Scenario of the program for the Day of the Elderly “Let the autumn of life be warm! Elderly Day in elementary school. Scenario Old People's Day in Primary School


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conducted by a primary school teacher

Filina Nadezhda Mikhailovna


Leading: -Good afternoon dear friends! Hello!

This day is everywhere

The whole country celebrates

This day is the best

Good calendar day!

-October 1 is celebrated as International Day of Older Persons. Looking at such young, open and cheerful faces of our guests, the tongue cannot dare to say about you - “older” people. This holiday, it seems to me, should be called differently: the Day of Honorable People, the holiday of wisdom. Or, as the Japanese say, - Day of the SILVER age. And today we would like to congratulate all the people present in the hall on this holiday. This is a wonderful holiday - a day of kindness and respect.
1. It doesn’t matter that the year, running away, 2nd grade They leave the whiskey in silver. Happy holiday to our dear ones, On this October day. 2. If life is full and clear, And the soul, without burning, burns, This means that life, life is not in vain, This means that everything that hurts will go away. 3. Hope will smile at you more than once, The dawn will caress you more than once, Happy holiday, bright and fresh, How happy to become October!

- In pr Leading: - Our dear guests! I want you to relax today and take a good mood with you! On holidays it is customary to give gifts. And our gift for you will be this concert.

Dance 2nd grade.

Leading: - In the life of each of you, just like in nature, there are 4 seasons:winter - snow-white childhood,spring - talkative youth,summer - exuberant flowering of energy andGolden autumn - rich and wise. So may your golden autumn of life give us all the wisdom of the soul, the wealth of life experience and the unfading warmth of your hearts. We are pleased to welcome to our holiday those who once worked in kindergarten and school. * * * -Today is a holiday for people, Masha Lbova That they gave their lives to work. Worked at school day and night And they didn’t expect thanks. - Now retired for a long time... But you still can’t sit still! This, apparently, is your destiny, You are used to working since childhood! We would like to please you very much, May you be happy with this day And again in a year You hurried to this hall again. Leading: - A song about school is sung by 4th grade students. 4th grade

3rd grade students

1.You have reached this age What does a welcome word ask for? Please accept our congratulations Health, happiness and goodness And let the bad mood You will never have it. 2. Look at the world with pleasure And sadness and trouble will recede Success, luck and fortune May it always accompany you. 3. How many years have you lived? We won't count We really want On this day to wish Never grow old, never get sick, never get bored And we will celebrate this holiday for many more years.
We n Leading: - We didn't eat, we didn't sleep We're with the guys all night They composed ditties for you. We'll sing them now Don't judge us harshly.

Ditties about grandparents, grade 3 (application)

Leading: It’s a mystery to us – your years You are always wonderfully good We wish you all the hardships in life Sweep away with the effort of the soul. Your slogan is to live, despise fatigue It probably gives you strength And so that the mystery remains, - You get younger every year. Leading: We know what you love Songs, jokes, dances, But there's nothing more interesting What are our Russian fairy tales, Leading: The holiday continues The fairy tale begins The Tale of Grandfather and Grandmother About the granddaughter and the chicken Ryaba. « The Tale of the Ryabey Hen" 4th grade (application)

1. The law of nature is so harsh Nelya Years pass in the flow of centuries There are so many beautiful words To congratulate a person 2. But we are not looking for these words, Arina But we simply wish from the bottom of our hearts: Health, happiness and flowers And live 100 without losing heart.
3. Can’t find such a word Danil To fully wish Good health to you, And never lose heart 4. We wish Gel happiness and goodness Less grief and sadness May there be more bright days And the gloomy ones didn’t visit.
Leading: - At our friendly school The girls are just great. They will show you a lively dance now The dance is fiery and very exciting.

Dance 2nd grade

Leading: The years fly by, but trouble
There's no need to worry about that.
No wonder Vakhtang sings the words
“My years are my wealth.”
The years rush by quickly, without looking back,
They fly by, melt away like smoke,
We wish you at any ten -
Stay young at heart!

