Relationship tests. Testing "Can we communicate?" Developing correct communication with people tests

For men

Online test for relationships with others: Do you know how to build relationships with others?

comprises 6 questions| rating 3.4 out of 5 points

We are all people who have our own problems, our own questions and our own cockroaches. As you know: “who owns information, owns everything.” Therefore, it is very important in any situation, regardless of the nature of the people, to find a common language with others. Then life is actually easier. The environment begins to favor you. And this, in the end, will lead to the fact that you will have a huge number of acquaintances. Which, in general, never hurts.
Do you win people over? Do you know how to build relationships and then use them skillfully? Or maybe you want to improve yourself? How much can you really win someone over?

Psychological test Do you know how to build relationships with others? You can go online completely free of charge (without registration and without sending SMS). If possible, leave your review and rate it. Happy testing!

Reviews about the relationship test:

  • kkkkk| mmmm

  • Faith| Krasnoyarsk region
    Quick, good test. The result coincides with my behavior with others. Only in the question about the vase 1 and 3 the answers are, in principle, similar. I would add an option: thank the guest, after all, he tried to choose a gift.

  • Vyacheslav| Khabarovsk
    The test result is true))

  • Apr| buffalo

  • 64 | gee
    hysterical laughter

This test will help you understand what kind of communication you are, whether it is easy to conduct a dialogue with you and how you feel about your interlocutor. Select one of the proposed answer options.


1. How do your colleagues and acquaintances perceive you?

A) as a very friendly person;

B) as a self-confident person;

C) as a calm and balanced person.

2. What will you do if someone takes something from your desk without permission?

A) scold;

B) make you return it;

C) ask if he needs anything else.

3. Do you try to look for ways to reconciliation after any conflicts?

A) always;

B) sometimes;

B) never.

4. What do you consider your views on life to be?

A) moderate and balanced;

B) frivolous;

B) radical.

5. Which animal is your favorite?

A) bear;

B) cat.

6. Do you easily get into arguments?

C) it all depends on the circumstances.

7. What do you do if something doesn't work out?

A) humble yourself;

B) trying to shift the blame onto someone else;

C) try again.

8. What will you do if you are rude in a store?

A) endure, avoiding scandal;

B) express dissatisfaction;

C) be rude in response.

9. How will you behave if you are late for a meeting?

A) calmly;

B) very nervous and irritable;

B) slightly restless.

10. How do you behave while driving a car?

A) calmly, drive slowly;

B) rush at breakneck speed;

C) try not to give way, sometimes exceeding the speed limit.

11. How do you behave if your interlocutor does not listen to you?

A) get irritated;

B) tactfully hint to him about his lack of attention;

B) turn around and leave.

12. Do you always listen carefully to your interlocutor?

B) not always;

B) rarely.

13. Do you like to be the center of attention?

A) always;

B) sometimes;

C) it doesn’t matter to you.

14. What will you do if your child was bullied at school?

A) talk to the teacher;

B) create a scandal for the offenders;

C) advise the child to fight back.

15. Are you able to compromise?

A) never;

C) it all depends on the situation.


Calculate your points based on the table.

Test results

24 points or less. You are quite easy to communicate with, but you are too peaceful. You need to be more decisive. Don’t be so critical of yourself, but at the same time don’t lose respect for others.

25-31 points. You get along with others easily, but sometimes it can be difficult to communicate with you. Your behavior largely depends on your mood. You should not give in to emotions, be more tolerant. Put yourself in the shoes of others more often and only then evaluate the situation.

32-45 points. You are a rather unbalanced person, sometimes you can be extremely aggressive. Often you are ready to sacrifice the interests of others. It's hard to find a common language with you. If you are more demanding and critical of yourself, of your behavior, and not of those around you, then perhaps over time you will become a good interlocutor.

Are you a conflict person?

This test will help you recognize how tolerant you are of others, whether you can neutralize a conflict situation and how restrained you can be in such moments. Select one of the proposed answer options.

1. Do you criticize your superiors for mistakes they have made?

A) never;

B) yes, depending on your personal attitude towards management;

B) always.

