Sophie Marceau in everyday life. Birthday girl Sophie Marceau: beauty secrets of a true Frenchwoman

With your own hands

While still an awkward teenager, she won millions of men's hearts. However, her eyes, smile, gestures are still full of that charming childishness, naturalness, simplicity that they were thirty years ago.

Sex symbol at 16 years old

One look from her expressive almond-shaped eyes was enough for director Claude Pinoto to without hesitation cast an unknown schoolgirl from the suburbs of Paris for the leading role in the film “Boom,” a romantic comedy about first love. The success that befell fourteen-year-old Sophie after her first appearance on French screens was limitless: from every walk she returned home with an armful of roses from fans. Childhood was over, the dusty town of Gentilly, where the actress grew up, remained in the past, and the long name - Sophie Danielle Sylvie Maupou - turned into the sonorous Sophie Marceau.

And now, just two years later, the premiere of the sequel “Boom 2” and the Cesar Award in the category “Best Debut and Most Promising Actress” - all of Europe held its breath in anticipation of new roles for little Marceau, and she did not keep her waiting. In the next film, the young actress performs on equal terms with Gerard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve, then accepts an offer to star in the Polish director Andrzej Zulawski, with whom she falls passionately in love and, not paying attention to the huge age difference - 24 years, gets married. By the way, it was thanks to his role in Zulawski’s film “My Nights Are More Beautiful than Your Days” that Marceau became a sex symbol in France.

Kisses without powder

A seventeen-year marriage with Zulawski gave her a son, now she is raising a daughter from her second husband, the famous American producer Jim Lemley. Marceau is not afraid of old age - for her there is nothing worse than ceasing to be herself. Therefore, her main weapon in conquering men’s hearts remains femininity, which does not require any intervention.

Marceau has never resorted to plastic surgery, and lately she has been less and less fond of makeup. It is simply impossible to see the actress wearing makeup in everyday life. “I can’t kiss my children while powdered,” she laughs. Yes, of course, just in case, Sophie always keeps a makeup bag with her: light blush to hide the pallor of her cheeks, colorless lipstick to add shine to her lips, mascara to slightly tint the tips of her eyelashes - according to Marceau, this is quite enough for an interview or a five-minute television shoot.

“Sometimes I use foundation, but in small doses, I never apply it all over my face, but only to disguise something,” admits the actress. - I have matte skin with a yellowish tint. When I'm tired, I turn green! 43-year-old Marceau demonstrated her fidelity to natural femininity by posing for the cover of a magazine in her usual light makeup. Monica Bellucci and Eva Herzigova followed her example.

Olive oil instead of cream

Even flawless skin requires care, and Marceau has his own secrets for taking care of himself, the main one being that you need to sleep more and spend less time in the sun. The actress prefers soap and water to various washing gels, after which she applies a cream made from natural ingredients or olive oil. To improve her complexion, she hardens the skin with ice-cold washes: this strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the tissues and gives a rosy glow to the cheeks. Marceau really does not like peelings and massages and, according to her admission, visits beauty salons a couple of times a year and then gets a haircut, since she prefers to take care of her hair personally. The actress carefully chooses shampoos and believes that for thin hair there is nothing better than products based on fruits and flax.

Sports - green melancholy

To feel beautiful, Marceau assures, you cannot torture your body with diets or sports. Her main rule is to lead a healthy lifestyle, nothing more. Every morning she starts with light exercise: a few stretches, bending, exercises to strengthen the abdominals and hips: “I try to develop muscles where they are needed. But I’m not at all obsessed with gymnastics.” At one time, the actress went swimming, even tried running in the morning, but everything turned out to be too boring for her.

100 years without bananas

Marceau treats nutrition with the same ease: “I try not to overeat. I don't eat meat, I love vegetables. The only weakness I allow myself is chocolate. I eat very little bread and fried foods. I haven't tried bananas for a hundred years. I don’t put junk food, all kinds of snacks, sweets in my mouth at all. For breakfast I prefer something from cereals, yogurt, honey, tea with milk or fish. I don’t snack on the go or have lunch, but I definitely have dinner in the evening.” “In general, the main secret of beauty is a smile,” says Marceau. - Keep it simple and smile!”

Sophie Marceau is one of the few actresses who, from her first appearance on the big screen (the film “Boom”), took a place in the starry sky.

Always impeccable, no matter what she was dressed in, in her forties, the actress retained an exciting gait - wild and, at first glance, deceptively innocent.

Even the usual frill on her blouse, feminine silhouette, and sweet smile give today the actress, and now also the director, the opportunity to rest on her laurels and simply enjoy the fruits of her world fame. However, she continues to work hard.

A recognized sex symbol since her role as a Bond girl in 1999, Sophie Marceau does not wear tight clothing in real life. Her preference is for the bobo style.

What is it? Bobo's style is also a philosophy of life and a way of thinking. Following this style means being self-sufficient, ignoring everything boring, harmful and dangerous and giving joy to the world. Bobos are their own bosses. For them there are no frames and boundaries, conventions and love for brands, but only quality and intelligence are valued, or rather, the ability to put into practice everything that is given to you by nature. Everything that prevents you from being yourself and improving in harmony with the world around you is in the trash! Bobo in clothes is a combination of comfortable street style with luxury items, because they are high quality, comfortable and stylish.

