Marker eraser. How to erase permanent marker? Methods for removing water and chalk markers

For teenagers

Marker stains are very difficult to remove. It usually penetrates deeply into the surface, making it difficult to remove. But there are still ways to remove stains from plastic, furniture, and clothing. The article will discuss how to erase a marker. It is enough to use simple products to make the surface clean.

How to erase marker from a non-porous surface? There are several methods for cleaning kitchen countertops, tiles, and plastic furniture. There are effective recipes for cleaning fabrics, carpets, and furniture.

Selecting a cleaning method

Removing marker marks is difficult. These stationery items are designed to provide long-lasting writing. That's why they are also called indelible.

You can remove the stain, but you need to keep in mind that if you do the work carelessly, you can ruin the item. Before doing this, you need to study the composition of the marker. The remedy is selected based on this information.


If there is no pure alcohol in the house, then you can use an alcoholic drink. The main thing is that the alcohol content is at least 45%. The higher the percentage, the better. You should take a cloth, soak it in alcohol, and try to remove the stains.

Baking soda and toothpaste

Black marker can be removed with a mixture of baking soda and toothpaste. You need a cloth to soak in this product and treat the stain. The dirt should soak for 10 minutes. If the stain is not fresh, it will take longer to work.

Melamine sponge

How to erase permanent marker? A melamine sponge is suitable for this. You can purchase it at a hardware store or online store. It is also called the “magic eraser”. This product can remove many types of stains. Using a sponge is simple: just wet it and rub the surface. The product can remove hand marks,


Alcohol marker can be removed with WD-40, which can be purchased at a car store. It can be used to remove various stains. It's very easy to use. The product comes in the form of an aerosol, which is used to treat dirt and then wipe it with a damp cloth. First you need to test it on an inconspicuous area so as not to damage the surface.


You can remove black marker using a special marker, which is designed to remove stains from clothes and furniture. You can buy it at hardware stores. For example, Lil Bully effectively removes alcohol markers. You just need to shade the stain, after which you can leave it until the stain disappears. The tool removes old marks.


How can I erase marker from plastic? You can remove it with a stationery eraser, which is used to remove a pencil. You should try this method first before trying other remedies.


How to erase permanent marker? Sunscreen is considered an effective remedy for removing marks. It is applied to stains, and after 20 minutes, wiped with a clean cloth.


How to erase a marker from a board? Acetone is considered the best solution for removing stains. But to preserve the surface, you need to test the product in an inconspicuous place. To remove stains, use cotton pads, which must be soaked in acetone, and then wipe off the stain.

Cleaning fabrics

How to erase marker from fabrics? Stains can be removed from many materials with lemon juice. A few drops should be applied to the stain until it disappears. Then the item needs to be washed. If the stain is on white clothes, it is better to use bleach. The product is soaked until the contamination is completely removed. You must carefully read the instructions so as not to damage the item. Otherwise, the bleach may corrode the material. After removing the stain, the item must be rinsed.

If the contamination is on satin material, you need to create a special solution. You will need milk, borax, vinegar, and lemon juice in equal quantities. The composition is applied to the marker marks for 15 minutes. You need to rub the dirty area. If the stain is on a durable material, then acetone and alcohol will do. Just first test the product on an inconspicuous area. Acetone is applied to a cotton swab, after which you need to wipe off the marker mark.

Carpet cleaning

How to remove marker from carpet? Alcohol or hairspray are great for this. The products are applied to a cloth, after which the area of ​​contamination is treated with it.

There is no need to scrub the stain too hard to avoid damaging the carpet. The varnish should be sprayed onto the marker marks, and then treated with a dry cloth. After the dirt disappears, the carpet is moistened with water and wiped dry.

Furniture cleaning

Marker marks can also be removed from furniture upholstery. If the product is leather, then hairspray will do. You will need to take a clean rag, apply varnish, and then wipe the stains. The procedure must be carried out until the contamination disappears. Then wipe the area with a damp cloth.

