The power of affirmations. Louise Hay's affirmations for a successful career

For children

Short positive statements that, when repeated many times, release the active energy of joy and optimism are called affirmations. They are repeated several times so that the required image or attitude is fixed in the person’s subconscious. For a positive result, affirmations are pronounced like this: with concentration, with great interest and desire, in a confident voice.

Affirmations are practiced by representatives of various movements engaged in self-knowledge and self-improvement. They are used by people who want to gain the right mindset for the best phenomena and events in their lives, improve the necessary skills and qualities, and achieve their goals. It is very convenient that this practice can be done anywhere at any time.

Surely, you have had difficult cases when you needed to concentrate, gather reserve forces into a fist, throwing them at solving a difficult problem. You repeated to yourself, like a spell: “I am strong, I can do it, I can do it.” And, lo and behold, everything worked out! What is the reason for this, the magic of repeated phrases that contain great potential in their brevity? Confidence, self-confidence? One thing is for sure, it works!

Remember the opposite example. Often people program themselves for failure by unconsciously repeating negative statements and giving in to a difficult task. Does this sound familiar to you, my friend? Have you ever talked about the following topics: “I will be uninteresting to this gorgeous woman”, “I have no willpower, I won’t go to the gym”, “I’m stupid, I won’t get a promotion”, etc.? The subconscious, like Mayakovsky’s little son, does not know what is good and bad. It, like a sponge, accepts the information it receives as dogma, which leads to events with a minus sign.

Visualization techniques work on a similar principle. By consciously focusing on repeating the desired goal, you create corresponding images. Through the bridge of consciousness they go straight into the subconscious. Through this conscious process, you can change habits, overcome despair and helplessness, develop independence, improve your health, even change your appearance.

I advise you to make it a rule to give yourself only positive attitudes. Positive thinking will bring you the desired benefits. Thoughts are a treasure that everyone has. Use it correctly.

How quickly can you achieve the desired changes using this method, you ask? It depends on the scale of the goal itself, the time devoted, faith and sincerity of feelings, and the strength of your desire. Learn to accurately define your goals and patiently wait for their fulfillment.

Affirmations will not work if a positive spirit, strong character and inner strength are present in you only for a few minutes when you repeat the settings. And the rest of the day you mope, think negatively, doubt. The desire to change your life for the better every day should become your inner core.

People often ask me how I manage to always be in a good mood. I'll be honest - I'm human and I can't smile 24/7. But for me it is very important to fill myself with positive energy, just like watering a flower in an apartment.

The journey has been long, it continues, but the starting point was getting to know affirmations.

I realized that each of us has the power to change our thoughts, we just need to start using this power.

I’ll even say that thanks to affirmations I was able to overcome my fear of public speaking.

At first I used ready-made affirmations. Then I learned to make my own.

Affirmations help fill your head with love, not fear. Love leads to growth, fear turns it off.

But let's be honest. Life isn't always rainbows and pink flamingos. There are a lot of negativity, difficulties and problems in life (usually we create them ourselves.) Affirmations are not intended to get rid of suffering. This is not a magic pill that heals wounds.

Affirmations help you rewire your brain to look at things from a different angle. These are little reminders of who we are and who we should be. We came into this world to be happy, and not to complain, suffer and be unhappy.

Our beliefs have been formed since childhood. And these beliefs do not always help us gain positive experiences in life. Some limit our power and potential. Our thoughts either pull us back or help us grow and develop.

Our thoughts are our emotions.

Emotions are our actions.

We constantly replay the same scenarios in our heads and not always the ones that make us happy.

Here the choice is ours. Either we program ourselves, or we are programmed.

We have many fears. We worry about the future, ourselves and our loved ones. We are afraid to leave our comfort zone, even when being in the comfort zone is disgusting.

Everything we think about grows, so we need to think about what we want from life.

Just as the owner of the house turns on the light in the bathroom with one click, so do you be the master of your life. Program yourself for success and create the energy of peace within, because only in this state can you make effective decisions.

I have been using this technique for more than 10 years and I have dozens of stories that confirm that the technique works.

An affirmation is a positive statement that helps change the way we think and shape the future we want.

True, there is one point.

The technology works when you work.

(any technique)

After a list of my favorite affirmations, I will tell you how and when to use this technique.

13 affirmations to increase energy, faith and self-confidence:

I am healthy and full of energy.

I love and accept myself for who I am. I see beauty in myself and the world around me.

I'm ready to look at things differently.

I decided to broaden my perspective and look at things from a different angle. Just like when I turn a diamond and see reflections of light that I haven't seen before.

I am a strong and confident person.

