Unique compliments for a girl. The best compliments for a girl - what are they?

Gift ideas

Complimenting girls is a very subtle and effective tool with which you can make them very happy. The ability to use this is not given to everyone, and it is very easy to cross the line between mild admiration and rude flattery. Moreover, it is an important tool in.

We present 40 original compliments to girls. We also recommend that you find out some.

But first, let us recall what the original meaning of this French word is.

A “compliment” is a slight exaggeration of the dignity that one would like to see in oneself.

Comparing the phrases “this dress really suits the color of your eyes” and “you are the most beautiful,” the second statement clearly does not refer to compliments, but will pass for ordinary flattery. Because it is easy to challenge, and most likely your praise will not be taken seriously.

Of course, there is no panacea compliment in the form of any universal statement that is suitable for any girl, at any time and in any place. You will have to rack your brain or open your heart for your words to evoke truly pleasant emotions. The compliment is exclusive.

But, nevertheless, we can highlight the basic requirements for a beautiful compliment:

  • focus on the girl’s internal, rather than external, advantages,
  • be sincere, or at least try to give that impression,
  • speaking about the external beauty or qualities of a girl, focus on comparison,
  • pay attention to the nuances that indicate the girl’s impeccable taste,
  • praise what she is proud of,
  • avoid ambiguity,
  • personalize and specify your words,
  • build your speech based on facts known to both of you,
  • do not exaggerate the positive quality you have chosen, otherwise it will be perceived as bullying,
  • keep the thought simple, don’t pile up the structure of your statement,
  • do not include any teachings, just characterize.

40 compliments to a girl

So, we offer you 40 beautiful and original compliments for your (or not your) girlfriend:

“You are so beautiful and attractive that I forgot why and where I was going as soon as I saw you...”

“You are like a ringing spring stream on a quiet steppe night, when everything around shimmers with the shine of the stars. And you make me freeze..."

“The subtle scent of your hair will drive me crazy, I’m not kidding.”

“But do you know what a captivating, charming smile you have? Well, no, really, you have such a beautiful, most radiant smile. Only very good and happy people smile like that.”

“Girl, I admired you all the way. I saw it and forgot about all my problems, I want to thank you for that.”

“Compared to you, the current Miss World is ugly!”

“How do you manage to stay so young among these pensioners!”

“Who said that Masha (any other long-legged Tanka, Anka, Olka) has long legs? Have they seen yours?

“Even the petals of the May rose cannot compare with the tenderness of your skin!”

“Have you decided that you are better than everyone?.. in fact, everyone is just really worse than you...”

“It’s such a time that no matter how a girl is, she’s a star. By the way, you too, only you are a guiding, polar star for me...”

“It’s simply impossible, but you cook even better than my mother!”

“These new earrings match your ring very well!”

“Excuse me, but what modeling agency do you represent?”

“Oh, with this magazine in your hands you look like a real business lady!”

“Mademoiselle, there is something so mysteriously beautiful about you that I cannot take my eyes off you...”

“Looking at you, I began to understand why your husband is always in a hurry to go home (a pretty girl will think about beauty, a housewife will think about comfort).”

“I like your suit, very good cut!”

“You have an aristocratic profile, you need to pose for sculptors.”

“If nature ever created ideal forms, it was yours!”

“You are a very confident girl - that’s understandable, you are beautiful, energetic, sensitive, cheerful, smart, kind...”

“You really are special - you have your own opinion on everything, and I like it!”

“Lidiya Ivanovna, you are an excellent doctor because you pay so much attention to each patient. How do you manage to do this?

“I’ll make an analogy with cars... so here you are – this is the latest model of Ford Mondeo!”

“Yesterday I bought your favorite perfume and sprayed it all over the apartment so that I could smell you... (in separation)”

“You do this romance much better than this singer.”

“You look as charming as you did on our wedding day.”

“I’m so hungry that I would give my life right now for your pickled squash! (specialty of the house)"

“I saw you before... and it seems to me that it was in a dream...”

“Happiness?.. it’s you!”

“I love you the way you are...”

“Now, if I was born a girl, I would want to be like you!”

“Which dragon do I need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?”

“I fell in love with your sunshine: your smile and freckles.”

“You look especially good today, something has changed in you... but you didn’t put on makeup!”

“This is unbearable, I can’t be near you! I’m simply blinded by your beauty!”

Give the girl the nicest and best compliments - they can lift her spirits and make her blush with pleasure.

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As soon as you appear on the horizon, guys straighten their shoulders, roll out their chests and suck in their stomachs. They are ready to do anything for you.

You have such eyelashes that the light gets stuck in them and cannot reach the depths of your eyes.

You should have seen how the men look after you. Regardless of age, from 15 to 90 years.

Wow, you have a smile! Amazing. At the same time, I want to smile back and grab the camera.

You are so thin, fragile, tender. But for some reason I’m constantly on my toes.

It turns out I have wings. Until you came into my life, they fit tightly to the body, were rolled up and unnoticeable. And now they’ve straightened out and I’m learning to fly.

The best compliments to a girl

I can't think about anyone but you. I see your face everywhere, I find the letters of your name in all the words and I remember every word that you said to me the last time we met. I wrote this and realized that you drove me crazy.

Your smile is like a spotlight. It becomes brighter, even if my back is turned to you. Smile more often!

You are joy! It’s simply indecent to be serious and focused around you.

My fantasy and I always thought that we had a good idea of ​​the girl of our dreams. But they are forced to capitulate. I have never met anyone like you and did not even know that such beauties exist.

I haven’t yet met a single guy who, after meeting you, wouldn’t ask what your name is.