If the furniture has fabric upholstery, you need to use strong alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. Clean the area with a rag. Hydrogen peroxide is applied first, followed by alcohol. Then the area is treated with a rag. For the rest of the furniture, strong alcohol or cosmetic liquid for removing varnish is suitable. At the end, the stain area is washed with water and wiped dry.

Skin cleansing

Marker stains often remain on your hands. Regular soap cannot remove them. In this case, you can use alcohol that contains at least 45 percent alcohol. Apply the product with cotton wool. Then you need to wash your hands with soap.

From metal

If you need to clean a metal surface, you can use white spirit. The sponge must be moistened in this product and then thoroughly processed.

From wallpaper

Although the marker is difficult to wipe off, it can still be removed even from wallpaper. You need to use hydrogen peroxide (3%). The substance is applied to the design; it is advisable to use cotton cloth or cotton wool. It is necessary to rub the stain from the edges to the center so that the paint does not spread. If peroxide does not help, you need to use a stain remover. It is applied to the dirt, and after fifteen minutes it is washed off with a damp cloth.

Before you erase marker stains, you should familiarize yourself with the following tips:

  • First, it is better to try products with a low aggressive effect.
  • Solvents on contact with surfaces may cause paint bleed.
  • There are chemicals that destroy surfaces.
  • No need to use dry powders.
  • Before using any product, it is better to test it first.
  • Some solvents have an aggressive effect.

These effective methods can help you get rid of marker stains. Many of them do it in such a way that no trace remains.

If you have children at home who spend a lot of time drawing, don’t worry right away. Cleaning markers from paper is not a big problem these days. You can put up other wallpaper or redo documents that became damaged after the child got to them, but there are also more effective and economical methods. In this article we will try to talk about how to erase a felt-tip pen from paper and eliminate its traces on wallpaper.

2 Types of markers

2.1 Water based

Markers and felt-tip pens of this type are easy to wash off from wallpaper and other materials. There are several methods:

You can use hydrogen peroxide, also called peroxide. You will also need a cotton pad. With careful movements you will have to remove marks from the felt-tip pen. They should be done in one direction, otherwise paint streaks may appear. The operation must be repeated until the spot or line disappears.

You need to be careful and not touch the wallpaper around it, which remains clean.

You can also use a special oxygen-based stain remover. It should be applied to the area with the child's stain or drawing and left for about 25 minutes. After this, remove the detergent with a rag or napkin.

If your apartment has vinyl wallpaper, it will be enough to use a simple soap solution. Use it to walk over the contaminated area, then wash off all excess moisture.

You can use stain-removing wipes. They usually contain alcohol, which quickly removes traces of water marker.

2.2 Alcohol based

Problems with markers and felt-tip pens of this type require a slightly different approach:

  • Rubbing alcohol will help you. Take a cotton pad soaked in the solution and start wiping away the stain. This process may take a long time, since alcohol, which is also contained in the felt-tip pen paint, will return it to liquid form. It is very important to constantly replace used cotton pads with clean ones.
  • You can use lemon juice, which must be mixed with alcohol. Apply the solution to a cotton swab and begin to wash off the paint with smooth movements. You need to move in one direction so as not to leave streaks or smear the pigment. Upon completion of the procedure, you need to remove the remaining paint and alcohol and juice with a dry cloth.
  • To remove marker from paper, whitening toothpaste will also work. It must be applied to a cotton pad and the same operations as in the previous paragraphs must be performed. For best results, the oral rinse can be left on for a few minutes before removing.

2.3 Oil based

This type of markers leaves permanent marks, making them almost impossible to remove.

There are a number of methods that can bring results, but you shouldn’t be sure of them:

  • You can apply sunflower oil to an area of ​​vinyl wallpaper with a stain or pattern. After this, treat the problem area with a sponge and soapy water.
  • Paper coating is more difficult to process in this case. You can place paper in place of the stain and run a hot iron over it. The oil paint base will need to be imprinted onto the sheet. Even if this method doesn't help, it will definitely make the stain less noticeable and brighter.
  • Before you start removing marker marks from wallpaper, you need to try all the methods on a piece of it. This method will help you select the ideal solution to solve the problem.
  • You can try using WD-40 automotive lubricant. It is only suitable if the wallpaper is dark in color. If you decide to use this method, be prepared for stains from the lubricant itself.
  • There is also a special felt-tip pen that is used to clean surfaces. It is most often used for plastic surfaces, but you can try using this method on non-woven and vinyl wallpaper.
  • You can also try using a melamine sponge. It is suitable for thick paper, but is not a guarantee of a positive result.

