Bright makeup. How to apply daytime makeup? Secrets of an experienced makeup artist

Other reasons

In the coming season, the main trend is bright makeup. Of course, the colors of cosmetics that are very striking are quite a bold decision and not every girl is able to make this. The ability to independently do unnoticeable everyday makeup that emphasizes strengths and hides flaws is an integral plus. But there are still occasions and events where you need to be the center of attention and attract admiring glances. When creating eye-catching makeup at home, the main thing is not to overdo it.

It is worth remembering one important rule - if you focus on your eyes and use bright, rich colors for this, then your lips should remain natural natural tones. Whereas if the lips have a rather catchy color, the eyes should not attract much attention - this is the so-called one-accent rule!

Bright makeup suits absolutely all representatives of the fairer sex, the main thing is to choose the right colors that suit your skin tone, eye and hair color and, of course, your outfit. It is quite important to consider the number of bright shades on the face; there should not be more than three. Otherwise, you risk getting a vulgar and pretentious image instead of a bright, beautiful one.

As with any other creation, the condition of the skin is important for this luscious make-up. Being eye-catching, your image will attract many glances, which means your face and skin will be the center of attention.

Bright makeup for blue eyes

Eyes of a gentle sky blue or blue-blue are very beautiful and unusual in themselves and without makeup. They can be complemented by colors such as purple, lilac, yellow, pink and blue. The lighter the iris of your eyes, the brighter the shade should be. Bright makeup for blue eyes can be created quite simply with your own hands.


A makeup made from orange and orange colors will be quite unusual.

  1. Apply rich orange eyeshadow to the outer corner of the eyelid;
  2. Using a thin brush, draw the lower eyelid step by step with the same color;
  3. Apply a yellow shade to the inner corners of the eyes and blend the border between them;
  4. Eyebrows should remain natural, calm tones; apply a little transparent silver shadow under them. This will give your look a special charm;
  5. Eyelashes should be covered with classic black mascara. Do not use colored mascara;
  6. Using thin eyeliner, make an arrow along the line of the upper eyelid that does not extend beyond the outer corner of the eyes.

This kind of make-up will refresh your face and is ideal for a day walk.

Bright makeup for gray eyes

Oh, those gray eyes! How many songs have been sung about them! They drive men crazy and make women jealous. What can be said about them when the charming eyes acquire a new style. Bright makeup for gray eyes mainly includes black and silver shades, yellow and blue, purple and green. They perfectly complement the depth of gray eyes.

Blue arrows

This type of makeup is ideal for both evening events and everyday use.

  1. Apply black shadow to the outer corners of the eyes, lightly highlight the lower eyelid with a pencil of the same color;
  2. Take a wide blue pencil and continue the arrow with it, it should seem to come out of the black shadows.
  3. Apply a thick layer of silver shadow to the inner corners of your eyes. All color transitions must be well shaded.
  4. Complete the look with classic black mascara.

Bright makeup for brown eyes

Not all bright, saturated colors suit brown eyes. A good combination would be blue and dark burgundy, black and hot pink. Owners of brown eyes should not use shades of blue and green tones, this will make the look tortured and tired.


  1. Apply dark blue shadows to the moving part of the eyelid;
  2. Place a strip of yellow immediately above them;
  3. And at the very top there should be a silver tint;
  4. All transitions are carefully shaded, and a three-color shade is created before the eyes;
  5. The lower eyelid should be lightly lined with a blue pencil.

It is worth saying that such bright makeup for brown eyes looks stunning. The eyes become especially expressive and visually appear larger. Not a single male gaze can pass by such eyes.

Bright makeup for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties with cat eyes can complement their look with colors such as red and purple, pink and green, as well as dark brown. You should not use black shades in large quantities, of course, unless you are going to Halloween.

Green silver

Bright makeup for green eyes looks especially good with your native green color. The scheme for its creation is quite simple.

  1. Take a light green pencil of medium thickness and create an outline for the moving eyelid;
  2. Apply green shadows on top two shades lighter than the pencil;
  3. Draw a line under the eyebrows with gray shadows, also line the lower eyelid with gray;
  4. You can choose gray or brown mascara for this make-up; it is worth remembering that it is necessary to shade the color transitions.

