Effective dry spells that can be used to attract a man from a distance. Strong attachment to a loved one from a distance

Church holidays

Drinking on a man is a magical set of actions that influences the will and subconscious of the subject, making him yearn for a certain person. The ritual will be more effective if the feeling that a woman experiences for her lover is real and truthful.


What is a man's love addiction?

Sucking on a man is powerful conspiracy for love, a ritual with reading spells for melancholy at home. After the ritual, a person physically cannot do without the woman who dried him up; he literally “dries up” without her.

The action of magic creates affection and then love. However, unlike a love spell, the spell has a limited duration of action.

When is the use of dryness justified?

The use of dryness is justified if:

  • husband found a mistress;
  • the groom refuses the wedding;
  • the guy you like doesn’t experience reciprocal feelings;
  • your loved one is married and does not want to divorce his rival;
  • the old feelings faded away in the family.

What time to perform drying rituals

To do the rituals yourself to bind your loved one you need:

  • to the growing moon (it symbolizes the growth of love and affection);
  • at night time;
  • V " men's days" - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Suckers don't read in church holidays and during Lent.

What are the consequences of drying on a guy?

For a man, the consequences are:

  • without your beloved, longing overcomes;
  • sleep and appetite are disturbed;
  • strong sexual attraction etc.

For the one who dried, if the ritual was performed ineptly:

  • mental disorders that cannot be treated arise;
  • appear depressive states and suicidal thoughts;
  • heart and genitourinary diseases develop.

The Center Energy channel talks about how to dry out a guy.

Rituals and spells for drying at a distance

Spells and spells at a distance are made on objects and natural phenomena.

They are read at:

  • a rope;
  • dawn and sun;
  • plants;
  • water;
  • photograph, etc.

Spell on a string

To carry out this dryness you will need:

  • medium thickness rope;
  • Holy water;
  • candle from the church.

The order of the ceremony:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. By its light, tie three strong knots.
  3. Wet them so they don't come undone.
  4. Cast the spell:

Just like a rope is not hung, there will be a final knot. No matter how much you (boyfriend’s name) runs from me, my slander will destroy you. Love the soul of the servant of God (boyfriend's name) to the servant of God (girl's name).

A string spell can bewitch a man until the knots are untied.

Conspiracy to the east at dawn

An effective spell to the east and the morning dawn is read as follows:

  1. They get up early in the morning.
  2. Drink three sips of holy water on an empty stomach.
  3. Reading "Our Father".
  4. Looking at rising Sun, read the spell 12 times.
  5. Wash your face four times with blessed water.

Spell text:

I conjure that (man’s name) becomes one with (woman’s name) just as Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that (man’s name)’s thoughts are only about (woman’s name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues . And let the high spirit (woman’s name) circle above the spirit (man’s name), like water above the earth. Make sure that (man’s name) cannot eat, drink, or enjoy life without (woman’s name).

The ritual at dawn is carried out 12 days in a row.

Honey spell on a married man

In order for a man’s soul to become forever attached to a woman’s, dry honey is done as follows:

  1. They take two hairs - the one they love and their own.
  2. Place honey in a jar with a tight lid (preferably from wild bees).
  3. Hairs are added there and the hex is read:

The words are:

Just as the sweetness of honey is intertwined with hair, so the servant of God (his name) and the servant of God (his name) will be intertwined forever and ever in a sweet life. Amen.

Drying at a distance using photography

A powerful love spell is made on the image of a person.

For the ritual you will need:

The strongest drying is done like this:

  1. At midnight, sit in front of the mirror.
  2. Take three sips of consecrated water and read the “Our Father.”
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Place the photo so that it is reflected in the mirror at the level of the magician’s face.
  5. Read the plot:

Just as in the mirror we are next to you, so in life everything will be fine with us. You will not leave me, you will always follow me, into water and fire, no one touches my darling, he is only mine. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Drying at a distance onto the flower

Rules for the ceremony:

  1. Take a red flower (preferably several).
  2. Trim the heads and place them on the windowsill.
  3. Cast the spell.
  4. When the flowers dry, put them in a secluded place.

Spell text:

Flowers burn, dry out in the sun and suffer, die without water. So you without me are like without moisture and food, without sleep and peace. We will be happy only next to you. You walk and wander on the earth, you find no peace. Just as this and that flower dries up, so let my dear one dry up to me. And it will be so forever and ever!