No danger. Everything goes well.
I can handle all my tasks with ease, confidence and grace. I have the courage to accept myself completely, even my flaws.

I'm safe. I trust life and the future. My future is bright and secure.

This is one of the biggest reasons for concern. It is a gentle reminder that your needs will always be met, that life will always support you. Trust and be open to miracles that can happen to you.

I trust myself and my experience.

I always make the best decisions for myself. All decisions I make are for my own good.

I listen to my body - it knows what I need.

Give yourself a break. Slow down and tune in. Listen to what your body is trying to tell you. Trust yourself

I easily find time to workout.

I organize my working time in such a way that I have the opportunity to eat healthy and regularly.

All my decisions are initially correct.

IM proud of myself. I am remarkable by the very fact of my existence.

Life is joy and self-development.

I go towards my goals playfully. My work brings me only joy. I plan my activities and am happy that my plans come true. I get joy from my successes.
Any difficulty on the way to my goals gives me the opportunity to develop. I am grateful to life for paying attention to me. The world is diverse and I do not undertake to judge people for their actions. I enjoy my determination.

I forgive others. I forgive myself.

I have the freedom to love and enjoy life.
There is no limit to all the good things I can achieve in my life. I take every day with a good mood, because every day I can do something that will make someone happy. I bring benefit to this world.

My past has taught me a lot and given me a lot of strength. Everything I've been through, good and bad, has been preparation for this day, and that's why I can handle all my tasks. I am very strong now, stronger than I have ever been in the past. I have completely healed from my past. My mind is not disturbed by anything. It's my time to be happy.

It's my time to shine. I'm ready.

I have everything to be a happy, loving, best version of myself. All I have to do is make up my mind. The time has come. I'm ready. Go.

My thoughts create my reality.

I choose happiness. I like the feeling that joy gives.
I am honored to choose how I would like to feel. I choose positivity because it makes me feel better and better.

How to use affirmations

Use affirmations as a tool to boost your energy and brighten your days. Remember, this is not about ignoring problems, but about reprogramming your brain to ask yourself: How can I look at this situation differently? What's good about this? What's really true?

Everyone uses affirmations differently. Find what's right for you.
You can make a desktop wallpaper, make a list in a notepad or on your phone.

Play around, experiment, find what works for you. You can read everywhere and always until you believe in what you are saying with every cell of your body and see changes at the level of actions.

Create your own affirmations. Start by tracking your negative beliefs over time.

Feeling bad?

Write down the answer: What were you thinking about before you felt bad?

And then instead of a negative belief, create a positive one. Necessarily use affirmations in a positive way and in the present tense. Repeat, repeat, create new ones. Over time, you will see the effect this work will have on your entire life.

And in the end, wisdom from Luza Hay, who generously shared this technique with the whole world during her life: “Saying affirmations is only part of the process. What matters most is what you do the rest of the day and night. The secret to making affirmations work in your life is to set the stage for growth. Affirmations are like seeds planted in the soil. Poor soil, poor watering - poor growth. The more often you choose thoughts that make you feel good, the faster affirmations will work.”

I so agree with this thought.

Now it's your turn: what are your favorite affirmations? I am always looking for new ideas for spiritual development.

Peace and positive vibrations to everyone!

With love, your wellness coach Olga Ryabushenko

21 days to learn to keep your self-esteem in good shape

Affirmations are statements that help change the way we think and shape the future we strive for. But not only... Affirmations are thoughts, words, feelings, emotions that each of us uses in everyday life. At the same time, as we all understand, we use not always positive, but also negative statements. So first of all, if you want to change your life for the better with the help of affirmations, then you need to use them only in a positive form.

So how does it work?
Think about what you are saying? Count how many times a day, for example, you or the people around you say the word “Nightmare!!!” and “Horror!!!” These words must be forgotten! Each time, instead of them, say “Hurray!” If it’s difficult to do this out loud, you can say it to yourself. The main thing is to replace every negative impulse with a positive one.

Or, for example, the phrase of a surprised person “Wow!” does not stand up to any criticism at all. Remember once and for all – “All for yourself.” And only this way, then prosperity will follow on your heels.

Our thoughts and emotions shape our lives and remember that like only attracts like. Negative thoughts attract negative events into our lives, and fears and concerns will certainly come true, since we ourselves have projected them. What you think about is what you become.

From the above we can draw a wonderful conclusion: “positive thoughts and emotions of love, happiness and pleasure will attract happy events and the people we need into our lives.”