Sophie rarely wears revealing clothes. Well, perhaps in order to seduce the Cannes Film Festival. Sophie Marceau is one of those rare women who knows her strengths. Her grace and unique plasticity are a subtle hint of her sensual harmony. That is why she will not go unnoticed, even when dressed in ordinary trousers and a jacket.

In 2009, Marceau, according to polls conducted by various media, was recognized as the best actress in France. And the press recognized the actress’s neckline as absolutely perfect to achieve maximum elegance.

A big fan of trousers, Sophie is not shy about wearing even size 52 trousers, and white ones at that. A dubious detail, you might say, that doesn’t add points to the French movie star. However, Sophie does this to highlight her dark skin and mane of thick dark hair. She wears sneakers not only because they are comfortable shoes, but primarily because they emphasize her femininity. Another detail characteristic of the actress is that she never forgets about her manicure.

Her modern movie persona, something of a calling card, is the cool, independent mom she played in last year's Laugh Out Loud. For all her coolness, Marceau's heroine knows how to be feminine.
A long, floor-length silk dress in the style of the First Lady requires no additional embellishment to show off the innate beauty of this woman. But this does not mean she completely abandons accessories. She, for example, doesn't mind adding a gold belt to her jumpsuit to make her outfit more chic.

Beautiful, charismatic and prickly, Sophie Marceau is one of those stars who knows how to sparkle, regardless of the circumstances of place and time. There is no hint of vulgarity, which leaves us no chance to blame the actress for poor taste or lack of a sense of style. Sophie's style is truly French. To formulate it, just two words are enough - chic and simplicity.

  • Anton Surguladze
  • 17.07.2014, 21:08


Violeta by Mango jeans (1,549 UAH), MinkPink T-shirt (539 UAH), Dorothy Perkins shoes (697 UAH - all on and TOPSHOP jacket £75

The most French casual chic - a simple basic T-shirt or (although skinny is also possible - Parisians love them!), a jacket in a men's style and, as a fashionable nod, a concession towards a special occasion - comfortable suede shoes with low heels.


Trousers £50, jacket £48, clips £5 (all - TOPSHOP) and shoes ZARA 1,199 UAH

A direct embodiment of the androgynous style inherited from Parisian garsonettes. True, now a trouser suit is not just an imitation of men and the uniform of suffragettes and later feminists, but a sexy and feminine outfit. Beauty is in simplicity, Sophie Marceau, as a true Frenchwoman, knows this for sure. In the image you can use both classic cigarette trousers and wide long trousers, reminiscent of men's and, of course,; a shorter version of a sleeveless jacket, as well as an elongated vest or a voluminous jacket, reminiscent of a men's jacket from the 80s.

The beautiful French actress Sophie Marceau seems to only be getting prettier and more elegant over the years. Sophie often tops polls among French people about which actress they consider the most attractive. The actress talks about beauty, fashion, style and personal care in an interview.


How do you feel about makeup?“In normal life, I don’t wear makeup. I don’t like wearing makeup, I don’t like it when I can’t kiss my son Vincent because of the lipstick on my lips. But for interviews and various meetings I have to look perfect, so I always carry a cosmetic bag."

What can you find in your cosmetic bag?"First of all, it's a sandy beige base for makeup. It's dry, and thanks to this, I don't need to apply powder on top. I don't like lipstick, I usually only use caramel or wine lip gloss. I also use a light blush pink color to freshen up the face. Sometimes I highlight the eyes with black pencil and paint the eyelashes with mascara. For so-called “special occasions” I don’t add anything special, maybe just highlight the eyes more, but not too much.”

Self care

How do you take care of your skin?“I wash my face with soap and water, then apply a light cream, and sometimes even olive oil - it makes the skin more elastic. I try to use cosmetics that are not tested on animals, and in general I look for only natural products.”

What about hair?"My hair is long, but at the same time thin and dry. I hate dirty hair, but I still know that I shouldn’t wash it too often. So I choose a light shampoo and conditioner. In Poland, where I often visited together with my ex-husband Andrzej Zulawski, they sell a lot of good natural cosmetics, with fruit extracts, for example, which I really like."

What don't you like about your appearance?"Sometimes I think my nose has grown a little since I had my baby. I have a lot of trouble with the color of my skin. It's naturally yellowish, and when I'm tired or nervous or haven't been out in the sun for a long time, it can look purple or green. People ask, “Are you okay?”

Have your self-care habits changed since the birth of your son?"Not particularly, although I did make some efforts to lose weight after giving birth. I cook a lot for my son and am very careful about what he eats. It has made me more careful about what I eat. Actually "I eat everything, but not too much. Not junk food, but I still like wine and chocolate. I take a multivitamin and drink a lot of water."

Do you exercise?"I've always exercised, so now I don't worry about my weight. I need to exercise to feel good and stretch to stay flexible. Now I work out at the gym at home to save time. I swam in the pool and I tried jogging, but it’s so boring. I think I’m leading a healthy lifestyle... I don’t go to bed too late.”

