Victoria Yurkevich is a gifted child. Center for modern NLP technologies


Victoria Solomonovna Yurkevich

Gifted child. Illusions and reality

Gifted children are special children, and our usual standards do not fit them. But, to my great regret, for some reason it is in this problem that most teachers and child psychologists consider themselves specialists - at least to the extent that they undertake to create schools for the gifted, develop giftedness, and advise the gifted, without having special training for this.

What's the matter? Why don’t they so easily take on the development of oligophrenics - a task that is no less noble and necessary? No, here everyone understands that special (and, I must say, very serious) preparation is needed. Why is this not the case with gifted children?

One very intelligent person responded to my indignation about this by saying: Why are you indignant? Gifted children are essentially the same as all others, only better.

But no! In some ways they are really better, and in some ways they are worse than usual, and in some ways they are neither worse nor better than others.

Here, the word is named - they are different. While reading this book, please try on everything that is said here for your child, be skeptical about this very phrase “gifted child”, criticize, disagree - whatever you want, just start by thinking about what I am saying. They are different.

Yes, giftedness is not a very stable thing, it sometimes goes away with age, but still...

The door opens, a mother comes in and with her a child - it seems ordinary, like everyone else, but he says a few phrases, he looks at my papers, and his suddenly lit up look (What are your tasks? What are you doing? ), from the thread that instantly stretched between us (what thread?) I understand that this is my frame. This is the most ordinary, always unusual, gifted child. To you, quiet and noisy, cheerful and thoughtful, strange, and sometimes almost indistinguishable from ordinary ones, to you, marked by the seal of the Divine gift and bypassed by fate - this book is dedicated to all my gifted children.


1. Harmful stereotypes

There are many stereotypes in our lives, only a minority of them, concentrating living centuries-old human experience, are useful. A significant part is a kind of callous experience - something that was once reasonable under other conditions, but has become meaningless, or even simply harmful. Such stereotypes are especially dangerous in raising children, and for various reasons there are especially many of them, mostly sanctimonious and meaningless.

It seems that the main stereotype of our life has been ended forever, when for a long time in our country they proclaimed that there are no incapable children, but only incapable teachers. As a result, the majority of children in our schools are incapable of learning, and among them there are many who, under other conditions, would become gifted. However, this slogan was never a stereotype, but just an administrative instruction that caused a skeptical smile from teachers. In the middle classes of our school now almost 80% of children are incapable (they study without knowing how to study), and there is no need for special tests to verify this. Take normally achieving students and see how much time they spend preparing homework: three, four, or even five hours. As a rule, these children’s abilities are not developed, although up to a certain grade they can study quite well.

Another thing is that the same children, under other circumstances, could have become capable, but did not. And the teacher in ordinary schools deals mainly with incapable children. This is largely where the neuroses of teachers and schoolchildren come from. Not many teachers love their profession. and I understand them: there is little pleasure in teaching incapable children.

Another stereotype would seem to be the exact opposite of the first, and yet it is also a stereotype. Many teachers are convinced that teaching gifted children is a sheer pleasure, and communicating with them is easy and pleasant. Yes, working with such children is much more interesting, as for ease and pleasantness...

I often conduct an experiment with teachers that was conducted before me by the famous American psychologist P. Torrance, who became famous for his research on creative talent. Below are the personal and business qualities that a teacher encounters in his students. I suggest readers mark with a + sign those qualities that you like in students, and with a sign - what you don’t like:

1. Disciplined.

2. Uneven achiever.

3. Organized.

4. Out of step with the general pace.

5. Erudite-

6. Strange in behavior, incomprehensible.

7. Able to support a common cause (collectivist).

8. Jumping up in class with ridiculous remarks.

9. Consistently academic (always a good student).

10. Busy with his own affairs (individualist).

11. Fast, catchy on the fly.

12. Unable to communicate, conflict-ridden.

13. Easy to communicate with, pleasant to talk to.

14. Sometimes slow-witted, cannot understand the obvious.

15. Clearly, understandably for everyone, expressing their feelings we ate.

16. Not always subordinate to the majority or official leadership.

I hope it will not be a shock to many readers that it is the even qualities that most often characterize gifted children. True, gifted in a special way - creatively. Creative talent is a great happiness and a great challenge both for the owners of this Gift and for teachers and parents. But this is a conversation for another time.

