A touching letter to a beloved girl that brings tears to her eyes. Declaring your love to a girl in your own words

Choice of colors

Hello, my sweet and dear!
I’ve been sitting near the monitor for several minutes now and thinking about what and how to write, looking for words, looking for sentences, trying to organize and put everything in order and, finally, formulate something in the hope that the most beautiful letter I’ve ever written will turn out wrote to you...
I have always believed that letters are a part of our heart and soul... If this is not the case, they are uninteresting and dry. It’s like when preparing dishes: if you don’t put your heart and soul into it, you’ll only spoil the food...
Our letters are us, because they contain our thoughts and our dreams, our kindness and our feelings, our mood and well-being, our character and temperament, our culture and upbringing, our worldview and fantasy, our imagination and our romance, our experiences and plans, our feelings and our love... All this can be freely read in them... Whether we like it or not, our letters contain us and our lives...
Of course, letters have always been one of the ways of communication... If earlier you had to wait for weeks, or even months, for them, now you can receive a letter from anywhere in the world in seconds..
I am glad and happy that I live in a time when there is such technology, such communication and such opportunities to communicate, because people have always needed communication. To live without communication means to live in isolation from the world.
You know me that I am very sociable and constantly need communication. When you are not around, I am already mentally talking to you, telling you what I have not yet had time to say. But no matter how much I want to express, I can’t express everything.
I wish I could find one word that would mean what I experience and feel for you. But there is no such word. If I just say that I love you very much, it probably won’t be enough.
It’s only been a couple of days since you’ve been away from me, but I can’t find a place for myself, it’s difficult and unbearably lonely for me without you.
You know that I love you very much and always talk about it. I especially want to say a lot of words now that we are apart. Apparently, the distance between us now is also the height from which everything is seen differently. In such cases, you feel differently, value, think differently, and want to say even more about what you were previously silent or did not dare to talk about.
I'm writing to you after work. A little tired, today was a difficult day. But these are just touches. Overall, everything is good.
It's late... Many people may have been on vacation for a long time. Perhaps you are also sleeping now. I can't sleep for some reason.
I’m listening to our favorite “Moon Light Sonata” by Beethoven - a recording from your concert.
This is great music. It relieves fatigue, heals a wounded soul, it is priceless.
I remembered how you talked about this music, and I agreed with you, because you know better that such music should cleanse the soul, free it from all evil and hatred, leaving only the good and beautiful in it. Through the brilliant composer Beethoven, God himself speaks to people and gives moments of true joy and real happiness on this Earth. This kind of music reminds people again and again that they should only create and create, but not break or destroy...
This kind of music makes you think about endless love for people and everything beautiful on Earth. There are no other more sublime feelings than Love.
I try to watch all your concerts. I remember everything. This evening I remembered that concert when you came on stage in a beautiful pink dress and played “Moon Light Sonata”. I remembered the thunderous applause after the concert. I looked and admired you. I admired your beautiful hair, your sparkling eyes, your skill and talent.
I looked at your hands and fingers... At your hands and fingers that work wonders when touching the piano keys. They, your fingers, create sounds that make people rejoice and cry...
There is no doubt that everyone wants to love and be loved, but the ability to love is God’s gift and is not given to everyone.
I am happy that you know how to love and take care of our pure and kind love, just as you keep and take care of the music that is in your soul. I don't know how to thank you for all this. Carrying you in my arms is not enough. You need to sprinkle rose petals on the roads you walk on, and then collect and preserve them - they are holy.
You can have absolutely everything, but without loving, sooner or later you come to the conclusion that you have gone through your entire life formally, and that you have left nothing sacred behind. You went through your life not with your soul, but only with your body; you did not live, but were simply present in your destiny. This is very little, it means that you have not realized yourself.
Of course, what I am writing at this late time, you will read only tomorrow. They say that the thoughts of loving people are transmitted over a distance. If such a thing exists, I hope that your sleep will not be disturbed, but, on the contrary, will be even sweeter and more magical.
Is there anything more pleasant than when you know that your beloved man thinks so much and mentally talks to you?!
