Which fur is the warmest? A review of which fur coat is warmer and more practical to wear.

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To purchase new fur coat was not disappointing, you should know some key points and pay attention to them close attention at the time of buying.

How long will a fur coat last?

The answer to this question depends on what kind of fur it is made from. Thus, fur coats made from otter and river beaver fur are the most durable, they will last 20 seasons. Fur coats made from the popular mink are also durable - they will last about 10 seasons, from astrakhan fur, blue fox or marten - 7 seasons, and from nutria or fox fur - enough for 5 seasons. Squirrel fur coats will last 4 seasons, but rabbit and hare fur are the shortest and will last no more than two years.

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Which fur coat is the warmest?

Fur is considered the warmest reindeer or a bear, but coats made from these furs are not very common. Even in severe frost, the fur of an arctic fox, raccoon dog, fox, beaver, marten, and sable will definitely warm you up.

A less warm fur coat is made from mink, kolinsky, astrakhan fur, ermine, and chinchilla. Products made from rabbit, goat, and marmot fur have reduced heat resistance. And the fur of a hamster and gopher does not warm at all.

Which fur coat is the lightest?

The weight of the fur coat plays a significant role. The easiest skins are hamster, gopher and hare skins. Medium-weight products are made from mink, rabbit, nutria, muskrat, squirrel, and ferret. The heaviest fur coat is made from the skin of a wolf, raccoon dog, otter, beaver, arctic fox, sable, astrakhan fur.

What determines the price of the product?

Firstly, the cost of a fur coat depends on the style and length. The quality of fur dressing is of great importance - a well-made fur product seems dense, “plump”. The fur coat is of good quality without any creases, the seams are neat. Price fur product also depends on the softness and shine of the pile.

In many products, small pieces of fur are “adjusted” using a special computer set. It is due to the use of such expensive technology that the cost of this fur coat is almost the same as a similar product made from solid plates. However, in terms of quality, durability and appearance of fur coats made from pieces selected computer program, inferior to a one-piece product.


Price mink coat largely depends on its color. The cheapest is walnut (light brown), then comes dark brown, then various red shades.

Even more expensive are black mink, beige, gray and blue, in the next price category - “tourmaline” (beige undercoat and brown long hair) and white fur.

The most expensive mink is called “black diamond” (black with a blue or purple tint). The warmest and most expensive fur coats are made from skins that have the top tags Platinum or SagaRoyal, NAFA or AmericanLegend. Such skins are characterized by a thick down and big amount guard hair. Cheaper and less thick-haired skins are used to produce not so warm, but very light fur coats.

What to look for when purchasing?

When choosing a fur coat, you should be an extremely picky and attentive buyer. In particular, Rospotrebnadzor specialists recommend doing the following during the purchase:

Having chosen a silver fox fur coat, take a closer look at the fur - it should be three shades (gray, white, black). If the fur has only two shades, you have a fur coat made of fox dog (a hybrid of fox and arctic fox).

  • Examine the fur and evaluate its thickness. If the fur seems not thick enough, check with the seller exactly when the animals were slaughtered, from whose skins the fur coats were made. The fact is that the thickest and fluffy fur Animals molt in winter and summer. In addition, such an effect can be generated by poor-quality dressing of the skins, or more precisely, by their excessive stretching.
  • Run your hand against the grain- the undergrowth should be thick enough, and long hairs should not break. In addition, the fur should quickly fall into place, the skin should be soft to the touch. Feel free to squeeze, crumple, pull the pile - good product will survive these manipulations.
  • Twitch the fur. If you have hairs in your hand that have separated from the skin of your fur coat, it will shed constantly.
  • Shake your fur coat. If the villi do not fall off too intensely (any new fur coat will shed moderate hairs after the drying procedure), everything is fine, but if the fur coat “rattles” like oilcloth, the fur is overdried, such a product is unlikely to be worn for a long time and will quickly lose its shape.
  • Check whether you are really dealing with natural fur and not dyed fur— spread the undercoat with your fingers and check the color of the skin. The skin of a skin that has not been dyed remains white. If you want to buy a dyed fur coat, rub the fur with a handkerchief - high-quality dyes should not leave marks.
  • Pay attention to the seams- they should be stitched thinly, neatly and almost not palpable. There are glued fur coats on the market; glue is used instead of seams; such a fur coat is not worth our attention; if you find a glued fur coat, do not buy it under any circumstances.
  • Ask the seller to tear off the lining of the product and show you the inside of the product. If the pieces are approximately 15x15, the product is of high quality. If they are much smaller, the seams are made sloppily - you are looking at a thing that in 2-3 years will no longer be a source of pride for you.
  • Study tags and manufacturer's data. When purchasing, it is better to give preference to a product that has tags with the name and address of the manufacturer, as well as a product that has a warranty.
  • Try it on different styles fur coat until you find the one that suits you best.