Directly related to this stereotype is another one (especially widespread among teachers): gifted people are those who learn easily and quickly. Yes, easy learning refers to giftedness, but this is only one of its types (far from the most productive later, in adult life). The great Einstein was not the consolation and hope of parents and the pride of teachers. Many teachers considered him incapable, and for poor performance (though not in mathematics, as is sometimes reported) he was expelled from the gymnasium. By the way, with fairly good behavior.

Seeing a gifted child is far from easy; this requires real pedagogical intuition (parental or teacher talent) or serious psychological preparation. It is especially difficult to see creative talent, and even more difficult to develop it. There are different types of giftedness, and some of them are not yet considered giftedness in our school. And not only at school. Recently, a mother with a six-year-old son came to me for a consultation. And she was surprised to learn that her child was gifted. True, he did not have the standard set of a prodigy:

no gigantic memory, no exotic knowledge, no penchant for intellectual concerts in front of adults. But this child so selflessly solved a very difficult task for his age, had such a cognitive need that there was no doubt that his capabilities were a kind of raw material for the most significant talent.

Apparently, the idea that gifted people should amaze adults with their bright, in-your-face abilities, and, above all, with an incredible amount of knowledge and skills for their age (look, at the age of nine he knows two foreign languages, and it’s hard for me to do it alone) - this idea comes from time immemorial and is reflected in the very etymology of the word: giftedness. Giftedness comes from the word gift (gift of nature, gift of God). By the way, such an understanding exists in other languages, in particular in English. There, giftedness is giftedness from the word gift - gift.

In a sense, this is truly a gift, but for its manifestation it is necessary to meet a child, who is naturally endowed with special abilities, with a family that is ready to develop these abilities. And then - with teachers who know how to see giftedness and are not afraid of it. Only under such conditions does genuine talent appear, but, as experience shows, such meetings are quite rare.

It must be said that the so-called scientific psychology, that is, the psychology that is taught in institutes and which is presented in scientific and popular books, has not confused abilities and inclinations for a long time. Moreover, students and teachers are repeated many times that inclinations turn into abilities only through activity, and it is activity that is the basis for the development of abilities. This is very similar to the truth. Now this is also a stereotype, and the most dangerous one, because it is closest to the truth.

Believing that abilities are developed through activity, enlightened mothers and fathers take their children to clubs, studios and other development groups, where children are taught by professional teachers for a large fee. Something is not going well for the child at school - we need to work with him, develop his abilities. And so additional classes are given to the poor child, tutors are hired... Experience shows that the lessons are of no use more often than in one case out of ten. And abilities develop even less often. Most often it is a waste of effort, time and a lot of money.

The desire to raise a young child prodigy and raise him to the level of genius has haunted parents for several generations now. A professor at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, candidate of psychological sciences, head of the Moscow City Center for Work with Gifted Children told Rosbalt about how to develop giftedness in a child, and not reduce it to nothing. Victoria Yurkevich.

- Victoria Solomonovna, as far as I know, the topic of early development was extremely popular during the late USSR. Do you know what happened to these children afterwards? Did they all grow up to be geniuses?

We began to engage in early development even earlier, somewhere in the 60-70s of the last century. Similar movements were spread throughout the world. In Japan, Masaru Ibuka was very popular with his book “After Three It’s Too Late.” He believed that the most favorable age is up to three years, when the child already understands something and has not yet lost his natural need for knowledge.

Russia had its heroes. They were then called innovative teachers: Shalva Amonashvili, Sofya Lysenkova, Mikhail Shchetinin. Then there were the Nikitins, who tried to create new games, perhaps technical support for them, in order to develop the child. This trend has continued ever since. Look at the current enrollment in 3-4 year old groups!

The idea of ​​early development in itself is correct and necessary: ​​what is easy at one age may be difficult at another. Physiologists confirm: preschool age is the most sensitive in terms of the development of abilities.

Another thing is that in any idea you need to adhere to common sense. When this movement was just emerging in our country, ideologists always emphasized the word “cooperation”. Even with a small child, parents should not take the position of a mentor. The work should be based on the model of so-called subject-subject relations, when both participants in the interaction are agents of their common cause. In other words, when the child himself is the author, or co-author, of his own development.

