsAnd get out the toys, Decorate a wonderful Christmas tree!

If you try really hard, If we all get together In a merry round dance, You can celebrate the New Year!

Song"New Year's round dance"

The music doesn't stop, just rhythmic musical recordings continue. Snowmen drag snowflakes and animals into their round dance. You can also invite parents from the front row. The main snowman puts on his Santa Claus hat and begins to take gifts out of the box and give them to the children.

Gureeva Elena Viktorovna,

musical director

MADOU MO" Center-kindergarten "Scarlet Sails"

Krasnodar city

"Space adventures for the new year"

Matinee in preparatory group №5


Cosmic voice behind the scenes: Attention!!! Attention!!! The Earth space station Childhood goes on an intergalactic journey to celebrate the New Year 2018 in the constellation Canes Venatici with alien extraterrestrial civilizations. We ask all earthly inhabitants to take their seats, we are leaving. Successful flight!!

Cosmic music sounds. The presenters enter with a blue star cape and raise it in front of the audience, and when they lower it, a subgroup of children appears in the hall, depicting weightlessness. Children take turns sitting on chairs.

HOST: So our earthly space station was poisoned in

intergalactic journey to the constellation Canes Venatici.

After all, the coming 2018 is the year of the yellow dog.

We have a Christmas tree on board, the guys are all in place too.

But someone is missing...

Guys, who do you need to celebrate the New Year?

GUYS: D.M. and SNOW Maiden

HOST: Let's call Father Frost and Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden comes out

SNOW Maiden: Guys, I really wanted to go to space.

They say the Universe is immense and infinite. Many millions of cosmic bodies wander in its space. Most of these bodies are stars, emitting heat and light. I’d better call our learned astronomers, let them tell us everything.

Astronomers come out to the music with a telescope, looking into the sky.

1st ASTRONOMER: Above the Earth late at night,

If you glance at the sky,

You will see, like grapes,

The constellations hang there.

2nd ASTRONOMER You can take Peacock feather,

Touch the hands on the Clock,

Ride the Dolphin

Swing on Libra.

3rd ASTRONOMER Above the Earth late at night,

Just extend your hand

You'll grab the stars:

They seem nearby.


SNOW Maiden: We send a signal to distant lands,
The starry distances are wide.
So that the space of eternal ether,
All over the Universe reported:
"A company of the most cheerful children
Invites friends from space to join him"


SNOW Maiden: It’s time for Santa Claus to come. I hear someone's steps. It's probably him
Enter the space pirates.


1st PIRATE: I have legs, arms and big head

All the universal sciences are like two and two for me!

She is a hundred times smarter than you, I know how to eat and drink for her -

This is what the big-headed cosmoswallow lives for

2nd PIRATE: I have a huge blaster,

I'm a master at firing it.

If only I want
I'll take over your world in no time!

I'm dangerous to people
Galactic villain.
3rd PIRATE: Earthlings are celebrating, but we came to disturb you

Your Santa Claus has been turned into a toy

(shows toy grandfather Frost) and take it for ourselves.

May he give us gifts and fulfill our wishes

They take the toy Santa Claus and fly away in a circle to the music

Throw in a star.

SNOW MAID: Guys, we have to save Grandfather Frost and the New Year.

Let's set off to catch up with the space pirates and for one thing

And we will visit different planets in space, visit our ALFIK

Notices a star. Oh, what is this?.... Guys, I think this is some kind of audio message from Santa Claus for us.

VOICE OF SANTA CLAUS : Guys, you will have to chase space pirates, but in order not to get lost in the endless starry space, you must listen to this ON signal. MUSIC« In the forest. Christmas tree»

REB.: Space painted in black color,

Because there is no atmosphere

There is no night, no day.

There is no earthly blue here,

The views here are strange and wonderful:

And the stars are all visible at once,

Both the Sun and the Moon.

SNOW Maiden: I hear our call signs coming from the Moon. Let's take a look at the moon

Let's land on the moon

Cosmic music sounds


1st LUNATIC: - Hello Earthlings. We have been observing your beautiful planet EARTH from space for a long time.

2nd We, the inhabitants of the Moon, love holidays very much and want to play and have fun with you.

3rd And what kind of rocket do you have so prickly and multi-colored (pointing to the Christmas tree)?

SNOW Maiden: This is our Christmas tree and with it we celebrate the New Year

4th What is New Year?

HOST: The lunatics flew with us to search for D.M., and at the same time you will learn about this winter holiday

ALL LUNATICS: We agree, let's fly


REB.: Here is the Big Dipper

Starry porridge interferes

Big ladle

In a large cauldron.

REB.: And there’s a dim light nearby

Ursa Minor.

With a small ladle

Collects crumbs.

SNOW Maiden: Let's visit this wonderful constellation and get acquainted with its inhabitants, polar bears and their friends, space penguins

Coming out Big Dipper and a bear cub. SINGING A SONG WITH A SPOON, MIXING THE SNOW.