Leading: If you ever feel sad,
There will be a good song
He will lead you,
Sadness will recede and pass.
The song flows like a river,
It is sung from the heart.
-I invite you to remember the songs of your youth. (Melodies sound guests sing along) * “The daisies hid”* “So many golden lights”* "Am I to blame"* “The apple and pear trees were blooming.”

Leading: It's so nice to see your faces
And the smiles that fly from your lips!
You only dream of peace at night,
Work tirelessly!
"Elderly" - does not apply to you,
This word is only for passports,
You are still young at heart,
Let love burn in your hearts!
Let your grandchildren grow up with joy,
Don't give in to them in anything.
Have fun, so that there is not an hour of boredom,
So that you don’t care about everything in life!
-Put your ears on top of your headsSong "Grandmothers"!Leading: The song “Old Grandmothers” is performed by 4th grade students.

Song 4th grade (application)

Presenter: - I ask you to remember this hour,
And, of course, all of us!
I wish everyone continued
Have good health
Don't get sick and don't lose weight,
Don't grow old, but get younger!
Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
By the number of years that have flown by?
Well, what if you are full of vigor?
And the threshold of victories has not been passed?
No need to look for unnecessary complexity
In our turbulent, frantic age,
Everything in life is possible over the years,
If a person is young at heart!
Thank you for coming to the celebration today!
See you again!

Informational resources:

The summary of the competition program of primary school teacher O.A. Tolstykh was used. MBOU "Gymnasium No. 16", Novosibirsk

script for the holiday for the Day of the Elderly, primary school teacher of Novomoskovsk N.N. Kuzmina. (scene “Ryaba Hen”)


“Grandmothers - old women” V. Dobrynin

1.Who usually sits under the window all day

Who is always angry with us and grumbles habitually

Who scolds snow for snow, scolds rain for rain

And of course, he knows everything in the world better than anyone. 2 rub.


Grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers, old women

Grandmothers, grandmothers ears on top of the head

Grandmothers, grandmothers, we respect you

But we, the bonds, don’t know how to understand you.

2.Who came to whom when, who violated what.

Everything is known well to old grandmothers

They shake their heads sternly and sternly

And sometimes even the district police officer is afraid of them

Chorus 2 times

DITTS Don't look at us You'll break your eyes We are not local grannies You won't recognize us. I have a big braid The ribbon is short My grandfather didn’t think about me I'm still young. Baba Sima drank tea Made samovar I broke all the dishes I was cooking.
Baba Katya asked Climb Vitya into the attic Sorry, Grandma Katya I'm not your farmhand at all. Grandfather Matvey is a big fisherman I caught a shoe in the river But then I caught it Sunken dump truck.
Baba Vera stopped by Through the keyhole And it burns on her forehead Cone large block Oh let's go, let's go dance Grandmother Lukerya There is no hair on the back of my head I put on feathers.
Old grandfather Nazar I went to the market in the morning But he forgot to take his glasses I bought hooks instead of chickens. Grandfather Ivan fixing a socket Surprised us today He stuck his finger into the socket And I laughed for an hour.
From behind the forest, from behind the mountains Grandfather Egor came out In his mushroom basket Just an old fly agaric Baba Shura walked through the market And tripped over the basket And fell into a hole - wow Squished 40 flies And from grandfather Taras Nowhere to go Knee-deep beard Leaps in to kiss

