Pacific volcanic ring of fire. The "Ring of Fire" awakens and will affect Japan, the Far East


“RING OF FIRE” is a tectonic fault running under the Pacific Ocean, capturing the Russian Far East, Japan, northeastern Australia and the west coast of America.

There is talk of a "Ring of Fire" that will start from Mount Fuji. It is difficult to prepare for the consequences, because, for example, California, according to Dr. Lindsey, will simply be destroyed:

“A minor earthquake will occur in California, causing only minor damage and wall cracks in homes in Los Angeles and San Francisco. In a year, a colossal convulsion will shake the entire earth. in California, the San Andreas Fault will move apart, and the lands to the west of it will begin to sink into the ocean. This global earthquake will cause tsunami waves of 150 feet worldwide that will flood most coastal cities. Huge cracks will appear in the ground. Many volcanoes will erupt. The whole earth will tremble."

These words can be treated differently, but first of all, let’s simply analyze the news feeds. As they say, facts and nothing more.

The Japanese government is developing rescue measures.

1. Tokyo, May 19, 2013. A special commission under the Japanese government has outlined evacuation routes for residents in the event of an eruption of Mount Fuji, as it will affect at least 130 thousand people.

2. Tokyo, March 5, 2014. The country's administrative authorities have begun drawing up an evacuation plan for residents of all areas located near a potential disaster. There are fears that when volcanic ash begins to spread across Japan, up to 470 thousand people will be forced to evacuate from three neighboring prefectures.

3. Tokyo, October 9, 2014. In July, a Franco-Japanese team of researchers issued a report warning of "great pressure" brewing inside Fuji. Reason increased risk The volcanic eruption is the Tohoku earthquake that occurred in 2011. Scientists observed the seismic waves produced by the infamous magnitude 9 earthquake and, using more than 70 terabytes of information collected from 800 seismic sensors across Japan, concluded that there was an area of ​​high pressure beneath Mount Fuji.

The eruption of Fuji will cause a chain reaction of powerful earthquakes in the Pacific region. What happened in California last year?

1. Off the coast of California, on the Juan de Fuca tectonic plate, on March 10, 2014, a resonant earthquake with a magnitude of 6.9 occurred at a depth of about 7 km.

2. In the American state of California, on March 17, 2014, an earthquake of magnitude 4.4 occurred. The source of the tremors, according to the US Geological Survey, was located in the vicinity of Los Angeles, writes The Washington Post.

3. In Los Angeles, California, USA, after the earthquake on March 17, 2014, seismic activity continues to increase. On March 29, 2014, 33 km from Los Angeles, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred at a depth of about 2 km. The earthquake damaged the water supply network.

4. The earthquake in California on August 24, 2014 injured about 200 people. One of the victims is in critical condition in hospital. This is the strongest earthquake to hit California in 25 years.

And finally. “It turns out that while one plate of the San Andreas fault on the California side is not loaded with anything due to drought, and the second, on the contrary, is overloaded with snow, friction arises between them, as a result of which energy is released, which breaks out to the surface in in the form of earthquakes. The USA “froze” in 2014 and 2015 and at the same time California suffered from a record drought.

While most of the world was focused on other things, the Ring of Fire showed signs of awakening. The past few months have seen a steady increase in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.

But since none of them happened near densely populated areas, we haven't heard much about them in the news. But if activity along the perimeter of the Ring of Fire intensifies, as is inevitable, then the main event will occur near major cities at a certain point. When this happens, the whole world will be focused on the “Ring of Fire” once again.

Most people don't know that approximately 90% of all earthquakes and approximately 75% of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire. The entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, with major fault lines running beneath California, Oregon, and Washington. Fortunately, the West Coast has not experienced any devastating seismic events in last years, but scientists assure us that everything will change at some point. Therefore, it is important to analyze the data on the increase in activity along the Ring of Fire.

Here's what Wikipedia tells us about the Pacific Ring of Fire (or simply "Ring of Fire"):

Pacific volcanic fire ring(Pacific Ring of Fire, Pacific Rim) is an area around the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean that contains most of the active volcanoes and many earthquakes. In total, there are 328 active land volcanoes in this zone out of 540 known on Earth.

