Which of you was in the next world? A famous neurosurgeon told what he personally saw in the next world

For teenagers


(Recorded from the words of Claudia Ustyuzhanina herself)

I was an atheist, I strongly, terribly blasphemed God and persecuted the Holy Church, led a sinful life and was completely dead in spirit, darkened by devilish charm. But the Lord’s mercy did not allow His creation to perish, and the Lord called me to repentance. I got cancer and was ill for three years. I did not lie down, but worked, and was treated by earthly doctors, hoping to be cured, but there was no benefit, and I was getting worse every day. For the last six months, I became completely ill, I couldn’t even drink water - I started vomiting severely, and I was admitted to the hospital. I was a very active communist, and they called a professor from Moscow for me and decided to perform an operation.

In 1964, on February 19 at 11 o'clock in the afternoon, I was operated on; a malignant tumor with decomposed intestines was discovered. I died during the operation. When they cut my stomach, I stood between two doctors and looked at my illness in horror. The entire stomach was covered in cancerous nodes, as well as the small intestines. I looked and thought: why are there two of us: I’m standing and I’m lying? Then the doctors laid out my insides on the table and said: - where the duodenum should be, there was only liquid, that is, it was completely rotten, and they pumped out one and a half liters of rot, - the doctors said: she already has nothing to live with, she has nothing healthy, everything rotted away from cancer.

I kept looking and thinking: why are there two of us: I’m lying and I’m standing? Then the doctors inserted my insides haphazardly and put staples on my stomach. This operation was performed on me by a Jewish professor, Israel Isaevich Neimark, in the presence of ten doctors. When the braces were applied, the doctors said: it should be given to young doctors for practice. And then they took my body to the death room, and I followed him and kept wondering: why are there two of us? They took me to the death room, and I lay naked, then they covered me with a sheet over my chest. Here, in the dead room, my brother came in with my boy Andryusha. My son ran up to me and kissed me on the forehead, cried bitterly, said: Mommy, why did you die, I’m still little; How will I live without you, I don’t have a dad. I hugged and kissed him, but he didn’t pay any attention to me. My brother was crying.

And then I found myself at home. The mother-in-law of my first husband, the legitimate one, came there; and my sister was there. I didn’t live with my first husband because he believed in God. And so in my house the division of my things began. My sister began to choose the best things, and my mother-in-law asked me to leave something for the boy. But my sister didn’t give anything and began to scold my mother-in-law in every possible way. When my sister swore, here I saw demons, they wrote down every swear word in their charters and rejoiced. And then my sister and mother-in-law closed the house and left. The sister carried the huge bundle to her home. And I, sinful Claudia, flew skyward at four o’clock. And I was very surprised how I was flying over Barnaul. And then he disappeared and it became dark. The darkness continued for a long time. On the way, they showed me places where I had been and when, from my youth. I don’t know what I was flying on, in the air or on a cloud, I can’t explain. When I flew, the day was cloudy, then it became very light, so that it was even impossible to look.

They put me on a black platform; although during the flight I was in a lying position; I don’t know what it was lying on - like plywood, but soft and black. There, instead of a street, there was an alley, along which there were bushes, low and unfamiliar to me, the twigs were very thin, the leaves were pointed at both ends. Further on, huge trees were visible, they had very beautiful leaves of different colors. Between the trees there were low houses, but I didn’t see anyone in them. And in this valley there was very beautiful grass. I think: where am I, where have I arrived, to village or to the city? There are no factories or factories in sight, and no people are visible. I see a woman walking not so far from me, very beautiful and tall, wearing long clothes and a brocade cape on top. a young man was walking, crying a lot, and asking Her for something, but She didn’t pay any attention to him. I think: what kind of mother is this? He’s crying, and she’s not paying attention to his requests. When She approached me. , the young man fell at Her feet and again asked Her for something, but I didn’t understand anything.

