How much does a real ruby ​​cost and where can you buy it? Precious ruby ​​The largest ruby ​​in the world.

New Year

At great depths, under great pressure and temperature, minerals of amazing beauty - rubies - are born. Their formation varies depending on the specific deposit where rubies are mined, but most often it occurs at a temperature of 450 degrees and at a depth of up to 30 km. As a result of transformation, sedimentary rocks turn into metamorphic rock.

Despite the fact that ruby ​​deposits theoretically exist on all continents except Antarctica, the extraction of the precious gem is not carried out everywhere. The most famous ruby ​​deposits at the moment are located in southeast Asia (Burma), on the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon) and in Thailand.

Burmese rubies are an undeniable ideal; they are superior to other specimens in quality and beauty, and accordingly, they are more expensive. It was there that the largest and most famous ruby ​​was discovered at one time, whose weight reached four hundred carats. True, in its original state it did not survive to this day - it was split into three parts.

But now, unfortunately, the Burmese ruby ​​deposits are almost completely depleted. It’s not surprising, since for so many years they have been the source of the best gems in the world! The most promising direction where ruby ​​is currently mined is India. The famous Kashmir mines in India, which supply the jewelry market with the best sapphires, can also provide the best rubies. Red rubies of excellent quality have already been discovered there, and the deposits of the island of Sri Lanka have already become famous for their rare star gems.

Natural ruby- the most expensive gem in the world. An ideal quality ruby ​​from Burma will cost more than a diamond, with the same quality and weight. This is because perfect rubies of large sizes are very rarely found in nature. But, as with other natural gems, low-quality ruby ​​crystals that are unsuitable for cutting cost only a few dollars per . As a rule, these are not transparent stones.

The largest amount ever paid was recorded in 2006 on February 15th. The famous London jeweler, Laurence Graff, paid an incredible, record amount. 425 thousand pounds sterling for each carat of 8.62 carat ruby. Which totaled 3.6 million. The ruby ​​was set in a Bulgari ring.

Physico-chemical characteristics of ruby

  • Ruby is a variety.
  • The chemical formula of ruby ​​is Al2O3.
  • Cleavage - imaginary, apparent or absent.
  • The syngony is trigonal.
  • The habit of the crystals is in the form of hexagonal flattened tablets, also columnar.
  • The color of ruby ​​is due to impurities that isomorphically replace aluminum (chrome, iron, titanium): red, pink-red, purple-red, different saturations - less bright, more bright.
  • Transparency - translucent, transparent.
  • The shine is glass.
  • Hardness on the Mohs scale is 9.
  • Density - 3.97 - 4.05.
  • Light refraction or refractive period is 1.766-1.774.
  • The fracture is conchoidal, uneven, the crystal is fragile.
  • Dense samples are resistant to mechanical stress.

The undisputed favorite, the best of the best among rubies, is the Burmese ruby. Most of them come from the Mogok Valley, a mountainous region of Myanmar. The deep rich color of these stones is their main advantage. However, not all samples from Mogok are of such high quality. Some Burmese rubies can cost $20 per carat, while the best quality examples can reach $5,000 per carat or more.

Like other precious stones, the price is determined based on the richness and beauty of the color, the degree of purity and the absence of defects. The presence of inclusions can significantly reduce, but in some cases increases it. If, for example, there is a uniform soft “silk” in a transparent crystal, then such an inclusion will not be superfluous and will certainly increase the value of the stone. However, “silk” should be in moderation. Excessive impurities dull the color and transparency of the ruby, affecting its quality. And of course they reduce its price.

In addition to Burma (Myanmar), there are other deposits. In countries such as Sri Lanka, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and others, less significant.

Today, decent quality natural rubies are mined in Tanzania, in a place called Vinza. The crystals mined there are not large. Rarely are there more than 2 - 2.5 carats. But they have a fabulous crimson color. The crystals are often clear rather than cloudy. Not without internal defects. But after cutting, they glow with a dazzling brilliance. They have that very fire, those very sparks that involuntarily attract the eye. I want to buy this ruby ​​and never part with it.