In the Pacific Ocean there are several zones of spreading (growth) of the oceanic lithosphere, the main of which is the East Pacific zone (includes the underwater lithospheric plates Cocos and Nazca). Along the periphery of the ocean, subduction (pushing) of these plates occurs under the framing continents. A chain of volcanoes stretches above each subduction zone, and together they form the Pacific Rim. However, this ring is incomplete, it is interrupted where there is no subduction - from New Zealand and along the Antarctic coast. In addition, there is no subduction or volcanism on two sections of the coast North America: along the peninsula and the state of California (more than 2000 km) and north of Vancouver Island (almost 1500 km).

About 90% of all the world's earthquakes and 80% of the most powerful ones occurred in the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Pacific Volcanic Ring of Fire (clickable)

Coastal residents on four different continents understand that a major event along the Ring of Fire could dramatically change their entire lives in an instant.

Almost all of the strongest earthquakes in modern history occurred along the Ring of Fire. That's why so many people are alarmed that the Ring of Fire appears to be entering a period of increased activity.

Below are 15 signs that the "Ring of Fire" is awakening as we head into 2013.

1. Volcano Lokon, which is located in Indonesia, has exploded more than 800 times since July. On December 17, volcanic ash was thrown to a height of up to 10,000 feet (more than 3 km).

2. “Code Orange” was announced for cities and towns near the volcano Tungurahua in Ecuador. On Tuesday, the giant flared up and shot lava up to a half-mile above the crater.

3. Lava is still flowing from the volcano Tolbachik, which is located on a peninsula Kamchatka.

4. Vulcan Fuego in Guatemala. Lava continues to flow and ash emissions have also increased.

5. December 18, volcano Paluweh(Paluweh) in Indonesia threw ash to a height of more than 2.5 kilometers.

6. December 18 approx. 4 seismic events happened on the volcano in an hour Popocatepetl in Mexico.

7. Scientists have recently discovered "one of the strangest volcanoes in the world" on the ocean floor, near the coast of Bahia, Mexico.

8. Vulcan Fuji, located not too far from Tokyo, Japan. Was inactive for about 300 years, but in recent months

More and more signs of activity are being discovered there. One study found that "the magma chamber beneath the mountain is under enormous pressure," and one prominent scientist (Prof. Toshitsugu Fujii) warns that this is because Mount Fuji is preparing for an "explosive eruption on a large scale." Authorities were alarmed when a tunnel leading to Mount Fuji collapsed on December 2, killing nine people. 9. Just recently, scientists warned that there was a very dangerous accumulation of magma in many of the.

Japan's 110 active volcanoes 6,1 10. Earthquake, magnitude shores, Sulawesi Indonesia

, December 17. 6,0 11. Earthquake magnitude in the region New Britain Papua New Guinea

, December 15. 6,5 12. Earthquake magnitude happened in the bay Alaska

in mid-November. 7,3 13. Earthquake size happened in Japan

, in the beginning of December. 14. Significant increase in seismic activity in the area of ​​​​the giant caldera Long Valley in California

. Authorities say "magma is definitely moving there." 15. Over the past five weeks, more than were recorded in Chilean Navidad city. This city is now called "one of the most shaking places on earth."

All these events took place along "Ring of Fire".

data from January 7, 2013

5 January, Canada - earthquake magnitude 7.5 - 7.7 points, on the same day, several more earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.2 to 5.1 occur off the coast of Alaska.
January 6, minor fluctuations of 4.5 occur off the coast of Southeast Alaska
January 7, magnitude 4.4 earthquake near Vancouver Island

Seismologists fear that if seismic activity continues to increase in the near future, there is a high probability of a global cataclysm.

While most of the world was focused on other things, the Ring of Fire showed signs of active awakening. The past few months have seen a steady increase in volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.

But since none of them happened near densely populated areas, we haven't heard much about them in the news. But if activity along the perimeter of the Ring of Fire intensifies, as is inevitable, then the main event will occur near major cities at a certain point. When this happens, the whole world will be focused on the “Ring of Fire” once again.

Most people don't know that approximately 90% of all earthquakes and approximately 75% of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire. The entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, with major fault lines running beneath California, Oregon, and Washington. Luckily, the West Coast hasn't experienced any devastating seismic events in recent years, but scientists assure us that that will change at some point. Therefore, it is important to analyze the data on the increase in activity along the Ring of Fire.

