Golden facial proportions. Golden ratio of the face


Which face is considered truly beautiful if all the proportions of the “golden ratio” are observed? The answer to this question worries many men and women. Although there are no universal rules, there is a basic principle. All parts of the face (cheeks, nose, eyes, ears, chin, cheekbones and eyebrows) should be in complete harmony with each other.

“Golden ratio” - is achieved when the shape of the face and the size of each part of it are in harmony and correspond to the basic proportions. What are these proportions?

Proportions of an ideal face according to the golden ratio of Leonardo da Vinci

The famous Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci created a model back in the 16th century, in which he reflected his observations and conclusions about the proportions of a correctly built body and face. This is what his drawings looked like:

The essence of its rules is as follows:

The nasolabial angle should be greater than 90 degrees. This nose looks straight.

To measure the parameters of the nose, you will need photographs of the face in profile (preferably a close-up for accurate measurements), a pencil, a ruler and a protractor. Research has shown that the ideal height of the tip of the nose is 67% (2/3) of the length of the dorsum.

The ideal angle formed between the columella and the highest point of the tip of the nose is 45-46%. This proportion is considered to be in harmony with other parts of the face.

If the nasolabial angle is less than 90 degrees, the nose will appear pubescent. The harmonious nasofrontal angle (the angle between the line of the forehead and the back) is considered to be an angle equal to 30-40 degrees

The measurement results should not be taken as a direct guide to rhinoplasty. Thus, rhinoplasty can help create a nose of the desired shape. But will it be harmonious with your facial features? Will it worsen other abnormalities, such as deep or narrow-set eyes, thin or too full lips, obvious nasolabial folds, etc.

Modern scientists have defined facial harmony as follows:

  • The distance from the eye line and mouth line should be equal to 36% of the total length of the face.
  • The distance between the pupils is equal to 46% of the width of the face.

What is the opinion of modern scientists about the correct proportions of the face?

While discussing the correct facial features of women, German scientists conducted an interesting experiment regarding ideal proportions, according to ordinary people. They organized observation of how a group of men and women compared the beauty of photographs of real people dressed in the same clothes with computer models of an ideal face.

This is the conclusion they came to. The following are considered beautiful: narrow faces with dark thin eyebrows, a small narrow nose and high cheekbones. Preference is given to large eyes with thick eyelashes and thin eyelids. If we talk about the characteristics of a handsome man, then a noticeable strong-willed chin is added to this image.

Interestingly, the experiment revealed that such data in aggregate do not occur in life. This is only possible if we are talking about creating an identikit that can create the ideal features and proportions of a woman’s face.

What does an ideal face look like according to Stefan Markworth's theory?

Stefan Markworth is an American scientist who for thirty years studied the proportions of the faces of the most beautiful actresses and ordinary women. He revealed that the absolute harmony of the face corresponds to the proportions of the “golden section” - 1:1.618. This means that the mouth is the correct size wider than the nose by 1.618 and so on. These ratios are approximately shown in the following photo:

To make it easier to determine whether these ideal proportions correspond, he created the so-called mask diagram of an ideal face and an ideal smile. These masks look like this:

And here’s what the mask diagram for an ideal smile looks like.

The ideal female face from the past.

However, Stefan Markworth's principles cannot be considered an absolute measure of harmony and beauty, since only beautiful women of European appearance participated in his research. And this is only a third of the human race. It's no secret that among representatives of the Negroid or Mongoloid race, there are quite a lot of truly beautiful men and women.

Ideal proportions of a male face

How to change the proportions of your face and make a beautiful nose?

Every living person necessarily has an individual appearance with its own advantages and disadvantages. By nature, we prefer to hide shortcomings and emphasize advantages.

Today, there are quite a few ways to achieve harmony in your image and improve your appearance. Here are some of them:

Makeup. The art of makeup has been known since ancient times. With the help of powder, blush, cosmetic pencils, lipstick, eyeliner, mascara and shadows, we can visually reduce or enlarge certain parts of the face. Skillfully done makeup allows a person to immediately change greatly in appearance for the better.

When applying makeup, it is correct to adhere to the so-called “harmony lines”. They are shown in the following diagram:

Hairstyle. A correctly chosen haircut, the presence or absence of bangs and its shape can have a tremendous impact on the visual perception of the shape of the face.