Dryness on food and drink

Drying for food products is carried out as follows:

  1. Food and drinks are prepared in advance.
  2. They put them on the table.
  3. The left hand is held over the food.
  4. They cross themselves with their right hand and immediately read the plot:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I say, servant of God (name), distant words, distant sins, distant prayers. Just as water from the earth flows and breaks through stones, so my words spill and break through this food, laying on them like a ring, a cross, with violent force, from now on, forever, forever and ever. Amen! At sea - on Okiyan, on the island of Buyan there is a table-throne, an old man sits at the table, angry and naked, his white bones are visible, his pain is visible. That old man wants to drink and eat. There is nothing dearer to him than bread and salt, there is nothing in his stomach except pain. He cries, bends over, grabs food with his hands, asks for food and drink, begs, and even offers his soul for that. So God’s servant (name) would love me, suffer, and never sleep or rest. Just as people cannot live without food, just as they cannot live without water, so you, servant of God (name), could not live and be without me. I am your food, I am your water. Come, slave, to me, to God’s servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Drying spell for the morning dawn

The spell at dawn works quickly:

  1. We must get up before dawn.
  2. At the first rays of the sun, read the spell three times:

Dawn Marya, fell apart, rolled across God's sky, take hold of the heart of the servant of God (name), the servant of God (name), worried, bored, would look for meetings everywhere, like a martyr suffered. Yearn for his heart and for me, the servant of God (name), strive, according to my word, submit to me age after age. My words cannot be washed down with holy water, and healers cannot wash away my words from it. And the other healer's word fell off. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Drying spell in the sun

For drying in the sun you will need portrait photography men.

Sequence of the ritual:

  1. Stand facing the setting sun.
  2. Raise the photo so that it is at the level of the face and sunset rays.
  3. Read the plot:

The sun, the sun, was shining brightly, the sun was shining warmly, the sun, giving life, warming the world with warmth. Give me the love of your servant (man's name), unite me with him forever, with iron chains, strong shackles, dry him to me with your rays, deliver him from other thoughts, let only your servant (man's name) breathe with me. For this, sun, I will honor you forever.

Magic ritual with blood

The curse on menstrual blood is considered the most powerful in love magic. Only an experienced sorcerer can get rid of it.

For the hex you will need:

  • blood from menstruation on days 3–4 of the cycle;
  • food or drink for a man (preferably wine like Cahors).

The ritual is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Discreetly add a few drops of blood to food or drink.
  2. Offer this to the guy.
  3. Mentally read the plot:

My blood has gone, it has reached my dear one. He tastes my food and drink, he doesn’t know life without me, he doesn’t sleep, doesn’t eat, he dreams about me.

You can do without casting a spell, because menstrual blood itself is very powerful for a love spell.

Drying for husband on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Algorithm for drying on “men’s” days:

  1. Take a thick candle.
  2. Write your husband's name on it.
  3. Light it and read the spell three times:

Destiny's fire, hear me! Let my love fly to him! Fire! Do no harm! You are my friend. Strengthen my union with my beloved! If there is a wall between us, destroy it! I sacrifice myself to you. About him eternal love I beg you!

How to make drying on an apple is described in the video. Filmed by the channel of the sorceress Tatyana Moskovskaya.

Cleansing from magical binding

The conspiracy of Archangel Michael, who will cut the conspiracy chains with his sword, helps to cleanse himself of magical binding.

Archangel Michael, I appeal to you! Cut the unbearable connection with your sword. Send me energy and strength. Amen!

How to remove attachments using forgiveness meditation

Meditation breaks the magical attachment and makes a person energetically balanced.

Order of meditation:

  1. Sit down and relax.
  2. Imagine a calm, quiet place (forest, sea, etc.).
  3. Put right hand below the navel.
  4. Sincerely forgive the person who made the connection.
  5. Ask for forgiveness from the Higher Powers yourself.
  6. Thank the person who linked it for all the good things.
  7. Say goodbye to him.

Forgiveness meditation is repeated until it takes effect.

In this article:

As soon as the first signs of betrayal appear, there is no need to lose control of yourself. You can bring your loved one home yourself, because a woman’s strength is in her love. Men often lose their bearings, and sometimes fall into traps set by other women. In order for your family to be strong, happy, and for men to love only you, you need to do everything yourself.