Here's what Wikipedia tells us about the Pacific Ring of Fire (or simply "Ring of Fire"):

The Pacific Volcanic Ring of Fire (Pacific Ring of Fire, Pacific Rim) is an area around the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean that contains the majority of active volcanoes and many earthquakes. In total, there are 328 active land volcanoes in this zone out of 540 known on Earth.

In the Pacific Ocean there are several zones of spreading (growth) of the oceanic lithosphere, the main of which is the East Pacific zone (includes the underwater lithospheric plates Cocos and Nazca). Along the periphery of the ocean, subduction (pushing) of these plates occurs under the framing continents. A chain of volcanoes stretches above each subduction zone, and together they form the Pacific Rim. However, this ring is incomplete, it is interrupted where there is no subduction - from New Zealand and along the Antarctic coast. In addition, there is no subduction or volcanism on two stretches of the North American coast: along the peninsula and the state of California (more than 2000 km) and north of Vancouver Island (almost 1500 km).

About 90% of all the world's earthquakes and 80% of the most powerful ones occurred in the Pacific Ring of Fire.

Pacific Volcanic Ring of Fire (clickable)
Coastal residents on four different continents understand that a major event along the Ring of Fire could dramatically change their entire lives in an instant.

Almost all of the strongest earthquakes in modern history have occurred along the Ring of Fire. That's why so many people are alarmed that the Ring of Fire appears to be entering a period of increased activity.

Below are 15 signs that the "Ring of Fire" is awakening as we head into 2013.

1. Volcano Lokon, which is located in Indonesia, has exploded more than 800 times since July. On December 17, volcanic ash was thrown to a height of up to 10,000 feet (more than 3 km).

2. “Code Orange” was announced for cities and towns near the volcano Tungurahua in Ecuador. On Tuesday, the giant flared up and shot lava up to a half-mile above the crater.

3. Lava is still flowing from the volcano Tolbachik, which is located on a peninsula Kamchatka.

4. Vulcan Fuego in Guatemala. Lava continues to flow and ash emissions have also increased.

5. December 18, volcano Paluweh(Paluweh) in Indonesia threw ash to a height of more than 2.5 kilometers.

6. December 18 approx. 4 seismic events happened on the volcano in an hour Popocatepetl in Mexico.

7. Scientists have recently discovered "one of the strangest volcanoes in the world" on the ocean floor, near the coast of Bahia, Mexico.

8. Vulcan Fuji, located not too far from Tokyo, Japan.

More and more signs of activity are being discovered there. One study found that "the magma chamber beneath the mountain is under enormous pressure," and one prominent scientist (Prof. Toshitsugu Fujii) warns that this is because Mount Fuji is preparing for an "explosive eruption on a large scale." Authorities were alarmed when a tunnel leading to Mount Fuji collapsed on December 2, killing nine people. 9. Just recently, scientists warned that there was a very dangerous accumulation of magma in many of the.

Japan's 110 active volcanoes 6,1 10. Earthquake, magnitude shores, Sulawesi Indonesia

, December 17. 6,0 11. Earthquake magnitude It has been inactive for about 300 years, but in recent months more and more signs of activity have been discovered there. One study found that "the magma chamber beneath the mountain is under enormous pressure," and one prominent scientist (Prof. Toshitsugu Fujii) warns that this is because Mount Fuji is preparing for an "explosive eruption on a large scale." Authorities were alarmed when a tunnel leading to Mount Fuji collapsed on December 2, killing nine people. Papua New Guinea

, December 15. 6,5 12. Earthquake magnitude happened in the bay Alaska

in mid-November. 7,3 13. Earthquake size happened in Japan

, in the beginning of December. 14. Significant increase in seismic activity in the area of ​​​​the giant caldera Long Valley in California

. Authorities say "magma is definitely moving there." 15. Over the past five weeks, more than were recorded in Chilean Navidad city. This city is now called "one of the most shaking places on earth."