Finding the right haircut is a whole science, which, in fact, is what stylists do and teach. When choosing a hairstyle, first consider the shape of your head.

The face is a mirror of our cultural development, personal experience and genetic characteristics of the family. And yet, why can we say about one person without much enthusiasm, “Yes, he’s handsome,” while the face of another simply captivates us with its beauty?

Many scientific minds have been looking for an answer to the question “what is beauty?” thousands of years ago. And not to no avail! The Greek philosopher Pythagoras claimed that he not only discovered the secret of beauty, but also that he saw beauty in the universe. He discovered that plants and animals grow according to precise mathematical laws, and everything beautiful in nature obeys the law of the “golden ratio”

This is a proportional division of a segment into unequal parts, in which the entire segment is related to the larger part as the larger part itself is related to the smaller one. In other words, the smaller segment is to the larger as the larger is to the whole.

A little confusing, isn't it? But this is easy to understand by looking at the usual egg, because it is one of many examples of this truly divine proportion.

This means that the beauty of a flower or a sea shell is by no means accidental! Pythagoras calculated that the code of beauty is the ratio 1: 1.618. And you won't believe it, but this ratio really works. Try measuring the distance from the floor to your navel, and then from your navel to your head. If you have the correct body proportion, the ratio will be 1:1.618. In a beautiful face, the width of the mouth is exactly 1.618 times the width of the nose. Dentists, in turn, noticed that the front tooth is 1.618 wider than the next one. The phalanges of our fingers are built using the same principle. And there are a huge number of such examples. On a beautiful face this relationship is repeated again and again. And of course, in our age of development of plastic surgery, dentistry and cosmetology, the law of the “golden ratio” could not be overlooked.

Renowned plastic surgeon Steven Marquardt worked 25 years ago to make faces deformed by birth or accidents more attractive. But the result did not always suit him. He asked the question: “What is attractiveness?” and began to study this topic in detail. Having asked this question to specialists from the beauty industry, he received quite different and very abstract answers. But he is a plastic surgeon and the expression “beauty is unity with the universe” is just an empty phrase for him. The purposeful surgeon continued his search and came up with universal factors that describe beauty (see article“Universal factors of beauty. Fact or fiction? ).

But he did not stop there, and, taking as a basis the works of Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci and the German professor Zeising, he combined all the knowledge about the “golden ratio” and derived a formula for the ideal face.

The nose in profile and full face is a triangle; in a beautiful face, the sides of the triangle are 1.618 times longer than its base. And a triangle can be converted into a pentagon. When the face has the most pleasant contours, and the most pleasant expression on the face is a smile, then a pentagon appears on it.

Stephen Marquardt combined all the triangles and pentagons, took into account all the relationships with the number 1.618 and created a mask - a “mask of beauty”. There are four types of masks: front, front with a smile, profile, profile with a smile.

The better the mask fits a person, the more beautiful his face. The mask is suitable for both women and men, regardless of race.

The mask suits all beautiful faces of past eras.

Check how your face matches the ideal proportions! Detailed instructions in the article

“Oh, if only I had lips like Angelina Jolie, and a nose as neat as Natalie Portman’s...” Similar thoughts have occurred to every girl at least once in her life. Either the eyes seem not large enough, or the cheekbones are not entirely expressive. Don’t rush to “pray” for stellar looks! Perhaps it is your traits that fall into the category of ideal.

What is the standard of beauty? This question has plagued humanity for a very long time. For example, American scientists conducted an interesting study, according to the results of which the legendary Mona Lisa won. Ornella Muti's appearance showed similar parameters (we are talking about proportions, not facial features), deviating only 1% from the formula for an ideal face.

Thousands of years ago, scientists were tormented by the question of ideal beauty. The famous philosopher Pythagoras believed that by unraveling this secret, he would be able to consider all the beauty given to the Universe. He noticed that all life on Earth obeys a precise pattern. So, the beauty of a sea shell or the ideal geometry of a maple leaf is not an accident. The scientist argued that the law of the “golden ratio” subordinates everything beautiful created by nature (the golden ratio is a harmonic proportion in which one part relates to another, as the whole whole relates to the first part).

According to Pythagoras’ calculations, the “beauty code” is 1 to 1.618. You can check for yourself that this ratio is not just made up. Measure the distance from the floor to the line of your navel, and then from the navel to the top of your head. Did the numbers match? If yes, then you have exemplary body proportions.

