Strong conspiracies, prayers and love spells for all occasions for free online for money love luck weight loss. Protective spells for the Orthodox cross


Any person may need a spell against damage, regardless of his age, gender, social status and level of income. Everyone has encountered strange situations in themselves or their loved ones, when everything falls out of hand, and luck constantly eludes. Problems pile up one after another, and my health begins to suffer. It’s as if the whole world is turning its back at the wave of someone’s evil magic wand. It begins to seem that everything is actually caused by some kind of magical effect. And most often, unfortunately, this is the case.

Damage or the evil eye does not always imply the presence of curses or terrible rituals of black magic. Damage can be caused not only by a professional magician. Any person is able to become an accumulation of negative energy, and then, having quarreled with you or envied you, throw out this energy in the form of the evil eye.

Therefore, it is so important to know how to get rid of a conspiracy, and especially to protect children who are susceptible to any energy from witchcraft. A spell against the evil eye is a simple and easy-to-implement method of protection. It does not require complex rituals and special paraphernalia; it is usually presented in the form of a prayer to the Almighty or the Saints. Its effectiveness will depend on the strength of your desire to get rid of the influence of dark forces.

In order for a prayer or conspiracy to remove damage to work, you must adhere to several simple conditions:

  • The spell against the evil eye is always read three times;
  • the best time to perform a protection ritual is on the waning moon;
  • It is best to read a spell against damage using water, which the “damaged” person will then consume;
  • a person who may have come under the influence of witchcraft must fast - exclude meat and dairy products, alcohol;
  • Orthodox people can say a prayer before reading the conspiracy:

Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You in the field, you in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth, intercede and save from all evil.

  • Only church wax candles are always used for rituals.

For a child

Children are creatures with a weak biofield, incredibly susceptible to any energy. They are susceptible to the influence of witchcraft. It can be recommended to choose a water spell for protection, since since ancient times it has been considered a strong cleansing agent and is widely used specifically to remove curses, damage and the evil eye. If you use blessed water from the church, the protective effect will increase.

Quietly say the following prayer over the container of water in which you will bathe the child:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say a strong conspiracy, I turn to God, I ask him to protect God’s servant (name). Do not allow, God, the unclean child (name), drive away his enemies from him, protect him from illnesses, take away his fears and grievances. May he be healthy and strong. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For drinking, you can use water on which a spell against damage has been cast:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. Heavenly water, clean water! Save and protect my baby (name the child) from every evil eye, from men and women, from children, from adults, from the black gypsy, from the hated, from the envious, from the slander, from any evil hour. Amen, amen, amen!

Before putting your child to bed, stand near his bed with a candle in your hands, facing east and whisper:

Merciful Lord, Jesus Christ, I entrust to You our children, whom You gave to us by fulfilling our prayers. I ask You, Lord, save them in the ways that You Yourself know. Save them from vices, evil, pride, and let nothing contrary to You touch their souls. But grant them faith, love and hope for salvation, and may they be Your chosen vessels of the Holy Spirit, and may their life path be holy and blameless before God. Bless them, Lord, may they strive every minute of their lives to fulfill Your holy will, so that You, Lord, may always be with them by Your Holy Spirit. Lord, teach them to pray to You, so that prayer may be their support and joy in grief and the consolation of their lives, and may we, their parents, be saved by their prayer. May Your angels always protect them. May our children be sensitive to the grief of their neighbors and may they fulfill Your commandment of love. And if they sin, then grant them, Lord, to bring repentance to You, and You, in Your ineffable mercy, forgive them. When their earthly life ends, then take them to Your Heavenly Abodes, where let them lead with them other Your chosen servants. Through the prayer of Your Most Pure Mother Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary and Your saints (all holy families are listed), Lord, have mercy and protect us, as You are glorified with Your Beginning Father and Your Most Holy Good Life-Giving Spirit. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

This is a very strong conspiracy to remove damage. If you read it daily, even the strongest black magic will never work on your child.

An effective remedy will be if you wash your child with holy water every morning. You can sprinkle water on it after a hard day or a visit from guests who admired it excessively.

Our Father

Strong protection against witchcraft is provided by the ordinary prayer “Our Father,” which many know.

Our Father who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

To perform an effective ritual, you need to go to church, buy a candle and light it. Read the Lord's Prayer nine times with a candle in your right hand. After each reading you need to cross yourself three times. After the ninth time say:

Health, happiness, purity, prosperity, love, luck. Amen.