I wanted to ask: where am I? But suddenly She came up to me and said: Lord, where is she going? She stood with her hands folded on her chest and her eyes raised upward. Then I shuddered greatly, realizing that I had died, and my soul was in heaven, and my body was on earth; and I immediately realized that I had many sins and I would have to answer for them. I began to cry bitterly. I turned my head so that I could see the Lord, but I don’t see anyone, but I hear the voice of the Lord. He said: return her to earth, she did not come on time, the virtue of her father and his incessant prayers appeased Me. And only then did I understand that this woman was the Queen of Heaven, and the young man who followed Her and cried, begging Her, was my guardian angel. The Lord continued to say: I am tired of her blasphemy and stinking life. I wanted to wipe her off the face of the earth without repentance, but her father begged Me. The Lord said: she needs to be shown the place she deserves, and in an instant I found myself in hell. Terrible fiery snakes climbed onto me, their tongues were long, and fire flew out of their tongues; and there were all sorts of other bastards. The stench there is unbearable, and these snakes dug into me and crawled over me, thick as a finger, and a quarter long, and with tails, jagged needles on the tails, crawled into my ears, into my eyes, into my mouth, into my nostrils, into all the passages. , - the pain is unbearable. I began to scream in a voice that was not my own, but there was no mercy or help from anyone. A woman who had died from an abortion immediately appeared and, crying, began to ask the Lord for forgiveness and mercy. The Lord answered her: how did you live on earth? She did not recognize me or call me, but she destroyed my children in her womb and advised people: “there is no need to create poverty”; You have extra children, but I don’t have any extra, and I give you everything, I have enough for My creation. Then the Lord said to me: I gave you illness so that you would repent, but you blasphemed Me to the end.

Then the earth began to spin along with me, and I flew from there, there was a stench, and the earth leveled out, there was a roar, and then I saw my church, which I was scolding. When the door opened and a priest dressed all in white came out, shining rays came from his clothes. He stood with his head bowed. Then the Lord asked me: who is this? I answered: this is our priest. And the voice answered me: you said that he was a parasite; no, he is not a parasite, but a hard worker, he is a true shepherd, and not a mercenary. So know, no matter how small his rank, but he serves Me, the Lord, and if the priest does not read a prayer of permission over you, then I will not forgive you. Then I began to ask the Lord: Lord, let me go to earth, I have a boy there. The Lord said to me: I know that you have a boy. And do you feel sorry for him? I say: it's a pity. “You only feel sorry for you, but I have countless of you, and I feel three times more sorry for all of you.” But what an unrighteous path you have chosen for yourself! Why do you strive to acquire great wealth for yourself, why do you commit all kinds of lies? Do you see how your property is being stolen now? Who did your belongings go to? Your property was stolen, your child was sent to an orphanage, and your dirty soul came here. She served the demon and made sacrifices to him: she went to the movies and the theater. You don’t go to God’s church... I’m waiting for you to wake up from your sinful sleep and repent. Then the Lord said: Save your souls yourselves; pray, for a meager century remains, soon, soon I will come to judge the world, pray. -

I asked the Lord: how should I pray? I don't know prayer. “Pray,” the Lord answered, “not the precious prayer that is read and learned by heart, but the precious prayer that you say from a pure heart, from the depths of your soul.” Say: Lord, forgive me; Lord, help me, and sincerely, with tears in your eyes - this is the kind of prayer and petition that will be pleasant and pleasing to Me, - so said the Lord.

Then the Mother of God appeared, and I found myself on the same platform, but I was not lying, but standing. Then the Queen of Heaven says: Lord, why let her go? her hair is short. And I hear the voice of the Lord: give her a braid in her right hand that matches the color of her hair. When the Queen of Heaven went for the scythe, I see: She approached a large gate or door, whose structure and bindings were in an oblique line, like the gates of an altar, but of indescribable beauty; such light emanated from them that it was impossible to look. When the Queen of Heaven approached them, they themselves opened up before Her. She went inside some palace or garden, and I remained in my place, and my Angel remained near me, but he did not show me his face. I had a desire to ask the Lord to show me heaven. I say: Lord, they say there is heaven here? The Lord did not give me an answer.