What will the ideal proportions of a woman’s face look like? And in this case, the formula works the same: the width of the mouth is 1.618 times the width of the nose. The rapid development of plastic surgery and aesthetic cosmetology could not lose sight of this formula and is widely used in practice.

A quarter of a century ago, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon named Stephen Marquardt began to study in depth the issue of ideal beauty, taking as a basis the works of the greatest minds of the past: the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci and the German researcher of the golden ratio, Professor Zeising. Marquardt obtained a unique formula that can be explained as follows: the nose is a triangle (in profile and frontal view) and in an ideal face, the sides of such a triangle are 1.618 times longer than the base. In general, taking as a basis the principles of the ratio of 1 to 1.618, combining all the geometric shapes, he managed to create a universal face template, which was called the “golden mask”.

There are four types:

  • Fas (at rest)
  • Fas (with a smile)
  • Profile (at rest)
  • Profile (with a smile)

Facial harmony can be checked in both women and men, regardless of racial type. What is clear is that the more ideally the mask fits on the face, the greater the chance that its features are flawless. This method made it possible to discover the “divine features” of such beauties of the past as Greta Garbo, Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich and the beauties of our time, Heidi Klum and Cindy Crawfor.

Would you dare to test how good you are? Try on a mask in any graphic editor on a photo of your face. If she “sits beautifully,” then you can casually tell your envious employee about it, who incessantly “talks” about the strings of admirers. Yes, no need to say that you had to do the research on your impeccable beauty yourself in Photoshop. Take her example: tell her that your face was “calculated” using a special formula at the beauty center :)

Well, what if your beautiful features don’t fit into the universal template? Then listen to another formula from Professor Damico: the law of ideal beauty is good self-care, the ability to use cosmetics and a great mood!

Facial skin care is the first step to perfection

Beautiful and glowing skin is 90% of success. Fortunately, modernity gives us tools that are able to deal with any problem. It is very important to choose the right skin care according to your skin type. Serious cosmetic imperfections should be addressed by a specialist. And don’t forget that you can “draw” an incomparable image if you are good at the art of makeup.

Learn to use cosmetics - step two

Have you ever been told similar words: “You are beautiful even without makeup”? Yes? Well then, this means two things:

  • You are a beauty with perfect features
  • You don't know how to use makeup at all.

The possibilities of modern cosmetology have stepped forward so much that there are few women left who have complexes about their appearance. Now each of us can “make” ourselves ideal facial proportions. Or... almost perfect :)

A portrait conveys not only the external characteristics of a person, but also reflects the inner world of a person, his attitude to reality and emotional state at a certain point in time. In fact, a portrait, like any other genre painting, is an arrangement of lines, shapes and colors on canvas or paper so that their final combination follows the shape of the human face.

Sounds almost like magic? In order to correctly place those same lines, shapes and shades on paper, you must first study the proportions of a person’s face (when drawing a portrait, they must be observed without fail) and their dependence on movements, direction and shape of the head.

What is a portrait?

Regardless of skill level, working on it is intimidating for any artist. The remarkable painter John Singer Sargent gave the portrait two characteristics that every artist would agree with:

  1. “Every time I paint a portrait, especially a commissioned one, I lose a friend.”
  2. “A portrait is a painting in which the lips end up looking somehow wrong.”

Portrait is one of the most difficult genres of drawing and painting. The reason is that the artist often works to order, and pressure from others interferes with the creative process. The portrait as envisioned by the customer often differs from what the artist creates. In addition, working on the image of a human face requires special knowledge and a fair amount of patience.

Why study proportions

Proportions are needed in order to understand how objects are located relative to each other in size, plane and intermediate relationships. If even a small amount of realism is important for a portrait, this cannot be achieved without knowing the proportions. On the other hand, abstract portraits have not been canceled.

Knowing proportions helps convey not only facial features, but also human emotions and facial expressions. Knowing the dependence of changes in appearance on the position of the head, the emotional state of the model and lighting, the artist can transfer the character and mood of a person to the canvas, thereby creating an object of art. But for this you need to know the correct proportions of the face and be able to build a composition in accordance with the rules.

Ideal proportions

During the High Renaissance, Raphael created paintings that were considered the standard of perfection. In fact, all of today's ideal proportions originate from the oval faces of Raphael's Madonnas.