4 Expert opinion

“If the stain appeared a long time ago, then it will be easier to simply cover the area with a piece of wallpaper or use a painting as a barrier. If the coating itself is fundamentally important, then use detergents or solutions of alcohol and citric acid.", writes Internet user Olga.

You will need

  • - alcohol-containing liquids;
  • - solvents;
  • - glycerin;
  • - marker remover;
  • - cotton pad;
  • - washing powder;
  • - Antipyatin soap.


Felt pens can be alcohol or water based. To remove stains from leather, furniture and fabric, use any alcohol-containing liquids. Cologne, alcohol-based tonic, eau de toilette, medical or technical alcohol, vodka, etc. are suitable for this. To use, moisten a cotton pad or sponge with any of the indicated liquids and wipe the stained areas. If you removed stains from your skin, wash it afterwards with soap and water or a cleansing gel. If from fabric, wash the product in the usual way, which is suitable for washing this type of fabric.

If you do not immediately notice stains on or on the furniture, they are deep, then remove the stains using solvents. For removal, gasoline, kerosene, acetone or nail polish remover based on it, white spirit, solvent 646 are suitable. To use, moisten a cotton pad and thoroughly wipe off the stains. If the item cannot be washed or you did not plan to wash a bulky item, such as a carpet or, then after removing the stains, wipe all areas that you cleaned with alcohol or wet clean with a sponge and carpet cleaner.

The hardware supermarket sells soap under the trade name Antipyatin. Use it, and you can easily remove marker stains from any type of fabric without additional effort and without the use of aggressive solvents. To use, moisten the stained area and the soap itself, thoroughly rub the felt-tip pen stains with soap, and rinse the cloth or hands to be cleaned under running water. There will not be the slightest trace of stains.

Buy a special product designed for removing markers from the office supply department. Trade names may be different, since this product is produced by different manufacturers, but its cost is quite affordable. It is sold in the form of pencils and sprays. To use, read the manufacturer's instructions, apply to stains, and wash the product.

Marker stains most often appear on children's clothing. If, instead of paper, your baby colored his shirt or his mother’s favorite robe, then don’t be upset - stains from a felt-tip pen can be removed!


If your stains turn out to be more stubborn, you can try to remove them using liquid and dry (in the form of soap or pencil) stain removers, which are applied directly to the stain before washing. Good stain removers can also be found among sprays. Consult with a hardware store salesperson to select the best product for your fabric.

There are also traditional methods for removing marker stains. For example, regular milk. Dampen the stain with it, and then simply wash the item in warm water. You can also try diluting a little citric acid in water (to a paste), apply the mixture to the stain, wait a few minutes and rinse with water.

There are stains that can be removed with regular alcohol. You can also try hydrogen peroxide or acetone. By the way, nail polish remover is also perfect for these purposes. Felt-tip pen stains can be easily removed by applying dishwashing detergent to them, leaving them for about ten minutes, and then washing the item with regular detergent.

Felt pens are a necessary accessory in every home, especially if children are growing up in it. Young artists can use them to paint not only albums and easels, but also clothes. There is no need to worry about this - most marker stains can be removed at home. First of all, figure out what coloring composition your markers have.

You will need

  • Oxygen stain remover
  • Synthetic detergent
  • Laundry soap or stain remover soap
  • Medical alcohol
  • Ammonia
  • Turpentine
  • Vodka or denatured alcohol
  • Grater
  • Nail polish remover
  • Petrol
  • Warm and boiling water
  • Ink and marker stain remover
  • Lemon
  • Glycerol


Read the information on the packaging of the markers. Water-based products are best. Water-soluble marker stains will be much easier to remove. Just pour oxygen stain remover onto the stained item and wash the stained item in the machine with the addition of any synthetic detergent.