All these events took place along "Ring of Fire".
New Britain of Papua New Guinea

data from December 25, 2012

Observations of anomalous climate changes. In the current issue we will talk about the Pacific Ring of Fire, what is happening there now and possible causes.« You can read about climate events in the world and solving climate problems in the report»

About the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems

Hello, this is Climate control: observations of abnormal climate changes. In the current issue we will talk about the Pacific Ring of Fire, what is happening there now and possible causes. During the period from March 5th to March 11th, 1550 earthquakes occurred on Earth, of which 166 were of magnitude above 4, the strongest earthquake of magnitude 6.8 occurred on March 8th in Papua New Guinea

An earthquake occurred on March 8 near the island of New Ireland. However, with great consequences there was an earthquake in the eastern part of the island of New Guinea with a magnitude of 6.7. For comparison, it must be said that in Papua New Guinea for the entire 2008 there were 80 earthquakes with a magnitude above 5. And in 2018, 83 earthquakes with a magnitude above 5 were already recorded in 2.5 months. Note that on another part of the planet on the North American continent in In 2017, there were 167 earthquakes with a magnitude above 5. This greatest number earthquakes over the past 20 years.

In both cases, we see a noticeable increase in seismic activity in areas included in the Pacific Ring of Fire. But more on that later.

Winter Storm Skylar brought heavy snow to West Virginia and Kentucky. 65 thousand houses were left without electricity. In Lexington, Kentucky, by the morning of March 12, 2018, more than 25 cm of snow fell, which is 10 cm more than the annual norm. In just the first 11 days of spring 2018, the United States has experienced its third winter storm.

Recently, a series of powerful earthquakes have occurred across the planet.

This indicates catastrophic processes occurring in the earth's crust. Scientists are concerned that this could cause a chain reaction and increase volcanic activity around the world. All more people We begin to wonder what awaits us in the future. We've noticed activity in the Pacific Volcanic Ring of Fire. This is the area along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean that contains 328 of the 540 known active land volcanoes.

About 90% of all world earthquakes and 80% of the most powerful ones occurred in this region. Beginning in 1995, the total number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the Pacific Ring of Fire region began to increase.

Now let's return to the current situation. Scientists predict that in 2018 the number of strong earthquakes could increase sharply due to a slowdown in the speed of the Earth’s rotation around its axis. The hypothesis of a connection between seismic activity and the speed of the Earth’s rotation was put forward by Roger Bilham from the University of Colorado and Rebecca Bendik from the University of Montana. Their report was presented at a meeting of the Geological Society of America. Bilham and Bendik analyzed data on earthquakes of magnitude 7 or greater since 1900. They identified five periods when the number of large earthquakes sharply increased - to 25-30 per year, with an annual average of 15 large earthquakes per year.

Scientists found that periods of increased seismic activity began approximately five years after the Earth's rotation speed reached its minimum.

Now approximately 4.5 years have passed since the minimum was reached. Thus, according to the hypothesis, an increase in the number of powerful earthquakes is possible in 2018. Bilham says that while there have been six major earthquakes since the start of 2017, there could be 20 or more in 2018. “When the Earth slows down, its diameter near the equator shrinks. However, if [the Earth's] waistline shrinks, then the clothes—the tectonic plates—remain the same size and wrinkle,” Bilham said. Most of the powerful earthquakes recently have been recorded in the equatorial regions of the Earth. This once again confirms the hypothesis.

The equatorial region is quite densely populated, with about one billion people living there. Therefore, the problem of increasing the number of earthquakes is acute.

Fragment from the program “This is coming.It is coming»

Igor Vladimirovich Naumets: Many scientists note those events. For example, British scientists confirm that, for example, the Earth has begun to slow down. And over the last 700 years it has slowed down, they have already measured it by 4 milliseconds. It seems like a little, but...

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: This is catastrophic.

Igor Vladimirovich Naumets: Yes, but in fact it leads to a big disaster. The fact is that when the Earth rotates, it is slightly flattened, well...

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: Centrifugal forces.

Igor Vladimirovich Naumets: Yes. As it begins to slow down, it begins to take on a shape similar to that of a ball. Naturally, the surface area changes globe and there are tectonic faults. And, accordingly, the plates will either diverge, or, conversely, converge on it. And scientists predict that, for example, even this year volcanic activity on Earth should at least double. That is, they calculated that on average there are 6-7 major earthquakes per year. This year they expect about 30 major earthquakes. And again, this is waiting. But the reality may turn out to be completely different. And we see...

Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: One serious one is enough.

Igor Vladimirovich Naumets: Yes, definitely, for all of humanity to disappear.