This make-up will be a great addition to an evening outfit.

Bright make-up and hair color

You should choose the color scheme of shades, relying not only on eye color, but also on hair color. Those shades that perfectly complement bright makeup for blondes can ruin the same bright makeup for brunettes.

  • Bright makeup for blondes includes shades of almost all warm colors. Due to their “snow-whiteness,” blondes have a lot of advantages in choosing bright colors for makeup. However, they should avoid cold shades of blue, blue and purple.

  • Brunettes are more limited in choosing the composition of shadows. In order to do bright makeup for brunettes, you should stick to shades of brown, pink and purple. There is one nuance that all stylists know. Brunettes should pay attention to the color of their eyes and choose an eyeliner of exactly the same color. If your eyes have a black shell, then the eyeliner should be black, and if your eyes are framed by a light brown color, then give preference to olive tones.

Bright lip makeup

Bright lipstick only works when the emphasis is on the lips. The eyes should remain natural. This season, some of the leading colors are red, pink, and carrot-red. In any case, the lipstick should go well with your skin color and the chosen outfit.

The instructions for applying bright lipstick are practically no different from the instructions for applying lipstick of other colors. There is only one note: when using bright colors, it is advisable to use one that will not allow the color to spread.

From all of the above, we can conclude that bright, rich makeup is becoming more and more confident in everyday life. Bright wedding makeup has become quite popular among modern brides. Bright wedding makeup mainly contains shades of white, gray, pink and blue; of course, the choice of colors should be individual for each girl.

Video: master class on creating bright makeup

Correct application of daytime makeup requires knowledge of certain rules, only then will you look brilliant, and most importantly appropriate, no matter how strange it may sound. Relevance in this case is too important to be neglected, for example, bright makeup in the daytime is more likely to discourage your interlocutor than to fascinate and cause delight - wearing bright makeup during the day is not accepted. You can glean the main ones from this material.

How to do beautiful daytime makeup?

At first, . Before applying makeup directly, make sure that the skin is perfectly cleansed and dry - this way, the cosmetics will “lie” evenly and beautifully on your face. Prepare your skin, especially if it is cold outside and you are using powder or foundation. Sadly, such cosmetics “dry” the skin and clog pores, so it will be just fine if you apply a light cream to your face and let it absorb before using decorative cosmetics.

Powder or foundation?

It all depends on the condition of your skin and the effect you want. In terms of harmfulness, foundation wins, but ordinary powder will not give such an amazing effect. By the way, now there are powders that can be used as foundations. The texture is usually very soft and pliable; as soon as you wet the sponge and apply it to the skin, it will glow, the manufacturers promise.

The main secret of this powder is that you don’t need to wet anything, because its texture is such that when you apply the powder to your face, you get the effect of a foundation, it fits so perfectly, but there is less harm to the skin!

Beautiful daytime makeup also depends on your accuracy - the impression is often spoiled by the even contour of the “powder mask” at the hairline - the powder must be shaded very carefully. If you have dark hair, after shading, take a damp sponge and very lightly touch the roots of the hair at the growth line - the sponge will remove any grains of powder that may have gotten into the hair.


The daytime makeup technique involves using blush in moderation. However, you only need them if you have pale skin or a rounded face that you want to make visually narrower. To do this, apply blush to your cheekbones and blend thoroughly - the effect is amazing.

The same applies to wide, from the point of view of their mistresses, noses - darken the side parts (before the beginning of the wings of the nose) a little with blush - bravo, your nose is like a doll's!

Eye makeup

How to properly apply daytime makeup is a burning topic, especially when it comes to. Everything is important here - eye color, cut, and your favorite cosmetics.

1. Blue, gray-blue, light green eyes can become part of the makeup, figuratively speaking, of course. It is important to remember that very dark shadows are not appropriate during the day, but when making up eyes with a light shade, the eyelids still need to be darkened a little - a contrast effect (light eyes will shine if you frame them with a deep shade of gray, for example, leaving the inner part of the eyelid (closer to the bridge of the nose) light).

2. Dark eyes (brown, black) should be framed with light ones, however, a little eyeliner or pencil won’t hurt if you choose a nice light shade of eyeshadow that will also contrast with the eye color.

