Crazy technique in patchwork patterns. Homemade crafts: crazy style patchwork

Church holidays

The modern world is developing rapidly, and handmade creativity is developing along with it. More and more new types, subspecies, and branches of existing handicrafts are appearing. One of the subspecies is patchwork using the crazy patchwork technique. Quite an unusual name for such a peaceful activity, because from English “crazy” is translated as crazy, insane. But despite the name, crazy patchwork still remains a calm, familiar patchwork with a number of distinctive features. What is the madness of this technique and what distinguishes it from similar ones - we will try to find out in this article.

The history of the crazy technique of crazy patchwork

England is usually considered to be the birthplace of classic patchwork sewing, but the type of needlework turned out to be so fascinating that it quickly gained love almost all over the world.

Patchwork immediately developed many varieties, united by a single base. The main goal of patchwork was and remains the economical use of fabric, as well as the ability to create unique products from the remaining scraps.

Many believe that the crazy movement arose simultaneously with classic patchwork, but it pursued completely different goals. If classic patchwork served for everyday purposes, then crazy was more likely for aesthetic purposes.

Some say that's where the name "crazy" comes from. People considered it crazy to use leftover fabrics not for practical purposes, but for beauty.

However, these are just guesses of modern researchers. Special mention should be made about Japanese patchwork. For this country, patchwork was not just a way to save money, although not without it, of course.

In Japan, products made from scraps of incredibly expensive silk at that time were considered real works of art, luxury items, and were carefully passed down from the older generation to the younger. acquired completely different shapes and in its purpose was very different from European traditions.

With the development of global public relations, more opportunities have emerged for the exchange of knowledge and skills among peoples. Thus, combining the best features of European and Eastern art, patchwork sewing using the crazy technique appeared.

In the modern world, this technique is successfully used in fashion collections of famous designers, as well as in models of design art. It is worth noting that crazy patchwork is no longer just stitching together multi-colored scraps of fabric, it is sewing that forms meaningful images using additional accessories.

Crazy patchwork technique

Materials for crazy patchwork technique

As mentioned earlier, crazy patchwork does not consider its main goal to simply obtain a product sewn from multi-colored scraps. In this case, a necessary condition is the creation of a beautiful product, decorated with the help of special decorative elements. In addition, crazy patchwork uses a technique that is not similar to that of classic sewing.

The main feature of this technique is the sutures connecting the flaps. If in an ordinary patchwork the seams are ordinary, then “crazy” accepts exclusively unusual beautiful seams, such as: herringbone, houndstooth, goat, chain and others that attract attention.

As for the decorative elements, everything depends entirely on the imagination of the master: various laces, satin ribbons, ribbons, laces, guipure, different-sized beads, seed beads, sequins, rhinestones, etc. can be used in the work.

Sometimes it is even possible to combine patchwork sewing with embroidery with satin ribbons, but here you need to be especially careful so that one type of needlework does not draw attention away from the other.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the crazy patchwork technique itself is madness, complete freedom for creativity, mixing styles and materials!

As for the canvas itself, there are also no uniform regulations for this. Some people start working immediately with a solid canvas, decorating it with a pattern made up of shreds, thereby obtaining a multi-layered dense product.

Others take large scraps as bases and form a canvas from them. But there are also such creative people who are able not only to beautifully design a canvas, but also to compose it from small scraps of irregular shapes.

Little tricks when cutting fabric:
If you are just trying your hand at this entertaining form of needlework, we advise you to start with the simplest technique. You need to select large flaps of the same density and sew them onto the base.

It is best to start with the most “wrong” flap, placing it in the middle of the base and stitching along the edges. Subsequently, the scraps are hemmed to the outermost ones and so on throughout the base. When the canvas is ready, you can start decorating.

If the easy technique has already been mastered, then it’s time to move on to a more complex one, which requires much more patience and accuracy. For this technique, it will be necessary to prepare fabrics of different colors and combine plain rags with variegated ones.