In the report of ALLATRA-SCIENCE scientists “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways solutions to these problems" talks about the activation of the Pacific lithospheric plate in subduction zones. This event became a kind of indicator of a new phase of seismic activity associated with the acceleration of the movement of this lithospheric plate. Let us explain the meaning of the word subduction. Probably, people far from geology are well aware that the outer shell of our planet consists of lithospheric plates. They consist of the earth's crust of oceanic and continental types. But not everyone knows that under the waters of the Pacific Ocean there are three plates hidden at once: the large Pacific and two smaller ones - K O Cos and Nazca. Along the perimeter of these plates runs the Pacific Volcanic Ring, an area at the junction of the oceanic and continental plates, in which most of the Earth's volcanoes are located and the largest number of tremors occur. The Ring of Fire has a diameter of about 10,000 km. As we know, the process of movement of lithospheric plates occurs constantly, unnoticed by humans. In the place where the neighboring plates diverge, the opening space is filled due to the rise of molten deep substance, and the formation of oceanic lithosphere occurs. And where the lithospheric plates converge, one of them moves under the other and obliquely goes deeper into the softened substance of the asthenosphere.

This is how plate subduction occurs. As subduction proceeds, oceanic lithosphere enters the region increasingly high temperatures and pressures, where superheated mineral solutions are released from it. The heat flow from the inclined subduction zone is directed upward. This leads to the formation of magma. Magma, breaking through to the earth's surface, gives rise to volcanic eruptions. Thus, associated volcanoes form above a subduction zone. In the Pacific Ocean there are several zones of expansion of the oceanic lithosphere, the main of which is the East Pacific zone. Along the periphery of the ocean, subduction of these plates occurs under the framing continents. A chain of volcanoes stretches above each subduction zone, and together they form the Pacific Rim.

However, this ring is incomplete. It breaks where there is no subduction - from New Zealand and along the Antarctic coast. In addition, there is no subduction or volcanism on two stretches of the North American coast: along the peninsula and state of California and north of Vancouver Island. We talked with Vladimir Yuryevich Kiryanov, a candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, a specialist in the field of volcanology, and most importantly, a kind, sympathetic person. During the conversation, many important and interesting topics. Among other things, we talked about the movement of tectonic plates and the likelihood of volcanic eruptions.

Vladimir Yurievich Kiryanov, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences, volcanologist: These plates, naturally, the movement of plates, when this oceanic plate, like, you know, an escalator belt, goes under the continental plate there, yes, at an angle of 30 degrees, let’s say, discretely - it’s discrete. Then all this is melted at depth and erupts to the surface in the form of volcanoes. Why is this Ring of Fire called, where these boundaries are, subduction zones.

By the way, Indonesia has a very interesting volcano. The area of ​​Kamchatka is approximately equal to the area of ​​the island of Java. Both there and there are about 40 active volcanoes: both in Kamchatka and on the island of Java. Approximately, you see - the same size. About 300,000 people live in Kamchatka—the entire population, yes. 140 million people live on the island of Java. The population of all Russia lives on the island of Java.

When we say “volcanic danger”, for Kamchatka it is more of a scientific interest: the volcano erupted - okay, let’s come there and “study”. And on the island of Java, every eruption is a disaster, because people always settle near volcanoes. The soils there are very fertile. Ash is a ready-made fertilizer. Italy, on Vesuvius they settle on the slopes. Japan, Indonesia - everyone climbs the slopes of volcanoes: the more ash, the more harvest, the better the harvest. There is no need to introduce anything artificially, it all comes naturally.

Vladimir Yuryevich, it’s interesting that you mentioned Italy, right? And in recent years, seismic activity there has become quite frequent. What is the situation with volcanic activity there? Because the country is located in a zone of active active volcanoes after all.

Vladimir Yurievich Kiryanov: The most dangerous volcano, of course, is Vesuvius now in Italy, because it has not erupted since 41 years. The longer an active volcano does not erupt, the more energy accumulates, the stronger its next eruption will be. It's actually time for Vesuvius to erupt. You know, to bring up the chronology of its eruptions so clearly - it’s time to erupt. And Vesuvius is also dangerous because, firstly, Naples is nearby: three million people live there on the slopes. And Vesuvius is dangerous because of all the types of volcanic danger that occur there: mud flows, ash fall, pyroclastic flows, this is when hot pumice moves at a speed of more than a hundred kilometers along the slope of the volcano, yes. Here are all these types of danger, they can all occur during the eruption of Vesuvius. Therefore, I collected everything that could be. Anything can happen in one eruption. And secondly, there is the Phlegrean Fields, an area like this, the area of ​​the Phlegrean Fields, yes, also in the Naples region, where earthquakes occur. There actually was a major eruption there about 30,000 years ago.

