Types of energy vampires. Methods of protection against energy vampires

For teenagers

E There are 5 main types of energy vampires who try to piss you off so they can feed on the energy of your negative emotions. How to recognize them and what ways to protect yourself is in this material.


If you have read Oscar Wilde’s famous play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” then you remember very well the main vixen of this work, and, perhaps, of all classical literature, Lady Bracknell. So this lady is an excellent example of an energy vampire controller.


  • always and on all issues they know everyone better than anyone else;
  • they always have their own (the only correct) point of view, even about what they cannot know in principle, for example, about scientific issues that they have no understanding of;
  • are ready to give a lecture on any occasion about how to do something correctly, for example, at lunch they won’t let you swallow a piece so as not to comment on whether this piece was useful or harmful;
  • do not tolerate objections to their, the only true, statements;
  • They experience obvious joy from the fact that someone contradicts them on something, and immediately rush into battle.

Protection measures

The main defense to follow when dealing with a control vampire is to avoid arguing with him. Always agree on everything.

Controller vampires are just waiting for the moment when you start arguing with them. They deliberately provoke you into this argument. And then, when you start to get nervous, irritated and produce additional energy, they will stick to you. Therefore, the main thing is not to argue. Never, even when you really want to.


An example of this type of vampire known from childhood is Eugene Onegin. As soon as he appeared in society, “the world decided that he was smart and very nice.” This always happens with narcissists: you like them at first sight, but then often leave a painful impression.


  • make a very good first impression;
  • madly love to talk about themselves (in fact, they only talk about themselves);
  • they immediately interrupt you if you try to say something about yourself;
  • they are never interested in your problems and affairs, but immediately immerse you in their life;
  • demand from others constant admiration for their work, purchased items and photographs taken on vacation;
  • In general, they are extremely talkative, they want to communicate all the time, and they do not care that this may be a burden to others.

Protection measures

To prevent a narcissistic vampire from feeding off your energy, try not to get close to such a person. Don't invite him to parties unless absolutely necessary or go on vacation with him. Even if after the initial acquaintance with him you wanted it.

If you're stuck in one cubicle at work, try moving to another room.

3. Whiner

Let's turn again to English classical literature and remember Mrs. Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. This lady knew how to complain about her misfortunes in such a fabulous way that she completely exhausted the nervous system of all the people around her. This is an example of a whining vampire.


  • complaining and complaining and complaining about everything from annoying neighbors to problems with their bowels.

In fact, this is the only sign of an energy vampire-whiner, but it is comprehensive.

Protection measures

In principle, all vampires are people who are not completely mentally healthy. However, whiners are truly sick. They, in fact, suffer from various neurotic disorders: hysteria, generalized anxiety disorder, depression, etc. At their core, these are dependent individuals who need the help of other people.

Therefore, you should not completely deny them your attention, since by doing so you can cause serious psychological trauma to an already not entirely healthy person. However, you still need to defend yourself.

As a protective measure, it is rational to use listening to the whiner’s complaints, but without your own emotional involvement in his problems. At the same time, you can say something like: “Yes, this is terrible. I understand how hard it was for you." But don't let yourself be used to the fullest. And let's give you the opportunity to call you five times a day. One or two telephone conversations with a whining vampire a week will be enough for you.


Iago from Shakespeare's immortal tragedy "Othello" knew how to pretend to be a friend, and knew how to incite people into quarrels. This is the raison d'être of the energy vampire arsonist.


  • one day such a person shows himself to be your best friend, and the next he begins to say nasty things;
  • whispers and urges;
  • deliberately raises topics that are inconvenient for some people present or are not relevant to the topic if the matter takes place at a work meeting;
  • agrees with you on something and immediately starts an argument over another, completely harmless, issue;
  • often deliberately does something out of spite, for example, treats you to a cake when he knows full well that you are on a diet.

Protection measures

Learn to instantly stop all the taunts of such a person. Do this in a tough manner that does not tolerate objections and shows your strength (even if the arsonist vampire is older than you in age and/or higher in social status). Even if you were presented with a cake, knowing that you do not eat it, do not suffer from embarrassment - return it and point out that such behavior is unacceptable.


There are two types of energy vampire critics.