* * *

Next to you - so tender, feminine, sweet - men feel akin to Hercules. Or at worst, Hercules.

Even when you stand, the gaze grows on your figure. And when you start to move, even if you cover your eyes with your hand, they themselves are not able to tear themselves away from you.

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Girls love with their ears. Every man knows about this. But not everyone manages to easily attract the attention of the lady they like. Yes, attract her so that she also responds with sympathy. Short is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is appreciated. But how to do this correctly so as not to look intrusive, rude or ill-mannered?

What should you know before giving a short compliment to a girl about her beauty?

  • An individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal points without which a verbal message can cause a completely opposite reaction:
  • sincerity (it would not be entirely honest to say about the beauty of a woman’s figure if she came on a date wearing a down jacket that hides all the charms);
  • emotionality of the message (when a man shows his feelings when making a statement, this is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise for the girl’s impeccable taste (so with one statement you can kill all the birds with one stone - evaluate the ability to dress, make up, behave);
  • brevity (a short compliment to a girl about her beauty will be much better received than a long, tedious story in detail);
  • avoiding ambiguity;
  • Not everyone likes compliments in poetry (unless, of course, a man wants to show off his poetic talent);

without exaggeration (otherwise it may be perceived as mockery).

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • Short statements can relate to appearance in general, individual features, as well as the feelings of a man that his companion evokes in him. In your arsenal of general compliments you can write down:
  • “I’m amazed at how smart and beautiful you combine!”
  • “I admire you/your appearance.”
  • “I am proud that I got the dream of all men.”
  • “Only your/our daughter can be more beautiful than you.”
  • "You are perfection."
  • "You are amazing/amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are incomparable because you are the only one."
  • “I used to think that beautiful girls like you were soulless. Thank you for breaking my stereotype.”
  • “How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the cloudiest day?”

Compliments on the details of a girl's appearance

A short story about her beauty can concern individual moments - eyes, smile, hair, figure and other things. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they evoke in a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Only a beautiful person can have such beautiful eyes."
  • "You have an angelic look."
  • “Your playful eyes always lift my spirits.”
  • “The beauty and smell of your hair simply bewitched me!”
  • "You have very bright facial expressions."
  • "I love the way you bite your lips. It's very exciting/sexy."
  • “There is nothing softer than your skin in the world.”
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • “Your shoulders are so fragile... I want to protect you.”

Compliments with humor

  • “Have you not seen my head? It seems that I lost it from your beauty.”
  • “Can you keep secrets? I’ll tell you one. When you’re around, all men envy me with black envy.”
  • "Fire your photographer! You're a hundred times better in real life!"
  • “You are so slender! Where does the soul fit?”
  • "When you gained weight, you became very slim."
  • “You don’t think that you are the most beautiful of all? After all, in fact, everyone is worse than you.”
  • “If I were born a girl, I would only be as beautiful as you.”
  • “Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase for getting to know you.”

It is difficult to answer which compliment a particular girl will like best. It all depends on her preferences and the level of relationship with her. After all, on the first date it is not entirely appropriate to hint about a lady’s sexuality (if you want to meet again, of course). Even worse are the phrases that everyone hears, like “I got a call from heaven...”. Continuation of such “does your mother need a son-in-law?” - one disappointment of a companion.

Everything should be from the heart, especially compliments to a girl in prose about beauty. Short or long, awkward or graceful - they, above all, must be individual and sincere.

Thin as a doe, proud as a lioness,
Goddess of eternal beauty!
I dream about your image at night:
You're the girl of my dream!

The lights sparkle in your eyes,
And they attract and attract with their beauty.
You are for me like the sun in the sky -
So good and so warm with you!

I will never forget your scent,
Your silhouette haunts me
You are flawless, honey, you are a miracle!
I admire only you alone!

I can’t understand what you did to me
Without you I have no peace, I cannot sleep,
I repeat your name like a spell again,
You are the limit of my dreams, you are my love!

Oh, angel who descended from heaven to earth,
Light and pure, wise and beautiful.
I humbly listen to your voice
You have captivated my soul forever!
You're not around - I have no peace,
You are like the sun that gives wonderful light.
You are like a flower, tender, subtle, you are a miracle.
I will never forget your image!

Even if it's rainy
You are incredibly beautiful
And in the sunlight
The most beautiful in the world!

Curls in waves over chiseled shoulders,
You can't trust beautiful speeches,
Only your gaze captivated me forever.
Darling, you are beauty itself!

The green of your eyes is like the foliage of wondrous forests.
Your lips are like petals of wonderful lights.
Hair is like waves of distant beautiful seas.
There is no one in the whole world more beautiful and beautiful.

Beautiful nymph, heavenly muse,
With just one look, with one gesture
You freed me from a heavy burden
My heart, with you I became alive again!

If I were an artist
I would draw you in the rain
And if you were getting hot,
I would draw you in the rain...

Pure as the morning flower
Light as a butterfly, you flutter.
I fly into the light like a moth,
To you, and you know it!

I dream about you, but the morning comes
I know the illusion will melt away.
But every time I meet you by chance,
I am becoming the happiest person in the world!

You're like a cat
Affectionate, sweetheart,
A little tricky
And very beautiful!

Beauty never goes out of fashion
Well, you are the ideal of beauty.
And no matter what time it is,
You're the girl of my dream!

I enjoy every meeting
Like a flower at dawn
I'm the happiest in the world
Thanks only to you!

There are no people like you in the world -
Beautiful, kind and wonderful!
True to yourself, you can be different,
You are a wonderful light in my heart!

