Knit a rectangular rug. Crochet floor mat for beginners: diagram, description

With your own hands

Over time, each of us accumulates a large number of knitted items that no one has worn for a long time. Don’t rush to throw them away; if you show a little imagination, you can make wonderful and functional rugs out of them that will decorate the interior of your apartment or house. Crocheting rugs from knitted rags is accessible even to beginner knitters, since the knitting patterns for these products are quite simple to perform.

Tools and materials Time: 1-2 days Difficulty: 3/10

  • yarn from old knitted items;
  • a hook corresponding to the thickness of the thread (usually number 12-15);
  • scissors;
  • thread and needle or sewing machine to join the strips into a single whole.

Crocheting rugs from knitted rags is accessible even to beginner knitters, since the knitting patterns for these products are quite simple to perform.

Step-by-step description with diagram:

Step 1. Making knitting yarn

In order to make yarn from old things you will need scissors and, in fact, the things themselves. T-shirts, knitted shorts, children's sets and the like are perfect materials.

We begin making yarn by cutting the old item into strips approximately 2 cm wide. This must be done on a flat and hard surface, for example on a table. First, carefully cut off the bottom of the T-shirt.

Then we cut the strips. During the cutting process, you should slightly undercut each strip, stopping approximately 3 cm before the opposite side edge of the product. When all the strips are cut, separate them from each other along the uncut seam so that the seams are located diagonally.

Having separated all the strips, you need to sew them into one knitted thread.

The yarn from old things is ready, now you can start knitting a rug.

Step 2. Choose a shape and determine the size of the product

Choosing a shape and determining the size is an important preparatory moment when knitting a rug. In this master class you will learn how to knit a round and oval rug from knitted yarn.

Step 3. Knitting a rug of a certain shape

Round rug

We start knitting with an arugumi loop.

After this, carefully tighten the arugumi loop.

The first row of our rug is ready.

2nd row. We knit 24 double crochets, two loops in one loop of the previous row.

3rd row. We increase the number of loops to 36. To do this, we knit 2 double crochets in every second loop of the previous row.

Let's make the 4th row slightly openwork. To do this, we will knit according to the following pattern: 1 double crochet, 2 chain stitches, skipping one loop of the previous row, 1 double crochet. Thus, each double crochet must be knitted through the loop of the previous row.

5 row. We knit with double crochets.

Important! In order for the product to expand evenly, you need to knit 2 double crochets in every fourth loop of the previous row.

Row 6 can be done in a different color. The knitting pattern remains the same, starting from row 2.

After the rug of the size you need is knitted, we complete the knitting according to the following pattern: one chain stitch, 6 double crochets in the third loop of the previous row, half double crochet in the sixth loop of the previous row. Next comes the repetition of the pattern until the end of the row.

This is what the finished knitted product looks like:

Oval rug

We start knitting by setting up a chain of air loops.

The length of the chain is calculated as follows: the desired length minus the width. For example, if you want to knit a rug measuring 100x40, then the length of your chain will be 60 cm (100 - 40 = 60). Next we knit according to the pattern:

You can complete the knitting in the same way as in the previous master class.

Now you know how you can rationally use old things, extend their service life and add originality to your interior, making your home even more cozy and colorful.

How to crochet rugs

If you take a hook in your hand, you will be able to create various masterpieces. With the help of knitting, you can not only replenish your wardrobe. But also make some beautiful things for your home. For example, to decorate a room it is knitted. You can knit rugs not only with threads and knitting needles, but also with scrap materials, such as old clothes or fabric.

Do-it-yourself crocheted rugs from threads

When choosing threads, you should consider how you would like the rug to look – thin or warm. It is also worth considering where exactly you would like to place it in your home and whether you want it just for beauty. For example, pure or mercerized cotton threads can be used for thin rugs and can also be used on furniture.

Typically, the diameter of the hook should be twice as large as the thread itself. Thick yarns are suitable for thick carpets, such as polyester, acrylic or wool. These rugs can be placed in the toilet or bathroom. These fabrics can be knitted very quickly because they are knitted from dense material. Here are some simple and beautiful examples.