When the Queen of Heaven came, the Lord said to Her: rise up and show her paradise.

The Queen of Heaven passed Her hand over me and said to me: you have paradise on earth; and here for sinners this is what a paradise is,” and she lifted it like a blanket or a curtain, and on the left side I saw: there were black, burnt people standing like skeletons, a countless number of them, and a stinking smell emanated from them. When I remember now, I feel that unbearable stench and I’m afraid that I won’t end up there again. They are all moaning, their throats are dry, they are asking to drink, drink, at least someone gave them a drop of water. I became scared, as they said: this soul came from the earthly paradise, it had a fragrant smell. Man on earth is given the right and time so that he can acquire heavenly paradise, and if he does not work on earth for the sake of the Lord to save his soul, he will not escape the fate of this place.

The Queen of Heaven pointed to these evil-smelling black people and said: in your earthly paradise, alms are precious, even this water. Give alms, as much as you can, from a pure heart, as the Lord Himself said in the Gospel: even if someone gives a cup of cold water in My name, he will receive a reward from the Lord. And you not only have a lot of water, but also plenty of other things, and therefore you must try to give alms to those in need. And especially, that water, with which an uncountable number of people can be satisfied with one drop. You have entire rivers and seas of this grace, never exhausted.

And suddenly, in an instant, I found myself in tartarus - it’s even worse here than in the first place I saw. At the beginning there was darkness and fire, demons ran up to me with charters and showed me all my bad deeds, and said: here we are those whom you served on earth; and I read my own cases. Fire flew out of the demons' mouths, they began to hit me on the head, and fiery sparks pierced me. I began to scream from unbearable pain, but, alas, I only heard weak moans. They asked for drink, drink; and when the fire illuminated them, I saw: they were terribly thin, their necks were elongated, their eyes were bulging, and they said to me: so you came to us, friend, you will now live with us. Both you and we lived on earth and did not love anyone, neither the servants of God nor the poor, but were only proud, blasphemed God, listened to apostates, and reviled Orthodox pastors, and never repented. And those who are sinners just like us, but sincerely repented, went to the temple of God, received strangers, gave food to the poor, helped everyone in need, did good deeds, they are up there.

I trembled from the horror I saw, and they continued: you will live and suffer with us forever, just like us.

Then the Mother of God appeared and it became light, the demons all fell on their faces, and the souls all turned to Her: - Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, do not leave us here. Some say: we suffered so much here; others: we have suffered so much, there is not a drop of water, and the heat is unbearable; and they themselves shed bitter tears.

And the Mother of God cried a lot and said to them: they lived on earth, then they did not call Me and did not ask for help, and they did not repent to My Son and your God, and now I cannot help you, I cannot transgress the will of My Son, and He cannot transgress the will of His Heavenly Father, and therefore I cannot help you, and there is no intercessor for you. I will have mercy only on those suffering in hell for whom the church and close relatives pray.

When I was in hell, they gave me all kinds of worms to eat: live and dead, stinking, - and I screamed and said: how am I going to eat them?! And they answered me: I didn’t keep fasts when I lived on earth, did you eat meat? You didn’t eat meat, but worms, eat worms here too. Here, instead of milk, they gave all kinds of reptiles, reptiles, toads, all kinds.

Then we began to rise, and those remaining in hell shouted loudly: do not leave us, Mother of God.

Then darkness came again, and I found myself on the same platform. The Queen of Heaven also folded her hands on her chest and raised her eyes to heaven, asking: what should I do with her and where should I put her? The Lord said: bring her down to the ground by her hair.

And then wheelbarrows appeared from somewhere, 12 of them, without wheels, but moving. The Queen of Heaven tells me: stand with your right foot and go forward, put your left foot to it. She herself walked next to me, and when we approached the last wheelbarrow, it turned out to be without a bottom, there was an abyss that had no end.

