A conspiracy to win the favor of the authorities. Conspiracy on the boss - so that he respects, loves and does not scold

For children

At work, it is simply necessary to have a good relationship with your superiors. But what if the boss constantly finds fault, scolds and shouts? A plot against the boss can help. His discontent will cease, and he will become friendly towards his subordinates. Such a ritual contributes to career advancement and increased wages.

A conspiracy against a boss helps to improve relationships and win over bosses.

Features of the conspiracy

In order for the conspiracy to attract the love of your superiors to work, it is necessary to carry out the ritual in accordance with all the rules:

  • maximum concentration and calmness are required when reading the text;
  • you need to sincerely believe in what you are doing;
  • All necessary items must be available.

A conspiracy can correct any evil boss. The result will not come immediately. This may take several months. You need to not despair and still believe in yourself and the magic ritual.

If your boss is constantly yelling

There is a conspiracy against the boss's shouting. When he screams, you need to look between his eyebrows and say to yourself:

“Servant of God (name of boss), I put the heart of an angel in you, I forbid anger and shouting. Amen".

You need to talk until he calms down. This will not instill great love in your boss, but it will help relieve his anger for a while.

Sometimes no other methods other than conspiracy help correct the situation.

If this method does not help, you can use another method. You need to stand on the heel of your right foot so that your whole body rests on it. Looking at your boss, you need to say to yourself:

“I’m taking away your tongue. I will tame your heart! I control my fifth over you (boss’s name)! Amen".

These spells belong to white magic and will help relieve stress and negativity. The boss will definitely reconsider his position. With a conspiracy you can attract not only the love of a young man, but also your boss. It will help you gain the favor of senior management.

Conspiracy from the boss's anger

There is a conspiracy that will help get rid of your boss’s nagging and instill understanding and kindness in him. He will also tame the evil tongues of his colleagues. It is necessary to tear off a little of the top layer of birch bark at noon. It should be predominantly white. The next morning at sunrise, say 7 times:

“I took it as I was told. I took it for good, not for evil. Amen".

A piece of bark is wrapped in cloth and carried with you to work. The evil boss will become more merciful.

Before going to the boss’s office for a reprimand, you need to pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. Just as King David was distinguished by humility and meekness, and was merciful to his faithful servants, so would it be to me, the servant of God (name), all the leading officials and righteous judges were humble, meek and merciful.”

If the boss clearly dislikes an employee for no reason, you need to read a powerful plot that is suitable for this case:

“Jesus Christ, arise to help me.

I go to the upper room, they are sitting there

Kings with kings, lords with lords,

All the powers over me are silent, like walls.

They take the plates, I take the knife out from under my heart,

I shut the throats of my enemies.

My top, my truth, my victory.

I'll turn around in all directions

And I am not afraid of you, my enemies. Amen".

The ritual is performed in the evening on the waxing moon. The words are read over a plate of running water. Then you need to drink a few sips and go to bed. Wash your face with this water in the morning and pour the rest outside. The steps are repeated after a month.

Many bosses often have angry outbursts that need to be dealt with.

The following spell will reduce the anger of the leader. On the waning moon, from 3 to 5 am, you need to cover the table with a white tablecloth. They put their favorite drink and delicious food on it. It's better to cook it yourself. Next, light a blue or orange candle, eat the dish and say:

“Here are my lips, here are my teeth - sharp, strong, white and tenacious. I grab with my lips and eat away with my teeth the nagging, reproaches, dashing conversations.”

Then everyone washes it down with a drink and says:

“Let the sun shine and the winds drive away!

These forces themselves know what to illuminate and what to drive away!

Let it be so!".

They put out the candles and go to bed.

Special spell for salt

It often happens that an employee shows diligence and considerable effort, but management does not notice this and even constantly threatens with a salary reduction or demotion. Many people are familiar with this unfair situation. In this case, a strong salt spell will help. On Maundy Thursday you need to take 7 pinches of salt and pour it into a saucer. Say these words:

“My guardian angel, my deliverer angel, dispel bad thoughts about me, open the blind eyes of the servant of God (name of the boss), let him forget his grievances, protect me from him. Amen".

They take the charmed salt with them to work and scatter it near the boss’s office, at their workplace and at the main entrance. This must be done so that no one notices. Very soon the management’s attitude will change for the better, lucrative offers will follow, and a new stage of cooperation will begin.

