Strange call to 911. Scary stories and mystical stories

Other reasons

An elderly woman was killed during a 911 call:

Ruth: Yes... this is Ruth [ caller's address cut out].

Operator: What's your problem, madam?

R: Oh, there's a guy here who walks around my house.


R: Well, he came to the back door, my bedroom is next to his, and said that he was looking for some guy. And he came to my door (short pause) and...


R: Aaand... oh (pause)... said that he was oh... looking for a place to spend the night. It's true... I live alone and I'm already an old man.

ABOUT: Mmm...

R: And I'm far enough [far? – operator speaks simultaneously with Ruth].

ABOUT: Where, where is he now, madam?

R: I don't know, I don't have the slightest idea.

Something is beating on the telephone receiver. One of the creepiest screams I've ever heard.

R (muffled): God help me!

R (muffled): Someone help me breathe!

The sounds of things hitting each other and possibly a telephone receiver. Ruth can also be heard gasping.

see also

Our world is far from perfect. Every day various crimes are committed, which are not even immediately suspected. In today's article, emergency operators decided to tell us how one single call to 911 could scare them beyond belief.

Despite the fact that 911 is usually called in case of a threat to a person's life, the phone calls discussed below were able to create a stir even among emergency service operators.

“He killed himself, and before that he shot six children.”

“My sister has been a 911 dispatcher for several years. After the incident she told me about, my sister took some time off. One day she had to answer a call from a man whose voice was surprisingly calm. This surprised my sister, because most people call her and shout into the phone. The man calmly greeted me, asked how my sister was doing, and then announced that he had just shot his own daughter and her six children. In addition, he added that the oldest was eleven years old, and the youngest was five months old.

He then said that he would kill himself before the police arrived. According to the sister, the police arrived at the crime scene just as the killer raised a revolver to his head. He shot himself right in front of them. Doctors managed to pump out only the killer’s daughter. The children's bodies were all over the house. It was clear that they were trying to hide. No one knows why everything turned out this way for the woman and her six children, because the city where the massacre took place is small and everyone knows each other. This incident greatly affected the local residents, including my sister” - sweetlemon12.

"A little boy burned to death in his own home"

“I've been a 911 operator for quite a long time. During my difficult work, I can only remember a couple of cases that shocked me, and now I will tell you about one of them. One day I answered a call, and on the other end of the line was not an adult, but a child. He introduced himself and said through tears that there was a fire in his hallway and also in the kitchen, and he was calling from his bedroom. I immediately notified the fire department, but given that it was about a ten-minute drive to the boy’s house, I began to help him get out myself.

I gave him clear instructions on what and how to do until the firefighters arrived. But instead of obeying me, the boy seemed to have completely fallen into panic. The boy died while talking to me. It all happened exactly two minutes before firefighters burst into the room. After that incident, I began to feel terrible depression. I went on vacation for a couple of months. Being a 911 dispatcher is incredibly hard." - AustynCunningham.

"A woman died while talking to me"

“Once a woman called our service, screaming that there was a fire in her house and she didn’t know what to do. She was trapped in the fire in her own living room, from where she could not escape. The stairs to the second floor were filled with smoke and fire. In addition, the flames blocked the passage to the windows and to the front door. She screamed for help, but ultimately died while talking to me." - SpecialistWerewolf.

“The children called the rescue service and said that their dad was killing their mom.”

“I have been working in the rescue service for eight years. During all this time there were a lot of different terrible calls, but, of course, there are those that I remember forever. About five years ago I received a call, and on the other end of the line I heard a frightened child’s voice. The boy whispered that his dad was beating his mom and saying that he would kill him and his three-year-old sister. The child was very scared, but practically did not cry. Of course, I immediately contacted the police and doctors, and I did not break contact with the boy until I heard that the police had broken into the apartment.

Many years have passed since then, but I still remember this incident. The boy I talked to on the phone constantly said that his dad was actually very good, he just drank the “forbidden water” and became like that. Of course, I immediately realized that the “forbidden water” meant alcohol. It's a pity for such children. As soon as I remember, my heart bleeds” - tinylittlegnatTCmark.

“A man shot himself in the head while he was talking to me on the phone.”

“I worked as a 911 operator in 2011. At that time I lived in California, and in parallel with this job I had another one. One day a man called us, and from his voice I realized that he was my husband’s best friend. I was shocked and very surprised, and also scared by what he said. As it turned out later, he got into a fight with his wife, who, according to him, died from numerous blows to the head. He said his wife had no pulse and he wanted to commit suicide because he was overcome with guilt.