The first type is similar to a controller vampire. Often this is a boss or simply a senior person who inevitably finds faults in the work and/or life of the people around him. Almost everyone without exception.

The second type of vampire-critic becomes attached to someone personally who has some kind of pet peeve, for example, being overweight, and begins to press on this peeve. Sometimes openly saying nasty things and pointing out the imperfections of their victims, and sometimes in a veiled way, simply demonstrating their ideality in something.

Defense technique

Of course, the most correct thing, as in the case of all other types of energy vampires, is to limit your communication with such a person. When this is impossible, under no circumstances take a defensive position, do not show how his words hurt you.

On the contrary, say that you are very grateful to him for the information he provided, for the advice he gives you. At the same time, breathe as deeply and slowly as possible, try not to spray yourself not only externally, but also internally. If everything is bubbling inside you, the vampire will feel it and suck on it, because that’s what he came for.

Updated 02/18/2019. Do vampires exist in real life or are they just fiction? This is exactly what will be discussed in this story.

Do vampires exist?

From childhood, a person is attracted to the unknown and frightening. Children love stories about the existence of demons and vampires, especially when they are away from home, when they can be scared with pleasure. Adults are also no strangers to a passion for horror films, although with age comes the understanding that we should be afraid not of invented vampires, but of very real ones living next to us.

So, do vampires really exist? Yes, vampires definitely exist, and their cunning lies in the fact that outwardly they are no different from ordinary people. But to exist and maintain vitality, they don’t need blood at all...

Who are vampires?

According to legends and legends, vampires are people who feed on human blood, without which they supposedly cannot live. However, in reality:

Vampires- this is the one that pumps out someone else’s, human energy. As a rule, such people are either sick or lazy (the exception is children) who are too lazy to generate their own energy through their Vampires feed on both negative and positive energy.

Energy vampires: concept and symptoms

The world is multifaceted, parallel, one time plane is layered on another, modifying space. But in any world there are two opposing sides: Good and Evil. Both essences live in a person, being in constant dependence. The world of goodness is real, sensual, understandable, created by God: Earth, sun, flowers, compassion.

The World of Evil is complex, invisible, hidden in the darkest corner of consciousness, no one likes to talk about it, because it’s scary to admit that negative thoughts and petty actions live in your head. Rational consciousness tries by any means to disown bad deeds, finding a “scapegoat” on the side. The biggest enemy lives within ourselves, which is why it is so difficult to find it (like glasses that you wear on your head and cannot see).

A reasonable, informed person works on his weaknesses and fears, learning to accumulate his own energy. However, there are people who follow a simple path - these are energy vampires.

Why work on yourself, engage in self-improvement, accumulate knowledge, receiving energy from space, if you can steal it. It’s much faster, less energy-consuming, the number of people you can “take” from without asking is large, and the supplies are endless. A person does not think that he is harming others, the main thing is that he himself becomes better.

Most have met people, after communicating with whom, they feel a loss of strength. And this is not a simple ailment; a person actually notices physical problems after contact with an energy vampire:

  • Headache;
  • Pressure changes;
  • Nausea;
  • Inexplicable feeling of anxiety;
  • Difficulty sleeping;
  • Nervous breakdowns;
  • Unreasonable tears.

After a few days, the symptoms go away, but if the situation repeats during the meeting, you are unlikely to want to communicate with such a person again. For ourselves, we will decide that this is an “energy” predator with whom it is better not to communicate, but it is not always possible to solve the problem so simply.

How to recognize an energy vampire?

Energy vampires are insidious creatures; they mimic, playing on people’s weaknesses. Their goal is to evoke an emotional response in you in order to feed on your energy.

There are different types of energy vampires:

1.Victim. This is a man for whom everyone is to blame for his troubles, from the government to Baba Manya, who did not wash the floors in the entrance properly. All his stories are stories about how he was cheated, not treated, not loved, hooked on drugs or alcohol.

His task is to evoke pity in you, because by starting to feel sorry and compassionate, you automatically generate additional energy, which is what the energy vampire needs. (Such people should not be confused with those who are really in a difficult situation and need support and advice).

2. Arrogant. The opposite of the first type of vampire. The best in everything: he runs the fastest, knows how to do laundry, draw a picture, assemble a parachute. He has the most beautiful wife who cooks a five-course dinner, a cool car, and children - such a treasure!