If you are silent, no one will be able to guess your feelings and desires. No one can know what is in your soul and heart? They will think that you are indifferent, soulless and heartless. That’s why I speak constantly, and in every word of mine, written and spoken, you can read or hear the words “I love you!”
You know, I came to the conclusion that a Woman is such a creature, that for her there should be a holiday every day, that we, men, with our attention, kindness, our caresses and tenderness, our actions, pleasant surprises, our great love, should create holidays and heaven on Earth.
How far I succeeded, you must judge for yourself...
What is a holiday and paradise on Earth for a Woman? This is happiness and peace of mind, this is stability and confidence in the future...
What is happiness for a woman? This is when she has a holiday in her soul and heart, when she loves and is loved herself!
I realized a long time ago that a lot in our lives depends on the person who is nearby. This person can drop you, or he can help you get up. I have been convinced many times that you are the most reliable, most faithful, gentle, kind and affectionate Woman on Earth.
I am the happiest man on Earth because I have such a Woman next to me who feels, understands, supports and loves, because without love it is impossible to live.
You know, I am very worried about you, you are so far from home. It is in such moments that I feel your fragility and defenselessness.
I once read in a magazine that a wife, a mother, should be a very subtle psychologist in the family. She can conduct much-needed, invisible psychological healing sessions, the existence of which the husband and children are unaware of, in order to instill confidence in their abilities. This is necessary first of all for the husband, and then for all other family members. This should be one of her main responsibilities in the family. She shouldn't let fear and uncertainty into her family's life!
This work is often invisible, it remains behind the scenes, but it greatly affects the success and career of a man, and ultimately, it affects the well-being of the family as a whole...
You've always done a great job at this. However, what can I say? You always do great...
If you knew how much I'm waiting for you. I count the days, I count the hours, I count the minutes... I wait for you as a girl waits for a guy from the army, as a child waits for a mother who has gone shopping, as lovers wait for their wedding, as a woman who is carrying a child waits for his birth. That's how I'm waiting for you!
I’m waiting for you because I want to look into your beautiful eyes, I want to tell you more and more tender words.
I'm waiting for you, because, looking into your beautiful eyes, I want to hear back words of love and gratitude from you.
I know it’s not easy for you, but if you hadn’t left, I would have prepared breakfast tomorrow morning, as always, and left you in our favorite room so that you could sleep a little more. Then, feeling the smell of freshly prepared coffee, you woke up under a gentle kiss and said: “Good morning, honey! You know, I slept half an hour more than you today. For half an hour! Do you know how much this means to me?! I feel energetic, I feel rested. I feel great! I also feel great because you are so gentle and affectionate, caring and loving. God, is this reality or a dream? No! This is reality. Is Heaven on Earth possible? It turns out yes! It turns out that our dreams are our desires that have not yet been fulfilled.
My dreams, here they are, have come true!
This means that our desires are not supernatural, they are very simple and achievable: love, care and attention to oneself. When they come true, we feel happier than ever. Thank you, my dear! Thank you for being there! Thank you for your care and attention to me! Honey, I'm very happy! I am the happiest Woman in the world! I love you! My love for you is limitless!
This love gives me wings and I think I can fly. Love makes me understand why I need to wake up in the morning, wait for the next day to come - to see and make sure again and again that the world has changed, to see it differently, to see it in your kind and smart eyes. Then say that you can replace the whole world. I see you in all the beauty that surrounds me... But you are even more perfect... You are not just a solar spectrum with bright rays, you are the Sun itself, which illuminates, warms and revives life on Earth. Believe me, every day, every hour, every moment, I can think about you with pleasure, and this alone is happiness for me. It’s all you, and I – I’m just a humble Woman who adores and loves you tenderly...”
Our beloved son misses you too, he asked me to say hello to you. He's doing well at work. He tries. What can we talk about? After all, he’s all about you, that’s why everything works out great for him.
Time flies quickly. How long until you return? Ten days and six hours; and if the train arrives a few minutes earlier, that means there’s even less left...
I'll come pick you up at the station... No! We will all come for you together. We all love you so much!
My darling, I am finishing my letter. When I wrote, it seemed to me that I was just talking to you, but now I’m very sorry to part with you. In principle, I don’t even say goodbye, I mentally continue to talk to you...

