Template for plasticine applique. Technique for creating a painting from plasticine with your own hands - master class with photos and tips

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Available material, a little patience and a new masterpiece is ready! An original plastein painting will decorate your interior and make a wonderful gift.

Ordinary plasticine, familiar to everyone from childhood, can be used not only for simple crafts, but also for original decor. Creating three-dimensional paintings from plasticine with your own hands is no more difficult than sculpting bunnies and flowers. This master class is designed for beginners, so feel free to get started, even if this is your first time hearing about a new technique. The panel is based on plastic, but it can easily be seen with a flat dish, a piece of plastic or laminated cardboard.

What you need to sculpt plasticine panels

In order to make an original picture from plasticine according to the proposed master class, prepare:

  • a regular plate;
  • children's plasticine;
  • a pen (preferably a non-writing one);
  • stack (in a box with plasticine);
  • board for plasticine.

Operating technique and step-by-step instructions

Now proceed to the step-by-step technique - a plasticine painting will definitely work if you carefully follow the instructions.

Soften black plasticine in your hands, about half a piece. Bring it to a very soft state. Tearing small pieces from the softened plasticine, place them on the plate and stretch them with your first finger. Apply it evenly, not in a thick layer, to create the background of the future panel.

When the background is ready, come up with a drawing or take any picture as a basis. Using a stack, apply the sketch to the plasticine background. First, outline the contours of the flowers and leaves, and then draw all the petals.

To prevent the picture from coming out monochromatic, experiment with the colors of plasticine. By combining them with each other, you will get any desired shades. In this way, mix blue with white and prepare different shades of blue: light blue and light blue.

Work always starts with the basic elements - large flowers. The main element of this technique is the smear. It is done with the little finger of the right hand.
Roll into small light blue and light blue balls. Connect them together into one ball and place them on the base of the picture - the beginning of the petal. Press down slightly with your little finger and pull towards you. Pull not to the end of the petal (as in the picture). Without reaching the end, tear your finger off the base, lifting it up. The top of the petal should be thicker, and the bottom, thanks to the fact that you raised your finger at the end, thinner.

Place the same strokes, repeating clearly according to the picture, in the upper part of the flower. Then continue with the bottom of the flower. If the petals are not even, but slightly curved, use your finger to create strokes and slightly round them to the left or right, as required by the drawing. Having completed a set of strokes of the upper middle and lower parts, you will only be left with an empty middle.

For the middle, prepare two colors of plasticine - blue and light blue. Tear off small pieces, twist between the first and second fingers and place these balls on the base tightly to each other, slightly pressing with your finger. In this case, the balls should be of different sizes.

First, lay out the center of the middle with light blue balls, fill the rest of the space with blue balls. At the junction of the lower and middle petals, also, only with larger balls, lay a rounded path. Following the picture, create two such flowers.

Having mastered the technique of strokes a little, between the large flowers (up and down the picture) create two half flowers with centers.

Mix a little purple with white and soften it, you get a light purple tint, this is needed for small dotted flowers. The picture will be positioned like this - large flowers will rush upward, and purple flowers will be under the large ones and on the sides of the lower half-flower.

Roll 9 small balls, arrange them in a circle (according to the picture). Take the stack, place it in the middle of the ball, press down and pull. A smear should appear. Do the same 8 more strokes. The lilac flower made from dots is ready, only the middle remains. Make 2 flowers like this.

For the center, roll out thin sausages of white and blue colors from plasticine. This sausage is called a shoulder. Twist the white collar tightly, then continue with the blue one. This is the middle of the purple flower. Carefully lift the circle in a stack and place it in place of the center in the flower. Press down lightly.

There should be triple leaves just above the purple flowers. Their contours are drawn. Use the same strokes, but when you prepare the ball for the stroke, press it down on one edge and make it sharp. Apply and smear like a regular smear. Form a leaf. Create a trefoil like this. Decorate the middle with finishing dots of different sizes (thicker at the bottom, thinner at the top). These leaves are blue.

