Calf muscle cramp, what to do during pregnancy. Leg cramps: causes and treatment

New Year

This article discusses cramps during pregnancy. We talk about the reasons for this condition and what to do if cramps appear in the legs. You will find out what treatment is effective for calf cramps, reviews from women about how they got rid of this unpleasant condition.

Cramps are voluntary muscle contractions that cause a person a lot of discomfort and unpleasant sensations. During a cramp, a person experiences intense cramping pain in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg. Much less often, spasms occur in the neck, legs and arms. During a cramp, the sock is pulled out, as if the person wants to stand on his toes.

Severe leg cramps during pregnancy

In pregnant women, calf muscle cramps most often occur at night (while falling asleep) or in the morning (when waking up). As a rule, such cramps occur in the middle of pregnancy, when the fetus is actively developing and growing.


The main causes of seizures in expectant mothers are a lack of microelements (potassium, calcium, magnesium) and vitamins (mainly group B) in the body. If in the 1st trimester the lack of these elements is caused by toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting and loss of appetite. In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, this pathology occurs as a result of the increased needs of the growing fetus.

Also, the appearance of seizures is influenced by bad habits, in particular, drinking strong tea and drinks with a high caffeine content.

A decrease in the amount of glucose in the circulatory system can also cause cramps during pregnancy. That is why experts recommend that expectant mothers eat smaller meals, which will help maintain optimal glucose levels in the body. Anemia can also trigger frequent attacks of cramps in the legs and arms.

In the 3rd trimester, the cause of muscle spasm can be either vitamin deficiency or varicose veins. Diseased leg veins cannot cope with the increased load, blood stagnates in them, and swelling appears.

Impaired blood circulation leads to difficulty in feeding the legs: nutritional components are not supplied in the required quantities, and metabolic products are partially excreted. All this leads to the formation of limb spasms.

Another cause of calf cramps during pregnancy is inferior vena cava syndrome. This often happens at those moments when the pregnant woman is in a supine position, and the uterus begins to compress the inferior vena cava. As a result, there is a weak venous outflow, which leads to leg cramps.

The use of diuretics often causes muscle spasms in the limbs. This is due to the peculiarity of the drug in leaching minerals from the body.

How to get rid of calf muscle cramps

What to do for cramps during pregnancy

If you suddenly experience seizures, ask someone else for help or try to cope with the problem yourself. Try to stretch the muscle in which the spasm has formed. Breathe calmly and evenly, no nervous tension!

In the case when a cramp occurs in the calf muscle, you should pull your toes towards you. Repeat the procedure several times until you feel relief. It is also recommended to massage the tense muscle to warm it up and restore blood circulation.

A slight tingling or tingling sensation with a sharp object is acceptable. Once you feel better, lie down with your legs elevated to promote blood flow and prevent further cramps.

If cramps are caused by a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, then you should not joke about it. For example, a lack of magnesium can provoke not only muscle spasms, but also back pain, which can lead to miscarriage.


We talked about why leg cramps occur during pregnancy. Now it's time to find out how to get rid of this condition. It is forbidden to self-medicate, as in this case you can harm yourself and the fetus.

Treatment of seizures should be under medical supervision

As soon as night and morning cramps begin to haunt you, immediately visit a doctor. Based on the research, he will prescribe adequate treatment and, if necessary, additionally recommend visiting an endocrinologist, therapist, or neurologist. As a rule, the doctor prescribes vitamin complexes and medications to replenish missing substances in the body:

  • Magnesium B6 (or Magnelis);
  • Elevit Pronatal;
  • Calcemin;
  • Potassium orotate.

In the event that no health problems are identified during the examination, the doctor will give some advice that will help alleviate the painful condition and cope with it.


Nutrition plays an important role in human well-being. An unbalanced diet leads not only to excess weight gain, but also to loss of strength, deterioration in performance, and interferes with enjoying life. And to avoid leg cramps during pregnancy, it is recommended to carefully monitor what you consume. Eat more foods rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, follow a drinking regime (in the absence of edema) to remove harmful substances from the body.

  • potato;
  • beans;
  • milk;
  • beef liver;
  • dried apricots;
  • broccoli, etc.

Potassium is also found in boiled jacket potatoes or baked potatoes. The daily human need for this element is 4-5 g.

Dairy products, legumes, figs, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli and nuts will help compensate for the lack of calcium. If you have been prescribed medications to increase calcium in the body, then drink them after a light meal.