But everyone understood these methods due to their experience, intuition and readiness. Distortions began. Blocks from Zaitsev and Doman began to appear, promising to teach your child to read by the age of two. In principle, this is real. Girls at two or three years old can definitely read, boys develop a little slower, but by the age of three or four they can also be taught this technique. But, unfortunately, at this age they are not yet prepared for meaningful reading. They have learned the technique, but they cannot read with any consciousness, fully understanding the meaning of what they read.

It turns out like this (I had a lot of children like this): “I learned to read from the age of three, but I don’t like to read.” The main task of a parent is not to teach reading as early as possible, but to make sure that the child loves reading at the right age - preferably in preschool.

Innate literacy - I often observe this phenomenon - manifests itself most often in children who began to read quite early and with interest. Today I had a boy who has been reading since he was three years old. His innate literacy is developed precisely because he began to see all these words at the most sensitive time. But this is a gifted child, with so-called accelerated development.

It’s bad when parents practically teach logarithms from the age of five. I know people like that too. In general, some distortions with early development are, unfortunately, inevitable.

- How does the desire of parents to “raise giftedness” affect their children?

It happens that it is very bad. Attending “gifted” groups often leads to children losing interest in activities for which they are not truly ready, and sometimes it works out somehow.

The position of parents is very important here. If the mother gave the child to some kind of psychologist-educators who teach him, but at the same time somewhere she explains something, does not demand, does not force, but tries to interest him, then everything works out without much harm. In general, at 2-3 years old children still cannot enjoy reading.

- It turns out that the problem is not in the methods themselves, but in the fact that parents interpret them incorrectly?

The idea of ​​teaching a child to read at two years old in itself is bad, but the harm from this can always decrease and even disappear with an intelligent mother.

It is important for parents to understand why they are doing something. There is an absolute law of child development: if he does not love what he does, if he does something at the request of adults, his abilities do not develop. He will gain skills, knowledge, but abilities... Many mothers do not know about this law, but intuitively understand that if the child does not want to, there is no need to force him. Others don't understand. These people constantly demand: “Come on, let’s read, you know how,” “Until you read it, you won’t go for a walk.” This is the best way to discourage reading.

- Are there serious scientific studies confirming the benefits or harms of early development?

Scientific research, physiological, is still not convincing enough. But in practice we see that the harm from early development is sometimes greater than the benefit. The same Japanese Ibuka does not say: “Teach him!”, He says: “The child wants to learn about the world, give him this opportunity, provide a rich environment.”

Every child is given good inclinations. Abilities grow from them. But, unfortunately, most of them go unnoticed and unused.

The truth is that it is necessary to provide the child with a rich developmental environment early, then there will be a greater chance of discerning and developing his abilities. As early as possible, start drawing with your children, put together a construction set, read about animals, solve fun puzzles, if he is interested, show how some equipment works, offer puzzles. The child will choose himself. But no violence is possible here in principle.

I see a lot of extremes. A grandmother, a retired primary school teacher, decided to make her five-year-old grandson gifted. Every day she gave him four lessons: writing, reading, mathematics... “You didn’t try hard enough!” she told him. She loved her grandson very much, but believed that toughness would not hurt - she was raising a genius! He, of course, made it into the first grade of the famous gymnasium, but they didn’t take him to the fifth grade; they said he was trained, but did not have high abilities. Purely technically, he learned something very early and remembered it, but his abilities did not develop from such activities.

- At what age can you learn a foreign language with your child?

Anything can happen. Both very good and not very good. I have seen many children with speech problems, with stuttering, who were forced to learn two languages ​​at once - the so-called bilinguals. Ideally, it is better to start learning a foreign language only when your native one has been mastered (girls already speak well at 3-4 years old, boys a little later). Then it's time for someone else's language.

- Let’s assume that our “genius” is half ready: he reads, counts, and writes. And so he goes to a regular school, where he is offered to learn all this again. Naturally, he is not interested in this. But what to do?