3. If you are a fan of natural makeup and use only mascara, still get a light beige eyeshadow that is a tone lighter than your skin tone. Thus, by applying eye shadow and mascara to your eyelashes, you will look brighter even with natural makeup - this little trick will focus on your eyes.

4. Light shadows in the corners of the eyes (at the bridge of the nose) help to visually enlarge the eyes.

5. If your brow line is low and you don't like it, use a light shadow to lighten the top of the eyelid along the brow bone.

6. How to do daytime makeup correctly? The answer is simple - do it wisely! Never combine bright lip and eye makeup. The word "bright", in this case, means highlighting both the lips and the eyes at the same time - this is wrong. You need to choose one thing, and only slightly emphasize the second. That is, focusing on the eyes, it is better to either not touch the lips at all, or just highlight them a little with a transparent gloss, or better yet, with a matte light lipstick that will be no more than one shade darker than your lips.

The same applies to lips: if you choose bright lipstick or lip gloss, then you shouldn’t paint your eyes; mascara is enough.

Pencils and eyeliners

How to apply daytime makeup to look beautiful? Moderately and only, however, this does not mean that eyeliners and pencils should be thrown away - under no circumstances! It’s just that during the day they don’t need to be combined with bright lipsticks and dark shadows, but beautiful arrows and mascara are beautiful, however, do not overdo it - proper daytime makeup should not be very catchy, that is, the arrows should not be sweeping and provocative, but It’s best to simply outline the upper eyelid and add mascara - the look will become more expressive, and no one will accuse you of vulgar daytime makeup.

Lipsticks and lip glosses

How to do beautiful daytime makeup? Very simple. Someone spends half their salary on a makeup artist, someone goes to courses, and the smartest girls simply study the simple rules of daytime makeup and use them, just like you are doing now.

It doesn’t matter whether you prefer lipstick or gloss, the main thing is to know when to stop. Firstly, during the day it is advisable to choose a not very bright lipstick, not necessarily light, but not bright scarlet either - such, say, aggressive colors and shades are appropriate in the evening, but not during the day. Secondly, there is no need to turn your beautiful lips, as well as your face, into a canvas for an artist painting in oils - an abundance of gloss on the lips has never made a single girl more beautiful.

It will be useful to watch a video tutorial on applying daytime makeup. This example is really simple, but it looks amazing. See for yourself:

Any girl wants to look great always and everywhere - at work or a party, at home, walking in the park, while shopping, etc. In all these cases, not only accessories and clothes play a very important role. One of the most important components of any image is makeup. Bright or casual, with an emphasis on the eyes or lips - any of these options can be implemented successfully and effectively on yourself, if you do not forget about the most important rules.

The main rules of makeup

1. In any case, you should not forget whether your image is appropriate in a given situation. If your makeup is bright and you are at work, your boss is unlikely to appreciate such a significant departure from office norms. Save aggressive tones for parties and holidays, and use neutral and pastel colors for everyday makeup.

2. It is important to remember the golden rule: you need to emphasize either your eyes or your lips. If you use excessively bright makeup on all areas of your face, your image will look vulgar.

3. Learn to choose the right tones. This is one of the key answers to the question “How to do bright makeup?” More than half the success of your makeup depends on how correctly and successfully you choose the tones. This should be done based on the color of not only your clothes, but also accessories, hair and eyes, etc.

4. Mask your imperfections. With the help of makeup, you can hide chubby cheeks, an overly high forehead or a thick neck, visually shorten your nose or hide a hump on it. It is important to be able not only to emphasize the advantages, but also to hide the shortcomings. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether the makeup is bright or casual.

How to choose the right cosmetics

Any cosmetic product is in direct contact with the most delicate areas of your body, and that is why you need to be careful when choosing it. Many girls very quickly get excited about the idea of ​​​​creating bright makeup. Photos of the consequences of using expired mascara, chosen in a hurry, are truly terrifying. In order to buy the product that will be ideal for you, you do not have to chase expensive brands.