Read this prayer twelve times.

The ritual of protection must be performed on Sunday.

Prayer to Saint Cyprian

A powerful remedy against damage and the evil eye is considered to be a prayer to Cyprian, a Saint who converted to Christianity, renouncing witchcraft.

Lord God Mighty, King of Kings, hear the prayer of the servant Cyprian. You have a thousand days of struggle against the dark forces ahead of you. Carry the heart of God’s servant (name), help him pass all the tests. Protect, preserve and intercede for the one reading this prayer. Bless, Lord, my house and those living in it, Protect from all intrigue and sorcery. May the devil's intention and what he has done be resolved. Lord, You are One and Almighty, save Your Holy Martyr Cyprian, Have mercy on the servant (name). I say this three times, I bow three times. Amen!

With the help of this prayer, you can speak water and give it to a “corrupted” person. Or whisper words over the patient’s bedside before going to bed. If you just suspect that someone might harm you or your loved ones with their envy, start reading the prayer to Cyprian every day. She is able to cope with the strongest conspiracies and witchcraft of black magic.

On the Orthodox cross

The Orthodox cross is not just a symbol of faith, but a strong means of protection against any energetic influence. It is not without reason that it is believed that wearing a pectoral cross is an excellent way to protect against the influence of damage, conspiracies, curses and other actions from black magic. When removing damage and the evil eye, it is also a powerful attribute, even if an experienced black magician cast the spells.

It will take at least forty days to carry out the ritual with the cross. During this period, it is advisable to observe strict fasting. Every morning and evening, stand facing east and read a prayer with a lit candle in your hands.

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and sign themselves with the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Drive away the demons with the power of our drunken Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

You need to read it seven times, after each time marking yourself with the sign of the cross. If at least one reading is missed, the ritual must be started over, otherwise it will not work.

The power of faith

The ability to protect yourself and your family from witchcraft is a necessary necessity, dictated by the age of technology and abundance of information. Use the prayers and conspiracies of white magic, and the forces of good will preserve warmth and calm, health and prosperity in your happy family.

Treat every prayer you say with responsibility and faith in a positive result. Don't be distracted by a phone call, conversations with loved ones, or just empty thoughts. How sincere and heartfelt the words you pronounce are, the protective power of the prayer word will be so effective.

Conspiracies are a type of magic spell.(more Slavic), which should be slandered about something or someone.

More precisely, these are verbal formulas, the structure of construction and the meaning of which, when pronounced, are aimed at achieving some specific goals.

Simply put, it is just a phrase, or a series of phrases, united by one meaning, like poems or prayers.

Most of these phrases have existed for a very long time, and unchanged. For this reason, over several decades and hundreds of years of people pronouncing conspiracies, these words have accumulated a certain energy potential that can influence people or the world around them.

This potential can be called an egregor - a kind of energy clot configured to receive and release energy to those who pronounce those who created this egregor of words.

These are always words in a strictly defined order and cannot be changed, otherwise the plot will not work.

It should be understood that each conspiracy is initially created for some specific purposes. Those words and their order are selected that will be able to influence the mental or physical state of a person in the desired way. Therefore, conspiracies cannot be pronounced simply for the sake of interest and fun.

According to the will of ancient sorcerers and magicians, conspiracies are like monuments of a prophetic magical word that contains terrible power. This power should not be awakened unless absolutely necessary, so as not to bring disaster upon oneself.

The same applies to any verbal rituals, including prayers: any prayer is said only when it is needed and only in order to achieve some goal (to ask something from God).

Therefore, when resorting to the help of conspiracies, always remember that any conspiracy pronounced incorrectly, or for the wrong purpose, can act against you. And in such cases, conspiracies always act against those who pronounce them.

Don't unnecessarily wake up the dragon, which can eat you. In order for the conspiracy to be activated and work correctly, it is necessary to follow at least the basic rules common to all conspiracies. Let's look at them right now.

1. It is necessary to pronounce magic words in the morning or evening dawn. Usually in each specific conspiracy, if it is correct, this is stipulated. That is, it is done either at sunrise or at sunset. There are no universal conspiracies so that they can be done this way and that way.