Try removing water-based marker stains with 3% hydrogen peroxide. Soak a cotton swab in it and blot the colorful stains until they dissolve. Then wash the dirty area with stain remover soap (such as Antipyatin) and wash the item completely.

Use active solvents to clean alcohol-based marker stains. Try to defeat like with like. Take medical alcohol, vodka, ammonia or denatured alcohol and, moistening the cotton wool and constantly changing tampons, rub the stain on the clothing. You can add a couple of spoons of soda to a teaspoon, dilute this mixture in a glass of water and treat dirty clothes with the resulting solution. Ammonia can also be mixed with turpentine in a ratio of 1:1.

Grind any laundry soap into very fine shavings and dilute it in any alcohol or vodka. You can use liquid soap or brew the soap with boiling water. Then clean the stained item with a soap-alcohol mixture.

Remove stains from permanent markers with nail polish remover or gasoline.

Buy a special stain remover from the household appliances department to remove stains from ink and felt-tip pens. They are often sold in the form of dry sprays or pencils. Proceed according to the instructions. Practice shows that you can remove a stain from a permanent marker using such means only by treating and washing the item 2-3 times.

Try squeezing the juice of one fresh lemon and diluting it one to one with vodka or alcohol. Apply this liquid to the marker stain and after a few seconds wipe it with a piece of soft rag. Repeat the procedure until the dirt is removed.

Use pharmaceutical glycerin. Soak a piece of clothing with a marker stain in it and leave for an hour. Then wash the product with soap in warm water, after dissolving a tablespoon of table salt in it.

Helpful advice

Try to clean things from felt-tip pens immediately after contamination. Otherwise, the stain will set into the fabric and be more difficult to remove.


  • How to remove stains from baby clothes

Your child is an artistic person. Armed with a pack of markers, he enthusiastically changes the design of the apartment. Like a true artist, the kid is unable to get past boring monochromatic clothes. And now T-shirts and blouses are full of bright stains. And the mother of the newly minted impressionist is left scratching her head - how to wash the felt-tip pen?


If it is alcohol-based, use alcohol. It is advisable that it be pure medical alcohol. Place a clean napkin under the cloth, apply alcohol to the stain and blot on top with a second napkin. It is better to carry out the cleaning procedure without delay. The faster you clean your clothes, the better results you will get.

There are a large number of stain removers. Buy it and get started. Just don’t forget to ask the seller if this remedy will help in your case. It’s better to carefully read the instructions first.

Buy 3% hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy. Apply to marker stains and leave for a few minutes. Then wet this area and rub thoroughly with laundry soap. Leave for about half an hour and wash. If the stain has not completely disappeared, but has faded, the procedure will have to be repeated several times.

Those who have small children probably quite often encounter the following situation: the child got dirty with a felt-tip pen or marker while drawing, and it is not always easy to wash it off. If your baby has gotten very dirty, how can you wash away marker marks without having to rub his sensitive skin too hard and hurt him? There are a number of proven recommendations on how to eliminate felt-tip pen marks without extra effort using improvised means.

In fact, if the stains are recent and there is a possibility that the marker's ink may not have sunk deeply into your child's skin, you can try scrubbing it off with warm, soapy water.

  • You need to wet your hands with water.
  • Next, you should thoroughly rub any traces of dirt with soap.
  • After this, you need to rinse your skin with plenty of warm water.

Note! If you decide to use liquid detergents, you need to rub the problem areas with a washcloth. If you took a solid product, you need to rub the skin directly with a bar of soap.


If hot water does not help correct the situation, you can erase marker marks by using sun protection creams or simply cosmetic products with a greasy consistency.

  • Apply a small amount of cream to the problem area.
  • Then you need to rub the cream in for several minutes.
  • Rinse the area with water (warm temperature is best).

Makeup remover

If you want to wash off paint easily and in a short time, feel free to use various tonics or milk that are used to remove traces of cosmetics.