2. Do you like to argue with colleagues and friends?

A) if disputes do not spoil relations;

B) only on fundamentally important issues;

B) yes, always.

3. When arguing with children, do you admit your mistakes?

4. Can you intervene in a dispute on public transport?

B) yes, with pleasure;

C) just to defend your point of view.

5. What will you do if someone tries to jump ahead of you in line?

A) you will also go without queue;

B) you will be indignant, but to yourself;

C) express your dissatisfaction.

6. If you were cheated in a restaurant, what would you do?

A) don’t give a tip;

C) create a scandal.

7. You are offered a work plan that seems irrational to you; will you criticize it?

B) depending on the circumstances.

8. Does it anger you if someone doesn’t perform their duties well enough?

A) yes, always;

B) you don’t care;

B) sometimes.


Sum up your points.

Test results

6 points or less. You are not a conflict person at all and can easily compromise. It’s quite difficult to piss you off with anything. It’s easy to communicate with you, but sometimes it’s still worth defending your point of view. Be more confident in yourself.

7-11 points. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a common language with you, but you still try not to enter into conflict situations. Sometimes you prefer to be on the sidelines. But if you start an argument, you will defend your point of view to the end, even despite your friendly relations. Do not give in to provocations, be more restrained.

12-16 points. You are an extremely conflicted person and sometimes you are so aggressive that maintaining friendly relations with you is not at all easy. Among other things, you are quick-tempered over little things and often try to impose your opinion on others. You should change your behavior so as not to be left alone.

Your attitude type is weaponizing

Below are the characteristics of a certain person. You need to put a “+” sign against those definitions that you think are characteristic of you (if you are not completely sure, do not put a “+” sign). Most statements fall into one of eight groups (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII). This is necessary to interpret the results.

1. Others generally think well of him.

2. Makes a favorable impression on others.

3. Knows how to give instructions and orders.

4. Knows how to insist on his own.

5. Has self-esteem.

6. Independent.

7. Able to take care of himself.

8. Sometimes indifferent.

9. Can be harsh.

10. Strict but fair.

11. Can be sincere.

12. Critical of others.

13. Likes to cry.

14. Sometimes sad.

15. Sometimes shows distrust.

16. Is often disappointed.

17. Can be self-critical.

18. Able to admit when he is wrong.

19. Willingly submits to others.

20. Compliant.

21. Noble.

22. Tends to admire and imitate.

23. Respectful towards others.

24. Needs approval.

25. Capable of cooperation.

26. Strives to find common ground with others.

27. Friendly, benevolent.

28. Attentive and affectionate.

29. Delicate.

30. Capable of approval.

31. Responsive.

32. Selfless.

33. Capable of causing admiration.

34. Enjoys the respect of others.

35. Has leadership talent.

36. Likes responsibility.

37. Confident.

38. Self-confident and assertive.

39. Businesslike and practical.

40. Likes to compete.

41. Strict and harsh when necessary.

42. Relentless, but impartial.

43. Irritable.

44. Open and straightforward.

45. Doesn't like to be commanded.

46. ​​Skeptical.