What brings people together?

Vladimir Yurievich Kiryanov: Humor, interest in other people, general interest in life in general. You know, probably, this should be a great interest in life, in communicating with people, openness, goodwill. This all brings people together. If everyone had this, yes, then all in all it would make our lives better. All this is desirable. Always be friendly and friendly towards all people. These, it seems to me, are qualities that allow a person to survive in any situation anywhere in the world and in communication with any people.

Many people, even those who have almost nothing to do with biology, have an idea that the lithospheric plates composed of the earth’s crust make up the outer shell of planet Earth. But for most it will be interesting to know that the waters of the Pacific Ocean hide three: Pacific (the largest), Coconut and Nazca (smaller).
Just their perimeter is the very place where the largest number of fire-breathing giants are located, making up the Pacific volcanic ring, also called the “Fiery Ring”. It is here that tremors are most often and most felt, volcanoes awaken and everything that gets in the way of this fiery tornado is destroyed.

History of the Pacific Ring of Fire

Almost 225 million years ago, surrounded by a single ocean called Panthalassa, there was a single supercontinent called Panagea. It covered almost 40% of the Earth's surface. A huge bay jutted into it, which was called the Tethys Ocean. And this place was somewhere between modern Eurasia and Australia.
The oceanic lithosphere in the central ridges of Panagea grew, moved under it from all sides and turned into something similar to a giant modern funnel 18 thousand kilometers in diameter. And volcanoes were born above it.
When Panagea subsequently broke up, the belts formed from volcanic rocks were well preserved as individual segments. They can be traced in Australia and New Zealand, in Antarctica and the Cordillera with the Andes, covering the eastern part of Asia and the Himalayas.
With the collapse of Panagea, new oceans opened up between its fragments - the Atlantic and Indian, while Panthalassa became smaller and smaller. Today we call its remains the Pacific Ocean.
The ring of volcanoes was also torn. Continents drove towards it, pushing it aside. But even after Panagea broke up, albeit separately, the volcanic belts of the Cordillera and Andes remained active.
On the Asian outskirts, the Okhotsk-Chukotka volcanic belt, 3000 kilometers long, was formed, reaching a width of 300 kilometers. It stretches along the Khabarovsk Territory.
In the Paleogene it died out, but the Kuril-Kamchatka volcanic arc appeared, known to be active today.
Continents moved. And fragments of the once disintegrated Pangean volcanic ring eventually passed the line great circle the planets suddenly found themselves on the completely opposite side, and again continued their rapprochement until they finally closed the space that was preserved from Panthalassa.
This is how the contours of the Pacific Ocean were formed, which all schoolchildren study today in geography lessons. Individual volcanic belts made up the Pacific Ring of Fire - the same volcanic ring of Panagea, turned inside out.

Pacific Ring of Fire

Kamchatka and Kuril Islands

In these places, every hill is a volcano on an underwater ridge. The largest of them, Klyuchevskaya Sopka, is one of the largest volcanoes on the planet. But this is only a small part of the ring, which is formed from hundreds of volcanoes along the Pacific coast.

Volcanoes of Japan

They have long made themselves known by eruptions and very viscous lava that is ejected from their vents. It hardens so quickly, and from under its plugs gases tend to escape to the surface. When too many of them accumulate, an explosion occurs, the force of which is enormous. In such a small country there are more than 200 volcanic mountains, and among them is Fuji, a volcano that cannot be more famous. At any time of the year, at an altitude of 4 thousand kilometers, it is covered with caps of snow, and under them is a crater that reaches half a kilometer in diameter. Its eruptions occur with ten-year intervals. The world learned about the strongest of them in December 1707 and September 1952.