This is a very big problem. Previously, in the case of gifted children, we jumped to an older class, but it turned out that this did more harm than good. Imagine, he is five years old, and we put him in a class with eight-year-olds. In terms of intelligence, he is really an eight-year-old, but these children will not communicate with him as a peer. As a result, he does not build the necessary social connections and does not develop social skills.

Some schools have classes for the gifted. In addition, there is the possibility of home study. There are some other ways of working. But this problem is solved individually each time. If his social skills are good, you can move him to an older class; if not, you look for another way. Can parents study on their own? Do you have money for extra classes? All this is important. If a child is 3-4 years ahead of his peers in development, it is better to consult a specialist for advice.

- Is early development still in fashion today?

The very idea that time before school needs to be used wisely has not gone away. Another thing is that there are no longer these extremes with early reading; there seems to be no overlap in the direction of learning. And calls to raise geniuses from the age of two are heard less and less often. And thank God!

Interviewed by Anna Semenets

Author Yurkevich Victoria Solomonovna.
Professor of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences. Head of the Moscow City Center for Work with Gifted Children, scientific director of the school as a project for work with gifted children. Head of the laboratory of psychology of gifted children, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education. Scientific director of the school “Intellectual”. Head of the school’s experimental research site as a resource center for “Individual educational plans for students.” Author of books and articles on the psychology of gifted children.

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Gifted children are special children, and our usual standards do not fit them. But, to my great regret, for some reason it is in this problem that most teachers and child psychologists consider themselves specialists - at least to the extent that they undertake to create schools for the gifted, develop giftedness, and advise the gifted, without having special training for this.

What's the matter? Why don’t they so easily take on the development of oligophrenics - a task that is no less noble and necessary? No, here everyone understands that special (and, I must say, very serious) preparation is needed. Why is this not the case with gifted children?

One very intelligent person responded to my indignation about this by saying: Why are you indignant? Gifted children are essentially the same as all others, only better.

But no! In some ways they are really better, and in some ways they are worse than usual, and in some ways they are neither worse nor better than others.

Here, the word is named - they are different. While reading this book, please try on everything that is said here for your child, be skeptical about this very phrase “gifted child”, criticize, disagree - whatever you want, just start by thinking about what I am saying. They are different.

Yes, giftedness is not a very stable thing, it sometimes goes away with age, but still...

The door opens, a mother comes in and with her a child - it seems ordinary, like everyone else, but he says a few phrases, he looks at my papers, and his suddenly lit up look (What are your tasks? What are you doing? ), from the thread that instantly stretched between us (what thread?) I understand that this is my frame. This is the most ordinary, always unusual, gifted child. To you, quiet and noisy, cheerful and thoughtful, strange, and sometimes almost indistinguishable from ordinary ones, to you, marked by the seal of the Divine gift and bypassed by fate - this book is dedicated to all my gifted children.


1. Harmful stereotypes

There are many stereotypes in our lives, only a minority of them, concentrating living centuries-old human experience, are useful. A significant part is a kind of callous experience - something that was once reasonable under other conditions, but has become meaningless, or even simply harmful. Such stereotypes are especially dangerous in raising children, and for various reasons there are especially many of them, mostly sanctimonious and meaningless.

It seems that the main stereotype of our life has been ended forever, when for a long time in our country they proclaimed that there are no incapable children, but only incapable teachers. As a result, the majority of children in our schools are incapable of learning, and among them there are many who, under other conditions, would become gifted. However, this slogan was never a stereotype, but just an administrative instruction that caused a skeptical smile from teachers. In the middle classes of our school now almost 80% of children are incapable (they study without knowing how to study), and there is no need for special tests to verify this. Take normally achieving students and see how much time they spend preparing homework: three, four, or even five hours. As a rule, these children’s abilities are not developed, although up to a certain grade they can study quite well.

Another thing is that the same children, under other circumstances, could have become capable, but did not. And the teacher in ordinary schools deals mainly with incapable children. This is largely where the neuroses of teachers and schoolchildren come from. Not many teachers love their profession. and I understand them: there is little pleasure in teaching incapable children.

Another stereotype would seem to be the exact opposite of the first, and yet it is also a stereotype. Many teachers are convinced that teaching gifted children is a sheer pleasure, and communicating with them is easy and pleasant. Yes, working with such children is much more interesting, as for ease and pleasantness...