Do you have any favorite beauty treatments?"I don't really like beauty treatments and massages. Once a girl in the salon hurt my face so much that I wanted to kill her! Maybe twice a year I go to the hairdresser. I usually cut my hair myself, but sometimes I still You have to turn to a professional."


What's your everyday style?"I like to feel comfortable. I don't have a specific style. I can look very classic, I can wear black for two weeks and then wear orange, black and green together. I can be feminine or dress like a boy. I am Sometimes I buy what I like, even if I don’t have anything to wear with a new outfit, and then I start combining it on the go.”

What about evening wear?"When I need an evening dress, I usually choose Ungaro. He loves women. Everything he makes is so well made, so fresh. I think women's fashion is getting much better - more comfortable, practical, feminine. I really like the materials stretch".

Beauty secrets

I travel a lot, and I understand that the ideal of beauty differs in different parts of the world. In Paris some women are so skinny and they are crazy! I always thought that if they ate more, they would be happier and more seductive." These beauty secrets of the beautiful French woman and actress Sophie Marceau will never go out of style. The old saying that "beauty comes from within" has a lot to do with French women . They value their individuality and do not strive to look better “at all costs.” Live a healthy lifestyle, use these tips, and be prepared to receive compliments!

“I vote for naturalness and a healthy lifestyle,” admits French cinema star Sophie Marceau, who, on the eve of her 50th birthday, manages to charm people with her femininity and extraordinary beauty. - After 40-45 years, the skin requires special care. This is what everyone says all the time, but in fact, sticking to the same rules is important at any age. I hope that’s what helps me.”

The actress looks great and is not at all shy about her wrinkles in the area around her eyes. Many note that even age-related skin changes suit her.

Nevertheless, even Sophie Marceau, with her direct attitude to external beauty, has her own rules that allow her to always look good, not only on the carpets in Cannes, but also in everyday life.

Avoiding makeup every day

Sophie Marceau does not consider herself a fan of facial sculpting and a thick layer of makeup. She believes that makeup should be minimal so as not to clog pores and allow the skin to breathe freely.

“I’m indifferent to makeup,” says Sophie Marceau, “because it’s only needed for special occasions. For example, I will definitely come to an interview or meeting with makeup. Lipstick and eyelash makeup will be a must to freshen up your face when there are a lot of cameras pointed at you.

But in everyday life, makeup is not needed. I simply don't see the need for it. Even high-quality cosmetic products do not always have a beneficial effect on the skin; over time, they age it and dehydrate it. It is better to avoid makeup as often as possible. Your skin won't be healthy and smooth if you constantly apply multiple layers of makeup to it. And it’s much more pleasant to kiss a child on the cheek with clean lips without lipstick. Love makes a woman much more beautiful, believe me.”

Olive oil to moisturize skin

Sophie Marceau complains that she has always had very dry skin. Even in areas with a maritime climate, she always had to use moisturizers. The problem only got worse with age.

The actress decided to use natural ingredients to combat dehydration and drew attention to the beneficial properties of ordinary olive oil.

“To wash my face, I prefer to use cosmetic soap, after which I apply a moisturizer,” the actress shares her secret. “But lately I’ve been using olive oil more and more.”

Just rub a few drops in your palms and apply all over your face. Olive oil will be beneficial, soften the skin and prolong youth. No wonder many women used it in ancient times.

Cold compresses and light blush for a fresh complexion

After filming and traveling, Sophie Marceau becomes so tired that her skin becomes dull and loses its healthy appearance. Many people face this problem, not only at the age of 50, but much earlier. If your skin is prone to paleness or other sickly tones, it is possible to restore the freshness of your face.

“I know that I won’t tell you anything new, but cold is one of the best ways for me to refresh my face and return it to a healthy glow. I moisten any available products with water, then apply them to the forehead, cheekbones, chin and décolleté. After just a few minutes, I remove the cold compresses and lubricate my skin with moisturizer. If I need to go out somewhere, I always apply a light blush in pastel shades.”

Regular haircuts for thicker hair

Sophie Marceau does not like to spend a lot of time in beauty salons, and she extremely rarely goes to hairdressers, preferring to trim the ends herself at home in front of the mirror. The actress believes that regular haircuts are important for healthy hair. In addition, this allows them to be more lush and dense.

Instead of salon treatments, she uses homemade body wraps using herbs and oils, applies a terry towel on top, and then rinses off with cool water to restore natural shine.

Don't give up your favorite treats for the sake of your figure

According to Sophie Marceau, women who constantly go on strict, exhausting diets for the sake of a thin waist are crazy. To maintain her figure, she just needs to eat right.

“If I want to eat my favorite dessert, I will eat it. If I want to try pizza, I won't deny myself. You just don't need to constantly limit yourself. It seems to me that we begin to gain weight when we count calories and every piece of candy we eat. You need to relax and enjoy your favorite food.”

But Sophie Marceau also urges everyone to remember sports, exercise, and a balanced healthy diet, without which it will be impossible to stay slim for a long time on just cakes.