47. It is difficult to impress him.

48. Touchy and scrupulous.

49. Easily embarrassed.

50. Unsure of yourself.

51. Compliant.

52. Modest.

53. Often turns to others for help.

55. Willingly accepts advice.

56. Strives to bring joy to others.

57. Always kind in his behavior.

58. Values ​​the opinions of others.

59. Sociable and easy-going.

60. Kind-hearted.

61. Instills confidence in others.

63. Cares about others.

64. Selfless, generous.

65. Likes to give advice.

66. Gives the impression of being an important person.

67. Likes to command.

68. Powerful.

69. Boastful.

70. Arrogant.

71. Thinks only about himself.

72. Cunning and calculating.

73. Intolerant of the mistakes of others.

74. Selfish.

75. Frank.

76. Sometimes unfriendly.

77. Embittered.

78. Likes to complain.

79. Jealous.

80. Remembers insults for a long time.

81. Prone to self-examination.

82. Shy.

83. Lack of initiative.

84. Meek.

85. Not independent.

86. Easily obeys.

87. Shifts responsibility to others.

88. Often gets into trouble.

89. Easily falls under the influence of friends.

90. Trusting.

91. Trusts everyone indiscriminately.

92. Likes everyone.

93. Forgives everything.

94. Is overly sympathetic to others.

95. Generous and tolerant of shortcomings.

96. Seeks to patronize.

97. Strives for success.

98. Expects admiration from everyone.

99. Gives orders to others.

100. Despotic.

101. Often judges people by their social status.

102. Vain.

103. Selfish.

104. Cold, callous.

105. Sarcastic, mocking.

106. Angry, cruel.

107. Subject to fits of anger.

108. Insensitive, indifferent.

109. Vicious.

110. Often overwhelmed by a spirit of contradiction.

111. Stubborn.

112. Distrustful and suspicious.

113. Timid.

114. Shy.

115. Characterized by excessive readiness.

116. Soft boiler.

117. Almost never objects to anyone.

118. Unobtrusive.

119. Needs care.

120. Overly trusting.

121. Strives to please everyone.

122. Agrees with everyone.

123. Always friendly.

124. Loves everyone.

125. Condescending to others.

126. Tries to console everyone.

127. Takes care of others to the detriment of himself.

128. Spoils people with excessive kindness.


For each “+” give yourself 1 point. Now add together those points that belong to the statements of the same group.

Each group represents a certain type of attitude towards others. If you scored the highest number of points in one of the groups, it means that this type of attitude towards others is typical for you.

Moreover, if you scored more than 14 points in any group, then the qualities characteristic of the type of relationship in this group are manifested in you excessively, and it is advisable that you learn to control your emotions.

If you scored less than 5 points when answering questions from any group, it means that the characteristic features of that group are very weakly expressed or not expressed at all.

If you simultaneously achieve high results in groups characterized by opposite qualities, this indicates the variability of your character, frequent mood changes and a tendency to act differently in similar situations.

13-16 points. You are powerful and despotic, trying to control absolutely everything and everyone. Many consider you a tyrant and a tyrant.

9-12 points. You are a dominant, energetic, competent, authoritative leader. You are successful in your work, have moderate control over your subordinates, and demand respect for yourself.

6-8 points. You are self-confident, persistent and tenacious in achieving your goals, although you do not necessarily demonstrate your leadership qualities.

II. Selfish type of attitude

13-16 points. You are proud and calculating. Strive to find benefit for yourself in everything. You often shift your problems onto others, while treating them somewhat aloofly. You are boastful and arrogant.

6-12 points. The more points you score in answering the questions of this group, the more selfish traits and a tendency to compete are expressed in you.

III. Aggressive type of attitude

13-16 points. You are harsh, short-tempered, hostile and cruel towards others. Sometimes this is not limited to just rudeness on your part.

9-12 points. You are frank and straightforward, often demanding and strict towards others, principled, ironic, mocking, irritable.

6-8 points. You are energetic, persistent, and purposefully move towards your intended goal.

IV. Suspicious type of attitude

13-16 points. The world around you seems hostile and evil. You are touchy and vindictive, constantly complaining about everyone and doubting everything.

9-12 points. You are unsure of yourself, which is why you often have difficulty establishing interpersonal relationships. You are critical of others, suspicious, withdrawn, secretive. From the outside it seems that you are disappointed in people. You can be ironic or rude.

6-8 points. You soberly and critically evaluate yourself, others and the world around you and have your own opinion on everything.

V. Subordinate type of relationship

13-16 points. You are passive and tend to give in to everyone in everything. You often blame yourself for other people's problems and consider yourself worse than others. You need a strong patron.

9-12 points. You are a shy, meek person, easily embarrassed and not inclined to defend your position.

6-8 points. You are modest and reserved, obedient, conscientiously fulfill your duties, and depend on the opinions of others.

VI. Dependent relationship type

13-16 points. You are anxious, unsure of yourself, dependent on other people. You are often tormented by obsessive fears and concerns.

9-12 points. You are fearful and obedient. Often you refuse to defend your position because you already consider it wrong.

6-8 points. You are good-natured, trusting and polite. You always try to listen to the advice of others, moreover, you trust them more than your own opinion.

