Scenario of the competitive game program "funny pun". New Year's game program for children material on the topic Game program funny pun

With your own hands

Scenario competitive game program"Fun Pun"

Scenario plan

1. Prologue

    introduction leading.

    Presentation of competition conditions.

2. Main part

1 Round



Recess : Game “Build a snowman”.

2 Round


Recess : "Puzzles".

3 Round

    "Draw a bear."

Change: Game "Snowballs".

4 Round

    "A fun puzzle."

Change: Chant "These are all my friends."

5 Round

    Auction "Flowers".

3. Final part

    Counting tokens by participants.


    Final words from the presenters.

Scenario of the competitive game program “Funny Pun”

The call signs and music sound, and the presenters come out.

Presenters (together) : Hello, friends!

1 Presenter: We welcome you to “Funny Pun”!

2 Presenter : And this means that today you will find competitions, games, quizzes andsurprises !

1 Presenter : Today the following are participating in “Funny Pun”: Team “______________” and team “_____________”.

2 Presenter: Are the teams ready to fight? Then a few words about how our competition will take place.

1 Presenter: So, to you, Dear friends, you will participate in 5 rounds, where for each correct answer you will receive tokens. Your task -try and get themgreatest quantity.

2 Presenter: Because, at the end of the competition, we will determine the winner based on the number of tokens.

1 Presenter: We wish you good luck, creative success and only victories!

Presenters (together): We begin!

A musical beat sounds.


1 task.

2 Presenter: 1 Tour and 1 task – find errors in a confused poem. Therefore, listen carefully.

1 Presenter: At the end of the poem, whoever finds the mistakes raises their hand, explains and receives a token. Ready? Attention.

2 Presenter:

Warm spring now -
The grapes are ripe here.

1 Presenter:

Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.

2 Presenter:

Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.

1 Presenter:

And in winter among the branches
“Ga-ha-ga” - the nightingale sang.

2 Presenter:

Give us an answer quickly -
Is this true or not?

For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Task 2.

2 Presenter: We thank you for the correct answers and continue.

So,Round 1 – task 2 . We list the words and you name two that sound similar. Ready? Attention.

1 Presenter: Watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil.

2 Presenter: Onion, bear, grass, beetle.

1 Presenter: Donkey, sled, watering can, cans.

2 Presenter: Teddy bear, birch tree, pine cone, shirt.

1 Presenter: Plasticine, eraser, orange, palette.

2 Presenter: Eraser, paints, grater, brushes.

For correct answers, the team receives a token.

1 Presenter: And now it’s smallrecess . I suggest the game “Build a Snowman”. 2 participants from each team are invited to participate in the game. So, dear participants, now you have to assemble a snowman figure from parts on a magnetic board(prepared in advance and lying nearby on the tables along with magnets). The team that assembles the snowman the fastest will receive three tokens. Ready? Let's start!

Game "Build a snowman"


2 Presenter: Well done guys, you did a great job and had a rest! And we move on to the 2nd round.


1 Presenter: 2 Round . You have to answer questions. For each correct answer, the team receives one token.

(The presenters take turns asking questions.)

    Which animal is bigger - elephant or hippopotamus?(Elephant).

    In the morning we have breakfast, and in the evening...?(Let's have dinner).

    It's light during the day, but at night...?(Dark).

    The sky is blue and the snow...?(White).

    Cherry, plum, cherry – is this...?(Berries).

    Why do barriers along the track come down before the train passes?(Warn pedestrians and drivers in advance that there is danger ahead.)

    What are Krasnoyarsk, Kaluga, Kursk?(Cities.).

    What is a sketch?(Drawing).

    What is the difference between day and night?(Light during the day, dark at night).

    A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...?(Puppy.) The little sheep is...?(Lamb).

    Is a dog more like a cat or a chicken? What do they have the same?(Covered with fur, four paws, etc.)

    Why do all cars have brakes?(To stop).

    Football, high jump, tennis, swimming - is it...?(Sport).

    What types of transport do you know?(Water, air, land, underground).

    What is the difference an old man from a young man? What's the difference between them?(Age, health, etc.).

    Why do people play sports?(To be healthy, get sick less, be in shape).

    Why are there rules on the street and road?(To protect yourself, to avoid injury, to cross the road correctly, etc.).

    Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter?(So ​​that it reaches the addressee).

    The plane is flying. But why is he small?(The plane seems small from afar).

    What is "Landscape"?(Image of nature).