From the selected fabrics, cut out squares and fold them in pairs with the wrong side down. It should be so that the right side of the bottom piece fits on the wrong side of the top flap. Then on the top flap you need to draw two wavy lines, which will, as it were, divide the future product into three parts. After which the flaps are stitched along these lines.

Next, you must cut out a shape from the top, leaving a distance to the seam of about two millimeters. Then, in the same way, two figures are cut out from the second part. As a result, you should get one panel of different fabrics and 3 irregularly shaped pieces. The same steps will have to be repeated with the other two fabrics. The seams of the resulting fabric can be decorated with unusual seams or braid.

And finally, the final stage will be the patchwork sewing that is familiar to everyone. Pieces of various shapes and colors are placed one by one on the canvas you have made and stitched together to form an image. Then comes the most pleasant moment: you give free rein to your imagination and design the product as you wish.

Speaking about the products that you will ultimately receive, it is worth saying that these can be absolutely any product. You just need to decide right away what you want to get. If it is a pillow or blanket, then the edges of the canvas must be immediately aligned.

“Crazy” or “Crazy” is one of the popular patchwork or patchwork techniques.

Crazy patchwork- I love him! When you have the mood and free time. After all, this is a great way to attach numerous scraps and scraps of fabric.

Master class on crazy patchwork

The sewing technique is simple, accessible even to beginners. The main advantage and feature of the crazy style is the opportunity to express imagination and individuality in all creative manifestations.

Using the crazy technique, they sew whatever their heart desires - potholders, blankets, table napkins (lunch mats), pillows, bags, cosmetic bags and much, much more.

In the crazy style, I sewed various things - pillows, cosmetic bags, a passport cover, and even

Required materials and tools

Scraps of fabrics that are in harmony with each other in color. I chose a monochrome palette that included all shades of red and pink. In terms of the quality of the fabric, it is better that it be natural materials - cotton, linen.

Knife-cutter and mat-substrate for cutting fabrics. If you don’t have them, you can get by with regular scissors.
- Threads of a suitable color and a sewing machine.
- Cardboard template of the required size. For me it is a square with a side of 17 cm.


Collecting a crazy block

At the base of the block there should be a figure: three-four-five or even a hexagon. Irregular body shape is desirable. There should be no right angles when sewing the flaps! Because even stripes or rectangles will not look very harmonious against the general background.

It is good to have a heated iron next to you so that you can iron each line. If you don’t have an iron = too lazy to use it, you’ll have to repeatedly iron/straighten the seams with your own fingers.

I cut a pentagon out of fabric.

1. Select a scrap so that its length is equal to or slightly greater than the side of the pentagon to which we will sew it. I attach the scraps to each other using a machine.

I fold back the flaps and iron them.

2. I trim the edges of the workpiece - I trim off the excess edges of the fabric. That is, I align the newly sewn flap along the side of the main pentagon. Thus, I cut off one side of the newly sewn flap.

And I align and cut the other side in the same way.


I iron it, straighten it, cut it.

The next flap is the third side of the pentagon.

And I level it again.

And so all five sides of the base of the pentagon are covered with sewn flaps.

And my goal is a square with a side of 17 cm. I put the template on the sewn fabric.

I trim off the excess. The result is a crazy square made from scraps.

In total I sewed 4 crazy blocks.

I used the same fabrics, but the result was unpredictable - there is not a single similar fragment.

Assembling a canvas from blocks

1. To connect the square blocks together, we cut out blanks from fabric. These are strips 5 cm wide and 17 cm long, and squares 5 x 5 cm.

2. Sew the strips to the blocks.

3. We connect the strips with squares,

4. Sew everything together. To make the work easier, you can pre-pin all the seam joints with pins. And then your corners will turn out even!

Crazy-patchwork is a crazy patchwork.
What is crazy patchwork?
Two unusual words. Let's figure out together what each word means separately and what new concept is obtained when combining these two words together.