Drinking on a man will help you, which will once and for all take away his desire to look in the other direction. Now your beloved man is yours alone. These spells are easy to make and last a very long time. You will like the effect, because now you are the only one, desired, loved. Do not allow your husband to leave the family under the influence of a momentary mood. Your life and happiness in your family depend on you - do everything to make your life a fairy tale.

Prisushka, love spell, binding

What can be done if the man you love, your husband, leaves the family? The first signs of a woman are usually ignored:

  • stays late at work;
  • doesn't eat at home;
  • constantly calls somewhere;
  • often goes to important meetings and weekend trips.

The further it goes, the more obvious it is - the man is cheating. What's next? He will leave the family. Returning in this case is a difficult matter, because he has already decided to change his life. While the husband has not yet left, has not confessed to you, he is gnawed by doubts. On the one side - new lover. She may seem fresh, young, very caring and loving. With another - legal wife, with whom we have been together for more than one year, we have children.

For a married man, this is not an easy choice. Sometimes, after 40-45 years, new youth comes. I want to break out of the shackles of family, work, and responsibilities. This works out on his own, especially if his wife does not support him, but only laughs. Smart women They also try to change when they see that their loved one is tired of the routine. It's not easy, but it's worth a try. Why not go on a trip together, go to a rock concert, change your clothing style? It's better to do it together than to let someone else do it for you.

A completely different situation occurs when a man falls under the influence of a binding or love spell. These conspiracies can destroy even the most strong family, and the will of men is suppressed once and for all. Making a love spell on your own is not that difficult, so the homewrecker can try.

In addition to love spells, there are also sexual attachments. They do not evoke love, but only a strong, very passionate attraction. So married man you can tie to yourself through sex. He will become dependent and lose control of himself. There is no talk of sex with his wife then, he simply doesn’t see her, doesn’t want her.

A proven remedy can help with this. A good kiss will bring your husband home and will forever knock thoughts of other women out of his head. Of course, if he has become a victim of a love spell, then a sugar spell can do little to help, so always monitor your husband’s behavior. It changes, and you are already in all weapons. You shouldn’t resort to this magic if he was just late at work a couple of times. You must have good reasons to make any conspiracies.

The most effective conspiracies to return

Strong drying will not harm the health of your loved one. She will only remind him of the strength of his feelings for you. This opens his eyes to the problem: if there is an attraction to another, it is very quickly forgotten, because his wife is the best.

You can make any of these spells at home. You don’t need anything special, just your husband’s personal belongings, his photo, candles or any other household items. All this can be bought in your city. Once tied, no one can take a married man away. These conspiracies work quickly, and you will be happy with the effect. Your husband will love you with renewed vigor.

Rope plot

This old conspiracy, which allows you not only to return your beloved husband home, but also to tie him to you very tightly. To do this you will need a rope as thick as your finger. Tie three strong knots on it, and wet it with water so that it definitely doesn’t come undone. Such a conspiracy can only be removed if all the knots are untied.

On a wet rope say 12 times:

“No matter how the rope hangs, there will be an ending knot. No matter how you (a man’s name in a diminutive form: Ilyushenka, Vanechka, etc.) run away from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, soul of God's servant ( full name men, for example, Ilya, Ivan, etc.), the soul of a servant of God (your full name, for example, Olga, Anna, etc.)"

Hide this rope well, keep it with you, it is forbidden to show it to anyone.

This is the only way to keep your happiness intact. Some women keep this rope like this all their lives.

Drying at dawn

One of the strongest. If you have every reason to believe that the betrayal has gone far, there are persistent signs of your husband leaving the family, then do it. You need to go out into the morning dawn with a church candle. You can go outside, onto the balcony, into the field - nothing limits you. The main thing is that it is an open space.

As soon as you see the dawn breaking, say:

“I’ll get up in the morning, blessing myself, go out into the courtyard, crossing myself, From the door to the window, from the gate to the blue sea. There are twelve brothers standing there, looking at me. I will go closer to them, I will bow to them lower. Twelve brothers, go to the blue sea, In the blue sea there is an island, on it stands an oak tree, Under the oak tree is a heavy slab, sweeping melancholy. Raise the slab, take away the melancholy, Bring it from the sea-ocean, Lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (man’s name). Let him feel melancholy, sadness and orphanhood, so that he yearns, grieves and grieves for me, slave (name) nights and days. So that he couldn’t pass a day or while away a minute without me. With you, mother-dawn of the morning Mary, evening Marimyana, midnight Ulyana. Let any girl seem scary to him, like a bat, like a fierce snake, like a striped devil, like a shaggy sorcerer. And for him, slave (my name), I am a firebird, a sweet maiden.”