  • It is necessary to apply a small amount of milk or tonic to a cotton swab (or disk).
  • After this, you need to rub the dirt.
  • Rinse off any remaining makeup and marker with warm water and dry with dry wipes.

Alcohol solutions

You can also use an alcohol solution. It is best to use regular rubbing alcohol to help remove the marker from your skin. To do this, wet a piece of cotton wool with medical alcohol and rub it on the problem area.

Alcohol can be purchased at almost all pharmacies. The only thing you should take care of is the alcohol concentration in the solution (at least 90 percent).

Nail polish remover

You can wash the marker off your skin using the liquid you use to remove nail polish marks. Among the ingredients of this type of product you can find a certain amount of isopropyl alcohol, as well as acetone, which together can dissolve dirt and, without any extra effort on your part, remove traces of marker that cannot be washed off with water.

  • Soak a small piece of cotton wool with nail polish remover and then rub onto the slightly stained area.
  • There is a chance that you will need to leave the soaked cotton wool for some time for the product to take effect.


You can also use products that are usually used to disinfect the skin of your hands. Antiseptics are most often made based on alcohol, and therefore they can scrub off permanent markers.

  • It is necessary to squeeze out a large amount of antiseptic and thoroughly rub it into the skin using a piece of dry, clean cloth or a cotton swab.
  • Of course, we cannot exclude the possibility that in order for this method to work, you will need to repeat it a couple of times.


Sometimes, to remove marker marks from your skin, you can use regular hairspray, as it contains alcohol as one of its ingredients.

  • You need to spray a small amount of the product onto the area of ​​your skin that was affected, carefully and without trying to avoid getting into your eyes. In fact, you shouldn't take hairspray to apply it to your face. You can use wet pieces of cloth or cotton swabs if you need to thoroughly rub in hairspray and wash off the marker.
  • Hair styling sprays are usually quite sticky to the touch. After treating the leather, wash it in warm soapy water.

Baby oil

Baby oils have enveloping and softening properties, so you can use them to remove marker marks from your baby's sensitive skin.

  • Pour a small amount directly onto skin.
  • Take a piece of soft cloth and soak it in water.
  • Gently massage the oil into your skin.
  • These steps can be repeated again to achieve the desired result.


This product has properties similar to baby oil, so you can safely use it without damaging your skin and clean the marker.

  • It is necessary to apply a little Vaseline and give it time to act.
  • After a couple of minutes have passed, you need to take a wet cloth and remove traces of Vaseline, and at the same time dirt.
  • This procedure can be repeated if you want to completely remove the marker marks.


You can also try to achieve the desired result by using hygiene products such as toothpaste or mouthwash. The best effect is achieved by using both products at once.

  • You need to squeeze a small amount of ordinary toothpaste directly onto the problem area and rub it in with your fingers. Toothpaste has an exfoliating effect that helps remove paint that has become embedded in the upper layers of the skin.
  • Next, you should pour some liquid (which is alcohol-based) onto the problem areas and rub them using a piece of soft cloth previously soaked in water.

Shaving creams

You need to apply a little shaving cream, which contains both soap and oil, onto the skin and let it sit for a few minutes. Rub it in with a soft wet cloth. This procedure can be repeated until no traces of paint remain.

Salt scrub

This option involves the use of natural ingredients. So, with the help of sea salt you can remove the top layers of skin. If you can’t completely remove the marks, they should at least become less noticeable.

  • You need to mix 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and enough water to form a paste-like paste, which should be rubbed into the skin.
  • Rinse off the paste with warm water.


Products like olive oil or butter can remove the marker without using active chemicals.

It is necessary to apply the oil to the damaged area and rub it in with paper towels, on which traces of the dye will remain.

Baking soda

If you mix a small amount of baking soda and warm water, you get a product like a natural scrub that will remove marker marks.

You need to mix 1 tsp. baking soda and plenty of warm water, which will turn into a paste. This paste must be rubbed in for several minutes and then rinsed off with water (preferably at a warm temperature). To increase effectiveness, you can add a little toothpaste.

Banana peel

There are opinions that say you can decolorize a felt-tip pen using a banana peel.