Crazy- English "mad, crazy." A concept that applies to many things, events, concepts or even people :)

Patchwork/patchwork/- English "patch, flap." Patchwork is a special technique of sewing scraps of fabric into a single fabric or product.

Logically speaking, we get the concept of “Crazy patchwork” - is it crazy patchwork?

Yes, that is right. Crazy is one of the styles, techniques patchwork. The reception is special, very colorful, original, bright, and, most importantly, unique and unique.

When sewing using the crazy technique, the work turns out to be so unpredictable that the result can hardly be predicted by the craftswoman herself who is sewing a particular item.

What is the essence of Crazy-patchwork?

For sewing, you will need a great variety of scraps that you will find in your home.
And not just scraps - you will need buttons, ribbons, beads, beads, rhinestones, ribbons, pieces of lace, stripes and other cute handicraft leftovers that you will find in your handicraft supplies.

What is so attractive about crazy patchwork?

1. The crazy sewing method is perfect for recycling a large number of unnecessary scraps, as well as sewing accessories, which we have already talked about - braid, lace, ribbons, buttons, buckles, and so on.

2. For sewing, you can choose fabrics not only from cotton, but also others - with the addition of synthetic fibers, linen, silk, rayon, knitwear, viscose, and so on.

3. It is sewn quickly and does not require long and abstruse thinking about the final result.

4. The sewing result is almost always positive.

How to sew patches into a single fabric using the Crazy-patchwork technique?

A detailed master class with explanations, step-by-step photographs and a description of the process of assembling a patchwork fabric can be found at the link: “We sew using the Crazy-patchwork technique.”

After sewing the scraps into a single fabric, the second stage begins - no less interesting, if not even more attractive - embroidering the fabric with beads, rhinestones, buttons, ribbons - the decoration stage.

And finally, the third stage - when you decorate the sewn and decorated fabric into a finished product - it can be a napkin, pillow, panel, pincushion, blouse, vest.

In general, what can your “crazy” imagination be enough for 😉

For you, an example of sewing a children's vest from scraps of denim fabric, using the Crazy technique.

Stage one: assembling the scraps into a single canvas.

Stage two: embroidering - decorating the main fabric.

Stage three - sewing a vest from finished parts.

The result will be unusual, unique, and only yours, the author’s. Try it yourself, repeat your product - you won’t get 100% similarity, coincidence is excluded. Feel free to give your work in the crazy style the title “Handmade exclusive” - “Exclusive handmade”!


Today, almost every housewife has pieces of fabric that are difficult to find a use for and would be a shame to throw away. Some people waste them on rags, while others use them to create real masterpieces. The most striking and favorite craft for many is the interesting name of crazy patchwork. Here the main principle is a kind of mosaic made of fabric (shreds). A handmade creation can not only please the eye, but also bring tangible benefits to the household. Thanks to crazy technology, you can create not only potholders, but also bedspreads, and much more.


Types of patchwork

What you need to create crazy patchwork with your own hands

In order to create a real masterpiece with your own hands, it is enough to understand the essence of the work. Here you need to prepare scraps of material in advance; it is best to give preference to natural fabrics. Set up your sewing machine or thread a white thread into a needle. To work, you will also need a base to which multi-colored patches will be sewn.

Patchwork is a very painstaking work that requires care. It is best to draw up a diagram that makes it easier to create a complete picture. Typically, a small piece of fabric is taken as a starting point and sewn into the center of the base. Next, the following patches are cut out by hand and sewn around the center in a chaotic order or according to a pattern.

In crazy patchwork, various decorative techniques are actively used: the seams are embroidered with contrasting threads, decorated with fringe and lace. The most important thing is not to get hung up on certain patterns and patterns, but to surrender to your imagination. After all, if you have the desire, you can create with your own hands real works of art that will decorate your home.