You should have a church candle in your hands. Read only once. If this binding did not help bring your loved one home, then there is a love spell on him.

Drying in the photo

Spoken food is also one of the popular ways to get out of work

If they want to take a married man away from the family, if the wife needs to be very vigilant. When you can’t get your husband back with affection, care, attention, then use the “heavy artillery”: conspiracies. This ritual is done on joint photo from the wedding. It's better where it's just you and your husband. Take a photo and place a church candle on it between you. This will connect you. Light the candle, read the plot on it 12 times:

“I close my head. It’s only me in your mind. I close my chest. In your heart there is only me. I close my legs. You should only be next to me. Lord, I call you as a witness. See me, your faithful servant (your name). Help, father, in a good cause. Turn away the wicked harlots from your beloved , young red-faced women. Let only me be seen and heard. I renounce you from others, I condemn you to virtuous love. No one needs you, servant of God (name the right person), except me. You don’t love anyone but me.
Be it so. Amen".

When the wax begins to drip, drop one drop at a time onto your image and onto the photo of your spouse. Press each drop with your finger so that a clear imprint remains.
This way your man will instantly forget about others. He will return home for good within 3-5 days. If it doesn’t help after this time, you can do it one more time.

Ritual of dryness for a personal item

If your husband shows all the signs of weakening interest in you, doesn’t want you, doesn’t love you, then you need to correct this. Perhaps he doesn’t have anyone yet, he’s just lost interest. Then take it underwear- T-shirt, panties. You can do it on them strong conspiracy. As they say, the closer to the body, the better. Choose the set of underwear that he wears most often. Spread on ironing board linen. You need to iron at maximum temperature. The hotter the iron, the stronger the husband’s love and desire will be. Stroke and say:

“God, Our Father, be a witness. I, your humble servant (your name), forever close your servant (the name of the right person) from girls. I am destined for him, I am destined for him. I will seal our destinies with a strong word and steel needles. Let strangers doesn’t understand, but he cherishes me and hugs me. So be it. Amen".

The enchanted item is not afraid of washing, but requires counterfeiting

Let the man wear this underwear. Update the spell every year so that the effect is always strong.

Egelet on her husband

A married man is an object of desire and envy unmarried women. Therefore, it is better not to tell anything about your man, his gifts and attention. Someone may envy you and try to fight off your husband.

To prevent this from happening, you need to tie him tightly to you, and keep your personal life under seven locks at home. This plot is made for the marriage bed. Egelet - dryness with a sexual effect. Kneel down in front of the bed, place your hands on it. Say three times without raising your eyes from the bed:

“In the sea-okiyan on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr stone burns, it burns but does not burn, so the servant of God... (name) burns and burns, does not burn out, to me, the servant of God... (name) does not forget the way. May my word be strong in forever and ever. Amen".

Now you need to get up, take a church candle. Light it, move it clockwise around the bed, repeating the spell 3 more times.
The first signs that the egelet was a success are increasing sharply sexual desire your man.

Conspiracy for menstruation

It is done on your menstrual blood. On the third day of your period, you need to collect some fresh blood and pour it into any drink or dish for your husband. Valid only for legal spouse!

Say while you pour:

“Just as a worm cannot live without earth, a fish cannot live without water, and just as a person cannot live without blood, so you (name) do not live without me for a single day,
Not one night, not an hour, not a minute. My words are strong for now and for centuries, for all times. Amen!".

This is a very powerful conspiracy, although it is carried out without any special ritual. After such a conspiracy, a married man can no longer be taken away. Your blood will be the basis of this connection. This is a very strong biomaterial with sacred properties.

Can drying be harmful to a man?

It cannot harm, but it will impose some restrictions on his will. These conspiracies are harmless for the health, strength, and self-confidence of your loved one. This is not a love spell that rudely introduces itself into his life, cripples his will, forces him to do something he doesn’t want. The binding is much softer.

He won’t be able to remove it, and he’s unlikely to even know that he’s wearing a binding. Men are rarely interested in such things, and even less so to try to remove them. He can only laugh and forget.