The bottom of the plasticine painting is mostly ready. Go upstairs. On the sides of the upper half-flower you need to create two small dahlia flowers. Make the shade of plasticine lighter, for example, blue with light blue. To make the petals, balls, which are prepared for strokes, multi-colored, mix or make the main color and add a lighter color on the side.
Stretching the stroke will create a base color with a slight hint of the one you added to the side. According to the drawing, lay out two even central strokes, on different sides another stroke with a slightly rounded shape. And the extreme ones – completely round them. Add the bottom petals.

The next step is small flowers of blue and white dots. They are located between dahlias. Mix blue with white, tear off pieces, make balls and continue using the technique for making a purple flower.

This is the kind of mini-masterpiece you will get at this stage of creating a painting from plasticine with your own hands.

From the blue and white flowers, from the dots up, you need to create a white and blue semi flower from five strokes. After this, take a white ball and press it slightly onto the base, forming a center. Make holes along the edges of the center with a pen.

The last of the flowers. Above the central floor of the flower, using a combination of white and a little light blue plasticine, create such a flower with strokes. At the junction of the strokes, place a small piece of the bead and make punctures on it with a pen.

The remaining leaves are a combination of light purple and light blue colors. They are located on the sides of the central half-flower, just above one of the dahlias. Make using the same technique as the previous pointed leaves, only they are much smaller in size. Place a collar in the center of the sheet and press out holes in it with a pen.

Decorate the dahlias with dots, secure them with a pen that forms a hole in the dot. This will be their middle.

The main details are ready. Only the decoration elements remain. Roll out the bead and place a curl between the blue trefoil, which is located at the bottom of the picture. Do the same at the top of the picture - at the top central flower and side leaves.

The volumetric picture made of plasticine is ready. If there is a lot of space left, cover it with dots of different sizes. Make sure that the color scheme and composition are not disturbed.

The picture should turn out to be a coupon. At the bottom of the picture, blue tones predominate, smoothly turning into light and almost white tones at the top.

A master class on plasticine paintings was prepared by Tatyana Bulat especially for the online magazine “Women’s Hobbies”.

Making beautiful paintings from plasticine on cardboard for children is a fun process that promotes the development of creative skills and fine motor skills. Children from 2-3 years old can start working with plasticine, but under the supervision of their parents. We invite you to find out what paintings can be made from plasticine using photos and a master class.

Techniques for working with plasticine

There are two types of plasticine paintings on cardboard:

  1. Flat.
  2. Volumetric.

Photos of plasticine crafts

To decorate a template design, you can use several techniques:

  • Smearing technique. Give your child a piece of plasticine and a drawing prepared in advance. Ask to spread plasticine on the cardboard to fill all the areas.
  • Flagella technique. This craft will look quite original and neat, but first teach your child how to make flagella. You can figure out in advance what figures to make or decorate the prepared template with flagella.
  • Mosaic technique. This is one of the most favorite techniques for kids, as they just need to roll plasticine balls and attach them to the drawing. The smaller the ball, the neater the picture looks.

Real masterpieces will be created by children aged 5 years and older, who can combine several techniques and decorate template drawings with plasticine.

Master class: painting from plasticine

Prepare the following materials:

  • Soft wax plasticine:
  • Cardboard;
  • Stacks;
  • Frame with glass;
  • Container with water.

Pour hot water into a container and cover it with glass to place small parts on the glass surface. Wet your hands in a separate glass of water to prevent sticking while working.

Master class on crafts made from plasticine on cardboard

You want to find a drawing that your child can fill in, so try to avoid pictures with small details. To make it easier to fill out the drawing without transferring it to cardboard, mount the image under glass, and let the child fill it with balls or flagella on the glass.

Start filling out the design on the glass with large elements. If there is no glass, then draw some other image on the cardboard. To illustrate autumn, mix two colors of clay. The advantage of working directly with cardboard is that you can use the smudging technique and immediately fill in the background, and you will have to lay out the details on the glass in order to transfer them to the cardboard in the future.