Just pay attention to a few nuances:

Before buying mascara or lipstick, make sure that its packaging is not damaged, chipped or other defects;

All letters on the bottle should not be blurry;

Always check the expiration date of the product;

Choose only those cosmetics that suit your skin type;

Always do a test for an allergic reaction - apply the product to your wrist and wait a few minutes; if it causes redness and itching on your skin, it is strictly prohibited to use it;

Beware of counterfeits, as they can be harmful to your health.

Creating the basis for spectacular makeup

If we summarize all the knowledge about how to correctly create an image, we can derive several basic rules that apply in any situation. The situation is exactly the same with cosmetics. Makeup is bright, evening, neutral or wedding - it doesn’t matter at all. Each of them has certain common features, which we will consider.

1. Cosmetics should only be applied to a clean face. You should wash your face with a special product first.

2. It is better to apply foundation to slightly damp skin with a sponge. For greater durability, you can set it on top with powder, but for everyday makeup this is too “heavy” - the pores get clogged and the skin doesn’t breathe. Also, if desired, you can use powder to emphasize your cheekbones or visually reduce or enlarge the desired area of ​​your face.

3. Any, and especially bright eye makeup, requires the ability to effectively highlight eyelashes. To make them appear thicker, you need to powder them a little before applying mascara. Mascara is applied in a zigzag motion to the lower or upper eyelid in one or two layers; if necessary, the eyelashes are separated from each other with a dry brush.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape

The key to the success of any makeup is properly defined eyebrows. If this is necessary, then take the time to give them a neat and correct shape. The main reference points for creating the desired effect will be, oddly enough, the eyes and nose. To calculate where the maximum bend in the eyebrow should be, draw a guide in the middle of the eye. The beginning and end of the eyebrow should create an even, straight and diagonal line, respectively.

Special shadows or a pencil will help make your eyebrows clearer. If your eyebrows are too thick or the hairs on them are long, you can style them with a special gel at the end of your makeup.

Makeup with an emphasis on lips

This makeup has long become a classic thanks to Audrey Hepburn and her beautiful look. It's perfect for office work or a date.

1. Apply foundation to the face, masking minor imperfections.

2. We begin to carefully draw the arrows with a pencil or marker, if necessary, using a special template for this.

3. Paint your eyelashes.

4. We begin to form spectacular lips. We select a pencil and lipstick of the same shade. We outline the contour of the lips, visually enlarging them. We paint our lips with long-lasting and bright lipstick, and, if necessary, fix the makeup with a special product.

Wedding make-up

When you hear the word “wedding,” associations immediately arise with the sophisticated image of the bride, one of the most important components of which is bright wedding makeup.

You need to find a middle ground so that it is not aggressive, and at the same time makes the eyes expressive.

1. Cover the entire space under the eyebrow with white shadows, gradually going down to the inner tip of the eye.

2. Apply a base shade to the middle of the eyelid and gradually begin to apply shades one tone darker, moving towards the outer corner of the eye. From the inner corner of the eye we move to the middle, also gradually increasing the shade by one tone.

3. Draw a straight black arrow.

4. Carefully paint over your eyelashes or attach false eyelashes.

5. To complete the makeup, cover the lips with a gloss of a delicate shade.

Makeup for a fiery party

For special occasions or parties, we always select extraordinary clothes and many stylish accessories.

We follow exactly the same rule when choosing bright evening makeup.

1. Under the maximum bend of the eyebrow, paint the eyelid with white shadows. From the inner corner of the eye to the middle of the eyelid, paint the eye with silver shadows.

2. Draw a gray stripe between white and silver. Next, moving from it to the outer corner of the eye, we gradually paint the eyelid a tone darker. The darkest shadows will be concentrated in the outer corner.

3. Draw a barely noticeable line with eyeliner.

4. We paint eyelashes or attach false ones.

5. Apply nude or cool pink lipstick to the lips and secure it on top with a neutral gloss.

Smokey eyes makeup

Perhaps, smoky eyes cannot be ignored if such a topic as bright makeup is discussed. Photos of many models and actresses confirm that over time it is only gaining popularity.

1. Highlight the space under the eyebrow with white shadows. Paint the inner corner white or soft pink.

2. Along the entire length of the eyelid, we begin to make a transition from pink to black, using brown, gray, smoky and black colors.