The daily requirement of expectant mothers for magnesium is approximately 450 mg. This element is present in almost every product, but most of all in:

  • nuts;
  • whole seeds;
  • legumes;
  • vegetable greens;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • spinach;
  • green onions;
  • carrots.

To quickly replenish the lack of glucose, you can eat sweets, cakes or granulated sugar. But remember, you cannot be too zealous in this matter, so as not to go on a diet in the future.

An active lifestyle helps improve well-being

The following recommendations will help you avoid leg cramps during pregnancy at night and in the morning:

  • Avoid high heels, maximum height is no more than 5 cm.
  • If you have to stand on your feet often and for a long time, then periodically perform simple and effective exercises. Start to alternately roll your foot from heel to toe, then return to the starting position. It is also permissible to rise on your toes 2-3 times, and then lower yourself onto your full foot.
  • Decided to relax a little on the sofa or bed? Then make sure that your legs are in a slightly elevated position.
  • Wool socks are an excellent preventive measure against cramps. Wear wool socks on your feet at night, and then you will definitely forget about muscle spasms.
  • Periodically massage your legs, starting from the foot and moving up to the thigh.
  • Do you suffer from varicose veins? Then wear special anti-varicose underwear (stockings or tights).
  • When swimming, use a contrast shower.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. If you feel well, then, instead of lying on the couch, take a walk in the fresh air, do simple exercises, and, if possible, visit the pool.
  • Use sea salt baths to prevent calf muscle cramps. To do this, add 3 tbsp to room temperature water (5 l). sea ​​salt, then mix well.

Cramps in the calves during pregnancy are a common occurrence among women, occurring for various reasons. The main causes of seizures are toxicosis, vomiting, and decreased appetite. They appear mainly in the early stages. Substances in small quantities entering the female body are retained there. Subsequently, a general weakening of the body occurs, due to which convulsive conditions arise. In pregnant women, they are more often observed at night.

Cramps are muscle contractions accompanied by a general state of body discomfort and pain. The sensitive body of pregnant women is susceptible to such conditions; spasms can harm the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. In the second month of pregnancy, your legs cramp due to a lack of vitamins and microelements. During this period, rapid development of the fetus occurs, the beginning of the formation of the body and organ systems.

Why do my legs cramp in the third month of pregnancy?

During this period, the uterus becomes enlarged, and the risk of “inferior vena cava” syndrome, impaired blood flow, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs increases. An additional reason for cramped legs is low blood sugar. Low hemoglobin is an obvious reason for the appearance.

There are a number of factors leading to leg cramps in pregnant women. If the expectant mother has frequent occurrence of muscle spasms, the woman is recommended to adhere to the rules that maintain tone and maintain the body in a stable state:

  • Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks;
  • Smoking will lead to a lack of oxygen and cause muscle spasms;
  • Wearing uncomfortable clothing, including trousers, is prohibited;
  • Taking diuretics is excluded.

Leg cramps in pregnant women are not recognized as a danger and are not accompanied by too severe consequences. They can signal metabolic disorders in the body or varicose veins.

The factors and reasons for bringing the legs together at different stages of pregnancy are named. Convulsions are characterized in most cases by their short duration and mild nature. If you have leg cramps, it is better to consult a doctor, find out the cause, and conduct an accurate diagnosis.

Legs that occur during the daytime and at night are acceptable. If the pain occurs in emergency situations, and you need to urgently and independently cope with the spasm, the following measures are taken:

  • Give a massage, warming up the leg muscles. It is acceptable to use hot water. It is possible to try to restore blood circulation in your legs, try walking around the room, stepping from toe to heel.
  • An old way to get rid of leg cramps in pregnant women is to simply lie down and stretch your legs up to their full length.

Features of the treatment of leg cramps

If pregnant women experience leg cramps, it is recommended that immediate treatment, management and diagnosis be taken. Seizures are not particularly dangerous, but relapses cause complications. Spasm affects the stable development of the fetus, causing disturbances of all kinds, starting from the early stages of occurrence.

If your legs cramp, regardless of the time of day, day or night:

Cramps can occur early and late, day and night, causing discomfort and preventing sleep, which is already uncomfortable during pregnancy. To restore and normalize blood circulation, baths with sea salt and foot massage are recommended.

Why do pregnant women often experience cramps in their legs at night?