Work from the book "Love and kindness will change the world" drawing by Yu.Zakon

Darling! You look very beautiful and amazing! However, as always, you just can’t imagine how lucky I am that you chose me among thousands of other men. Such a beauty needs a real man, right? Darling, you and I have been together for such a long time (here it is better to indicate the specific duration of the relationship - six months, a year, three months), and I still cannot believe in this happiness - in the happiness of being next to you, possessing you, loving you... Bunny, you are like that treasured prize - you are my tasty reward for the difficulties in my past difficult life... I love you and value you very much... Know that for your sake, I am ready for anything...

You are as beautiful as the morning dawn, my love. Your lips are like precious rubies, they attract, they evoke unquenchable passion. Your eyes, like bottomless pools, attract and frighten. Your eyebrows are like the wings of a bird, your nose seems to be carved from ivory by the best craftsmen in the world. Your hair is like the sea, you want to swim in it, like in cool waves, pass it through your palms, bury your face in it. You are the best girl I have ever met. I love you so much.

I keep you very carefully in my heart. every look of your beautiful eyes, every word that your angelic lips said, every second that we were close. You completely and completely filled my soul and heart. and my heart can’t live without you. I love you baby!

My sweet baby! I want to repeat this to you forever. I love everything about you, your beauty, your habits, your laughter, your jokes. You are perfect. I found you, I found the girl of my dreams. Before I met you, I couldn’t even think that this was possible. That I can love so much. But you changed me. Next to you I don’t recognize myself. With you I become a better person, with you it is always fun and I am always happy. For your sake, I am ready to do anything, because you gave me a new life, full of colors and joyful moments. When we are together, everything around us changes. How did I live before this, and what would I do without you. I am grateful to fate for such a gift, and grateful to you for the fact that you are exactly who you are, and I don’t need another. I can talk forever about my boundless love for you. Know that for the sake of you and for the sake of our future family, I am ready to do anything. You'll never cry because I just won't allow it.

I have long wanted to confess to you that I love you very much. From the very first meeting, from the very first minute, I realized that you are mine, you are my dear. I loved you at first sight. I'm ready to do anything for you. I want and I am ready to be with you all my life. I want your eyes to always sparkle with happiness, and your sweet smile never leaves your beautiful face. Just let me, and I will do everything so that you are always happy. Even then, when I first saw you, I realized that I no longer needed any girl, because I had found my soul mate. Now you and I will go together on the path to our dream - creating a family. Don’t even doubt that you and I will be the happiest. For now, let's just live and enjoy every moment we spend with each other. Believe that everything will be just cool with us. We deserve it.

Love cannot be explained in words. Only those who feel it can fully understand what it means to “love.” So this feeling touched me, and I want to tell you now that for me in this world there is no one more dear than you, my dear. Even all the words on the planet are not enough to explain how much I love you. Just feel it between the lines.

“You are a woman... You are joy, You are a flower, You are a small life in a huge world... You are a sea breeze... You are a light breeze... And there is no larger soul in this world. You are the warm summer rain... You are a bird in the heights... Beautiful and smart... Desirable and irresistible... May your lives be filled to the fullest. To all the warmest things that exist in this world!”

My sunshine, I love you more than anything in the world, more than life, I want to be only with you, I am happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, sweet, wonderful, charming girl. And now I understand that I can’t live without you. I keep in my heart every look of your beautiful eyes, every word spoken by your tender lips, every minute that we are together. Every morning when I wake up, the first thing I think about is you. I just adore you! I realized that I can’t live without you, my baby. You became the meaning of my life. Believe me, with me you will be the happiest girl in the world. I am ready to shout anywhere and everywhere that I love you. I can’t imagine a day without your smile, without your kisses. You have no idea how dear you are to me. All my life I have dreamed of a girl like you, affectionate, smart, gentle. You are the only one I want to be with forever.

All the songbirds are ready to gather in a choir, just to decorate your speeches with their singing, and I, like them, am ready to always be there to share with you all the joys and sorrows, to meet sunrises with you and see off the sun to sunset, to be always together, my love.

Confessions to your girlfriend: SMS | In verse

Declarations of love in prose to your beloved girl
Love, feelings and romantic declarations of love to a girl. Many warm words about love - texts and prose. Write heartfelt texts about love to your beloved. There are many ready-made confessions in your own words - say it gently.

SMS to my beloved girl I miss you

Baby, honey, princess,
I know everything about you.
I wish we could meet soon,
I miss you so much!

Been apart all day.
I miss you and whine like a dog!
You would stroke me
I would bring you slippers!

Honey, I miss you
A cup of tea doesn't help me either.
The mood drops completely,
Understand, this is not a whim at all.
Come to me quickly
You are very important in my destiny.

I miss you day and night
What should I write in SMS beloved?
I love you so much,
I dream of kissing you!