Square rug with stripes

How to crochet striped rugs

This product will be 84 cm wide and 144 cm long. For the fabric you will need white threads - 1 kg, blue and yellow threads 400 g each, as well as hook No. 5. Next we start working:

  • you will need three balls to make the carpet dense. We also choose a rug. We put the threads of three balls together and knit with a triple thread. You need to make three air loops at the beginning of each odd row for lifting.
  • work begins with a chain of 32 loops of yellow threads. Next we follow the diagram:

How to knit a striped rug pattern

  • 1r. knit three st. s\n in the third loop of the row in yellow. Next, two loops are skipped, and repeat the report up to 32 loops: 3 double crochets in one loop, 2 loops are skipped. 3 tbsp. without a crochet, 1 stitch with \n is knitted into the last loop of the chain.
  • - 2 rub. knit in blue until the end of the row: 1 single crochet, two chain crochets, skip three stitches and knit with the following stitches 1 single crochet.
  • - 3 rub. here you need to take a white thread. 3 double crochets are knitted in each arc, the row ends by knitting 1 double crochet in the last stitch.
  • - 4 rub. change the color white to yellow. Knit the row similarly to the second.
  • - 5 rub. return the blue thread to work, and knit the row in the same way as the third.
  • - 6 rub. a white thread goes, and the row repeats the second row.
  • - 7 rub. again take the yellow thread and knit it like the third row.
  • - until the end of the fabric, you need to repeat rows 2 to 7. The canvas should be 130 cm and have 43 rows.
  • - you need to finish the work by tying the fabric around the edges in two rows with white thread. In the first row there are double crochets, in the second you need to knit like this: 1 double crochet, skip two loops of the previous row, three double crochets in one loop, skip two loops, and so on until the end of the row. Don't forget about the connecting post at the end of each row.

Here is another example of how to crochet a rug:

Rugs crocheted from rags or scraps

If you have a lot of unnecessary knitted or linen items in your apartment, then you shouldn’t throw them away right away, because they may well be useful for creating a cute rug of their shreds. Rugs from such materials can be made of any size and shape. To do this you will need a little imagination and some basic crochet skills. The most important thing is that such a rug can be made from any material you want. Choose a variety of bright colors and enjoy your work.

Before starting work, you need to take materials. Necessary things must be cut into long pieces. Their width can be up to three centimeters. Next, the scraps need to be tied together and rolled into a ball. The twist should be twice as thick as the shredded thread itself.

Our grandmothers also made rugs from rags that were in the shape of a circle. Such rugs could be seen in every home and in large quantities. After all, crocheting such a masterpiece is not only a pleasure, but also very simple if you know some simple crochet stitches. For example, you can make a carpet like this:

How to crochet fabric rugs

Or this:

How to crochet plain rugs

To do this you need to do the following:

Make a loop in the same way as when knitting with regular threads and knit six chain stitches from it. Then connect it all using a half-column. Next comes the air loop for lifting. It must be knitted in the same way as a circle, with double crochets, using simple threads. You can add by eye, or follow this pattern:

  • in the first row, 2 tbsp are knitted into each loop. b\n
  • then the circle is divided into 6 parts. In the last loop of each part you need to add 1 tbsp. s\n
  • the mat will be even if you do not forget the air loop for lifting at the beginning of the circle row. At the end, connect the rows with a half-column.

Any knitted decorative elements look cozy and stylish in the interior. Be it napkins or decorative pillows, blankets, rugs. In this article we will look at crocheted floor mats with diagrams and photos. Recently, they have become increasingly popular among craftswomen and those who create comfort.

In order to crochet a rug today, yarn manufacturers can offer craftswomen a huge selection of special thick yarn. This could be knitted yarn. It resembles strips of knitted fabric. Or a special thread resembling a rope in thickness. It will be a synthetic fiber or a mixture of acrylic and cotton. This thread is sold in bobbins or skeins. You can buy it in craft stores or on specialized websites.