I would also like to tell you a little about star ruby. The most expensive samples are transparent, with good color and a clear, regular star. An order of magnitude cheaper, but by no means cheap rubies, not transparent, but with the same good color and a clear, understandable star. Well, in fact, the worse the color of the stone, the contrast of the star and the main color, proportions, symmetry, the less it costs. However, there is no clear proportion between quality and price. Estimating the value of a ruby ​​in this case is purely subjective. Everyone has their own taste and preferences. And this must be taken into account.

Synthetic ruby

Today, the gemstone market offers many synthetic rubies grown by various synthesis methods. Among synthetic analogues of natural precious stones, ruby ​​occupies a special place. It was ruby ​​that became the first synthetic crystal, which began to be artificially grown on an industrial scale and widely used instead of natural stones for technical purposes and jewelry. You've probably seen gold rings with crimson-red accents on your mothers and grandmothers. So these are the same synthetic rubies that were so fashionable in the Soviet Union.

And today jewelry stores are filled with ruby ​​products. However, now natural jewelry stones are more often used instead of synthetics. Because people want to buy a real, natural stone, even if it’s not a big one.

Quality, color, price of ruby

These preferences of people prompted traders to sell synthetics like natural stones. With current technology, it is possible to grow crystals that are very similar in structure to natural crystals. It is not possible for most of the population to distinguish synthetics from real rubies. This can only be done in a special laboratory. And therefore, if you have a unique opportunity to purchase a large and pure gem, you must remember that pure, densely colored large rubies are extremely rare in nature. This fact alone casts doubt on the natural origin of the stone.

Refining a ruby ​​is normal practice

Nowadays, a huge number of rubies are subjected to heat treatment. This is the simplest and most affordable way to remove excess impurities from a crystal and make it more transparent. As a result, the ruby ​​acquires a more uniform color. To make it more transparent, cracks and voids formed after heat treatment are filled with special glass. This type of improvement is the most common today. Thanks to this technology, a person with an average income can now afford to purchase a natural ruby ​​at a more affordable price.

Compare the result: Ruby, Burma, 1 carat, clarity: VVS, untreated - $5000. Or ruby, Tanzania, 1 carat, refined - $500.

However, if you don't know where to buy a ruby? Ask any jewelers you know if you have them. If not, look in business directories for organizations that deal with... If you want to save money on buying a stone, look for advertisements on the forums. You can find a lot of interesting things there.

Magical properties of ruby

The element of this stone is fire. It allows the owner to be completely safe even among enemies, and rewards with invulnerability, but for this the stone must be worn under clothing on the body and it is advisable never to part with it. Ruby owners need to be very careful. If you are unrestrained by nature, then it is best if you do not touch the ruby ​​at all. This gem endows a kind, good person with nobility and perseverance in achieving a goal, while, on the contrary, it spoils an evil person, strengthening his negative character traits. Ruby increases responsibility in a person and promotes leadership aspirations, relieving the owner of inferiority complexes and uncertainty. It gives birth to love and attraction to great things, be it art, science, military affairs, etc. In addition, this stone symbolizes passionate carnal love.

Healing properties of ruby

Ruby restores strength, strengthens the heart, and normalizes blood pressure. It also helps restore memory, helps with epilepsy, stops bleeding, helps with wounds, brain diseases, diseases of the spine, bones and joints; protects against viral and other infections.

Ruby for zodiac signs

The zodiac sign of ruby ​​is Leo. In addition to Leo, Sagittarius can wear rubies. It is not recommended for Virgos and Taurus to wear ruby ​​jewelry. Extremely contraindicated for Cancers and emotional Scorpios.

A stone of passion and frantic energy. Perhaps it's all about the color, but this is one mineral that you can't take your eyes off. It is possible that this is precisely why the royalty of many kingdoms turned their gaze to the “scarlet flower” of the bowels of the earth.