I've been thinking, but I can't understand
What is the unthinkable secret of your eyes?
How did you captivate me with just one look?
You are simply a miracle, there are no others like you!

The color of the eyes is heavenly blue,
And your lips are like coral...
And I only saw you
In my dreams there is only you.

You are a miracle of miracles, incredibly good!
Beautiful figure and kind soul!
You, like you, cannot be found anywhere on this earth.
From now on, I only dream about you!

You remind me of a cat:
Playful but smart
Beautiful and a little cunning -
You are the only one!

They say that intelligence is not friends with beauty in women,
Apparently, anyone who thinks so doesn’t know you.
Reasonable, you will give a head start to many in intelligence,
The most beautiful girl in the world!

Why are roses red?
We are ashamed of your beauty.
You know, there are no flowers,
Can't compare to you
My sunshine is clear!

I dream every night of your amazing look,
I remember your every gesture and your every outfit.
If I meet you by chance in the evening crowd,
I will be the happiest if you smile at me.

A new dawn illuminates the city,
I can't sleep again until the morning.
As soon as I close my eyes, you are in front of me -
You are my goddess of eternal beauty!

Your eyes are like cornflowers
And the hair shines like silk.
And I fly like a moth
In your beautiful gaze.

People like you can never be found
On the path of life.
You are the queen of my dreams
To the ends of your hair!

Img by @yakobusan Jakob Montrasio 孟亚柯

There is not always time and opportunity to say even a compliment prepared in advance. And sometimes words are simply not enough to express your admiration for a girl or guy. A short compliment is a good way to praise and support. You can look for the shortest compliment in the world for a girl at the end of the text.

Sometimes, trying to impress, people make long speeches. Of course, words prepared with soul can conquer not only the addressee, but also those around him. It happens that just a couple of kind words, a short compliment from the bottom of my heart is enough to make someone happier, bring a smile to a sad stranger, or just cheer up a friend!

Img by 21TonGiant

A short compliment involves a few simple words or phrases. And, despite the lack of beautiful speech patterns, such compliments can be very pleasant, even touching. By and large, the main thing is attention, and not how beautifully it is expressed in words. Let's say more - a compliment can consist of just one word! Yes, yes, just one word and the girl is pleased, and the guy is pleased with himself. What do you think is the shortest compliment? What can you say to express admiration in one word? Look for the answer at the end of the article.

When do we give short compliments?

1. During a fleeting meeting. It is illogical to spend precious minutes inventing and pronouncing laudatory praises. But a couple of kind words addressed to your interlocutor would be more than appropriate. After all, you would also be pleased if a random acquaintance you met on the street said that you look great.

- You look great!

- And you are getting better!

2. With frequent communication. If you know your interlocutor well and see him or her often, then regular long speeches about merits, appearance or other points will sound somewhat ridiculous. A short but heartfelt compliment is a good way out of the situation.

- You are irresistible as always!

- You're lovely!

3. In a work environment. There are times when there is a lot to do and work is in full swing. There is no need for long speeches here. Brief praise is enough.

- Well done!

- Great, keep it up!

4. When it is necessary to tell a person the most important thing so that he understands and hears, it is better to be laconic. Listening to a beautiful long compliment can miss the point.

- You are a beauty!

- You are getting younger every day!

5. While talking on the phone. As a rule, people on the phone say only the most necessary, most important information. Therefore, if compliments are said remotely, it is advisable to select short and simple phrases.

- And remember, you are the best!

6. Short (or first) acquaintance. If you don’t know a person well, it’s quite strange to admire and give complex compliments. Most often, long phrases of praise are uttered if they know the interlocutor well and some conclusions can be drawn about his personality. Therefore, in the case of a short acquaintance, a short compliment is the best way out if you want to please the person.

- You have beautiful eyes!

- You are an interesting person!

Img by Alaskan Dude

As you can see, nothing complicated. The easiest way to give a short compliment is to express your attitude towards a person (his appearance, clothes, actions), saying what you like about him or her. This way, you don’t have to be afraid that you will say something wrong, because you are expressing your opinion and it is always positive, even if it does not coincide with the person’s opinion of himself.

Img by 58minutos

- I like your smile!

- It's nice to be next to you!

- You are a self-possessed person!

The shortest compliment in the world, at least in Russian and English, consists of only three letters. Haven't guessed it yet?

Img by Applegurl ♫

WOW!- with this short compliment you can express a sea of ​​emotions, the highest admiration for anyone and anything. And the main thing here is intonation. Try it, practice saying “WOW!” differently. The English version of this compliment is “WOW!” (WOW!).

So, in order to please a person, you don’t have to be a master of compliments. Sometimes all it takes is a few sincere words to express what you really think and feel. Sincerity and the desire to give a person moments of positive emotions can always be expressed briefly.

Print and memorize!