The attachment limits his interest in other women. She does not harm him, but only at the moment when he decides to talk to a pleasant stranger, introduce him, invite him to a restaurant, his feelings begin to rebel. Conscience, love for his wife, longing for home overcome your beloved. There is no talk of any conversations with ladies or invitations for a cup of coffee.

Any woman who does not practice magical rituals can return her former love and refresh her feelings. After drying, the lover will not show interest in his mistress and family relationships will strengthen.

How to do self-drying at a distance: for a man or a guy? To carry out the ritual, you don’t even need to leave your home, you just need to follow the basic rules.

To carry out drying you can use:

  • Period blood.
  • Personal items.
  • Photos of your loved one.

The drying effect on blood is the strongest, since it uses the strongest biomaterial - blood. The dryness in photography is no less strong, and the photo in this case acts as a phantom of a married man.

The main thing is that there is no one else in the photo except him. Personal belongings are associated with their owner and are stored on them. energy information about a person - this is enough to use a thing as a phantom.

note! After the ritual on menstrual blood, you cannot leave the man or guy, but the connection with him will be forever. You need to think about whether it makes sense to change your fate, the fate of your loved one, and future children.

The time for drying should be selected based on the type of ritual. If done for blood, then the 3-4th day of menstruation, on the waxing Moon, and suitable days for photo work - Monday and Friday.

Drying carried out on Easter will work carefully and will help to get to know each other, on the other hand.

Strong drying so that it exactly looks like an apple

The apple is a rather symbolic fruit and is used not only in love magic. The ritual is effective and the result comes in a few days.

To perform the ceremony you need an apple and a photograph of a man. of such a size that it can easily fit in it.

The knife that will be used to cut the apple must be new. This is a strong drying, so it is carried out on any day; no additional paraphernalia is needed for the ritual.

Cut the apple, then put a photo of your boyfriend or husband between the halves. All thoughts at this moment should be focused on a loved one, there should be no anger and negativity in the soul.

To make sure it works, bury the apple only in the ground, and place the knife with which it was cut next to it. When the first worm eats the apple and the photograph, the lover will leave his past passion and return.

Important! At the time of the drying and in the near future after the ritual, you need to be at least in the same city with the guy in order to be able to see each other.

Powerful sucker on a girl

Carrying out a love spell ritual on the girl you like is not difficult, just follow the rules and be sure of the need for drying.

This is a full-fledged magic ritual, and any magical manipulations with another person entail a change not only in his destiny, but also in the customer.

To influence girls, you can use a love spell of light to medium strength, because the female sex is highly suggestible.

Powerful suction on a woman is a last resort when it is necessary to short term to achieve the favor of the chosen one or return the departed wife.

To carry out drying you will need three components:

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Church candle.
  3. Linen bag.

Pour coffee into your right palm, imagine your beloved and read a prayer with a lit candle. After that, pour the coffee beans into a bag and carry it with you everywhere until the girl begins to show attention.

The second option is a cigarette dryer. To do this, a name is written on a cigarette in blood, then it is smoked. The remaining filter is stewed in the palm of your hand and, together with the ashes, is wrapped in a sheet of paper.

As soon as the burn on your hand heals, your beloved will return. If you believe the reviews, this method works very quickly.

We must not forget about the consequences of the love spell ritual. Life priorities are changeable and there will be no more feelings for the bewitched girl, but the effect on her will continue.

In such a situation, only drying or a lapel will help remove the love spell, and if this does not help, then contact an experienced magician.

How to dry it at home in the wind?

To bring back love dear person, have long resorted to the help of higher powers, used occult objects and magic spells.

Love spells are quite powerful if interpreted and performed correctly.

How to dry it at home in the wind? A love spell on the wind is one of the simplest and most ancient rituals that does not require special knowledge.

To perform the ceremony you need:

  1. Know in which direction the chosen one lives.
  2. Go outside on a full moon with your hair down.
  3. Having well imagined the image of the beloved man, the prayer is read three times: “My betrothed (his name and surname), may this wind guide you to the true path.

    Will lead you to my eternal and voluptuous love. You will be inspired by my love, and then our hearts will never separate in life.”

Advice: rituals performed at night work more powerfully because higher power and the forces of nature are at the peak of their power at this time of day.

How to dry it in other ways yourself?