Leg cramps in pregnant women often occur at night. My calves cramp at night for the reasons already mentioned. A clear cause of leg cramps at night is the presence of flat feet or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

Avoid seizures at night. If a woman wears tight shoes that can cause cramps, disrupt blood circulation in the legs and cause muscle fatigue, it is better to immediately discard such shoes. Sometimes pregnant women acquire the habit of eating poorly, refusing vital foods - cottage cheese, dairy products, foods containing more proteins and fewer carbohydrates, sugar.

If you have legs and feel discomfort, it is not recommended to get rid of the phenomena on your own. Seeing a doctor is a necessary condition to maintain a stable condition of a pregnant woman and prevent undesirable consequences. It is undesirable to experience stress of all kinds at any stage of pregnancy. It is recommended to categorically give up smoking and drinking alcohol, which deprive the body of nutritional vitamins and minerals, which become the causes of convulsive conditions.

If convulsive conditions occur at night, causing you to wake up and preventing you from falling asleep peacefully, try to get rid of the spasms yourself. Success is achieved through exercise. Classes will be a quick way out when attacks become more frequent.

With varicose veins, convulsions in pregnant women occur more often than other causes. If the disease is diagnosed, it is recommended to use special ointments and creams and tightening tights.

Cramping pain is the result of involuntary muscle contraction. The peak manifestation of leg cramps in pregnant women is the second month of pregnancy, when the developing fetus requires vitamins. Vitamins are often not enough; with the help of your doctor, the correct selection should be made and consumed in the form of tablets and food.

You should eat fermented milk products, cabbage, yolks, nuts, melons, seeds, bananas, spinach, and greens. The products contain substances to replenish the body’s vitamin balance and maintain. It is not advisable for pregnant women to overeat. It is better to eat several times a day and little by little, try not to feel hungry, and not overeat. Sugar and carbohydrates are unhealthy foods that fill the body with unnecessary microelements. During the day, it is advisable to eat a vegetable salad with a glass of kefir.

The more vitamins a pregnant woman consumes, the less likely she is to experience convulsive conditions. Spasms can occur separately from possible causes, independently or in concomitant diseases. Remember, if seizures occur, it is forbidden to panic. It is permissible to immediately begin performing exercises, using baths or massage, choosing a method of getting rid of short-term but stressful convulsive conditions.

Remember, during pregnancy you can only exercise or use baths. The use of medications without consulting a doctor is excluded; self-treatment will be harmful, will not relieve seizures, and will interfere with the normal development of the fetus. It happens that convulsive conditions are not limited to short-term occurrence, but intensify against the background of complications.

It is better to prevent the occurrence of leg cramps in advance. Proper nutrition is the first necessary precaution against the occurrence of seizures. The diet must include foods that include potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are often lacking during convulsive conditions.

When establishing a proper nutrition regimen, convulsive conditions will inevitably bypass the body. At the slightest manifestation of seizures, you should try to apply independent measures to eliminate them, performing the techniques carefully, then consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a full examination, diagnose the causes of convulsive conditions, and prescribe the correct treatment. After the course of treatment, the condition will improve, cramps will bother you less, especially at night.

The key to getting rid of it is a positive attitude, proper nutrition, moderate activity, and compliance with the treatment points prescribed by the doctor.

Often during night sleep, pregnant women are bothered by unpleasant sensations in their legs, especially in the calf muscles. Why do they occur and ?


Glucose deficiency. Convulsions in pregnant women can also occur due to a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels. Since glucose, being a valuable source of energy, is now needed not only by the expectant mother, but also by the growing child, there are often not enough resources.

Lack of a diet, eating on the go, and late, heavy dinners also help lower sugar levels.

Phlebeurysm. The situation is aggravated by excessive pressure from the growing fetus on the pelvic veins, as a result of which blood circulation in the lower extremities is weakened. At the same time, the acceleration of blood circulation in the groin area increases the load on the arteries and capillaries.

Smoking, abuse of strong coffee and tea. Under the influence of nicotine, a chronic lack of oxygen develops, which leads to spasms. Excessive consumption of caffeine causes muscle dehydration, which leads to loss of elasticity and cramps.

Abuse of deuretic drugs used to combat swelling. Such drugs are a double-edged sword. On the one hand, they facilitate the work of the kidneys and really relieve swelling. On the other hand, if the dosage is incorrect, they remove microelements from the body along with excess fluid, which causes cramps in the legs.

In some cases, convulsions can occur against the background of reduced hemoglobin (anemia), with excess lactic acid and magnesium deficiency.