For promotion

In order for your boss to promote you, you need to put on any new thing, walk around in it for three days and say:

“I put on a new thing, I make a new career for myself, friendship and service are good for me, success in work, understanding among people. From now on, the boss sees in me, God’s servant (name), only his equal.”

You need to perform the ritual on your birthday. The dressed item is then rinsed in clean water and sprayed on the work area.

Consequences of the conspiracy

Such prayer texts have negative consequences if the ritual was performed incorrectly. Thus, the employee may be subject to the hatred and anger of the boss. He is capable of cutting salaries, demoting and even firing. It will no longer be possible to return the boss’s love.

Anyone who does not perform the ritual according to the rules may lose a large sum of money and undermine his health. Luck will turn away from such a person. Therefore, you can resort to conspiracy only in extreme cases, provided that all the rules are followed.

There are conspiracies to get rid of your boss. To begin with, they advise you to try to gain his respect and friendship. To do this, you need to reconsider your behavior at work, start loving and appreciating yourself. And the conspiracy will always be additional support and help.

A spell on your boss is a popular magical ritual that will allow you to win the favor of even a very angry and always nagging boss. There are also improvements in relationships with colleagues. From this article you will learn how to appease a strict boss and go to work every time as if it were a holiday.

White magic rituals have a positive effect. If your boss is unfairly picking on you, you have the opportunity to change his attitude towards you. Thanks to conspiracies, the scales will definitely fall from your boss’s eyes, and instead of anger or resentment, he will be filled with respect, solidarity and other positive emotions towards you.

In order for the ceremony to have the desired effect, it is important to prepare for it correctly:

  • Clear visualization is required. Every time you leave for work, imagine that you are getting rid of all the negative energy, visualize yourself shaking hands with your boss, and a new stage of cooperation begins. You can imagine a salary increase, receiving praise for the successful implementation of a project.
  • Rid yourself of the feeling of fear of your boss. Think about what causes his negative attitude towards you? It is also recommended to light blue candles in your home - they will have a beneficial effect on the situation and contribute to the release of friendly energy.
  • You need to achieve a state of complete calm, carefully analyze the situation and only after that begin to perform the ritual itself. It is important that you have enough energy for this magical action.
  • It is necessary to call on the Saints for help, ask them for help.

Conspiracies for successful work

Conspiracy from the boss-energy vampire

If after each meeting you feel unwell, you have a headache, your mood deteriorates, your pulse becomes faster, or you experience other discomfort - of course, a couple of times this can be attributed to physical illness. But when you regularly encounter such phenomena, it’s worth considering that your boss is probably a real energy vampire and it’s worth taking measures to protect yourself from him.

The total number of repetitions should be seven. It is important to pronounce the slander clearly, without getting confused during the reading process.

A spell for your boss that you should read before leaving for work.

In the morning, when you are getting ready to go to work, you need to wash your face using specially charmed milk. You need to say the following words:

The time of the ceremony is twelve o'clock at night. You will need to take one large spoon of sugar and say it like this:

Then you quietly pour sugar under your boss’s office. Very soon his attitude towards you will change in the most dramatic way.

An important point is that when you pronounce the spell, it is important that your breath touches the sugar.

This spell should be used if your boss treats you unfairly.

Take a handful of poppy seeds, chant them, and then sprinkle a small amount on your desk or under your evil boss's door.

The poppy spells like this:

A very common situation is when a person makes significant efforts at work, tries hard, and everything works out quite well for him. But the boss does not appreciate his work, constantly looks for various flaws in it, and forces him to redo it many times. There may even be threats regarding loss of bonuses, salary cuts or dismissal.

If you also find yourself in a similar unenviable position, do not rush to get upset. Just seek help from the following magical ritual.

To perform it, you will need to prepare a saucer and salt collected on Maundy Thursday.

Wait until evening, take 7 pinches of salt, pour it into a saucer and say the following spell:

The next morning, take the salt with you to work and discreetly sprinkle a small amount of it next to your formidable boss’s office. You should also sprinkle some salt under your office and front door. Very soon you will be pleasantly surprised by the positive changes in your work.

A conspiracy to change your boss's attitude towards you

This is a stronger version of the conspiracy; it should be used in especially severe cases. But you are allowed to resort to it only once a month.

To perform it, you will need to stock up on the following arsenal of items:

  • three blue candles;
  • a coin taken from your wallet;
  • a ball of white thread;
  • holy water.

Wednesday is considered a suitable day of the week for a conspiracy.

