Hair care after straightening. Conditioner with Visible Repair balm from Londa Professional

New Year

Keratin straightening is a fairly expensive procedure, so you want to prolong its effect as long as possible. Experts promise that hair will remain smooth, healthy and shiny for at least 4 months, but warn that this will require special care. So how can you take care of your hair after keratin straightening and help it look amazing for longer?

First time

The first few days are the most important:

  • It is not recommended to wet your hair at this time. Even if you get caught in the rain after visiting the hairdresser, try to protect your head well from water, otherwise the effect of keratin will weaken.
  • You can wash your hair only 3 days after the procedure. You can only use sulfate-free shampoo for this – we’ll tell you which one below.
  • Try not to touch your hair, let it “rest” - don’t pin it up, don’t braid it, or even tuck it behind your ear.
  • It is not recommended to use styling products, curling irons or flat irons. The latter can only be used if the curls still get wet.
  • It is better to choose silk pillowcases for sleeping - they create much less friction than cotton ones.

If all conditions are met, the effect of keratin straightening will definitely not weaken for several weeks. And in order to prolong it, you will need to continue to treat your hair with care and attention.

The right shampoo

After keratin straightening, the strands look healthy and shiny, although in fact they feel very stressed. The chemical bonds inside the hairs are destroyed, which makes them weak, vulnerable to the environment and prone to dryness. Therefore, when deciding how to care for your hair after keratin straightening, think not only about maintaining the straightening effect, but also about how to restore hair health.

Sulfate-free shampoos are gentle on the keratin applied to the strands and do not destroy it. The longer it stays on your hair, the longer its environmental protection will last. Therefore, many well-known companies produce shampoos that do not contain sulfates. In specialized hairdressing stores you can purchase sulfate-free products from the brands CocoChoco, Honma and Cadiveu. The shampoos from these manufacturers have earned the highest ratings from professionals.

If you can’t visit a highly specialized store or don’t want to spend a lot on shampoo, you can choose more common brands:

  • Shampoo for sensitive skin from Natura Siberica.
  • Color Safe from the famous company "Schwarzkopf professional".
  • Vanilla silk from Organix.

You can also simply ask for sulfate-free shampoo at the pharmacy or buy children's shampoo. For example, the Bübchen company produces foams for babies, ideal for caring for hair after straightening. Make sure that the label says “does not contain sodium laureth sulfate and parabens” and that all derivatives of the word “sulfate” are completely absent from the composition.

Strengthening and protection

Shampoo alone is not enough, so it is imperative to use a balm - no matter whether it is rinsed off or leave-in. Almost any of them is suitable for caring for straightened hair, but it is better to give preference to professional products from trusted companies. These are usually sold in hairdressing stores. You can also buy masks containing keratin there. Many well-known companies have a series of products containing keratin:

  • L"Oreal Professionnel;
  • Cocochoco;
  • Estel;
  • Kapous;
  • Indola.

Leave-in keratin sprays will also help maintain the straightening effect longer. They are used right before going outside or before swimming as protection from environmental influences.

You can also use colorless henna or herbal decoctions as a restorative agent. They are safe for keratin and provide a good healing effect.

In order for the effect of keratin straightening to last for a long time, observe certain conditions throughout the entire period:

  • Do not squeeze your curls with tight elastic bands. To create a ponytail, a wide silk ribbon is better suited.
  • You can dye straightened hair, but not earlier than 2 weeks after keratin treatment. For this purpose, use only paints that do not contain ammonia. If coloring is absolutely necessary, it is better to do it a week before straightening.
  • Masks alone are not always enough. It is better to take a course of procedures to strengthen and improve hair health. This can be lamination, shielding or mesotherapy.
  • It is not recommended to swim in sea water after the procedure. Salt water destroys keratin, so the shine and smoothness of your curls will disappear much faster due to swimming. An excellent solution is to apply a leave-in conditioner to your strands before swimming. It will create good protection against salt.
  • It’s better not to plan a trip to the steam room with keratin-straightened hair. Hot, humid air will have a very negative effect on them.
  • It is recommended to do a haircut no earlier than 6 days after straightening. Hair needs to bounce back and recover from stress.
  • Even after the effect of the procedure has passed, devote a lot of time to the health of your hair - you need to make masks, take courses of healing, strengthening and moisturizing.