There are a great many love spells, spells and conspiracies; you can bewitch even with the help of an object and natural phenomenon, turning to white or black magic.

How to dry it in other ways yourself? To do this, you need to have at least a little understanding of magic and understand the consequences of mistakes when performing a ritual.

The nature of the effect on humans is also different:

Useful video

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Apple drying is the most common and quite effective magical ritual. With its help, you can greatly dry out your loved one or husband. The apple has always been considered a symbol of temptation, so it will not be difficult to tune in and form the desired intention.

Prisushka differs from a love spell in a slightly different range of effects. A person begins to “dry,” but not physically, but with his soul. The most effective rituals are rites of similarity magic:

“As the apple dries, so will you dry,” “As the branch dries, so will you.” . ."

How to dry up your husband if his feelings for you have cooled? The magical dryness on a husband who has stopped paying attention to his wife acts more gently than a love spell. The drying does not suppress the will and does not zombie. This is a gentle impact on the senses, a reminder of former love and an attempt to revive it.

Drying on an apple - a ritual

For the ceremony, buy the most beautiful pouring apple on the waxing moon.

It is better to buy an apple at the market so as not to give change. All items for magical rites are bought against payment or without change. Making a purchase in a store without change will be problematic. If you buy a kilogram of apples or take an apple from the refrigerator, the ritual will not work - magic has its own laws!

So, you bought a liquid apple on the waxing moon without change. Sucking on a husband can be done in Men's Day(Wednesday, Thursday, Monday), but it is best to choose Friday - the day of Venus.

What needs to be prepared for the ceremony

  • Beautiful pouring apple
  • Knife with wooden handle
  • Red wool thread
  • Two small pieces of paper with a pen
  • Your loved one's hair (you can take a few pieces from a comb)

Carrying out the ceremony

  1. Take a shower and tune in to the ritual of witchcraft
  2. Prepare the table by covering it with a clean tablecloth
  3. Turn off the phone, TV and remove pets from the room
  4. Let your hair down and untie your belt, unfasten the locks, remove the rings - this is necessary for the free flow of witchcraft energy
  5. If you stand barefoot, even better!
  6. Take an apple and cut it into two parts
  7. Write your name and his name on pieces of paper (completely clean, without cells or rulers)
  8. Place leaves with names and hair (yours and his) between the halves of the apple.

Love spell words

“As this apple dries, so will my beloved (name) dry for me (his name).”

Say these words an odd number of times or according to intuition. Speak with passion and confidence. At the end be sure to add: AMEN!
Now you need to wrap the apple with thread so that both halves are connected

Important point!

If the season is cold or rainy, then the apple will probably never dry out! Therefore, it is allowed to put it in the driest place in the house or dry it in the oven. But just dry it, not bake it! If you are not sure that you can dry an apple in the oven, then it is better not to experiment.

Second point.

This apple must not be discovered by the husband! Try to hide it so that no one sees it. This will be a talisman of your love. Treasure it like the apple of your eye. And don't throw it in the trash! If you do everything correctly, you will succeed in drying the apple, and the effect will be amazing. Your husband's attitude will begin to change before your eyes!

And one last thing.

You will not be able to achieve results with any rituals if a rival cast a love spell on your husband. Before you do the drying, make sure that there is no love spell on your husband, and that there is no quarrel in your relationship. If someone provided magical influence on your spouse, these influences must be removed.

Love is wonderful feeling, to which all ages are obedient, but, unfortunately, over time it has the ability to evaporate, turn into a habit or disappear altogether. If you do not want such an outcome for yourself and your other half, you should take care in advance and perform a simple magical ritual called drying on a man, bringing an unbearable point during your absence. With its help, you will be able to save your marriage, your beloved man will not cheat, his attention will be focused only on you. It is worth saying that absolutely any woman can carry out an attachment on a man (even a married one); for this, you do not need to study magic or have experience in witchcraft.

Moreover, you don’t even need to leave the walls of your home; all rituals are carried out in warmth and comfort, although, of course, there are exceptions. All that is required of you is desire, faith in the result and, of course, love; this feeling must be sincere and strong. So, how to dry a man at home using simple magic.

Why do you need a dryer for a man?