  • Take the peel of ripe bananas.
  • Turn it inside out and rub the skin in a circle from the inside.
  • You need to rub the contaminated area for a couple of minutes, after which you can rinse your hands, wash off the dirt, dry the problem area, and then repeat the procedure using another piece of peel.
  • It is better to use those methods that involve the use of natural ingredients rather than household chemicals.
  • If your child or you yourself have allergies, you should seek help from a doctor (preferably a dermatologist).
  • Do not rub your skin too hard as this may cause allergies or irritation.
  • If the stain is fresh and you don't want to rub your baby's skin with chemicals, just give your baby a bath. Even if you fail to erase the marker in one go, its traces will be significantly reduced.

Colored permanent markers were invented so that the inscription made with them would not be erased from the surface. There are situations when dyeing products leave stains and marks on clothes.

Before you scrub off the marker, it's worth determining what type it is so you can choose the best method for dealing with the stain. Proven methods will help remove colored marks from any surface, including clothing.

Types of permanent markers

Modern manufacturers produce these devices with several types of bases. To answer the question: how to wash a marker, it is important to initially know what components it contains.

Let's consider the most popular types of bases used for the production of products:

  1. Water. The caustic trace from the marker can be easily removed with ordinary water. A damp foam sponge will help wipe off a colored stain from a stable surface.
  2. Alcohol. You can remove contamination with a soft cloth soaked in an alcohol solution or vodka. Rapidly evaporating ether will also be relevant.
  3. Oily. If the marker contains greasy particles, it will be difficult to clean the stain. They are considered the most stable and durable. However, an effective remedy was invented against this: vegetable or olive oil. Provided the inscription is located on a solid plane, this method will save the situation.
  4. Paint and varnish. A rarely used type of marker base that can only be washed with solvents. These include gasoline, acetone or turpentine. A cotton swab is moistened in the product and the surface is wiped with it until it is clean.

If you are unable to independently determine the type of marker base, you should use a universal product for cleaning hard materials - toothpaste. To do this, you need to squeeze a little product out of the tube and apply it to the stain with rubbing movements.

Before removing marker stains using this method, make sure you are dealing with a wooden or ceramic surface.

The product contains special coloring pigments that are difficult to remove if time has passed. Therefore, regardless of the type of base, it is recommended to begin cleaning the stain immediately.

Cleaning various surfaces

Contamination from permanent products can appear in any situation, especially when there are children at home. They love to use colored markers to display their artistic skills on countertops, tiles, floors, or walls. For cleaning to be effective, it is worth considering the type of surface, and also try one of these methods on an inconspicuous area.

Proven methods for eliminating colored spots on various planes:

To prevent such problems from occurring, you should be careful when handling markers, especially permanent ones. If there are children in the house, put the device in a place where naughty artists will not find it.

How to remove stains from colored clothes?

Don't despair if the marker accidentally gets on your clothing. The first thing to do is to take measures to eliminate the stain. Depending on the type of colored fabric, it is recommended to use different methods for removing markers from clothes.

They can be divided into 3 groups:

  • satin fabric – characterized by thinness and delicate structure;
  • dense fabric - outerwear and accessories are made from it;
  • common types of fabric from which most clothing is made.

The marker mark will be erased from satin fabric using milk, borax, vinegar and lemon juice. The last ingredient can be replaced with acid if the product is available in the arsenal.

The components are mixed in proportions of 1 tbsp. milk and vinegar, 1 tsp each. borax and lemon juice. The solution is applied to the stain and left for 10 minutes.


You should not wash your clothes after removing the mark - it is recommended to simply rinse the area with a sponge.

Dense textile materials are characterized by great thickness, so marks can become embedded in the structure of the product. Before you wash marker from high-density clothing, prepare acetone or alcohol. Apply the product to a cotton pad and treat the stain.

Tar soap will help remove alcohol markers from colored clothes. Rub the product onto the contaminated area and leave it for half an hour. When time has passed, you should rinse the product and wash it in a machine..

Delicate fabrics damaged by marker can be washed using lemon juice diluted with water. The same principle is used for other types of fabric, but citrus is used in its pure form.