The more seriously you take care of your straightened hair, the longer it will remain smooth, shiny and silky. In addition, the above tips will not only protect your hair, but also make it much healthier and stronger.

Keratin hair straightening is a unique procedure for active hair restoration. Keratin and silicones, on the basis of which the products are produced, enrich the structure of the hair, enveloping it and protecting it from harmful external influences. After the procedure, the hair becomes silky, smooth, straight and easy to style. For people with curly hair, this is an ideal way to straighten unruly curls. How to care for hair after keratin treatment?

Benefits of keratin straightening

This procedure will greatly please those who have always dreamed of smooth, elastic, silky hair. And especially those who take the issue of carrying out a keratin procedure and caring for their hair after it with all seriousness.

Our hair is 88% keratin. The molecules of this substance are able to penetrate deeply into the hair structure, providing excellent appearance and protection from negative influences (stress, ultraviolet rays, cigarette smoke, etc.). The effect of the procedure lasts from 2 to 6 months and directly depends on the initial condition of the hair, the components of the drug, and most importantly, on proper hair care after keratin straightening.

The keratin procedure does not require special hair preparation. The main task at the initial stage is to choose a salon that has external ventilation and a powerful exhaust hood.

It is very important to find an experienced professional who will apply the drug evenly and in sufficient quantity. Otherwise, your hair will quickly begin to break and lose its shine. Another important factor is a good composition. It is better to spare no expense in purchasing a quality product to reduce the negative impact on your hair. But, as with any other product that affects hair, there are downsides. The main disadvantage of a cheap keratin complex is the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, which, as is known, cannot be beneficial. When choosing a drug, carefully read the instructions and consult with a professional to minimize all risks.

The price of the issue is quite high. Those with long hair will have to shell out at least 16 thousand rubles, those with medium hair – about 13,000, and those with short hair – up to 10 thousand rubles.

Important: during pregnancy it is better to refuse the procedure. Although this nuance has not been fully studied, nevertheless, in this case the risk is not at all justified.

Care in the first days after the procedure

So , keratin straightening has already been done. How to care for your hair after the procedure in the first three days?

  1. During these days it is important to keep your hair dry. They cannot be washed or exposed to even the slightest amount of water. Wet weather can also worsen the effect, so it is better not to go outside during rain or fog. Water and moisture can partially wash away the protein coating, leaving stains on the hair.
  2. It is prohibited to use any styling products these days: hair dryer, curling iron, hair straightener, hairspray, etc.
  3. It is important to keep your hair loose: do not bend it behind your ears, do not braid it, do not pin it, do not collect it with an elastic band or hoop, do not do your hair. During this short period, keratin has not yet firmly fixed on the hair, and with the slightest pressure on it, nicks can form. Be patient for these three days, do not touch your hair again.

Delicate, gentle handling of hair is the basis of care after keratin.

How do we behave next?

In order for the effect to last as long as possible, it is necessary to continue to follow the basic rules of care.