2 Presenter: Thank you! You did a great job. And now a fun change awaits you again - riddles!


    Less than a tiger more cat,
    There are horn-like brushes above the ears.
    Looks meek, but don't believe it:

    This beast is scary in real life

    The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
    And in winter, under the snow howl

    He sleeps in a snow hut.

    What kind of animal is it in the cold winter?
    Walking into the thicket angry and hungry?

    Sensitive, slender and tall,
    He carries his head proudly,
    There is a thick shadow from the horns.
    This is a beautiful beast

    The forest handsome man is a coward.
    Did you guess it? This

    I'm like a grain of sand,
    And I cover the earth;

    I am from the water, but I fly from the air;
    I lie like fluff in the fields,

    I shine like a diamond sun rays.

    Bely Tikhon,
    Shot from the sky

    Where does it run?

    Covers the carpet
    . (Snow)

    Who changes clothes four times a year?(Earth).

    Walking free
    In the forest, in an open field.

    Spins, howls, growls,

    He grumbles to the whole world.
    It flies through villages and towns,

    Doesn't want to know anyone. (
    Blizzard, blizzard).

    He is kind, he is also strict,
    He has a beard up to his eyes.
    Red-nosed, red-cheeked
    Our favorite...(Father Frost).

2 Presenter: We thank all the guys and move on to the 3rd round.


1 Presenter: On this tour you have to show artistic ability and draw a bear. The difficulty is that you will draw it one by one, passing the marker to each other, like a relay race, for speed. So, the first participant runs, draws a part of the body, runs back, passes the marker to the next participant, who, in turn, runs to the magnetic board, draws the next part of the body, runs back, etc. The first team to draw a bear receives two tokens. Is the task clear? Ready? Attention! Let's start!

Relay race “Draw a Bear”.

2 Presenter: And again a change. We invite you to our favorite winter game all children - “Snowballs”. Now you have to test your accuracy. I will ask the teams to go to the starting line. So, pay attention! Each participant receives one snowball. This means that each of you only has 1 attempt to get into the basket. The first participants throw a snowball into the basket and stand at the end of the team. The team that throws the most snowballs into the basket receives two tokens.

Snowball game

1 Presenter: The break is over, and I ask the teams to return to the gaming tables, because we are starting the 4th round.

On this tour you have to show math skills and solve the problem. Behind correct solution the team receives 3 tokens. Ready? Attention.

Round 4 - “Fun task”

2 Presenter:

One evening to the bear
Neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,
A wolf with a tricky fox.
But the bear couldn't
Divide the pie among everyone.
The bear was sweating from labor:
He didn't know how to count.
Help him quickly
Count all the animals.
(6 guests).

The guys solve the problem, answer, and receive tokens.

1 Presenter: Well done, friends, you did a great job, and for your work comes your reward! We invite you to a fun break.


2 Presenter: Guys! We will now read poems to you, and if they are about you, answer:“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

And if this doesn’t apply to you, then don’t answer! Agreed? (The presenters take turns asking questions. ):

- Who likes to read?- Who likes to play? - Who goes to clubs? -Who doesn't brush their teeth? - Who likes to play? -Who likes to dance? - Who will help a neighbor? -Who's the restless one here?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!

- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends


- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!


1 Presenter: Well done, we had a wonderful time. Let's move on to the final 5th round. I'm announcing a flower auction. Auction conditions: you have to name the flowers. To do this you must raise your hand. We listen to each other carefully and do not repeat the names of colors. The winner receives 2 tokens. Attention! Ready? Let's start!

5 Round

Poppy! Poppy - one, poppy - two! Mac - three! That means he is the winner (if no one else named the colors).

2 Presenter: Well friends! You did an excellent job. It's time to take stock, for this I ask you to count the tokens.

Team "Magic Pencil" - ______ tokens,

Team “Golden Tassel” - _____ tokens.

We have a winner! Applause to the “______________________” team, we congratulate you and, of course, award prizes to everyone!

And the “_____________________” team receives incentive prizes.

1 Presenter: Thanks guys for playing and good mood! Good luck and creative victories!

Scenario of the game program “Adventures in the New Year’s Forest”

This development will be of interest to teacher-organizers working in schools, educators kindergarten, intended for children aged 6-10 years. May be useful in preparation New Year's matinees, competitions of pedagogical excellence. The script was written for a game program in a community center, a hall with stationary chairs. theatrical performance is played out on stage. Important has a selection of actors. The role of Baba Yaga is the main one, so the person playing this character must be able to “work with the audience” and have a good level of artistry.
Purpose of the event: enrichment of the spiritual and moral world of children
Tasks: development of communication abilities, self-expression of each child, increasing interest in the celebration traditional holiday“New Year”, activating the emotional uplift of the participants.