VII. Friendly type of attitude

9-16 points. You are charming and kind to everyone, and the approval of others is important to you. You strive to have good relationships with everyone, regardless of the situation.

6-8 points. You are inclined to cooperate and collaborate. You easily compromise, consciously avoid conflict situations, are aware of all the conventions and rules of good manners accepted in society and follow them. You are flexible, sociable, ambitious, often help others, and love to feel like the center of everyone's attention.

VIII. Altruistic type of attitude

9-16 points. You are very responsible, always sacrificing your interests for the sake of others. You have compassion for everyone and actively offer your help everywhere. You take responsibility for others (sometimes from the outside it looks like hypocrisy).

6-8 points. You are a responsible, delicate, gentle, kind person, you know how to compassionate, calm and care for others. You are selfless and sympathetic.

To do this, you need to substitute the Roman numerals for the number of points you received in the relevant groups.

Dominance = (I–V) + 0.7(VIII + II–IV–VI).

Friendliness = (VII–III) + 0.7(VIII–II–IV + VI).

Positive results in both parameters generally characterize you as a confident and sociable person.

Positive results on the first parameter and negative results on the second indicate your authority and callousness.

Negative according to the first parameter and positive according to the second - about compliance and dependence.

Negative indicators for both parameters indicate secrecy and aloofness.

Your level of sociability

The test will help determine your level of communication skills.

To do this, you must answer the following questions truthfully.

1. Are you nervous while waiting for an important business meeting?

B) sometimes.

2. If you are assigned to give a presentation at an event, will this make you feel uncomfortable?

B) sometimes.

3. Do you put off going to the doctor until the last moment?

B) sometimes.

4. If you have a business trip to an unfamiliar city, will you try to avoid this business trip?

B) sometimes.

5. Do you share your thoughts and feelings with anyone?

B) sometimes.

6. Are you annoyed when strangers on the street ask you questions?

B) sometimes.

7. Do you think that it is really difficult for people of different generations to understand each other?

B) sometimes.

8. Will it be difficult for you to tell a person to return money taken from you several months ago?

B) sometimes.

9. You were served a poor quality dish in a cafe. Will you remain silent?

B) sometimes.

10. Will you talk to a stranger when you are alone with him?

B) sometimes.

11. If you find a long line at the ticket office, store, or library, will you join it?

B) sometimes.

12. Do you hate being the judge in other people's conflicts?

B) sometimes.

13. Do you always evaluate works of art according to your own taste, without listening to other people’s opinions?

B) sometimes.

14. If someone expresses an erroneous point of view on a question that is well known to you, would you prefer to remain silent and not correct it?

B) sometimes.

15. Do requests for help with your studies or work irritate you?

B) sometimes.

16. Is it easier for you to put your opinion on paper than to talk about it?

B) sometimes.


For each answer “yes” give yourself 2 points, for the answer “no” - 0 points, for the answer “sometimes” - 1 point.

Then add up all the points and compare the result with the scale.

Test results

30-31 points. What to hide, you are uncommunicative, and you suffer from this, first of all, yourself. But it is also very difficult for those around you, because where joint efforts are needed, you are completely lost. Why are you so reluctant to communicate? Are there really no interesting people around you? Try to train your sociability - contact people with various questions, even if at first they only relate to work.

25-29 points. You are taciturn and prefer loneliness to noisy companies. You have very few friends. A new job and new people make you feel uncomfortable. This character trait has not escaped your attention, and you are often angry with yourself for it. Remember how easily you communicate when you are very passionate about something. After all, you can whenever you want.

19-24 points. In general, you are a sociable person. A new environment and new problems do not frighten you. And yet you get along with people carefully, gradually, and speak out publicly reluctantly. Sometimes your statements are sarcastic, even without any reason.

14-18 points. Your communication skills are fine. You are inquisitive, patient, listen carefully to an interesting interlocutor, and calmly defend your point of view. Meeting new people doesn't make you feel bad. But crowded places, noisy companies and talkative people make you irritated.

