At the spring equinox, day is equal to night. Spring Equinox Day - traditions, beliefs and rituals


The vernal equinox. Maslenitsa-Komoyeditsa

The vernal equinox (Vernal Equinox) is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, in scientific language, boils down to the fact that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.”

Dates and times of solstices and equinoxes in UTC-0
year Equinox
day time day time day time day time
2010 20 17:32 21 11:28 23 03:09 21 23:38
2011 20 23:21 21 17:16 23 09:04 22 05:30
2012 20 05:14 20 23:09 22 14:49 21 11:12
2013 20 11:02 21 05:04 22 20:44 21 17:11
2014 20 16:57 21 10:51 23 02:29 21 23:03
2015 20 22:45 21 16:38 23 08:20 22 04:48
2016 20 04:30 20 22:34 22 14:21 21 10:44
2017 20 10:28 21 04:24 22 20:02 21 16:28
2018 20 16:15 21 10:07 23 01:54 21 22:23
2019 20 21:58 21 15:54 23 07:50 22 04:19
2020 20 03:50 20 21:44 22 13:31 21 10:02

Simply put, on this day the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the star that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically onto the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night. From 2010 to 2020, the spring equinox occurs on March 20. The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the corresponding seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today and is accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 sunny days in a tropical year. It is because of this “approximately” that the equinox falls at a different time of day every year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

On the Day of the Vernal Equinox, the New Year begins for many peoples and nationalities of the Earth: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the new year with this natural phenomenon. The Slavic calendar is radically different from the Eastern calendar, the cycle in the Slavic calendar lasts not 12, but 16 years and the year begins on March 21, (more precisely, see above in the table taking into account the time zone, in Latvia +2 hours), that is, from the spring day equinox. Every 16th summer was called the Great.

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. Spring is determined by the sun. It is from this day that renewal in nature begins: the first spring thunder, the swelling of buds on the trees, the lush sprouting of greenery. On this day, in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and revival of nature, replaces Winter. The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the vernal equinox. In ancient times, the days of the spring equinox were considered a great holiday. In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also given considerable importance. The date of Easter, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first new moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

It all started in 325 AD, when the Council of Nicaea took place, at which the Julian calendar was adopted for the entire Christian world. According to the resolution of the Council of Nicaea, the equinox had to fall “forever” on March 21, as it was in the year of the council, but at the end of the 14th century. The Christian church suddenly discovered that the spring equinox no longer coincides with March 21, and moreover, every 128 years it comes one more day earlier, and when the error was noticed, the difference was already 10 days: according to the Julian calendar, the moment of the equinox should have occurred on March 21 , but in reality it was already on March 11th. Many astronomers pointed out this, and churchmen more than once intended to carry out the reform, but each time it was postponed for various reasons. In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII issued a special bull, according to which the counting of days was moved forward by 10 days and the Friday after Thursday, October 4, 1582, was ordered to be counted not as October 5, but as October 15. The preparation of the reform, at the direction of Gregory XIII, was carried out by astronomers Christopher Clavius ​​and Luigi Lilio. The new calendar, named after the pope, was called the Gregorian calendar.

Many peoples have preserved the day of the vernal equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called Nowruz, which means “new day.” Rooted in the traditions of ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam. In the CIS it is celebrated as a national one by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz has been declared a public holiday and a day off. In Japan, the day of the spring equinox is called Shumbun no hi. It is celebrated on March 21, and in leap years on March 20. Another name for the holiday is Tyuniti, which means “middle day.” This name is due to the fact that the vernal equinox falls in the middle of a week called higan, which means “the other shore.” At this time, the Japanese visit the graves of their deceased relatives, and sakura blooms in Japanese gardens, heralding the onset of real spring. In Russia, they are most happy that the daylight hours will increase every minute and the long-awaited summer will come.