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Baba Yaga
Monkey sitting on Baba Yaga's shoulder (sew on clothes)

Materials for competitions:
Snowflakes are big
Fishing rods and snowflakes on paper clips
The Christmas tree is large, made of cardboard, and attached to it are cards depicting skates, skis, a snowman, sleigh, and snowballs.

Progress of the event

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall, walk around the children, Father Frost selectively approaches the children and measures them with a mitten, and addresses the child in approximately the following words: “Oh, what a good fellow, he has grown by a whole mitten in a year, Snow Maiden give him some candy.” The Snow Maiden serves children candies, paper snowflakes, and lanterns.
They stand in the center and greet the guys.

Father Frost
Hello! Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

Snow Maiden
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
With a Christmas tree, a song, a round dance!
With new toys
With beads and firecrackers!
We congratulate all guests,
We wish you happiness and joy!

Father Frost.
The guys have been waiting for us for a whole year, it’s time for fun and games.

Snow Maiden
Santa Claus, look, the whole clearing is covered with snow, it’s impossible to play. Guys, help us clear it. You will imitate a strong wind: the boys will do this: ooh – ooh – ooh! (try) And the girls are like this: sh – sh – sh!!! (try) Okay! And now together, friendly! U-u-u, sh-sh-sh!!!
Snegurochka Polyanka is not completely cleared. Let's do it together again...
Well done, we freed the clearing from snow captivity, now let's play!

Baba Yaga runs into the hall, and running in a circle, takes away from the children the gifts that the Snow Maiden gave them, scares the children. (act according to the situation so as not to offend the children).

Baba Yaga: The holiday is cancelled. Turn off the lights and vacate the room.

Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga is right there again, not a single holiday is complete without you.

Baba Yaga: of course, because I am a hedgehog woman with a bone, but a slender leg. I am the main character of fairy tales. I have spoiled and will spoil everyone’s mood. I didn’t come alone, my friend Matilda was discharged from Africa with me. (Strokes the monkey sitting on her shoulder). You say the clearing has been cleared of snow? (Takes out paper snowballs from his bag and scatters them near the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus).

The Snow Maiden whispers with Father Frost, then turns to Baba Yaga.
Snow Maiden: Baba Yaga, let’s help us organize a holiday for the kids, look, we’ll hire you to work as an animator at school - you’ll receive a stable salary, the kids will love you.

Baba Yaga Oh really, yes. I have always dreamed about this and even know one game.

Snow Maiden Then show it to the guys!

Baba Yaga
Come play with me guys
Repeat the movements together!
We went for a walk in the forest (we walk in place),
Full of fabulous wonders. (extend our arms)
We walk through the snowdrifts,
We raise our legs higher. (We walk, raising our legs high.)
Let's pick up snow in our hands (bend over)
And we’ll start making snowballs (Pick up the snowballs brought by Baba Yaga),
Let's throw them forward quickly,
Let's scare all the animals. (Throw Baba Yaga's snowballs towards Baba Yaga)
Now we need to warm up,
Let's rub our palms together (rub our palms together),
Now ears, cheeks, nose (we touch the ears, cheeks, nose),
And we are not afraid of frost! (we put our hands on our sides)
We will help the neighbor on the left,
Let’s rub his ear too (turn to the left, touch the neighbor’s ear),
And now the neighbor on the right. (Touch the ear of the neighbor on the right.)
Well done boys! Bravo!

Snow Maiden Well done to you too, Baba Yaga. Let's all play the game “Catch a Snowflake” together. We invite ten guys to join us, stand in a row (the Snow Maiden ranks them into “snowman” and “herringbone”). The team of snowmen stands for Santa Claus, the team of Christmas trees for Baba Yaga. At the command “catch a big and small snowflake,” using a fishing rod, we catch a snowflake one fish at a time and put them in the buckets of our teams, passing the fishing rod to the next participant. The team that finishes fishing first wins. So, “catch a big and small snowflake” began...

Father Frost Oh guys, how clever and funny you are, you made us and the forest animals happy. We have prepared one more task for you, you will guess the riddles and find out what the Snow Maiden and I brought.