I did my best to get him to talk to me as much as possible, but unfortunately, he pulled the trigger of his gun before the police could get to his house. By the way, it’s worth noting that the woman who was beaten by my husband’s best friend turned out to be alive. I remember that she spent almost six months in the hospital. But there she was treated only for physical injuries, not psychological ones. As far as I know, she is now being seen by a psychiatrist” - inkinkimalergic2me.

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911 is an emergency service that responds to emergencies, most of which involve natural disasters or crimes. There is no room for jokes here, and every second can count down a human life. However, even in such a serious organization, various oddities and unusual calls happen.

10. Tiger on the roof

In Washington State, you can place stuffed tigers on the roof of your car.

In May 2015, Camas, Washington 911 received a sensational report of a tiger tied to the roof of a car.
Connor Zuvich was vacationing with friends on Lake Lacamas when he accidentally found a giant stuffed tiger. He took the find and tied it to the roof of his SUV. Later that day, Camas police investigated an "animal problem" on Leadbetter Road, where an off-duty officer apprehended Zuvih. At first, Connor thought that he was stopped for some kind of violation, but it turned out that one of the residents called 911, mistaking the stuffed animal for a real Bengal tiger. After laughing at the situation and taking a photo with the tiger, the police released Tsuvikh. Connor is not offended by the vigilant townspeople, because, as he himself told the press, “the stuffed animal really seemed like a real tiger.”
It is illegal to own a tiger or lion as a pet in Washington State, but it is perfectly acceptable to place stuffed animals on the roof of your car.

9. Ordering pizza from 911

Ordering pizza from the rescue service as a cover

In 2014, a user under the nickname “Crux1836” on the social network Reddit posted an unusual dialogue between a 911 operator and a female caller.
- 911, address of the incident?
- 123 Main Street.
- Do you understand what happened?
- I would like to order pizza delivery.
- Ma'am, you call 911.
- Yes, I know. Can I order a large pepperoni pizza with mushrooms and peppers?
- Mmm... Do you really understand that you called 911?
- Yes, how long do you think it will take?
- So. Ma'am, is everything okay there? Are you in danger?
- Yes.
- And you can’t talk about it because there’s someone in the room with you?
- Yes, that's right. How long will it take?
- The duty officer is now a mile away from you. Are there weapons in your house?
- No.
-Can you stay on the phone with me?
- No. See you later, thank you.
When the operator forwarded the call to the police, he checked the call data and found out that calls had already been received from this phone with complaints of domestic violence.
When police arrived at the scene, they found a woman with numerous injuries and a very drunk man, who was immediately arrested as soon as the woman admitted that he had beaten her.

In early 2015, this dialogue was dramatized by No More!, a domestic and sexual violence advocacy organization, in a thirty-second public service announcement. Dispatcher Keith Weisinger, who took the call, later said he appreciated the caller's ingenuity and resourcefulness.

8. Called 911 for yourself

1980s pop star Boy George called the police on himself
1980s pop star Boy George had a history of substance abuse. Two decades after seemingly successful treatment for drug addiction, the Culture Club singer called 911 to report a break-in at his New York City apartment.

According to the New York Police Department, “a possible break-in has been reported. The arriving police team found a large amount of cocaine directly near the computer and in the room.”

George was charged with possession of cocaine and falsely reporting a robbery. He was also sentenced to correctional labor and subsequently sent to a clinic for rehabilitation.

7. Original marriage proposal
A very original marriage proposal

In May 2008, residents of the German city of Plattling bombarded local law enforcement with reports of aliens from the Zeta Reticulum system flying overhead with the clear intention of taking over the earth.

Was this a real war of the worlds or the end of the world? As it turns out, not really.

This video has already become a classic on YouTube - a police officer, having eaten too many chocolate chip cookies with marijuana, called 911 in a panic. The guy begged the dispatcher to send, in his words, “rescue,” thinking that he and his wife were dying or had already died. He also kept repeating that “time is moving too slowly.”

5. Save the doll

“When my brother returned, the police and the ambulance were already there, and they broke the glass, thinking that a child was suffocating in the car, but there was a doll there.”