2. Any spell, if it is in the morning, is read on an empty stomach, in a ventilated room, standing, as a rule, facing east. All rituals are usually done on an empty stomach. Remember the requirements before confession in church, or even medical prescriptions: all tests are taken on an empty stomach in order to get a clean result. Not overeating before rituals is one of the most important conditions. Absorbed food usually makes you sleepy, mental strength and energy weaken. These are human biological characteristics, so don’t try to argue with nature.

3. The main thing when voicing conspiracies is the mental representation of those actions and pictures that are spoken of in the conspiracy. It happens that a lot is presented allegorically, through allegories. Then you still need to imagine allegorical images, but at the same time decipher them for yourself, understand the meaning. Visualization of the process is almost the main condition in any magical rituals. It allows you to tune in to what you need to receive and direct all your energy in one direction.

4. When reading conspiracies, take a calm breath and exhale the same calm way. Using the remaining air, they pronounce words in such a way that with the last word (amen) they push out all the remaining air in the lungs. This is an energetic trick - this way you put more energy into your words and thereby enhance their influence. But you can pump up words with energy consciously, thinking at the same time about the meaning of the spoken words and that you are breathing the maximum of your strength into each word.

By thinking about the meaning and purpose of words, you send your energy and the forces of the conspiracy to the destination, to the goal. Having reached the goal, the words will begin to work. After saying the last word, hold your breath for a couple of seconds. It happens that conspiracies are very long and there is not enough breath. In this case, you need to inhale and exhale again and continue the plot. This is done until the very end.

By and large, the meaning of rituals with the utterance of magic words is to control all processes. In this matter, control of breathing is needed just as much as control of thoughts. To control the power of a spell, you must understand and control the entire magical process, every thought and action.

5. Despite the need to breathe energy into every word and animate the meaning of the conspiracy, it is very important to remain calm and somewhat detached from the process. Excessive emotions can disrupt the mood, and therefore the direction of energy. A conspiracy without invested energy is a dead conspiracy and zero results.

An excessive desire for some result is also destructive. The latter can cause the action of the balancing forces of nature, which will either reduce all your efforts to nothing, or remove the irritant: they will hit the forehead of the violator of balance and tranquility. The latter is simpler and less energy-consuming for them than dissolving your energy outbursts.

6. You need complete confidence in yourself and your abilities, conviction in the correctness and effectiveness of your efforts. Remember the hypnotists: with external apparent calm, what power their every word carries, what a strong and confident voice! Conspiracies are sometimes even akin to hypnosis and self-hypnosis.

You must have absolute faith that your words will work. You need to feel your strengths, believe in them, feel like a magician. Faith is needed for attunement, plus it increases self-esteem without any tangible arguments that the other person always needs to receive and see first. And you work with the invisible. Faith helps to gather strength into a fist.

7. Reading out loud is more effective than whispering.. Again, for energy reasons. All this does not apply to experienced witches. The magician must be strong so that his whisper has no less power than the spoken word, thoughts voiced in a clear voice. Experienced Grandmother Witches are called whisperers for a reason; old people are usually witches with experience in hexing.

If you do not know how to pump words with energy mentally, read out loud, confidently and loudly, try to give all the energy of your voice to the spoken word. Ideally, after the conspiracy you should feel a little tired. This means that you have put enough effort into the conspiracy. The concept of sufficiency in such a matter is, of course, relative, because you are only able to do what you can at a given level of development, how skillful and strong you are today. But the more effort you put in and the more responsible you approach the matter, the more tangible the result you will get in the end.

8. The spell must be pronounced standing, back straight, head slightly lowered forward. The condition of doing everything while standing calls for will and strength. The expressions “steadfast will” and “show perseverance” exist for a reason. But the main meaning of this condition is the direct flow of energy passing through the chakras. The main energy centers in the human biofield are located exactly vertically, on one straight line.

If you pronounce incantations while sitting, their effect will be much lower, because the energy current is refracted. Plus, in a sitting position, many muscle groups are in a relaxed state, which weakens the overall energy background.

However, excessive tension is also harmful, and if you are not used to it, discomfort can completely throw off the adjustment. To tune in to something, you need to relax at least a little. Therefore, in order to avoid such troubles, monitor your feelings and try to stick to some kind of golden mean. A harmonious state of both internal (mental) and external (physical) sensations is the key to the successful implementation of any magical ritual.

9. To enhance the effect of the spell, you can read “Our Father” three times before pronouncing it.. In this case, you simply connect third-party forces. The egregor of the main Lord's prayer will provide you with energy recharge.

