Tests for men in games. Cool questions for the bride and groom: do the newlyweds know each other well? Private parts of the body

To mom
Anna Lyubimova July 30, 2018, 10:29 pm

Before the wedding, young people already know each other. They know the character traits of their spouse, taste preferences, and literary preferences. However, it is impossible to know every detail down to the smallest detail.

How impeccably the young man knows the betrothed, and the young man’s bride, will help determine tricky questions for the newlyweds to know each other. They form the basis of various wedding competitions; they are used during the ransom of the bride or for her liberation, when, according to ancient tradition, young wife is stolen during the festive banquet.

List of questions and quiz

A quiz for newlyweds at a wedding is interesting not only to the heroes of the occasion, who will eventually get to know the chosen one even better, but also to the guests, for whom it will be entertainment.

The test for a husband and wife, as far as they know each other, consists of both serious and funny questions. Everyone who came to congratulate the spouses will listen to the answers with interest. Guests are happy laugh at the most funny ones of them.

Photo of the bride answering a question asked by guests at the wedding

Here's what can be set

  1. During a fire, what would your spouse rescue first?
  2. What was the most absurd act of your loved one?
  3. Which of the life actions of your spouse is the craziest for her/him?
  4. Name the most romantic act of a husband/wife.
  5. What's the most unexpected place you've kissed?
  6. Which of your lover's habits annoys you the most?
  7. What part of the bride/groom's body do you love most?
  8. Where would you prefer to go on your honeymoon if you could choose any corner of the planet?
  9. Which artist would play the role of a young person in a film dedicated to her/him?
  10. How many children does your spouse want to have?
  11. Would you trust your significant other to choose your wedding dress?
  12. Do you remember the exact date of your first date and the moment your relationship began?
  13. What delicacy does the bride/groom like most?
  14. Who is the boss in your union?
  15. What affectionate nickname does the young man call the young woman?
  16. What do you prefer: spending time alone or going out with him/her in the company of friends?
  17. Which song does your spouse like more than the others?
  18. What season does your husband/wife like?
  19. What specific words did the young man say when proposing marriage?
  20. Under what circumstances did you meet?

To have a lot of fun and “get to know” your newly-made husband and wife even closer, you can conduct the “He and She” quiz. Young and young people take part in it, and the guests will be spectators

You will need to prepare two signs, one of which will read “He”, and on the other “She”" The host will read out the questions, and the bride and groom will answer them by holding up the correct card. Guests will watch the game and learn facts about the new family.

Photos of wedding signs with the inscriptions Mr. and Mrs.

You can prepare the following questions for the competition with the “He and She” or Mr. signs. and Mrs.:

  1. Which one of you two will throw out the trash?
  2. Who was more worried and worried at the first rendezvous?
  3. Who sings in the bath?
  4. Who never turns off the light?
  5. Who initiated the first kiss?
  6. Who doesn't arrive on time more often?
  7. Who constantly pulls the blanket in their direction?
  8. Who will decide on spending wedding money?
  9. Who says where to organize a weekend trip?
  10. Who causes dinner to burn?
  11. Who will give you happiness?

These cool wedding questions for newlyweds can be endless. But it is recommended to ensure that their number is limited, otherwise the game will drag on and become uninteresting.

How to prepare the application form?

An entertaining questionnaire for the bride and groom will also help test their knowledge about the spouses. To compile it, it is recommended to increase and print a photo together couples by processing the photo with attractive frames. Stickers are placed on the photo. Then the newlyweds are asked one by one questions from the questionnaire. This is done so that the young one is responsible for the young one, and vice versa. If the answer is correct, one sticker is removed from the photo, and this continues until the entire photo card is revealed.

Joint photo of lovers for the questionnaire

Such a wedding competition for the bride and groom may contain these questions:

  1. Favorite color.
  2. What is the last name of your best friend?
  3. What was your favorite lesson in school?
  4. First pet.
  5. What will you name the girl?
  6. What will you name the boy?
  7. What was your nickname as a child?
  8. What did you do during boring lessons?
  9. What gift would you prefer to receive?
  10. What profession did you dream of as a child?
  11. What size clothes does he wear?
  12. What was the title of your thesis?
  13. What's the boss's name?
  14. Life's greatest adventure?
  15. Eye color.
  16. What are the prizes, awards, cups, certificates that the chosen one received?
  17. Which football team do you support?
  18. Favorite TV show.
  19. What was the name of your first love?

A game with questions for young people will be more interesting the more unexpected the tasks themselves turn out to be.

