Thematic week transport in the preparatory group. Calendar and thematic planning in the senior group on the topic: Transport


Natalya Khmeleva
Comprehensive planning on the topic: “Transport” in the pre-school group.

Plan educational work from 19.01. – 01/23/2015

Group: preparatory

Topic of the week: « Transport» .

Tasks: Expand children's understanding of species transport and its functional purpose; introduce the classification transport: ground, air, water; clarify and expand knowledge about the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules.

Final event: Exhibition of creative works « Transport» .

Day of the week Joint activities between teachers and children

Regular moments Direct educational activities Walk Individual work


Conversation with children: « Transport of our city» Target: expand children's understanding of species transport existing in our city.

D/I for the development of thinking

Why do you think there are no square wheels? What if cars were made from paper, from wood? and etc.

DI "Flies, floats, rides"- practice classification transport, the use of verbs.

Riddles about transport.

Target: continue to teach how to solve riddles and come up with your own, develop thinking and speech.


Target: Summarize and clarify children’s knowledge about species transport; develop oral speech; enrich the dictionary with generalizing words, names transport means of transportation.

Cognitive - research (constructive) activity.

Subject: Yachtochka (origami).

Target: Continue learning how to make toys in the origami style, consolidate the ability to bend a square diagonally, iron the fold, follow the instructions.

Observing different species transport.

Target: Expand knowledge about land transport, their classification, purpose, to form an idea of ​​the purpose of buses, their significance in human life.

P/I "Sparrows and the car", “Who is the most accurate?”

Work: collective snow removal.

A game "Traffic light"

With Lisa, Vika

on the development of thinking.

Tuesday Reading a work by V. Berestov "About the car"

DI: “Find the differences”

Target: develop speech, thinking, ability to compare.

Didactic game: “Who controls what?” Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about professions, enrich children’s vocabulary with names of professions.

Writing creative stories topic: "If I were a machine..."

Target: develop coherent speech, imagination, creative abilities.

Cognition. FEMP. Target: Form ideas about volume (capacity, comparison of vessels by volume using transfusion. Strengthen counting skills within 8, the relationship of the whole and parts.

Physical Culture. Practice throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m,

Music. Car surveillance.

P/I "We are drivers", "Aircraft"

Work: clearing the area of ​​broken branches and cones.

With Anya K., Anya M.

To develop the ZKR, practice sound pronunciation "SH", develop phonemic hearing.

Communication with children on topic:

"How to behave in transport» .

Target: consolidate the rules of conduct in transport, cultivate respect for older people.

Exercise to develop auditory attention


K. Chukovsky

A game "Sounds" (imitation of car noise, tram bell, horn sound, etc.)

DI "Special machines"

Target: expand children’s ideas about special transport, its purpose and use.


Make a gas station, a canteen.

Communication activities. Subject: Introducing Sound "AND" and the letter I.

Target: develop phonemic awareness, learn to determine the place of sound in a word, the ability to distinguish between consonants and vowels, develop sound and syllabic analysis, and the ability to form relative adjectives.

Subject: "Truck".

Goals: introduce the work of I. Surikov; develop memory; teach children to convey the shape and relative position of parts of different machines, to create a collective composition"City Street".

Observing the work of the driver.

P/I “Dashings - catching up”, "Traffic light".

Work: sweep snow from buildings.

Discuss with the children what color cars are best seen in summer and winter. Why are fire trucks red?

With Vladik, Egor

Fix the composition of the number 8.

Thursday Gymnastics for the eyes

"Fly over, plane"

Didactic game « Fix the problem» .

(Children lay out the silhouette of a car from geometric shapes.)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of geometric shapes and constructive abilities.

DI "Confusion"

(all types transport got mixed up)

Target: continue to teach generalization and systematization.

Coloring pages - cars.

Target: develop fine motor skills, the ability to carefully color without going beyond the outline.

Cognition. FEMP. Target: to form ideas about measuring volumes using a measure, the dependence of the measurement result on the choice of measure. To consolidate an understanding of the meaning of addition and subtraction, the relationship between the whole and parts, the idea of ​​differential comparison of numbers on a subject basis, counting skills within 8.

Physical education Practice throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m,

crawling under a stick (40 cm, stepping over a cord (40 cm, crawling on a bench)

with a bag on the back, in hitting the ball with the right and left hands in motion, in jumping on the left and right legs over the cord, in throwing the ball to each other from the chest with both hands.

Productive activity. Application: "Cars are driving down the street".

Target: Learn to convey the shape and relative position of parts of different machines.

Fasten: various cutting techniques in a straight line, in a circle; neat techniques

gluing; ability to create a collective composition. Develop imaginative thinking and imagination. Develop the ability to evaluate created images. Observation of special transport –"ambulance".

P/I "Traps", "Firefighters in training".

Work: snow removal on site.

D/U “Who will see more cars?” Target: strengthen counting skills, develop attention. With Vladik, Anya M.

Strengthen your knowledge of geometric shapes

Comparative and descriptive stories. (Plane - helicopter; trolleybus - bus; trolleybus - tram; boat - speedboat; ship - house).

Target: develop thinking, speech, ability to compare.

Cognitive questions:

Which cars do they give way to on the streets? How can you guess that this car "ambulance", fire department, police? How are they different from other cars? Why do they have to go very fast?

Quiz « Transport»

Target: summarize children’s knowledge about transport, its types, purpose, benefits for humans. Communication. Subject:

Retelling of the story by G. Tsyferov "Locomotive" using subject pictures

Target: Teach children to retell the text, maintaining integrity, coherence, smoothness and volume; activate and expand your vocabulary topic; reinforce in children the use of nouns in the instrumental case; develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers

Productive activity. Drawing. Subject: "Pine".

Target: Teach children to draw a pine tree, conveying its characteristic features in the drawing. Develop creativity and the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper.

Observation of minibuses.

P/I "Catch up", "Taxi"

Work: sweeping snow from buildings.

Target: cultivate a desire to work.

What do you think is the best way to get to the North Pole? What about the next village?

with Lisa S., Olya

for the development of communications speeches: compilation of comparative descriptive stories (plane-helicopter; trolleybus-bus; trolleybus-tram; boat-boat; ship house).

Monday 02/15/2016


Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Morning exercises according to plan

“Looking at toy cars” Purpose: To form in children primary ideas about vehicles in their immediate environment (trucks, cars), about the street, the road.

D/game “Put the car in the garage” Purpose: Exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, teach them to correlate garages and cars by size.

Speech game “Guess what we’ll drive?” Target : to create interest in speech games, encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. Reinforce the names of various types of transport in speech.