Plasticine painting on cardboard for children It can be of any complexity, it all depends on the age of the child and his creative abilities. children and their parents can create real works of art.

One of the possible materials for making applique is plasticine. In the process of sculpting from this material, the child develops motor skills and shape-making skills, especially since plastic perfectly develops the child’s imagination. In addition, such an application turns out to be bright and its implementation helps the child become more attentive and careful.

How to make an applique from plasticine "Autumn tree"

From plasticine you can make works on a variety of themes, for example, on the theme of autumn. In order to complete the application, you will need plasticine of different colors and a sheet of cardboard, which will be used as a base. You can immediately select the base of the desired color, or knead the plasticine of the desired color and apply it evenly to the base. After this, you need to knead the brown plasticine to sculpt a tree, namely the trunk and branches. Then you need to make leaves from green plasticine and attach them to the tree. For realism, you can use a toothpick or a special stack to apply stripes to the leaves and trunk of the tree.

It is better to make applications from plasticine on cardboard; due to the dense base of the cardboard, it is convenient to apply details on it. As a rule, in addition to cardboard, you only need plasticine for work. For example, in order to make an applique on the theme of late autumn, you will need a sheet of cardboard and plasticine in brown, green, yellow and red colors. First, you need to form a tree trunk from brown plasticine, from green plasticine you need to outline the contours of the crown and then complete the formation of the crown by placing leaves from yellow and red plasticine. If you are planning a presentation, the plot can be supplemented by making grass and fallen autumn leaves.

How to make daisies from plasticine

A chamomile meadow made of plasticine looks beautiful. In order to do this work, you will need plasticine of different colors, a sheet of cardboard, a syringe and glue. It is advisable to prepare templates for making daisies in advance, this will make it easier for the child to complete the work. The daisies cut out according to the template must be glued to the base, then a clearing must be made from green plasticine. Next, yellow plasticine should be cut into pieces and placed in a syringe, then lowered into a container with hot water and formed into a chamomile core using flagella. A similar technology is used for making chamomile petals from white plasticine and leaves from green plasticine.

You can also make other flowers from plasticine, such as roses.

Application from plasticine "Fish"

If this is 1st grade, you can invite students to make a fish applique from plasticine. In order to get the fish shown in the picture below, you will need plasticine of different colors, from which you must first form sausages, and then make snails from them and lay them on top of one another to form scales. The head and tail should also be sculpted from plasticine. It will be interesting for children to do such work, because by using different colors, the fish turns out colorful.

What applications can be made from plasticine?

Plasticine is a material from which a child can make applications on a variety of topics. Thanks to working with plasticine, the child develops hand motor skills and creative thinking, so it is advisable to start applique work with your child as early as possible. The video lessons offered in this article will demonstrate master classes on making plasticine applications for children of different ages.

Larisa Savchuk

Plasticineography is a new type of decorative and applied art.

The concept of “plasticineography” has two semantic roots: “graphy” - to create, depict, and “plasticine” - refers to the material with which the idea is realized.

The principle of this technique is to create a molded picture with plasticine depicting more or less convex, semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface.

The main material is plasticine - a plastic and soft material for children's creativity that has the ability to take and hold a given shape.

At the end of April, I will have to conduct a master class on plasticineography with the teachers of our kindergarten. In connection with this, I had to master this new technique for me. At first I studied myself, without including children in this activity, and then I began to teach them too.

Today, dear colleagues, I present to your attention my first works using the “Plasticineography” technique and small master classes on them. Maybe someone will find it useful in their work.

Materials: thick cardboard, contour drawings, good plasticine, napkins for hands, water in a bowl, stacks, modeling board.

So let's get started.


1. A drawing is applied to the cardboard (you can use pictures from coloring books).

2. Make the background of the picture. First determine the background color.

Small pieces of plasticine are plucked off from the plasticine and applied to the surface in the form of strokes. You can use mixed plasticine for a wider range of colors.

3. Plasticine strokes are smeared with your fingers over the entire surface without going beyond the outline of the drawing.