March 20 » Spring equinox. Maslenitsa - Komoeditsa

Joint rotation

If the actions of the call of Spring take place in the sphere of the Explicit World, then, approaching Winter, we find ourselves at the gates to the world of Navi. The same unshakable rule applies here. The effigy of Winter is the same vessel - a visualized image. But unlike the unfilled Silushka Spring, this one is full. The departure and farewell of Winter, its cleansing of accumulated, heavy negativity with fire, will return Winter to its pristine purity and lightness and will allow it to leave the Manifest World along with its power, having undergone the last cleansing in the Navi world. At this moment, farewell and thanksgiving gifts are brought. And with them wishes, but with the opposite goal, so that Winter would take with it human troubles, illnesses and all sorts of bad things. She took them into the fire of purification, to Nav, where they will disappear, leaving people behind. For that, Zima deserves special thanks. Those troubles are tied to the stuffed animal of winter with ribbons. The knot is a captured image. Once this matter is over, Winter is given to the cleansing fire. At this time, around Winter there is a round dance of anti-salt. Round dance is a joint gyration, co-creation. The direction of movement in a round dance creates a vortex either inward (attracts) - this is a salting move, or outward (gives away, releases) - an anti-salt move (two- and three-row round dances are not considered here). And the round dance turns into such a trickle - an open round dance.

As the glory fades, it is the turn to turn to your ancestors. We send our love and gratitude to them for their constant care and concern for our living relatives through the fire, strengthening the spiritual connection with our family. And now, when the power of the ancestors and Gods is with us, manifested here and now, which means they themselves are with that power, we raise our brothers. The bright water in the brotherhood is illuminated by the power of God. We speak strong, kind words into that water for the glory of the Gods, our land, our families and ancestors. The brother walks along the salted stake, becoming stronger and brighter with each wish, and as the circle closes, everyone will drink that Power from it. And the last sip to the fire.

After a long and cold winter, every person dreams of the imminent arrival of the warm season. The vernal equinox 2018 will be the time when the Sun moves to the northern hemisphere and astronomical spring begins.

When does this day come?

The equinox occurs when the length of day and night becomes equal. This moment is observed when the Sun crosses the equator of the sky. The spring equinoxes are 365.24 solar days apart from each other, so they occur at different times. Now astronomers have learned to accurately determine the day of the equinox several years in advance. For those who are interested in what date this event will occur in 2018, we can already answer with certainty. So, the sun's rays will hit the earth's equator vertically on 03/20/18.

A little history

In the history of mankind, four key dates can be noted, in accordance with which the life of ancient people was built. In 2018 they will look like this:

Day of spring equinox 16:15 20.03.18
Summer Solstice Day 10:07 21.06.18
Autumn equinox day 1:54 23.09.18
Winter solstice 22:23 21.12.18

All these points are sacred. It is after these days that dramatic changes in nature occur. The most revered date among our ancestors was still the day of the vernal equinox. They were waiting for him with the greatest impatience. He personified the victory of light and gave hope for the future. It is not surprising that many peoples perceive this day as a real holiday. The darkness begins to recede and the days lengthen. In ancient times, the equinox was associated with the onset of spring. For some peoples, this day heralded the arrival of the New Year. After all, after it a new period began, when everything in nature and human life began to be renewed.

As for our people, in the Slavic world, Komoeditsa or Maslenitsa was celebrated on the equinox. On this day it was customary to say goodbye to winter.

How to celebrate

The transition to a new life cycle was celebrated with great enthusiasm among all peoples. People tried to leave all the bad things in the past and hoped that the new period would bring them victories and good luck. This primarily concerned the future harvest. This day was revered by almost all peoples of our planet. Europeans held numerous festivals and masquerades during this period.

In pre-Christian Rus', when people worshiped pagan gods, the equinox was considered almost the most important day of the year. He was greeted with unprecedented joy and hope. The holidays lasted several days and were called Maslenitsa Week. Each day was designated for certain rituals:

  • On Monday, housewives baked fragrant pancakes and larks, symbolizing the arrival of spring. The first pancake, according to custom, was intended for Who - the Bear God. It was believed that he protected men during hunting. On the same day, in Russian villages they built a stuffed animal from straw and old things, impaled it and carried it on a sleigh throughout the area.
  • On Tuesday there was a viewing party. Early in the morning, the guys invited the girls to ride a sleigh, and in the evening the matchmakers went to the houses of the future brides to discuss the details of the upcoming wedding.
  • On Wednesday, mothers-in-law invited their sons-in-law over for pancakes, showing them how much they respected them. On Thursday, folk festivities were held in all Russian villages with noisy, exciting games and fairs, where one could taste pancakes with different fillings and enjoy ancient drinks. Young people danced in circles and sang songs. The bravest ones took part in fist fights and jumped over the fire. The day ended with the capture of the “snow city”. The purpose of all the events of this day was to throw out the negative energy that had accumulated over the winter.
  • On other days, older people performed all sorts of rituals aimed at obtaining a rich harvest and strengthening family ties (mother-in-law parties, sister-in-law gatherings, etc.)
  • On Sunday it was customary to ask each other for forgiveness. People also went to the bathhouse, trying to cleanse themselves of accumulated dirt, put on new and clean clothes and put an end to the past. Old and dilapidated things had to be burned these days. The main event of this holiday, of course, is the burning of a straw effigy - a symbol of winter. Previously, the ashes from the scarecrow were scattered across the fields in the hope of getting a good harvest.