Majestic rubies adorned the royal regalia of many states. How much is the “Polish Eagle” hairpin, which is kept in the Louvre, worth? Or Elizabeth II's ruby ​​Burmese tiara? And the majestic “Monomakh’s Cap”? It is decorated with 8 large rubies on each of the plates.

In the old days, rubies were called, in the European manner, yakhont. And the older our world becomes, the more attractive the stone seems to us.

Yakhontovye mines

The main deposits are considered to be India, Thailand, Vietnam, Tazania, Sri Lanka and Australia.

But the most valuable are those mined in the mines of Myanmar. Imagine not just a dark red transparent ruby, but with a bluish tint - called “pigeon blood color”.

Gold earrings with rubies and diamonds (go to the SUNLIGHT catalogue)

Dark rubies of a noble burgundy color are found in a mine in the city of Mogou. And near the city of Mong Shu, gemstones are mined with amazing purple, blue and black colors at the core, with red ruby ​​edges.

In India, you can come across star-shaped rubies - if you hold one up to the light, you can see a star. Pink, like ripe raspberries, specimens can be found in Sri Lanka. And minerals that shimmer in the light are mined in Africa.

To get cut, stones are most often sent to Europe, Thailand and Israel. Jewelers have a difficult job; a ruby ​​is rarely pure, without inclusions of other materials. These inclusions are removed, the cracks are glued together, and the voids are filled with glass melt.

The price of ruby ​​passion

Rubies are not only the brightest stones, but also one of the most expensive, surpassing even diamonds in value. If we are talking about high-quality, pure and transparent ruby, then the price can reach hundreds of thousands of dollars and more.

The most expensive example, called Sunrise, was sold at Sotheby’s for almost $30.5 million. That is, approximately a little more than 1 million per carat! And today this is a record.

The second record holder is the largest ruby ​​- its size is 440 carats. Found quite recently in Greenland. It is still unnamed, but it is not difficult to guess that such a stone will be given a name to match.

There are also cheap, low-quality rubies, these are often sold in Indian markets. Their cost is about 25 rupees per carat (that's less than 1 dollar). A bracelet made from such stones will cost about 2,000 rupees (about $30).

The magic of red stones

Fiery red stones may have been the eyes of a dragon in the past, as an ancient Eastern legend says. Fascinating, hypnotizing - if huge snakes existed, they would definitely look at the world with two ruby ​​drops.

Already 2000 years ago, people began to attribute magical properties to rubies. For example, it was believed that ruby ​​enhances the good and bad qualities of nature: an evil and powerful person with such decoration can become an even greater tyrant, and vice versa.

Ruby is still used as a talisman to protect against the evil eye, envy and slander. The red mineral will help those who are overcome by doubts and uncertainty, and will restore harmony, peace and vitality. It is a stone of health, prosperity, greatness and success.

For Aries, such an amulet will restore mental strength and help get out of a depressive mood. This stone will give Scorpio confidence and push them to new beginnings. Gemini will be given flexibility and restraint. Ruby color will help Leos achieve their goals. But Aquarius and Virgo need to be careful with such a stone: they may not be able to withstand its power.

Synthetic ruby

The first synthetic ruby ​​was created by the French scientist Mark Houdin back in the 19th century.

Now artificial stones are produced on an industrial scale. Rubies are grown from a mineral called corundum.

Silver necklace with cubic zirconia and synthetic rubies (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

This ruby ​​looks like a natural one, and the chemical composition is similar. It’s just that the product is initially transparent, and then it is painted with chrome particles.

How to choose a ruby

The price is affected by both weight (carats) and color. Shades of ruby ​​can range from burgundy to crimson. But the standard and most expensive stone is a pure red stone (Pigeon’s Blood), which contains a lot of chromium and little iron.

SL RUBY jewelry collection (go to the SUNLIGHT catalog)

To understand the purity of a stone, look at it with a magnifying glass and pay attention to the structure: it should be heterogeneous, interspersed. Cracks and cloudy areas are formed due to crystalline inclusions (zircon, apatite, boehmite, rutile). A perfectly clean sample should make you wonder: is it a fake?

By the way, specialized homology centers carry out professional testing and certification of precious stones: GRS, AIGS, GIA, SSEF, IGI, AGTA, EGL, HRD.

How to spot a fake

No matter how much you want to quickly leave with a decoration dear to your heart, take a few minutes and:

  • Look carefully at how the stone shines and what color it is. At different angles it should change from dark to light;
  • run the stone across the glass. If a reddish mark remains, the stone is most likely artificial;
  • try scratching the ruby ​​itself, for example, with a coin. Don't be afraid, real natural stone will not be damaged;
  • lower the sample into the glass: highlights should appear in it. And if you pour milk into a glass, it will turn pinkish;
  • look at the cracks: are they straight and shiny? Here is a synthetic, in natural stone they are zigzag and matte;

Garnet, tourmaline, rubellite and spinel can also be passed off as rubies. Mineral reserves are decreasing, which means that there are more fakes and the price of rubies will only increase. So it's a good investment.

Ruby is a mineral, a representative of precious stones. It is a type of natural corundum, one of the hardest minerals on Earth. It has absolute hardness and is in second place after diamond. Endowed with anisotropic optical properties. The admixture of chromium creates a red color. Stones with this color are called rubies. Corundums with blue color are sapphires. Ruby is considered the patron saint of strong and brave people.

The richest ruby ​​deposits in the world

These amazing stones are born at great depths under high temperature and pressure. Theoretically, rubies can be found anywhere on our planet. But you can’t get it everywhere. The most famous and gem-rich places are ruby ​​deposits in:

  • Burma;
  • Sri Lanka;
  • Thailand.

Rubies from each deposit differ from each other in density and specific gravity, light refraction, and transparency. Specimens from Burma are ideal minerals, their quality and beauty are an order of magnitude higher than stones from other deposits. Therefore, their cost is much higher. Now the Burmese deposits are practically empty; for the entire time of their existence, there are no more worthy specimens of rubies left to supply to the jewelry markets of the world.

Today, India occupies a worthy first place in the extraction of the precious mineral. The Kashmir deposit produces sapphires of excellent quality. There are also red rubies. It is hoped that this deposit will become a center for the extraction of these varieties of corundum.

Other famous ruby ​​deposits

The island of Ceylon (Sri Lanka) is famous for its deposits of rare specimens of star-shaped gems, and is on the same level as Burmese rubies.

In Thailand, they are developing a deposit with precious minerals, which, although of lower quality, are also included in the group of precious stones that are valuable and in demand on the market.

In many countries in Africa, Asia, Australia, America and European countries, painstaking work is also underway to extract precious gems from the bowels of the Earth, but so far the stones that come across do not reach the border, crossing which they will receive worldwide recognition. Most specimens cannot be cut and are widely used for industrial purposes.

The owner of the ruby ​​deposit is a Western company. Local enterprises have a small share in this huge mechanism and carry out mainly labor-intensive work. After extraction, the raw ruby ​​is sent for cutting to the European Union, Israel or Thailand. This is a complex procedure that requires specialists to have enormous experience and the highest precision. The quality of the product and its final cost depend on how the ruby ​​is cut.

Gradation by quality and price of rubies

The fiery red ruby ​​is rightfully the epitome of perfection. Jewelry connoisseurs rate this stone quite highly. The cost of some large specimens sometimes exceeds the cost of diamonds of the same size.

Rubies are:

  • red with dark and light shades;
  • pink;
  • scarlet;
  • purple.

The precious crystal can have orange, purple and black glitter.

There are stones of amazing shape and color intensity. There are slightly cloudy specimens and opaque ones, star-shaped and with a cat's eye effect. Some types of crystals are not cut, but polished, giving them a convex shape. Burmese rubies are still famous for their particularly beautiful and expensive specimens. The price of one carat can start from 50 and reach 5,000 US dollars.

Indian corundums differ from stones from other deposits in their light shade and the presence of cracks and specks in the stone. Because of this, the cost of stones is much lower.

Tanzanian rubies are particularly dark and monochromatic. This classifies the mineral as second grade. But some stones have a bright garnet hue and after cutting, garnet rubies become worthy of attention.

Precious crystals from Kenya, Madagascar, and Afghanistan have amazing reflections and effects, although they are much less expensive.

Modern technologies make it possible to grow red corundum artificially. The resulting crystal is not inferior to natural ruby ​​in appearance and quality. The synthetic mineral is widely used for industrial purposes. To distinguish a natural ruby ​​from a man-made one, just dip it in milk - the surface turns pink.

Features of ruby ​​mining

Precious rubies are mined on an industrial scale in alluvial placers, where the crystal density is very high. The extraction of rubies and sapphires is done manually. The method of mining rubies is as simple as it was hundreds of years ago. First, entrepreneurs must obtain a license, which costs a lot of money.

They dig holes that eventually develop into shafts and adits. Pumps installed on the surface constantly pump out water. As soon as the pump stops, the water will quickly begin to flow and fill the shaft. Air is forced into the shaft.

The rock, which is mostly clay, is raised to the surface in baskets, where it is washed and precious stones are found. You can dig for months and still find nothing. People in such fields work in families.

Some are exhaustively digging, others are processing the found specimens of stones. This is due to the fact that the untreated rubies found are semi-precious specimens and do not provide an idea of ​​the actual value of the stone before it is processed. If the ruby ​​turns out to be pure, then a significant amount of money can be obtained from its sale.

Mining rubies is very hard and sometimes dangerous work. Crystals are mined in rocks at depths sometimes reaching 30 meters. But for the poor population it is the only way out and way of survival.

Gemstone processing

Before being put up for sale, all natural specimens undergo special corrective processing:

  • thermal effect on the crystal;
  • To obtain a rich red color, ruby ​​is treated with beryllium;
  • Transparent liquid glass is used to fill cracks and voids in the body of a ruby.

The crystal is refined, giving it a smooth surface and a rich shade.

When submitted for correction, a ruby ​​may have minor defects that do not particularly affect the color of the stone or its transparency. Such specimens of the mineral are called pure specimens.

Another type of gemstones that have significant cracks and inclusions are classified as impure stones. Both groups of crystals are subject to the correction procedure. Natural corundums become attractive and go on sale. The price of the product will be significantly lower than a natural, unprocessed and high-quality specimen.

Where are rubies used?

The area of ​​application of synthetic ruby ​​is industry. Due to its strength, it is used on the surface of sandpaper and in watch mechanisms. Synthetic rubies are used as an active medium in the manufacture of lasers.

In folk medicine, ruby ​​is credited with medicinal properties. Carrying it with you helps you sleep well, strengthens your eyesight, and reduces back pain. Asian sages considered ruby ​​to be a healer of heart disease, as well as capable of improving brain function and giving energy to a person.

Alternative medicine classifies ruby ​​as a remedy that can prevent epileptic strokes and restore the nervous system after stress.

Many peoples of the world attribute magical properties to the mineral.

Ruby is the king of gems. And the main purpose of this precious, magnificent stone is to be used as an expensive decoration in combination with other precious metals and minerals.

Ruby is the most precious red stone. It is corundum, colored from crimson-purple, red to yellow-red. The stone apparently got its name from its red color (from the Latin “ruber” - red). In Russia, the ruby ​​was called “scarlet yakhont”. Other corundums, the red color of which is the result of their firing, are more correctly called sapphires. Large rubies are found in nature much less frequently than diamond crystals of similar size: the largest known jewelry ruby ​​weighed 400 carats. The most prized ruby ​​is the “pigeon blood color” – deep red with a slight purple tint. Not long ago, one of the Thai rubies weighing 5 carats was sold in Paris for 630 thousand dollars.

In the old days, almost all red stones were called rubies, but many known samples of them turned out to be noble spinels (lals), garnets, and tourmalines. Thus, a red stone the size of a pigeon egg (250 carats), which the Swedish king Gustav Adolf presented to Empress Catherine II in 1777 during his visit to St. Petersburg, turned out to be an incomparably cheaper pink tourmaline of mediocre quality. Natural jewelry ruby ​​is very rare, and it is no coincidence that in the nomenclature of trade names of stones, ruby ​​(with the corresponding adjectives - “Cape”, “Ceylon”, “Colorado”, “Arizona”, etc.) was used by traders to increase the attractiveness of goods more than 20 times , thereby hiding the more inexpensive natural names of garnets, topaz, spinels, fluorites and tourmalines.

Sometimes a ruby ​​contains linearly oriented inclusions of a needle-shaped mineral - rutile, which causes the silky sheen of the stone and, when properly polished into cabochons, the “cat’s eye” effect, or star-like appearance (asterism).

Inclusions help determine the country and region of origin of the stone. For example, Burmese rubies typically contain rutile, calcite, apatite, olivine, sphene, and spinel inclusions. Disc-shaped fractures often occur around natural mineral inclusions - this is a sign of heat treatment. Some rubies fluoresce in ultraviolet light, and especially good stones will fluoresce even in sunlight.

When the rutile needles in a ruby ​​align, a four-, six-, or twelve-rayed asterism occurs. The glowing star in a ruby ​​should be clear and red in color, not cloudy and brownish-purple. The rays of the star should appear as narrow silvery-white lines that reach down to the base of the stone.

Ruby was one of the first precious stones that humanity learned to grow artificially: using the Verneuil method, a crystal (a rod with a drop-shaped top) with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters and a height of several centimeters (200-500 carats) grows in four hours. Artificial ruby, unlike natural ruby, allows ultraviolet rays to pass through. There are many legends and ancient tales associated with ruby. Oddly enough, among some peoples it symbolizes oblivion and sadness, among others - love and health, beauty and dignity, strength and royalty, it is a symbol of divine love and devotion to faith (according to Christian canons), among other peoples - fidelity, movement and life , energy and struggle, passion and passion.

According to the beliefs of the peoples of the East, it personifies success, devotion and honesty. Ruby gives its owner the strength of a lion, the fearlessness of an eagle and the wisdom of a snake. This gem increases intelligence and honor, promotes not only the charms of love and passion, but also a complacent mood. In ancient times, it was considered a revitalizing stone, restoring lost strength, expelling melancholy and obscene thoughts, lowering temperature; It also protects from bad dreams, from the consequences of strokes and serious illnesses, heals the heart and brain, gives strength and memory, cleanses condensed and spoiled blood. Ruby purifies the air from harmful microbes and protects against epidemics.

According to Indian beliefs, ruby ​​is recommended for paralysis (especially after strokes) and insomnia, blood and throat diseases, diseases of the spine and joints, inflammation of bone tissue and arthritis. It lowers blood pressure and helps cure psoriasis, inflammation of the middle ear; useful for chronic depression and schizophrenia, relieves asthma attacks, helps relieve fatigue and irritability, and treats chronic diseases of its owner by other means. Anyone who looks at a ruby ​​gains the ability to become intoxicated without even touching the strong drink, since red ruby ​​and red wine were considered related. Ruby will help timid and shy people develop their temperament and make the blood in their veins move faster. As a talisman, it inspires a noble and morally high leader to great deeds and exploits; promises the common man sensual love and happiness through active work; gives fertility to a woman; protects its owner from deceitful and unfaithful friends and prolongs his life.

First-class rubies are mined in the famous mines of Burma; There are small deposits of this gem in Thailand and Sri Lanka, India and Pakistan, Australia and Madagascar, Brazil and Zimbabwe, Greece and Switzerland, Afghanistan and Cambodia, Norway and other countries. There are small deposits in our country (Ural).