How long to keep a gelatin mask on your hair. Gelatin mask for hair volume


Some cosmetics contain collagen. This substance has a gentle effect on the skin, gives it elasticity and preserves youth. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen, so a mask made from it is recommended for every woman. The main advantages of the product are efficiency, simplicity and accessibility. But that's not all.

Face mask with gelatin

The value of gelatin for the skin

A face mask with gelatin can not only tighten and cleanse the skin, but also improve its color and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles. Gelatin itself has a tightening effect, so it is often used in cosmetic procedures. It has a positive effect on the amino acid and protein metabolism of the epidermis, improving its condition. But this is not all the facts that speak about the benefits of gelatin masks:

  • the product stimulates blood circulation;
  • softens the skin;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties;
  • tightens the facial contour;
  • tightens pores.

The mask gained wide popularity thanks to Sophia Loren. When asked how she manages to maintain the beauty and health of her skin, the actress talked about the amazing properties of gelatin. Sophia Loren uses gelatin face masks at least twice a week. She uses olive oil, honey, and fruit additives as additives. Cosmetics can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

How to prepare a face mask?

It’s easy to prepare a gelatin face mask at home:

  • One teaspoon of powder should be dissolved in cold water, milk, or a decoction of medicinal herbs. As soon as the gelatin swells, it is removed from the water and placed in a water bath for several minutes.
  • When the gelatin turns into a homogeneous mass, it is allowed to cool.
  • That's it - the mask is ready.
  • It is applied to the face, neck, and décolleté area.

The product can be prepared with various additives.

Interesting recipe with banana added:

  • Banana puree is added to the finished gelatin mass.
  • For 1 tsp. add 2 tsp of gelatin. banana puree.
  • The components are mixed.
  • The mask is kept on the face for no more than 30 minutes.
  • As soon as the composition has dried, it is removed by wiping the skin with warm water.

The product noticeably rejuvenates cells, the skin becomes firmer and acquires a healthy color.

The main advantage of gelatin is its composition, which is based on the substance collagen, which gives hair elasticity and health. The use of such a mask can solve many scalp problems - it will restore brittle hair, enhance its growth, add volume to the hairstyle and become an excellent alternative to salon lamination.

By supplementing the composition of the mask with other components, you can enhance the properties of gelatin and simultaneously provide the mixture with other positive qualities. But before making a choice towards one or another ingredient, you need to determine your hair type and the cause of the problems, if any. Various compositions of these useful masks are also successfully used to prevent all kinds of ailments associated with a lack of keratin in the hair.


In general, a gelatin hair mask at home is quite safe, but its contraindications should be taken into account:

  • If there is an individual intolerance to the main component, then the mask should not be used. In case of allergies to related ingredients, they must be replaced with others;
  • It is not recommended to apply such a mask to the skin - it fits tightly and blocks the access of oxygen, which can cause itching and clogged pores;
  • the use of homemade masks with gelatin is allowed if there is no damage to the skin;
  • If you have curly hair, it is not advisable to use a homemade gelatin mask, as it will make the hair stiff;
  • You should not use this product too often, it is quite hard on your hair.

Making gelatin at home

The component requires preliminary preparation, but this is easy to do:

  1. Pour 1 package of gelatin into a glass or ceramic bowl.
  2. Pour it with a small amount of warm boiled water (3-4 spoons).
  3. Cover and leave for half an hour.
  4. If there are any unmixed collagen lumps left in the resulting mixture, you need to get rid of them.
  5. A little shampoo or conditioner is added to the resulting solution, and then used in the final composition of the masks.

How to apply gelatin masks

In addition to avoiding applying a homemade mask to the skin and hair roots, there are other rules that must be followed:

  1. Before using the collagen composition, you need to wash your hair and wet it a little.
  2. Apply any homemade mask and cover your head with film or a plastic bag, leaving it alone for 10 minutes.
  3. Then, without removing the bag, apply warm air to your head using a hairdryer.
  4. Wait half an hour.
  5. Remove the mask with water without using shampoo.
  6. Masks must be applied at least once every 7 days.

Mask recipes

Recipe for dry and damaged hair

To give your hair a healthy look, you need to add a spoonful of honey, brought to a liquid state, to the gelatin. It would be useful to supplement the list of components of such a mask with a decoction of chamomile or St. John's wort. Since St. John's wort has a slight coloring effect, it is better to use chamomile for light hair.

Mask for oily hair

Add fresh lemon juice (from half the fruit) to the gelatin solution. Lemon has a lightening property, so the mixture will not only get rid of the greasy effect, but will also give a bright color to light hair.