1. beautiful
2. smart
3. caring
4. attractive
5. sexy

9. charming

10. charming

11. unique

12. indescribable

13. unforgettable

14. irresistible

15. gorgeous

16. dazzling

17. passionate

18. unavailable

19. divine

20. mesmerizing

21. angelic

22. radiant

23. sexy

25. fluffy

26. awesome

27. stunning

28. slim

29. seductive

30. flirty

31. sophisticated

32. graceful

33. cheerful

34. energetic

35. creative

36. stylish

37. sociable

38. tactful

39. loving

40. romantic

41. versatile

42. fabulous

43. pretty

44. ardent

45. the only one

46. ​​affectionate

47. sweetie

48. mind-blowing

49. desired

50. unpredictable

51. mysterious

52. blooming

53. flawless

54. harmonious

55. responsive

56. perfect

57. best

58. modest

59. exquisite

60. naughty

61. awesome

62. sincere

63. friendly

64. understanding

65. extravagant

66. dreamy

67. fragrant

68. sparkling

69. ambitious

70. alluring

71. enthusiastic

72. selfless

73. immediate

74. seductive

75. intoxicating

76. cheerful

77. lovely

78. smiling

79. shy

80. incendiary

81. honest

82. exciting

83. sincere

84. playful

85. charming

86. awesome

87. purposeful

88. marvelous

89. feminine

90. blessed

91. incomparable

92. radiant

93. beloved

94. necessary

95. amazing

96. fabulous

97. touching

98. miniature

101. I like your crazy unpredictability...

102. I like that you were able to become the one and only for me...

103. I love how you often say, “You made me REALLY happy.”

104. I love that you understand me like no one else can.

105. I love your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.

106. I love that I was able to conquer the true embodiment of femininity.

107. I like that you think about me and believe in my strength...

108. I like your wild seductiveness...

109. I am captivated by your tender, intriguing, mysterious gaze...

110. I like your “Moor-r-r” when you cling to my shoulder...

111. I love your smile that inspires great achievements...

112. I like your figure of a beautiful nymph...

113. I love your affectionate and playful cat behavior...

114. I like that you are able to give endless amounts of warmth and smiles to those around you...

115. I like that you like to be beautiful just for me...

116. I like that you are so touchingly tender with me...

117. I love that you are so changeable - from a seductive devil when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirting look when I pick you up from work...

118. ... and in any guise you smile royally...

119. I like that you know how to be silent with me...

120. I like that you are interested in what I think about...

121. I like that after kisses Your scent remains on My lips...

122. I love that you miss me even after my short absence...

123. I love the way you fall asleep on my shoulder...

124. I like that you can hear my heartbeat...

125. I like that you can be so affectionate and passionate at night that in the morning you just don’t want to get up and it’s impossible to tear yourself away from you...

126. I like that therefore we don’t have to wake up early on weekends...

127. I like the sensations that arise when I stroke you...

128. I like to carry you in my arms...

129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man...

130. I like that you are my sunshine...

131. I love that you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema...

132. I like that after the movie my clothes smell like your perfume...

133. I love that when I put it on the next day, it feels like You are nearby and hugging me...

134. I like that you cook incredibly delicious...

135. I like your soft and warm fingertips...

136. I like the touch of your tender, cool palms...

137. I like your playful nails...

138. I love how my heart beats faster when I see you...

140. I like our bets...

141. I like to pleasantly surprise you and see the surprise on your face...

142. I love that you try to surprise me in return...

143. I like that you want to be the very best for me...

144. I like your crystal laugh...

145. I like the tickling of your fluffy eyelashes...

146. I absolutely love the touch of your fingers...

147. I like that you taught me to believe in lucky eyelashes and other signs, although I am not superstitious...

148. I like your playful bangs...

149. I like that we are able to see the unusual in ordinary things...

150. I like that you discovered new writers and their heroes for me...

151. I like that we “entered the rain castle”...

152. I like that only you can kiss my palms like that...

153. I like that I smile while waiting for you...

154. I love the way you casually touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant...

155. I like that all happy poems are about us...

156. I love that you share my love for boating...

157. I love that you love it when I massage you with aromatic oil...

158. ... and then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov Smile...

159. I like that you left traces of gentle cat paws in my soul, clinging to it with your claws...

160. I like that you appreciate me...

161. I like to feel your body when we are lying in the bath...

162. I love that you are my princess...

163. I like that you feel comfortable in my bed Smile...

164. I like that every evening I wait for your call...

165. I like the way you hug me with your eyes...

166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers...

167. I like that you give me affection...

168. I like the way you touch me with cold fingers, quietly approaching me from behind...

169. I like that it’s interesting for us to look at the beauty of the northern sky together...

170. I like your unexpected arrivals...

171. I like that suspiciously often I walk you home at night... fate? Wink...

172. I like that the sand stopped in the hourglass that you gave me...

173. ...which means we are together until the end of time...

174. I like that you DO NOT care about the opinions of others...

175. I like the feeling when we massage each other...

176. I like our frank conversations...

177. I love that you learned how to deliciously make my favorite cocktail from vermouth and cola...

178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words or promises are needed...

179. I like your view on many things and issues...

180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me...

181. I like that you do good deeds for others...

183. I like to just walk with you...

184. I love that you love space...

185. I love the way you kiss me goodbye...

186. I love that you believe that “everything will be not just good, but GREAT!!!” ...

187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you...

188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride...

189. I love that you love to play with my hands...

190. I love that you call just to hear my voice...

191. I love that you gave me the northern sky with its breathtaking white nights...

192. I like that you appear in my dreams...

193. I love that you are an attentive, gentle, feline-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful lover...

194. I love that you care about our relationship...

195. I like the phrase: “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. You are the world to me.” About Us...

196. I like that you seem like an angel in the rays of light of a white night...

197. I like that you are a LADY!!!...

198. I like that you are my soulmate...

199. I love that you are my ENTIRE life...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're around...

201. I like that you see me as a knight...

202. I'm going crazy from the romantic dinners you prepared...

203. I like that I only want to see you next to me....

204. I like that you always try to understand me...

205. I bow to your patience with my character...

206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day...

207. I love that none of us try to tug on the Wink blanket at night...

208. The sexiness of your belly drives me crazy...

209. I like the tenderness with which you take care of the flowers I gave you...

210. I like that when you are near, the world around is filled with happiness...

211. I like that people around me smile when we walk, hugging, down the street...

212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive...