I often conduct an experiment with teachers that was conducted before me by the famous American psychologist P. Torrance, who became famous for his research on creative talent. Below are the personal and business qualities that a teacher encounters in his students. I suggest readers mark with a + sign those qualities that you like in students, and with a sign - what you don’t like:

1. Disciplined.

2. Uneven achiever.

3. Organized.

4. Out of step with the general pace.

5. Erudite-

6. Strange in behavior, incomprehensible.

7. Able to support a common cause (collectivist).

8. Jumping up in class with ridiculous remarks.

9. Consistently academic (always a good student).

10. Busy with his own affairs (individualist).

11. Fast, catchy on the fly.

12. Unable to communicate, conflict-ridden.

13. Easy to communicate with, pleasant to talk to.

14. Sometimes slow-witted, cannot understand the obvious.

15. Clearly, understandably for everyone, expressing their feelings we ate.

16. Not always subordinate to the majority or official leadership.

I hope it will not be a shock to many readers that it is the even qualities that most often characterize gifted children. True, gifted in a special way - creatively. Creative talent is a great happiness and a great challenge both for the owners of this Gift and for teachers and parents. But this is a conversation for another time.

Directly related to this stereotype is another one (especially widespread among teachers): gifted people are those who learn easily and quickly. Yes, easy learning refers to giftedness, but this is only one of its types (far from the most productive later, in adult life). The great Einstein was not the consolation and hope of parents and the pride of teachers. Many teachers considered him incapable, and for poor performance (though not in mathematics, as is sometimes reported) he was expelled from the gymnasium. By the way, with fairly good behavior.

Seeing a gifted child is far from easy; this requires real pedagogical intuition (parental or teacher talent) or serious psychological preparation. It is especially difficult to see creative talent, and even more difficult to develop it. There are different types of giftedness, and some of them are not yet considered giftedness in our school. And not only at school. Recently, a mother with a six-year-old son came to me for a consultation. And she was surprised to learn that her child was gifted. True, he did not have the standard set of a prodigy:

no gigantic memory, no exotic knowledge, no penchant for intellectual concerts in front of adults. But this child so selflessly solved a very difficult task for his age, had such a cognitive need that there was no doubt that his capabilities were a kind of raw material for the most significant talent.

Apparently, the idea that gifted people should amaze adults with their bright, in-your-face abilities, and, above all, with an incredible amount of knowledge and skills for their age (look, at the age of nine he knows two foreign languages, and it’s hard for me to do it alone) - this idea comes from time immemorial and is reflected in the very etymology of the word: giftedness. Giftedness comes from the word gift (gift of nature, gift of God). By the way, such an understanding exists in other languages, in particular in English. There, giftedness is giftedness from the word gift - gift.

In a sense, this is truly a gift, but for its manifestation it is necessary to meet a child, who is naturally endowed with special abilities, with a family that is ready to develop these abilities. And then - with teachers who know how to see giftedness and are not afraid of it. Only under such conditions does genuine talent appear, but, as experience shows, such meetings are quite rare.

From August 7 to August 20, a public discussion of the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the identification of gifted children” took place. Victoria Solomonovna YURKEVICH, candidate of psychological sciences, professor at the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, took part in the development of the draft resolution. Victoria Solomonovna told the correspondent PsyPress portal about the prospects for identifying gifted children in Russia and what the children themselves need.

– Victoria Solomonovna, the draft resolution on identifying gifted children received a large number of negative reviews during public discussion. In your opinion, did he deserve such a reaction?