As was said earlier, any feelings can sooner or later crack, and there can be a lot of reasons for this, including the duration of the relationship, the appearance of a third person, betrayal, and so on. Often, such an event comes to an end, and the love union simply ceases to exist. However, you can protect yourself from such an outcome; for this you can use two options:

  • You can do a drying (ritual for melancholy) in advance, that is, without waiting for actual problems;
  • Read the attachment already when problems in the relationship begin to appear.

Even if your beloved husband cheated on you, you have irrefutable evidence of what happened, you should not give up, because you are the wife, the one he loved, to whom he himself proposed marriage at one time, it is you who he truly values. All you need to find is the drying option that is right for you, will touch that very corner of feelings and restore broken relationships, and return the married man home to his family.

Features of drying

It is worth saying that drying differs in the strength of its impact, so the most powerful are those that are carried out on any personal item or even blood. Moreover, there is an option for performing an ancient drying test, which was read on menstrual blood, but this method is not currently used modern girls. It should be resorted to only when all other methods have proven useless, and the desire to be with the man you love is stronger common sense. However, the main thing here is to understand what exactly you are going to do, because stopping the effect of the strongest drying is not so easy, and in some cases it is even impossible. If a woman suddenly stops loving the enchanted man, he will not be able to do the same, since he bears a magical seal placed by you personally. If, after reading the words, you have even the slightest doubt, you should put off the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdrinking love for a while and entrust the relationship to fate.

Also powerful rituals are rituals performed using photos; it is believed that even in a digital image there remains, even a minimal, but still a piece of a person’s soul, which can then be used for one’s own purposes. If you choose this option, you need to choose correct photo, the man must be alone in the image, his face must be clearly visible, this is the only way the drying will work.

Any personal item of a man will also contribute to the ritual being more effective and efficient. This could be a handkerchief, clothing, pen, notepad, and so on, the main thing is that this item belongs to the object of drying. This method can be compared in power to the previous option with the photo, but you should understand that you will need to live with this man for the rest of your life. If you agree to this, try your hand at magic.


In addition to everything that was written earlier, it is worth saying that it is important to choose a ritual that you like, that is, you will feel inner confidence that it will work. When you first read the text of the ritual, your heart may indicate that this particular text or ritual will be the key to happiness.

It is strictly forbidden to read several options at once on the same day, this will not only not enhance the effect, but may cancel and remove all previous options without special labor. Pick one option and stick to it. In order for everything to go without a hitch, it is recommended to conduct a short rehearsal before the actual event. This will add confidence to you at the moment of true witchcraft.

How to choose the right time for drying

In order for the ceremony to be as effective as possible, it is important to determine the maximum favorable time for. If we're talking about about the most powerful drying, that is, about a love spell on a woman’s monthly blood, then this must certainly be the middle of the cycle. In this case, you only need blood, a candle and your personal presence.

If you settled on the drying with the photo, then it is important to wait the right day weeks, usually magicians and sorcerers advise performing such magic on Friday or Monday, since these days have long been considered women's days.

Separately, it must be said that love spells carried out on the eve religious holidays, are considered more effective and have a longer validity period. Often a holiday such as Easter is chosen for white prisushki; the entire pre-Easter week is also suitable.

Dryness on the rope

To carry out this ritual you need to find a piece of white strong rope, and it must certainly be made of natural materials, without the use of synthetic thread. Take it from one side, tie a strong knot, it is recommended to moisten the newly made knot with water, it will definitely prevent it from coming undone. Now you need to take the rope by the free end with both hands and say the following words of prayer:

“The rope, like a snake, curls and curls, but does not flow away, since I hold it tightly. Let him, (the man’s name) not run away from me, he can’t live without me, as long as I hold him in my hands, let him know with whom fate has connected him, he will never leave me. Unbearable melancholy will overtake you if you are not with your woman, hopeless melancholy.”

After the words have been spoken, be sure to cross yourself and run your fingers along the entire length of the rope. As soon as you feel the knot in your fingers, drop the rope to the floor. Now, using a scarf or piece of fabric, pick it up from the floor and put it in a secluded place where your boyfriend will never find it. If the knot comes undone or the rope ceases to be a secret, the effect of the love spell on dryness will be canceled, and you will have no future with this person.

Sun drying

In this version, you will need a photo of your loved one. Early in the morning, as soon as the first rays of sun appear in the sky, get out of bed, go to the window, and have a photograph of your loved one in your hand. Looking at the photographs, you need to read the following words of the conspiracy:

“I get up like a bird early in the morning, look at the rays of the sun, they penetrate straight into my heart, lighting a fire in my soul. Let these same sun rays will light a fire in the soul of my betrothed, let the man’s name always be with me. If he meets Marya, Irina, Anna or other women on his life’s path, let him drive them away, he will be mine forever. I will envelop you in my web, confuse your mind, I want to bewitch you. Amen".