The Queen of Heaven says: lower your right leg, and then your left. I say: I'm afraid I'll fall. And She replies: we need you to fall. “So I’ll kill myself!” “No, you won’t kill yourself,” She answered, and gave the thick end of the scythe to my right hand, and took the thin end for Herself. The braid was woven in three rows. Then She shook her braid and I flew to the ground.

And I see cars running along the ground and people going to work. I see that I am flying to the square of the new market, but I do not land, but quietly fly to the glacier where my body lies, and I instantly stopped on the ground - it was 1 hour 30 minutes in the afternoon.

After that world I didn’t like it on earth. I went to the hospital. I approached the morgue, went into it, I looked: my body was lying dead, my head was hanging down a little and my hand, and the other hand and side were pressed by the dead man. I don’t know how I entered the body, I just felt an icy cold.

Somehow she freed her pinned side, and, strongly bending her knees, bent her to her elbows. At this time, a man was brought on a stretcher, dead with his legs cut off, by train. I opened my eyes and moved. They saw me, how I bent over, and ran away in fear, leaving that dead man. Then the orderlies and two doctors came, they ordered me to be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. And the doctors gathered there and said: she needs to warm her brain with light bulbs. It was February 23 at four o'clock in the afternoon. There were 8 stitches on my body, three on my chest, and the rest on my arms and legs, as they practiced on me.

When they warmed my head and my whole body, I opened my eyes and two hours later I spoke. My corpse was half-frozen and gradually came away, as did my brain. At first they fed me artificially, and on the twentieth day they brought me breakfast: pancakes with sour cream and coffee. I immediately refused to eat.

My sister ran away from me in fright and everyone in the ward turned their attention to me. The doctor immediately came and began to ask why I didn’t want to eat. I answered him: today is Friday, and I won’t eat fast food.

And she also told the doctor: you better sit down, I’ll tell you everything, where I was and what I saw. He sat down and everyone listened. Those who do not fast and do not honor Wednesday and Friday are given all kinds of toads and reptiles instead of milk. This is what awaits all sinners who do not repent before the priest in hell, so I will not eat fast food these days.

As I told my story, the doctor alternated between blushing and turning pale, and the patients listened with attention.

Then many doctors and other people gathered, and I talked with them. She said everything that she saw and heard, and that nothing hurt me. After that, a lot of people came to me and I showed them my wounds and told them everything.

Then the police began to drive people away from me, and they transported me to the city hospital. Here I completely recovered. I asked the doctors to quickly heal my wounds. All the doctors who saw me were interested in how I could come to life when all my intestines were half-rotten and my entire insides were affected by cancer, and especially since everything was thrown haphazardly after the operation and hastily stitched up.

They decided to perform the operation on me again, just to be sure.

And here I am again on the operating table. When the chief doctor, Valentina Vasilyevna Alyabyeva, removed the braces and opened her stomach, she said: why did they cut the man? Everything about her is completely healthy.

I asked that they not close my eyes and not give me anesthesia, because I told them: nothing hurts me. The doctors took my insides out onto the table again. I look at the ceiling and see everything that I have and what the doctors are doing to me. I asked the doctors what was wrong with me and what illness I had? The doctor said: the whole inside is like a child’s, clean.

The doctor who performed my first operation then soon appeared, and with him were many other doctors. I look at them, and they look at me and my insides, and say: where is her illness? Everything about her was rotten and damaged, but she became completely healthy. They came closer and gasped, were surprised, and asked each other: where is the disease she had?!

The doctors asked: are you in pain, Klava? No, I say. The doctors were surprised, then they became convinced that I was answering sensibly; and they started joking: here, Klava, now you will get well and get married. And I tell them: do my operation quickly.

During the operation they asked me three times: Klava, are you in pain? “No, not at all,” I answered. The other doctors present, and there were many of them, walked and ran around the operating room, as if beside themselves, clutching their heads, hands, and were pale as the dead.

I told them: it was the Lord who showed His mercy on me so that I could live and tell others; and to teach you that the power of the Most High is over us.

And then I said to Professor Neimark Israel Isaevich: how could you make a mistake? - They performed an operation on me. He replied: it was impossible to make a mistake, everything about you was affected by cancer. Then I asked him: what do you think now? He replied: the Almighty reborn you.