Fur coats in his original form appeared at the dawn of human existence. Ancient people used the skins of killed animals instead of clothing. Even then they understood that natural animal fur warms the body in the best way.

Symbol of prosperity

Nowadays fur products have the reputation of being the warmest outerwear. But if in the distant past people got “fur coats” at the cost of many lives, today this price is measured in several thousand, or even millions.

This is understandable, because since the time when society began to be divided into classes, furs have been considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth. Moreover, in natural fur coat incredibly warm and comfortable in cold season. Although in the West the wealthiest ladies wear their luxurious fur coats even in warm time years, sometimes under shoes or on summer dress to flaunt your wealth!

Now women are increasingly trying to buy even without fabulous money. Sometimes they put it off for a long time. After all, everyone knows that a fur coat is much warmer than a down jacket, coat or sheepskin coat. And it lasts for quite a long time - sometimes up to 20 seasons! Therefore, such a purchase will definitely pay off over time. And the happy owner of a fur coat will not only acquire a high-quality and beautiful product, but will also receive a lot positive emotions. But how to determine a high-quality and natural product? And most importantly, what is the most warm fur coat, what animal is it made from?

How to choose?

It is clear that when a representative of the fairer sex enters the “kingdom of fur,” she loses her head from the incredible abundance and colors. Fur coats can be long, short, fitted or coated, with long sleeve or sleeveless vests. Diversity makes you think. Girls are thinking about which model to choose. What is the warmest fur coat? What is it made of?

The choice should depend not only on the beauty and price of the model. It is necessary to find out from the seller all the characteristics of the product. How long will the chosen product last a woman, how beautiful will it look on her? It all depends on the quality used for the fur. The following tips will help you understand all the intricacies and correctly evaluate the naturalness of fur.

What are the warmest fur coats, what fur are they made from and what characteristics are important when buying them?

1. It is best to buy from a specialty store or salon that has been in this business for quite a long time and has earned a certain reputation and has good feedback. Such firms and organizations care too much about their “face” in the market to sell low-quality products.
2. Since there are no special devices that could characterize fur, the buyer will have to do this visually. A good one should be smooth and thick, and should not require constant fluffing and combing. It should not roll up and turn into “icicles”. The fur coat should look shiny and with some gloss.
3. Before putting on a fur coat for fitting, you must first iron the fur against the grain - the hairs should easily return to their place, without breaking or bending. If you squeeze the fur with your hand, it should also straighten without flaws and not stick together.
4. If all the characteristics are positive, you can try on the fur coat. It should not be too light in weight. Natural animal fur, of course, should not be weightless. But the weight of the fur coat should only be felt in the hands, and not on the body.

5. It would be useful to do the following experiment: taking the product in your hands, you need to shake it a little. Attention! If the fur coat “rattles” when shaken, then it is better to leave such a product in the store. This is a sign of low-quality, excessively hard, cheap material that they want to pass off as expensive thing. After all, a high-quality model should not crack or make pops or other sounds.
6. You definitely need to look at how the fur is combed. The fibers must lie strictly in one direction. good quality product always contains uniform fur along its entire length. Any bald spots are unacceptable.
7. Last and perhaps most important way Determining the quality of a fur coat - you need to squeeze a bunch of fur with your fingers and pull it towards you quite sharply. If the fibers remain in place and not in your hand, you can safely buy such a fur coat, it is of high quality.

True, such an experiment must be carried out thoughtfully. It's unlikely that any seller will like it. On the other hand, if the fur coat does not pass the test, the buyer will know that it is not worth purchasing, and the seller will have nothing to object to such an argument.

If the humidity is high...

Any fur product should not only be of high quality and last a long time, but also be warm enough to warm its owner in cold weather. That's why it gets up no less actual question: “Which fur coat is the warmest and most practical?” Feedback from women is varied.

It is clear that every owner of an expensive product wants her fur coat to last as long as possible and keep her warm for more than one winter. It often happens that an unscrupulous manufacturer, in order to save material when sewing, resorts to the blasphemous method of stretching precious skins. In this case, the fur loses its properties and also wears out quickly. Such a fur coat loses its chic appearance especially quickly in areas with high humidity. In such regions, even the best quality goods quickly wear out, and there is nothing to talk about second-class goods. So what are the warmest fur coats? What kind of fur is best to choose for this region?
To prevent your favorite item from deteriorating under the influence of a humid climate, you need to choose models made of moisture-resistant fur - beaver, wolverine, nutria, otter. In addition, they are quite comfortable.