The sun is clear, dear girl,
Be the most affectionate, the sweetest!
Here's an SMS from me:
“I miss you so much, my love!”

How I miss you
My good darling.
I hope so too,
That I will see you again.

I want to look again
In your blue eyes.
I'm sad alone in silence.
I can't do anything without you.
I'll text you,
I miss you, darling!

I miss you so much my love,
Everywhere I look for the glow of your eyes,
And I type SMS in hope,
That you will send me a message in return.

I miss you, my love.
Things don't work out without you.
I don't notice anyone around.
Lord, I wish you would come soon!

Without you, my dear,
I feel uncomfortable, I miss you.
"Sunny", come quickly,
Warm my heart.

I’m sending you an SMS so you don’t get bored,
I want to shout about my love.
But you are far away - the voice will not reach.
So read how my heart hurts.

Hello, dear angel!
I miss you very much!
When I kiss you again
Love burns in my soul.

I'm barking like a dog today,
I might even whine
I miss you so much
Apparently I love you.

I became a terrible drug addict,
Instantly pricked by you,
You left for a day
With withdrawal symptoms I entered the battle.

It's not a man's business to be bored,
But I tell you boldly:
Since I met you,
I have become kinder and softer.

It drags on like years
All the days I spent without you.
Do you remember how nature bloomed,
When did chance bring you and me together?
I miss you so much.
It's unbearable to be in an empty apartment.
I am writing to you via SMS:
"You are no better in the whole world"

With all my heart I want to wish,
To always be loved and not to suffer anymore,
Good luck, joy and most importantly, understand
I am ready to love and adore you forever

I'll touch the reflection
Delicate skin on glass,
But it’s not you - oh, yes - a vision,
I can't live without you.

You are nearby, and life seems wonderful to me,
The world is rosy, and the day is not in vain
Passed, flew by, if next to you.
When we are apart, I wander around not myself.

I'm alone and I'm so sad
My heart is so heavy
My peace of mind was gone for a long time.
I hope you come back soon
And you will smile tenderly at me!

There are many life situations. Most of them are in relationships.

A beautiful letter to your beloved girl will help you make peace with your chosen one, write about your feelings and help out in various situations.

Declaration of love to a girl in your own words

You know, everyone tells me that writing letters is an outdated tradition, but I want to express everything that is on my soul. Don’t laugh and don’t judge harshly, I haven’t had to talk about love very often. I may be a little old-fashioned, but I really want you to read these lines and keep them for a long time.

I really want you to just smile, and a bright sparkle to appear in your beautiful eyes. I constantly remember all the meetings I had with you. Especially lately. I remember every moment how I listened very carefully to your voice, smelled your body, looked at your eyes and couldn’t get enough of it.

Your breath made my heart pulse more and more often, dreaming of adjusting to your every breath, to breathe in unison. I was captivated by your figure, everything about it is perfect, every curve. For me, you have always been and will be the most beautiful woman.

Your kisses made me perform feats, and your lips were so tender that I dissolved in moments of bliss. You are my ideal, remember that! I think about you every moment, all my thoughts are filled with you. If you feel sad, then immediately remember that there is a person who loves you madly, will always understand you and is ready to listen. After all, it’s wonderful when someone is waiting for you and wants to see you as soon as possible. You are the most beautiful, desirable and wonderful girl.

A beautiful letter to your beloved girl can be presented not only on paper, but also sent by SMS. There are many message options.

Short declarations of love to a girl

In this cold weather, I want to warm you up as soon as possible. There is nothing more beautiful when we are together. You are my dearest person. I always think about you: before going to bed, at work, at the table. My thoughts are filled only with you.

I imagine you smiling, looking at me and laughing cheerfully. Know that I will never give you up to anyone. I need only you. I love you very much, my princess.

You are the most luxurious woman, there is no one more beautiful than you. Your look kills me on the spot. When I see you, everything in my soul turns upside down. These are the most blissful moments.

Your gaze pierces my every cell. I immediately turn into a shackled person and I can’t say a word, I can’t even move a limb. That’s why I can’t tell you the most important words. I love you, my dear.

My love, your image is always before my eyes. You are mentally present with me everywhere. Your voice is like music, and every song is still stored in my memory. Your eyes are so beautiful and expressive that I want to look at them forever. In this moment I can forget about everything.