– The bill actually received a lot of negative feedback. But the saddest thing is not their number, but who exactly writes them. Among them, a significant part are fellow psychologists, leading experts in our field, high professionals, for whom I have great respect - Marina Aleksandrovna Kholodnaya, Diana Borisovna Bogoyavlenskaya. You have to argue with your beloved, respected colleagues.
How are gifted children identified now? Basically, with the help of so-called intellectual competitions - these are Olympiads and competitions. Moreover, it’s not just about fame: winners of All-Russian Olympiads receive significant benefits when entering good universities. Of course, if a child honestly won, say, the All-Russian Olympiad, he is most likely gifted. But very often no less, or even more gifted child cannot win. There was not enough specific knowledge, a sports spirit - after all, this, although an intellectual one, is a sport.
The bill does not worsen the situation; it adds another method to the Olympiads - psychological and/or psychological-pedagogical examination, which reveals the intelligence, cognitive motivation and activity of the student. These are not only and not so much intellectual tests, but also a mandatory identification of the student’s activity at school and outside of school. Giftedness may not be seen if you don’t know the child, if you don’t see what he is interested in, what things he is interested in. But giftedness does not exist without activity.
Water will find a hole, and talent, if it exists, will definitely show itself somewhere. True, not always at school. And for especially gifted children, it’s often not in school. Many great people did not like school: it rarely provides opportunities for complex mental activity, especially for creative activity, understood as the creation of new ideas. At school, the student must learn the material, preferably in the form and extent that the teacher sets. Therefore, during the examination, it is important to take into account the child’s extracurricular activities.
In addition, during a psychological and pedagogical examination, teachers must be interviewed. Of course, they do not all see gifted children, especially in elementary school. There they excessively demand discipline and order: “Children, sit down! Textbooks are open! Where are you looking, Petrov?!” And at this time he looks out the window, remembers what happened yesterday. By the way, it doesn’t bother anyone. In the lower grades, where reading speed and accuracy in notebooks are required, it is difficult to see talent. But the older the children, the greater the chance that the teacher will recognize a gifted student. Especially in a strong school with strong teachers. In addition, if necessary, it is necessary to interview the leaders of additional education, and even parents. In other words, we are talking about a multilateral examination, where each individual component cannot give one hundred percent confidence that the child is gifted. But all together is a good approximation to reality.
Unfortunately, the draft resolution used a very unfortunate word – register. It evoked associations with registers of enemies of the people, registers of convicts. Sometimes the word plays a very important role. “What do you call the yacht...” This yacht was named poorly.

– The blogs discussed whether children included in the registry would be released abroad.

- It is not that simple. If, for example, gifted children are paid a scholarship, then I think there must be some kind of obligation. Naturally, if there are restrictions, then, I really hope, not for life, our people are not serfs after all. But devoting a few years to your country is smart. This is done in many countries where gifted students receive special scholarships from the state.

– What are the arguments of those who criticize the project?