  • Key point: when washing your hair, use shampoos and conditioners that do not contain sulfates and sodium chloride. These active substances can gradually wash away the natural keratin coating from the hair, which will significantly shorten its duration.
  • After washing, be sure to dry your hair with a hairdryer. Don't be afraid of it: keratin protein reliably protects hair from burning. If you start doing this immediately after washing, then dry them almost completely dry, and then go through a hairdryer along with brushing. Another option is natural drying by 70-80%, and then blow-drying.
  • After keratin straightening, you will not need any special sprays or mousses to add volume to the roots or to style your hair. Keratin hair care itself provides styling without any additional products. Overdoing it is the same as taking a double or triple dose of medication. After such a blow, your hair will respond by becoming dull and dirty, starting to break and fall out. For styling, use only a hairdryer, curling iron or flat iron.
  • Before swimming in rivers or lakes, be sure to apply a leave-in conditioner to your hair. Afterwards, we rinse them with clean fresh water. Swimming in the sea or pool with chlorinated water is not recommended: salt and chlorine will quickly remove keratin from the hair. As a last resort, put a rubber cap on your head, carefully hiding your hair under it. Afterwards, rinse your hair with fresh water. Also, going to a bathhouse or sauna is not the best solution. Humid hot air has a destructive effect on keratin.
  • Hair coloring or highlighting should be done a week before keratin straightening or only after 14 days. It is important to choose products that do not contain sulfates. This will allow you to maintain your hair color longer.
  • Don't do your hair too tight. Light elastic bands and silk scarves will not destroy the keratin shell and will not even leave a mark on the hair, but regular tugging with hard ropes can minimize the effect of the protein substance.
  • It is better to sleep on a silk pillow: cotton pillowcases will create friction in the hair, which will have a bad effect on the straightening effect, especially in the first days. Smooth and soft silk will reduce friction and prolong the positive effect of the procedure.

Should anything change in hair care after keratin straightening?

Surely every second girl, returning home from the salon with luxurious shining hair, asked herself this question.

Many ladies dream of their hair shining like in the Pantene product advertisement.

But using an electric straightener every day to straighten your locks is unsafe, because hair does not react well to frequent temperature exposure.

The master talks about further hair care during the procedure, but if you forgot something while you were leaving the salon, or wanted to clarify something, you will find all the necessary information in this article.

Hairs are made primarily of a protein called keratin. If there is not enough keratin, the hair becomes fragile and unruly.

For home restoration, shampoos and conditioners with the addition of keratin molecules are produced, but the protein particles in these products are too large to penetrate deep into the hairs and act with sufficient effectiveness.

Basically, keratin molecules found in shampoos and balms remain outside, on the cornea of ​​the hair and do not affect the structure in any way.

Hairdressers also straighten hair using keratin, but using a slightly different technology. Salon procedures take several hours.

Liquid keratin is applied to strands that have been previously washed with a special shampoo and secured to the hairs by running an iron designed to straighten hair at high temperature through the strands.

In this case, no restoration of the structure occurs.

Israeli manufacturers have recently been able to improve this process. They managed to separate long protein molecules into nanoparticles.

Nano-keratin is so small that it can penetrate into the hair shaft.

When strands are coated with a layer of nano-keratin in the salon and heated with a straightening iron, the liquid solvent evaporates and a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the cracks in the hairs are filled and their internal structure is even slightly restored.

In this way, a double effect is achieved simultaneously: restoration and straightening. Reviews for this service are always very good.

Nano-keratin is not permanently embedded in the hair shaft. Gradually it is washed out - this happens a little during each hair wash.

When there is almost no artificial protein left in the hair, the hair will look the same as it looked before.

The keratin restoration procedure can be repeated several times. After each time, the hair will remain smooth longer and longer, since even partially washed keratin increases the strength of fixation of the new portion.

The effect of the first straightening lasts for several months, usually from two to four. During this entire time, your hair will need special care.

Caring for hair restored with keratin is designed mainly to prevent premature leaching of the protein preparation from the hairs.

Rules of care after keratin straightening

Proper care ensures that the effect of keratin straightening lasts as long as possible.

Handling hair in the first days after straightening

You should not wet your hair immediately after coming home from the salon and then for at least another two days.

If your hair accidentally gets wet, you should try to quickly dry it naturally (without a hair dryer) and straighten it with an iron.

During the first three days after keratin straightening, you should not use styling products, curling irons, use hairpins, headbands, hairpins, braid your hair, or crease your hair in any way.

If your hair accidentally gets wrinkled, for example, during sleep, and waves and creases appear on it, you need to straighten it with an iron as quickly as possible.

Further hair care:

  • You can start coloring and tinting only two weeks after the procedure;
  • The entire time that the keratin is in the hairs (remember that this is 2-4 months or more), you need to wear a cap when swimming in the pool or in the sea - salty or highly chlorinated water can wash the product away much earlier than expected. Instead of a cap, you can use a special protective serum, for example Trichovedic Glossing Serum;
  • Do not pull your hair tightly into a ponytail or use narrow elastic bands. It is better to use cloth tape instead of rubber bands;
  • Do not rub your hair with a cloth. You will have to sleep on smooth pillowcases (silk, satin). After washing, you will also have to use the towel with caution - do not rub the strands, but only gently blot them.