In addition, for crocheting floor mats, diagrams and photos of which are given later in the article, you can use other material:

  1. Plastic bags of different colors.
  2. Clothesline.
  3. Old knitted T-shirts, turning them into yarn.

From old knitted T-shirts we make yarn for rugs as follows:

  1. Fold the T-shirt in half, cut off the fabric below the armhole, and remove the top part.
  2. Cut off the finished bottom of the T-shirt.
  3. Fold the rest of the T-shirt in half, but unevenly, leaving 5-6 centimeters from one side seam to the other.
  4. We cut from the middle to the side seams to cut the T-shirt into strips of 1.5-2.5 centimeters. We cut through to the first side seam, cutting it, but we do not cut the part that protrudes.
  5. Lay out the T-shirt in one layer. The middle is not cut, the first cut strip is cut off at the middle. This will be the beginning of the rope. Next, we cut through the middle from one cut edge to the other, unraveling the rope to the end.
  6. We take the remaining part of the T-shirt above the armhole, which we set aside, cut off the folds along the edges of the sleeve, cut the seams of the sleeve, lay it out in 1 layer, round the corners of the resulting rectangle and cut out a strip in a circle, in a spiral, 1.5-2.5 centimeters wide. When we reach the neck, we go around it, cut it out,
  7. After the strip is cut, you need to look through its entire length and remove any unevenness that may exist by cutting off what is unnecessary.

Any knitted item that is no longer needed, or even old bed linen, can be cut into strips in a circle, in a spiral, making yarn from it for crocheting cozy and stylish floor rugs, diagrams and photos of which are given below.

This is how quickly and easily we can get knitted yarn. One T-shirt will not be enough for a floor mat. You can take 4-5 T-shirts of different colors and weave them into a very good product. Next, let's look at the patterns and options for rugs.

Simple rectangular or round rugs

A rectangular rug is very convenient; it can be laid in the hallway, in the bathroom, in any room or near the front door. By alternating the color of the yarn, it can be made beautiful and suitable in color to the interior of the room. It is simply knitted according to the pattern given below.

We start knitting by casting on 21 air loops. Then in the 6th loop from the hook we make 3 double crochets (dc). Next we knit according to the pattern. We finish the first row with 1 dc and knit 3 chain stitches to move to the next row.

We alternate the color of the yarn in each row or in every second row, to your taste. This rug can be knitted from knitted yarn, clothesline, or plastic bags. A thick synthetic thread in the form of a rope will also work.

Round rug

The simplest round rug is knitted using a simple circle pattern. For a cute knitted rug, we need yarn from old T-shirts or purchased knitted yarn in two shades.

We alternate the colors of yarn during the knitting process in each row. We start knitting with one air loop, in which we make 12 double crochets (dc). This is how we got the first row.

For the next row, we perform 3 lifting loops in a new color and knit 2 DCs in each column of the previous row.

Change the color of the thread again, perform 3 lifting loops and knit in a circle, evenly adding another 12 dcs.

Thus, we knit 12 rows according to the circle pattern, alternating the color of the yarn. For the thirteenth row, change the pattern and knit *1DC, 2 chain stitches*, skipping 1 stitch of the previous row, repeat from * to *. We knit in a circle with simple single crochets, changing the color of the yarn. That's it, the mat is ready. It can be placed in a nursery or in a bathroom.

Openwork rugs based on napkin patterns

Openwork floor mats can be knitted according to patterns of beautiful napkins. Due to the thickness of the threads and the hook, they will turn out to be of large diameter. Such rugs can be round or oval. Let's look at the scheme and process of working on an oval, very beautiful rug that can take its rightful place in the living room.

To make this rug you will need quite a lot of yarn. The volume is determined individually. Homemade T-shirt yarn won't work here, as you're unlikely to find 10 or 20 T-shirts in the same color. You will have to buy knitting yarn and a large number of hooks. It should be at least 6 numbers, so that it is convenient for you to work. You need to select it individually.

Work begins with a set of medium air loops that will be located in the center of the rug. Next we knit according to the given pattern.

To create an amazingly beautiful handmade rug, you can use any napkin pattern. It should not be too airy, with a lot of holes so that the mat is denser.

Rugs with cones

Rugs with cones look very interesting. To create such a masterpiece, you can use the given diagrams or any diagram of a napkin with cones. You need to work according to the scheme from the center. We knit the cones like this:

  1. From one stitch or loop of the previous row we knit three or more double crochets with a common top.
  2. The number of double crochets in a cone is usually indicated on the pattern element. The cone itself will have as many stripes as you need to knit double crochets.
  3. In the next row, the bump is counted as 1 column.

Rugs with cones can be openwork or quite dense. You can choose a scheme to suit your taste and, after just a little time, you will have a stylish new accessory for your room. The rugs knit quickly. But you will have to make an effort, since the thing turns out to be voluminous.