213. I like how we read poems to each other at night...

214. I like the commonality of our literary tastes...

215. I love that my life has become so unusual after our meeting...

216. I like the little holidays that you throw for me...

218. I like that your affection and love can lift even a very “cloudy” mood...

219. I like that we are together despite all the circumstances...

220. I love that you can be so sensually seductive on Saturday evenings...

221. I like to listen to the rain with you...

222. I like our night walks...

223. I love sitting with you in our favorite cafe...

224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to play OUR music on the phone...

225. I like that with you I learned to be gentle without losing my masculinity...

226. I like that you and I successfully pass all the tests of our love...

227. I love that my friends admire your charm...

228. I love the way you make incredible coffee...

229. I like that the roses that I give stand in your house for many weeks without fading...

230. I like that with you I became a “model” that my friends force their young people to look up to...

231. I like that we burn with the same fire...

232. I like that we chose each other ourselves...

233. I like that I do 1000 crazy things for you...

234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before parting...

235. I like that you are waiting for me, wherever I am...

236. I like that when we lie hugging, our hearts beat to the beat...

237. I like that our hands themselves look for each other when we walk side by side...

238. I like that you and I can dance even without music...

237. I like that my care is dear to you...

238. I’m proud that you appreciate my ability to cook deliciously...

239. I love that you left everything to be with me...

240. I like that we can be close for an indefinitely long time and not get tired of each other...

241. I like that our relationship sucked us in like an avalanche...

242. ... and we didn’t try to escape from her Smile ...

243. I like that no one did for me the things that you were able to do...

244. I like that our decisions are supported by the universe itself, giving easy solutions to complex issues...

245. I like that not a single book novel can compare in brightness with the story of OUR love...

246. I like that we always want to do something nice for each other...

247. I like that the minutes we spend together are so precious to us...

248. I like that the star of our love shines especially brightly at night...

249. I like that it’s easy for us to be together...

250. I like that our feelings are stronger than time and distance...

251. I like that you are so relaxed and peaceful with me...

252. I like your trust...

253. I like that you and I feel each other’s mood so subtly...

255. I like that they say about us “the perfect couple”...

256. I like that we know how to smooth out the sharp edges of our characters...

257. I like that you like to visit my house...

258. I like that the flame of our love has not been extinguished for a very long time...

259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues...

260. I like that you don’t argue with me about things that I know a little more about...

261. I like that we understand each other’s body language...

262. I like that you don’t take off the ring I gave you even at night...

263. I like that you smile when I look at you...

264. I like that no one in this world can dance as incomparably as you...

265. I like to constantly take care of you, even in small things (after all, this is so important)...

266. I like that we are stronger than all the obstacles that keep us away...

267. I love that we can just listen to music for hours...

268. I love that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day...

269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our souls to each other...

270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other...

271. I like that you don’t force me to make promises, but believe that I myself will do everything right...

272. I like that you consider our meeting a DESTINATION...

273. I like to see how happy you come from work...

274. ... and the fact that you realize how important my work is to me...

275. I like that our warmth is mutual...

276. I like that we read the same books in childhood and therefore understand each other so much...

277. I like that with you I began to write very beautiful poems...

278. I like that the touch of our hands reverberates in my soul...

279. I like that we were able to see each other’s wings...

280. I like that our “HONEYMOON” Smile (as you called the crazy month after we met) is still going on for a very, very long time...

281. I love that you become so funny after our favorite cocktail...

282. I love that we both laugh at the word PIANIST... and only we know why...

283. I like that our relationship is not clouded by any suspicions...

284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you even a hundredth part of the love and tenderness that I am trying to give...

285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale...

286. I like that on weekends we don’t fall asleep until dawn...

287. I like that you were able to tame me...

288. I like that you chose me...

289. ... and you still believe that you weren’t mistaken...

290. I like the passion with which we take off our clothes...

291. I like that we are not making sex, but LOVE...

You intoxicate with your beauty,
And you drive all men crazy.
Even though you beckon in a gentle way,
But you are everyone's dream.
You are beautiful not only in appearance,
Your soul is also beautiful.
With you life has become sinless -
After all, beauty rules the world.

Beauty radiates a wonderful light
And there is no big secret about it.
Everything about you should be perfect,
And Love, hope, faith live in the heart.

In the eyes there is blue lake and sky,
Become and walk like goddesses.
Tender fingers to caress,
Hands are strong - they didn’t know fatigue!

Oh! These shapes, these eyes
They don't let me sleep peacefully,
I wake up in the middle of the night
To caress you with myself.

And we don't need the light of a floor lamp,
To feel the love
Only caresses, only faith,
That everything will return again tomorrow.

Oh! These shapes, these tears,
Like a dream mirror
And there are only roses on the bed,
Gray night, both me and you.

I admire your beauty.
Your charm is airy and unique.
I have never met an earthly one in my life
Such a woman is irresistible.
You are very sweet, kind, gentle,
You are as dazzling as a star.
You are like a constant, sinful dream,
That settled in my soul forever.

You can't be so beautiful
So that friends die
And out of immense envy
And the powerlessness suffered so much
It’s easier to be dear,
Have pity on the male race
You're corpses in stacks
You leave it in passing...

I won’t get tired of admiring you:
Incomparably beautiful!
You are a balm for a painful wound,
You are a delight for the eyes. Without breathing
Admiring your beauty,
I look at you and look at you.
You are comparable to a wonderful spring!
I burn before you like a candle!