10. If you are reading a conspiracy not for yourself, but for someone (for example, to help), approach the person in need with pure thoughts, with a sincere desire to help. And not in order to show your strength or prove your skills. There is no need to play with magic unless necessary. Well, except for those cases if you are a powerful seventh generation sorcerer, with a wealth of experience and a lot of knowledge. But, as a rule, even experienced magicians never waste their precious powers for fun.

11. In cases where the spell is cast on water, it must be drunk in small sips. Ideally, take three sips, stopping every five minutes. To get the full benefit from the effect of the spoken water, after every third sip, you need to pour a little liquid onto your right hand and wipe the patient’s face, neck, hair, or your own.

12. During the ritual with the pronouncing of the spell, it is advisable to move your right hand along the patient’s body without touching the surface. At the same time, mentally try to send him warmth, kindness and love. Remember how psychics do this. It's not just that they wave their hands. The hand in this case is a directed conductor of your energy. This energy will be “healing” if you think about goodness, wish the sick person to recover and set yourself up for love and positivity.

13. The plot is repeated 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 times (necessarily an odd number). This is already the magic of numbers and is not the topic of this article. It is only worth noting that the energy structure of odd numbers is stronger than that of even numbers, so that the alternation of odd and even numbers embodies the rhythm of activity and decline.

This is what the big picture looks like. These were only the most basic and necessary conditions and requirements for conducting rituals with conspiracies.

For each individual conspiracy, something may change. It all depends on the situation and the specific task. And this can already be learned with experience. Therefore, always study and learn new things. This is the key to your well-being, magical literacy and competence in handling ancient forces.

Try, but be vigilant and careful about using something you don't understand. Good luck!

White magic is the concentration of positive energy around oneself and its control using one’s willpower. White magic conspiracies are strikingly different from black magic ones. Black, at its core, is always violence against someone else’s consciousness, through the use of the help of lost souls, evil spirits. White magic works with natural elements, flora, fauna, various objects and is mostly based on the energetic unity of the human ear and body with nature.

Specifics of witchcraft

The specificity of this type of witchcraft lies in the prospect of growth and development of a person as an individual, improvement and strengthening of his body as a whole. First of all, if you decide to practice white magic, you must give up evil thoughts and try to see only good in everything, otherwise dark forces can lure you to their side despite the conspiracies of pure white magic.

It is very important to give up bad habits. It doesn’t have to be from everyone at once; you can do it gradually. Various attributes associated with Christianity are used in rituals, but it is important to remember that the church does not accept either black or white magic. White magic conspiracies have a purely creative orientation. A real magician will never think that he knows everything; such people always strive for something, they get to know the world in all its colors and manifestations, they know and discover themselves.

Money Witchcraft

There are many ways to attract money to your home and improve the well-being of your family, such as white magic and its spells and prayers. The ancient ritual is carried out on the day of the spring solstice from March 20 to 21, with the first rays of the sun. The weather must be clear. You need to turn your face to the east. Also for the ritual you will need:

  • homemade chicken egg;
  • church lantern;
  • flower pot;
  • land for planting flowers;
  • water;
  • flour;
  • wood chip.

You need to make holes in the egg on both sides and remove the contents, placing the yolk and white in separate plates. At this moment you need to read the words of the spell supporting them with prayers:

“As God blessed, so it will be.”

With a lighted torch in the air, make a cross over the egg and over yourself. They dip a small piece of wood into the yolk and write their initials on the shell. Each letter is circled three times. Then extinguish the light with your fingers.

After this, you should fully calculate all the money that is available at home. If you have bank accounts or money on plastic cards, you should take them into account too. The result is written on small bills. Now you should make a dough of water and flour to coat the shell, accompanying everything with prayers.

While the dough is wet, they glue a bill with the result on it and begin to read the plot:

“The egg will turn into a clear sun, touching everyone in my house with its rays. On a sunny day, on a starry night, my house and everyone who lives in it will be blessed. From today, my wealth will only increase, just as all living things stretch upward, towards the sun, and money will flow in a stream across my threshold. The slave (name) will forget the sorrows and adversities forever. Amen".

The shell should be planted in a flower pot. It should be watered regularly, best on the days of the waxing moon. While the water is pouring into the pot, concentrate on the picture of increasing wealth as stated in the terms of the spell.