Alaska and Aleutian Islands

There are more than fifty volcanoes here that can come to life at any moment. Everyone knows the strongest eruption of the terrible Katmai volcano in June 1912, when with its breath alone it completed the work of all the US mining workers combined for five centuries. Residents of Kodiak Island had a chance to witness this action. And although the island is located in the sea at a distance of one hundred and seventy kilometers from the volcano, even here piles of ash fell, so that the roofs of houses collapsed under its weight, and trees broke. And for another whole year Sun rays It was not always possible to break through the ash clouds, and people had to breathe dust.
The volcanoes of the Aleutian chain, erupting, form more and more islands. On none of the old maps will you find Bogoslova Island off the coast of Alaska. Some hundred years ago, only a lonely rock rose above the water, and because of the boiling sea around it and the flames sparkling through the fog, it was long considered a refuge for evil spirits, until one day, instead of a rock, an island of almost 30 kilometers in circumference suddenly appeared, from which was pouring out fire and smoke. Today he is not alone. Several small islands formed in its surroundings.


Here, where the ocean is surrounded by the huge ranges of the Andes and Cordillera mountains, earthquakes occur more often than elsewhere.
The volcanoes that are located along the ridges of the Andean mountains are covered with caps of snow and glaciers.
Yellowstone attracts many curious glances - there is no reserve in the world more famous than this, which spreads its domain in the western United States. There you can find unique corners of nature, literally created by volcanic forces. Thicknesses of lava and ash of many meters, rivers cutting through the bed, and voluminous trunks of petrified trees at the foot of the cliffs. Each subsequent eruption created another floor in this petrified forest. There are fifteen of them today. A new, sixteenth one is now growing on fertile soil.
The Pacific and Atlantic oceans seem to be united by Mexican volcanoes, and the largest of them is Popocatepel, almost four and a half thousand meters high.
New volcanic mountains are being born here even today. In August 1943, on the site of a small volcano 320 kilometers from the capital of Mexico, a half-kilometer-high mountain rose in just a year, destroying not only the surrounding villages, but even the city of San Juan.
In 1877, two Andean colossi suddenly began to erupt: Chimborazo (6.3 km) and Cotopaxi (5.8 km). In Central and South America There are areas that still remain virtually unexplored. To this day, such terrible finds are discovered among the eternal snow and ice.

Malay Archipelago

On the island of Sumatra alone there are 18 fire mountains. And the crater lakes on the island are of such enormous size that they are found nowhere else on the planet. Java, Celebes, Borneo and Bali are literally dotted with volcanoes, where not so long ago (a little over 50 years have passed) seismologists recorded the awakening of the Agung volcano.
And Karatau! Its destruction in 1883 claimed the lives of almost 40 thousand people and created many new islands. And his monstrous roar was heard by local residents from the coasts of India and Australia. And this is just one case in a countless series of terrible eruptions in the archipelago.
Take Merapi, which comes to life from time to time on the island of Java, in the period 1548-1956. shook more than fifty times. The damage they caused cannot even be assessed. After all, this region of the earth is one of the most densely populated.
In the second half of the last century, volcanic activity intensified in the south of Chile; there are more than thirty active volcanoes, and new ones keep appearing.
From the eruptions of fire-breathing giants in Hawaii - Mauna Loa and Kilauea, the fiery sea begins to boil and foam.
Most of these volcanoes remain unexplored. Scientists have just begun this process. Signs associated with the vigorous activity of such restless forces on our planet cannot be left in the dark. After all, one day they can change her and our lives irrevocably.
Signs of the awakening of the “Ring of Fire”
This is not the first time that humanity has turned its attention to the volcanoes of the Ring of Fire with alarm and concern. There is a good reason for this - these are earthquakes, the next wave that swept across the planet, and displaced tectonic plates. How many human lives did they take? What a terrible disaster it turned out to be for many. Moreover, they created real conditions so that almost all the most dangerous volcanoes awaken and become active.
Mexico, then Indonesia, and behind them twenty-five more volcanoes of the “Ring of Fire”... these events directly indicate the entry of the Earth into a period that carries the threat of destruction and danger for every creature inhabiting our planet.
According to one of the existing theories, the atmosphere familiar to today's inhabitants of the planet was once, in the distant past, formed precisely by the activity of these fire-breathing mountains. Nothing can stop them from erasing all living things from the face of the earth so that evolution can begin its journey all over again.
Almost 90% of earthquakes in the world and 80 of them the most powerful occurred in the Pacific Rim. And relative calm today no reason to calm down. Scientists are convinced that the moment will come and everything will change.

Simple calculations confirm this. The twentieth century brought a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions, an average of 35 per year. Totally agree last couple years their number is much higher. Which only confirms the fact of massive volcanic eruptions along the outer perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.