The warmest fur coats. What are they made of?

So, we figured out how to recognize quality fur item. Now let's talk about something else. What kind of fur is the warmest fur coat and how to choose it correctly?

As already mentioned, the main condition when choosing not only a fur coat, but any outerwear is that it should be comfortable, durable and warm. This advice is especially relevant for residents of the northern regions. There are fierce colds that rule there, from which it is easy to hide in a fluffy warm “darling”. Such conditions are the most best test for any fur coat.

  1. So, what products will best protect you from winds and snowstorms? Which fur coats are the warmest? Of course, this is the fur of blue or white arctic fox, sheepskin (mouton coat), small chinchilla, red fox, “royal” sable, classic short-haired mink, astrakhan fur, raccoon, beaver, fur seal (seal) and even domestic nutria. It is the furs of these animals that are especially relevant at the present time. Fur coats from artificial materials inevitably recede into the background.
  2. Once again, we need to remind you that for humid air it is necessary to choose a fur coat from the fur of animals that themselves live in similar conditions. These are mainly waterfowl species - beaver, fur seal, wolverine, otter, nutria.
  3. The least warm, but still very expensive, are products made from the most luxurious ermine, rare marmot and cheaper sheared rabbit. And this is no coincidence. Long fur Best to keep you warm in winter. Therefore, the shorn one is the coldest. Such fur coats are most often chosen by fashionistas who buy fur “for beauty.” You can only show off in such a fur coat in the car or at a reception.

The best

As a result, you can easily say which fur is the warmest fur coat.

Moutons are rightfully considered such. In second place are the Arctic fox, astrakhan fur, mink, chinchilla, beaver, nutria and fur seal. What animal is the warmest fur coat in the world made from? From a fox. Its fur will keep you warm in the most severe frosts.

We decided on what kind of fur is used when sewing the warmest fur coat. What are the coldest models made from? From marmot and ermine.

When it comes to durability and longevity, the most durable ones are otter coats. Raccoons, beavers, minks and arctic foxes are slightly inferior to it.

More budget models made from rabbit, accordingly, do not last long and require constant care, additional cleaning and very careful wear.

Cheap cannot be quality

The most important thing: don't buy cheap fur coat. Then it’s better to refuse the purchase altogether. After all, high-quality fur cannot be cheap. You should not fall for the seller’s “sweet tales” that this is “a high-quality collection, but discounted because it is from last season.” No manufacturer will allow the price of an excellent product to be reduced too much, even if the model is no longer in fashion. Therefore, you should not spare money when buying the best. After all, as the famous proverb says: “Only the rich buy cheap things.”


Now you know everything about the warmest fur coats and what kind of fur they are made from. The article also provides advice on choosing this item. We hope they will help you. And you yourself decide which warmest fur coat is right for you.

Despite big choice materials from which outerwear is made, fur coats made from natural fur. But even in this case it is not so easy to make a choice. There are dozens of types of fur obtained from different animals. Fashionistas increasingly prefer fur coats made from arctic fox or mink. Which of these products is warm?

About thermal properties

How warm the product is depends on the density and size of the fur and the stiffness of the hair. Number matters a lot air bubbles located between the villi and the density of the inner layer. Experts often pull the core to reduce the overall weight of the finished product. But as a result, the thickness of the lining decreases, the distance between the fibers increases, and the fur coat cannot cope with frost, allowing cold air to pass through.

Experts divide all types of fur into three categories based on the thermal characteristics of the material:

  • The coldest are the breedings of goats, rabbits, ground squirrels, and ermine.
  • The skins of beaver, mink, chinchilla, and arctic fox fur have mediocre properties.
  • Experts consider the fur of the muton, sable, silver fox and wolf to be the most comfortable.

Based on these categories, mink and arctic fox models are in the same line. But, in addition to thermal qualities, a fur coat should be beautiful and pleasant to the touch. Therefore, it is worth considering fur from the point of view of attractiveness.

Beautiful and practical

When choosing which is better, arctic fox or mink, remember that arctic fox products will keep you warm even in the most severe frosts. This fur easily tolerates air temperatures within the range of -55-60 0 C. Plus, fur coats made from Arctic foxes look amazing. Outerwear made from blue fur of an arctic fox or silver fox will look spectacular on any girl. Ladies prefer to wear arctic fox coats northern corners Russia. In harsh winter conditions it is warmer and more practical option just can't be found.