Then I told him: if you believe this, be baptized, accept the faith of Christ and get married. He's Jewish. He blushed with embarrassment and was terribly perplexed about what had happened.

I saw everything and heard how my insides were put back; and when the last stitch was made, the chief doctor Valentina Vasilievna (she operated) left the operating room, fell on a chair and began to sob. Everyone asks her in fear: what, Klava died? She answered: no, she didn’t die, I’m amazed at where her strength came from, she didn’t utter a single groan: isn’t this again a miracle? God obviously helped her.

And she also fearlessly told me when I was lying in the city hospital under her supervision that the Jewish professor who performed my first operation, Neimark Israel Isaevich, repeatedly persuaded Valentina Vasilievna to kill me in some way, but she categorically refused, and at first she herself She personally looked after me, fearing that someone would kill me, and she herself gave me food and drink. During the second operation, many doctors were present, including the director of the medical institute, who said that this was an unprecedented case in world practice.

When I left the hospital, I immediately invited that priest whom I scolded and mocked as a parasite, but in essence he is a true minister of the altar of the Lord. I told him everything, confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The priest served a prayer service in my house and blessed it. Before that, there was nothing but filth in the house, drunkenness, fights, and you can’t tell everything that I did. On the second day after repentance, I went to the district committee and handed over my party card. Since the former Claudia, an atheist and activist, does not exist, for she died at the age of 40. By the grace of the Queen of Heaven and the Most High God, I go to church and lead a life befitting a Christian. I go to institutions and tell everything that happened to me, and the Lord helps me with everything. I receive everyone who comes and tell everyone about what happened.

And now I advise everyone who does not want to accept the torment that I told you about - repent of all your sins and know God.

In 2013, a question was asked on a popular forum: If you had a clinical death experience, what do you remember?

There were about four thousand responses. We have selected some of the most interesting stories.

1.My football coach had a heart attack right on the field and was dead for 15 minutes.

When asked what he remembered about death, he replied that he remembered “absolute nothingness.” He did not have amnesia - he just, according to him, was in absolute emptiness.

He said it was the most peaceful moment of his life. Death is probably reminiscent of the movie “Inception” - when you build the world around yourself.

2. When I was 8 years old, I was riding a lawnmower and got caught in the motor with a string.

I fell under a lawnmower, which tore my skin, ripping out my large and small intestines, puncturing my right lung, breaking my spine in two places, and destroying my right kidney.

When I came to my senses, I was lying on the table, and strangers in white were standing around. Standing next to them was my grandmother, who died when I was 3. People revived my heart with small electrodes, and my grandmother calmed me down and told me that everything would be fine.

Suddenly I woke up - already stitched up and patched up. My parents said that I died three times. The first time - for 5 minutes. The second time - at a little over 12.

But the most amazing thing was the third time. My heart stopped for 20 minutes. The doctors thought I was finished, but my parents told them to continue shocking me.

Doctors said there was a 98% chance I would have permanent brain damage. Now I'm 25 and completely healthy.

3.When I was 15 years old, my schizophrenic uncle stabbed me in the stomach with a kitchen knife. I tried to crawl to the phone and call an ambulance, but passed out halfway.

I remember feeling like I was leaving a dark room and walking into the sun. The panic passed and a feeling of pure peace came over me. I was floating above a garden in which all the plants emitted light, and above me was a huge shapeless mass of all possible colors, including some that I had never seen and could not describe.

This mass seemed familiar to me, as if I was part of it, it beckoned me and filled me with pure ecstasy and understanding. Then a man who looked very much like Sleep from the Sandman comics (which I was reading at the time) appeared in the garden and said that I couldn’t return home yet because the time had not yet come.

I began to sob, but at the same time I had a feeling of complete understanding, as if I understood that I had to go back, even though I didn’t want to. This man, with tears in his eyes, took me by the hand and walked me back to my body, which was lying in the ambulance (my brother found me and called 911).