The ritual is performed in the following stages:

  1. You are left at home alone with yourself. You can lock yourself in your room, but it is very important that no one disturbs you during the ritual.
  2. You should write the name of your boss on a piece of plain paper.
  3. Then put the candle on a piece of paper with the name and light it.
  4. Now imagine your formidable boss in detail: remember the peculiarities of his behavior, his voice, the words with which he offends you. Peer into the candle flame and burn all negative energy in your thoughts. Fill your heart with love as much as possible.
  5. When your consciousness is completely cleared of negative emotions, you will need to drink holy water poured into a glass and say the following spell:
  6. Repeat the hex until you completely wind the ball. Keep it in your home in a secret place. And the coin should be taken and secretly placed in the boss’s office. Very soon you will be able to enjoy the results.

    With the help of the described slander, you can improve your relationship with your boss, and also improve the atmosphere in the team.

Every person periodically suffers from attacks from a leader, even if he treats him fairly well. However, some bosses do everything to humiliate the employee and notice his every mistake and mistake. Fines, salary cuts and even obscene curses are also possible. Sometimes it is not possible to earn the manager’s approval on your own, so a person begins to think about how to use mysticism to get respect at work and how to get rid of nagging.

Anyone can hope for the favor of their boss if they perform a magical ritual for approval. The main thing is to believe that the ritual will work and the attitude at work will radically change.

Almost every leader has greatly inflated self-esteem, and in most cases unjustifiably. Directors behave selfishly towards subordinates. Naturally, because of this, the team suffers and the quality of work decreases. However, we should not forget that everyone perceives criticism differently and experiences it deep down in their souls.

The boss puts himself above others, constantly confirms this and belittles his subordinates. While some individuals are able to tolerate negative attitudes and statements from managers, others gradually begin to hate their job, cannot be there quietly and try to think about leaving, even refusing high wages.

Magic rituals from an evil boss can make him not find fault, appreciate and treat him well. Moreover, no one will know that a person performed a certain ritual. It is only important to follow the instructions and also carry out some preparatory measures. Only reliable and proven rituals will attract good luck, make the manager raise his salary and stop taking out his anger on his employee.

Preparatory actions

There are many conspiracies to fire your boss and get rid of his anger. However, will magic words help against managers? Currently, many are confident that the effectiveness of the ritual depends entirely on the correctness of the actions. Also, much is determined by the mood a person is in, his readiness to forgive old grievances, getting rid of negativity and hatred of arrogant directors.

Prayer and conspiracy will only work if a person is maximally concentrated on his goal, carefully prepares for the ritual, and believes in the power of magic and higher powers.

The bosses may not warm up to their subordinates by magic; they may have to wait for some time. Under no circumstances should you despair and lose faith in the ritual; it is valuable to be sure that changes will definitely happen.

If a person doubts that the manager’s attitude towards him will change or that he will be able to continue working in such conditions, it is not recommended to carry out the ritual: it will not help anyway. It is better to turn to professionals so that the specialists can carry out the necessary ritual and instill confidence in the person. It is also worth thinking about the timing of the ritual. It is advised to carry out rituals to increase wages, to ward off envious people and to avoid being fired on Palm Sunday or Stepan’s Day.

Conspiracy against nagging

Quite often, managers have no respect for their subordinates at all. The director is greedy, cuts wages, becomes selfish and constantly finds fault. The manager also deprives the subordinate of legal days off, does not allow him to go on vacation, or fires him. It is at this time that it is useful to act urgently in order to return relations with your superiors to a more comfortable direction and save yourself from numerous problems. Then it’s time to forget and forgive all the insults and carry out a conspiracy so that the boss will appreciate.

How to do a ritual?

  • pocket icon with the name of the boss;
  • three church candles;
  • Waxing Crescent.

It is best to carry out the ritual on Tuesday on the waxing Moon, this is the time that is considered the most favorable. You should remain completely alone in the room, light candles and read the prayer three times:

“How the mother needs a child, how the sea creatures need water,
So the servant of God (name) would be necessary for his masters,
To the rulers of the world, the conquerors.
I want my boss to respect me
She always kept it to herself, did not touch or scold her.
How can sea water not cool everything down?
So my catch cannot be changed, nor destroyed,
It cannot be directed in another direction.
I close this conspiracy with the key and take care of it within myself. Amen".

After this, you can quickly feel the love of the leader and his favor. The icon with the Holy Image will protect the boss from nagging and unfair accusations against the subordinate. Soon a person will learn to communicate with his boss and get along with him, and all attacks will remain only in memories. The only relevant thing is to put the icon on the desktop.