Old Grandfather Pakhom

Riding on a broom

It turned out he was for dinner

Accidentally ate a fly agaric

Nm all benefits have been canceled

It's no one's fault

And without them we will survive

If only there was no war

We are happy, no doubt

But this supplement is enough

To buy 100 grams of sweets


Characters; Author, Grandfather and Baba, Granddaughter and Chicken Ryaba.
Author. Once upon a time there lived Grandfather and Baba. They lived and did not grieve. They washed down the cracker with tea,Once a month they chewed sausage. And everything would be fine yes little chickenShe took it and laid the egg.The egg is not simple, Golden egg. And now at our pricesAnd in general it is priceless.For family adviceGrandfather gathered Granddaughter and Grandmother.
Grandfather. Anyway. Such a thing.What should I do with this egg?Maybe I should eat it? Or sell?Or change it to dollars?Maybe the walls will fall downShall we buy a modern music center?
Grandma. What are you doing, Grandfather?! Fear God!Music doesn't cost much!We'd better buy a TVVacuum cleaner or transistorOr let's take a cart of soap,To keep the house clean.
Granddaughter. Maybe we can buy me some perfume?The grooms will be amazed!Or French lipstick?I will be glad to see her too!
Author. It's all about cheese and boronAnd everyday noisy argument.It’s not like that, but it’s not like that.
Grandfather. You idiot!
Grandma. You are an idiot!
Author. Such a scandal began -The world has never seen anything like this!Only the Chicken is silent,Stands near the table.
Hen. Well I didn't expect it at allBe the cause of a scandal.To stop thisI need to break an egg.
Author. She came up quietlyAnd, flapping his wing lightly,Dropped the egg on the floorShe smashed him to pieces!Granddaughter is crying, Baba is crying...
Granddaughter and Grandmother. What have you done, Ryaba?
Author. The grandfather did not cry, oddly enough,He turned out his pockets with holes.
Grandfather. I have no money, so what?!Peace in the family is most precious!

Scenario of a festive program for grandmothers, dedicated to the Day of the Elderly “I Kiss Grandmother’s Hands”

Goals and objectives:
- draw the children’s attention to the image of the grandmother, help them see undeniable advantages in it;
- consolidate the desire to treat older people and old age with even greater respect;
- cultivate a sense of affection for loved ones.

Equipment, design and props:
- Little Red Riding Hood and Wolf costumes;
- attributes for competitions: threads, balls for rewinding, buttons;
- balls, glue, colored paper, scarves;
- hoops.
The holiday can be held at a round table, with tea and pies, so that all grandmothers feel comfortable, as if they were at home.

Progress of the event

(Background music sounds, the event begins).

Presenter: Good evening, dear guests! And he is also kind because he is dedicated to you, our dear, dear and only grandmothers. When autumn comes, the sun shines brightly, you want it to be warm in your soul, and it seems to you that the whole world is smiling, the whole world is illuminated by your warm smiles, dear grandmothers! Today we invited you to have fun with us, smooth out your wrinkles with our smiles, and forget about all the troubles and illnesses. After all, next to you are your grandchildren and granddaughters.
She loves children, is kind, and buys something tasty - whatever you want. She is caring and never scolds. She has a loved one - her grandfather. Who is this? This is grandma. Granny, grandma or just ba - this is how your grandchildren and granddaughters affectionately call you.
(Girls come out to the music).

1 girl:
Everyone is in a hurry today
Celebrate the autumn holiday
Just don't forget
Congratulations to the grandmothers!

2nd girl:
Very much my grandmother-
I love my mother.
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead there is a gray strand.
I just want to touch it,
And then kiss.

3rd girl:
Grandmother, beloved, dear,
Sunshine, chamomile, cornflower.
I don’t know what I should wish for you,
On this wonderful day!
I wish you joy and happiness,
Peace and good luck for your lifetime,
So that the heart doesn't break into pieces,
My dear, my dear man!

Presenter: It's no secret that parents often don't have enough time for their children because they have work to do. And then, of course, grandmothers come to the rescue.

1 girl:
Mom has work, dad has work -
They still have Saturday for me
And grandma is always at home,
She never scolds me!
He will sit you down and feed you: “Don’t rush.
Well, what happened to you? Tell"
We feel good - like this, the two of us.
Without a grandmother, what kind of house is it?

2nd girl:
Who scolds us the least?
Who bakes pies for us?
Who accompanies us to school?
And then he’s waiting from school?
Well, of course, this is the most
The best person.
Let the gray little head -
You, grandma, are the most beautiful.

3rd girl:
She has time
To tell a fairy tale.
And with grandchildren and everyone
Have fun, play.
Who's going to fry cutlets for us?
And fill our leisure time?
This is my dear grandmother,

The most faithful friend in the world.

Presenter: Grandma is not just a best friend, a loved one. Many children probably heard their first fairy tales from your lips. You were the best storyteller in the world for them. And now listen to our fairy tale, the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. But don't be afraid, grandmas! The wolf in this fairy tale will not eat you, today he is kind.