Currently, many traditions associated with the equinox have been lost. However, some Russian cities still hold fairs where you can taste pies, pancakes and other baked goods. Performances by folk groups and master classes on various folk crafts are organized in the main squares. For this holiday, cafes and restaurants are adjusting their menus to include folk dishes.


In the old days, when making baked goods, housewives put various household items into the baked goods. So, if household members found in the lark, for example:

  • a button, this meant a quick new thing;
  • coin - wealth;
  • flower - foreshadowed beauty for the owner;
  • berry - was for health.

If a woman was pregnant, then during Maslenitsa one could easily find out the gender of the unborn baby. If a man took the first pancake, then an heir would be born, if a woman, then the future mistress.

According to Maslenitsa, the weather for the next forty days was easily predicted. If the weather was warm for the holiday, then over the next month it was possible to forget about the frost and prepare for work on the land.

In ancient times, people were sure that on the equinox the heavens opened and their deepest desires were fulfilled. On this day it was customary to ask God for the most important things:

  • about the future harvest;
  • about the health and well-being of the whole family.

On this holiday it was forbidden to be sad. It was believed that on the day of the equinox everything could materialize, so crying and bad thoughts were prohibited. Joy and fun were a guarantee of good spirits for the whole year.

In 2018 the day spring equinox will occur on March 20 at 19:15 Moscow time.

Spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the corresponding seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today and is accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 sunny days in a tropical year. It is because of this “approximately” that the equinox falls at a different time of day every year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

In the moment equinox The center of the Sun in its apparent movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator. Simply put, on this day the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the star that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically onto the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night.

The vernal equinox- an amazing time, considered mystical by our ancestors. In ancient times, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day, when light and darkness are divided equally, that renewal in nature begins. The day of the vernal equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

Traditions and signs on the Day of the Vernal Equinox

On this day the ancestors baked pancakes- small cakes in the shape of a circle, reminiscent of the sun in shape and color.

In addition to pancakes, they baked sweet gingerbreads in the form lark. Small symbolic objects were baked into the dough. If you come across a ring, it means a wedding is coming, if a button means new clothes, if a coin means prosperity.

Keep an eye on the weather on this day, because it determines the weather pattern for the next 40 days:

  • If it’s warm on this day, then there will be no cold or frost until summer.

It was believed that if you celebrate a holiday funny, then the whole next year will pass without worries. But if you let sad thoughts in, you won’t be able to avoid trouble.

Looked like a girl bakes pancakes if the first pancake She does it perfectly, then soon her beloved will woo her. This damn thing should have been noticed and looked at who will take it from the table. If it is a man, then her first child will be a boy; if a woman, it will be a girl.

March 20 - Komoeditsy

Previously, in Rus', Maslenitsa was called Komoeditsa, marking the offensive spring equinox. The vernal equinox, which in the modern calendar falls on March 20 or 21, - one of the four main holidays of the year in ancient pagan tradition and one of the most ancient.

Essentially this is agricultural New Year. In addition to welcoming Spring and celebrating the beginning of the New Year, on this day they also revered Slavic Bear God.

Traditions and signs

There is an opinion that in ancient times the Slavs called the bear Kom (and hence the saying - “the first pancake to the Kom,” i.e., bears). Therefore, early in the morning, before breakfast, with songs, dances and jokes, the villagers carried “pancake sacrifices” to the Bear God into the forest(pancakes baked for the holiday) and laid them out on tree stumps. And only after that the feasts and wide celebrations began.

They were waiting for the Komoeditsa, carefully preparing for it
: steep slopes of the banks were poured for skiing, high ice and snow mountains, fortresses, and towns were built. It was considered obligatory to go to the bathhouse, in order to wash away all the bad things that happened in the past year. It was forbidden to work on these days.