One type of patchwork is crazy patchwork, which does not require the use of patches of the same shape and allows you to show your imagination. Crazy patchwork may seem like a difficult technique for beginner needlewomen, but it is not. One has only to get acquainted with the basic decorative seams and the basic patterns for laying out the flaps, and the work will begin to rapidly move forward.

We study the features of the crazy patchwork technique for beginner needlewomen

Patchwork was created in order to be able to use fabric as economically as possible: all scraps were used to create the product. Classic patchwork represents practical things, while crazy ones represent aesthetic ones. With the development of technology, needlewomen had the opportunity to exchange knowledge, which led to the creation of the crazy patchwork technique, which at the moment is no longer so much sewing scraps of fabric into a canvas, but an art that allows you to create entire paintings from fabric.

This sewing technique is accessible to everyone without exception, even beginners. Its main difference is the opportunity to express imagination and individuality.

Advice for beginners using the crazy technique.

Although the technique is called “crazy,” there are some rules when creating products. If you are sewing a flat item, for example a blanket, then when laying out and sewing the flaps you need to immediately align the edges of the fabric. If the item is planned to be voluminous, for example, a bag or wallet, then the shape of the product must be set at the very beginning of work.

Beginning craftswomen are advised to start their first steps in this technique with the simplest techniques: use large scraps of the same density. A piece of fabric that has the most irregular shape should be placed in the center of the work on the base fabric and stitched along the edges. All subsequent elements are sewn to the outer elements. The work moves in a circle either clockwise or counterclockwise.

After the first steps have been mastered, you can complicate the task: take fabric of different colors and combine them in one product. You need to cut out squares from the flaps and fold them in pairs, wrong side down, so that the wrong side of the top fabric lies on the face of the bottom fabric. Next, two wavy lines are drawn on the upper section, along which both layers are cut. The flaps are sewn along these lines when the combination of different colors is done. The seams can be decorated with unusual stitches or braid. The final stage will be overlaying and sewing patches of different shapes and colors onto the resulting squares. After this, you can give free rein to your imagination and start designing the product.

Consider a step-by-step master class on sewing patchwork blocks

In the master class we will look at how to make a block from multi-colored fragments. To do this, you first need to determine the number of fragments that will make up the block. For example, we will consider a block of nine fragments.

We take the number of cuts equal to the number of fragments. In our case, 9. We cut out squares from them and divide them into three groups without a specific algorithm. Take one part and put the rest aside. Each of the squares must be cut in a horizontal or vertical direction, as shown in the photo:

Please note that the indents from the corners on one side are smaller than the indents on the other side.

After all the squares are cut, you need to swap the parts so that you get three new squares, each containing one segment from different cuts. Now you need to sew the resulting shapes using a single-color strip. The same process must be done with the other two groups of squares.

As a result, we get three piles of three squares with different colors. Now you need to shuffle the squares again and combine the new three groups with squares of different colors. In each group, again cut the squares into three parts and sew together new elements using a single-color strip of fabric. The final result is colorful blocks:

Tips for making hand decorative seams.

Decorative elements such as seams will give the product a unique look. There are some tricks to make your embroidery perfect.

Getting started should not be done with a knot. To secure the thread, you need to thread a thread folded in half into the eye of the needle. The end with the loop should be left longer. Bring the needle to the wrong side of the work, while the loop remains on the front part. Then bring the needle onto your face without pushing it all the way through. The puncture site should be in the same place as the first time. Place the needle in the loop and pull the thread to the end. This way the thread is secured without a knot.

If the thread runs out, then you need to secure it as follows: enter the tip of the needle inward, the movement should be opposite to the movement of the work. Walk the tip of the needle between the previous stitches, and then bring it to the front side so far that this distance exceeds the length of the tip of the thread. After this, you should straighten the fabric, and the tip of the thread will hide inside. This method will help avoid a knot.

Video selection on the topic of the article

This selection of video lessons will introduce you to decorative seams and methods of assembling blocks.