If you draw a vertical line in the very center of the face and divide it into three parts - from the hairline to the eyebrows, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose and from the tip of the nose to the chin, then in an ideal face these parts will be equal. The figure below shows the ideal proportions of a person’s face, a diagram for drawing and constructing an ideal oval face, as well as the relationship between the main features. It is worth considering that the ideal male face is characterized by more angular features, but despite this, their basic location corresponds to the presented diagram.

Based on this diagram, the ideal facial proportions when drawing a portrait correspond to the following formula:

  1. BC = CE = EF.
  2. AD = DF.
  3. OR = KL = PK.

Face shape

Correctly constructed proportions of a person’s face when drawing a portrait depend largely on the shape of that face. Raphael created a perfect oval, and nature does not limit perfection to just one geometric shape.

It is probably most convenient to study the construction of proportions and their changes during movement on a perfectly oval face; for this there are many ways and techniques that will be discussed below, but the essence of a portrait is not in creating an ideal, but in depicting a person with all his features and imperfections. That is why it is important to know what the shape of a face can be and how it affects the construction of proportions when drawing portraits.

Rounded face shapes

Long face has rounded hairline and chin shapes. The vertical midline of the face is much longer than the horizontal one. Characteristics of long faces are usually a high forehead and a large distance between the upper lip and the base of the nose. Typically, the width of the forehead is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Oval face similar in shape to an egg turned upside down. Its widest part is the cheekbones, followed by a slightly less wide forehead and a relatively narrow jaw. The length of an oval face is slightly greater than its width.

Round face characterized by almost equal midlines of the vertical and horizontal sections of the face. Wide cheekbones are smoothed by a smooth, rounded jawline.

Angular face shapes

Rectangular face characterized by a wide jaw, emphasized by an angular chin and a straight hairline. The midline of the vertical section is much longer than the horizontal one. The width of the forehead of a person with a rectangular face is approximately equal to the width of the cheekbones.

Triangular It differs from the heart-shaped one only in the hair growth line; in the triangular one it is straight. A characteristic feature of this face shape is high cheekbones and a very narrow, sharp chin, while the cheekbones are almost as wide as the forehead. The vertical section line of a triangular face is usually slightly longer than the horizontal one.

Square shape typical for faces with low, wide cheekbones and an angular chin. The length of a square face is equal to its width.

Trapezoid defined by a wide jaw, low cheekbones and a narrow forehead. Usually on such a face the chin is angular and wide, and the cheekbones are much wider than the forehead.

Diamond shape The face is given a proportionally narrow forehead and chin, the latter usually pointed. High cheekbones are the widest part of a diamond-shaped face, and its horizontal section is much smaller than its vertical section.

Correct facial structure

Correct construction when drawing a portrait is based on measuring the model’s facial features and the distance between them. Each portrait is individual, just as no two faces are absolutely identical, with the exception of twins. Formulas for calculating proportions provide only basic advice, following which you can make the drawing process much easier.

To create your own characters or draw faces from memory, it is extremely important to know the correct representation of proportions. It is important to remember here that the shape of the head is much more complex than an inverted egg or an oval, and therefore it is worth following rules to avoid eyes on the forehead or a mouth that is too small.

Face outline

First, draw a circle - this will be the wide part of the skull. As you know, the main facial features take place under the circle. To roughly determine their location, we divide the circle in half vertically and continue the line down so that the lower outline of the circle divides it exactly in half. The bottom of the line will be the chin. From the sides of the circle to the “chin” you need to draw lines that will become the preliminary outlines of the cheekbones and cheeks.

If the portrait is drawn from the model’s face or from memory, then you can use a few light lines to correct the shape, determine the approximate width of the chin and hairline. It is worth noting that the hair in the portrait will occupy some part of the circle that was drawn at the very beginning.

Eyes and eyebrows

At the base of the circle we draw a horizontal line, perpendicular to the first. The eyes are located on this line. Exactly on it, not higher, no matter how much you would like! The horizontal line must be divided into five equal parts - each of them is equal to the width of the eye. The central part may be slightly wider. The eyes are located on the sides of it. To further calculate the proportions, it is best to indicate where the pupils will be located.

To determine how high above the eyes your eyebrows should be, you need to divide the circle into four equal parts, from bottom to top. The eyebrows will be located along a horizontal line passing directly above the eyes.