9-13 points. You are quite sociable, aren't you? Your curiosity, talkativeness, and temper irritate some people and make them think of you as a frivolous person. You easily meet new people and enjoy large companies, especially if you are the center of everyone's attention. It won't hurt you to develop a little patience and perseverance necessary to solve serious problems.

4-8 points. You seem to know everyone and always know everything about everyone. You love to take part in various discussions, although serious topics seem terribly boring to you. They are accustomed to speaking out even if they are not competent enough in the issue under discussion. You take on any task, although you cannot always successfully complete it. It is not surprising that managers and colleagues distrust you and no one wants to do joint tasks with you.

3 points or less. Your sociability is excessive. You are talkative, verbose, quick-tempered, touchy, and often biased. You interfere in matters that have nothing to do with you. You undertake to judge problems that you have absolutely no understanding of. Conflicts often arise because of you. You are unable to cope with serious work. People have a very difficult time with you. You need to cultivate patience, restraint and respect for people.

Do you need communication like air?

The need for communication consists of two parameters: the desire for people and the fear of being rejected. Therefore, the test is divided into two parts. After reading the statements below, you need to express your agreement or disagreement with each of them as follows:

- I completely agree;

- agree;

– rather agree than disagree;

- neither yes nor no;

– rather disagree than agree;

– I don’t agree;

– I completely disagree.

Part 1. Commitment to people

1. It’s easy for me to find a common language with people.

2. When I feel bad, I strive to be with people, not alone.

3. I try to leave the impression of being capable and smart, rather than friendly and sociable.

4. I need close friends less than most people.

5. I often and willingly share my experiences with others.

6. A good book or movie gives me much more pleasure than a cheerful company.

7. I would like to have as many friends as possible.

8. I prefer to relax in a secluded place than among many people.

9. In my opinion, most people need fame and honor more than friendship.

10. I like individual work more than collective work.

11. You should not be too frank with anyone, even with friends.

12. When I meet someone I know on the street, I don’t just say hello and pass by, but try to chat with him at least a little.

13. Independence and personal freedom are more valuable to me than strong friendships.

14. I love meeting new people in companies and at parties.

15. When making an important decision, I always consult with friends rather than think about it on my own.

16. Too open display of feelings makes me distrustful.

17. I have many close friends.

18. I am completely indifferent to whether people I don’t know like me.

19. I am more interested in individual games and entertainment than in group ones.

20. I prefer emotionally open people to focused and serious people.

21. I would rather read an interesting book or go to the cinema than spend time at a party.

22. When traveling, I like to communicate with people more than just enjoying the views and visiting attractions alone.

23. It is easier for me to solve a difficult problem by thinking about it alone than by discussing it with friends.

24. I am convinced that in difficult life situations you need to rely on your own strengths, and not rely on the help of friends.

25. Even when I am in the company of friends, I cannot completely escape from worries and urgent matters.

26. When I find myself in a new place, I quickly acquire a new circle of acquaintances.

27. An evening dedicated to my favorite activity attracts me more than communicating with people.

28. Having too close relationships with people can negatively affect my personal freedom.

29. If I am upset about something, I would rather hide my condition from others than share my experiences with them.

30. I love being in public and always happily spend time in a fun company.

1. I feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar company.

2. If I don't like the party, I still don't leave first.

3. If my good friend began to prove to me that I was wrong in front of strangers, I would be very unpleasant.

4. I try to limit my communication with people of a critical mindset.

5. I usually get along easily with strangers.

6. I will still go to visit, even if I find out that there will be people there who don’t like me.

7. When two of my friends argue, I prefer not to interfere in the dispute, even if I disagree with one of them.

8. If some of my requests were refused, I will not dare to ask this person for anything again.

9. I do not openly express my opinion to a person I don’t know well.

10. If during a conversation I did not understand something, I would prefer to remain silent rather than ask again.

11. I always criticize people publicly and hope that they will do the same towards me.

12. I don't know how to refuse.

13. I enjoy the party even if I am not dressed for the occasion.

14. I am sensitive to criticism addressed to me.

15. If a person dislikes me, I try to avoid him.

16. I don’t hesitate to ask people for help.

17. I often don’t contradict people because I’m afraid of offending them.

18. Sometimes it seems to me that strangers look at me critically.

19. When I go to an unfamiliar company, I always ask a friend to go with me.

20. I usually say what I think, regardless of whether my interlocutor is pleased with it or not.

21. It’s easy for me to establish relationships in a new team.

22. Sometimes it seems to me that I am forgotten by everyone.

23. If a stranger speaks unflatteringly about me, it leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in me for a long time.