4.When my aunt was 18 years old, she once lost consciousness during an epileptic attack. There was no one nearby.

Then my grandmother found her, and the doctors managed to pump her out.

Aunt said that she was in a very bright and calm corridor. She walked along it aimlessly until she found a massive closed door at the end.

Aunt tried with all her might to open it: she knocked, pulled, and even kicked. But nothing came of it.

When she turned around, she saw that the corridor had turned into an intensive care unit. She lay on a gurney, and doctors and nurses brought her back to life. She threw the door, turned around and entered her body.

She died at the age of 42. We like to think the door has finally opened for her.


My father told me what happened to him during open heart surgery.

Doctors had to stop his heart for 20-30 minutes while they inserted a mechanical valve. He was 20-something years old at the time and did a lot of things that he is now ashamed of.

Dad says that after “death” he found himself in a very dark place. He began to walk back and forth, and everywhere he came across creepy deformed people who were yelling at him. He huddled in a corner in horror and hid.

And these monsters had already surrounded him, when he saw his deceased grandmother above him. She reached out her hand to him and grabbed him. The next moment he woke up in the hospital.

The father is sure that it was hell. I don’t know if this is true or not, but it convinced my dad to change his life. He became a believer and returned to his family.

6.My father-in-law was in the hospital and had a cardiac arrest. He died, but was revived.

Then he mentioned heart surgery over and over again. Finally my wife says, “Dad, you didn’t have heart surgery.”

And he answers: “We did.” I remember when they pierced my heart with a diamond scepter and it started working.”

I don't know what he meant. A few days later he died, so he won’t tell.

7. To be fair, most survivors only remember emptiness or darkness, as in this story:

A year ago I hanged myself with a dog leash...

All I remember about the “Great Emptiness” (as I call it in therapy meetings) is nothing. It's hard to describe, but the best word is vacuum. There is no darkness, no you, nothing.

This is such a complete absence of something that it cannot even be called emptiness, because emptiness presupposes the possibility of filling. It’s difficult to even realize its existence, because it’s impossible to really perceive it.

For me, clinical death was to look into this vacuum, but not to enter it. There was enough life left in me to know about him, and not enough death to completely dissolve in him.

My inquisitive neighbor saw me through the window, broke it and cut the leash. I hung there for 10 minutes and was passed out for 3 days. Since then, my life has completely changed, but I am still haunted by the fear of the Great Emptiness - because one day I will still appear before it and lose.

And in order not to leave you with heavy thoughts, I’ll give you the best comment at the end:

All these answers about emptiness/lack of consciousness made me reconsider my life. If there is nothing after death, and life is our only chance to feel, learn and develop, then I would like it to mean something. I don't want to waste my time. I want to make the world a little better for others before my time comes.

And then I realized that I had been plugging into the forum for three hours already.

Have you heard about clinical death? Perhaps you even know someone who has experienced it?

Death as a phenomenon still remains largely a mystery to scientists. This is because no one has ever returned from “there” to tell what actually happens to a person’s consciousness and his feelings when he dies.
Some people who were on the verge of life and death spoke about their feelings.

1. How to read a book

Five years ago, user "monitormonkey" underwent a major operation during which he began to bleed heavily and was effectively dead within minutes.

“I found myself in a place similar to outer space, only there were no stars or planets visible. I wasn't floating in that space, I was just somehow there. I was neither hot nor cold, I did not feel hungry or tired, there was only peace and neutral silence.
At the same time, I understood and felt that love and light were nearby and that I could go there if I wanted, but I did not have such a desire. And I remember that I thought about my life, remembering its moments, but it was not like a montage in a film, most of all it was like flipping through the pages of a book. Some fragments of the “book” simply stood out here and there.
After I woke up in my body, some of my thoughts changed. I'm still afraid of dying, but I'm no longer afraid of what I'll see when I get there again."

2. A visit from someone who was dear to you

User "Schneidah7" said that he was riding his motorcycle at high speed and had an accident. He was thrown forcefully onto the road. He was clinically dead for some time when he was taken to hospital, but he remembers something after he was thrown from the motorcycle.
“I remember how I was lying on the asphalt and everything around began to get dark and quiet. But I continued to be conscious and I remember how someone started shouting loudly, “Get up, motherfucker, get up!” Then someone tapped the helmet on my head, and when I opened my eyes, I saw my brother standing on all fours in front of me and looking into my face.
My brother passed away from a drug overdose several years ago. But he was here and he looked at his watch and said, “Oh, they'll be here soon.” And then he left. I don’t remember anything else about this incident and I still have serious memory problems, but I remember my brother’s visit well.”

3. In the garden

The user "IDiedForABit" suffered cardiac arrest, which was caused by an acute allergic reaction.

“I remember how all my senses were slowly drawn back, and then it was like moving through water and frozen blackness. At some point, everything around disappeared and suddenly I found myself in the garden.
It wasn't a beautiful, flowery garden; it was mostly just grass and dusty paths. In the center there was a playground with a carousel, around which two children, a boy and a girl, were running. And then I received something that is difficult to describe. It was a strong feeling that I could choose to stay here or go back.
I decided to go back, but for some reason I couldn’t. Every time I turned and left, I came to the same place. I began to sort out the reasons why I wanted to return, and when I reached my mother, whom I didn’t want to leave, they finally let me go. I woke up in my body. Afterwards, the doctors told me that my heart didn’t beat for 6 minutes.”

4. Postpone the call

User "TheDeadManWalks" was diagnosed with cancer as a teenager and underwent chemotherapy treatment for several months. He was not getting better and suddenly he began to have severe nosebleeds. Then his condition worsened due to general sepsis and one day he simply slipped somewhere for a while.
“The worst thing is that everything happens very calmly and your state is similar to half-asleep when you hear the alarm ringing at 7 am, but you want to postpone the call a little longer and sleep a little more. And then the bell starts ringing, and it rings once or twice and you realize that you still have to get up because it’s time to go to school or work. That you still have a lot to do and still need to wake up.”

5. Like a dream

User “altburger69” suffered a heart attack last year, and when she was taken to the ambulance, her heart stopped three times in the car during resuscitation by doctors.
“Every time they returned me “from there,” I felt like I was awakening from a deep sleep. At the same time, I joked with them saying, “Knock, knock, here I am.” When I died, there was nothing, no light, no anything else. Everything just felt like a deep sleep.”

6. There was nothing there

User "Rullknuf" like "Schneidah7" had an accident while riding a motorcycle. His breathing and pulse stopped and severe convulsions began. Only two minutes later his friend gave him artificial respiration and brought him back.
“For me it was just a blackout. No dreams, no visions, nothing happened. I woke up and then asked several times what happened.”

It's like reading a book

Five years ago, a user with the nickname monitormonkey was lying on the operating table and something went wrong.

Photo: © flickr / Elias Ruiz Monserrat

It was as if I woke up in some space where there was no light. It was neither hot nor cold there, I didn’t want to eat and wasn’t tired - everything was somehow neutral and calm. I understood that light and love were somewhere nearby, but I had no desire to rush things. I remember thinking about my life at that moment, but it was not the same as a montage when my whole life is before my eyes. It was like lazily flipping through a book... Anyway, this “immersion” changed my life, but I am still afraid of dying. At the same time, I’m not afraid of what will happen to me later.

My brother came to me

Schneidah7 lost consciousness after an accident - he was riding a motorcycle and crashed at a speed of 80 km/h.

I remember lying on the sidewalk and everything around me slowly darkened and became quiet. The only reason I didn’t pass out was because someone shouted: “Ranger, don’t pass out, everything will be fine, get up, get up!” Someone was hitting my helmet, and when I opened my eyes, I saw my brother squatting next to me. It was very strange because my brother died of an overdose several years ago... The only thing I remember is how he looked at his watch, said that he would be here soon, got up and left... I don’t remember anything else. Yes, then there was an operation, and I still experience memory problems.


IDiedForABit described the completely opposite picture. Her heart stopped due to a severe allergic reaction. However, no emptiness, silence and darkness.

I remember the feeling as if someone was sucking out the darkness, like a syringe drawing in water, it gradually disappeared, and soon I found myself in the garden. There were no flowers, only dust and yellow grass. In the middle there was a children's playground, in the center of which was a carousel with two children, a boy and a girl. It's hard to describe, but it was as if I had a choice: stay or return. Then I listed all the reasons why I wanted to return, but nothing happened until I realized that I did not want to leave my mother. Then it was as if they had let me go. Later it turned out that I was in a state of clinical death for 6 minutes.


A user with the nickname TheDeadManWalks was seriously ill as a child and one day his condition sharply worsened.

Looking back, I understand that the worst thing about it is that when you are there, it seems to you that everything is calm and peaceful. But in order to return, you need to force yourself to do something unpleasant - it’s like pressing the alarm button at seven in the morning. You turn it off again and again, but you realize that you need to go to school or work...

Some noise or scream

altburger69 had a heart attack and his heart stopped beating three times while he was being transported in an ambulance.

Apparently I woke up every time they started my heart with a defibrillator. At the same time, every time I came to my senses, I told the doctors about some noise or scream. There was no light there, but I just wanted to sleep.

I'm alive! I'm alive! I'm alive...

After falling off his motorcycle at full speed, Rullknuf stopped breathing and his body began to convulse. Two minutes later, his friend managed to resuscitate him.

For me it was just a blackout. No dreams, no visions, just nothing. When I woke up, I asked 10 times what happened and realized that, apparently, I was still alive.

My friend, Kira, was a drug addict with 16 years of experience. While in the 7th month of pregnancy, she was admitted to the hospital with a serious diagnosis. Septic condition with double pneumonia, with multiple lung abscesses, with abscesses on the torso. When the incision was made, about 3 liters of pus came out of the abscess in the gluteal region.

“When I was brought to the hospital, for many it was wild that I was still alive”- Kira recalls.

There was not even any question of the child's life. It was necessary to save the woman herself. After the examination, a council of doctors made a disappointing prognosis and the attending physician came to tell Kira the truth. After this consultation, she came running to my room. I was very upset. Her words were: “Pray, only God can save you!”

“I myself was already determined that I would die. I didn’t want to continue this life.”- Kira continued.

Servants in the church located at the hospital learned about Kira’s condition and began to come to her room, bring the necessary medicines and pray for her recovery.

“In fact, I had no faith at all that I would survive at all. Therefore, when they took me to the operating unit, I lay there and was already waiting for the moment when I would die.”- says a friend.

After the dead child was removed, Kira began bleeding. As a result of massive blood loss, she suddenly stopped breathing and lost her pulse.

“In fact, I don’t even know how to convey this feeling when I seemed to “fly out” of my body and saw myself from above. At that moment I was horrified because I realized that this was all, I died. A feeling of hopelessness that nothing can be fixed. I raised my eyes, and a man in white robes with hair of streaming luminous light appeared in front of me. This light was similar to the light from daylight fluorescent lamps. This is what his hair looked like. He told me not to be afraid and that’s not all, not the end of the road. It was as if he saw this fear in me. And immediately such peace came within me, such a moment came that I had never experienced while in the body. And I saw life as if from the outside from beginning to end. Now I can’t even explain how I saw it all because it was all at the same time, in volume and completely my whole life, that is, all my actions and what they led to. And even all the deeds that I considered good were in fact not so and led to very serious consequences.”- she recalls.

To the surprise of the doctors, Kira came to her senses. It was obvious to everyone that the woman had returned from the other world.

“After clinical death there was such a very fast, simply phenomenal recovery. I left the hospital twenty days after the operation. I believe that it was God who gave me the opportunity to live on."- Kira continued.

For seven years, the woman struggled with addiction, remembering what God had done for her. After that, she served two terms in prison, but all this time she did not stop praying and believing that her life could change. Kira still managed to change her life.