How to find a good job using witchcraft?

Many people suffer from the fact that work is not a joy, but when a person does not want to do anything, and the money does not flow into their hands and everything turns into a routine. To find your dream job and change your life for the better, there are spells for finding a job. To perform this ritual you will need:

  • the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God;
  • holy water;
  • six large church wax lanterns;
  • clay vessel.

Such rituals are performed from sunrise to noon. Icons are placed on a table covered with a tablecloth. A lit torch is placed in front of each one. Holy water is taken into a clay vessel and placed in front of the faces of the saints. The ritual begins with prayers to the Savior, then to the Mother of God.

“Mother of God and the Almighty Father, bless the path where my feet go, may everyday work be a delight for me, not only bring me money, but also peace of mind. Amen".

Take three sips from the vessel, and wash your face with the rest of the water in the evening. The lights should not be extinguished. This action is repeated three days in a row. After three days have passed, you can start looking for a job in any available way and you will certainly be lucky and get a job that you want to go to in the morning.

How to improve trading using white magic actions?

Private entrepreneurs often use white magic rituals in their work to attract buyers. There are many conspiracies that merchants used in ancient times in order to successfully go for goods, sell them all and make a good profit.

In the morning, before you set off to pick up the goods, turn your face to the east and pray to the Savior, cross yourself, and then say the words:

“Clear sun, illuminate my path with your rays, and point me to a profitable product. I’ll take it cheaper and sell it more expensive.”

Love rituals

White love magic is very popular. Even in ancient times, all the girls used to tell fortunes during Christmas time, hoping to lift the veil of the future and look at their future husband. Many people use white magic rituals to return a spouse to the family, attract the attention of a man they like, or ward off a rival.

To strengthen your marital relationship at home you will need:

  • homemade dough;
  • rose oil;
  • powdered sugar.

After the dough is kneaded, add all the sweet ingredients and add a few drops of rose ether with the words:

“Lada, Ladushka and Svarog are God above all Gods. You blessed our union, so don’t let it fall apart.”

The dough should be used to make sweet pastries; you can leave it unchanged or add more ingredients to it. Only you and your spouse can eat baked goods. To return former sympathy, passion is performed in the waxing moon phase. Draw a full cup of spring water early in the morning. The vessel with water must be hidden at home until the evening, so that no one can see it.

After sunset, holding the cup in your hands, read the following words:

“Not a single bird can survive without a clear sky, not a single tree can survive without a red sun, a wild animal cannot cope without dense forests. So let the slave (husband’s name) without a slave (his own name) become bored and burn, feel his former passion and the former love awaken in his heart.”

No one should see you during these manipulations. You need to sprinkle the family bed and your spouse’s clothes with water from the bowl, and pour the rest out the window.

How to get a woman back?

Love white magic is used not only by women, but also by men. It happens that a man really wants to get his wife back, to push her away from another man, to reawaken her sympathy. This ritual is performed on the full moon. Holy water is poured into any cup in the morning and hidden in the apartment until the evening so that no one will find it.

When it gets dark, before midnight, you should take the cup in your left hand and stand by the open window and read the words:

“Just as flowers cannot live without water, but after rain they bloom and smell, so let my wife bloom from my love. Let her be faithful to me alone, only be drawn to me at night, and only from my caresses may her gift awaken in her bosom.”

Water should be added to your wife's drink and sprinkled on her clothes and bed.

How to bring back passion?

It also happens that in marriage a woman grows cold towards her man, but still loves him. To do this, you can read a conspiracy to yourself to return passion. For this ritual you will need a liter of spring water. You should prepare a large basin and a new nightgown ahead of time. The ritual is performed during the waxing phase of the moon.

By midnight, being completely alone, they put on a new shirt. A basin is placed near the table, and water is placed on the table. A spell is spoken about this water 12 times:

“I was born a red maiden, and I will remain so. I (name) will not forget a man’s touch. Lips to lips, legs to legs, hand to hand.”

Now you should pour all the charmed water over yourself. After that. Once the nightgown is dry, put it on when you go to bed with your husband.

Protective rites

White magic rituals are often used to protect oneself, one’s family and friends from the evil eye, damage, theft, fires and other misfortunes. The means of protection include nauz - ancient Slavic knot magic. The basis of this action is not the raw materials from which the knots are made, but what a person thinks about at the moment of tying a knot.