– There are several objections.
First objection: we don't have a good measuring instrument. And it is true. We have a thermometer to measure temperature, but we don’t have a “talent meter” to measure giftedness. Psychologists, in principle, do not have a good tool. Man is much more complex than any technical toys. But there is a certain way out - do not trust one test or method, but use a “battery” of tests and methods. And only with a certain agreement of the results make a judgment.
In addition, now, for the most part, special intelligence tests are used, where the result should not depend on cultural characteristics or the extent of the child’s specific knowledge, the so-called free-culture tests. They do not depend on the language or the child’s previous learning. Are there such tests? Yes. One of the most famous is the Raven test. To perform it well, you do not need special knowledge, and you can speak any language. All children find themselves in an equal situation. There are several versions of the Raven's test. The one we use is very complex, it is specifically for the gifted. I test a lot, but in my practice, only three people completed the entire test easily and joyfully. One of them is a tenth grader, the second is a famous mathematician. And the third is a young man who graduated from the Faculty of Computer Science, he was invited to work at Google. When he performed the test, he was surprised how difficult it could be: this is pure logic, what’s so difficult? If a person has completed such a test, there is a high probability that he is gifted in certain respects.
But the main thing during the examination is different: any examination has only one “arm” for analysis, only positive. In other words, when analyzing the results, you need to look only at those results that turned out to be high. If a child does a test poorly, it doesn't mean anything. Here we enter the realm of uncertainty, the zone of absolute question. He may have a different type of intelligence. Maybe this person is socially gifted? Such people are very needed in society.
Or maybe the child failed the test because, for example, he had a stomach ache. Or he didn’t like the psychologist. We had such a case: a child was especially gifted, and the psychologist who worked with him, apparently, did not correspond to his ideas. The boy was well-mannered and could not be rude to the psychologist, so he pretended to be a fool and completed all the tasks in reverse. Then he explained to me that he was “kidding.” He has the right; participation in testing is his free will. The psychologist decided that the boy was mentally retarded, and he now works in France, a famous young mathematician. Gifted children are very complex people. They don’t always listen to teachers either. And if you look at a child as a trained animal: “What are you going to show us now? Surprise us,” then nothing will come of it.
The second objection: if you divide children into gifted and non-gifted, it will be “Psychological racism”. This will lead to social tension. But we do not divide children into gifted and non-gifted. We are only saying that one has been identified as gifted, and the other is in a zone of uncertainty. We cannot consider a child with undiagnosed giftedness to be ungifted.
The whole problem is that when we talk about the gifted, by default we think that we are talking about intellectually gifted children. It's not like that. The psychologist must speak loudly and clearly about this: about the “positive arm of testing”, and about different types of intelligence, and the “zone of uncertainty” that never completely disappears when identifying gifted children. And there will be no scary words like “register”, then there will be no “psychological racism”.
The third objection is that there will be a lot of corruption. It is understandable that many parents will want their child to be considered gifted. And if there are benefits or special scholarships for this, then corruption is inevitable at first. And then she will disappear completely.
The fact is that the bill does not say what the purpose of identifying gifted children is. This error is more serious than using the word "registry". The gifted are not identified for the purpose of giving them scholarships and glorifying them in the press, although fame is good for a gifted child, it then increases his level of ambition. In Russia, the word “ambition” has a negative connotation, but it is wonderful, it means that a person wants to prove himself, he has a high level of aspirations.
Then why do they identify the gifted, you know? To give them training appropriate to their giftedness. This means it is difficult, requiring high intellectual and volitional tension. Without such efforts, a gifted child will not have “strong will muscles.” What is the main problem a gifted child has in school? Few failures. By the fourth grade it becomes too simple and boring for them, and then they do not know how to overcome obstacles. A gifted child should be given the opportunity for individual, more complex learning. You can do it “live” or you can do it remotely.
A gifted student needs failures so that he gets used to difficulties and knows that sometimes everything doesn’t work out right away, and that’s okay. This is where all the corruption will end! Let's say you push your child into the gifted class, and as a result, the best mathematicians give him difficult problems. I see how they teach mathematicians in one of the schools; I can’t even always understand their assignments. What will be offered to the gifted is not in the interests of the average child: it is difficult, responsible education and the best teachers in the country, who will take seven skins from this child. That's how it should be. True, there will be a kind psychologist who will say in consolation that a big ship has a long voyage.

– Is the school prepared for teaching gifted children?

– You have raised a serious problem. In some subjects, such as mathematics, we have very good teaching. There are more complex programs in literature. And for some subjects there are no such programs. In some cases, there are teachers who do wonderful work, but making a curriculum based on their work that other teachers can use is another, and daunting, task. Blended learning is actively developing; it involves an individual approach to education.

– Are people afraid of student segregation?

– I’m afraid of this myself. It is necessary to explain: just because a person did not run the hundred-meter race the best, does not mean that he is “not a sprinter” in other matters. The high-level Olympics are the 100m. Those who have not run through it find themselves in a zone of uncertainty.
There once lived in Germany a boy with a delay in speech development and was very slow. The boy did poorly at school; he was not good at languages ​​at all. Only the math teacher realized that the child was thinking, but the boy had to leave this school. It gets worse. In Zurich, he does not enter the Higher Polytechnic School (HIU, in our words) the first time, and after graduation they find it difficult to hire him to work in the patent office. Average guy, nothing special. True, if there had been a psychologist here, he would have noticed that the most striking impression for the boy was an ordinary compass. After seeing him for several days, he could not calm down. Indeed, it’s a miracle: no matter how you turn it, the arrow still points north. I ran with him, trying to understand what was going on. When he later became a world-famous scientist, he began his autobiography with this episode. This is Einstein.
And there was more than one such genius. I have seen so many child prodigies, from whom nothing outstanding came of it. Darwin, for example, loved to run, but did not like books. They said that nothing would come of it. Brodsky did poorly at school and was retained for the second year. Literature lesson, melancholy. He gets up and leaves in the middle of class. And he never returns to school. His parents sent him to work. They didn’t take me anywhere, I went to the morgue as an orderly. He never studied again, anywhere.

– He learned from life.