Nose and lips

The vertical line of the lower part of the face should be divided in half. Mark the middle where the base of the nose should be. The width of the nose can be easily determined by drawing parallel lines down from the inner corners of the eyes.

The remaining part - from the nose to the chin - must be divided in half again. The midline coincides with the line of the mouth, that is, the upper lip is located directly above it, and the lower lip is located below it. The width of the mouth can be calculated by drawing parallel lines down from the middle of the pupils. The width of the chin is usually equal to the width of the nose.

Constructing the proportions of the human face described above is a simplified method and is suitable for ideal faces, of which there are not many in nature.

Since ancient times, people have dreamed of beauty and embodied their thoughts in sculptures and paintings.

Many centuries have passed since then, hundreds of times, depending on eras, people's views on beauty have changed, but the concept of the ideal as a set of the most harmonious relationships of the human face has remained unchanged.

What facial proportions have been considered ideal for thousands of years will be discussed below.

History of the term

The term “ideal facial proportions” was not established in art, science, or medicine in exactly this form. However, even in antiquity, there were mathematically verified relationships that were considered ideal.

The first scientist who mentioned this was the famous philosopher and mathematician of Ancient Greece - Euclid. He has a theory according to which, when dividing a segment into unequal parts, its larger part is related to the smaller one exactly to the extent that the entire segment is larger than its larger part.

Euclid used this relationship to draw a regular pentagon. According to other sources, the “golden” ratio (“golden section”) was calculated by Pythagoras using the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians.

He believed that everything in the world is built on the law of harmony and beauty, which is embodied in living and inanimate nature. This unit of harmony is a proportional ratio of 1:1.618.

The rule of the “golden ratio” was actively used by artists and sculptors of the Renaissance. For the art of this period, as for Antiquity, the main idea was the harmony of the universe.

Religious philosophers of the 14th-16th centuries took up this idea with interest, interpreting it according to Christian views.

God used mathematical principles to create the Universe. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​creating a harmonious world, where everything is orderly and perfect, is expressed in the works of the Renaissance humanists - Leonardo da Vinci, Alberti, Raphael and others.

The ratio 1:1.618 has been used since time immemorial, but the term “golden ratio” appeared only in the 19th century, thanks to the German mathematician Martin Ohm.

In the 20th century, plastic surgeon Stephen Marquardt, while correcting facial defects, tried to figure out what exactly makes a face attractive. His searches led to the theory of the “golden ratio”.

The doctor suggested that the nose has the shape of a triangle, the base of which is 1.618 times less than its length. A pentagon can be obtained from a triangle. Thus, he created a “beauty mask” with ideal proportions, which consists of these two figures, located taking into account a known ratio.

The closer the mask was to the proportions of a particular person, the more beautiful his face seemed. The discovery of a plastic surgeon played a decisive role in the further development of the beauty industry.

Standards of Excellence

There are no ideal persons in nature. This is precisely the uniqueness of each person.

However, in the pursuit of beauty, many people forget about this and try to correct their appearance with the help of plastic surgeons, cosmetologists and makeup artists to abstract values.

There are several services on the network that help calculate the parameters of the “beauty mask” for each visitor, using a ratio of 1: 1.618.

Below are the numerical data on which the idea of ​​impeccable parameters is based:

  1. The proportions of the face are measured by dividing its length by its width. The golden ratio is considered to be a figure equal to the coefficient 1.61.
  2. The width of the face from the extreme points of the eyes should be the length of one eye multiplied by five.
  3. If a person’s head is divided in half from top to bottom, like an equator, then the eyes, in accordance with the canons of ideality, should be strictly located on the line that divides the skull in half.
  4. The length of the eye corresponds to the segment from one to the other inner corner of the eye.
  5. The segments from the top edge of the eyebrow to the hairline, from the end point of the eyebrow to the center of the nose, from the nose to the chin should be equal. That is, all these lines divide the face horizontally into three identical segments.
  6. The width of a correct nose on an ideal face corresponds to the distance from one inner corner of the eye to the other.
  7. The segment from the corners of the lips should be equal to the segment between the irises of the eyes.
  8. If you draw a line from the center of the lower lip to the outer corner of the eye, you will get a triangle with equal sides.
  9. Ideal eyebrows start from a point on a vertical line drawn from the wing of the nose through the inner corner of the eye. They end at the intersection with a line drawn from the wing of the nose to the outer corner of the eye.
  10. The ears are located on the central third of the face, and their size is equal to the distance between the lines of the eyebrows, nose and chin.
  11. The height of the chin should not be greater than the length of the eye.
  12. The distance between the pupils is 46% of the width of the face.
  13. The distance from lips to eyes should be 36% of the length of the face.
  14. Three pentagons built according to the rule of the “golden ratio” must be included in the beauty mask. The first and second are around the eyes, the third is between the nose and mouth.