D/game “Put the car in the garage”

Entering trucks and cars

9.00 -915,


Music according to the specialist's plan

Artistic creativity. Drawing.

Car, steamship and plane (Brush painting. Gouache)

Target. Teach children to complete the missing rounded details on the depicted objects. Strengthen the ability to understand the content of a poem.(coldina, folder)


10.10 – 12.05

Watching the sun Goals : continue to introduce natural phenomena (solar
weather or not); form concepts about the signs of winter.

Progress of observation

February is the last month of winter. It is the snowiest and blizzardny. Droplets form on the sunny side.

Invite children to watch the sun. Where is it?gets up in the morning? Mark what day it is today, sunny or sunnygloomy? Does the sun hide behind the clouds and how does it warm?(The sun is shining, but it doesn't heat up.)

Did. a game What is this... ", "Right - left". Purpose: strengthen spatial sensations

Labor activity Shovel snow, clear paths. Goals : learn to work together;achieve the task through joint efforts.

Lots of snow, no place to run.There is also snow on the path.

Here, guys, are some shovels for you -We will work for everyone.

Outdoor games “Who will throw the snowball next?”

Target: teach the rules of turn in a game that require equalactions with one common subject.

"Run to the flag." Target : teach to perform actions strictly according to the teacher’s signal.

Remote material

Spatulas, scoops, brooms, buckets

preparation for lunch, lunch.

Teach children to hold a spoon correctly while eating. Teach table manners. .

Learn to fold and hang clothes neatly on a chair before going to bed


15.00 – 16.30

Construction of “We are going by train”

Target: : continue to involve children in the construction of simple structures. Develop the ability to build a building according to a model and without relying on it. Cultivate interest in the result of teamwork, the ability to play with the construction.

D/i “Assemble a car” (cut-out pictures) Purpose : Teach children to form one whole from 2 parts, teach them to distinguish between assembled types of transport.

D/i "Big - small"

Target: consolidate children’s ability to select garages according to the size of the car, and consolidate the names of vehicles.

Examination of thematic pictures from the “Transport” series. Target: consolidate the understanding of cars and trucks.


16.30 – 18.45

Tit watching Target : introduce the tit, its habits, habitat, special featuresappearance benefits.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and conducts a conversation.

Guess which bird

Lively, perky, dexterous, agile,

The shade rings loudly: “Shadow-Shadow!

What a beautiful spring day!”(Tit.)

What kind of bird is this?

What does she look like and what color is she?

What changes occur in the life of tits in winter?

What do tits eat?

How do people care for them?

Labor activity Clearing paths of ice and snow. Target: strengthen skills in working with a shovel.

Outdoor games

"Snow Carousel". Target : practice orientation in the area.

"Traps with a ball." Target :

Remote material

shoulder blades

Planning educational work

Tuesday 02/16/2016

Theme of the month, week, day “Transport”


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, examination, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercises according to plan

Conversation “How to behave in transport”

Target: tell them that you can’t run or jump in transport, as you can fall and get hurt.

D/game “Put the car in the garage” Goal : Exercise children in distinguishing objects by size, teach them to correlate garages and cars by size. Develop attention, thinking, consolidate knowledge about sensory standards of color. Continue to learn to play the same game together without quarreling, to give in to each other.

Situation – communication “Machines are assistants” Target : find out with children which machines make human work easier; enrich children's vocabulary.

Game – dramatization “How the car rolled the animals” Purpose : involve children in dramatizing a story, teach them to coordinate a noun with a verb, and activate their vocabulary.

Independent play activities for children, story-based games (choice of games by children based on their interests).

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Speech development.

Topic Open lesson on the topic: “Game-activity” “What do people drive.”

Target : Teach children to correctly name types of transport; Learn to pronounce words clearly; Consolidate children’s knowledge about passenger transport; Consolidate the generalizing concept of “transport” in an active dictionary; Continue to develop the ability to perform speech motor games; Develop attention, memory, imagination, and the ability to act on instructions. (lesson notes)

Physical Culture

Lesson 23 Tasks.Exercise children in walking at alternating steps, developing coordination of movements; learn to throw a ball through a cord, developing dexterity and eye; repeat crawling under the cord without touching the floor with your hands.


10.10 – 12.05

Observation of birch and pine

Goals :

cultivate a desire to protect and preserve natureProgress of observation

Inspect the area, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do trees have?(Trunk, branches.) Note that the pine is green, but(On a pine tree.)

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf,

Pine tied

Labor activity

Construction of a snow bed.


Outdoor games

"On a level path."Goals:

teach walking on boom;
"Run to me."Target:

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, snow molds, oilcloths for downhill skiing

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Continue to teach children to dress and undress in a certain order; fold removed clothes in a certain order. Cultivate independence and accuracy.


15.00 – 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path. Purpose : develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.

"Locomotive chug-chukh-chukh" Goal : promote the development of gross and fine motor skills, strengthen the health of children. (card file)

Games with water (launching boats) Purpose: arouse interest in playing with water, a desire to participate in joint activities, and launch boats. During the game, consolidate knowledge about the properties of water (cold, warm, clean, dirty), remind that you cannot take raw water into your mouth, and develop basic safe life skills.

Examination of the plot picture “On the Street”, conversation on issues - develop coherent speech, memory, attention, activate vocabulary

Role-playing game: “Bus”.

Target: promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.


16.30 – 18.45

expand your understanding of trees; Progress of observation

do trees have? (Trunk, branches.) for without leaves. Which tree has the most snow?

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf,

A pine tree has tied up.

Labor activity Construction of a snow bed. Goals : continue to teach how to properly carry snow for construction;help comrades in performing work activities.

Outdoor games

"On a level path." Goals: teach walking on boom;jump off, bending your knees.
"Run to me." Target : learn to run without bumping into each other, and act quickly on a signal from the teacher.

Remote material

Planning educational work

Wednesday 02/17/2016

Theme of the month, week, day “Transport”


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 – 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, examination, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercises according to plan

Conversation “Ground Transport” Purpose: introduce different types of ground transport.

Role-playing game “We are going to visit grandma” Purpose: promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

Reading fiction. A. Usachev “House at the crossing.” Target : continue to teach children to listen to a short work, help them using different techniques and pedagogical situations, correctly perceive the content of the work, and empathize with its characters.

Situational conversation:
“What I saw on the street when I went to kindergarten” - goal
: to develop the child’s attention, observation, and speech when composing a story.