Magical forces will influence the employee, and instead of comments, he will be constantly praised. Sometimes this happens after a few months, but they always believe in the result.

If the boss is an energy vampire

If the boss unexpectedly fired a permanent employee who has always been conscientious, then they think about whether such an attitude threatens other employees. Moreover, if the director is a real energy vampire and does not allow people to work in peace, then it is worth stopping him and reining him in.

No one wants to listen to curses and unfair accusations addressed to them, and this will happen all the time, because energy vampires need nourishment. It is recommended to use a conspiracy on a leader so that accusations turn into praise and goodwill. Before going to the boss they say the following words:

“Slave (name of boss), I give you the heart of an angel.
I will drive the evil thought out of you.
I forbid anger and shouting. Amen".

Always when shouting at subordinates, this plot is read in order to quickly calm the energy vampire and direct his energy in a different direction.

Very soon the desired calm will come, the boss’s anger will disappear almost immediately. The manager will even begin to apologize to his subordinates for his accusations and raised tone; magical powers will definitely help.

For successful work

The most effective conspiracies are prayers for mercy and good attitude from management. If you choose the ritual correctly, you will radically change the attitudes of others towards you, climb the steps of the career ladder and significantly improve your financial situation.

Secretaries, personal assistants and managers especially suffer from nagging. It is on them that managers are accustomed to throw out all the negativity. In this case, it is advisable to act radically and change the leader’s attitude towards himself. Before entering the boss’s office, it’s time to stand in front of the door and say the following words three times:

“Remember, Lord, King David and his meekness.
King David was humble, meek, and merciful.
May I, God’s servant (God’s servant) (name),
The boss will be meek and merciful to him.”

This prayer acts approximately like a mantra and has a calming effect on both the subordinate and his leader. If you pronounce the words every time before meeting with your boss, his attitude will change for the better.

Ritual for bitterness

Sometimes it happens that a person is completely satisfied with his position and salary, he is not going to change his field of activity. However, the boss does not allow a quiet life and development at all, he constantly lashes out at the employee, bullies him and tries to force him to resign. As a result, sooner or later the human factor comes into play, the employee cannot withstand the tests and nagging and writes a letter of resignation of his own free will.

Orthodoxy has never approved of witchcraft, so it tried to find other possible solutions to a difficult situation. Many will not believe it, but it is easy to rehabilitate a boss with the help of prayer. Prayers are the best option for solving work problems. It is advisable to definitely visit the church and light a candle for the director’s health and read a prayer to Saint Alexy. This elder exclusively patronizes working people, so he will certainly listen to pleas and requests.

However, in order for the request to reach the addressee, it is good to apologize to the director, forgive him for all insults and negative statements, clear his thoughts of all bad things and wish the director well. Even the most evil and harmful manager will eventually hear the pleas and change his attitude towards the employee.

You can also pray to the following Saints, they will definitely help:

  • guardian angel;
  • Mother of God;
  • To King David.

It is important to mentally ask the Saints for help, pray before entering the manager’s office, drive away all the negativity and come to a state of calm.

Instant Calm

There are situations when a tyrant constantly shouts and terrorizes an employee and is not going to stop there and calm down. If it is difficult to communicate normally with a leader, try looking at the tyrant’s face and concentrating on the area between the eyebrows. You should take a deep breath and say the following words in your thoughts:

“Slave (name of boss), I put the heart of an angel in you.
I drive the evil thought out of you. I forbid anger and shouting. Amen".

The text is spoken three times, the result will not be long in coming, the manager will calm down and will not even understand what caused his fit of anger. Only a positive attitude and calm will calm the boss down.
When reading a conspiracy in front of a leader, you should not say the words out loud. People will misunderstand noble impulses, because many do not perceive any magical influence at all. Then it will be impossible to explain it, especially if a person begins to have a bad streak.

Ritual for promotion

Many employees dream of moving up the career ladder and getting a better position with a high salary. They begin to take work home, stop resting, and even work on weekends. As a result, the manager stops paying attention to the employee’s efforts, takes his noble impulses for granted and does not plan to promote him.

However, you can talk to your manager about a promotion, but before that you should think about how to make sure that he cannot refuse. You should choose the most appropriate time for the ritual. It is imperative to wait for the waxing Moon; it is advisable to carry out the ceremony on Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday.
Even if the boss treats his employee quite normally and periodically praises him, you should choose the right words to ask for a promotion.