Dreams are hidden in your smile
The flowers are jealous of your beauty -
The pearl of a smile, the sparkle of the eyes!
There are no such worthy phrases in this world,
To describe you in detail!
And that is why I will repeat again:
You are more beautiful than the dawn over the rose garden!
You are higher than the farthest stars in the sky!

Transparent skin is softer than jasmine,
And roses envy scarlet lips,
They look from under the roof of your long eyelashes
The eyes are as majestic as a Greek temple!
The curve of your waist excites my heart
Anyone who also appreciates beauty.
And the beautiful voice is magically enchanting!
And next to you – daisies are blooming!

You are more beautiful than the angels, by God!
It's hard to compare them with you!
And the tenderness of a stern smile
You can conquer anyone!
Your hair is a lovely cascade -
Like the silk of a pure river.
The cheeks are flushed and have a wonderful shine
In the eyes, like a reflection of a light.

Hands have graceful curves,
And the posture of a queen!
You could be jealous
All the most beautiful maidens
To your immodest beauty,
Bright, festive, rich!
And in your huge eyes
It is clear that the soul is winged.

Perhaps right next to the moon
You borrowed whiteness
For decorating thin hands.
The most beautiful among friends,
You are not sick of pride,
Like meadows of modest flowers,
You can decorate any wreath!
God himself admires you!

What a nice walk
How sensual to become!
You will become a godsend for him,
Who can read eyes?
After all, they contain the history of the Universe,
They are simply the essence of life.
You are just because you are now a prisoner
You, don't blame me.

Beauty, tell me where
Did you appear on earth?
You are just an angel, just a miracle,
I've never seen a cuter girl!
Smiles of glorious charm,
The hair is heavy, delicate silk!
You are sweet charm
Capable of defeating even a regiment!

Beautiful, nice girl,
You smell wonderful, you have a delicate taste,
All men eat you with their eyes,
They don’t know yet that you are mine.

I want to honestly confess to you:
There is no one more beautiful than you!
You dazzle and drive you crazy!
You are the only one in the whole world!

You are wonderful, you are beautiful.
The words cannot be exhausted, they cannot be counted.
My bird is a dove.
Honey, you're like a queen.
The words cannot be counted.
Let the bad weather disappear
There is no place for her here.
I kiss your hands
My eternal friend.
There is no refuge for torment here,
My darling.
Receive my hugs.
Everything is here for you.

Such a girl, of course
Everyone in the crowd is happy to notice:
The radiance of snow-white skin,
Deep, kind, intelligent look!
You float with a dancing gait,
All gestures of grace are complete.
And everyone calls you pretty
And everyone is amazed by you!

Compliments from ladies
They love to receive.
We create them ourselves -
A army of compliments.
I'll answer you:
You are like the light of a star.
It will immediately become easier
If you're nearby.
And let them envy
Dew blooms for everyone.
Your gaze will lure us,
At least for half an hour.


Thank you for adding holidays.ru to:

You are the most neat, uniquely interesting, immensely deep girl I have ever met.

Only elegance and beauty are visible in your smooth movements.

Tender compliments to a girl

Your quiet and meek gait can only be compared to the infinitely easy flight of a small butterfly.

You yourself don’t understand how beautiful your shining eyes are and how charming your cheerful smile is.

Cute compliments to a girl

There are fluffy kittens, funny chickens, little bunnies, but you are still the most touching, sweet and kind.

There is so much tenderness in one touch, warmth in one look, charm in one smile...

There is so much poetry in your eyes that you want to devote endless amounts of poetry.

Wonderful compliments to a girl

When the sun replaces the moon, the world changes and transforms. My world blossomed when I met the most beautiful and charming girl: you.

They say that our heart begins to beat in the womb. But I only felt its blows when I met you.

You are an unearthly creature, woven from rays of light, kindness, responsiveness, beauty and tenderness. You combine only the best.

Simple compliments to a girl

Only you can inspire me to extraordinary feats and incredible deeds.

You are an attentive, delightful, expressive girl, whom it is simply impossible to ignore.

Now generosity and selflessness for a girl have become a rare gift that, fortunately, you possess.

Kind compliment to a girl

Nowadays you rarely meet a sympathetic person with a kind heart. But I'm lucky, you're just like that.

* * *

You radiate joy and kindness, and this is the most important thing for a girl.

There are only three things that women need most in life: food, water, and compliments. You will read 100 compliments to a girl. Many of them are original, even unusual, about her beauty and eyes. Some are cool, funny and beautiful.

You can say these compliments to your beloved girl or older woman in your own words, without memorizing them. If you want to impress the lady of your heart, master the art of giving compliments. Which ones can you say and how can you make them beautiful to a girl? You will learn from this article.

The trick is to really impress the lady of your heart. So it's worth focusing on less obvious areas for praise. Compliments like: “” are so formulaic that they are unlikely to impress a lady. You need to be a little creative.

So, after carefully researching many sites, we have compiled examples of some compliments that are not found on any blog. You can say them on a date or when getting to know each other, and some are ideal for sending via SMS.