It's like looking along the ocean and feeling a slight pleasure. Your every touch makes my skin covered with small goosebumps. I am very happy that such a wonderful girl appeared in my life. Thank you for having me as my dear.

I sat on the window of the hospital room and waited for the nurse with the IV. Outside the window, despite the beginning of March, the blizzard was raging in full force. A young couple walked along the sidewalk holding hands. “This is love!” I thought. After all, the wind and frost are whistling outside, but they still hold hands... I remembered those evenings that I spent with my girlfriend at home, at that moment when the same elements were raging outside the window.
The nurse ran into the room and started shouting for me to lie down immediately and not sit on the cold windowsill and said that she would come in an hour, she was called to the intensive care unit. I slowly climbed down from the windowsill and lay down in bed. My heart still ached with a dull ache, but it was made to beat by the thought that she was waiting for me and believed that I would pull through and return home. And at this time she was also in the hospital, only in the oncology center, undergoing chemotherapy. Her illness knocked me out of the saddle, which is why I ended up in the hospital after a heart attack. The phone rang and the number of my beloved girl appeared on the screen. I didn’t want her to hear how my voice was trembling from weakness, so that she would understand that it was still quite difficult for me to speak. I didn't pick up the phone. But I went to her page on the Internet and wrote her a letter in which I wanted to tell her the most important thing. I thought what if the doctors couldn’t cope and something would happen to me... and she would never know what she meant to me. And I began to write a letter more like a monologue than a message:


Hello my beloved! You know, very often I don’t have enough time and opportunity to talk to you frankly and express my feelings for you. That's why I decided to write you this letter. My beloved, thank you for being in my life! I love you very much, you are very dear to me! You know, I often remember the life in which you were not. And I compare that boring period with this happy eternity. After all, love is eternal and has no boundaries, like beauty and ugliness, sinfulness and holiness, loyalty and lies. I understood more clearly what life is, what it means to live and love, and most importantly, to be loved. When you push the dawn to quickly see your bottomless eyes, in which I drown in silent bliss. Do you remember that evening in a cafe you told me that you didn’t need anyone but me and you couldn’t imagine your life without me? So, since then, I remember your words every day. And I fully believe that it was sincere.
Every night I pray to God for only one thing, that he would not take you away from me, that you would be happy, healthy and cheerful. You know, in life it is probably more important that your loved ones feel good, that those loved ones who make up the main part of your life are happy. And I will be happy if everything goes well for you. I want you to know that I will never give up on you for anything in the world until you want it yourself. And on the day when this happens, and God forbid our paths diverge, the largest part of my heart capable of experiencing feelings will die forever. I will remain the same, but only on the outside. I will smile, but it will probably be a more ironic grimace than the cheerful and cheerful smile that you gave me. But these are all just thoughts, I believe to the last that after my return, everything will be as before, and I will do everything possible to make it even better, I promise. I love you, I miss you. Vitya.

And she answered:
(text written by my girlfriend)

Darling, until I met you my life was empty, sad, colorless, you filled it with happiness, joy, a smile... I’m happy that I have you. The one and only. You taught me to live and love... decorated me my life with bright colors... turned my life upside down) I am happy when you are near, even when you are silent, as long as you are nearby. despite the distance between us, I still love you very much and will continue to love you. Everything will be fine with us, even better... I believe in it! During our relationship, you became completely dear to me, as if I’ve known you for a hundred years... thank you for everything... and let’s forget about the troubles, bunny ** if they discuss us, it means we are more interesting than others... now it’s not YOU and ME and we!!! my sunshine, I am always with you in good and bad times... and about our relationship everything will be fine, I know)) I believe! you are my best, my most beloved, affectionate, gentle, pleasant, in general the most!! and there is no one better!! I will wait for you as long as you like, as long as you are happy and enjoy life, not sad, and first for yourself and then for others... my little bunny, I loved you, I love you and I will love you even more...

After two weeks, all the words spoken to each other lost their power. We broke up at the end of March 2011. Lies and constant hiding from me any events with her participation, the participation of her mother in our relationship, lack of independence and lack of understanding of the meaning of the words that she utters played a role. So this short and beautiful story ended about two people who for a long time believed that they were together forever, who gave up everything in order to be close in one second and became strangers to each other, as if nothing had happened.

People, don’t throw around loud words “LOVE”, “ADOR”, etc. if you are not sure of them... For EVERY WORD we utter has some meaning for the person to whom we say it. Be happy and I sincerely wish you not to encounter a situation like mine and not to be disappointed in your loved one forever...
April 30, 2011.