Workshop - drawing "Spare wheels" -Purpose: consolidate the ability to draw round objects, continue to learn how to hold a pencil correctly, not bend too low over the table, draw with pressure, fix the name of the color (black). Develop fine motor skills and memory.

Games in the theater corner (children's choice)Target: Arouse in children the need for emotional communication.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Music according to a specialist's plan

Artistic creativity. Modeling

Car (Modeling from plasticine)

Program content. Continue to teach children to sculpt objects consisting of several parts from plasticine. Develop speech and thinking. (folder)



Tit watching. Target: To consolidate the idea of ​​the name of the bird and the characteristic features of its appearance. Cultivate a desire to care for birds

Small bird-

Yellow-breasted Titmouse,

Walking around the yard

Collects crumbs.

Outdoor games

P /And "Get in the circle" Target : teach children to throw snowballs at a horizontal target in an arbitrary manner.

Feed the birds.

Target : teach children, with the help of adults, to feed birds

Individual exercises “Jump over a snowdrift” (practice jumping on two legs from a place"

- “Throw the cone into the hoop”, “Hit the target” (teach children to throw a cone from below into a hoop, throw with both their left and right hands at a vertical target)

Situational conversation about how to behave on the street.

Before entering the village, teach children to brush snow off their clothes.

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Offer to take off your panties, tights and socks yourself, unbutton the front buttons and fasteners on your shoes.


15.00 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking on a massage path Purpose : to form an idea of ​​the need for hardening.

D/i “Who does what”

Target : to consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge of types of work, teach to identify a profession by description, cultivate hard work and respect for the work of adults.

modeling) - Topic: “Wheels for the train” Purpose: Foster a caring attitude towards materials and interest in joint creative activities.

Game “Wonderful bag” (transport) to activate vocabulary and develop memory

Construction game "Gates and car path" » – involve children in the game.Continue to develop the ability to construct simple buildings based on personal experience and as demonstrated by the teacher and play with them

Role-playing game “We are going to visit grandma” Goal : promote the formation of friendly relationships between children.

Offer to play train. Expand your horizons, enrich your vocabulary, develop attention, memory, and interest in outdoor games.


16.30 18.45

Observation of birch and Christmas tree Purpose: expand your understanding of trees;cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.
Progress of observation

Inspect the area, find familiar trees: birch, pine. What do trees have? (Trunk, branches.) Note that the pine is green, butfor without leaves. Which tree has the most snow?

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf,

A pine tree has tied up.

Labor activity Construction of a snow bed. Goals : continue to teach how to properly carry snow for construction;help comrades in performing work activities.

Outdoor games

"On a level path." Goals: teach walking on boom;jump off, bending your knees.
"Run to me." Target : learn to run without bumping into each other, and act quickly on a signal from the teacher.

Remote material

Shovels, buckets, snow molds,

Planning educational work

Thursday 02/18/2016

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, examination, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercises according to plan

Conversation with children “Air transport” Purpose:

Give an idea of ​​air transport (airplane, helicopter, rocket).

Air transport Purpose : introduce air transport, teach how to compare types of transport, answer questions (page 61 subject world)

Constructive game "Let's build a garage" - Purpose: develop the ability to build a garage from cubes, play with the building.

P/i “Transport the cargo” Purpose:- develop coordination of movements.

D/i “Fix the car” - Goal :introduce children to the components of a machine.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Cognitive development. FEMP



Physical Culture

Lesson 24 Tasks. Practice walking and running randomly; practice the ability to group while climbing under an arc; repeat the exercise in balance.



Watching wintering birds Goals : consolidate knowledge about wintering birds;

to form an idea of ​​how winterers obtain food

Progress of observation

The blizzard has cleared up again,Tears off the snow caps.The bird is completely frozen and sits with its paws tucked in.

The teacher asks the children questions.

What birds are called wintering birds?

What do they eat?

What wintering birds do you know?

Why don’t wintering birds fly to warmer climes for the winter?

Labor activity Construction of an ice path. Target: learn to use shovels, shovel snow, make ice path.

Outdoor games

"Taxi". Target : to teach to move together, to balance each other’s movements withfriend, change the direction of movement."Sly Fox". Goals:

practice running randomly;

develop agility and speed.

Remote material

Dolls dressed according to the season, shovels

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Support children's desire to eat independently and carefully; Teach to hold a spoon in the right hand, chew food thoroughly; When reminded by an adult, use a napkin and say thank you.

Form in children the habit, under the supervision of an adult, of washing their hands independently when dirty and before eating, and wiping their face and hands dry.


15.00 16.30

Gradual rise of children. Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage path Purpose : : develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.

S/r game "Chauffeurs" - Goal : introduce a new game, teach how to act together.

D/game “Add the Whole” (transport) – Goal : develop the ability to compose an image from 2-4 parts, practice distinguishing the names of different vehicles.

Finger game with movement "Machine"

We get into the car, - they sit on the floor and put their hands on their knees

Let's start the engine. – rotate fists at chest level

The car will take us - they “hold and turn” the steering wheel

For a big fence! - raise their hands up


16.30 18.45

Crow watching Goals : expand your understanding of wintering birds, teach them to distinguish them by appearance;cultivate love and respect for wintering birds tsam.

Progress of observation

The teacher asks the children a riddle and asks them to answer the question. dew.

Gray hat,

Non-woven vest,

The pockmarked caftan,

And he walks barefoot.(Crow.)

What is the name of this bird?

Name the features of its appearance.

What does she eat?

Does she have any enemies?

Labor activity Clearing paths of snow and debris. Target : cultivate diligence, the desire to complete the work startedto end.

Outdoor games "Counter dashes." Target : increase physical activity while walking.

« Hit the hoop." Target : develop accuracy, agility, endurance.

Remote material Spatulas, buckets, molds, seals.

Planning educational work

Friday 02/19/2016

Theme of the month, week, day “Transport”


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Independent activities of children

Interaction with parents and social partners

Group, subgroup



7.00 9.00

Friendly meeting of children, greeting, examination, obtaining the necessary information from parents.

Morning exercises according to plan

Conversation with children on the topic “Three traffic lights”

introduce children to the meaning of traffic lights.

D/i "At the traffic light" -activation of visual perception and memory.

D/and “Seek and find” - teach children to find geometric objects in the room

forms as described (

R Speech game “Guess what we’ll go on?” -to generate interest in speech games, encourage children to clearly pronounce sounds and onomatopoeia, and promote the development of the articulatory and vocal apparatus. Reinforce the names of various types of transport in speech.

