Funny pictures about the bride and groom. Photos of brides in wedding dresses Passionate poses for a wedding photo shoot

Other celebrations

Judging by the statistics, a lot of photographers like to take black and white photographs of the bride's preparations. I understand them, black and white photos create a certain aura of mystery, the bride is like this in the morning. I mentally divided all the morning photos of the bride into 3 categories:

  • The color of the wedding dress is different: white, ivory, dusty pink, blue, gray, lilac
  • bride in lingerie for boudoir photo
  • bride in a lace peignoir, a silk robe, long and short
  • may already be with hair, makeup and a veil, as well as no makeup and no hair at all
  • the frame contains details of the image - shoes, jewelry
  • dress in the frame: the bride touches the dress, or puts it on, or the dress is present without the bride
  • photographers love to photograph the bride from the back, especially if the dress has a lace back or the dress has not yet been buttoned all the way
  • the bride's bouquet is the main character, the bride smells it, hugs it, simply holds it, it serves as a background and decoration
  • the veil also often plays a major role - it is long, short, lace, covers the entire face, or covers the eyes
  • prepared bride's morning with incredibly beautiful decor
  • reporting morning in existing conditions, without embellishment, but very emotional and real
  • shooting can take place at home, in a hotel room, in a photo studio, outdoors, in a country house
  • thoughtful, even slightly sad, cheerful, courageous, sexy, tender, funny, romantic, sublime, daring - and all these epithets about the bride
  • Close-up shots of body parts (lips, ear with earring, oval face, chest, legs, hands with a ring)
  • the silhouette of the bride is visible from afar in the sun or vice versa in the twilight
  • pets add charm to photographs, tell a story, and make you smile involuntarily
  • bridesmaids, stylist, mother, little children, sometimes the groom create comical, funny scenes in the photo

I'm sure these are not all the options for the bride's morning that can happen. Photographers have hundreds of story ideas in their arsenal. But it all depends on the couple and the format of the wedding. Some couples are introverted and hide their emotions, creating a pleasant understatement in the photo, some are extroverted, letting them into their hearts, helping the photographer create a super-emotional photo.

The important thing is that not a single bride’s morning is like another, because each bride is an individual, she is good, interesting, attractive in her own way, she has her own life experience, which can be read from the photograph.

Therefore, no matter how many photographers photograph weddings, every bride will be different. This is what inspires all wedding vendors and organizers to continue to work on weddings, even if after another complex wedding project they say to themselves, well no, this was the last wedding in my life! A week later, they are happily and excitedly discussing a new wedding concept with a new couple of newlyweds. Weddings are an everlasting passion!

Choosing a wedding dress is not an easy task. And in order not to experience a feeling of deep disappointment when looking at yourself in the mirror during the most important moments of your life, consider several factors. The fashion for wedding dresses changes from year to year, but the most important thing is to find a unique look for the bride, and wedding dresses perfectly combine femininity, sensuality and luxury.

Pay attention to the length of the dress. should not be short. This can ruin the entire impression of your carefully constructed image. Laconic sheath dresses look incredibly elegant, but they are extremely uncomfortable to dance in, and indeed move around in general. Models with a corset are not for you if you are soon to become a mother.

Don't chase fashion. The bride should be the only one in her wedding dress.

Perhaps you decide to deviate from the canons and opt for a colored dress rather than a white one.

Do not purchase your wedding dress from the market or from homegrown tailors. Only real professionals with the appropriate equipment and experience can sew a high-quality wedding dress. A luxurious accessory will only complete the bride’s individual look.

The most important element in the image of any dress is its silhouette. Wedding dresses are no exception, for which the silhouette is extremely important, because it creates the external image of the dress, taking into account the characteristics of the female figure.

The better the silhouette is chosen, the more graceful and elegant the bride will look and the wedding will be remembered for her for a lifetime. The most common dress silhouette is the ballroom version, when the top is as open and narrowed as possible, and the bottom consists of several full skirts.

Such dresses are jokingly called cakes, since the heavy and fluffy bottom is often decorated with bows, flowers, ruffles, rhinestones or pearls.

The splendor of the bottom can be achieved in several ways:

  • The first method is a special mesh petticoat with rings that holds the shape of a bell. Such a dress will be quite light, since apart from the corset, mesh petticoat and upper draping fabric on the skirt, there is nothing else in it.
  • Another method is several tulle petticoats, their number is determined by the desired fullness of the skirt. This dress is quite heavy due to the abundance of fabric, and a wedding in it can be a real “test.”

However, brides love not only fluffy dresses; some of them prefer narrow, even tight models. Naturally, such wedding dresses can be worn by girls with an ideal and proportionate figure without the slightest flaw.

The problem with such dresses is the selection of underwear and matching stockings. As a rule, a thin and elastic fabric is chosen for a tight-fitting dress, so stockings and exquisite underwear, without which the most luxurious wedding is unthinkable for the newlywed, should not have hems, lace, bows or any kind of relief patterns.

An A-line dress, narrow at the shoulders and gradually widening towards the bottom, is suitable for almost any figure. Such dresses can have different lengths; the most extreme brides even choose mini-dresses, sometimes combining them with corsets and high lace or leather boots.

Mermaid wedding dresses have a rather interesting silhouette. They fit the figure and extend below the knees into lush lace tails. Again, this style requires a good figure and fairly tall height; a fragile and petite bride will get lost in such a dress.

The bulk of wedding events usually take place indoors. Even if it is winter outside, in order not to suffer from high temperatures, refuse completely closed outfit options. In the cold season, complement the open dress with a fur cape or stole.