VED: Hello, residents of the constellation B. and M. Ursa. We are looking for Santa Claus, he was stolen by space pirates. They did not accidentally fly past your planets.

URSA: We didn’t see them, but maybe our penguin friends from the neighboring planet saw them.


PENGUIN: Look for Santa Claus on the Cold Constellation TUAMI

SNOW Maiden: Let's fly

REB.: It’s so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

REB.: It’s so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

HOST: Again I hear the Call Signs of Santa Claus. We Land on Planet Tuami


At the end of the dance, ALFIK comes out.

ALFIK: Hello guys. I'm so glad to meet you again.

I really liked your planet in Autumn. And what is happening now on your beautiful planet. What time of year is it now on Earth?

REB.: The New Year has arrived on Earth

And the frost began to bite your nose

Blue frost covered the trees

And snowflakes fall to the ground

VED.: For our holiday to come, we need Grandfather Frost. And he was stolen by Space Pirates and sent to the constellation Canes Venatici

ALFIK tell me where to go.

ALFIK: I think the inhabitants of the planet Tuami and my friends Star Cassiopeia and Star Boy know about this. But it seems they do too.

CASSIOPEIA AND S.O. come out to the music of “Starry Country.” boy

CASIOPEIA: I am Cassiopeia, I am the Star,
I shone in the night sky for centuries.
It seems I'm lost in space.
I'm glad to meet you today
I will help you if necessary.

Star boy : Hello everyone, I am Star Boy
I have a spaceship.
Tell me guys what kind of holiday New Year is.


ALFIK Let's ask the residents of TUAMI

1st ICE: The Milky Way will show you the way to the North Star.

2nd ICE: Even though it’s called the Milky Way, forget about milk!

3rd Ice: We know for sure that you can’t drink milk there

SNOW Maiden: Let's fly

Flickering, cosmic music sounds, the ball spins, the light gradually goes out.


REB.: Decorated Christmas tree has been waiting for guests for a long time,
Santa Claus is in a hurry. Time goes by quickly.

He is happy to congratulate people on the New Year.

On yellow dog on horseback, hurry up!
And now the festive moment is coming,
He will bring love and gifts with him.

At the end of the dance, Santa Claus comes out along the Milky Way

SANTA CLAUS: Hello, children, girls and boys!

Hello space inhabitants!!!

Thank you for helping me with your friendship and finding me in the constellation Canes Venatici in the vast space.

VED.: How many constellations we saw along the way.

And all the obstacles were overcome.

It's time to celebrate the New Year

SANTA FROST The inhabitants of the Canis Hound constellation congratulate all guests on New Year's holidays

1st HOUND DOG: The New Year is coming, he’s moving forward

Flew over the beautiful Earth

For the planet of people

May he bring the desired peace.

2nd Hound Dog Let love reign there

Defeating deceit and evil

And always, and always,

The fairy tale gives goodness to all children

D.M.: Thank you, friends, for not giving me space pirates ruin our holiday because there is very little time left until the new year

SNOW Maiden: To our New Year tree

You can't live without lights today

D.M. Well then what are we talking about?

Say it all in unison:

« Children repeat , the lights don't come on

D.M.: Apparently it’s still not loud,

Our tree did not wake up.

Maybe someone kept silent?

Let the hall help more friendly!

Together:Christmas tree, light up! Bloom with lights! A scattering of star spray!



REB.: Once you got into our circle

Stay here...

You can't leave us

No matter how hard you try.


WITH NEGROCHKA: Grandfather Frost, and the parents’ eyes are also sparkling, they also want to go to space, show off their skills, and earn prizes.


Two teams of 3 people each wear a helmet. Pick up the “space shoes” cubes on the ropes, go around the counter, return, hand over the helmet and shoes.

REB.: The New Year is in a hurry, in a hurry,
Bringing the fairy tale-magic closer,
And stitched right through with snowflakes
The air... And there is light around them...,

REB.: So let it be a good year,
Generous with pleasant gifts,
Let the glorious round dance smile
Children's faces radiate!


SNOW Maiden: Grandfather, the children danced like that,
Children played like this
And the poems are beautiful
We read it for you.
The time has come to give gifts, I think they deserve it

Santa Claus starts looking for the bag and grabs his head

SANTA CLAUS: And the space pirates took the gifts.

But nothing, magical cosmic lights will help us

Give glow sticks to children

SNOW Maiden: Grandfather Frost, it seems to me that today another bright constellation lit up in the starry sky - SCARLET SAILS


Children sit down, turn off the flashlights and hold them in their hands.

D.M. And here is my bag of gifts

Happy New Year, kids

It's time to receive gifts.

Santa Claus gives out gifts, Snegurochka and ALFIK helps.