Cool questions for the groom about the bride

If at a wedding there is a competition with the theft of a bride, then to organize the ransom, you will need to know what questions you can ask the groom. You can put them just so that the wedding is fun:

  1. What city does your wife dream of visiting?
  2. What does the bride prioritize: children or a professional career?
  3. What did the young wife dream of when she was little?
  4. What size shoes will you buy for your wife?
  5. How tall is young?
  6. How long does the chosen one stand in front of the mirror?
  7. How many friends does the bride have?
  8. Why does your spouse love you?
  9. What flower bouquet would she prefer?
  10. What is the young man's hobby?

The presenter can prepare such humorous questions about the bride with answers in advance so as not to get into an unpleasant situation during the competition.

The groom answers questions about the bride at the wedding

Wedding riddles about the groom with a trick

Separately, prepare funny questions for the bride. But to the tasks were creative, it is not necessary to use standard riddles, such as how many dumplings can your loved one eat at one time? It will be more interesting if you invite the young woman to draw the eyes of her beloved or show her photographs from which she must choose the one that depicts the eyes of her husband. Do the same trick with the hand or foot prints of your chosen one.

Questions and answers for the bride and groom should not offend or embarrass them, cause resentment or ruin their mood. Therefore, discuss everything thoroughly with the newlyweds and find out if there is any topic that they would not like to talk about.

Do you know women? "What a question!" - almost every man will exclaim. And this is natural. But what's stopping you from checking your own self-esteem? Especially alone with yourself. Read the questions carefully and choose the answers that are closest to your views.

What kind of husband are you?

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How attractive are you to women?

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What type of woman suits you best?

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Inferiority complex

Historically, a woman expects strength, will, courage and determination from a man in a variety of life manifestations. She doesn’t mind a man at home being soft, gentle, and dependent. But in harsh everyday life, in public, in important, difficult periods of life, she wants to see a knight, a protector, a reliable strong wall next to her. And if a man, in any case, is neither fish nor fowl and acts as if under anesthesia, the woman cannot stand it and throws hurtful words at him. However, it is possible that women have not given you such “compliments”, but at the same time, your masculine courage and determination are a big question. Let's use the test to remove the questions and dot the i's.

Can you be irresistible?

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Who are you really: a man or a boy?

We are all children at heart, but women admit this more readily than men. Who are you really: a grown man or a little boy? Answer the test questions and find out the answer to this question.

Tests for guys and men

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Every year the size of the average bribe grows, and with it the skill of corrupt officials. If previously a simple transfer of money in an envelope was widely used, now money is required to be donated to charity, remote access is used, offshore companies, affiliated companies, etc.

If you dream of earning a billion and already know how you will manage your wealth, try to guess how Russian billionaires invest their money. Fantasies will come closer to reality if you can tap into the thoughts of the rich and famous.

The disappointing statistics on mortality from external causes in Russia looks frightening. The exact numbers are impressive, but the comparative analysis looks even worse. For example, we have 1.5 times more suicides than the United States, twice as many murders, and 20 times more deaths from injuries.

High treason is a serious crime. Espionage, issuing information constituting state secrets to a foreign state, financial or other assistance directed against the security of the Russian Federation - these acts are committed not only by characters in films and novels.

The object of compulsory motor third party liability insurance is the property interests of vehicle owners. The MTPL policy comes into effect in the event of an accident - if you are at fault for the accident, the insurance company will pay the injured party for you.

The opinion that only a football player can become a good coach is clearly wrong. There are many examples in history that refute this myth. At the same time, we have to admit that the work of a coach is not sugar; he is required not only to have a deep knowledge of the game, but also a serious set of personal qualities.

Men are no less mysterious creatures than women, although they themselves like to talk about their simplicity and openness. Not all representatives of the stronger sex love meat and football, hate shopping and prefer to watch action films. True, for some reason men’s nightmares are stereotypical - it’s a war with a burning helicopter in the background, a worldwide pestilence or a flood. This is probably a reflection of global thinking.

  • Did you know that color blindness is a predominantly male trait? It turns out that spring grass doesn't seem so green to men.
  • They fall into depression less often than women, but according to statistics, there are much more suicides among men.
  • Despite the fact that most talented musicians, artists, perfumers, winemakers and designers are men, the average woman has a better sense of color, sound and smell.
  • The vast majority of men have better developed spatial thinking, which is explained by the evolutionary need to bring food obtained from hunting into the cave. Now there is no need to look out for prey for food, but the men still know the terrain well.
  • In all countries, women live longer than men.

And finally, an interesting specific feature of domestic men. The most valuable female quality for them is not intelligence and kindness, but beauty and sexual attractiveness. True, with age comes the understanding that a lady of the heart should be responsive and know how to cook deliciously, but thriftiness is considered the most valuable quality by only 14%, intelligence by 18%, the ability to sympathize by 24%, and external appearance is a priority for 37% of Russians.