  • I was lucky enough to find the treasure I had dreamed of all my life. The understanding of this came to me when I saw you.
  • How do you always manage to impress others with how cool you look?
  • I am 100% sure that my life would have no meaning without you.
  • You are the reason why I am still alive. After all, thanks to you, I have a reason to enjoy life.
  • Do you know why they consider me a happy person? Because I have an understanding wife, kind and devoted.
  • I speak of myself as the luckiest man, since I was lucky enough to meet such a charming and attractive woman. (We recommend reading the article).
  • You have an amazing ability to make me forget about my problems when we are together.
  • I never even dreamed of such a wife. My dreams turned out to be insignificant compared to reality.
  • The smile on your face looks so cute when you laugh.
  • You understand me so well, it’s as if you read my thoughts.
  • Just spending time with a smart, intelligent girl already brings unforgettable moments of joy.
  • You are a great conversationalist. When I communicate with you, I don’t even notice how time flies.
  • I have never met a woman who was as caring as you.
  • I really want to make you laugh all the time. After all, when you laugh, my heart skips a beat with joy.

Compliments about a girl's eyes

  • I need guidelines, because I am lost in your extraordinary eyes. I have never seen such beautiful eyes with so much light in them. I would watch and watch all night long.
  • Most people love to watch the Olympics because they only happen once every 4 years, but meeting a girl with eyes like that only happens once in a lifetime.
  • Is there an airport nearby or does it just make my heart fly when I see eyes like that?
  • Your blue eyes are like the ocean, and I'm like a man drowning in it.
  • I’m afraid that one day I’ll simply go blind, because I can’t take my eyes off your brown eyes while you’re with me.
  • Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful that I don’t have the strength to take my eyes off them.
  • Many people have beautiful eyes/lips/teeth/hair, but yours is dearer, sweeter, more beautiful to me.
  • You have such beautiful eyes that I’m afraid to drown in their beauty.
  • The look in your eyes makes me forget where I was going and what I wanted to do.

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

  • I was so enchanted by your beauty that I hit the wall. So now you have to take out insurance. (You'll love this one).
  • If thousands of artists worked for a thousand years, they would hardly be able to create a work of art that surpasses the depth of your feminine beauty.

  • If being beautiful is considered a crime, then you will be declared guilty.
  • Believe me, there is no such word in the dictionary that can convey all your inherent beauty.
  • My eyes darkened from the bright light of your beauty.
  • Perfectionists need to look at your beauty to get inspired.
  • Do you know what makes you special? Even as you get older, you do not lose your beauty. She becomes special, feminine. (Find out ).
  • Your extraordinary beauty makes me feel on top of the world.
  • No camera can convey all the beauty that belongs to you. A photograph will only convey external beauty, but your inner beauty is beyond any admiration.
  • Looking at your beauty, it’s even hard for me to imagine what a perfect woman was once like in heaven.

Beautiful compliments to a girl

  • I'm not drunk, I'm just intoxicated by your beauty.
  • My breathing is synonymous with my love for you, and my love for you will fade only when I stop breathing.
  • Your figure deserves the attention of the best artists.
  • Everyone knows about your kindness. She is like a big breath of fresh air in this polluted world.
  • I was simply blown away when I saw you. Everything I once dreamed of is now right in front of me.
  • You look amazing! Right down the spine, at the back of my head, I feel the envious glances of men on me.
  • I’ve never seen someone’s eyebrows like yours, that could highlight their eyes so beautifully that it’s impossible to even look at them enough.
  • Please don't stop smiling. After all, your smile makes even a frosty day warm for me.
  • It seems to me that your smile can even illuminate the bottom of the ocean.
  • I'm at a loss on how to compliment a girl when there are no suitable words in the language to describe your kindness.
  • You don't need makeup, rather, on the contrary, makeup needs you.
  • Your graceful walk and movements contribute to the beauty of the Universe.
  • You are like a spring flower: cheerful and well-groomed. (We recommend reading,).
  • Your voice makes me fall in love with you again and again.
  • I like and am pleased that you understand my thoughts before I voice them.
  • If I only had your last kiss left, I would save it so that someday I could touch your lips again.
  • Your voice is more pleasant to me than all my favorite songs combined.
  • When I see you my heart is ready to jump out. And all because of your beautiful smile (beautiful face).

Cool compliments to a girl

  • You could be called a professional thief because you manage to steal all men's hearts.
  • Sorry, I think I dropped my jaw when I saw you.

  • Your lips are a magnet for me, to which I am strongly drawn.
  • Someone should call the police because you stole my heart.
  • Sorry if I got stuck. It's not a virus, I was just struck by your beautiful face.
  • I’ve never been able to speak a foreign language, but when I see you, my voice makes strange sounds that I don’t understand, as if I’m a foreigner.
  • Your teeth are so beautiful and white that any dentist would show them to others as an example.
  • If the stars fell every time I remember your smile, the sky would soon be empty.
  • If you were the tears in my eyes, I would avoid crying for fear of losing even a small part of you.
  • Your beautiful, alluring lips make my heart do somersaults.
  • Even tulips in the garden or roses in the park will not be better than your lips and tender words.
  • Your love for me is like waves in the sea: sometimes calm, and sometimes stormy, but, most importantly, it is there.

Compliments to your girlfriend

  • I really like your freckles. They look so cute on you.
  • Only with you I can be myself, real, without pretense.
  • I've learned so much from you. For example, patience, calmness, modesty.
  • You have such alluringly beautiful hair. You want to constantly stroke them and finger them in your hands.
  • Your cooking ability reminds me of my mother. You even managed to surpass her in preparing many dishes.
  • I'm fascinated by your romantic makeup.