Summers on the east coast of North America can be quite hot. And if you add humidity to this, the degree of discomfort increases sharply. Every summer, small children or animals are left in closed cars without ventilation, which often leads to their death.
In July 2014, in Hoboken, New Jersey, someone called an ambulance after reporting a child in a locked vehicle. In an attempt to save the baby's life, doctors broke the driver's side window, but instead of a child, there was a doll in the car. Kitty Misles, the owner of the car, left a doll wrapped in a blanket in the back seat. That day, Kitty's brother was driving, he calmly parked the car and went about his business, and at that time one of the passers-by called 911, thinking that the child was in danger. Kitty told what happened next: “When my brother returned, the police and the ambulance were already there, and they broke the window, thinking that a child was suffocating in the car, but there was a doll.”
Thomas Molta, head of the Hoboken Volunteer Ambulance Group, defended the doctors' actions, saying, “Time is of the essence. It counts the difference between weak breathing, no breathing, pulse and no pulse.” That's all true, I just wonder who will pay Kitty for the broken glass?

4. Halloween decorations

In 2013, Mullins made two disfigured mannequins that looked like real bodies.

Johnny Mullins of Mustang, Oklahoma, may have gone a little overboard when decorating his house for his kids for Halloween.
In 2013, Mullins made two mutilated mannequins that looked like real bodies that had met their bloody end. Both were covered in blood, one of them had his head under a parked car and the other under a garage door.
Mullins was so attentive to detail that he scared neighbor Rebecca Fuentes half to death: “My heart jumped out of my chest, I thought: Oh my God! If I believed that they were real, then what could the child think?”
Mullins told the police and firefighters who arrived at the crime scene that he had done nothing illegal. It didn't even occur to him that he had done something terrible. "I was just trying to scare people," he told police. - I like it".

3. TV stunt show caused panic

The reality show stunt caused a flurry of calls from local residents to 911

These days, stunts and special effects in movies look incredibly realistic thanks to digital technology, but the art of doing stunts in real life is still very much alive. Just ask the people of Lantana, Florida.
In May 2015, the Palm Beach Fire Department received several calls reporting a small plane had crashed into the Intracoastal Waterway north of the Lantana Bridge. At the scene of the incident, it turned out that the plane actually descended sharply, but this was a stunt of a reality show hosted by rapper Vanilla Ice. Although the plane landed safely, the show's producers were not spared problems. They neglected to alert local authorities about the show, prompting a flurry of calls from residents to 911. Palm Beach Film and Television Commission member Chuck Elderd said the group had permission to film on the ground, but the seaplane flight caught the commission off guard.
Vanilla Ice did not expect to become the hero of the local news. “We decided that an extreme airplane flight was a great opportunity for a holiday, and where else can you admire such a beautiful view of Palm Beach if not from the air,” he said calmly.

2. Mass horror from a radio play

An audio play by the Mercury Theater on October 30, 1938 led the population to believe that Martians had invaded Earth.

In the 1930s, radio was the best source of news for the general public. Perhaps it was precisely because many were accustomed to not doubting the veracity of what was said on the radio that the audio play of the Mercury Theater on October 30, 1938 led the population to believe that Martians had invaded the Earth.
No one could have imagined the chaos that would be caused by a simple announcement at the beginning of the show: “Columbia Broadcasting, in association with the Orson Welles and Mercury Theater radio stations, is presenting H. G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds.”
After such an introduction, the announcer began to read out the weather forecast, which was interrupted by an urgent message that a certain Professor Farrell from the Mount Jenning Observatory had discovered explosions on Mars and military spaceships aimed at Earth to destroy civilization.
Millions of radio listeners believed in a real Martian invasion. Panic broke out throughout the country. Mortally frightened residents of New Jersey cut off the emergency phone line and blocked all roads, trying to escape from the alien invaders. People demanded chemical protective equipment from the police, fearing the release of toxic gases. In Indianapolis, one woman even burst into a church during evening service and shouted, “New York is destroyed! It's the end of the world! Go home and prepare to die!”
The author of the bold production, Orson Welles, immediately went on the air and reminded his listeners that it was just a fantastic radio play. He seriously feared for his reputation and career, but the scandal, on the contrary, helped him sign a contract with the Hollywood studio RKO Pictures, where Citizen Kane, one of the best American films of the 20th century, was shot in 1941.

1. The owner and the burglar called 911 at the same time

James Gerow, his wife and children were sleeping in their home on Leon Lane when someone broke into their garage.