Well, for those who are convinced that this does not work. Let me explain that affirmations may not work in only one case - if there is a conflict between what you say and who you really are. That is, if you think one thing, say another, and mean a third, then your guardian angels all the more cannot understand what you really want to receive. That is, if you say every day, “I want a suitcase of money,” and the subconscious replies, “Yeah, hee hee, now I’ll repeat it 10 more times and get two suitcases... This theory doesn’t work,” of course, nothing will work. . Because there is no specific goal. There is a simple “I want.”

The main thing is your positive attitude, the belief that you will succeed. First come to harmony within yourself, and you will immediately notice that the world around you has changed. Changed as much as you wanted it to.

So, first of all, any positive statement formulated in the present tense or as an already accomplished fact. Secondly, there should not be a particle “not”. Thirdly, it should be aimed only at a good cause and in the name of goodness and love throughout the Universe.

And one more thing, the wishes that you think you want do not come true. And those whose fulfillment your subconscious actually wants. So, don’t be surprised if what you so passionately wanted but were afraid to even think about comes true...

Of course, I can’t help but cite the example of the great Louise Hay, who is the founder of the theory of affirmations. Despite the fact that she was born into a very poor family, was bullied by others as a child and many other things that I will not talk about, she changed her life with the help of positive thinking, which became the essence of her life (those who wish can read her books, where she talks a lot about the path of this change). And everything that Louise Hay managed to achieve, she achieved without outside help through the active use of the method of positive thinking that she had mastered and even improved, which is based on her unique affirmations. This woman restored her destroyed health with her own efforts (she got rid of uterine cancer without drugs or surgeries, but only with the power of thought) and improved her destiny!

One more important note. Affirmations can change your life, so first of all, think about whether it is worth changing the life you have now. As they say, you don't need to fix what isn't broken. If you have firmly decided that you need change like air, then go ahead. Great things await us.

Saying affirmations is an effective way to achieve your goals, happiness, love, inner harmony, health and well-being. Work with them every day, saying them out loud or to yourself, and the result will not keep you waiting!

And the last piece of advice, before you start using affirmations, ask forgiveness from yourself and your body for previously thinking badly about someone (especially yourself) for what you experienced negative emotions, and promise yourself to think and speak only positively from now on. And keep that promise.

When your life is filled only with positive thoughts, feelings and emotions, then with them peace, mutual understanding, empathy, the ability to forgive and, most importantly, love will come and remain with you forever.
I wish you to learn to see the good in everything you encounter, and believe me, the world will answer you in kind. Positive bright thoughts will guide you through life and open all doors for you.

Based on materials from the website House of the Sun.

The Power of Affirmations- let's not applaud (something pulled me to poetry). It's time to write about another “tool” that is designed to help in... It must be admitted that the popularity of this topic is very serious (more than 50,000 requests per month on Yandex). Is this such a cool tool and what is the reason for its popularity? Let's find out...

First you need to decide on the wording. An affirmation, in simple words, is a short saying, repeating which you adjust your consciousness in a positive way (self-hypnosis).

Every time we talk about methods of suggestion, I remember a semi-anecdote about “magical healers.” Session... The healer works with the “patient”, putting his hand on his head and repeating over and over again: “Get up and walk... Get up and walk... Get up and walk...” Five minutes passed, the “patient” could not stand it and said: “Doctor, I I can walk, I wish I could get my sight back 🙂 ..."

Why did I give this example? I, like each of you (most likely), have had some not entirely easy times in my life. Sometimes you walk down the street with the last two hryvnias in your pocket, but you radiate optimism, hold yourself proudly, playing the role of the person you want to be. Great…

After watching the movie “The Secret” and reading books about positive thinking, you are 100% sure that a miracle will happen to you in the near future: you will win the lottery, receive an inheritance or the job of your dreams, where you won’t have to do anything, and the money will flow like a river. . What does such tyranny lead to...? To delay the inevitable.

The power of affirmations.

Let's look at all the pros and cons of affirmations...

They have one plus, albeit quite significant: Affirmations can serve as a “trigger” for starting or. Their role reminds me of spark plugs in a car engine - to provide a spark, nothing more. Affirmations will help start your “action engine”. It is only important to understand that if you sit and recite affirmations all day long, the best thing that awaits you ahead is starvation (dark humor 🙁).

Now, who is worth asking to sit down, because I'm going to criticize affirmations a little.