GAME “WINTER GUESSES” Children guess riddles, and the Snow Maiden removes one detail from the drawing paper from top to bottom, a Christmas tree is visible there. Baba Yaga prompts the children, depicting the answers with her movements.

Friend Ivashka - White shirt,
I'm glad for the freezing cold,
And in the warmth she sheds tears. (Snowman)

Two girlfriends raised their noses as much as they could
And along the little white paths
They paved their trail with their feet. (Skis)

Fast carriage Resting in the summer.
When winter comes,
It will pull her on her way. (Sled)

Round-faced white-faced people respect mittens.
If you leave them, they don't cry,
At least they'll crumble to boot. (Snowballs)

Two twin brothers
They admire in the mirror,
They are in a hurry to walk along it,
They train in running. (Skates)

Doesn't like to stand on the edge
Everything shines from being dressed up,
With us New Year meets. (Christmas tree)

Father Frost We brought you guys this Christmas tree to make you happy all year long!

Baba Yaga whispers with a toy monkey that sits on her shoulder.

Baba Yaga The Christmas tree is, of course, good! But the kids stayed late while yours, Santa Claus, solved the riddles. But my friend offers to play one fun game. Let's warm up, guys. Get up and follow my steps

We are funny monkeys. One two Three. (jump up)
We play too loud. One two Three. (grimacing)
We clap our hands. Clap, clap, clap (clap)
We stomp our feet. Stomp, stomp, stomp (stomp)
Let's puff out our cheeks. Fuk, fuk, fuk (puff out our cheeks three times)
Let's jump on our toes. Jump, jump, jump (Jump on your toes)
Let's jump to the ceiling together. Jump, jump, jump. (jump up)
Let's put our finger to our temple. Chick, chick, chick. (twist your finger at your temple)
And we’ll even show each other our tongues. (showing tongues to neighbors)
As soon as I say the number three, everyone freezes with grimaces.
One, two, three (make faces and freeze)

Snow Maiden Well, guys, Baba Yaga turned out to be a good animator (children's answers). Let's take her to work (children's answers).

Baba Yaga(Baba Yaga rejoices, jumps and claps her hands). Thanks guys. I’ll make these holidays fun for you, it won’t be boring.

Baba Yaga is whispering again with the toy monkey.

Baba Yaga: Matilda suggests playing one more game. For this, I need six people. This is the task. You are divided into two teams of three people. You stand one after another. The first couple holds in their hands paper snowflake. Throw at the same time where the snowflake falls and the second pair of players stands in that place. Their task is to turn the snowflake into an icicle (fold the snowflake into a flat cone) and again, on command, throw it as far as possible in the direction of the bucket. Now it's the third couple's turn. They must each crush an icicle and turn it into a “snowball” and each get from their place into their own basket. Whoever hits the bucket brings victory to his team. Let's start... (Baba Yaga gives them prizes)

Father Frost Yes, Baba Yaga pleased the children and us. But it’s time for us, kids, to go back.
But new meetings are already on the doorstep

Snow Maiden New entertainment awaits you.

Babaya Yaga Joy, songs, fun, health

CHORUS Happy New Year to you guys.
They bow and leave waving.

Game program « New Year's serpentine »

Target: Create conditions for self-development and self-realization of the student’s personality



Getting to know New Year's traditions, games and fun


Develop creative initiative

Develop memory

Develop quick thinking

- cultivate a culture of communication, good relations to each other

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, Grandfather Frost, Cockerel - the symbol of the new year 2017.

Equipment: tape recorder, microphone, tape, chalk, spoons and cotton balls, snowballs made of paper and tape, scissors, scarves, hats and mittens.

Progress of the event

Music is playing “The New Year is rushing towards us"(words and music by A. Ryzhov). The presenter comes out and the symbol of the year, the Rooster, flies out.

Leading: Hello, boys and girls! Today we are waiting for you funny jokes, we won’t let you be bored for even a minute!

Rooster: You are all so beautiful, bright, just like me. I am so happy, so happy that today there will be a miracle and a game! Because New Year is the most fabulous holiday when all your wishes come true! I guys are mischievous, very lively. Together we will play, have fun, dance. Are you ready to have fun? That's great!

Leading : And here is the first game “Disguise”

Children walk in a circle. If I say “path”, everyone needs to stop and take each other’s shoulders, when I say “snowdrift”, you raise your hands up, and when I say “snowflake”, you show snowflakes with your hands.

Rooster: We play just great! The whole class is having fun!