Remember one simple thing - a truly successful person will not praise himself at every meeting, and an arrogant vampire will not fail to touch a nerve and say that the best vacation awaits him in Bali. His job is to make you feel inadequate. You will think about it, generate energy, and he will dine on it and move on, leaving you not only in a depressed mood, but also physically exhausted.

3. Criticizing. A dangerous type of vampire that loves to judge and criticize people for any reason. Intuitively selects a person who reacts painfully to comments and methodically begins to strike. He may gossip about his appearance (short skirt, rumpled trousers), condemn family life without any reason to do so, invents and retells supposedly expressed judgments about someone to his colleagues.

4. Annoying. A person’s goal is to find any “free ears” for empty talk. This is easy to do, given the availability of phones and the popularity of social networks. We often feel awkward when we refuse to talk to a person, but if we follow the lead, we will have to listen to stories from someone else’s life for an infinitely long time.

5. Unconscious. There is another category of vampires, which includes children and the elderly, people with disabilities who require attention and try to seem more helpless than they really are. They can act aggressively, or, conversely, ignore communication.

In both cases, a person begins to feel guilty for, for example, being healthy, gets irritated, worries, throwing out the energy that they need.

Energy vampires are international, they have no gender or age preferences. But why do some people fall into emotional traps and others not?

The answer is on the surface. Some people can control their lives, while others live as if in a dream. It is these “sleepers” that the vampires find. Then the question arises, what to do?

– this is not just a physical shell. All living beings have etheric, astral, mental bodies, energy centers that work as a single organism. But this is ideal. In everyday life, we do not find time to think about our purpose, and only when faced with serious problems do we begin to look for the reason for what is happening. The first blows fall on the energy bodies (there are 7 of them), and when they break through, health problems begin.

How is energy used and stored?

Let's see how energy is consumed and accumulated at different levels:

1. Physical health

Everyone wants to stay healthy for as long as possible, but objective factors: physical overload, the need to constantly be near large crowds of people, unbalanced nutrition, poor-quality products - methodically deplete energy, and if a compassionate energy vampire appears nearby, then health will go away very quickly.

You can help yourself by determining the golden mean. If you plan to stay healthy, reconsider your life, nutrition, change jobs, do yoga, learn to breathe properly, and relax. Only communicate with the “right” people.

A movement that is gaining popularity all over the world is downshifting, when people consciously give up a career, high income, prestige in favor of family, a modest life outside the city, and the opportunity to live in harmony with themselves.

The high-speed rhythm of life in big cities destroys health, therefore, when a person realizes that his life is at stake, he is ready to exchange the boss’s chair for work in the field. There is a rethinking of life perception, freeing up time for reflection. The absence of stress and internal freedom increase the energy and, later, physical strength of the body.

2. Emotional comfort

Responsible for him. Loss of energy occurs constantly when we experience irritation: someone stepped on our foot, it’s stuffy in the subway, our salary hasn’t been increased, our neighbors are noisy all night.

If we add to the little things emotions such as anger, rage, envy, unbridled desires (love for a person, games, drugs), then the energy from us begins not to ooze drop by drop, but pours out in a shower without a trace. An irritated person is the desired prey of an energy predator, since he knows how to hook him so that energy begins to continuously drain from his interlocutor.

3. Our thought forms

Thoughts form the mental body. To paraphrase a well-known expression, we will say: “We are what we think about.” Negative thoughts, resentment, worries, fixation on any episode deplete the energy reserve. Often there is a person nearby who, instead of extinguishing the fire of discord, on the contrary, teases, assents, trying to make the resentment “boil.” This is how the energy vampire will get his lunch and dinner.

Many people think that it is impossible to live without being offended, although this is not true. Everyone gets offended, but it’s one thing to be offended for an hour, another thing to be offended for the rest of your life. We are not robots and we are characterized by worries, but let them be reasonable, it was not for nothing that Solomon wore a ring on which was written “all this too shall pass...”

Vampire Protection

A few tips from an energy vampire. Ideally, you should completely stop communicating, but such a ghoul can be found on an airplane, at work, and, worst of all, in the family. Energy loss can be minimized by knowing simple rules.