Direct educational activities

9.00 -915,


Cognitive development of FCCM

Topic: Generalization of the topic transport

Target develop logical thinking, speech, intensify the use of prepositions, introduce traffic lights, generalize knowledge on the topic “transport” (page 63 Knowledge of the objective world)

Physical training

Exercises: walking on a plank, jumping off a bench, jumping in place. With the ball - skating into the goal; in a straight direction, around objects (skittles, cubes, chairs). Outdoor games: “Mother Hen and Chicks”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Find Your House”.



Observation “Footprints in the Snow” Target : learn to identify tracks: children's, adults, animal tracks.

Progress of observation

Freshly fallen snow is white and fluffy;any traces. You can use them to find out who walked, traveled, or flew inbirds or animals were running. Determine whose footprints children see, andinvite them to leave their footprints in the snow. Compare adult trackslogo with a child's footprint.

Snow is embroidered with a beautiful stitch,

Like a white shirt.

I call dad into the yard:

Look at the pattern!

Dad looks down:

- Here is a letter for you, Denis!

Birds and animals write:

“Make us, Denis, some feeders.”

Discuss this poem with the children. How did dad find out who wroteDid you send a letter to Denis? Together with the children, pour food into the feeder.

Labor activity Show children how to build a house out of snow for a doll or animal. Goals : teach to compare the size of the house with the size of the toy;

Carefully and deep enough cut the hole.

Outdoor games "Do not be late". Target: teach to crawl straight or sideways over a bench.

"Don't miss the ball." Goals: learn to pass the ball without dropping or stopping;cultivate friendliness.

Remote material

Shovels, emblems for outdoor games, ribbons, sleds for dolls

Preparing for lunch, lunch.

Preparing for bed, daytime sleep. 12.05 – 15.00

Support children's desire to eat independently and carefully; Teach to hold a spoon in the right hand, chew food thoroughly; When reminded by an adult, use a napkin and say thank you.

Form in children the habit, under the supervision of an adult, of washing their hands independently when dirty and before eating, and wiping their face and hands dry.


15.00 16.30

Health-improving gymnastics, walking along a massage pathPurpose: : develop the idea that exercise promotes a good mood.

Theatrical game-situation "Familiar characters" Purpose : recall familiar fairy tales with children.

P/i "Tram" – Purpose: teach in the game to rely on a color guide, to act on a signal.

Exercise with massage balls “Hard Nut”Purpose: - development of fine motor skills, speech breathing.

Cutting pictures “Transport” -Purpose: develop attention and thinking

D/ game “Put the car in the garage” Purpose: to train children in distinguishing objects by size, to teach them to correlate garages and cars by size. Develop attention, thinking, consolidate knowledge about sensory standards of color. Continue to teach how to play the same game together without quarreling, to give in to each other.

D/i “Pick a picture” - learn to name objects correctly, classify them according to certain criteria. .


16.30– 18.45

Observation "Birds in winter" Goals : strengthen the desire to take care of birds;clarify knowledge about their habits.

Progress of observationChildren go for a walk and immediately go to the feeding troughFor the birds. Which birds were the first to fly to the feeder? What do they eat the grains with?(Beak.) How do they scream? Tell me what's going onmy birds are hungry, there are no midges, no worms, and they are very gratefulChildren for caring.

The sparrow jumps and jumps,

Calls out to little children:

“Throw the crumbs to the sparrow,

I’ll sing you a song: chik-chirk!”

Labor activity Building a slide for a doll. Goals : learn how to correctly fill a bucket with snow to a certain levelmarks;bring the job started to completion.

Outdoor games "The Crows and the Little Dog" Target: teach to act quickly on a signal, to run without pushingattacking each other.

"Catch me" Target: learn to navigate in space.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Calendar and thematic planning on the topic “Transport”

Age group: older

Topic of the week: « Transport»

Final event: Protection of projects about transport

Day of the week

date Direct educational activities Educational activities

in regime moments Creation of subject- spatial developing educational environment for independent activities of children Interaction with parents

(involvement in NOD)


Subject "Ground transport» . Type of children's activity

(Cognitive and research, perception of fiction, motor)

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Physical development"


"Speech development" Ya. Taits "Train"

transport("Cognitive Development")

3. Develop motor skills activity: ("Physical development"

Methods and techniques

- visual: looking at illustrations

-verbal: storytelling, conversation. reading and retelling by Ya. Taits “Train”

-practical: outdoor game

Materials and equipment: set of illustrations "Ground transport» Book by Ya. Taits "Train"

“Comprehensive classes in the senior group” page 131

Physical Culture (By plan



Individual work with Sonya – fix the account in forward and reverse order

Looking at the album « Transport» .

Writing riddles about land transport.

Di "Who controls what"

Walk 1

Observing different species transport. Target: expand knowledge about land transport, their classification, purpose

Individual work with Christina - improve the ability to jump on one leg alternately.

Games with external material.

Outdoor game “We won’t tell you where we were, what we were driving, we’ll show you”

(low mobility

Finger gymnastics "Bridge"

Reading a story “The street where everyone is in a hurry!”.AND. Seryakov.

Construction (Building game "Assembling a car"

Walk 2

Surveillance transport.

Games with external material.

Outdoor game "Who took the fewest steps"(16) page 92 Making an album « Transport»

Adding coloring "Ground transport»

Adding illustrations

"Ground transport»

Taking out gaming equipment for a walk. Advise parents on how to work on the project

Subject "Road signs".

"I am a pedestrian" Type of children's activity

(communicative, visual, musical, educational and research)

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development",


1. Develop the ability to conduct a casual conversation ( "Speech development")

2. Expand children's understanding of road signs. ( "Cognitive Development")

3. Fix the score within 6. ( "Cognitive Development"-FEMP)

"Artistic and aesthetic development"-drawing “A bus with flags driving down the street”

Methods and techniques:

- visual: looking at illustrations

-verbal: storytelling, conversation

-practical: outdoor game. didactic exercises

Materials and equipment: set of illustrations "Road signs" copybooks, a set of numbers, pencil cases with geometric shapes, album sheet, paints, brushes

Logic of educational activities

L.G Gorkova pp. 60,107,178,222

E. V. Kolesnikova "Mathematics for children 5-6 years old"

Music (By plan musical director)

Morning gymnastics gymnastics “We are going, going, going

Target: exercise children in various types of walking, consolidate motor skills, give children an emotional charge for the whole day

Conversation to solve problem situations "An exemplary pedestrian and driver". Target: consolidate knowledge about the driver’s profession, the need to comply with traffic rules.

Outdoor game-attraction "Attention, pedestrian!" (low mobility). Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about traffic lights. Activate the processes of thinking and attention.

Looking at the album « Transport, road signs".