P.S. We were both discharged home under strict medical supervision and a course of treatment. During this period, we separated. And everyone’s life took its course. I was chasing an incomprehensible happiness, looking for it somewhere around the bend, she lived a quiet peaceful life, was on the mend.

2 years have passed. During this time, we saw each other several times and each time we understood that in everyone’s soul there was a desire to start all over again, with a clean slate. I felt guilty that I left at a time when she needed support so much. She, in turn, felt guilty that she had to put an end to the relationship. She always reassured me, said that she was not angry with me, said that she wanted to grow up, get married and give birth to beautiful, healthy children, so that her husband would have a character similar to me...
On the night of May 29-30, 2013, I learned that Maria Savrova, the girl to whom I wrote this letter, died at the age of 18 from oncology......

I love you, I want to be with you, I live with you, I will be happy only with you, you are the most beautiful, wonderful, charming girl in the world. I just adore you! You are my ray of sunshine, I realized that I can’t live without you... 42

Love makes the whole world cleaner and kinder. Love makes us happy and cheerful. I'm so grateful to have met you, my love. The warmest, gentle words, the most beautiful flowers - all for you, my only one. 7

For me you are the only one, unique and the most beautiful! You are the sun that lights my path. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul. 32

I love you more than anything in the world and I will never stop loving you. You are the only one for me on the entire planet, I love you so much! You are everything to me and even more! 25

You are the sweetest, the kindest, the most beautiful, and simply mine. I love you more than anyone in the world, you are half of my heart, my ray of happiness. I so want our love to be fabulously beautiful. You have become the only one for me, the most important in the whole world. 23

I love you very much, with soul, heart, body and every cell. You are the most desirable in the world, I love you so much that you cannot imagine. I admire you, my angel! 15 - declaration of love to a girl in prose

With your beauty, tenderness, affection, you simply enchant me. I am ready to shout to the whole planet how much I love you, my treasure. For me, you are the best in the world. May everything go well for you, bunny, may all your cherished dreams come true! May fate give you a lot of happiness. 24

You are the most dear person to me! I love you with all my heart and cannot live without you! 28

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You are my clear star that always illuminates my path. You are my sunshine, which gives me warmth, you are my love, which is forever in my heart, which makes it beat faster. I love you my kitten. 15

You are simply a wonderful gift of fate. Sweet, gentle and most beautiful girl on earth, I love you, and I want to always go and be only with you. Remain always joyful, radiant, desirable and my most beloved girl in the world! 21

You have filled my soul and heart... And my heart can’t live without you... I love you, baby! 19

My life only makes sense when you are around. You are forever in my heart. Only when you are near does life become beautiful! 22

My message is not just words, it is feelings and experiences, it is love! Without you I am nothing! Without you, this world is uninteresting! All my kisses are for you, all my feelings are for you! 27

I am ready to confess my love to you every day. You're driving me crazy. May every day give you only pleasant impressions, may luck smile on you in everything. Always remain as beautiful, gentle, kind, affectionate. May a good angel always protect you! 14

Today is the most important day in my life, because I confess my love to you. I want us to always be together. There is no better girl in the world than you. You and I will always be happy, because you are my destiny. May our journey of love be long and happy! 13

I love you madly and I don’t doubt my feelings at all, I value you very much. You are the most dear person to me in this world! My love is getting stronger every day and it’s getting harder to be without you, because my life only makes sense when you’re around. You are forever in my heart. 23

My love, I can no longer imagine a single day of my life without you. Thank you for every happy minute, joyful day and simply for being in my life. 19

I don't find a place for myself when we're not around. I want to always be with you. I love you with all my soul and with all my heart. 7

You are my scarlet flower, my guardian angel. Let the constellation of love shine brightly above our heads, I love you with all my soul, my sun. 13

We've been together for a long time, but every day I become more and more in love with you! May the Angel never let you go from under his wing. I love you! 9

You are the best girl I have ever met. I love you so much. I'm truly happy with you. I loved you from the first second of meeting and will always love you, my joy! 10

You are the only one I need in this world, you are more important to me than anyone else on earth. I am madly in love with your smile, with your eyes, with your ringing laugh. You simply fascinate me with your beauty. Sweet, gentle, kind, always be the happiest! 17