  • While talking, cross your arms over your chest and cross your legs.
  • Don't let yourself be thrown off balance. If you cannot get away from the vampire, do not delve into the meaning of the words, perceive the information coming from the person as noise. Sing to yourself, pray, fall asleep with your eyes open.
  • Don't look into the eyes, learn to look past the person.
  • Find a stone for yourself, and if you feel that when communicating with a person you feel bad and cannot leave, clasp it in your fist.
  • Learn prayer, even if you consider yourself an atheist. Read to yourself when you realize that you cannot get rid of a person on your own.


They exist. Vampires are not bloodsuckers, but devourers of other people's, human energy.

Life is multifaceted and amazing. Don’t let anyone influence yours, work on your subtle bodies, and then you won’t be too tough for any energy vampire.

Incredible facts

When we feel down, our self-confidence drops significantly and we find it very difficult to perk up again. Few of us understand that energy vampires skillfully camouflaged.

They deplete all our reserves of positivity and plant negativity in our minds. These are people who can completely control our lives if we are not careful.

Just like vampires in history and fiction, these people often hide their identity and gain our trust by making us consider themselves friends.

Scary, isn't it? Don't be afraid, below you will read a real guide about what kind of energy vampires there are and how to calculate them by date of birth.

Types of Energy Vampires

There are only four types of energy vampires.

1. “I am right, no matter what you think or feel.”

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It doesn’t matter how much you rant about expressing your opinion about a situation or problem. They do not care. Only what they say is correct, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Even if they are wrong and they know it, they will become that person who will constantly remain silent. This childish behavior shows that you will never be able to defeat them, which means that your communication is a one-sided game.

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Try not to build a close relationship with such a person, and if he is a friend or potential partner, realize that such behavior will undoubtedly affect your future.

How to recognize an energy vampire

2. “I really love drama and I love to dramatize everything.”

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This person feels best when drama unfolds around him and he becomes the center of the universe. If something suddenly goes wrong in life, they react too strongly.

Of course, we all need to discuss the negative things that sometimes happen, and we find the strength to do so in order to turn the page in the future. However, this person is completely different.

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Have you ever had a friend who didn't come to your birthday party because he had a fight with his partner? This is exactly him, a vampire - a lover of drama. If something suddenly happens to them, they easily forget all the promises made to another person.

It is important to know that there are different types of vampires of this type. There are those who can create drama for no particular reason. When in a group of friends, they will gossip and talk about things that never happened.

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They can easily make someone feel disgusting just to boost their self-esteem. If you have a friend or partner who doesn't know what it means to say something nice to someone, then most likely this person belongs to this type of energy vampire.

It is important to stop this relationship in time, and not try to fix anything, waiting for the flames to flare up.

Signs of an Energy Vampire

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When you need a helping hand, you need someone you can trust and open up to. Unfortunately, this type of vampire does not care at all what happens in your life and what negative things affect you.

They are too busy, too wrapped up in their own world to think about yours. Such a person is very easy to spot, because it is he who will change plans at the last minute, despite the fact that you have not provided a backup plan for this weekend.

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It is better to have less contact with such people, as they never think about the feelings of others and will sleep peacefully at night knowing that someone is upset with them, or they have let someone down.

Whatever you do, never rely on these people for serious things. If you have such a friend, do not agree to move into the same apartment or go on vacation with him, because he will let you down at the last moment.

How to identify an energy vampire

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This type of energy vampire is the most destructive because such a vampire will lie to get his way. If such a person wants to climb the career ladder, he will use everyone around him, moving towards his goal, without any twinge of conscience at all.

When a problem arises, such people quickly find someone to point the finger at, refusing to take any responsibility for their actions. In conversations, they dwell in detail on how much they do to make their lives more interesting.

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However, often small white lies develop into big ones, so such people are very unreliable. If they suddenly borrow something from you and it gets damaged, they will likely pretend they have no idea what might have happened. Never lend money to such people.

Energy vampire by date of birth

Now we can talk about how to find out what type of person you are using your date of birth. In total, there are five types of people from the point of view of vampirism: white and black magicians, neutral individuals, donors (victims) and energy vampires.

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To figure out who a person is, you just need to know his full date of birth. Take a pen and a piece of paper and write the full date on it. For example, 10/18/2016. After this, you need to add up all the numbers that are in front of you (1+8+1+0+2+0+1+6=19).