On the ice of lakes and rivers, snow towns were stormed, in which the stuffed Madder was hiding under the protection of mummers. Fierce fist fights were also held there, to which men of different ages and from different villages came running. They fought seriously, believing that the shed blood would serve as a good sacrifice for the coming harvest. On the last day of the festive festivities, ritual actions were mainly performed, saying goodbye to the winter. They burned an effigy of Marena impaled on a pole, on which “nauzs” were imposed - old, worn-out Amulets or just old rags with a curse, in order to burn everything bad and outdated on the fire of a ritual fire.

And immediately after the holiday, hard everyday life began, people began agricultural work, which continued throughout the warm season.

March 21 - Spring solstice, Willow-bearer

Dates associated with the solar cycle were celebrated as holidays by many peoples. Was no exception day of spring equinox, falling on March 20 or 21 according to the new style. It was believed that it was from this moment that the real spring began. In Rus' they said that spring solstice The messengers of Paradise - the larks - arrive, bringing warmth with them. “The sun will come to our windows,” people were waiting for this day.

Traditions and signs

Also on the vernal equinox was willow day- by this date it should have already blossomed: “It’s time for the willow to turn silver.” Willow branches were brought into the house: it was believed that it expels all heaviness from the house - domestic problems, quarrels, illnesses.

At the same time, very unpleasant things are associated with this tree. superstitions. They said, for example: “Whoever plants a willow prepares a spade for himself,” this meant that a person would die when a shovel could be hewn out of a tree.

However, this belief did not prevent the use willow for medicinal purposes. Before flowering, peasants harvested the bark and dried it in attics with good ventilation. Later, tea was prepared from it with the addition of anise, linden blossom and raspberries. A decoction of the bark was used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis and the throat for sore throat. Its powder was often used as a hemostatic agent. Also, a decoction of willow bark and oak bark was added to the bath for pain in the legs.

On this day it was noticed
: If the clouds are floating across the sky quickly and high, the weather will be good. They also said that if there is a snowstorm and the snow falls on the fields in waves, this means a good harvest of bread and vegetables.

  • vernal equinox - March 20 10:29
  • summer solstice - June 21 04:24
  • autumnal equinox - September 22 20:02
  • winter solstice - December 21 16:28

Equinox and solstice days 2018

  • vernal equinox - March 20 16:15
  • summer solstice - June 21 10:07
  • autumnal equinox - September 23 01:54
  • winter solstice - December 21 22:23

Equinox and solstice days 2019

  • autumnal equinox - September 23 07:50
  • winter solstice - December 22 04:19
  • vernal equinox - March 20 21:58
  • summer solstice - June 21 15:54

Equinox and solstice days 2020

  • vernal equinox - March 20 03:50
  • summer solstice - June 20 21:44
  • autumnal equinox - September 22 13:31
  • winter solstice - December 21 10:02

We remind you that there are literally 4 days left until the most significant event of the year - the spring equinox. And this means that preparations for it must be in full swing. What do scientists tell us about the spring equinox?

The spring equinox is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, in scientific language, boils down to the fact that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its visible movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.” In 2018, the spring equinox occurs on March 20th.

Simply put, on this day the Earth, rotating around its imaginary axis passing through the poles, while simultaneously moving around the Sun, is in such a position in relation to the star that the sun's rays, carrying thermal energy, fall vertically onto the equator. The sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and on these days in all countries the day is almost equal to night.

Audio release of the program

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the respective seasons. But the spring equinox is also considered the beginning of the astronomical year. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today and is accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 sunny days in a tropical year. It is because of this “approximately” that the equinox falls at a different time of day every year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

Interestingly, even the scientific world says that the year begins at the spring equinox.

Historians tell us that since ancient times, many peoples of the world have considered the day of the vernal equinox a great holiday - magical and ritual. In ancient and medieval times, spring festivals were celebrated with gaiety and rituals promoting the fertility of the earth and the well-being of the people.

And the ancient Egyptians even erected the Great Sphinx so that it would point directly at the rising sun precisely during the spring equinox.

Many peoples have kept this holiday in their calendar to this day. The holiday of Nowruz, which means “new day” in Farsi, has its roots in the traditions of the ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia.
The holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam. In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples.
Among the Celts and Germans, this day was associated with the rebirth of spring and marked the beginning of the agricultural season.
To especially welcome spring and please the goddess Ostara, housewives painted eggs and baked wheat buns. Ostara is one of the most “ancient” goddesses; evidence of her worship dates back to the end of the 2nd millennium BC.