It is not necessary to read spells while weaving nauz. It is important, when tying each knot, to clearly imagine the person to whom you want to give protection, and what you want to protect him from. In addition to their protective properties, sciences can heal various ailments and work to attract good luck.

Love spell

Love spells have always been popular among the fair half of humanity. Only there are black love spells that are aimed at suppressing the consciousness of the victim and lead to inevitable changes in the lives of all participants in the ritual, and there are white, harmless love spells, the effect of which is not aimed at awakening sympathy, but at inciting action.

If you don’t have the courage to meet the person you like, and you need to push him to get acquainted, you can cast white love spells at a distance. For beginners in magic, a ritual with a photo is suitable. Today, you can get a photograph of the object of your desires on social networks and print it on paper.

The most powerful love spells are based on complete concentration. They take the photo in their hands and concentrate all their attention on the facial features, imagine the smile, the eyes of the subject. It is important to concentrate on the thought of how happy you will feel when you are together. Try to imagine a red thread that stretches from your heart to the heart of your lover.

The advantage of this method is its complete safety and the absence of violence against consciousness. For this action, it is not even necessary to give a verbal instruction on a certain line of behavior in order to arouse sympathy. If the victim has no intentions towards you, then the ritual will not work, and if he, like you, cannot find a reason to come up and get acquainted, then literally one of these days you will have the opportunity.

They say that bad habits are given to us from above because of our sins. Conspiracies and faith in your own strength will help you get rid of addiction and take the path of self-sufficiency.

Bad habits prevent a person from realizing himself; he becomes dependent and experiences a false sense of satisfaction with life. Usually, lack of will leads to addiction to drugs, alcohol, smoking and a number of other weaknesses detrimental to health. But there are also addictions that interfere with internal development and worsen the spiritual state.

Getting rid of bad habits on your own can be quite difficult, especially if you have been leading an unhealthy lifestyle for a long time. But it is possible: the main thing is to have the desire to change your life for the better. The care of loved ones and effective conspiracies will help you with this.

Conspiracies against bad habits

These conspiracies can get rid of drunkenness, drug addiction, smoking and other passions at home. This requires the desire of the person who suffers from addiction, otherwise there is a possibility that everything will be in vain. You can read magic words yourself, or entrust it to a blood relative or loved one. The best time to perform rituals is on the days when the Moon is waning. Before the conspiracy, you must read “Our Father,” “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary,” and a prayer to the Guardian Angel.

Before performing the ritual, it is advisable to fast for three days: deny yourself meat products and refrain from bad habits during this time. It is important to know that when carrying out a conspiracy, you need to clearly read the magic words and not change them, otherwise you may achieve the opposite effect.

Conspiracy against drunkenness

Usually, such a conspiracy is resorted to when other methods are no longer able to help. To perform the ritual, you will need a glass of water, which you will then drink to the bottom. Read the text 5 times:

"God help me! The poisonous poison took (name) under its power. I appeal to God’s help; (name) himself is not able to cope with such passion. Until the grave, for the rest of your life, take you away from (name) sin and help you give up drunkenness. Let (name) let go of evil misfortune once and for all. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Drug addiction conspiracy

This conspiracy perfectly helps to get rid of drugs when a person is already undergoing treatment. This is a very strong evil that must be fought with all our might. To perform the ritual, you will need a liter of holy water, preferably brought from the church. You can drink the charmed liquid, or pour it over yourself from head to toe. Magic words should be read over the water three times:

“The Lord purified the water and sanctified it with His gaze. Help me (name) cleanse myself from my infection and illness through water. An illness has clung to me, and I can’t cope with it without your help and support. Wash away, Lord, this misfortune from me with water and cure my soul of evil vice. Amen".

Smoking conspiracy

If your willpower does not allow you to quit smoking on your own, then an effective conspiracy will help solve this problem. You will need to cross stitch the pack of cigarettes you started with red thread, and then throw it away without a drop of regret. You need to read the words onto a pack, a needle and thread:

“Deliver, Lord, your servant (name) from a bad habit. Help me (name) give up tobacco and cleanse my soul and body. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy against all bad habits

This plot is effective and universal. With its help, you can get rid of both severe addictions and lighter ones. You will need to write on a blank sheet of paper what you want to get rid of (alcoholism, drug addiction, overeating, gambling addiction, etc.), and what prevents you from doing this (weakness, laziness, lack of opportunities, lack of support). After that, cross out your words, pour alcohol into a shallow container, put a piece of paper there and set it on fire. Watch the flame destroy the paper and feel how you are freed from addiction. After the fire burns out, you should bury the ashes next to the pond.