  • How do you manage to have such beautiful hair to look so wonderful?
  • I am blessed by your presence. This is the best I've ever had.
  • I get pleasant shivers down my spine when I think about your smile.
  • After I saw you, I feel an inexplicable desire to impress you in order to keep you forever. (Find out ).
  • Your fingers are so tender when you touch me that they take away any pain.
  • The only difference between exceptional and amazing is the kindness that comes from you.
  • I have a problem coming up with compliments to a girl about her beauty in my own words so that they are worthy enough for you.
  • Thanks to your character, I am able to become a better person than I can be.
  • I'm completely disarmed by your wit.
  • Honestly, in this dress (skirt, style, outfit) you look much more feminine and attractive than any movie star.
  • I love falling asleep in your arms and waking up next to you. It makes my day better.
  • You have an amazing sense of humor.
  • I like that you can’t be called a “dummy” (stupid) girl, but on the contrary, someone who knows her worth.
  • What I like most about you is your kindness in dealing with other people.
  • Most of all, I appreciate your willingness to obey me as the head of the family, even if you don’t always like the decisions I make.
  • How do you manage to be so caring, loving, selfless and energetic at the same time?
  • Time becomes non-existent for me when we communicate with you. (Read,).
  • My best decision was the decision to marry you.
  • Your lips are so full and juicy and look so tempting.
  • Your smile gives me the confidence to make things impossible for me possible.
  • This dress shows off your figure so amazingly.
  • Talking with you is a pleasure. You always manage to maintain the topic of any conversation. (Girls will be interested to know)
  • I can hardly take my eyes off your figure. Believe me, she is perfect for me.
  • I know this job (task) was very difficult for you, but I was impressed by the way you handled it.
  • How did you manage to cook this dish so perfectly (deliciously, surprisingly)? Keep up the good work.
  • This dress color matches the color of your eyes amazingly.
  • This style of clothing emphasizes your figure so clearly (excellently, well).
  • I love listening to you say “darling, darling” to me.
  • I would rather not live than live without your love.
  • If love and beauty became known to me, it was thanks to you.
  • Do you know what I like most about you? Your intelligence is also your ability to maintain and carry on a pleasant conversation.

What compliments can you say to a girl?

About how beautiful she looks. How can you not appreciate the effort she put into looking good. Women like it when they appreciate the way they look, even if they are well over 40 years old. Compliments like these let you know that their efforts were not in vain and are appreciated.

Written. Love stories or poems were written by people who wanted to tell about their love for their lover. A lady will like it if you try to express your admiration for her in poetic form. You can send SMS compliments to a girl that are in tune with the guy’s feelings. By reading them, she will know what the guy thinks about her.

For her skills. Women are so used to being complimented mainly on their appearance that sometimes it becomes unusual for them to be admired for their skills. So next time, think about how to express your admiration or gratitude for women's work. Show that you appreciate the lady of your heart for her skills.

Her femininity. Pay attention to her kindness, ability to present herself, and choose a suitable outfit with taste. Highlight in a special column gait, grace, caring for others, maternal feelings, feminine qualities, as well as the correct attitude towards the dominance of men.

One of the best opportunities is to compliment the girl in your own words. When they just talk about a girl’s eyes, hair, lips, face, skin, smile. When a man pays attention to a woman’s voice, the aroma of her perfume, also, not forgetting about her figure. It is difficult for any woman to forget words that include these aspects.

Avoid making compliments of a sexual nature or with hidden implications, especially when meeting someone. For example, “you look so sexy or I’m fascinated by your breasts.” Such compliments are suitable for married couples, those who are very close to each other. But it’s not a fact that the girl you recently met will like them.

Spontaneous. Are some of the best compliments. Think about what feelings you get when you see the woman you like or love most? What impressed you? Say it simply, in your own words. Think not about how to say, but what to say. Remember, as long as these words are not associated with sexual connotations, they will look truthful, sincere and beautiful.

Look video what compliments should you avoid when talking to a girl.

What is important to remember when giving compliments

  1. We must remember about sincerity. If a girl truly sees the sincerity in your eyes, she will appreciate the compliment. Because insincerity irritates, making you feel uncomfortable. It feels like the guy is just trying to get her. Therefore, give compliments only when you feel the urge to give them. This will help you be sincere.
  2. It's best to give a girl compliments when she least expects them. At the same time, be honest and speak with feeling, a sincere smile on your face. It is also important not to overuse compliments so as not to give the impression of insincerity or flattery. Therefore, moderation must be observed in everything.
  3. If suddenly a compliment offends a woman in any way, you need to immediately apologize, saying that you didn’t mean to offend or upset her.
  4. Try to be careful with your words. Otherwise, the compliment will turn into a comment. It is important to weigh your words according to compliments and say them with the most appropriate intonation. Be careful as you are dealing with a tender heart!
  5. Different women like to hear different things from a man. Some people like it when a man talks about her beauty. While others want to hear admiration for their femininity, virtues, or the fact that she is... Therefore, avoid giving the same compliment over and over again, as this causes distrust in the words spoken.
  6. Of course, there is nothing wrong with giving a girl short compliments, the typical ones that all men use. For example, that she is beautiful, slim, gorgeous, but this does not separate you from the rest of the guys. Therefore, try to surprise your partner at least sometimes by telling her something unusual. Capable of touching a woman’s heart and raising you to heights in her eyes.


Giving a compliment is not only a good way to get someone's attention. It's also the easiest way to make someone feel good. Plus, it doesn't cost a penny and doesn't require too much effort to say.

Try to give the girl “not hackneyed” compliments, but come up with something unusual and original. What distinguishes her from the rest of the fairer sex. It’s good to evaluate her physical merits, but it’s even better to evaluate her intelligence, qualities, and character. After all, women love such compliments much more than men.

How did you like these 100 compliments for a girl? Believe me, after hearing them, the lady will be flattered and fascinated by you, since it is unlikely that anyone has spoken such words to her. (You're also the one they'll like)