3. Apply eyeliner to the lower eyelid, and draw an upward arrow on the upper eyelid, protruding beyond the eye.

4. Simply cover your lips with gloss.

A final word about makeup

Cosmetics are an integral part of every woman's life. But you shouldn’t chase other people’s standards of beauty. Love yourself for who you are and learn to be comfortable with or without makeup.

Bright lip makeup looks juicy, sexy, expressive, elegant. Provided, of course, that you did it correctly! I remember before, when I tried to do a beautiful, and most importantly, even lip makeup with bright lipstick, I ended up looking like a frost-beaten Matryoshka doll.

How often do you put down a tube of red or bright pink lipstick simply because you're not sure it will fit you perfectly? You may even have decided that the color isn't right for you or that it's "too bright" for the outdoors. In general, these are the most common words in comments to my makeup posts. “You can’t go outside like that,” you say. Ha ha! Twice. “You don’t like cats? You just don’t know how to cook them!”

I am sharing with you a fairly simple guide on how to achieve the perfect lip shape and wear bright lipstick proudly and with dignity every day!

  • Step 1: Prep your lips (and face). I recommend using a lip exfoliant first. This way the lipstick will last longer. This step cannot be skipped! Once your lips have achieved a natural "smoothness", apply a primer to and around the lips to fill pores and creases around the mouth to prevent product from bleeding.
  • Step 2: Masking "irregularities". Take some time to cover up the redness. Most of us use red or hot pink for bright lip makeup - the most. Therefore, it is very important to make sure that any redness on your face is hidden. Otherwise, red or pink lipstick will only increase the redness of the skin.
  • Step 3: Create a simple look. But this does not mean that you should only put on lipstick and that’s it. Be sure to pay attention to facial tone and sculpting. The face should not be left “naked”; the ideal skin tone is the key to a stunning image.

  • Step 4: Choose your lipstick shade. No matter how strange it may sound, the abundance of samples and choice of shades in cosmetic stores makes choosing the right lipstick color quite easy. The key to success here is simple. You don’t even need to know any tricks about it - just go through all the shades until you find “the one” that instantly sinks into your soul. Whether this shade suits you or not will also be visible immediately as soon as you “try it on”, and you will see that it creates an ideal combination with your skin tone (or it doesn’t, then continue your search).
  • Step 5: Divide your lips into three or four sections. Mentally! Put the knife down! :D This mental “separation” will help you see where on the lips you need to work with a pencil. Our face is asymmetrical, so you need to know where to adjust the shape of your lips. You can also give your natural shape a more rounded shape, or vice versa - sharpen the corners. If your lower lip is more or less symmetrical, then work separately on the right and left halves of the upper lip, and the lower (that's the division into three parts). Use a sharpened pencil to ensure an even line! Bright lips do not tolerate mistakes in drawing the contour. Fill in the surface of your lips with a pencil. This is a mandatory step to avoid bald spots! Apply lipstick over the pencil, following the contour.

  • Step 6: Blot your lips with a napkin. And get wet again. For what? And then, that at the moment when you press the napkin to your lips, “removing” the top layer of lipstick, you “press” the lower layers, causing the pigment to be absorbed into the skin of your lips. Apply another layer of lipstick and blot again. The more of these manipulations you do, the less chance you will “lose” your lip color while eating, talking or kissing. To check whether the pigment is firmly seated, just place your lips on the back of your hand. Lipstick not imprinted? Congratulations, you did everything right!
  • Step 7: Apply concealer around lips to correct mistakes. Use a thin, flat concealer brush or a Q-tip. The shade of the concealer should be identical to your skin tone. This trick will also help even out the shape of your lips and create a natural light-shadow pattern.
  • Step 8: Set with powder. This is a fairly well-known professional trick that will help consolidate the longlasting effect of lipstick. Take a fluffy brush, some light-reflecting loose powder and lightly powder your lips. You can do this through a napkin so that the powder is applied evenly. Bright lip makeup is ready!

Here's some more advice from Krygina for your snack. To visualize the process! :3 Of course, you can’t remember and master all the stages right away, but be sure to save this list for yourself, try it, get better at it. Before you know it, you’ll learn to “draw” your lips quickly and evenly! And even in the morning this task will take you, well, maybe two minutes!