Photos of brides in wedding dresses gallery

Cool card with the bride and groom. The bride and groom are cute!)

The cute bride and groom look cool in their outfits!) What a funny bride and groom!)

Bride and groom in a hot air balloon. Cool picture!)

Photo of the bride and groom at the registry office. The wedding ceremony is in full swing. The groom holds his fingers behind his back in a cross. He is afraid to be faithful to his wife all his life. What about the joys of life?))

align: center;">

Japanese bride and groom. Sakura blossoms and love blossoms! Beauty!)

Bride and groom on a swing. May you live happily ever after!

Blooming meadow and bride and groom! A wonderful sight!)

A happy couple at the fountain: the bride and groom!

Wedding picture. The bride and groom are sitting by the river. A touching sight!)

Funny bride and groom! So funny and cute!)

The bride and groom in white are dancing the wedding waltz, amazing, and they look like pictures themselves!)

Sweet couple: bride and groom! She loved him for his torment, and he loved her for her compassion for them!))

Photo bride and groom! Is it all mine? I really can’t believe it!))

The bride and groom at the registry office. The groom signed in blood. A wedding is like an execution! Tough photo, and the wedding is dull.

Funny photo. The bride is in the arms of the groom!) The groom is carrying the bride in his arms. Lucky for her!)

The bride and groom do not part with their phones even at the wedding.) Everyone talks about their own things!)

The bride was abandoned by her groom, so she’s worried! The groom ran away from the wedding. At the most crucial moment the scoundrel escaped!))

The photo shows cool wedding suits for the bride and groom! Choose any!))

The bride drags the groom to the registry office at any cost. He just started to crawl away!))

Happy couple: the bride and groom are laughing merrily! Good for them and right! It's a holiday for them!

The bride kisses the groom in such a unique way!) Is he a runt or something?))

The bride found her groom on the Internet, but he was not going to the registry office, his thoughts did not go that far!))

The oath of the bride and groom in our time!) This is how the marriage of the bride and groom takes place now.))

Funny photo! Happy newlyweds are rejoicing!) The joyful bride and groom are literally hovering above the ground with happiness!))

The bride pulls the groom into the registry office under a gun. How cool, God forbid anyone would have such a treasure! A forced wedding is not a wedding!

The groom kisses the bride on the nose. Both touching and funny!)

The bride is Pugacheva herself, and the groom is Galkin Alkin!) Sweet couple!) The newlyweds are sitting at the table.

They got me married without me! The bride and groom at the registry office doors. Belated reaction: everything has already happened, my dear!))

The wedding took place in the fall. The satisfied bride and groom left the registry office happy, they don’t walk, but fly with happiness!)

Cool children in beautiful bride and groom outfits!

The bride and groom from India are very cute! A wedding in India is beautiful!) And the rituals in India are unique!)

Don't be scared: the picture shows a scary bride and groom! Like the groom, like the bride!

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We have collected the most successful poses for a wedding photo shoot, so that on such an important day you will not be nervous, wondering what position to stand in, how to fold your hands and where to look.

Wedding photographs are the few things that will remain as a memory after the wedding for many years. We will show as many as 30 options on how to make these memories beautiful.

Photography through a veil

Top down

A very good pose for a wedding photo shoot: you will get a sensual, delicate shot, faces will be clearly visible.
In addition, from this angle the face looks slimmer.

Kiss on the ear

A bright shot - the groom stands behind the bride and gently kisses her ear, neck or shoulder.

Wedding photography pose with heart on back

Another reason to leave memories of your beautiful wedding dress. Plus a sweet gesture from the groom. Suitable for anyone, even the shyest couples.


An incredibly gentle nose kiss (“Eskimo kiss”) is a beautiful pose for a wedding photo shoot.

However, other kisses look no less tender.

Try not to pay attention to the camera and behave naturally - then a photo masterpiece is guaranteed.

Passionate poses for a wedding photo shoot

For those who like it hot, a passionate kiss is ideal. And let the whole world wait!

A more modest one will be no worse. The main thing is not to try to portray someone you are not and enjoy the process.

Poses for a wedding photo shoot with rings

Here are some fun ideas for wedding poses to capture your wedding rings.

Very beautiful, isn't it?

View from the back

A fragile bride, a courageous groom, a beautiful back of a wedding dress - all together will create a luxurious composition.

This works with almost any background, sitting or standing. The half-turn pose visually stretches and slims the face.

Memorable shots

You'll thank yourself for years to come looking at images like these if you ask your photographer to take them.

A second before the meeting.

First meeting with the groom.

There is no need to pretend to be passionate, just take a walk in a beautiful area.

Additional props can be used.

Arches, fresh flowers and other wedding ceremony attributes.


The photo in the shadow is mysterious and very beautiful. Only silhouettes are visible, but that's more than enough.

Poses for a photo shoot at a wedding on horseback

Horseback riding will give you not only pleasant memories, but also amazing wedding photos.

How to pose with an umbrella

Another advantage of a wedding in the rain is a photo shoot with an umbrella.

Holding hands

Passionate, but not at all vulgar - a wedding pose for a photo shoot with a kiss while the groom spins the bride in his arms.

Nice walk

Shots imbued with love and happiness are obtained in such simple poses - sitting on the grass or on a bench.

Or better yet, lying on the grass. Let the photographer take a close-up shot of you from above.


Hug the groom from behind, because behind him you are like behind a stone wall.

Sweet hugs

And remember: it's your day and no pose will work if you don't enjoy the process. Therefore, just be yourself, enjoy this amazing moment - and your eyes will shine!

Happy preparations, a beautiful wedding and bright memories!