Naturally, it is easier to deal with the problem before it appears. To avoid cramps during pregnancy, you must:

  • lead an active lifestyle;
  • eat right during pregnancy;
  • take a mineral complex containing calcium and magnesium;
  • do stretching, Pilates or swimming;
  • do a massage (rub warmed vegetable oil with a few drops of essential oil into your calves and feet, kneading with your fingertips and rubbing with your knuckles or the edge of your palm; make all movements along ascending lines);
  • use special cooling creams and ointments for severe heaviness in the legs (for the prevention of varicose veins, products with horse chestnut extract are best suited).


Visit your doctor. He must determine whether the spasms are a side effect of any serious medical condition.

If the spasm is severe, stand on your cramped leg. If the pain is too sharp and it’s difficult to even move, you need to at least pull the foot towards you. This must be done by overcoming the pain.

Rub the tense muscle, make pinching and patting movements. In some situations, if the muscle is numb, it is worth using a piercing object (pin or needle).

Make a hot foot bath with sea salt and mustard(if the spasms are not caused by varicose veins).


Review your diet. must be balanced. Eat slow carbohydrates: cereals, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, fresh vegetables and fruits. If you have a problem with leg cramps, it is better to give up fast carbohydrates: sugar, sweets, baked goods, as they provoke a jump in blood glucose, and then a sharp decrease. And this is fraught with muscle spasms.

Consume fermented milk products to replenish calcium deficiency: natural cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt. To saturate the body with potassium, dried fruits, bananas, potatoes, and beef liver are suitable. Eating seeds, nuts, green leafy vegetables and carrots can provide your body with the required dose of magnesium. It will also not be superfluous to use.

Probably every woman knows how unpleasant cramps are, especially if they occur during pregnancy. It is important to know that cramps, especially during pregnancy, are not considered normal and indicate that certain changes are occurring in the body.

What are cramps?

Cramps are voluntary muscle contractions, during which a person experiences quite severe cramping pain, manifested in the area of ​​the foot and lower leg. Spasms of other muscles of the arms, legs and neck are extremely rare.

Quite often, pregnant women experience calf cramps, which occur at night or early in the morning. The most pronounced cramps appear precisely in the middle of pregnancy, since at this time the active development of the fetus occurs, therefore, its needs increase.

Causes of cramps during pregnancy

In order to relieve the unpleasant feeling, it is necessary to become more familiar with the reasons that can trigger the appearance of seizures, which include the following:

  • a severe lack of important microelements in a woman’s body (for example, vitamin B). During the first trimester, a lack of valuable microelements can occur as a result of a strong appetite, which is accompanied not only by an opening, but also by a sharp decrease in appetite. At the same time, in the second and third trimester, most of the microelements are taken by the baby;
  • Excessive smoking, as well as a variety of drinks that include caffeine (this also includes strong tea), can also trigger the development of seizures;
  • causes seizures and low blood glucose levels. This is one of the main reasons that during pregnancy it is necessary to adhere to fractional meals, due to which the required level of glucose is maintained in the blood;
  • when pronounced, convulsions often occur in pregnant women;
  • During the last trimester of pregnancy, cramps may occur as a result of the presence. This leads to the fact that the injured veins are simply not able to cope with the heavy load on their own, as a result of which blood stagnates in them and the formation of edema begins. Due to impaired blood circulation, proper nutrition of the muscles becomes difficult - nutrients do not reach them in the required amount, and metabolic products are not completely eliminated.

All of the above factors can provoke the development of seizures. Quite often it causes convulsions and the so-called inferior vena cava syndrome. The fact is that in this case the uterus, which is in a supine position, compresses the inferior vena cava. As a result, weak venous outflow develops, which in turn provokes the appearance of quite severe muscle cramps.

How to relieve cramps during pregnancy?

If severe cramps occur during pregnancy, you can ask your husband for help or cope on your own. In this case, you need to carefully and gently pull the muscle in which the spasm itself occurred. Under no circumstances should you panic; you should try to relax and breathe as deeply and calmly as possible.

If the cramp occurs directly in the calf muscle, you need to gently pull your toes towards you. This movement must be repeated several times until the pain subsides.

Relief is also brought by a gentle massage of the muscle, due to which it warms up, therefore, proper blood circulation is restored. The muscle can be pricked with some sharp object or pinched a little (you must act very carefully so as not to leave painful bruises or damage the integrity of the skin).

After relief occurs, you need to lie down and place your feet on a slight elevation. Thanks to being in this position, the process of blood outflow is restored, therefore, painful cramps disappear.