Rooster:Now the next game is "Snow Mission"
The participants of the game stand in a circle and pass around a “snowball” made of paper. At the same time they say:
We're all rolling a snowball,
We all count to five.
One two three four five -
Sing a song for you!

Whoever has a “snowball” on the last phrase fulfills this wish. The last phrase can be changed: “And read poetry to you!”, “Let’s dance for you!”, “Tell you a fairy tale!” and so on….

Rooster: All the guys are great, your talents shine from the heart! Let's play with you now in " Hot pens».

The players extend their arms in front of them and hold them with their palms up. The driver walks in a circle. His task is to slap one of the guys on the palm. The moment he tries to do this, the player withdraws or lowers his hands. Whoever the driver slaps on the palm goes to replace him. If there are many participants, then two people can drive at the same time.

Rooster: Well done boys! It's great to play with you!

Leading: Father Frost and Snow Maiden are somewhere nearby. Let's invite them together to join us for a holiday!

Rooster screams with the children : "Father Frost! Snow Maiden!". Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear and walk around the entire circle. The Snow Maiden sings the song “If only there were no winter,” involving the children in an outdoor game in a circle.

Father Frost: Hello girls and boys!
People gathered around the tree again,
So the holiday is coming - New Year!
I'm very glad, guys, for our meeting! I see that the Rooster is already playing with you and everyone’s faces here are cheerful.
Snow Maiden: When the Christmas tree blooms with lights,
This means... New Year has come!
Father Frost: To make the tree sparkle, let's sing a song to our tree, guys. Then it will light up.

Snow Maiden and children sing a song about the Christmas tree "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

Father Frost Something doesn't light up again. We all need to say together, “Let the lights on the tree light up once, twice, three times!” Children repeat, the tree lights up.

Dance of snowflakes

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, can I tell the guys some riddles?

Father Frost: Of course, Snow Maiden, make a wish.

Snow Maiden: On New Year's Eve he came to the house
Such a ruddy fat man.
But every day he lost weight
And finally disappeared completely ( calendar).

I come with gifts
I shine with bright lights,
Elegant, funny.
I'm in charge for the New Year. (Christmas tree)

White star
Fell from the sky.
In my palm.
She lay down and disappeared. ( Snowflake)

If the forest is covered with snow,
If it smells like pies,
If the Christmas tree goes into the house,
What kind of holiday?... ( New Year)

Father Frost: And now we will conduct “ New Year's relay race»

Participants are divided into 2 teams. A chair is placed in front of each team, with a hat, scarf, and mittens on it. On command, the first person runs to the chair, puts on a hat, mittens, scarf and shouts “Happy New Year!”, then takes off everything and runs to his team, then the next one…. Whoever completes the task first is the winner.

Father Frost: Next and gra will be "Snowball"

The teams line up and raise their hands up. The first player receives a snowball, which he passes along the chain. The latter quickly runs forward and passes the snowball to the others. The team that gets to their seats first wins.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, how cleverly you play with the guys! Are you tired by any chance?

Father Frost: I missed games, now my darling is happy! Now we play “Bring the Snowball”.

On command, player 1 with a spoon containing a cotton snowball runs to the tree. The winner is the team, all players, that runs to the Christmas tree and back first.

Father Frost: Well done boys! Now let’s find out who is “The Most Flexible” among us.

Description: children take turns walking under a stretched rope, trying not to touch it. Each time the rope is lowered lower and lower. The child who hits the string is eliminated. The remaining participant becomes the winner and brings the team a winning point.

Rooster: My favourite game " Cockfight" (to captains competition)

Each of them stands in a circle on one leg, bends the other, and puts his hands behind his back. In this position, the participants in the fight (at a signal) begin to pull each other out of the circle with their shoulders and torsos, trying not to stumble. The winner is the player who manages to push his opponent out of the circle or make him stumble, thereby bringing the team a winning point. The rules prohibit removing your hands from your back. The match may end in a draw if both players are outside the circle at the same time.

Father Frost: I like to play and have fun, and spend time with enthusiasm. But time flew by quickly and here is the last game "Leap into the New Year"

A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three,” all the children make a jump into the “New Year,” that is, they jump over the ribbon. Santa Claus gives prizes to all children.

Father Frost:

We had a lot of fun!
I laughed heartily.
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Happy New Year to you, friends!

Rooster: There are many wonderful holidays. But the best one in the world is New Year!

Snow Maiden: Calls you on your way to follow your dreams

This good New Year!

Father Frost: Let it pass without hassle

And it will bring good luck to everyone

This wonderful New Year!