These conspiracies can help you forget once and for all about bad habits that are destroying your life. With their help, you can feel like a free person who is no longer burdened by addiction. 7 tips for finding happiness will also help change your life. Good luck,and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.04.2017 01:50

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Theft is always unpleasant, especially if the thief took something dear to you. Healers know many conspiracies that they read about the thief who stole money and other things from you. We have published several such conspiracies on our website. There are special words that can help you return what was stolen...


There are special protective prayers. They are read before going to where your ill-wishers may be. Protective prayer will help you on a long journey, in a conversation with strict superiors. You should read a protective prayer before leaving the house. If you want to use...


In the old days, wise people said that most of all you need to be afraid of secret enemies, about whom you do not know and from whom you do not expect a trick. Such people are truly dangerous. When they meet you, they smile sweetly, sympathize with your troubles, but in their hearts they hate you with fierce hatred and are just waiting for a reason, as if...


On January 19, one of the great holidays is celebrated - the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ. As a rule, on this day it is customary to collect Epiphany water, which in its power cannot be compared with anything. They stock it up for a whole year for treatment and home consecration. The unique water will easily stand...


In war, all means are good! Sometimes your enemies do such nasty and mean things that even the most peace-loving person wants to punish them, so that they suffer and suffer. If you have thought about everything and decided to punish with the help of Higher powers, then I want to offer you a couple of rituals. Remember...


Probably everyone knows what insomnia is. You also probably know how difficult it is to get sleep back. Many remedies for insomnia may not help, but on the contrary, cause the opposite reaction. Sometimes it can take a long time to get your sleep back using traditional methods. Here you can...


Autumn is not only a beautiful time. Unfortunately, cold and gloomy weather, as well as constant rain, are its constant companions. And when we look at puddles and bad weather, we are visited by obsessive thoughts. In summer, the rays of the bright sun quickly relieve us of obsessive thoughts. And sometimes in autumn and winter...


You've probably heard of a spell that is used to stop enemies' gossip and silence them using the tongue? I mean real language, though of animals. This conspiracy will once and for all make your enemies stop spreading gossip and various nasty things about you. They do...


Voodoo rituals and curses have long ceased to be plots in films. For many, this has become a frightening reality. Many followers of the teachings of voodoo have appeared in our country, and as a result, many people have appeared who want to take revenge on the offenders with the help of damage done according to voodoo. From voodoo damage there is...


Very often our knowledge is not enough to successfully pass the exam. For example, this applies to passing the traffic police exam. Many people cannot pass the exams at the traffic police station or the city driving test, and are forced to take retakes. Traffic police inspectors treat the most incompetent drivers leniently...


In our lives we sometimes encounter unnecessary, annoying people, from whom it is sometimes difficult to get rid of. Our ignoring and attempts to break off all relationships end in failure. And the unnecessary person again intrusively and unceremoniously interferes with our lives. To get rid of this once and for all...


Everyone knows that all traditions associated with funerals must be observed, but why you ask? Everything is simple so that the deceased does not take it with him. If you unknowingly violated something, then I advise you how you can read conspiracies so that there are no misfortunes in your family. Previously, in the old days, so that the deceased would not take...


When we turn to fortune tellers, we hope to hear only good things. But what to do if, instead of words about wealth and success, you were predicted to die? Be sure to thank the fortune teller! Why? Many of us visit fortune tellers only a few times in our lives. And they simply don’t know the rules of conduct when doing fortune telling. ...


It is very easy to find out if there are evil spirits in your apartment. They tend to cause you a lot of small and major troubles. They drop things and make strange sounds. Of course, this could be the doing of a brownie. But the brownie behaves this way if he wants to warn against trouble or calms down after receiving...


Many readers ask us how to read conspiracies correctly if you don’t know the name of the enemy. Indeed, we often think that one person is our enemy, but it turns out that it is a completely different person who is harming us. To avoid this, there is a special conspiracy. It is read when you are exactly...


In our lives we often meet evil people who arrange various intrigues and troubles against us. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get rid of such evil people quickly. Sometimes it is necessary to use a conspiracy against them so that they stop bothering you anymore. There are several...