The main rule concerns the choice of hair detergents. Perhaps this rule will be the most difficult to follow, because most will have to give up their favorite shampoos.

Only those that do not contain sulfates are suitable for washing your hair. Sulfuric acid salts or sulfates form a lush foam and clean well.

But they wash out not only grease and dirt from the hair, but also keratin. In sulfate-free soap-based detergents, the role of a cleaner is assigned to compounds with a different chemical composition and other properties.

Sulfate-free products do not produce as much foam as we are used to. But on the other hand, they act much more gently on the hair shafts and do not penetrate under their scales, as more aggressive sulfates do.

If your hair falls out

Improper care may well be one of the reasons that hair after keratin straightening will begin to fall out more than usual.

During the first time after the procedure, they should not fall out at all, because all loose hairs have already been removed in the salon when the master ironed them.

The reason for this may not be the care, but the insufficient qualifications of the master performing the procedures. The hair in the salon may have been overheated or not fully processed.

There are salons where they skimp on quality and use counterfeit drugs containing harmful and even dangerous compounds rather than branded ones.

You will suspect something is wrong only after your hair begins to fall out rapidly. Therefore, before choosing a salon, it is recommended to study reviews from previous clients - word of mouth will help avoid negative consequences.

The third reason is rare. This is an allergic reaction to any component of the mixture.

The preparation for keratin straightening is composed of ten or more ingredients, any of which may cause individual intolerance.

An allergic reaction primarily affects the skin. If the hair grows out, and the scalp becomes inflamed or becomes very itchy, it is not the care or poor performance of the procedure in the salon that is to blame - it’s all about allergies.

If your hair loss is moderate, you can treat it yourself. For this, homemade masks are recommended - with kefir, yolk, olive, burdock and castor oils.

Among folk remedies, you can use rinses with decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as stinging nettle, calendula (marigold), birch leaves, calamus roots, burdock, and plantain.

If there is excessive hair loss, home treatments will not help. You will have to consult a trichologist - a doctor specializing in the treatment of hair.

The doctor will conduct the necessary tests, identify the cause of the problem, advise how to care for your curls and develop a course of treatment.

Keratin straightening is a good option for those who prefer smooth and shiny hair like a mirror to curls.

Treatments with keratin will make your hair perfectly smooth and shiny for a while.

How long this will last depends entirely on you, or more precisely on how scrupulously you follow the rules for caring for hair straightened with keratin.

Most of the fair sex, whom nature has endowed with curly hair, desperately envy those with straight hair. After all, smooth and straight hair, unlike curly hair, practically does not tangle, lends itself well to styling and allows you to create many different hairstyles. And therefore, women who have natural curls try in every possible way to straighten them. Some ladies use an electric iron every day, others stretch their strands using brushing and a hairdryer, and others, wanting to achieve a longer lasting result, resort to the procedure of keratin hair straightening (keratinization).

This technique began to be used relatively recently, but it has already gained great popularity among the fair half of humanity, since thanks to it you can not only make your curls smooth and manageable, but also significantly improve their general condition and appearance. In addition, keratinization helps provide hair with protection from external factors, giving it a mirror-like shine and shine. The effect after keratin straightening, as a rule, appears immediately and lasts for several months, but sometimes it happens that after some time the hair loses its smoothness, begins to curl again, or even becomes excessively dry and brittle. To prevent this from happening, you need to organize proper hair care after keratinization.

Recommendations for hair care after keratin straightening

Keratin straightening is a cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to urgently restore the damaged structure of the hair shafts. Initially, it was believed that this technique could only treat curls, but later it turned out that keratinization also helps straighten curls. The process includes several stages: deep cleansing of the hair, application of a special product consisting of fibrillar protein (keratin) and formaldehyde (it destroys disulfide bonds in the cortex, allowing the protein to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and fill the voids formed in it), and straightening the curls with an iron , heated to 200 degrees. As a result, the hair becomes smooth, even, gains strength, strength and dazzling shine.