The holiday ends with the song “We wish you happiness!”(lyricist by Shaferan I., composer Namin S.)

2. Main part

1 Round

  1. "Confusion".
  2. "Rhyme"

Recess : Game “Build a snowman”.

2 Round

  1. Quiz

Recess : "Puzzles".

3 Round

  1. "Draw a bear."

Change: Game "Snowballs".

4 Round

  1. "A fun puzzle."

Change: Chant "These are all my friends."

5 Round

  1. Auction "Flowers".

3. Final part

  1. Counting tokens by participants.
  2. Rewarding.
  3. Final words from the presenters.

Scenario of the competitive game program “Funny Pun”

The call signs and music sound, and the presenters come out.

Presenters(together): Hello, friends!

1 Presenter: We welcome you to “Funny Pun”!

2 Presenter: And this means that today you will find competitions, games, quizzes and surprises!

1 Presenter: Today the following are participating in “Funny Pun”: Team “______________” and team “_____________”.

2 Presenter: Are the teams ready to fight? Then a few words about how our competition will take place.

1 Presenter: So, you, dear friends, will take part in 5 rounds, where for each correct answer you will receive tokens. Your task - try and get them greatest quantity.

2 Presenter: Because, at the end of the competition, we will determine the winner based on the number of tokens.

1 Presenter: We wish you good luck, creative success and only victories!

Presenters(together): We begin!

A musical beat sounds.


1 task.

2 Presenter: 1 Tour and 1 task– find errors in a confused poem. Therefore, listen carefully.

1 Presenter: At the end of the poem, whoever finds the mistakes raises their hand, explains and receives a token. Ready? Attention.

2 Presenter:

Warm spring now -
The grapes are ripe here.

1 Presenter:

Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.

2 Presenter:

Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.

1 Presenter:

And in winter among the branches
“Ga-ha-ga” - the nightingale sang.

2 Presenter:

Give us an answer quickly -
Is this true or not?

For each correct answer, the team receives a token.

Task 2.

2 Presenter: We thank you for the correct answers and continue.

So, Round 1 – task 2. We list the words and you name two that sound similar. Ready? Attention.

1 Presenter: Watercolor, gouache, pastel, pencil.

2 Presenter: Onion, bear, grass, beetle.

1 Presenter: Donkey, sled, watering can, cans.

2 Presenter: Teddy bear, birch tree, pine cone, shirt.

1 Presenter: Plasticine, eraser, orange, palette.

2 Presenter: Eraser, paints, grater, brushes.

For correct answers, the team receives a token.

1 Presenter: And now it’s small recess. I suggest the game “Build a Snowman”. 2 participants from each team are invited to participate in the game. So, dear participants, now you have to assemble a snowman figure from parts on a magnetic board (prepared in advance and lying nearby on the tables along with magnets). The team that assembles the snowman the fastest will receive three tokens. Ready? Let's start!

Game "Build a snowman"


2 Presenter: Well done guys, you did a great job and had a rest! And we move on to the 2nd round.


1 Presenter: 2 Round. You have to answer questions. For each correct answer, the team receives one token.

(The presenters take turns asking questions.)

  1. Which animal is bigger - elephant or hippopotamus? (Elephant).
  2. In the morning we have breakfast, and in the evening...? (Let's have dinner).
  3. It's light during the day, but at night...? (Dark).
  4. The sky is blue and the snow...? (White).
  5. Cherry, plum, cherry – is this...? (Berries).
  6. Why do barriers along the track come down before the train passes? (Warn pedestrians and drivers in advance that there is danger ahead.)
  7. What are Krasnoyarsk, Kaluga, Kursk? (Cities.).
  8. What is a sketch? (Drawing).
  9. What is the difference between day and night? (Light during the day, dark at night).
  10. A small cow is a calf, a small dog is...? (Puppy.) The little sheep is...? (Lamb).
  11. Is a dog more like a cat or a chicken? What do they have the same? (Covered with fur, four paws, etc.)
  12. Why do all cars have brakes? (To stop).
  13. Football, high jump, tennis, swimming - is it...? (Sport).
  14. What types of transport do you know? (Water, air, land, underground).
  15. What is the difference between an old person and a young person? What's the difference between them? (Age, health, etc.).
  16. Why do people play sports? (To be healthy, get sick less, be in shape).
  17. Why are there rules on the street and road? (To protect yourself, to avoid injury, to cross the road correctly, etc.).
  18. Why do you need to put a stamp on a letter? (So ​​that it reaches the addressee).
  19. The plane is flying. But why is he small? (The plane seems small from afar).
  20. What is "Landscape"? (Image of nature).