– Yes, I liked to study on my own. In general he was very capable. Among the emigrants, he was the first to receive a license and loved cars. He quickly mastered the English language and then wrote poetry in it. A psychologist would probably have seen young Brodsky’s talent, and at the Olympics such a child would not have tried diligently to prove that Onegin is an extra person. Particularly gifted people do not always win at the Olympiads; there you need to know a lot. There is a story about how Edison was looking for an assistant, and asked all candidates to answer questions: how many miles from New York to Chicago, what is the heat capacity of aluminum or gas. Einstein, seeing these questions, told him that he himself would never have passed such a selection...

– How many gifted children can be identified if the bill is adopted?

– The identification of giftedness itself is of a conventional nature. There is such a sophism: 10 stones is already a heap or not yet? Psychologists have conventionally worked out the point on the distribution at which giftedness begins. Imagine a normal distribution, the very edge to the right. Psychologists have decided that giftedness begins at the 95th percentile. The gifted must do what only five out of a hundred people can do. This is not super-giftedness, but already highly gifted.

– How is it proposed to implement this project?

– There is not a single word in the bill about implementation. I will argue that a child placed on the gifted registry should receive a harder life commensurate with his giftedness. No one needs detection in itself.

– Maybe this is another reason for so many negative reviews of the bill - the goals are not clearly stated?

- I think yes. If opponents of the resolution understood what awaited a student who was included in the register, many questions would have been resolved.

– Returning to the discussion of the conditions in which a gifted child finds himself at school, is it necessary to teach the teacher to “see” these children?

– Not only is it necessary, it is now the responsibility of the teacher. In some children, you cannot discern giftedness based solely on educational results. Talent consists of giftedness and motivation. A child can study very poorly, but spend all day reading books or making something. One boy, already in the 4th grade, constantly ran to the astronomy club to look through the telescope. And it needs to be seen. And the teacher may say: “Well, he likes to run to the observatory, but in my lesson he’s a dunce.” The more gifted a child is, the more difficult it is to see him, oddly enough. A simply gifted child responds brilliantly in class and reads like a hundred adults in first grade. And the more creative and non-standard... In order to discern talent in him, teachers need to be specially prepared for this.

– So the bill proposes to systematically work with children who do not fit into the existing system?

– This bill says nothing about how to work with gifted children. Gifted people need attention and interest from others. Not praise, but love and demandingness. Do you know the Hawthorne effect (interest in an experiment or increased attention to the issue being studied leads to a more favorable outcome of the experiment - editor's note)? Gifted people need to be seen and celebrated for their successes and failures.

– How do they work with gifted children abroad?

- Differently. Europe is also afraid of “psychological racism”; in some countries they do not say the word “giftedness” because all children are equal. They work best with giftedness in the States and in China, but this does not suit us at all. The Chinese are very ambitious, they want to make their country the richest, and so far they are succeeding. The impression is extraordinary, a parallel of 400 people is divided into 8 groups: the first group is the strongest, the eighth is the weakest. The tension among the students is intense. Every year there is a so-called sorting by rating. If a student rises in the ranking, he moves to a stronger group. If he loses in the ranking, he moves to a weaker group. And from the weakest, eighth group, they are expelled: who needs such people? We tried to repeat this in Russia, but for this, children must compete. Our students did not want to move to another class because they showed better results: friendship turned out to be more important. This is our cultural code. But in Russia there are a lot of creative people, high creativity. Interesting work is being done in fragments in many countries: in the UK something can be borrowed, in the USA, in California there are several schools for the gifted, and in Singapore. There are a lot of creative people in Russia, a high creativity index. And we once had the best mathematics education in the world. It is still better than, say, in the USA or Europe.

– Are employers interested in hiring gifted people?

– It is also necessary to identify gifted children in order to help the child choose a career path. Some companies are interested in obedient, responsible performers. Why do they need gifted employees? They may have problems with socialization and may not communicate well with superiors. Such a person does not have it written on his face that he is gifted, but his difficult character is immediately visible. In such cases, a coach will help. But this is a complex issue, and we are still far from solving it.

- Thank you for talking!

The conversation took place on August 31, 2015 in the editorial office of the portal website

Interviewed by Anna Shvedovskaya and Maria Samuleeva