Mask for normal hair

Prepare the gelatin solution in accordance with the rules, mix the raw yolk into it.

Nourishing mask at home

Honey in combination with gelatin (take in equal quantities) will fill your hair with vitamins. To add shine, you can add raw yolk, and burdock oil will give a healthy look - add it in the amount of 1 spoon.

Lamination mask at home

To give the lamination effect, gelatin is diluted with water in accordance with the rules. The result will be achieved in any case - when using the classic recipe, or from using masks with other components, because collagen is an excellent natural component that imitates keratin straightening.

Gelatin mask for hair growth

Many recipes for gelatin hair masks, among other properties, provide hair growth, but the use of mustard makes the composition especially effective. For the usual amount of gelatin solution, use a spoonful of mustard powder; it must be dissolved in the gelatin liquid. Do the same with colorless henna (you need half as much). Finally add 2 raw yolks. The mixture must be heated before application.

Recipe with balm and gelatin

You can add hair balm to the mixture with any composition, it will not cause harm. In addition, when diluting gelatin with water, the balm can be mixed in equal proportions with shampoo (or replace it altogether) and combined with gelatin.

To add shine

It is difficult to find a better product than honey for adding shine to hair. A glass of milk will help enhance this property. Bee honey and gelatin are dissolved in it and then applied to the head.

Mask with essential oil and gelatin

Essential oils are selected for composition depending on their properties and the desired result. Lavender oil will help get rid of dandruff, sage essential oil will soothe itching, and pine essential oil will help prevent hair loss. Gelatin dissolved in water is combined with 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. 6 drops of the selected essential oil are added to the resulting mixture. All oils are strong allergens, so you first need to do a test by dropping a couple of drops of oil on the crook of your elbow. If after 15 minutes there are no reactions, you can safely add oil to your homemade mask.

With castor oil and gelatin

This oil wonderfully strengthens hair and promotes its growth. Add 1 tsp of salt to the gelatin mixture (only sea salt has medicinal properties), the same proportions are observed when adding oils - castor oil and burdock. To enhance the effect, you can add a couple of drops of essential oil (choice: jasmine, ylang-ylang, lavender, geranium or rosemary).

With burdock oil and gelatin

Half a spoon of burdock oil will enrich the gelatin solution with a large amount of vitamins and help cope with fragility and dullness.

With herbs and gelatin

Herbal infusions also have a positive effect on hair. They soothe, relieve itching and make them obedient. Pour boiling water over chamomile flowers, nettles and mint and let the infusion cool. Then add to the gelatin composition.

Mask with apple juice and gelatin

This fruit adds shine to your hair. Gelatin should be diluted in juice, not water, maintaining the proportions.

Homemade mask for the night

If severe hair problems occur, in some cases the gelatin mask can be left on all night. It should not be supplemented with other substances; it is enough to mix it with conditioner balm. Be sure to wash it off in the morning.

Video of making masks at home

In the video you can clearly see how to dilute gelatin in water and make sure that the effect of such a mask prepared at home is amazing.

Photos before and after using gelatin masks

The result after using a homemade mask with gelatin is comparable to the effect of the best shampoos and conditioners. After several procedures, the hairstyle becomes more graceful and voluminous. It can be seen that the hair has become much better looking and endowed with health.

Gelatin is a wonderful substance that allows you to care for hair along its entire length, bringing benefits to it. Thanks to it, you can save a lot of effort, time and money on expensive keratin straightening procedures. All the components of homemade mixtures are quite accessible, and preparing them is not difficult.

The so-called procedure is indicated for girls with weakened, damaged hair. And also for those who want to visually increase the volume of their hair. The essence of the procedure is simple - gelatin, due to its composition, covers the hair with a film, and it visually becomes thicker, more beautiful and healthier. The effect of the mask is cumulative. To get visible results, you need to do 3-5 procedures weekly. You should not make a mask more than once a week to avoid drying out your hair.

Gelatin can dry out dry, split hair. Some experts advise adding softening ingredients to gelatin: egg yolk, butter or cream. However, as practice shows, this does not help. Will a gelatin mask dry out your hair? The question is rhetorical. It's best to try the mask on a small section of hair at the bottom of your head to see how your hair reacts.