24. I never feel lonely in company.

25. I am very vulnerable, even if it is not noticeable from the outside.

26. After meeting a new person, I have no doubts about whether I behaved correctly.

27. If I need to make a request to an official, I am almost always prepared for a refusal in advance.

28. It is very difficult for me to ask a salesperson in a store to show me an item I like.

29. When I don’t like the behavior of my friend, I usually tell him about it directly.

30. It seems to me that if I sit on public transport, other passengers look at me reproachfully.

31. In unfamiliar company, I join the general conversation, rather than remaining on the sidelines.

32. It is difficult for me to ask for back something that was once borrowed from me.


Answers numbered 1, 2, 5, 7, 12, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 26, 30 (part 1) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 , 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 30, 32 (part 2) rate as follows: 6 points - completely agree; 5 points – agree;

4 points – rather agree than disagree; 3 points – neither yes nor no;

2 points – rather disagree than agree;

1 point – disagree;

0 points – completely disagree.

Answers numbered 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29 (part 1) and 5, 6, 11, 13 , 16, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, 31 (part 2) rate as follows:

0 points – completely agree;

1 point – agree;

2 points – rather agree than disagree;

3 points – neither yes nor no;

4 points – rather disagree than agree;

5 points – disagree;

6 points – completely disagree.

Total the points separately for the answers to the statements in parts 1 and 2.

Test results

Part 1. Commitment to people

120-180 points. You cannot live a day without friends, acquaintances, noisy companies and social events. Your phone is ringing with calls; as always, you have big plans for the evening. You feed off energy from people; the worst punishment for you is loneliness.

60-119 points. You love communication; the company of unfamiliar people does not plunge you into a state of shock. Sometimes you have a burning desire to meet old friends or call relatives in another city. But there are times when you need to be alone with yourself and your own thoughts.

Less than 60 points. Communicating with people is not something you get great pleasure from. You do not like noisy parties; if possible, avoid crowded places. You prefer privacy.

Part 2. Fear of rejection

130-192 points. Your fear of being rejected by other people is very strong. You constantly doubt whether you were understood, whether you did a good job, whether you expressed yourself correctly, and worry about what others will think of you.

With a high level of desire for people, there is a willingness to imitate and obey others in everything, to do everything for the approval and praise of others, the need for care and patronage. With a low level of desire for people - the desire to be loved by a small number of the closest people, unsociability, isolation, alienation in relation to everyone else.

65-129 points. You sometimes worry about how you appear to others. You understand that it is necessary to comply with certain conventions in order to be accepted in society, and you generally comply with them without any internal resistance.

With a high level of desire for people - compliance, the desire to avoid conflicts with others, the ability to compromise.

With a low level of desire for people - no matter how you treat other people, you are well aware that your social status largely depends on them. Therefore, do not express harsh words to others and do not take extreme measures.

Less than 65 points. You don't really care what other people think about you or whether they agree with your point of view. When faced with the choice of expressing your opinion (and being misunderstood) or keeping it to yourself, you will most likely choose the former.

With a high level of desire for people, you are frank and straightforward in communication, you are not embarrassed by refusals and are not stopped by social stereotypes. Not everyone will like your communication style, but you're not going to change because of it.

If you have a low level of desire for people, you don’t care how others treat you and what they think of you. You simply ignore those who disagree with your opinion. Your position is rebellion.

Testing “Can you communicate?”

Target: introduce participants to the basic techniques for exchanging information, develop the ability to process it, and find in it what is vital for solving current problems.

Progress of the lesson: Today we will talk about communication. Your life experience is still small, and sometimes you don’t know how to behave in different situations, how to act so that there are no conflicts. Let's first of all talk about whether you are a conflict-ridden person. To do this, answer the questions in the questionnaire.