Residents of central Russia are recommended to purchase mink fur coats. Compared to the Arctic fox, this is a more practical type of fur. It can withstand both frost and rainy winter weather, which is not uncommon in last years. Today designers offer a lot of interesting and original models fur coats made from mink trimmings. Therefore, in choosing beautiful and stylish models girls are not limited.

Fashionistas living in the southern regions of the Russian Federation are increasingly choosing products from:

  • a rabbit,
  • gopher,
  • goat,
  • ermine.

These furs are not capable of keeping you warm in severe frosts, but they create an excellent stylish appearance girls. Fashionistas often purchase fur coats from the above types of fur to wear in the off-season - autumn and spring.

Products made from silver fox look elegant and original. The fur has excellent thermal characteristics and is suitable for wearing on frosty winter days. However, long fibers create a voluminous effect, which may not appeal to every girl.

Choosing the right one

Not all buyers know what is more expensive: mink or arctic fox? Studying the assortment and offers of fur boutiques, we come to the conclusion that products made from arctic fox are more expensive. Products made from this fur are considered not only warm, but also beautiful. And in combination with gloves and an angora hat, an arctic fox fur coat can transform any girl.

But how to choose the right fur product so that it is not only beautiful, but also practical? It is important to consider the region and climatic conditions, in which clothes are supposed to be worn.

  • For the middle zone, purchase fur coats made from chinchilla and mink.
  • For the northern - silver fox, sable.
  • For the south - from rabbit, beaver or gopher.

We also pay attention to the filling of the product. To reduce the cost and improve thermal properties, manufacturers often use wool linings. However, if the fur is high quality and 100% natural, no lining is needed.

In order for a fur coat made from an arctic fox or mink to be warm and practical, it is important that it is sewn from solid pieces of trim. If the manufacturer used stretched scraps during the sewing process, ready product won't be warm.

Important characteristics are structural details. we are talking about the length of the product and sleeves, the presence of a hood and a belt. Remember, the longer the fur coat, the more expensive its price. If a girl plans to be outside for a long time, it is better to purchase outerwear made from practical otter, nutria or beaver. These materials can easily withstand rainy winters and high humidity. Don't forget to choose mink and fox hats for a stunning look.

Summing up

Note that when choosing one of important characteristics Fur coats made from natural fur have the thermal qualities of the material. The warmest and most expensive are products made from arctic fox. Cheaper and “cooler” are mink and chinchilla fur coats. For inhabitants of the southern regions, hats and fur coats made of rabbit and beaver are suitable.

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Natural fur coats are always stylish, elegant and noble. At the same time, fur products are not just fashion accessory, which every woman dreams of having in her wardrobe, is, first of all, outerwear. A cozy and warming fur coat is simply irreplaceable in the cold Russian winter. Therefore, when choosing a fur product, it is important to find out how warm it is.

The warmest fur coat, which one to choose?

This question is relevant for many women who decide to replenish their wardrobe with this outerwear. Having studied the fur in detail, experts came to the conclusion that, for example, the fur of mink, beaver and chinchilla has average degree heat preservation.

Clothing made from such fur, although it retains heat remarkably well, is still suitable for areas with a moderately harsh climate. It will be cooler in fur coats made from the fur of animals such as gophers, marmots, rabbits, goats, and ermine.

Fox, muton, sable and arctic fox - the skins of these animals are the warmest due to the thick and long pile. The rule here is: the longer the pile of a fur coat, the warmer it is. Sheared fur in turn, cannot be proud of its heat-protective properties. Fur coats made from whole fur are much warmer than models that consist of individual skins.

At the same time, before buying a fur coat, experts recommend that you familiarize yourself not only with the characteristics of the fur, but also pay attention to the weight of the product. It should be neither too light nor too heavy. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers stretch the skins in order to save material when making fur coats. In this regard, they lose both their thermal and wear-resistant properties. The Fur of Europe online store offers you a wide range of fur coats for every taste.

Warm royal sable fur

Sable fur coats are not just very warm. Due to the silkiness and density of the pile, as well as its sparkling shine and lightness, this fur continues to occupy a leading position and remain one of the most popular furs.

Sable fur will make you look sophisticated and elegant. Such fur has always been a sign of wealth and an influential position in society; moreover, it is very warm, which means that even the most severe frosts in a sable fur coat are not scary for its owner. Sable fur coats are also famous for their wear and durability; with proper care, they will serve their owner for over 10 years.

By the way, if you live in Moscow, you can choose a sable fur coat in the salon "Furs of Europe". They will help you choose exactly the fur coat that is ideal for you. Short fur coats, knee-length or floor-length models, as well as coats and vests made of sable, it will not be difficult to choose a model to suit your taste.

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