2 Presenter: Thank you! You did a great job. And now a fun change awaits you again - riddles!


  1. Less tiger, more cat
    There are horn-like brushes above the ears.
    Looks meek, but don't believe it:
    This beast is scary in real life (Lynx)
  2. The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,
    And in winter, under the snow howl
    He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear).
  3. What kind of animal is it in the cold winter?
    Walking into the thicket angry and hungry? (Wolf).
  4. Sensitive, slender and tall,
    He carries his head proudly,
    There is a thick shadow from the horns.
    This is a beautiful beast …(Deer).
  5. The forest handsome man is a coward.
    Did you guess it? This …(Hare).
  6. I'm like a grain of sand,
    And I cover the earth;
    I am from the water, but I fly from the air;
    I lie like fluff in the fields,
    Like a diamond, I shine in the sun's rays. (Snow).
  7. Bely Tikhon,
    Shot from the sky
    Where does it run?
    Covers the carpet . (Snow)
  8. Who changes clothes four times a year? (Earth).
  9. Walking free
    In the forest, in an open field.
    Spins, howls, growls,
    He grumbles to the whole world.
    It flies through villages and towns,
    Doesn't want to know anyone. ( Blizzard, blizzard).
  10. He is kind, he is also strict,
    He has a beard up to his eyes.
    Red-nosed, red-cheeked
    Our favorite... (Father Frost).

2 Presenter: We thank all the guys and move on to the 3rd round.


1 Presenter: In this tour you will have to show your artistic skills and draw a bear. The difficulty is that you will draw it one by one, passing the marker to each other, like a relay race, for speed. So, the first participant runs, draws a part of the body, runs back, passes the marker to the next participant, who, in turn, runs to the magnetic board, draws the next part of the body, runs back, etc. The first team to draw a bear receives two tokens. Is the task clear? Ready? Attention! Let's start!

Relay race “Draw a Bear”.

2 Presenter: And again a change. We invite you to the most favorite winter game of all children - “Snowballs”. Now you have to test your accuracy. I will ask the teams to go to the starting line. So, pay attention! Each participant receives one snowball. This means that each of you only has 1 attempt to get into the basket. The first participants throw a snowball into the basket and stand at the end of the team. The team that throws the most snowballs into the basket receives two tokens.

Snowball game

1 Presenter: The break is over, and I ask the teams to return to the gaming tables, because we are starting the 4th round.

In this round you will have to show your mathematical skills and solve the problem. For a correct decision, the team receives 3 tokens. Ready? Attention.

Round 4 - “Fun task”

2 Presenter:

One evening to the bear
Neighbors came to the pie:
Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,
A wolf with a tricky fox.
But the bear couldn't
Divide the pie among everyone.
The bear was sweating from labor:
He didn't know how to count.
Help him quickly
Count all the animals.
(6 guests).

The guys solve the problem, answer, and receive tokens.

1 Presenter: Well done, friends, you did a great job, and for your work comes your reward! We invite you to a fun break.


2 Presenter: Guys! We will now read poems to you, and if they are about you, answer: “It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

And if this doesn’t apply to you, then don’t answer! Agreed? ( The presenters take turns asking questions.):

- Who likes to read?
- Who likes to play?
- Who goes to clubs?
-Who doesn't brush their teeth?
- Who likes to play?
-Who likes to dance?
- Who will help a neighbor?
-Who's the restless one here?

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!
- This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
- It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!

1 Presenter: Well done, we had a wonderful time. Let's move on to the final 5th round. I'm announcing a flower auction. Auction conditions: you have to name the flowers. To do this you must raise your hand. We listen to each other carefully and do not repeat the names of colors. The winner receives 2 tokens. Attention! Ready? Let's start!

5 Round

Poppy! Poppy - one, poppy - two! Mac - three! That means he is the winner (if no one else named the colors).

2 Presenter: Well friends! You did an excellent job. It's time to take stock, for this I ask you to count the tokens.

Team "Magic Pencil" - ______ tokens,

Team “Golden Tassel” - _____ tokens.

We have a winner! Applause to the “______________________” team, we congratulate you and, of course, award prizes to everyone!

And the “_____________________” team receives incentive prizes.

1 Presenter: Thanks guys for the game and good mood! Good luck and creative victories!

New Year's pun

Presenter: We celebrate the New Year's holiday with all our hearts,

Everyone is cheerful today and very good!