4. Then small flagella are rolled up, laid out along the contour of the design, pressed and smeared with a finger towards the middle, filling the center of the design element.

6. Lay out the outline of the drawing with thin black flagella.

We frame the finished work.

Other work is done in a similar way.

"Underwater Kingdom"

1. Apply plasticine to thick cardboard in the form of strokes of the desired color.

2. Using your fingers, smear the plasticine over the entire surface in the direction from left to right.

3. We “populate” the water with inhabitants, plants, etc.

"Ladybug on a daisy"

1. Make a sketch of the image on thick cardboard.

2. Similarly, fill the background with plasticine.

3. We depict a daisy, then a ladybug.

4. Using stacks, figured sticks, signets, we decorate the work.

These were my first works using the plasticineography technique. I will introduce you to other works in this technique and to the works of my students in the following posts.

Children enjoy working with plasticine: babies under 3 years old willingly knead it with their fingers, roll it into sausages on the table, and form balls with their palms. By doing such modeling, children develop fine motor skills of their hands, and accordingly, the speech and intellectual development of children occurs. With the help of plasticine applications, you can instill perseverance in preschool children and develop creativity in the child.

Children love to do things with their own hands. They especially like a variety of crafts where they can show their imagination. Such crafts also include applications made from plasticine. A mother can give her child an idea for a craft or help with its implementation. Joint creative activities bring all family members closer together and help the foolish child feel protected. While the baby is busy sculpting, the mother can calmly go about her business.

What is needed for sculpting

In order for little fidgets to get accustomed to order, it is necessary to prepare a workplace in advance for creative activities. Modern types of plasticine do not stick to the table and do not leave greasy marks, but it is still better to cover the table with oilcloth or film.

So, for modeling you need to prepare the following materials:

  • Plasticine. The choice in stores is huge. The colors are bright. If possible, it is better to purchase plasticine with the addition of wax.
  • Templates for crafts.
  • Cardboard or a sheet of paper that will become the basis of needlework. It is better to choose colored cardboard and colored paper so that the child does not have to create the background of his work.
  • Stack is a small stick for working with plasticine. You can use toothpicks instead. They are very convenient for drawing veins on flowers and tree leaves.
  • A board for rolling out plasticine. You can use a silicone stand. After rolling out one color, the remaining material must be removed with a stack or a knife.
  • A container of water, as well as wet wipes. Although plasticine made using modern technologies does not stick to your hands, it is better for your little ones to wet their hands before sculpting the next detail of the picture. It is convenient to clean your hands with wet wipes.

Types and techniques of execution

Plasticine applications can be made three-dimensional or planar, using thick colored cardboard as a base. The little man can come up with what exactly he wants to make. But most often the baby needs to be provided with a template according to which the fidget will do its job.

Contour drawings help children respect boundaries and instill a sense of precision and scrupulousness. Templates can be coloring books depicting cartoon characters, cars, animals, and flowers. Templates for the drawing can be drawn by either the mother or the baby himself. When the fidget already confidently understands the complexities of modeling, he will be able to create his own works.

Plasticine applique on cardboard can be made using a variety of techniques. The most common of them:

  • Smearing technique. The child should knead the plasticine, trying to make it as soft as possible. Smear a small piece on cardboard or paper, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the drawing. Usually the sea, grass, sky or clouds and sun are depicted in this way. New types of plasticine with wax themselves are quite soft. With this material you can draw like a felt-tip pen.
  • Mosaic. To make appliqués using this technique, children will need a lot of patience and perseverance. The baby will need to roll a lot of colorful balls. Then carefully, without going beyond the contours of the drawing, fill all the details of the template with small plasticine balls.
  • Flagellar technique. The mother and the child sculpt and roll out flagella of different shapes and colors. Then they are folded into the details of the picture and fixed on a sheet of paper or cardboard. The result is an unusual and bright plasticine picture.

It is rare that only one sculpting technique is used. Usually the fidget uses several similar techniques for his masterpieces. Rolls out the grass and sky with his finger. It creates trees and flowers from flagella. Depicts leaves and berries with small balls.