Motif rugs

Rugs knitted from round motifs will look very stylish and modern. To do this, you need to use a pattern of a regular crochet circle or a circle with bumps or a pattern. For a rug, you can knit several circles of the same or different diameters, and sew them together in a certain sequence, according to the idea.

Circles can be of different colors or combine different shades of thread in one element. The main thing is to choose the composition as a whole in color and shape, to connect the circles so that they are in harmony with each other and fit into the interior.

You can connect elements together in two ways:

  1. In the process of knitting the last row of each circle, attach the edges of adjacent circles to the loops. For this method, you need to think through the composition in advance and draw a diagram of circles in the rug.
  2. When all the elements are connected, connect the circles with each other using a needle and thread.

Rugs made from elements in the form of a circle complement the interior and will be a bright and stylish accent in the room.

Rugs or rugs have been an integral part of any interior for centuries. Modern textile artists have significantly expanded the range of materials and ideas, thanks to which this handicraft has come back into fashion and become popular. A skillful combination of shades and textures can turn even the simplest rug into a noticeable interior detail. You can create these in different ways, but the most popular is crocheting.

How to crochet a rug correctly

Selection of yarn and knitting patterns

Anything can be used to make a rug. The Internet offers a variety of materials, from store-bought to recycled from old items. The choice of material, pattern and weaving method depends on the place for which you are going to weave the rug. For example, a warm and cozy woolen rug by the bed is pleasant to stand on with your bare feet, and a plastic rug is useful for the hallway.

Reusing things is in fashion these days, so don't throw away your knitted sweaters—they'll come in handy for crafting.

Crocheted rugs from old things with diagrams and descriptions of actions

Our grandmothers often knitted rugs from old things, scraps of fabric and anything that came to hand. This was considered a “poor man’s activity”, for people who could not afford to buy a ready-made carpet. But today craftswomen from countries with the most developed economies competing in ways to reuse materials.

Thin knitwear is perfect for knitting a rug. Take several T-shirts and cut them into yarn as shown in the diagram. A special technique will help you get a single thread without knots from one T-shirt.

Prepare balls of different colors, buy a thick hook and get to work. The lessons will help you master the simplest patterns for circular knitting.

The rug can be knitted in one round, as shown in the diagram. Alternating chains and stitches will benefit from bright yarn combinations.

Simple crochet patterns will help you knit the perfect circle - the basis for the rug. If you don’t adhere to special color rules, you can create a motley rug.

But if you show your design skills and conjure with shades, you can weave a beautiful circle with a contrasting color transition.

If, in addition to old T-shirts, you also have a supply of threads that you don’t really need, you can knit a rug using a different technique. A knitted ring needs to be tied with threads, as shown in the diagram.

For beginner knitters, it is difficult to master knitting a large rug. That is why you should adopt the idea of ​​crocheting blankets and rugs from motifs.

Tie several circles of different diameters and arrange them into one product. If you wish, you can choose shades that harmonize with the decoration of the apartment, or you can simply play with the contrast and make the rug a bright spot in the interior.

Knitted cord floor mats look voluminous and neat, so it’s hard to guess that they were crocheted by hand. Elastic synthetic cords look great in openwork patterns. At the same time, they do not deform or curl over time, are machine washable and do not cause much trouble for the owners.

To work, you will need a polyester cord with a core, which is very popular among craftswomen. The palette of shades is so rich that yarn manufacturers can envy such variety. One hundred percent synthetic, these cords are nevertheless pleasant to the touch, they are used to knit practical and beautiful rugs for bedrooms, kitchens and children's rooms. From the name it is clear that this is a kind of “cord in a cord”, due to which products made from this material are embossed and emphasize a pattern of any complexity.

Polyester material is used to knit not only rugs, but also bags and even weave jewelry. -Crocheted flowers can be woven from cord if you become familiar with the basic techniques.

For a small rug (about 1 m in diameter) you will need 700-800 m of cord. The weight of the finished product will be about 3 kg. These are approximate figures, much depends on the complexity of the pattern and the size of the finished carpet. You need to choose a strong hook, number at least 5, since the weight of the product is significant, and a fragile tool simply will not support it.

Operating procedure:

  • for the first loop, wind several layers of cord around your finger and begin tying the resulting amigurumi ring (that’s what it’s called) with a simple single crochet;
  • move along the template, completely adhering to one of the presented schemes.