The final result should not be a two-digit number, so add the numbers (1+9=10; 1+0=1). The result is one number. In our example, this is the number 1. Now let’s look at the decoding of the numbers.

These numbers indicate that a person is an energy vampire. Whether he understands it or not, he feeds on the energy of the people around him, using it to achieve his goals. However, you don’t need to push such a person away from you right away.

There is a possibility that he was a victim of circumstances, and it is not his fault that nature awarded him such a gift. Try to understand whether the person understands that he is endowed with unusual abilities.

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If he is aware and is not at all happy about this gift, wanting to get rid of it, then he definitely needs help. Vampirism can be overcome if you cultivate willpower. Such a person must learn to control this process and not be led by his evil self.

However, you should be wary if an energy vampire lives under the same roof as you. In reality, many people can feed off the energy of others. If this process occurs unconsciously, then it does not carry anything bad.

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To protect yourself, you need to learn how to properly protect yourself and protect yourself even from unconscious attacks.

But if someone you know purposefully feeds on the energy of the people around them, then it would be better if you protect yourself from communicating with this person. There are several techniques that can help you put up a barrier against energy attacks and resist more serious methods.

People who are carriers of these numbers should be extremely careful when choosing their social circle, because these people are donors. They are most susceptible to the destructive effects of vampires, because they are the easiest to attack.

Donor people should always carry a talisman with them, which can protect them from the influence of evil forces and which will be able to repel an attack. These people should learn to build mirror barriers that will help protect themselves from a vampire attack.

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Moreover, donors should think about regularly replenishing the vessel of vital energy, because it quickly runs out. Places of power are suitable for this. It is important to avoid cemeteries, because there you can easily become prey for vampires and sorcerers.

These are places with positive energy, such as churches. Frequent walks in the fresh air are vital for such people, because it is contact with nature that will help restore lost strength.

If, as a result of adding a two-digit number, you get one of these three digits, then this means that you are very lucky. You do not have supernatural abilities, and you do not know what it is to feed on someone else's energy. At the same time, you are also too tough for energy vampires.

Every person is surrounded by at least one energy vampire. Finding out more about people who feed on energy is necessary to protect yourself and save your family and friends from negative influences.

In the article:

Energy vampire - who is it?

A person is not only a physical shell, but also a separate energy information system. The physical shell needs food, and the energy component needs energy. Without the latter, the individual weakens no less than from hunger or thirst. Energy is “food” for the spiritual component of a person.

The Universe is an integral energy system. If a person is in harmony with the world around him, the Universe will be a source of energy and spiritual “feeding”. A high level of spiritual development makes it possible to receive energy naturally. Representatives of some philosophical teachings believe that only a person with a pure soul can receive energy from the Universe.

A high level of spirituality is not available to everyone, so people who do not have the opportunity to draw energy from the Cosmos are forced to take it from those around them. Family members, colleagues, friends, even random passers-by and fellow travelers become sources of spiritual “feeding”. Low-spiritual people are usually called energy vampires. These individuals cannot receive energy from the Universe and absorb that belonging to other people.

A person whose energy has been taken away is forced to replenish food supplies for the spiritual component. Sometimes you have to resort to drawing energy from those around you, turning into an energy vampire in one society and a donor in another.

In order to prevent energy vampirism, you should know how and how to deal with the problem. To get what he needs, the vampire tries to unbalance the victim and evoke strong emotions and experiences. A person who is constantly under negative influence resists weaker.

It is necessary to prevent the activities of those who like to feed on the life force of others, because the state of health and mood after their attacks leaves much to be desired, and constant contacts with energy vampires greatly spoil life.

How to recognize people - energy vampires

Any person who causes prolonged irritation and after contact with whom one feels weakness, fatigue and headache is an energy vampire.

A good example is a person who stubbornly refuses to understand or pretends that he does not understand the explanations. This is a student, a classmate who asked for help in understanding the lecture material, etc. The person pesters you with questions and mistakes - they say about such people that it is easier to do it yourself than to explain how to do it.

Talking “about nothing” on the phone is also a sign. A person listens to uninteresting things, experiences irritation, and the interlocutor receives “food”. The vampire will not let go of the victim until he satisfies his energy hunger.