The Slavic holiday Komoeditsa-Maslenitsa is also timed to coincide with the spring equinox, when people said goodbye to winter and welcomed spring, which personifies the revival and rebirth of nature. People believed that the more fun and joyful the holiday was, the more generous nature would be to them. By the way, it's interesting that Traditionally, World Earth Day is celebrated on March 20

, calling on all people to realize that the Earth is our common home, which should be loved, protected and preserved for future generations.
Also, on the day of the spring equinox, astrologers celebrate their professional holiday - Astrology Day, timed to coincide with the beginning of the astrological year, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.
Why has this day been considered so important since ancient times? Because the location of the Sun is such that it most strongly influences our Earth with its fiery and creative energy. Therefore, it was believed that this day is nothing more than the birthday of the Sun. And we advise you to prepare for this most important event. It’s good to remember your previous solar year, sum up the results of the year, remember your victories and defeats. Give thanks for everything. And on the day of the equinox and after - make plans for the future!

We must definitely take advantage of the most magical moment of the year - the birth of the new Sun - to thank him for the entire past year, to unitely appeal to him for help in the new Solar Year. Therefore, join us on March 20 in our festive special issue, call all your friends so that your joint appeal to the Sun will be as effective as possible!

The day of the vernal equinox (Spring Equinox) is one of the most unique natural phenomena, the essence of which, in scientific language, boils down to the fact that “at the moment of the equinox, the center of the Sun in its visible movement along the ecliptic crosses the celestial equator.”

There are spring and autumn equinoxes. Universal time (in other time zones these dates may differ by a day) in the northern hemisphere spring equinox occurs 20th of March when the Sun moves from the southern hemisphere to the northern, and autumn equinox occurs September 22 or 23(in 2019 - September 23), when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In the southern hemisphere, on the contrary, the March equinox is considered autumn, and the September equinox is considered spring.

The spring and autumn equinoxes are considered the astronomical beginning of the respective seasons. The period of time between two equinoxes of the same name is called the tropical year. This year is today and is accepted for measuring time. There are approximately 365.2422 sunny days in a tropical year. It is because of this “approximately” that the equinox falls at a different time of day every year, each year moving forward by about 6 hours.

On the Day of the Vernal Equinox, the New Year begins for many peoples and nationalities of the Earth: Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan - almost all the countries of the Great Silk Road associate the beginning of the New Year with this natural phenomenon.

The ancient scientists of China, India, and Egypt knew very well about the days of the spring equinox. In ancient times, the day of the spring equinox was considered a great holiday.

In religion in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox was also given considerable importance. The date of Easter, which is celebrated every year at different times, was counted from the day of the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first full moon - the first Sunday, which was considered a holiday.

Many peoples have preserved the day of the vernal equinox as a holiday in the calendar. For example, in Farsi it is called , which means “new day.” Rooted in the traditions of ancient farmers of the Middle East and Central Asia, the holiday has become an integral part of the culture of many peoples professing Islam.

In the CIS, the equinox day is celebrated as a national holiday by Tatars, Kazakhs, Bashkirs, Kyrgyz, Tajiks, Uzbeks and many other peoples. In a number of countries, Navruz has been declared a public holiday, and March 21 is a day off.

On this day, light and darkness are divided equally. In ancient times, when there were no calendars, spring was determined by the sun. It was believed that it was from this day that renewal in nature began: the first spring thunder, the swelling of buds on the trees, the lush sprouting of greenery.

The day of the vernal equinox was especially revered in the pagan faith. It was believed that on this day in the annual cycle, Spring, personifying the revival and rebirth of nature, replaces Winter.

When the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern hemisphere, the autumn equinox occurs.

When talking about equinox dates, we should distinguish between a date based on universal time and a date for a specific time zone:

if the equinox occurs before 12:00 universal time, in some countries located west of the prime meridian, this day may not yet have arrived and according to local time, the arrival of the equinox will be considered 1 day earlier;

if the equinox occurs later than 12:00 universal time, then in some countries located east of the prime meridian, the next day may already have arrived and the date of the equinox will be 1 more.

According to the creators of the Gregorian calendar, the “official” date of the vernal equinox is March 21 (literally “12 days before the Kalends of April”), since this was the date of the vernal equinox during the Council of Nicaea.

The last time in this century the spring equinox fell on March 21 in 2007 and further in the 21st century it will fall on March 20 or even March 19.