Boil water in a kettle and let cool. The water should be warm, not hot. Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin into a container and add 3 tablespoons of water. Stir. Cover your container with a plate or lid and let sit for 20 minutes. During this time, wash your hair with shampoo, without using conditioner. If the gelatin has frozen while you are washing your hair, heat it in a water bath. Add a couple of tablespoons of any hair mask to the gelatin: this will enrich the gelatin mask and make it easier to rinse off.

If the indicated portion is not enough for your hair, increase the dose of gelatin. The main thing is to remember gelatin and water are diluted in a ratio of 1:3.


A gelatin hair mask must be applied to damp hair using a dye brush, leaving 3-4 centimeters from the roots. Under no circumstances apply the mask to the roots - this can lead to dry scalp. For perfect application, divide your hair into 4 sections: from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck and from ear to ear. Apply the mask to your hair, wrap with cling film and a towel. After this, take a hair dryer and direct hot air onto your hair for 20 minutes. Then leave the mask on for another 45 minutes.

The gelatin mask must be washed off with warm water without additional products. Attention, not hot, but warm.

Initially, gelatin lamination was done without adding any auxiliary components: just gelatin and water. However, as practice shows, the addition of industrial hair masks, which contain proteins, paired with gelatin, increases the shine and density of hair.

If you want the effect of the gelatin mask to last as long as possible, after achieving the desired result, repeat the procedure once every two weeks. For permanent hair care, use shampoos without SLS and SLeS. Also, in the intervals between laminations, it is better to avoid using oil masks, which will help wash out the protective film from the hair.

If you are a fan of oil masks and want to use gelatin at the same time, make the mask immediately before the lamination procedure.

Beautiful hair is every woman's dream. Of course, the condition and thickness of hair are determined mainly by hereditary factors. If you have naturally thin and sparse hair, then you will not be able to radically correct the situation; no means will help you turn it into a luxurious mane. However, even such hair can be given a healthy and flawless look, making it more voluminous and attractive. It also happens that naturally good hair, for one reason or another, loses its appearance, becomes dull, and becomes brittle.
If you have problems with your hair, do not rush to resort to expensive salon treatments or buy well-advertised expensive products that may not meet your expectations. Try to make your hair look beautiful and grow faster with the help of affordable home remedies. Today, on the Internet or other sources, you can find many recipes for homemade hair masks; their effectiveness and safety have been tested by more than one generation of women. For example, they are extremely popular gelatin masks.

How do gelatin hair masks work? It is known that gelatin is made from connective tissue protein - collagen. Therefore, it contains a lot of protein, which can significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair. That is why gelatin is widely used in cosmetology and folk medicine as a product that can strengthen hair and stimulate its growth.

The effect of using a gelatin mask will be noticeable after using it several times; with prolonged use, the hair thickens, becomes strong and healthy, and its growth accelerates.

Gelatin masks are considered very effective for restoring damaged hair structure, giving it volume and shine. These masks can be used every time you wash your hair, applying them to damp hair. Dry, damaged and brittle hair especially needs gelatin masks. They add volume to thin and too soft hair and make it fuller. In general, they are useful for all types of hair, as they protect them from the negative effects of the external environment and damage associated with styling, as they create an invisible thin nourishing film. At the same time, unlike oils, gelatin is washed off very easily.

Preparing and using masks with gelatin is very simple, and you will see this by using one of the recipes we give.

Recipes for masks with gelatin for hair

Recipe 1: Gelatin mask (for hair volume)
We dilute a tablespoon of gelatin in 70 g. warm water, mix well and let stand for a while (so that the gelatin swells). Then add a teaspoon of shampoo to the resulting mixture and apply it to your hair. Covering them with a plastic cap, keep the mask on for about half an hour, then rinse thoroughly with water.

Recipe 2: Gelatin mask with apple cider vinegar(to strengthen and moisturize hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with 100 g. warm water, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with a couple of drops of sage essential oil to the resulting mixture. Apply to hair for 15 minutes, then rinse with moderately warm water.

Recipe 3: Gelatin mask with egg yolk(to restore structure and strengthen hair)

Mixing a tablespoon of gelatin and yolk with 3 tablespoons of shampoo, thoroughly whisk all the ingredients and leave the mask for half an hour to allow the gelatin to swell. Then cover your hair with it and leave for about half an hour. Wash off using water at room temperature.

Recipe 4: Gelatin mask with egg yolk and onion juice(to eliminate excess oily hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin, yolk, 4 tablespoons of onion juice and a tablespoon of shampoo. Apply the resulting mixture to damp hair, covering it with polyethylene and a warm cloth on top. After an hour, wash off with warm water.