After reading the text, you need to cross yourself three times and kiss the man’s photo. Now this is not just a photo, but a magical object that must be placed in an opaque box, hidden as far as possible from prying eyes. Now you can be sure that your husband will remain with you forever, even if he is unfaithful to you one day, he will still return back to the family.

Drying for Easter

This type of drought is performed exclusively on Easter; on other days it has no meaning, just like Easter love spells. For everything to work out, you need to take the following items:

  • Two boiled colored chicken eggs
  • Candle from church
  • A photo of you and your husband, preferably one image.

Place the photo on the table, eggs should be on top, and place a lit candle between them. Now it’s time to start reading the text of the drying, it reads as follows:

“I divided the sky in half, your half and my half, like morning and night, like sun and darkness. On Holy Day I sew together with thread what was torn, let it always be so from now on. Only with me can you find out for sure what love is.”

After this, you can eat one of the testicles, treat your lover to the second one, make sure that he eats it.

Group of suction cups for food and drink

A separate group includes dryness caused by food and drink. Many magicians and sorcerers claim that such rituals have a fairly strong effect, so they recommend them to be performed at home. The success of such dry spells lies in the fact that the charmed food certainly enters the victim’s body, which significantly speeds up the effect. Of the shortcomings, only one can be named - it is impossible to dry for food while at a distance; in other cases, drying for the love of a man at a distance is used.

Of the requirements that apply to such rituals, it is worth highlighting the most important ones - the food or drink must be liked by the man, that is, you must know him taste preferences. It is also worth making sure that the victim of the ritual is not present during the preparation of food, and even more so, does not taste it. In addition, do not forget about concentration and detachment from all pressing problems.

Dryness on the apple

To dry an apple, the first thing you need to do is choose the right fruit. The requirements for an apple are:

  • It should be attractive and have a nice color
  • There should be no dents, worm marks, or cuts on it.
  • The fruit must be picked with one’s own hand from an apple tree

It is important to carefully examine the apple; if you accidentally miss any defect, it could turn against you negative consequences, similar in strength to damage.

To enhance the effect of the ritual, it is fashionable to add a few drops of your own blood to it. In order for it to get to the right place, it is necessary to make a small incision in the area of ​​the petiole, where a drop of blood subsequently drips. IN this option not used period blood needs to be cut ring finger and use this blood. After this, you need to fill the cut area on the apple with melted wax, let it harden, and then proceed to read the words of drying:

“Just as I make a hole in an apple, so an emptiness appears in your head, which I will fill with myself. As the apple dries up, so you, the man’s name, will suffer without me, my love guides me.”

After this, the fruit must be hidden in a secluded place, so that no one except you knows about its location. It is important to put it in a place where there is not high humidity, otherwise the apple will not dry, but will simply rot, you need to wait natural process drying out. Dried fruit should not be thrown away; it will help keep your husband by your side forever.

Drying onion

Drying on onions has been used since ancient times, this is explained by the simplicity and availability of the main product, that is, onions. With its help, you can perform a lot of rituals, including a powerful drying spell for love and fidelity. To perform such a ritual you will need:

  • The onion itself, and it is important that it is whole and not rotten
  • You will need the victim's hair
  • 5 church candles

When everything is ready, sit down round table, carefully place all the magical objects on it at some distance from each other. Let us remind you that it is necessary to carry out the drying ritual strictly in complete solitude, and none of your friends can know about your plans. The candles must be lit, they must be lined up straight line. Now, using a regular knife, you need to cut the onion into two equal halves, between which the man’s hair is placed. Now you need to put the halves back together and start reading the words of dryness:

“Dry up, the man is not mine yet, dry up, so that only I can become mine, only I am your wife. Rer. Resa. Amen, amen, amen."

Repeat the words of the conspiracy exactly as many times until the flame of the last candle goes out, this is the only way everything will work out. After the fire goes out, you need to, by analogy with the apple (the ritual described earlier), wait until the onion dries naturally. Moreover, it is worth noting that the success and speed of the result will depend on how quickly the onion dries.