The main advantage of keratinization is that it does not significantly affect the structure of the hair, therefore the risk of side effects is minimized. Nevertheless, curls after keratin straightening require special care, which requires compliance with the following rules:

  • After keratinization, you should refrain from washing your hair, visiting the sauna, pool or beach for 72 hours. When taking a shower, be sure to put a plastic cap on your head to avoid contact of your curls with water and steam. If moisture does get on your hair, dry it with a hairdryer as quickly as possible (at the lowest speed) and straighten it with an iron.
  • In the first days after keratin straightening, try not to touch your hair unless necessary, as it may be injured. You should not do complex hairstyles, collect your curls in a tight ponytail, put them behind your ears, or use metal hair clips. It is better to generally leave your hair down, even at night.
  • For sleeping, it is recommended to use a pillowcase made of natural fabric (cotton or silk) so that the scalp does not sweat.
  • For 3-4 days after keratinization, you should not use a curling iron or tongs, or apply styling products (mousses, foams, varnishes) to your hair, as this can lead to the destruction of the synthesized keratin and loss of the straightening effect.
  • If you want to change the color of your hair, do it no earlier than 2 weeks after the procedure, otherwise the new shade may turn out unexpected. Ideally, hair coloring should be done 7–10 days before keratinization and it is better to use ammonia-free products for these purposes.
  • After 3 days after keratinization, you can wash your hair, but not with regular shampoo, but with a special one that does not contain sulfates and sodium chloride (they destroy keratin). In the future, water procedures should be carried out as needed (approximately 2-3 times a week). After washing, you should use a conditioner or conditioner from the same line. Such products soften hair, make it easier to comb and provide additional protection from external factors.
  • When washing your hair, you should apply shampoo to the root zone and beat it into foam with wet hands, and only then distribute it along the entire length of the strands (this must be done very carefully, avoiding excessive friction of the hair against each other). You need to rinse your hair with warm water or a freshly prepared herbal decoction (for example, chamomile or nettle). To prolong the effect after hair straightening, you can additionally use cosmetics with keratins - emulsions, sprays, masks (they are sold in almost all stores selling professional cosmetics).
  • Use combs or brushes made from natural materials to comb your hair. Combing should be done strictly vertically, from top to bottom. To facilitate the process, you can pre-treat the curls with a special product (for example, a two-phase moisturizing spray based on plant extracts).
  • Hair that has undergone keratinization can be dried with a hairdryer and styled with an iron, but you should not overuse the listed devices, since they negatively affect the structure of the curls.
  • When visiting a pool or swimming in natural bodies of water, be sure to wear a rubber cap on your head to protect your hair from the effects of chlorine, salt and other substances contained in the water. In rainy weather, before going outside, treat your hair with a leave-in product (serum, balm or spray) with a moisture protection effect.

By following these simple recommendations, you can not only significantly prolong the effect obtained as a result of keratin straightening, but also avoid possible problems with your hair. However, do not forget that curls that have undergone keratinization need regular nutrition and hydration, so products such as masks must be included in your care program. You can purchase them in the store or prepare them yourself using recipes from your home cosmetology arsenal. Masks should be applied to pre-washed and towel-dried hair for 20–40 minutes. To enhance the effect of the cosmetic composition, it is recommended to wrap your hair with film and a warm scarf. The procedure must be completed by thoroughly rinsing the hair with warm water or a fresh herbal decoction. You cannot use lemon or vinegar solution to rinse your curls, since acids contribute to the destruction of keratin. You should make masks 2-3 times a week.

Hair masks after keratin straightening: recipes

Recipe No. 1

Effect: moisturizes hair, strengthens its structure and gives additional volume to the hair.


  • kefir or yogurt - 100 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • chamomile decoction - 100 ml;
  • ground cinnamon - 10 g.

How to do:

  • Mix kefir (or yogurt) with oil and heat in a steam bath.
  • Add cinnamon powder and chamomile infusion.
  • Wet the hair thoroughly with the resulting solution, wait 20 minutes, then rinse off the mask with water.