Vampires often cause suspense. For example, a constantly late acquaintance, a person on whom the transfer of urgent documents depends, an employee of the HR department, etc. The vampire will delay until the last minute, forcing you to wait, get nervous and waste energy.

Those who like to savor the details of disasters, accidents, wars and other unpleasant incidents feed on other people's powers, talking about other people's suffering, causing horror and compassion, unbalancing the victims. If you have an acquaintance who likes to tell dark stories with sad endings, perhaps the person simply feeds on the vital forces of the interlocutor.

People value honesty. But individuals who constantly say unpleasant things to acquaintances are simply taking advantage of this character trait. The truth is not always pleasant, it can unbalance it, which gives the vampire the opportunity to feed. You should not communicate with a person who constantly tries to say unpleasant things, no matter how true the sayings are - this is not honesty, but ordinary vampirism.

Cats don't like energy vampires. If a purr refuses to sit in your arms and won’t let a friend pet you, you need to take a closer look at the person: perhaps you will discover more than one sign of energetic aggression. Energy vampires do not grow plants: they cannot achieve either greenery on the windowsill or a good harvest in the garden. The influence of a vampire should not be confused with

Vampires are found not only among friends, but also on the street in the person of a random passer-by or a fellow traveler on a transport. Energy suckers tend to push, press against the subway, interfere, and otherwise throw the victim out of balance. Some people make acquaintances very intrusively and tell you something uninteresting. How to react correctly is described in the corresponding article about.

Types of energy vampires

Experts who have encountered the study of energy exchange between people and the Universe distinguish two types of energy vampires:

  1. People who are unaware of their energy vampirism. Less dangerous. They often realize that they harm others by finding other sources of spiritual “feeding”: creativity, outdoor recreation, music and others.
  2. People who know that they feed on other people's powers, enjoying the process. They are to be feared. Vampires consciously decided that receiving energy from other people was easier and more interesting. Some of their own free will developed relevant skills. Most prefer to gain power over others. Most often this is the boss or the head of the family. When the energy pump makes a scandal and makes several people nervous, he looks happy and loving to the whole world.

There is a division of lovers of energy aggression into two more types - solar And lunar vampires. The first ones are aggressive, love scandals and showdowns, and try to cause anger and indignation. The latter complain about life, and after consolation the interlocutor remains devastated, and the vampire feels great. Most of the lunar energy suckers are not aware of the impact on others and are simply trying to follow the principle “if I cry to a friend, it will become easier.” Solar ones consciously feed on the forces of others.

The teachings of Ayurveda distinguish seven types of energy vampires:

  1. Sunny or creative. Representatives show remarkable talent in causing an emotional outburst in victims. They try to provoke fear and embarrassment, and it is difficult to recognize vampires, because energy suckers do not focus on one method of pumping out vital force.
  2. Lunar or infantile. There is always pressure for pity and compassion. They are characterized by childish behavior, constant anxiety, a tendency to anxiety and depression, and suffer from many phobias.
  3. Martian or judgmental. They love to criticize and condemn victims, and try to shame them in front of others. If you correctly develop a strategy of behavior and do not succumb to provocation, the Martian energy sucker will leave a person alone.
  4. Mercurian or informational. People who compulsively offer communication on topics that are uninteresting to their interlocutors in a personal meeting or over the phone. The vampire constantly calls, writes, and doesn’t leave you alone. It is worth referring to being busy or simply not answering.
  5. Venusian or seductive. Usually women. They take energy when the victim desires intimacy. Their weapons are attractive appearance, appropriate behavior and clothing. Vampires are not embarrassed by the presence of a permanent partner - most often it does not come to the point of betrayal.
  6. Jupiterian or suppressive. They love power and possess it, using their position to satisfy their energy hunger. They exploit those lower on the career ladder, abuse power, choosing as victims employees or family members who are morally or financially dependent on the vampire.
  7. Saturnian or misunderstanding. Elderly people and children. They don’t understand explanations, which sooner or later causes irritation even in a balanced person. Another behavioral feature is deliberate ignoring of victims. Energy suckers do not respond to messages and calls, pretend not to hear, or simply remain silent when trying to talk.

Knowing the traits of energy vampires, you can stop feeding energy suckers with energy and