It is worth remembering that the appearance of seizures that develop against the background of a severe lack of substances is of serious importance. For example, most often cramps appear when magnesium deficiency occurs, which can also lead to severe lower back pain, as well as increased uterine tone, which in turn provokes.

To begin with, it is necessary to completely abandon self-treatment, since unskilled actions can only provoke a complication of the woman’s condition.

If you are constantly bothered by cramps, you should seek help as soon as possible from a doctor who is monitoring the progress of your pregnancy. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe an additional examination by specialists such as a neurologist, therapist, endocrinologist, and will also prescribe clinical studies.

In almost all cases, the doctor prescribes special vitamin complexes or medications that are not capable of harming the unborn baby, but at the same time significantly alleviate the woman’s condition. Thanks to the intake of vitamins, the deficiency of nutrients in a woman’s body is compensated, the absence of which can lead to the formation of painful cramps.

If, after the study, no special treatment was prescribed, the doctor can give several recommendations, following which the condition of the expectant mother will be significantly alleviated. At the same time, the doctor will prescribe simple but most effective preventive measures.

Pregnant women should remember that to prevent the development of painful cramps, it is necessary to stop wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes. If a woman cannot completely give up heels, then the ideal option would be to replace them with a stable wedge or platform.

Many women do not give up work throughout their pregnancy and, due to their professional activities, are forced to stand for long periods of time, resulting in increased stress on their legs. In this case, to reduce the load, it is recommended to regularly perform fairly simple, but at the same time most effective exercises, thanks to which blood circulation in the leg muscles is normalized.

The benefit comes from simply alternately rolling from toe to heel and back. It is recommended to perform this exercise several times in a row. You can also simply rise on your tiptoes and then lower yourself back to the floor. If you have the opportunity to take a short break at work, it is recommended to raise your legs up for at least a couple of minutes.

A light massage will also help relieve stress on the legs; all movements should be as soft as possible and be performed taking into account the movement of venous blood through the vessels of the legs - all movements are directed from the foot to the thigh.

If a woman suffers from varicose veins, it is recommended to regularly wear special anti-varicose stockings and tights. Regular use of contrast showers also brings benefits.

Regular baths with the addition of sea salt will also help relieve tension and get rid of cramps; the water should be warm, but not hot.

To avoid painful cramps during pregnancy, it is recommended to lead an active lifestyle - regularly take walks in the fresh air, which is also useful for the development of the baby, visit the pool, and perform special joint exercises designed for pregnant women.

To prevent the formation of cramps in the calf muscles, you should wear warm woolen socks at night.

You need to pay special attention to your daily diet. To avoid unpleasant cramps during pregnancy, it is recommended to diversify your usual diet with foods containing calcium, magnesium and potassium. These include potatoes, beans, bananas, melon, beets, raisins, apricots, dried apricots, milk, beef liver, and broccoli. Potassium is also found in potatoes cooked in their jackets.

Excellent sources of potassium are green leafy vegetables, various dairy products, a variety of legumes, egg yolks, figs, and legumes.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a woman to take special medications that include calcium. However, under no circumstances should it be taken on its own.

Every day, a pregnant woman’s body needs approximately 450 mg of magnesium, which is found in almost all products today. The largest amount of magnesium is found in nuts, whole seeds, all legumes, sunflower seeds, green onions, carrots, and spinach.

To replenish glucose, you need to add “simple carbohydrates” to your daily diet - these are sweets, sugar, cakes and other sweets. But you should not overindulge in sweets, so as not to gain 10 extra pounds, which will be quite difficult to get rid of after childbirth.

During pregnancy, it is not recommended for a woman to drink strong tea and all kinds of coffee drinks, since caffeine can cause serious muscle dehydration, which consequently increases muscle tension and causes painful cramps.

Preventing seizures during pregnancy

In order to prevent the formation of cramps during pregnancy, it is recommended to adhere to fairly simple preventive measures:

  • first of all, special attention should be paid to the choice of shoes, since they should be as comfortable as possible (heel height does not exceed 5 cm);
  • during rest, your legs should be raised to a slight elevation;
  • before going to bed, take warm baths with the addition of sea salt;
  • if during pregnancy the development of such an unpleasant disease as varicose veins occurs, it is recommended to use special stockings and tights, but their use should be discussed with your doctor;
  • you should try to avoid putting too much stress on your legs, and if you need to be on your feet for a long time, you should perform simple but most effective exercises (several exercises were described above);
  • starting from the third trimester, it is recommended to sleep on the left side, since it is thanks to being in this position during sleep that you can prevent compression of the inferior vena cava.