The amigurumi ring is the basic element from which beginners begin to master other toys.

Today, ribbon yarn is popular among craftswomen who love to create not only things with their own hands, but also interior items. Bulky yarn allows you to create the most beautiful things using original weaving techniques.

Ribbon yarn is easy to work with and has a varied range of shades in both pastel and classic palettes. The thread itself is beautiful and expensive, so knitting too large carpets from it will take a significant toll on your wallet. But, thanks to its beautiful color, it does not require special weaving techniques, and a small bedside rug made from ribbon yarn will delight you for a long time.

For a rug with a diameter of 60 cm you will need 700-800 g of yarn and a hook with a diameter of 10-15 mm.

Operating procedure:

  • start knitting from the middle - wrap a ring of yarn around your finger and tie it with stitches;
  • Continue knitting according to the pattern, making all the necessary stitch increases.

This material makes excellent crocheted chair rugs. You don’t even need to change the operating scheme. Enough measure the diameter of a chair or stool and after the circle of the required size is knitted, simply continue working without adding loops. Then your cape will have sides with which you can fix it on the chair.

From high-quality yarn you can master it with openwork motifs.

A bathroom rug must comply not only with aesthetic tastes, but also with safety rules. The material should not contribute to the growth of fungus in a humid environment, it should be easy to wash and dry quickly. All these parameters correspond to rugs made of cords. But there is one more nuance - when leaving the bathroom, you can slip on a knitted rug, which means it must have an additional base.

Silicone mesh can be purchased at a hardware store. It is almost transparent, so you can safely attach a finished rug to it. To wash the product in a machine, the mesh will need to be removed.

Video with lessons on crocheting rugs

  • Rugs crocheted from cord can be found on the popular channel “Knitting Together”. Many options indicating the yardage and yarn consumption, as well as step-by-step instructions for making the pattern according to the diagram.

  • The author of the video explains how knitted Japanese rugs are created and introduces the basic pattern of a simple crochet pattern. The main idea of ​​such needlework is the correct selection and arrangement of bright colors.

  • A useful video about caring for nature demonstrates how to crochet rugs from bags. Bright crocheted rugs for the hallway will lift your spirits from the first minutes of your stay in the house.

How did you like the idea of ​​creating interior details with your own hands? Share your feedback, we will be grateful.

Soft rug for home

There is a difference between a house and a dwelling. It happens that you have bought stylish furniture and modern appliances, but there is no feeling of Home, with a capital H. A special atmosphere, a cozy and warm aura, helps to create things dear to the heart. Hand made crafts have a special charm. Here, for example, are rugs: stores are full of an abundance of all kinds of rugs.

But it’s much cheaper and more interesting to make an attribute of home warmth and comfort with your own hands. Creative craftswomen have come up with many ways to make these functional items, from classic crochet to experimenting with old items. We offer several interesting lessons on how to knit a rug with your own hands.

Almost every girl, thanks to detailed lessons from experienced needlewomen, can learn how to knit carpets with her own hands. The science is not at all complicated, but it requires perseverance and patience. A rug crocheted or woven from old T-shirts will become a “highlight” of your home interior. The product can be knitted from any yarn, knitted ribbons, many even use a strong clothesline. There are several ways to make rugs, the most popular technique is crocheting. We offer interesting master classes for beginning craftswomen.

You can knit this rug yourself

Simple round rug

A beautiful one-piece product can be placed as a welcome addition at the doorstep, in the bathroom, living room or children's room. To make it easier for a beginner to cope with the job, you will need a little basic knowledge, crocheting skills and the ability to create simple elements.

Children's rug in the shape of a bear

Let's get started:

  • We collect three air loops, from which we form a central ring-base. The yarn is selected according to this principle: the thinner the thread, the more air loops are required for the warp. We use a connecting loop to close the ring, which will be the center.
  • Moving on to the second row, we will knit two stitches in each loop. If we knit stitches without a crochet, the structure of the product will be more rigid and dense, with a double crochet it will be looser, but knitting in this way is much faster. The choice of technique remains with the craftswoman; it depends on how she sees the future product.
  • In the third row, you need to knit two stitches in the first three loops, then one in the next loop. A similar algorithm continues until the end of the row.
  • In the fourth row, using a similar technique, we knit two stitches in the first two loops, then one, and so on. In this way, we can achieve a perfectly round, uniformly expanding shape.
  • When the knitting process is completed, fasten the working thread and then iron it from the wrong side. This way the rug will not bulge.