Recipe No. 2

Effect: fills curls with nutrients and moisture, evens out and strengthens their structure, giving hair a luxurious shine.


  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • burdock oil - 20 ml;
  • grape oil - 20 ml.

How to do:

  • Pour all the oils into one container, heat the mixture to 35–40 degrees and saturate the pre-moistened curls with it.
  • Keep the mixture on for about 40 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo several times.

Recipe No. 3

Effect: eliminates excessive dryness of curls, nourishes them along the entire length, gives them strength, softness and natural shine.


  • egg yolk - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 30 g;
  • burdock oil - 30 ml;
  • aloe juice - 20 ml;
  • cognac - 30 ml.

How to do:

  • Beat the yolk, butter and honey until smooth.
  • Add cognac and aloe juice.
  • Mix and treat the curls with the composition.
  • Leave the mask on for 45–50 minutes, and then wash your hair with neutral shampoo.

The more responsible you are in caring for your hair after keratinization, the longer it will remain perfectly smooth, silky and shiny. Don’t skimp on the health of your curls, take care of them by following the rules listed above, and don’t forget that it’s always easier to prevent any problems than to try to solve them later.

Many girls, whom nature has gifted with luxuriant hair with wavy, curly hair, simply dream of their curls becoming perfectly straight. In the modern world, there are quite a lot of hair straightening methods - these include folk remedies and salon services. One of these procedures is keratin straightening, which simultaneously allows a woman to get perfectly straight curls and also provides reliable care and restoration of the hair structure. But in order for the effect of the procedure to last as long as possible, it is important to know what hair care after keratin straightening involves?

What is a salon procedure?

The hair structure contains keratin or natural protein. If there is enough of it, then the curls shine, radiate health and look great. As soon as there is little keratin in the hair structure for various reasons, the curls immediately begin to break, fade and dry out.

To maintain the presence of keratin, modern cosmetology companies produce a variety of therapeutic and preventive shampoos, balms, and gels. They are recommended to be used to improve the external condition of hairs. Unfortunately, keratin particles in cosmetic products are so small that they simply cannot penetrate into the depths of the hairs; therefore, it is impossible to improve the internal structure of the curls with the help of them.

Salon keratin straightening is not only a hairdressing service, it is also classified as a caring procedure. Currently, in beauty salons, clients can be offered 2 options - based on regular keratin, as well as straightening using nano-keratin.

  • With conventional keratin straightening, liquid keratin is applied to the surface of clean and thoroughly shampooed strands. It is securely attached to the surface of each hair. After the curls are straightened using a special hair straightener, the ideal result of the cosmetic procedure is achieved. With regular keratin straightening, the curls become perfectly straight, but the structure of the hairs is not restored.
  • Nano-keratin straightening is an advanced cosmetic procedure. Thanks to the hard work of scientists, it was possible to separate long protein molecules into small nanoparticles. The size of nano-keratin is so small that it effortlessly penetrates into the hair, where it fills cracks and other internal defects in the hair shaft. The procedure for straightening strands with nano-keratin is carried out in a similar manner, that is, a special composition of liquid keratin is applied to the surface of the strands, then using an iron, the curls are straightened and become smooth and perfectly straight.

It is important to note that it will not be possible to “implant” keratin into the hair structure forever; over time, the keratin is washed out, and the curls become wavy again. To preserve the results of the salon procedure for a long time, you need to know how to care for your strands after straightening with keratin.

Before you start straightening your hair with keratin, you must:

  • thoroughly rinse the strands and remove any remaining styling products from their surface;
  • dry each strand with a hairdryer, this is necessary to remove excess moisture;
  • Comb the curls with a fine-toothed comb.

Care for straightened curls - the first 3 days

After a cosmetic procedure, it is very important to provide the straightened strands with proper care. The first 3 days after keratin straightening are the most important and decisive. If you follow all the basics of proper hair care, the salon procedure can last up to 6 months.

What is important to know?