  1. We must admit that affirmations carry a fair amount of self-deception. We convince ourselves of something that is not really there. “Overdoses of self-deception” will eventually lead to the poisoning of your life, since positive thinking often goes against reality (we refuse or do not dare to accept reality). Not wanting to see the truth, you move away from your real self.
  2. Our life is a balance of positive and negative. Constantly suppressing negativity with positivity leads to the accumulation of negativity in “your body (and it is not excreted naturally :) What will happen next? The so-called “obesity of negativity.” I’ll give you a not very pleasant example, but this equates to the fact that you are whole You eat food for days and don’t go to the toilet. This will kill you.
  3. Sooner or later you will need to face the truth and accept it. The main thing is that after this there will be no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly.
  4. What matters most in this life is BE, NOT SEEM TO BE!!!

It’s important to understand that affirmations may work in the short term, but they have nothing to do with the long term!” Their biggest disadvantage is that people, like drug addicts, get hooked on them and lose touch with reality, trying to live their UNCONSCIOUS life “in a positive bubble.”

Reviewing my training notes, I noticed one piece of wisdom:

The only reward you get for solving a problem is

An even bigger problem that needs to be solved!!!

Stop... Read it again... Now tell me how to connect this statement with positive thinking? At first glance, nothing, but this saying is our whole life!!! What is important is the correct attitude towards these problems. Only we can choose: perceive them as problems or as opportunities for growth!

I have repeatedly written about how I managed to reach the 88 kg level and maintain this figure for several years without any diets or obsessive ideas about losing weight. While planning for this year, I thought about a new goal. Looking at myself in the mirror (and truth be told), it was impossible not to notice the “excess” in the abdominal area. Then I thought it would be nice to fix this.

This Friday (07/29/16) I decided to do a control weigh-in before training at the gym. And here it is, the coveted figure of 85 and a half kilograms (with sneakers and clothes: naked, it was somehow awkward to hang, at least in front of the girl at the reception :)). Now a new goal has emerged: to maintain this indicator at the achieved level. There is a lot of work to be done, but when for the first time in many years you see sketches (for now only sketches) of the upper abs, then it’s worth it, friends.

I conducted a large number of experiments that either helped me achieve my goals or set me back, but the main thing I would like to note is: “What helped me achieve it was not affirmations or visualizations, but a great Desire to change my life and hard, focused work!!!” I wish the same for you.

P.S. If you would like to share the joy of achievement with me, you are welcome to write a couple of nice words in the comments. Believe in yourself and your capabilities and you will definitely succeed!

P.S.S. Special thanks to those who will write in the comments their opinion on the topic of affirmations: how it works for you and whether it works at all. Maybe an interesting story or incident, whatever.

Thank you for your invaluable time spent in my company!!!
Best regards, Andrey Zhulay.

Photos from open sources

Thought is material, and this will not surprise anyone today. Everything we think risks becoming true. Thoughts expressed in words, including positive phrases-beliefs and affirmations, are especially powerful. Affirmations are endowed with the special power of human belief in what he says. With their help, you can program your reality and environment. The main thing is to know how.

The power of affirmations can be used in different ways. Some people prefer to listen to audio affirmations, some prefer to work by copying a phrase on paper, and some prefer to speak the settings out loud. It is important to find your own way, then words will be most effective.

To use the power of positive attitudes correctly in everyday life, you need to remember 4 simple rules and follow them.

1. Believe what you say

When working with affirmations, focus on the words you say. Let go of the doubts that may subconsciously arise in the background. It is essential to help your mind believe that the affirmation will work. To do this, you need to choose the right wording that the brain is able to accept as truth. For example, instead of “I am rich, I have a lot of money,” you should say “My wealth is growing every day, success and money love me.”

Once your consciousness accepts the statement, the affirmation can work.

2. Work with beliefs, not facts.

Factual affirmations don't work. Statements must be related to beliefs (established stereotypes, attitudes, clichés). Formulate statements so that they do not contradict your beliefs. For example, it is difficult to argue with the fact “A person is either fat or thin.” The statement “It is believed that more than half of overweight people are able to lose weight” is much easier to work with. Listen to yourself, and if the statement does not cause protest or contradiction in your subconscious, feel free to use it.

3. Look for examples and evidence of your beliefs.

Affirmations become stronger when they are supported by specific examples. The “they could do it, so can I” scheme is the best assistant in this matter. If you want, for example, to work with a statement on the topic of career growth, look for examples of how other people were able to achieve success in this area to support you. Say the affirmation and remember those who have already succeeded in this matter. The right attitude will help the affirmation to take hold in your mind and begin to work.

4. Stay tuned for changes

After some time, when you start using affirmations, changes will begin to occur around you. Take a closer look, evaluate them, rejoice at the first result. If you don't notice anything, it's worth reconsidering your tactics of using affirmations. Most likely, you are doing something wrong, and your body refuses to accept the statement as truth.