You need to prepare in advance for the fact that the result after the ceremony may be the most unexpected. It is likely that you will be offered a higher position at another place of work or will receive an offer to move to another city. Sometimes it is enough for a manager to be fired, and then promotion up the career ladder will begin to happen on its own.
To carry out the ceremony, you need to purchase a flower pot and fertile soil, as well as grape seeds. Seeds need to be planted in the ground at the most appropriate time. When the sprouts finally appear, you need to say the following words:

"Like my growing grapes,
which takes up all the space,
Clinging to everything
May I also grow and gain promotion,
Occupying higher and higher levels,
Increasing your power."

You need to carefully care for the plant, mentally imagining your promotion. You shouldn’t spend too much time taking care of it, because the plant may die from this, and this is a very bad omen. Professional experts in the world of magic recommend choosing Saturday for the ceremony.

Ritual from dismissal

No one is immune from staff reductions at work. Employees begin to weave numerous intrigues just to stay in the workplace. Very often the psychological situation becomes even more tense if someone quits a good position. That is why it is worth using magical powers.
The spell on pine cones became known in ancient times. Previously, people practiced worshiping trees and prayed to them for help, and the forces of nature always helped them. The important thing is that the ritual is very strong and powerful, so all the rules are strictly followed.

You should stock up on two pine cones, plasticine or clay. Stick a sticky substance to the cones, light a candle in front of a mirror and heat the sticky mass. After this, connect all the elements and say the following words:

"Spirits of nature, come to the rescue,
Glue me to my work like these two bumps together.”

After this, the cones are used as a talisman; they will become an excellent obstacle to dismissal. Well, when you change jobs, you just need to separate the cones.

Lock ritual

A castle can become the strongest talisman in your work life. It is very often used for binding and other rituals. Iron has a powerful relationship with all the spirits of the earth. If there is a threat of layoffs at work, then it’s time to make a talisman out of a castle and stop worrying about being fired.

They buy a new lock and keep it at work, in a desk or office, away from prying eyes for three days. The lock chain is kept under the bed. The metal will be filled with the energy of work and person for three days, and then reliably connect them.

Exactly at midnight they go to a park or forest, find an oak tree, wrap it in a chain and hang a lock. The main thing is to find a tree that is not entirely in a crowded place, so that the device will not be removed. The key should be collected and kept at your workplace. The main thing is to break the iron when a person retires or finds a new job.

Conspiracies and rituals against the tyrant’s boss are quite complex, but they were known in ancient times. Thanks to them, a modern person will not experience stress in the workplace, will get rid of nagging and attacks, unfair accusations, will pacify the manager’s anger and forget about him forever.

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Almost every person has to spend quite a lot of time at work, and mutually beneficial relationships with superiors are simply vital. But it often happens that among the bosses there are evil tyrants who find fault with every occasion.

In order not to quit your favorite job and not shed bitter tears, you should carry out a conspiracy on your boss, which will help establish good relationships and a favorable microclimate at work.

For the conspiracy to work

Many people around the world suffer from the selfishness, stinginess and loudness of their leadership, which rarely tends to feel love for its subordinates. And often employees have to experience unpleasant outbursts of anger and listen to constant reprimands.

In order for the boss to stop nagging, it is very useful to use one of the effective magic spells. But it is not enough to simply read the magic words and then wait for the boss to change his attitude to a more favorable one.

Any magical effect requires compliance with a certain list of rules:

  • Before performing the ritual, you should completely calm down: a stressful or nervous state will negatively affect the action of magic and will not allow you to achieve the desired result;
  • any conspiracies and prayers require complete concentration: absolute concentration on the goal will enhance the magical effect many times over;
  • clear visualization is very important: during a conspiracy it is necessary to imagine the image of the boss down to the smallest detail;
  • Before carrying out the ceremony, you should select everything you need: the absence of even one item will change the plot and lead to completely different consequences than were expected.
  • any conspiracy requires the ability to keep a secret: you should always perform the ritual completely alone and not tell anyone about it, only in this case will you be able to achieve the desired results.

In addition to all of the above, you will have to be patient. After execution, a conspiracy to favor the boss usually does not take effect immediately. Often you have to wait several weeks or even months for the leader to change his anger to mercy.

To make time pass faster, it makes sense to put in your own efforts: try to complete assignments faster, show initiative, and even stay late at work.

Almost any conspiracies can remove the boss’s hostility, but you need to strongly believe in them. After all, a lot depends on the inner mood. After some time, a change in the attitude of the authorities will become noticeable, even to the point of issuing a bonus or valuable bonus.