In December 2012, in Springton, Texas, James Gerow, his wife and children were sleeping in their home on Leon Lane when someone broke into their garage. Jerow grabbed a gun, broke into the garage and pinned the robber against the wall next to a parked truck. When James demanded that the intruder give his name, Christopher Moore Lance grabbed his keys, jumped into the truck, locked the doors and called 911.
Gerow's wife also called 911 and reported the incident, telling the operator, “Yeah, hurry up. He says my husband is holding him at gunpoint.” James actually blocked the robber's path and told his eldest son to point the shotgun at him.
When police arrested Moore, Gerow asked him what he was doing in his house. In front of investigators, Moore admitted that he clearly had “bad intentions.”

Any job is generous with surprises and unusual situations, especially such as rescue services. However, you can be sure that highly qualified people work here who will always understand you, no matter how strange your call may be, and will respond correctly to it.

911: 911 is listening.
Man (in a broken voice, while some howling is heard in the background): hello, please call the police, please, quickly...
911: calm down, pull yourself together and tell me what is happening, everything in order.
Man (already calmed down a little): at night, my wife and I were going to bed and suddenly downstairs in the kitchen someone broke in through the window, I decided to look, but there was no one there, as someone ran up the steps straight to the top floor (on the plan through a howl was heard, a powerful blow was heard, most likely on the door), my wife thought it was me and decided to go into the bathroom, when suddenly she ran screaming towards the bedroom.
911: there is someone crying, is it your wife?
Man (lowering his voice and almost whispering): that bastard cut her hand...
911: so, tell your wife to calm down and immediately find a first aid kit...
Man (interrupting): the first aid kit is downstairs, in the bathroom, and we are in the dressing room, we can’t get out, he’s banging on the door with all his might.
911: please describe the attacker to me, his appearance, what is he armed with?

Man: he was kind of short, his body was slightly covered with fur, he had sharp claws, with which he wounded her (the girl, sobbing, says that his eyes glowed in the dark).
911: cut the sleeve of your clothing or take a rag, bandage it to prevent bleeding, and then find something to defend yourself with.
Man: I had a knife in my hands, but when I stuck it in his stomach, he pushed me away and we ended up here, how can I defend myself now, nothing but hangers (here there was a strong blow to the door, then a second one even stronger, the girl panicked and again started crying, the guy tried to calm her down).
911: I ask you to hold on, the police have already left for your address.
Man: nothing will come of it, this bastard is about to break down the door (the man switched the conversation to the girl and began to whisper something to her, through the whisper you could hear: “Honey, listen to me and do whatever I say, everything will be fine , remember, I’m with you, now I’ll try to quickly tie the knots, then I’ll gently lower you, just close your eyes and grab the knot tightly.”
911: hello you are there, the police are on your avenue, hold on, we will immediately provide first aid to you and your wife.
While the man began to lower the girl, the sound of a police siren appeared and at the same time the knocks on the door began to get stronger and stronger.
Man: I took her down, I think everything is fine, I did what I needed to do...
911: take a hanger or something hard for now, try to scare him away, the policeman has already entered the yard, don’t worry, in a minute you will be together with your wife, the main thing is, don’t hang up, you hear me, don’t even think about leaving. ..
Man (following the broken door): everything is fine, tell her, I’ll be there soon... (the connection is cut off).