Recipe 5: Gelatin mask with egg yolk, mustard and henna(for hair volume and accelerating hair growth)

We dilute a teaspoon of gelatin in two tablespoons of water, wait until the gelatin swells. Mix the resulting mass with a teaspoon of colorless henna, a teaspoon of mustard and egg yolk. After mixing well, apply to hair and leave for about half an hour. Wash off with warm water.

Recipe 6: Gelatin mask with vinegar and oil(to restore damaged hair)

After dissolving a tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of water, add a teaspoon of vinegar with a few drops of any essential oil. After thoroughly whisking the resulting mixture, apply it to washed, damp hair. After 10 minutes, wash off with warm water.

Recipe 7: Fruit gelatin mask(to nourish hair)

Dissolving a tablespoon of gelatin in 50 g. juice, leave the mixture for half an hour so that the gelatin swells. Then, after stirring it thoroughly, apply it to your hair. After half an hour, wash off with warm water. For those with fair hair, it is better to use lemon or apple juice; for dark-haired women, carrot juice is more suitable.

Recipe 8: Gelatin mask with almond oil(for moisturizing and healing very dry hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with 70 gr. water, add a teaspoon of almond oil to them. Having received a homogeneous mixture, apply it to your hair. After half an hour, wash off with warm water.

Recipe 9: Gelatin mask with herbal decoction(to moisturize and nourish hair)

Mix a tablespoon of gelatin with a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of chamomile flower decoction (nettle, sage, etc.). After letting it sit for about 20 minutes, apply it to your hair, rubbing it into the roots, cover your head with polyethylene and a woolen scarf. After half an hour, wash off with warm water.

We have already said that thanks to masks with gelatin, even the dullest and most brittle hair has a chance to become shiny and silky in just a few procedures. However, this effect can be achieved with the help of another product prepared on the basis of gelatin - shampoo.

Essentially, it is the same gelatin mask, but with more shampoo. To prepare it, it is best to use a mild shampoo.

Recipe 10: Gelatin Shampoo

Prepare a herbal decoction (you can use chamomile, nettle and other medicinal plants). Then take 70 gr. (a third of a glass) of the prepared broth, add gelatin (2 tablespoons) and 70 gr. your usual shampoo. Mix everything thoroughly until the gelatin dissolves. The resulting mixture can be refrigerated and stored for up to 7 days. We wash our hair with this shampoo as usual, leaving it on the hair for 10 minutes, then rinse it off using warm water.

Gelatin hair masks have amazing results that can be compared to hair lamination...

Gelatin hair masks – for shine and volume

Gelatin hair masks have amazing results that can be compared to hair lamination. Gelatin covers the hair with a thin nourishing film, which saturates the hair with protein and restores its structure. The hairstyle becomes more voluminous, the hair is easy to style, looks healthy and shiny.

But with dry and brittle hair, as well as if it is subjected to frequent perms, you should remember that some types of gelatin masks dry out hair. In this case, they should be used with extreme caution.

How to prepare a gelatin mask:

1. Boil water, cool. Pour 1 tablespoon of gelatin (any kind from the store) into a bowl and add three tablespoons of water (caution: not hot!). If your hair is thick and/or long, the amount of gelatin can be tripled. The main thing is to stick to the proportion 1:3.

2. Mix everything well. If gelatin sticks to the spoon, don’t worry, it will wash off. Now it will be better to cover the bowl with a lid or plate (so that the gelatin does not harden) and set aside for 20 minutes.

3. If the gelatin has not yet melted, heat it in a water bath - the main thing is that it does not boil, otherwise all the benefits of the mask will go away. But remember: all lumps must dissolve, because if you apply incompletely dissolved gelatin to your hair, it will be very difficult to comb out.

4. Let the mask cool, add 0.5 tablespoon of your favorite nourishing mask or balm to it - this product will help you easily wash the mask off your hair.

5. If you want, you can enrich the composition of the mask with other components (mustard, milk, yolk, herbs, etc.), based on your hair type. The final consistency should resemble thin honey.

How to apply a gelatin mask

All gelatin hair masks are easy to apply. But there is one caveat: Do not apply this mask to the scalp, even to the hair roots– this way the substance will be washed off more easily and there will be no itching.

1. Immediately after applying the mask, put a special cap or a simple bag on your hair.

2. Wrap everything on top with a towel, then heat it with a hairdryer for 10-15 minutes.

3. Well, now we forget about the mask for a whole 45 minutes.

4. The gelatin mask is washed off with plain water - if there are no lumps, then this is easy to do thanks to the added balm.