Most often, cramps occur at night, and in order to relieve a severe attack, you need to pull the toes of the toe in which the pain is bothering you several times, after which you need to relax your leg as much as possible.

After this, the tension should ease a little and the cramp will gradually release the muscle, and then a light and gentle massage is performed, but do not be too zealous.

In order to warm the muscle at night, you can use mustard plaster, a simple heating pad, or simply place your cramped leg under a stream of warm water. You can simply walk around the room, which restores blood circulation.

To prevent your legs from cramping at night, you can place them on a small elevation before going to bed - place a small pillow, bolster or a simple blanket folded several times under your legs.

If cramps constantly bother you, you should not endure the discomfort or try to use traditional methods. The fact is that many traditional methods can not only provide temporary relief, but also cause serious harm, therefore it is strictly forbidden to try to carry out independent treatment. It is imperative to seek help from a doctor, since only he will be able to establish the cause that led to the appearance of seizures and after eliminating it, it becomes possible to completely get rid of such an unpleasant phenomenon as seizures.

Painful muscle contractions in the legs or arms are not uncommon during pregnancy. come on suddenly and especially often disturb the expectant mother during rest. What are the causes of cramps during pregnancy and how to deal with them?

Causes of cramps during pregnancy

Cramps can overcome a pregnant woman for many reasons, acting as a kind of symptom of possible disorders in the body, starting with a lack of certain microelements, and ending with complications during pregnancy. The main causes of cramps during pregnancy:

1. Lack of microelements such as potassium, magnesium, as well as vitamin B6, caused by:

  • firstly, strong, in which the body loses many trace elements through vomit (usually in the early stages);
  • secondly, an increase in the needs of the developing fetus (this is especially pronounced in the middle of pregnancy);
  • thirdly, uncontrolled use of diuretics;
  • fourthly, unbalanced, in which too few substances she needs enter the woman’s body.

3. A disorder that can occur due to a lack of food, when a pregnant woman eats rarely and in large portions, or “leans” too much on sweets.

4., especially if there is increased load on the legs.

5. Drinking drinks containing caffeine, which provokes muscle dehydration and tension, leading to the development of cramps.

6. “Inferior vena cava compression syndrome”, in which the enlarged uterus presses on the inferior vena cava and causes a violation of the venous outflow from the legs. In this case, cramps begin to torment the pregnant woman, usually in the third trimester, when she lies on her back or right side.

7. Various diseases and complications of pregnancy.

How to help yourself during seizures

  1. Try to slowly and carefully, but at the same time quite firmly, pull the toes of the leg in which the muscle has contracted towards you. After this, also slowly relax your leg, and then stretch again.
  2. After the cramp goes away, lightly massage the muscle, warming it up. You can also use a heating pad or hot water to warm the muscle.
  3. To restore blood circulation, you can walk around the room a little.
  4. To avoid recurrence of cramps, lie down with your legs slightly elevated, using a pillow or folded blanket.

Prevention and treatment of seizures during pregnancy

Cramps are only a symptom of certain disorders in the body, so if they appear, you should immediately consult your doctor, who can find out the cause of painful muscle contractions and prescribe treatment.

If the reason is a lack of microelements and vitamins, then treatment will be reduced to a review of the diet and supplementing it with necessary products. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin-mineral complex.

By the way, in any case, a pregnant woman’s diet should include the following: cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal), wholemeal bread and pasta, fermented milk products, hard cheeses, fish, low-fat vegetables and fruits in fresh and dry form, and also nuts in small quantities. To maintain normal blood sugar levels, you should eat small meals often.

In order not to provoke leg cramps, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • wear comfortable shoes with a stable heel that does not exceed 5 cm;
  • for varicose veins, wear special tights and stockings (your doctor will help you choose the ones that are right for you);
  • starting from the third trimester, try to lie on your left side or place a small pillow under your right buttock to prevent manifestations of “inferior vena cava syndrome”;
  • try to avoid heavy loads on your legs, and if you have to stand for a long time, do unloading exercises that help restore blood circulation in the calf muscles (for example, rise on your toes and lower yourself onto your feet several times);
  • rest with your legs slightly elevated;
  • Take relaxing warm foot baths before bed, using, for example, sea salt.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno