How to make a dragonfly from wire. DIY brooch: step-by-step instructions for making a dragonfly

With your own hands

Dear masters, autumn is coming - August is outside,

and dragonflies are about to fly - in whole flocks.

Their wings are an amazing work of nature.

Everyone is trying to reproduce it differently.

ephemerality and fluttering wings, I found my way.

How I did it is up to you to judge.

I didn’t have the task of making the entire dragonfly,

but just to introduce you to the technique of making a wing,

but for the integrity of the picture I made a conditional body

from a dried sprig of orchids, two beads, a golden rope and a clasp pin.

Please do not judge strictly - this is just a scheme and is not worth discussing here, as many masters - as many new options.

So let's get started.

The photos leave much to be desired, I apologize - I'm no photographer.

When the dragonfly was ready and it was time for the photo shoot, it started to rain

and that's why I post "home" pictures. To begin with, I would like to show the structure of the wing itself,

and then manufacturing technology.

As you can see, the wings turned out to be transparent, or rather translucent with decorative elements.

“Dragonfly wings” is a slightly different technique than “butterfly wings”, although it is based on the same glue web.

TECHNIQUES and NUANCES remain the same from the first master class

but I will still remind you of them - they are key to this technique.

This time we are NOT CUTTING ANYTHING and we are not making any wool or silk dust.

Lay out the silk fibers on a clean cotton cloth

(any others are also suitable - viscose, bamboo, nettle, etc.)

as thin as possible, literally just a few fibers.

In my photo it turned out thicker so that you can see the image.

Then we cover it with adhesive web, covering all the fibers.

If we look at the structure of dragonfly wings, it turns out that it is very complex - made up of intertwined veins. It seemed to me that the structure of the skeletonized leaf was similar to a wing. There is a lot of information on the Internet on how to skeletonize leaves, but I just bought them at a gift shop.

We place skeletonized leaves cut lengthwise onto the glue web. Then we cover it with another layer of silk fibers in the same direction as the previous one.


It is more difficult to work with silk than with wool; firstly, it is more volatile and therefore the layout must be done “without breathing”. Now this layered “pie” of ours needs to be covered with a cloth. And this must be done carefully so that the fibers do not move or fly apart. To do this, we fold the fabric and then unwind it while covering the silk.

Then the same step as in the MK on the wings of a butterfly - actively wet our “pie”, soak it thoroughly with water so that all layers are wetted. Now we place a hot iron with a BARE sole on the wet fabric for a few seconds, literally until the fabric turns yellow.

ATTENTION - after this operation, do not try to tear off or remove the fabric. Now we again generously moisten our “pie” and put the iron on for a second. In this case, a cloud of steam appears and at this moment you need to quickly and carefully remove both the fabric and the silk “rag” from the substrate. If suddenly it doesn’t work out the first time, then you don’t need to make an effort and don’t get upset, but wet it again, and again touch the iron and remove the fabric.

As a result, you will see something like this

Our silk fabric turns out soft and flaccid - don’t be alarmed.

Now the MAIN FOCUS is to place a heated iron with a TEFLON BACK on the resulting silk cloth.

Unlike wool, silk is more sticky due to the fact that there are thin layers of silk and a lot of adhesive cobwebs. And so we stroke him a little differently. We put on the iron. But we don’t try to iron it right away, we just rearrange it until the entire area of ​​the silk fabric has been covered. Then turn the silk fabric over and repeat the ironing process. Maybe the silk fabric will even stick to the Teflon backing - no big deal, you just need to grab the edge and pull - the silk will come off easily. Then carefully iron it; to do this, take the iron and carefully iron it towards the right (if you are right-handed) and away from you. The tissue after this procedure becomes stiffer and shiny. And as a result, you will see something like this fabric with leaves inside.

Now we fold the resulting silk fabric, apply the wing template in half (separately for the upper and separately for the lower) and cut it out.

We got wings consisting of two layers of silk fibers and a glue web inside. With a very obvious structure of the skeletons of the leaves, which are clearly visible in the light.

If the wings are for a small dragonfly, then this rigidity is quite enough, but if they are large, then you need to add another layer of cobweb and a layer of silk fibers. We can combine this operation with additional decoration of the wings.

In fact, decorating such a canvas is a pleasure; literally everything sticks to it. In our case, I found a bird feather and laid out the pieces as in the picture. We put a web on top.

There are small balls on the wings of dragonflies, maybe this is how they reproduce. I don't know, I'm not very familiar with the life of dragonflies. But we will use nature's hint. There are small decorative beads, without holes, we will use them. We pour gold beads on top in the right places, and again a layer of silk fibers. And again repeat the procedure with the iron, first through a cloth, and then with a Teflon backing over the finished wings. Don't worry, these glue beads hold the temperature perfectly and nothing will happen to them - they will sparkle. After this, we again cut out the wings along the contour.

As a result, we get ready-made wings.

The description turned out to be quite voluminous, but I tried not to miss anything so that everything worked out right away.

And now pure boasting. From my last puppet activity, Fay Bertrand remained alive, and today a dragonfly flew to him :)


I was asked a lot of questions about butterfly wings, how I made the veins and fringe. About the same as with silk fibers.

Probably, after this MK it is clear that I laid thick silk threads (after wetting them with water, to make installation easier), and then covered them with glue web (not reaching the edge, so that the ends of the silk fibers for fringe were free) and then with silk fibers. I ironed it according to a known pattern and cut the silk fibers to the required length.

With adhesive web, there are many more decoration options, for example, glitter and sequins, metal papal (gold leaf) and more. But more on that another time.

Next time, if you're interested, I can show you how to make translucent roses. It has its own nuances of laying out silk fibers.

Then you can even create unusual lace fabrics for decoration. You can make beetle wings that are hard and shiny. Continue? Or maybe based on this MK you will want to come up with your own options. Create, dare, try.

And one more small addition - THIS MASTER CLASS CAN BE USED BY ANYONE AND FOR ANY PURPOSE, COMMERCIAL or GIFT. There will be no complaints on my part.


Silk fibers, glue web

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5 cool ideas for creating a dragonfly with your own hands.

DIY dragonfly from a plastic spoon

For this option, dragonflies will need:

  • colorful disposable plastic spoons
  • plastic transparent document folder
  • pair of plastic eyes
  • glue gun
  • permanent markers.

Cut out the wings from a plastic folder and color them with different colored markers. Glue the wings to the spoon using a dab of hot glue. Glue on the eyes, add a smile with a marker and the dragonfly can take flight.

DIY dragonfly from scrap materials

This option for creating a dragonfly is perfect for autumn crafts, since natural materials will also be used here. Will need:

  • chenille
  • various beads
  • maple seeds
  • scissors

Fold one edge of the chenille, place two “airplanes” (maple seeds) and secure them with a chenille loop. String beads onto the remaining long tip of the chenille and twist the tip of the chenille around the last bead.

It will be better if the first bead is the largest bead, so it will look like a head. Do not take cuttings from maple seeds; they will become natural antennae of a dragonfly.

DIY dragonfly from clothespins

For such a dragonfly you will need:

  • wooden clothespin
  • plastic eyes
  • metallic chenille
  • glue gun
  • felt-tip pens

Using felt-tip pens, apply a beautiful pattern to a wooden clothespin, which will later serve as the body of the dragonfly. Glue the eyes to it. Twist two figure eights from the chenille and, opening the clothespin slightly, pinch the wings.

DIY dragonfly made from pasta

Even if at first glance there is nothing in your house that could serve as material for crafts, know that this is not so! For example, this dragonfly can be made from regular pasta. For it you will need:

  • penne pasta
  • ice cream stick or coffee stick
  • paints
  • plastic eyes
  • glue gun
  • buttons or sequins

Color the paste and stick and let them dry completely. Glue two pasta pieces to the body on each side. Glue eyes on the upper part of the body, and decorate the body itself with small sequins or flat buttons.

DIY dragonfly made of rhinestones

For such an unusually beautiful dragonfly you will need:

  • coffee stick
  • metallic chenille
  • large rhinestone for the head
  • small rhinestones for the body
  • glue gun

Glue rhinestones to a popsicle stick or coffee stick. The largest rhinestone will become the head. Using metallic chenille, twist two pairs of wings of different sizes and glue them between the first and second small rhinestones on the body.

A dragonfly brooch is a fairly popular and fashionable decoration that can be seen on the collars of shirts, dresses and blouses of many beautiful women and girls. And all because it fits almost any outfit and adds zest to the image, no matter how it is presented. Today we want to tell you about how to create a brooch with your own hands and what you need to use for this. If you're ready for another handmade master class, then let's go!

DIY dragonfly brooch: step-by-step master class


  • rhinestones in the form of a drop of medium diameter (variscite, Swarovski crystals or any other stones are suitable)
  • Czech or Japanese beads
  • a piece of genuine leather (can be replaced with high quality leatherette)
  • a handful of pearls and beads of any size and type
  • multi-colored sequins (they should be chosen to match the main color scheme of the product)
  • small brooch base
  • thread and needle for beads
  • sheet of cardboard
  • glue moment


In this way, sew the entire bead in a circle. Upon completion of the work, the number of beads must be even.

  1. After this, cover the pebble with another layer of beads, only of a different shade.
  2. Now you can make the dragonfly's eyes. To do this, from the total mass of stones and rhinestones, you need to select two identical medium-sized stones that will act as eyes. They must be sewn on the widest side of the stone, positioned next to each other.
  3. For greater beauty, trim them along the contour with white beads.
  4. Then you need to add a little volume to the dragonfly. To do this, you need to sew 2 more rows of beads on top of the dark row of beads, placing them between the two beads of the previous row. To do this, you need to string 1 bead onto a needle and attach it to the future decoration, indenting one bead forward. In this way, sew on 2 more rows of beads.
  5. The end result should be something like this:
  6. Cover the wings with beads of a brighter shade, using the same “back stitch” technique.

  7. Next, you can show your own imagination and decorate each wing the way you like best. Here you can use both large crystals and very small beads. The main thing is that it all holds firmly and has a presentable appearance.

For example, a dragonfly's wing might look like this:

First you need to sew on the first stone, decorate it with beads, then the second and then the third.

  1. Now the almost finished dragonfly needs to be carefully cut along the contour and compacted with cardboard.
  2. To do this, you need to attach it to a thick sheet of paper, outline it and cut the cardboard so that it is a couple of millimeters smaller than the product itself. After this, firmly glue it to the base of the future brooch.

  3. After this, glue the dragonfly to a piece of green leather, making sure to place it face down so that the brooch on the reverse side also has a presentable appearance.
  4. The final stage is to sew the edge of the product along the entire contour using a back stitch. The result should look like this:
  5. And the final touch is to glue the base for the brooch to the underside of the dragonfly. It is best to use cement glue for this purpose, allowing it to dry for at least 6-10 hours.

After this, your homemade brooch will be ready to be attached to absolutely any surface, be it a blouse, bag or thick jacket.

Video lesson

Well, for those who like to follow the process of creating handmade jewelry “live,” so to speak, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a detailed video tutorial on how to make a dragonfly from beads and rhinestones:

We hope you liked this idea and you will definitely make a similar decoration for yourself. Tell us in the comments what outfit you would like to wear with this cute dragonfly brooch?