This procedure can be carried out at least once a week. Each time the effect will be more and more visible: the hair will become healthier, smoother, more even, and also much thicker.

If you have a problem with brittleness or hair loss, gelatin masks will help solve it.

Recipes for masks with gelatin

There are many gelatin masks for any hair type. Here are the recipes for just some of them. Try it!

Gelatin mask with egg.

Compound: 1 small packet of gelatin powder, 1 yolk (you can take a whole egg if you have oily hair), shampoo.

Gelatin should be poured into a cup, add the yolk and 2-3 tablespoons of balm. Mix everything thoroughly and leave the mixture to swell for 30 minutes. Then apply the mask to the entire length of your hair, cover your head with plastic, insulate it with a towel and leave for 30 minutes. This mask should be washed off with cool water and shampoo. Apply once a week.

Gelatin mask with milk for dry hair

Dissolve a tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of milk and add a spoonful of honey. Apply the mixture to your curls for 1 hour. Hair will gain shine and become manageable.

Mask with gelatin and coconut oil for nutrition and shine

Dissolve a spoonful of gelatin in 0.5 cups of hot water. Add a tablespoon of melted coconut oil and a couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Apply the mask to your hair for 1 hour.

Gelatin mask with lemon for oily, colored and bleached hair

Add the juice of half a lemon to 1 tablespoon of gelatin. Mix thoroughly and let it brew until it swells. Then add 2-3 teaspoons of shampoo into the resulting mixture and mix. Distribute the mask evenly over the hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask with herbal infusion to improve hair structure

Add 1 tablespoon of gelatin and 2-3 teaspoons of shampoo to 1 glass of warm herbal infusion based on chamomile, mint and nettle. Let the mixture sit and swell for half an hour. Apply the resulting composition to your hair, hold for 30-40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Gelatin mask with esters for dry and damaged hair

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in a glass of warm water. Add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar and 3-4 drops of your choice of rosemary, geranium, clary sage or jasmine essential oils. Mix everything well, beat and let it brew for half an hour. Then apply the mask to washed, damp hair for 15-20 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.

Gelatin mask with henna for hair growth

Dissolve 1 teaspoon of gelatin in 1/4 cup of water. Let it swell for half an hour. Add 1 teaspoon of colorless henna and a pinch of mustard to the resulting mass; you can add 1 egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to hair along the entire length. Leave for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water

Gelatin mask with sea salt and oils for hair volume

Dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in half a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of sea salt, the same amount of castor and burdock oil and 2-3 drops of rosemary or ylang-ylang essential oils of your choice. Let it swell for 30 minutes, then apply evenly to the hair and wrap it on top with plastic wrap and a terry towel. After half an hour, rinse with warm water and mild baby shampoo.

Gelatin shampoo

For this recipe, it is best to use baby shampoo.

Mix 1 tablespoon of shampoo and 1 tsp. gelatin. Leave the mixture to swell for 15-30 minutes. Apply the resulting shampoo to clean, well-combed hair, rub into the roots of the hair. After 10 minutes, rinse your hair thoroughly with plenty of water. Rinse your hair with conditioner to make combing easier.

Burdock (castor) mask with gelatin

Mix gelatin and warm water (the proportion is still the same - one to three). After this, add 0.5 teaspoon of one of these oils.

Mask with added almond oil

In the proportion already known to us, we dilute gelatin with water. For those with oily hair, it would be better to add no more than 0.5 teaspoon of almond oil to the mixture, for girls with normal hair - 1 spoon, and for girls with dry hair - 1.5 spoons. Warm everything up in a water bath and apply to hair.

Attention: this mask is washed off after 30 minutes, no later!

Juice masks for hair shine

If you have black or dark hair , you can add carrot juice to the mask. For blondes Apple juice or lemon juice diluted with water is recommended.

Calculation: for 1 tablespoon of gelatin you need to take about three tablespoons of juice (which is added instead of water).

Heat this mixture in a water bath and apply as described above.

You can also use juice instead fresh milk– regardless of hair color.

Another option is to use still mineral water(but it would be better to enrich such a mask vitamin A or lemon juice).

Hair masks with gelatin contain “building material” for hair, it becomes stronger and grows faster. In addition, thanks to its enveloping properties, gelatin protects hair from damage during styling and makes it thicker.

P.S. Gelatin should be thoroughly washed out of the hair, otherwise it will stick together. Masks are very convenient to use on straight short hair, but with long or curly hair you will have to tinker.