1. A loud argument began in the class. Your reaction:

    I don't take part;

    I briefly speak out in defense of the point of view that I consider correct;

    I actively intervene and “cause fire on myself.”

2. Do you speak up at meetings (classroom hours) criticizing adults?


    only if I have good reasons for this;

    I always criticize for any reason.

3. Do you often argue with friends?

    only as a joke, and only if these people are not touchy;

    only on fundamental issues;

    controversy is my thing.

4. You are standing in line. How do you react if someone gets ahead of you?

    I’m indignant in my soul, but I’m silent: it’s more dear to myself;

    I make a remark - you need to teach the rude man good manners;

    I go forward and begin to observe order;

5. At home, unsalted soup was served for lunch. Your reaction.

    I won’t make a fuss over a trifle;

    I’ll silently take the salt shaker;

    I won’t be able to resist making caustic remarks, and perhaps I’ll defiantly refuse to eat.

6. Someone stepped on your foot on the street or in public transport...

    I will look at the offender with indignation;

    I will make a dry remark without emotion;

    I will express myself without mincing words.

7. Someone in the family bought something you don't like.

    I won't say anything;

    I will limit myself to a short but tactful comment;

    I'll tell you everything I think about it.

8. No luck, you lost a lot of money on the street in the lottery. How do you feel about this?

    I will try to appear indifferent, but I will promise myself never to participate in this disgrace again;

    I won’t hide my annoyance, but I will treat what happened with humor, promising to take revenge;

    Losing will ruin my mood, I’ll think about how to take revenge on the offenders.

Key: 1st answer option – 4 points, 2 – 2 points, 3 – 0 points. Points are being counted. The class is divided into three psychological types.

The presenter gives this information.

22-32 points. You are tactful and peaceful, avoid disputes and conflicts, avoid critical situations at work and at home. The saying “Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer!” cannot be your motto. You are sometimes called an opportunist. Take courage and, if circumstances require, speak out on principle, regardless of faces.

12-20 points. You are known as a conflicted person. But this is an exaggeration. You conflict only if there is no other way out, when all other means have been exhausted. You are able to firmly defend your opinion, without thinking about how this will affect the attitudes of your comrades towards you. At the same time, you do not “go beyond the bounds” and do not stoop to insults. All this gives you respect.

Up to 10 points. Disputes and conflicts are your element. After all, you love to criticize others, but if you hear comments addressed to you, you can eat a person alive. This is criticism for the sake of criticism. Don't be selfish. It is very difficult for those who are close to you. Your lack of restraint pushes people away. Is this why you have no real friends? Try to curb your temper.

Family relationships are different from romantic love like playing real football is different from watching a match on TV. Almost all families face crises and many are unprepared to overcome them. Difficulties are not the end of a relationship, but a transition to a new level.

For women, love is the meaning of life - this is old news. Men's psychology is different from women's, and because of this, disagreements arise in relationships. You can become the director and main character of your own story of happiness, write the script of your own life yourself.

It's nice to know that boys like you. Have you noticed that the most popular among them is not beauties, but sociable, cheerful and intelligent girls? And for guys who are creative and passionate about sports, dancing, music or other interesting activities, there is no end to them.

It's hard to say whether it's healthy to spend all your time together, but common interests are the magic button that kickstarts a relationship. It's great to find movies and books that you both enjoy, or to discuss topics that you both understand. But it is more important that the couple have common goals, then their interests become the same.

It turns out that girls who are too active scare away young men - the guys themselves want to take the initiative and take care of the defenseless young lady. Hunters and victims are two extremes that you shouldn’t go to; it’s better to determine the golden mean and behave naturally.

Trust in a relationship must be a must, otherwise communication turns into spy games or constant outbursts of jealousy. But doubts can disturb a girl’s soul from time to time, and only a cool-blooded analysis will help dispel them.

Mutual understanding may arise from the first hours of communication or may not appear even after many years of acquaintance. Understanding the complex ways in which similar personalities are formed is not easy, but it is important to understand that these do not occur every day.

The image of a romantic man has faded somewhat, but somewhere in the depths of her soul every woman would like her chosen one to be gallant, devoted, attentive and helpful. These and other positive qualities make up the character of a romantic.