Round rugs for home

In the simplest technique, a product is knitted not only round, but also oval, square or any other shape. To make the rug look more elegant, you can decorate the edge with thread pompoms or fringe.

Knitting a round rug

Star rug

Figured rugs bring coziness to the interior, make it more aesthetically pleasing, and emphasize the refined and refined taste of the hostess - the keeper of the hearth. To create curly crocheted floor mats with your own hands, you will need yarn and a hook.

Star floor mat

Many people use several shades of yarn at the same time, so the product will have a bright and original look.

We crochet a rug in the shape of a five-pointed star:

  • We will start working from the center of the circle. A chain consisting of five air loops is assembled, which is closed into a ring. Then we move on to knitting each individual row.
  • We knit the first one according to this pattern: three chain stitches, then two double crochets over the first loop, then two chain loops, three double crochets, finishing with two chain crochets. We knit in a similar way five times and the result is a pentagon.
  • The second row is knitted according to the algorithm: we cast on three chain stitches, two double crochets over the first loop, then two chain loops, three double crochets, and complete the row with one chain crochet. Using a simple technique, the product “grows” in breadth, taking on the shape of a regular pentagon.
  • The remaining elements are knitted according to the standard pattern in the round until we get the product of the size we need. We tie each tip of the star separately at the end.

Such an unusual rug can be knitted for a nursery, living room or bedroom, or you can get creative by using this technique to make not only a rug, but also an elegant bedspread and decorative pillow.

How to crochet a rug

Creative ways to make rugs

For everyone who does not know the art of crocheting, there is good news: you can make an unusual rug from knitwear, scraps or threads on a fillet mesh. The material for production can be old knitted items, unnecessary scraps of fabric, or fleecy yarn. We offer several lessons on making wicker rugs.

Crocheted knitted rug


A dense rug with an unusual texture will decorate any room in a country house or in a city apartment. If you make a backing for it from a water-repellent material, you can safely lay it in a bathroom, bathhouse or shower room. Let's take knitwear in two different colors, scissors, a sewing machine and pins.

Cable braided rug

Work algorithm:

  1. First of all, let's make yarn from knitwear. The material for knitting yarn can be not only old T-shirts, but also sheets or simply pieces of fabric. To do this, simply cut into ribbons and stretch them a little in length so that the flap curls into a tube.
  2. We will weave many braids from strips of different colors. Using different color combinations you can achieve any effect and create an unusual pattern. The braids should be the same length.
  3. For the base, take a thick fabric, fold it in half, sew it on the side and turn it inside out. We lay out the braids one at a time on top and sew each one with a zigzag seam. We try not to stretch the braids, otherwise the rug may eventually become deformed.
  4. We fix the edges of the work with straight lines and trim off the excess. The result is a simple and original rug with a cheerful pattern.

By playing with color, fabric texture, types of braiding and yarn thickness, you can create practical and original home comfort attributes with your own hands from the simplest materials.

Wicker rug

To weave a beautiful path for the corridor, you need to make a wooden frame and put nails on the sides. To work, you only need yarn, preferably from knitwear. The brighter the shades, the more fun and cheerful the rug will be.

A rug made from old things

The operating instructions are as follows:

  1. We stretch strips of material along the frame. It is better to use yarn of a neutral shade, this will be the basis.
  2. We begin to weave working threads across the main threads. The principle of weaving is simple - first we pull the thread over the warp, and then under it, and so on until the end of the row.
  3. At the end of the row, we pull the thread under the warp, turn it and move in the reverse order.

Variety of floor mats

As you can see, weaving is the simplest. As we work, we move the finished rows up to make the weaving more dense. If the working thread runs out or you need to add a new color, simply tie one end to the other and hide the knots on the wrong side. We remove the finished product from the frame, smooth it out and determine its place in the interior. In this way, you can knit a long path for a corridor by simply sewing identical elements together. In a similar way, you can make a carpet from durable yarn or clothesline.

There are many techniques for creating carpets at home. These are complex openwork, crocheted, and the simplest patchwork technique, and original Japanese knitting. Choose yours and create, decorating your home and your everyday life with original, warm and stylish hand made crafts.