If certain facial parameters remain outside of ideality, this indicates a wide and narrow face, large and small eyes, short and long nose, etc.

Celebrities with impeccable data

The faces of many famous people from the field of art and show business are close to the ideals of beauty. Some of them have such traits by nature, others acquired them through plastic surgery.

Below is a list of celebrities whose facial ideality was calculated using the Marquardt beauty mask:

  1. Madonna. This famous singer has an almost perfect face. The only exception is its width.
  2. Monica Bellucci has perfect facial features in accordance with the doctor's mask, however, to match the ideal 100%, it is worth reducing the lips a little.
  3. Sharon Stone- an undoubted beauty. The eyebrows do not fit into the “mask” a little, they should be raised a little.
  4. Grace Kelly- the owner of an ideal appearance. When applying the mask to her photograph, a complete coincidence of lines and geometric shapes was discovered.

Ways to create impeccability

Not all people can boast of natural beauty, however, there are a huge number of methods for correcting non-ideal faces - from proper makeup and hairstyle to the interventions of plastic surgeons.


The right hairstyle will help smooth out imperfections - lengthen or shorten the face, increase the height of the forehead, etc.

Here are some ways to change your face using your hair:

  1. Girls with large cheeks should have their hair combed behind their ears. Due to this, the distance between the neck and ears will be visually filled. This will lengthen your jawline and prevent your cheeks from appearing too big.
  2. For those with protruding ears, a fluffy and curly hairstyle will suit you. This will help hide the flaw.
  3. Women with deep-set eyes should wear bangs, covering the eyebrows, but not covering the eyelashes.


Fillers or beauty injections are injections that are used to model the shape of the face. There are fillers based on botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid and others.

Thanks to these injections, you can tighten the oval of your face, raise your eyebrows or corners of your lips, and even hide a hump on your nose.

Contour plastic

The method allows you to correct deep wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, and reduce deep folds of the skin.

The essence of the procedure is to inject fillers under the skin into problem areas. Most often, the chin area is corrected using this method, since chins that are too short or sloping do not look aesthetically pleasing. However, you should not count on a miracle after contouring.

It can improve your appearance a little for a short time. For lasting, dramatic changes, you need to contact a plastic surgeon.


A facelift will help change your proportions and bring them closer to ideal. The procedure is suitable for people with pronounced wrinkles and unclear facial contours.

During the operation, the plastic surgeon tightens and fixes the muscles, removes excess fat, and restores the muscular frame of the face.

Thanks to the operation, an ideal face shape is achieved, lively facial expressions are preserved, wrinkles on the face and neck disappear, and a double chin is removed.


Proper makeup will help make some facial features close to accepted standards. There are a large number of cosmetics that can solve this problem:

  1. To visually narrow a wide face, you need to apply a darker tone to your cheeks, and use blush to give your cheekbones a triangle shape.
  2. To make a long nose less noticeable, apply a tint to the back and tip of a darker shade than to the rest of the face.
  3. The chin is visually reduced by applying a dark color to the protruding part of the chin.

As for men?

The concept of perfect proportions of a male face is somewhat different from the female ideal. Here are the qualities of an ideal male face that physiognomists deduced from surveys of thousands of people:

  1. Larger space between the eyes.
  2. A small narrow nose with a straight bridge. The length of the correct nose is 5.8 cm.
  3. High cheekbones.
  4. Narrow face.
  5. The width of the forehead is equal to half its height.
  6. Straight eyebrows.
  7. The segment from the eyebrow to the hairline is 6 cm.
  8. Thick hair.
  9. The location of the ears corresponds to a third of the oval of the face.
  10. Slightly swollen lips.
  11. Perfectly symmetrical face.

Correction price

As noted above, you can make your face more attractive in different ways - on your own or with the help of a hairdresser, cosmetologist and plastic surgeon.

Prices for services will vary depending on the method. The table below shows the average prices for services in Moscow.

Beauty according to the rules of the golden ratio is described in more detail in the video.