Nice guys have gathered here today.

Various games and entertainment await you.

We heartily congratulate the assembled people

And we begin the holiday - a happy New Year!

Song “Laughter at the Christmas Tree”

Presenter: The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries, a time of good news, a time of fabulous guests. And to find out what kind of guest is rushing to us, you need to guess the riddle:

She is not afraid of the winter wind; she cannot live without a blizzard.

Granddaughter of Grandfather Frost, what is her name, friends? Children: Snow Maiden.

(Music sounds, Snow Maiden enters the hall)

Snow Maiden: Hello my friends! I'm glad to see you all!
I see that you were not lazy and worked hard,
They decorated the fragrant Christmas tree well, look how slender and fluffy it is!

Happy New Year to everyone and I invite you to dance!
Dance “This dance is light”

Competition "Guess it." I will read you a few sentences, and from them you must guess what these objects are.

1 question: I really like this thing. But it causes a lot of trouble for adults. One time she had a hare mask inside with an elastic band. It looks like a grenade. She has a rope to hold on to. (Clapperboard.)

Question 2: They come in different colors. Our entire floor was covered with them. They are like snowflakes, falling and falling. And some people make them with a hole punch. (Confetti.)

Question 3: This is something so long. It is so colorful and shiny. It can be easily torn. It is made from paper. (Serpentine.)

Question 4: They are in Moscow. They are always shown on TV. Actually, they have arrows. (Chimes.)

Question 5: They can set the house on fire. People walk down the street with them and wave their hands. They cannot be hung on the tree. They burn and throw sparks. (Sparklers.)

Competition “Guess and Sing the Song”

Children are divided into 2 teams. Each team is given lines of popular New Year's songs. You need to choose an antonym for each word. And then guess the encrypted song and sing it.

1. A birch tree died in the field. (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)

2. In the field, in the swamp, summer was dying. (Near the forest, on the edge of the forest, winter lived in a hut)

3. Large aspen trees are hot in summer. (The little Christmas tree is cold in winter) 4. The deserts have warmed up and the water has warmed up. (The rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled)

Father Frost: Hello, here I am, Happy New Year to you, friends! I visited you a year ago, I’m very happy to see everyone! How cozy it is in this room, do you even recognize me?

I’m still the same, gray-haired, but just like young,
And I’m ready to start dancing with you right now! Dance "Santa Claus - Papa Americano"

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, look, the tree is sad,

It doesn't sparkle with lights.

Father Frost: We will fix this problem, we will make all the lights burn!
But to do this you must guess my riddle about the symbol of the New Year.

Bright feathers on the chest,
And under the feathers there is fluff.
Who's knocking on our doors?
The symbol of the holiday... (Rooster)
The children guess the riddle and the lights on the tree are lit.

Father Frost: Well done boys! The symbol of the New Year will be fire rooster!

Presenter: The Christmas tree glows and sparkles! Guys, let's have fun!
Song "Santa Claus", Spanish. S. Savin

Competition "Hello, New Year"

The guys are divided into 2 teams. They roll the ball around the tree with a stick. And with the words “Hello, New Year,” they pass the baton.

"Poetry Competition"
Look, don’t yawn, add a word to the verse!

Winter has dressed everything in white, in winter the children have a lot... (affairs).

Hurry for your hat, grab your scarf, grab your skates and... (to the rink).

Here Seryozha is running on skates.
Running...Fell! And he goes... (lying down).

But Egor’s company, having taken the sled, climbs... (uphill).

The sled moved barely, and then... (they flew away).

Little Alyosha fell, sticking out of the snow... (felt boots).

Presenter: Well, guys, they were friendly, they composed great poems. When it leaves old year, and the New Year is born, Let all the people have fun, let everyone smile! Let joy come to every home in the world. Let Santa Claus give gifts to all children! (Santa Claus gives gifts to children)

We get up together in a round dance and sing the song “New Year”. Song "It's New Year", Spanish. Angel-A

Snow Maiden: We wish you success in the New Year,
More cheerful, loud laughter!
More perky friends and girlfriends,
So that everyone around you laughs together!

Father Frost: And so that you all are not afraid of the frost,
We did a lot of skiing and sledding.
And may this whole year be joyful.
You are all very nice people! (Father Frost and Snow Maiden leave)


May the New Year you celebrate Happy year will come into your life. And all the good things you dream about, let them come true and definitely come.