  1. Do not wet or wash your curls. For the first 3 days after keratin straightening, it is recommended to refrain from visiting the pool or sauna. You cannot go to the bathhouse or swim in the sea. It is important to avoid getting your strands wet in any way, be it rain or washing your hair. This precaution is important because the keratin has not yet been completely absorbed into the hair structure, so any moisture can cause the curls to become wavy again. If unintentional moistening of the strands occurs, it is necessary to immediately straighten them using a hair straightener.
  2. It is important to avoid sweat on your head while you sleep. This means that you need to take care of ventilating the room before going to bed, as well as using natural pillowcase materials that will definitely not cause increased sweating in a person.
  3. At first, you should not expose your curls to thermal heating using appropriate devices - a curling iron, hair dryer or straightening iron.
  4. You cannot touch the strands for the first 3 days. Since keratin has not yet been completely “introduced” into the structure of the hairs, it can break with any physical touch; accordingly, the hair also becomes fragile and breaks easily.
  5. You cannot do your hair, pin up strands, or make a ponytail. It is ideal if the curls are loose for the first 3 days.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to use varnishes, foams, or mousses to style hair. The chemical components of styling products can react with keratin, and the result of such interaction can be completely unexpected and unusual.
  7. If a girl wants to change the color of her strands, then she needs to dye her curls a week before straightening with keratin. Hair coloring is allowed 2 weeks after the salon procedure. In both cases, it is important to use hair dye that does not contain ammonia.
  8. Cutting curls is also prohibited. This can be done 3 days after keratin straightening.
  9. To prolong the healing effect, it is recommended to use medicinal balms, masks, and shampoos. Of course, the procedure for healing strands must begin only 3 days after straightening with keratin.

Tips on how to properly care for your hair after keratin straightening:

The basics of proper hair care

After a certain time (3 days) after straightening your hair with keratin, you can return to your normal lifestyle. Of course, your hair needs to be taken care of a little differently. In particular, you should know which shampoo you can use to wash your hair, and which detergent it will be important to avoid.

  • When can you wash your hair? It is allowed to start water procedures 3 days after completing the salon procedure.
  • Washing curls after keratin straightening is allowed only with shampoos that do not contain ingredients such as sodium sulfate or sodium chloride.
  • When washing your hair, massage movements should be light, not sharp or intense.

Tips for healthy strands:

  • After each shampooing, it is recommended to apply balms, masks, conditioners to the curls. These can be both professional remedies and folk remedies.
  • For thick and unruly hair, you should use only products that will definitely facilitate the process of combing wet curls after washing them.
  • In professional cosmetic stores you can purchase keratin-based balms and masks. It is recommended to use such products at least once a week.

Another important aspect concerns the creation of hairstyles after straightening with keratin.

  • Hair styling products should not contain aggressive ingredients, such as sodium sulfate. It is important to note that it is this substance that destroys the keratin film, which makes the salon procedure less durable.
  • Any styling on straightened curls is allowed, but you must refrain from backcombing and tight hairstyles, as they negatively affect the integrity of the keratin film.

What else should you consider?

  1. You can only swim in the pool wearing a protective rubberized cap - chlorinated water should not be allowed to interact with keratin.
  2. After active swimming in the depths of the sea, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the curls - salt cannot be left on the surface of the hairs after keratin straightening, as it will destroy the structure of the hairs.

Folk care products

  1. Beer mask. Beat 1 chicken yolk with a mixer and add 1 glass of warmed light beer to it. The mask is distributed on the strands for 20 minutes, and after that it is thoroughly washed off.
  2. Mask with essential oil. Gently rub or rub into the hair roots. Such types of oils as coconut, almond, sea buckthorn, and olive also have healing properties. After 1-2 hours, the oily mask is washed off with shampoo.
  3. Green tea mask. Brew strong green tea, rinse your hair with it, wait 5-10 minutes, then rinse your hair with running water.

It is strictly forbidden to use care products that contain vinegar or lemon juice, as well as other acids. Such ingredients contribute to the destruction of the dense keratin layer on the strands. Proper hair care after a keratin straightening procedure will ensure a beautiful appearance and excellent health of the strands.