There are several legends about the origin of Valentine's Day. According to one of them, the young priest Valentin secretly married lovers, for which he was sentenced to execution. In prison, he fell in love with the jailer’s daughter and before his death he wrote a confession to her with the caption “Your Valentine.”

During the times of knightly tournaments, girlish happiness depended on the whims of the stronger sex. Girls could only respond to male signs of attention. A modern girl has two options for behavior - to ignore a shy young man or to gain courage and take the first step herself.

The topic of relationships between a man and a woman has always been and will be relevant. Despite this, not only young people, but also fully mature people have no understanding of what principles relationships should be based on. We adopt the relationship model from our parents, observing how they communicate and solve problems. If it is customary in the family to speak in a raised voice or assault is allowed, the children will probably perceive the style as acceptable - a bad example is contagious.

It is impossible to talk about harmonious relationships without the ability to compromise, understand another person, and take into account his desires and characteristics. In adulthood, the relationship stereotype continues to be formed under the impression of contacts with representatives of the opposite sex. Having experienced a negative experience, a person tends to look for negative traits in a new partner. On the one hand, this is a defensive reaction against repeating mistakes, but on the other hand, no one likes it when they try to discern in him, for example, a hysterical person, an alcoholic, a boor or a slob. To build a good relationship, you will have to rethink previous experiences and try to perceive the new person as an individual.

Using a specialized diagnostic technique developed by V. Feya, the degree of a person’s acceptance of other people is diagnosed. Essentially, this is a test of relationships with other people and sociability. In the vast majority of cases, this technique is used to analyze the behavior of adolescents, but in many situations its use is also no less relevant in the process of studying adults.

There are two main types of response in the communication process - proactive and reactive. The latter represents a complete lack of self-control, even if a person has the ability to suppress some outbursts of emotions. Proactive behavior is a pause between stimulus and reaction, during which a person can comprehend all options for action and choose the most optimal option. Thus, proactive people have the freedom to choose how best to respond to certain events.

To have a proactive response, you need to accept, recognize and respect yourself and your actions. We generally treat other people the same way we treat ourselves, so accepting ourselves generally becomes a decisive factor in accepting others as well.

    1. People are quite easily misled

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  1. 2. I like the people I know

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  2. 3. Nowadays people have very low moral principles

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  3. 4. Most people think only positively about themselves, rarely addressing their negative qualities

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  4. 5. I feel comfortable with almost anyone

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  5. 6. All people talk about these days is about movies, television and other stupid things like that.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  6. 7. If someone starts doing favors to other people, they immediately stop respecting him

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  7. 8. People only think about themselves

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  8. 9. People are always dissatisfied with something and are looking for something new.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  9. 10. Most people's quirks are very difficult to tolerate.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  10. 11. People definitely need a strong and smart leader.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  11. 12. I like to be alone, away from people.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  12. 13. People don't always treat other people honestly.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  13. 14. I enjoy being with other people.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  14. 15. Most people are stupid and inconsistent

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  15. 16. I like to be with people whose views differ from mine.

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  16. 17. Everyone wants to be nice to the other

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  17. 18. Most often people are dissatisfied with themselves

    • Almost always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Accidentally
    • Very rarely
  • Low acceptance of others. Instead of trying to understand the other person and allow him to become your friend, you build up protective barriers. Instead of enjoying differences and learning something new from each other, you see them as an obstacle to communication. You should stop being a grump and be more friendly towards others.

    Average level of acceptance of others, with a tendency to be low. You may be pleasant to communicate with others, but with a small circle and for a short time. More often, you look for reasons not to start a conversation with people you don’t know well.

    Average level of acceptance of others with a tendency towards high. You are quite pleasant to talk to and very liberal in choosing your interlocutors. You can keep up a conversation with people and learn something new for yourself. We can say that you are open to new things, but do not tolerate idle chatter and listening to complaints.

    High rate of acceptance of others. You can carry on a conversation with anyone and about anything. You are sincerely interested in others and their lives. You must have many friends and acquaintances who find you a pleasant companion.