According to the policeman:
I was already heading to the address when the dispatcher told me that somewhere half a mile away, on Graham Street, an incident had occurred, some maniac was at work, taking an entire family under attack. Damn it! Some kind of maniac? I reloaded the weapon in advance, so that if something happened, I could immediately direct fire to kill.
When I got to the house, there was an ambulance in the yard, the doctors were just unloading the stretcher, I drove up, got out of the car and asked about what had happened as we walked, but they were either not understanding, or half asleep, and they had no time for me. , 5 o'clock in the morning, after all. I didn’t manage to open the door to the threshold right away, I had to pick the lock, and there was a lot of dirt at the nearest window, the asshole got in through the window, those scumbags. But when I went inside, it seemed to me less and less that it was a bandit or a person at all, some incomprehensible two-toed dirty footprints, I walked up the steps more and more slowly, there was some kind of nasty smell, like from a forest drain, here one of the doctors began to shout: “She’s coming down, Dave get the mattress ready,” it seemed to me that she was thrown out of the window, then I was at a loss: to save her or run into the room, but I didn’t have to think for a long time, there was a strong blow to the door at the top, and behind it screams and screams, taking the pistol and pulling off the safety, I burst into the room, damn the day when I accepted the challenge: the man was covered in blood, I ran up to him, but was distracted by some creature in the opposite corner, the rays of the sun, which had not yet reached, he was squatting and all that came from him was a strange growl, I pointed the Glock at him and for a second it seemed to me that it was a wolf, but I underestimated this bastard, he began to crawl towards me, I , like a policeman, shouted to him, “Stay away, otherwise I’ll open fire,” but he didn’t care, I carefully walked towards the guy so that this beast wouldn’t devour him, and waited until he made an extra movement, this creature she stood up on two legs, muttered something and I fired a three-pointer into the chest, the animal literally flew away from the shot, uttering its last groan, then a thought appeared in my head, was it really useful to me at least once in my life, but there was no time to have fun.
Taking one last look at the already stinking corpse, I turned and sat down next to the guy, grabbing his bloody hand. “Man, everything is fine, how are you? Don’t lie down, hear, you’re just her superman.” The guy, coughing and almost choking, asked me how his wife was, I answered him, “Yes, everything is fine, she’s alive and well, she’s lying in the outpatient clinic, you didn’t try in vain, you can’t die like that.” He began to roll his eyes and I, going to the window, shouted to the doctors, “I need help, now.” The doctors ran into the room, one of them saw a bloody corpse in the corner and, without showing the least bit of surprise, he told his partner that he would come running for the bag. Imagine, no, just imagine, it’s like they are taught this, so that in any situation they can grab syringes, pills, bags, or whatever they have there.
Having once again walked around the house, looking into every corner, I radioed to my partner to take over my shift until these two were taken away, then my hands were shaking with fear, like the first time at shooting training, one thing I can say for sure, The only benefit I got from this incident was that I better not drink a lot of that damn coffee before work, especially on Tuesdays, damn it! This coffee is worse than any drug, I was on pins and needles all week.

Hello, this is 911. What happened?
- Yes, hello... This may sound a little strange, but there is a man running in circles in the backyard of my house.
- Hmm... Could you repeat it, sir?
- He looks... sick, lost or drunk... maybe all three. I just woke up because I wanted water and I heard the snow crunching behind my house. I looked out the window... and there he was running ten meters from the porch. Something is wrong with him.
- Give your address, sir.
- 1617 Quarry Lane.
- I will send a patrol car to you, but it is several areas away from you, it will take some time. Sir, are you alone in the house?
- Yes, I'm alone.
- Are you sure that all the windows and doors in the house are closed? Don't hang up, stay on the line.
- Yes, my front door is definitely locked, but I have to check the back entrance. Just a second... By the way, thank you very much for your support. I know it's a little strange, but I hope that...
- Sir? Are you still on the line?
- He... he's still in the backyard. But... what the hell?! He stands on his head...
- Sir? Stay with me, what's going on?
- He's looking straight at me... but... but he's standing on his hands. He doesn't tremble, he stands perfectly... perfectly straight. Staring at me. And also... he smiles...
- He... he is standing on his hands, did I understand you correctly, sir?
- I... I don’t know, he... yes, he looks at me and stands on his hands, and he also just has a huge smile, and he stands without the slightest movement. What the hell?! Please send someone here now!
- Sir, please remain calm. I sent a request, and the officer has already left for your address.
- He has huge teeth... damn, help me, please...
“Sir, you should try and keep your eyes on him, but you need to make sure once again that the back door is closed so that no one can get into the house.” Can you check and let me know if this is true?
- Okay... I go to the door, not letting him out of sight... I felt the lock, it was locked. Exactly! I want to check the deadbolt, I have to look away for a split second.
- Wonderful, sir. Help is on the way. Just stay on the line with me, everything will be fine.
- …
- Sir? Sir? Are you here now?
- His face... he pressed against the glass.
- Sir, talk to me. What's happening.
- I turned away from him for a second and now... his face... He pressed his face into the window. He just has huge teeth, and he still smiles... His eyes are colorless. Lord help me, why isn't he moving...
- Sir, you must go to the nearest room and lock yourself in it. Do you have a basement or bedroom with a lock on the door?
- He's still staring at me... He wants to kill me...
- Sir, listen to me. Lock yourself somewhere until the officer arrives. You hear me?
- I... yes, yes... I'll lock myself in the room.
- And are you sure that you are alone in the house?
- Yes, I'm alone in the house... wait a second... he's moving. He shakes his head. He says no. He hears us. He tells me that I am not alone...
- Sir? Sir, are you still here? I heard a noise, are you okay? Sir?