Drawing road signs.

Walk 1

Excursion on the road

Observation of transport Purpose: to clarify ideas about the work of drivers, about the behavior of pedestrians, to consolidate knowledge of road signs and compliance with traffic rules by children.

Games with external material.

Outdoor game "Traffic light" (low mobility). Target: to consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals.

Finger gymnastics "Bridge"

Didactic game "Say it differently"

Didactic game “It’s similar - it’s not similar”

Walk 2

Surveillance transport.

Individual work with Yulia - strengthen standing jumps.

Games with external material.

Outdoor game

Album making "Road signs"

Adding coloring "Road signs"

Making origami "road sign"

Taking out playing equipment for a walk. Advise parents at home to read poems by I. S. Ponasyuk to their child about transport, Advise the child to pay attention to road signs and traffic rules along the way from kindergarten home.

Subject "Water transport» . Type of children's activity

(Cognitive-research, visual, motor)

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Physical development"


1. Develop the ability to conduct a casual conversation ( "Speech development")

2. Expand children's understanding of species transport("Cognitive Development")

3. Develop motor skills activity: ("Physical development" Phys. just a minute" Picture the view transport»

4To develop the ability to work independently, to consolidate the techniques of working with scissors (Artistic and aesthetic development" - applique "Steamboat"

Methods and techniques:

- visual: looking at illustrations

-verbal: storytelling, conversation

-practical: outdoor game, physical exercise

Doing work independently

Materials and equipment: set of illustrations "Water transport» .colored paper, landscape sheet, brushes, glue

Logic of educational activities (“Complex classes in the senior group” p. 258

Physical Culture (By plan physical education instructor)

Morning exercises

Individual work to exercise the ability to find the place of sound in words

Looking at the album « Transport» .

Writing riddles about water transport.

Walk 1

Weather observation.

Individual work - improve the ability to jump on 2 legs moving forward.

Games with external material.

Role-playing game "Steamboat"

Finger gymnastics "Bridge"

Reading a poem by V. Stepanov "Sailors".

Experiment "Paper Boat".

Didactic game “I fly, I go, I swim”.

Construction (plastic construction sets) "Ships Big and Small"

Walk 2

Surveillance transport, comparing it with water transport

Individual work – consolidate throwing the ball at a horizontal target

Games with external material.

Outdoor game "Who gets on the boat faster" (running in all directions)

Album making « Transport»

Adding coloring "Water transport»

Making origami "Boat"

Taking out gaming equipment for a walk. Advise to choose illustrations of water transport to replenish the album « Transport»

Subject "Air transport» . Type of children's activity

(Communicative, motor, perception of fiction)

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Physical development"


1. Develop the ability to conduct a casual conversation ( "Speech development")

2. Help me remember the verse by heart. “Ship”

2. Expand children's understanding of species transport("Cognitive Development")

3. Develop physical activity ( "Physical development"

Methods and techniques:

- visual: looking at illustrations

-verbal: storytelling, conversation

-practical: outdoor game. Physical exercise, memorization verse

Materials and equipment: set of illustrations "Air transport»

Book "Ship" S. Mikhalkova

Logic of educational activities

“Scenarios for classes on the integrated development of preschool children” L.G Gorkova page 236

Physical Culture (By plan physical education instructor)

Morning exercises

gymnastics “We are going, going, going

Target: exercise children in various types of walking, consolidate motor skills, give children an emotional charge for the whole day

Individual work reading syllables

Looking at the album « Transport» .

Writing riddles about air transport.

Reading an excerpt from a fairy tale by N. Nosov "Balloon Flight".

Walk 1

Weather observation.

Individual work - improve the ability to jump on 2 legs moving forward.

Games with external material.

Role-playing game "Let's fly"

Finger gymnastics "Airplane"

Didactic game “I fly, I go, I swim”.

Walk 2

Surveillance transport, comparing it with air transport

Individual work with Sonya. – secure throwing the ball at a horizontal target

Games with external material.

Outdoor game "Fox in the Chicken Coop"

Album making « Transport»

Adding coloring "Air transport»

Making origami "Airplane"

Taking out gaming equipment for a walk. Recommend choosing illustrations of aerial transport to replenish the album « Transport»

Subject " “Around the world – we eat, we sail, we fly!”

" Type of children's activity

(Educational-research, visual, musical)

Integration of educational regions: "Speech development", "Cognitive Development", "Artistic and aesthetic development"


1. Develop the ability to conduct a casual conversation ( "Speech development")

2. Expand children's understanding of species transport. ("Cognitive Development")

3. Implementation of independent creative activities of children ( "Artistic and aesthetic development"-drawing Transport of the future)

Methods and techniques:

- visual: looking at illustrations

-verbal: storytelling, conversation


Doing work independently, outdoor game

Materials and equipment: set of illustrations « Transport» . album sheet of paint, brushes

Logic of educational activities

Lesson notes

Music (By plan musical director)

Morning exercises

gymnastics “We are going, going, going

Target: exercise children in various types of walking, consolidate motor skills, give children an emotional charge for the whole day

Individual work - improve the skill of selecting the right color and composing shades.

Final event:Protection of projects about transport

Walk 1

Weather observation.

Individual work with Vika. -improve the ability to jump on 2 legs moving forward.

Games with external material.

Role-playing game “We’re not scared on the street”

Finger gymnastics "Locomotive"

Didactic game "Say it differently"

Didactic game “It’s similar - it’s not similar”

Walk 2

Surveillance transport.

Individual work with Egor. – consolidate standing jumps.

Games with external material.

Outdoor game “Whoever goes the whole way faster without breaking the rules”

Album making « Transport of the future»

Adding coloring "Space transport»

Making origami "Rocket"

Taking out play equipment for a walk Advise the child to pay attention to road signs and traffic rules along the way from kindergarten to home.

Involve parents in enriching the subject-development environment (make road signs

Day of the week


Group. subgroup


Topic of the week: “Transport”

Monday 20.11.2017


Physical training






Conversation “Transport of our city” Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the types of transport that exist in our city;establish traffic rules.

Looking at illustrations of transport. Goal: to continue to expand children's understanding of modes of transport.

D/i “Collect a picture.”

Purpose: to teach to distinguish between different types of transport (passenger, passenger, railway)

Work on the development of fine and gross motor skills - laying out transport from sticks.

Conversation “Fight or negotiate.” Goal: to develop children's communication skills in various life situations.

Decorating a traffic corner with books about transport.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers.




Artistic word

1.Drawing. " Truck". (T.S. Komarova “Classes on creative activities” p. 59).

Goals:readdepict objects, consistingstraight from several partscoal and round shape;transmit,
Rightform every hourty, its characteristic featuresarrange parts attheir image; strengthen drawing skillsvertical and horizontallines, painting correctlyniya objects.

Physical Culture


2. Physical education





Physical training



Cognition Health


Observation No.

D/i “Travel around the site.” Goal: to strengthen the ability to navigate in space.

P/i "The third wheel".

Purpose: to teach to follow the rules of the game; develop agility and running speed.

Labor activity: cleaning the area from garbage. Goal: to learn to create in yourself and other people a joyful mood from the work done.

Individual work on movement development.

Goal: improve

jumping forward.

Situational conversations on the topic “What is the work of a janitor for?”, “How can we help a janitor?”

Independent activity

Removal of equipment for play and work activities. Collecting toys at the end of a walk

Before lunch




Making riddles about transport. Goal: development of memory and auditory attention.

Strengthen the ability to dress consistently and fold things after a walk.


Reading the story by M. Ilyin and E. Segal “Cars on our street”

Goal: expand children’s knowledge about special types of ground urban transport



Artistic creativity



Games with a street layout “Place the signs correctly.”

Goal: development of attention, thinking and memory.

Collective creativity: constructing “Cars of our city” from building materials. Goal: to develop imagination and creativity.

Individual work to improve musical and rhythmic movements

Situational conversation about the need to maintain order in the group and at home.

Making attributes for the s/r game “Trolleybus Driver”,

Independent play activities for children in employment centers (artistic creativity, music corner, etc.)

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group premises). Independent activities of children

Group. subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Tuesday 21.11.2017


Physical training






Morning exercises (Complex No.

Conversation “Journey to the past and future of the car.”

Purpose: to introduce the history of creation, the prerequisites for the emergence of the car, its changes during its existence.

Examination of illustrations of machines from their creation to the present day.

D/i “What first, what then.” Goal: develop logical thinking.

D/i “What didn’t the artist complete?”

Goal: to develop logical thinking, attention, artistic abilities.

Situational conversation “How to behave.”

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the positive actions, qualities and actions of people

Replenishment of the artistic and aesthetic corner with pictures “Land, water, air transport”

Independent play activities of children in employment centers in the corner of girls and boys





1. FEMP Lesson No. 11 (E.V. Kolesnikova “Mathematics for children 5-6 years old” p. 19)

Goals: to teach: guess a mathematical riddle, write down the solution using numbers and signs;

ordinal counting, correctly answer the questions: how much? Which place?; lay out a rectangle from counting sticks; draw a rectangle in a checkered notebook; transform a square into other geometric shapes by folding, cutting; understand that a part is smaller than the whole, and the whole is larger than the part; solve a learning task and complete it independently




2.Speech developmentWriting a story on a topic"Gifts of Nature"(“Complex classes” by N.V. Lobodin p.).

Goals: learn:write a short storyon a given topic;choose words that are similarby sound;highlight words in phraseswith sounds [h"], [sch"];pronounce words with differentby the power of voice.

Physical Culture


3. Physical education

Goals: as planned by the physical education instructor


Physical training



Cognition Health


Observation no.

D/i “Name the mode of transport.”

Goal: to activate children's vocabulary, clarify the names of transport, its purpose, use.

P/i "Fishing Rod".

Goal: practice jumping on two legs; develop reaction speed, dexterity, coordination of movements.

Labor activity: shoveling snow into holes in trees and bushes. Goal: to develop appropriate work skills; learn to act together.

Game exercise “Jumping”. Goal: to consolidate the ability to jump on one leg in place and moving forward; develop dexterity.

Situational conversation “How to cross the road correctly.”

Goal: to expand knowledge about the rules of pedestrians on the road (roadway) and on the sidewalk.

Before lunch




Communication situation “What do you need to know if you are alone on the street?” Goal: to develop caution, attentiveness, independence, responsibility and prudence on the road.

KGN: improve the ability to use cutlery while eating.


Reading fiction

Reading the work of art by N. Nosov “How Dunno rode in a carbonated car”

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the works of N. Nosov; continue to teach to distinguish between genre features of a fairy tale, to comprehend the content of what is read; to form an evaluative attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale.



Artistic creativity



Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening (Complex No.)

S/r game “Drivers and pedestrians”.

Goal: attracting children to the game, the ability to take on the role of driver and passengers; help bring children together to play.

Individual work in art. creativity.

Goal: to consolidate technical skills in working with a brush.

Conversation on the topic: “How to play without quarreling?”

Goals: learn to play together

Independent activity of children in the traffic rules corner.

Create conditions for creativity “My favorite mode of transport.”

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group premises). Independent activities of children

Group. subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Wednesday 11/22/2017


Physical training






Morning exercises (Complex No.

Conversation about the profession of a driver.

Purpose: to introduce the profession of a driver, to exercise the ability to correctly portray a driver; consolidate the rules of the road, knowledge of traffic lights.

D/i “Can I ride or not?”

Goal: to teach children to denote actions with words, choose images in accordance with the task; develop the ability to justify your opinion.

Didactic exercise “Because...”.

Goal: to develop the ability to construct coherent statements (example: the bus stopped because ... ").

A situational conversation about the water we drink will consolidate knowledge and concepts about the use of clean water and its need for the body.

Review of the album “Road Safety” Goal: to consolidate the rules of behavior on the road.





1. FCCM "Pets: horse, goat» (O.V. Dybina “Classes on familiarization with the outside world”

page 11).

Goals: Learn to care for animalswe who live in a corner nearchildbirth; introduce new householdsthem animals: horses and cozoy; reinforce the understanding ofthat people are responsibleresponsibility for keeping animals in a corner of nature, in their ownnom economy

2. ICD “Truck”. (L.VKutsakova "Construction and manual labor in kindergarten” p.).

Goals:consolidate the idea that products are delivered by different transport, clarify its components; continue to teach how to analyze samples of buildings, identify the main parts of machines, their spatial arrangement, additional details; encourage to build machines on one




Goals: according to the music director's plan


Physical training



Cognition Health


Observation No.

D/i “Be careful ».

Goal: strengthening the rules of the road.

P/i "Airplanes".

Goal: development of motor activity, exercise in running.

Labor activity: shoveling snow from benches.

Goal: introduction to maintaining order in the area.

Game exercise “Walk on a log”

Goal: to exercise the ability to maintain stable balance, to improve walking technique.

Conversation: “How I help nature.”

Goal: to develop children's understanding of “good” and “bad”; cultivate a love of nature; teach the ability to behave in nature.

Removal of equipment for play and work activities. Collecting toys at the end of the walk. Independent play activity

Before lunch




Listening to calm music to relieve muscle and mental tension.

A conversation about table manners - to improve the culture of behavior while eating at the table.


Reading fiction

Reading of V. Shulzhik’s poem “A Bus without a Conductor.” Purpose: to teach to listen carefully to the text, answer questions about the content, discuss what the conductor’s job is.



Artistic creativity



Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening (Complex No.)

Experimental activity: “Magnet-magician”. Purpose: to introduce children to the properties of a magnet; develop observation skills; ability to draw conclusions.

Di."What is missing?"

Goal: development of attention, memory

Di. "What changed?" Goal: to develop logical thinking and coherent speech. Sound pronunciation exercise with Styopa.

Situational conversation “Our day in kindergarten.” Goal: learn to compose a coherent story; develop speech.

Board and printed games.

Independent activity in activity centers. Artistic and creative activity “Drawing cars.” Board and printed games.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group premises). Independent activities of children

Group. Subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Thursday 23.11.2017


Physical training






Morning exercises (Complex No.

Conversation on the film “Fire Truck to the Rescue.”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to talk through a picture, conveying its characteristic features; consolidate knowledge about specialized machines, develop spoken language, enrich vocabulary.

D/i “The doll is sick.”

Purpose: to teach to distinguish between special types of transport; be able to provide first aid to a patient.

Individual work on the formation of mathematical concepts.

Goal: fix the count within 7, learn to correlate the number with the quantity

Situational conversation on the topic “Respect for comrades.”

Goal: discuss with children why in communication, in play, in work and in other activities it is important to be polite, give in to each other, and show respect

In the book corner add illustrations on the topic: “Special mode of transport”


Physical Culture


1. Physical education

Goals: as planned by the physical education instructor



Artistic word

1.Drawing “Painting of an oleshka”. (T.S Komarova “Classes on creative activities” p. 41).

Goals: to teach: to paint three-dimensional products based on folk decorative patterns; highlight the main elements of the pattern and their location; develop aesthetic perception; reinforce painting techniques; Continue to develop the ability to review your work and evaluate it.


Physical training



Cognition Health


Observation no.

D/i “Guess the type of transport by ear.”

Purpose: to learn to determine what type of transport the characteristic noise corresponds to.

P/n “Make a figure.”

Goal: to create the need for physical activity.

Labor activity: hanging feeders.

Goal: to improve the skill of performing labor actions.

Situational conversation “We are on the bus.” Goal: to expand understanding of the rules of behavior in public transport.

Removal of equipment for play and work activities. Collecting toys at the end of the walk.


Video viewing of the film “Locomotive from Romashkovo”. Goal: to bring a joyful mood from meeting your favorite characters.

KGN: pronouncing the rules of behavior during and after meals (do not make noise, do not run, get ready for bed without distracting your comrades sitting at the table).

Reading fiction

Reading A. Usachev “House at the crossing.” Goal: to continue to teach children to listen to a short work and to correctly perceive the content of the work.



Artistic creativity



Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening (Complex No.)

Game-dramatization based on a fairy tale

“How Dunno rode in a carbonated car.” Purpose: to help distribute roles; make children want to try themselves in different roles; cultivate artistic qualities, the desire to perform in front of peers.

Game exercise

"Cut off the excess tape." Goal: strengthen the ability to compare lengths with an application; strengthen the ability to work with scissors.

Labor order “Let’s assemble a construction set.”

Goal: to encourage children to maintain cleanliness and order in the group room.

Conversation “Take care of your appearance.”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to quickly and independently undress in a certain sequence, to maintain order in their closet.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group premises). Independent activities of children

Group. subgroup


Educational activities in special moments

Topic of the week: “Transport”

Friday 11/24/2017


Physical training






Morning exercises (Complex No.

Conversation with solutions to problem situations “Being an exemplary pedestrian and passenger is allowed!”

Goal: to develop the ability to adequately respond to traffic situations and predict one’s behavior in certain situations

D/i “My fabulous car”
Goal: to develop children's imagination and coherent speech.

Di. "Define the color." Goal: to consolidate the ability to determine the color of an object, find objects of a similar color.

Situational conversation “Where do vitamins live?”

Goal: to form an idea of ​​the benefits and importance of vitamins in human life, to motivate children to a healthy lifestyle.

Independent play activities in play areas. Goal: to form a preference in the game; learn to build relationships with peers.




Artistic word

1. Application “Dish with fruits and berries” (“Art activities classes” by T.S. Komarov p.)

Goals:continue to practice techniques for cutting objects into circlesloy and oval shape;learn to make small notches by eye with scissors for transferringcharacteristic features of objects; reinforce neat gluing techniques; develop teamwork skills; develop a sense of composition




2. Speech development.I. Surikov “Here is my treenya..." (memorization).Songs and nursery rhymes about nature. (“Complex classes” by N.V. Lobodin p.).

Goals:learn to listen carefully,express your opinionto the content; consolidate knowledge of nursery rhymesand folk songs about nature.


Physical training



Cognition Health


Observation no.

D/i Birds, fish, animals."

Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

P/i "Geese-swans".

Goal: practice running in all directions, act quickly, deftly, help each other.

Labor activity: we will clean the feeders and feed the birds. Goal: to cultivate a love of nature, to encourage the desire to be useful.

Game exercise “Frisky bag”. Goal: practice jumping on two legs.

Research activity “Snow and its properties” Purpose: to form an idea of ​​​​snow and its properties with the help of palms.

Removing equipment to the site for work activities.

Independent activity during a walk, ice skating.

Before lunch




KGN: “Cleaning up the clothes closet.” Goal: to consolidate the ability to independently maintain order in your closet.

Conversation “We are traveling on a bus with strangers.” Acting out and discussing situations. Goal: to review and discuss with children typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers in transport.


Reading fiction

Reading the work of S. Mikhalkov “From the carriage to the rocket.” Goal: to promote the development of interest in fiction.



Artistic creativity



Gymnastics after daytime sleep, hardening (Complex No.)

Evening of entertainment “Journey into the world of transport”

Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge about different types of ground transport, to convey distinctive features in drawings; consolidate and activate the general word “Transport” in children’s speech; bring children a joyful mood.

Work on developing fine motor skills - offer games with small mosaics.

Problem situation “Why did Bunny choke?”

Purpose: to remind children that food should be chewed slowly, with

closed mouth

Household work: washing toys, building materials. Goal: to develop labor skills.

Independent play activities of children in employment centers

Tatiana Radosteva
Thematic lesson plan for the week in the senior group on the topic “Transport”

This thematic plan for the week on the topic "Transport" is intended for the older group.

Goal: to introduce children to various types of transport (water, land, air, special transport, to introduce children to the profession of “Driver”.

Introduce children to the emergence of various types of transport.

To consolidate knowledge about the driver’s profession and the need to comply with traffic rules.

Practice the ability to classify transport by type.

Activate children's vocabulary with words-names of vehicles, professions of people driving these vehicles.

Strengthen the ability to work with paper and glue, create a holistic composition from elements.

Develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, fine motor skills.

Foster respect for the driving profession.

Final event: “Toy Exhibition - Types of Transport”



Morning exercises No. 10

Conversation “Happy Wheel”

Independent activity in activity centers

Game “Collect a picture” (cut pictures).

Learn to distinguish between different types of transport (passenger, passenger, railway)



Artistic creativity (drawing)

“Journey to the world of transport” - introduce children to various types of transport, to the professions of driver, pilot, machinist.

Learn to find similarities and differences between different types of transport.

Drawing “Road and sidewalk” - develop creative abilities, consolidate technical skills, learn to depict different types of roads and other objects.

Strengthen the ability to paint with paints (with the end of a brush, applying the brush flat)

Walk with an energetic step. Straight gallop (jump in pairs) Rhythmic chain “Mus. Square" Listening to "Baba Yaga" by P. Tchaikovsky. Singing: “Song about the scale” by G. Struve, “Wonderful Song” by A. Berlin, “Oh, the water is running like a stream”, “Ladushki” Dance “Russian dance”. Round dance “Household Crane” Game “Tetera” b. n.


Conversation about the profession of a driver. Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a driver

Plot role-playing game "Chauffeur" Insert: steering wheel, cap


Observation of car braking (explain the concept of “car braking distance”);

Child-initiated games



Morning exercises No. 10

Independent games;

Morning exercises No. 10

Independent games;

Reading S. Mikhalkov “From Coach to Rocket”



(first steps into mathematics


(speech correction)

Phys. culture

(on air)

“Multi-colored cars” - to develop the ability to establish a correspondence between the number of objects and the number; develop addition and subtraction skills; develop skills of orientation on a sheet of paper.

Learn to determine the number greater than one and less than one named.

Didactic game “Name the mode of transport.”

Tasks: Activate children's vocabulary, clarify the names of transport, its purpose, use. Teach children to select pictures by topic and correctly label them with adjectives (water, air, land).

Learn to throw with your right hand for a distance, do an exercise to maintain balance on one leg after running. Performing special exercises to develop the muscles of the back and abdominals, develop agility, strength, and endurance.

P/n “Stop”, “Horse is fire”, “Car”, “Push and catch up”.

Did. game "Be careful" -

consolidation of traffic rules.

Did. game “Who lives where”, did. game “Repeat after each other”


Surveillance of passenger transport. Find signs of difference from a truck.

Role-playing game “I am the driver, you are the passenger”


Morning exercises No. 10

Introduction to a special type of transport (fire truck, ambulance)

Did. game "The doll is sick"

Learn to distinguish between special types of transport.

Be able to provide first aid to a patient.

In the book corner add illustrations on the topic: “Special mode of transport”


(first steps into mathematics)


(speech correction)

Phys. culture

To consolidate the understanding of the relationships between numbers in the number series from 0 to 10, the definition of numbers - “neighbors”; learn to determine the number greater by one and less than one named, to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers; consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week.

Conversation about the profession of a driver. Goal: to introduce the driver to the profession, to practice the ability to correctly portray a driver. Reinforce traffic rules and traffic light knowledge. Use words in speech: driver, steering wheel, brake, cabin, speed. Clearly pronounce the sounds “R”, “L”

Teach shuttle running technique; improve the skill of climbing on benches; develop speed and agility. Strengthen the ability to run without bumping into each other. When climbing, alternate the movements of your arms and legs.

Didactic game “Can I ride or not?”

Objectives: Teach children to denote actions in words, choose images in accordance with the task. Develop the ability to justify your opinion

Independent games in play areas


Continue to introduce children to trucks and the names of machine parts. Form ideas about the purpose of trucks. Freight transport monitoring.

Outdoor games. Going on an excursion. Game "Funny Cars"

Labor: Clearing the area of ​​branches, cleaning the flower beds.


Morning exercises No. 10

Looking at illustrations of transport. Continue to expand children's understanding of modes of transport

Learn to arrange pictures of transport by type (land, air, water) to expand your knowledge of types of transport.


(first steps into mathematics)

Artist creativity modeling/applique

Practice mental counting in direct backward order to ten, composing the number 4 from two smaller numbers, counting smaller numbers from a larger number; learn to divide a square into eight equal parts, compare parts and wholes.

Running and jumping "After the rain." To develop in children imagination, observation, and the ability to convey a musical and motor image. “Game of clapping” listening to a piece of music. “It just so happened” to come up with a figurative movement with the children. Russian dance “The moon is shining.”

The application “Funny Truck” continues to introduce land transport, the components of transport, develop the ability to compare land transport and describe it, and convey the specific structural features of the vehicle in the application; strengthen the skills of accurate gluing.

Role-playing game “Bus on the road” Goal: to consolidate the rules of safe behavior in public transport, to repeat knowledge about traffic lights.

Didactic game “Rides, swims, flies.”


Movable game game "Airplane" Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about air transport, to introduce children to the profession of pilot. Game exercise “Hit the target.”

Labor: Cleaning the flower beds, sweeping the veranda.


Morning exercises No. 10

Outdoor game "Our Train".

Objectives: Teach children to perform movements in a column, develop observation, coordination of movements, and develop the ability to act in a team.

Teach children to denote actions in words, choose images of cars in accordance with the task. Develop the ability to justify your opinion.

Phys. culture

Cognition (natural world)

Exercise “Throw and catch.”

Objectives: To develop in children the ability to throw a ball from the chest. Develop coordination of movements and gross motor skills of the hands.

Conversation: “How I help nature.”

To develop in children an understanding of “good” and “bad”, to cultivate a love for nature.

Consolidate knowledge about spring changes in nature. Teach the ability to behave in nature.

Didactic game “Guess the type of transport by ear”

Children must determine which type of transport the characteristic noise corresponds to.

Dynamic pause “Train with cargo”


Repeat what type of transport travels along the roadway, monitoring the movement of traffic.

The outdoor game “Traffic Light” consolidates children’s knowledge about traffic lights and the rules for crossing the roadway.

Collect twigs from the area and sweep the veranda.