When the impact of the conspiracy becomes clear, it is very important to say words of gratitude to the higher powers for the help provided.

Several effective rituals

More than one employee wants to be a priority for his superiors, wanting to achieve his favor and special favor. And so that the boss does not find fault, he often uses various conspiracies and sentences. Preference should be given to ancient folk rituals.

The most famous conspiracies are the following:

On a gray poppy

In a special store you need to purchase some gray poppy and carry out the spell on an even day of the week. You need to take a little poppy seed in your left palm and say:

“The Lord created heaven and earth and adorned it with height and beauty. And God endowed me with beauty, intelligence and strength. And my enemies will never crush me under their thumb and never reach me with evil words. The holy poppy in my hands will help what has been said come true. And therefore I wish my boss (say his name) to become meek and humble like King David. Amen!"

You should read the spell 3 times, then put the charmed poppy into a bag sewn with your own hands. Early in the morning at work, you should scatter poppy seeds on the doorstep of your superiors, and gradually the reprimands and complaints will begin to dry up.

On birch bark

A special ritual using birch bark will help you get rid of anger and make your bosses love you. At exactly noon, you should go to a pre-selected birch tree and pick a small piece of birch bark. You should try to choose a piece of white color without black inclusions.

The next day, at the first rays of the sun, you should take the birch bark in your left hand and say 7 times:

“As ordered, I take it. For good, not for evil! Amen!"

Then you should carefully wrap the birch bark in a piece of colorful, beautiful fabric and hide it in your work clothes pocket. Her daily presence will help you gain the favor of your superiors and attract success at work.

To yourself

When a manager constantly shouts at work, not wanting to calm down, a spell against the boss’s anger, which is performed directly on oneself, will help in this situation. You need to come close to the mirror and look closely at the area between the eyebrows. Next you should say the magic words.

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 36 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

So that the boss does not scold

So that the boss does not scold

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, my daughter works for a businessman. He ruined all her nerves. He constantly scolds him for something, finds fault with him over various nonsense. It's a rare day that my daughter comes home without tears, I feel so sorry for her. It is very difficult for her to find a job in her profession. So I turn to you with a request to teach you a prayer that will protect my daughter.”

Read before leaving home:

First time, good hour.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.


I am a wolf, my enemy (name) is a sheep,

Let him not say

Not a word against me.

How people go to church on Easter,

They look at the holy icon with affection,

So it would be (such and such)

(name) looked at me,

He didn’t dare to offend me.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


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So that the boss does not bully me. From the letter: “I worked as an accountant for more than twenty years. And they gave me certificates, and I received thanks. But a new boss came, and there is not a single day when he doesn’t insult me ​​in front of everyone. He screams and calls him an old fool and a dumbass. All reports

From the book Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

So that the son does not drink. They wash the windows on Maundy Thursday, pour the last water during washing into a jar and pour it into the son’s back seven times when he leaves the house, with the words: As I gave birth to you, I nursed you with my milk, so would you, servant of God ( name), did not drink alcohol, did not pour mash, or pour wine into my mouth. Window

From the book Astrology. From past to present. How to bring the state of happiness closer? author Mazova Elena

So that the husband does not drink They talk about food, but not about drinking: If you eat, you eat, but you don’t drink. A flammable snake, an effervescent bastard, hiss, burn, not effervescent mash, flammable vodka. I tied it in words, I ordered it in deeds. Key, lock, tongue, Amen. Amen. Amen.

From the author's book

From the author's book

So that the actor is popular (so that people don’t dote on their souls, don’t see enough, don’t hear enough) They say when entering a pool, river, lake, etc.: I am a singer-queen, I am a golden marten, I am a dear sable, a nightingale singer. Whoever looks at me will not be surprised, an asterisk to all the stars, to all the nightingales

From the author's book

So that the boss does not bully me. From the letter: “I worked as an accountant for more than twenty years. He had certificates and gratitude. But a new boss came, and there is not a single day when he does not insult me ​​in front of everyone. He screams and calls him an old fool and a dumbass. He forces me to report

From the author's book

From the author's book

A conspiracy so that your family will be attracted to you, respect you, have many friends. You will need: well water, a container with wide edges like a ladle, a church candle. Time of the ritual: evening Place: indoors Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week:

From the author's book

Soul boss North Node - in Capricorn, South Node - in CancerWho were you in a past life. Your past relates to the Cancer sign and many of its professions. In past lives, you could have been a nanny, a nurse, a mother of many children, the father of a large family,