(Background music plays, Little Red Riding Hood comes out).

Little Red Riding Hood:
Here I am! It's been a long time since I've been here,
Everyone calls me Little Red Riding Hood.
I collected a large bouquet of flowers -
Grandma probably doesn’t have those!
Oh! This is a wolf, he is the most terrible of all animals.

(The wolf runs out, Little Red Riding Hood hides).

Where is she? Where is she?
It should be here somewhere.
I'll wait until I get a girl,
I'll sit here, to the side.
I'll dress up in a white cap
And I’ll take up knitting a stocking.

(The wolf puts on a cap and a skirt, sits down and knits. Little Red Riding Hood comes out of the hiding place).

Little Red Riding Hood:
The wolf is gone! He didn't find me! (See grandma, a wolf in disguise) Hello, grandma!
Wolf: Hello, granddaughter!
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, grandma! Why are your ears so big?
Wolf: To hear you better, my child!
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, grandma! Why are your eyes so big?
Wolf: To see you better, my child!
Little Red Riding Hood: Grandma, grandma! Why are your hands so big?
Wolf: To hug you tighter, my child!

(Hugs Little Red Riding Hood and presents her with a bouquet of flowers, the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood join hands and turn to the audience).

Grandmothers - don't be afraid!
Moms - calm down!
I'm kind today, I'm not evil at all,
I won't eat your girls!
I don’t live in a thicket, I’m not real!


Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?
By the number of years that have flown by?
Well, if you are full of vigor,
If you love the whole world?
The poet is right - one should judge age not by years, but by the state of one’s soul.
I suggest you take part in competitions. Let's see how much our grandmothers can do! They will prove to us how dexterous, smart and resourceful they are! And the first competition “Warm-up”.
Competition "Warm-up".
(We give tokens for the correct answer).
Presenter: Do you know antique household items?
1. The most common shoes in Rus'. (Lapti)
2. Without what dish is lunch in Rus' impossible? (No bread)
3. What was a towel called before? (Rushnik).
4. Hanging cradle. (Cradle)
5. A thin long sliver of dry logs for lighting the hut. (Luchina)
6. A metal slingshot with a long handle for picking up pots and cast iron in the oven. (Grab)
7. Sleeping bunks, arranged under the ceiling between the stove and the wall. (Polati)
8. A universal piece of furniture in a Russian hut. (Bench)
9. Bright front room in the house. (Svetlitsa)
10. Clean half of the peasant hut. ( Upper room)
11. Fence around the village. (Okolitsa)
12. What is kulebyaka? (Pie with fish, meat, cabbage, etc.)
13. What was the name of a warm drink made from herbs with honey in Rus'? (Sbiten)
14. Which dish is salted three times? (Dumplings)
15. What do they pour into a frying pan and bend it in four? (Crap)
16. What kind of lady is she, very pretty: sitting on a spoon with her legs dangling? (Noodles).

Presenter: Well done, our grandmothers showed their resourcefulness.

Thin needles are of very little use.
I want to invent a new needle.
The donut needle will have an eye,
So that grandma threads the thread easily.
So that she doesn’t get angry, so that she sings songs,
To smile and get busy.
Competition "Granny's Tangle".
We will give each grandmother a needle and thread and a button, and on the grandmother’s command they must sew the button to the fabric.
Then the next task is who of the grandmothers will rewind a ball of thread into another ball the fastest.

Presenter: Well done! Who is more agile with threads and needles, if not our grandmothers!

Presenter: Sometimes, when cats are scratching at your soul, you will hear a pleasant, painfully familiar melody, and the sadness will disappear. There is one beautiful song, and in it these words:
The heart is light from a cheerful song,
She never lets you get bored.
And the song ends like this:
And the one who walks through life singing,
He will never disappear anywhere.
And we will dedicate our next competition to a song. You will have to guess the song and remember the first line. Whoever recognizes her receives a token.

Phonograms of songs:
1. “Someone came down the hill.”
2. “Oh, frost, frost.”
3. “I’m lying in the sun.”
4. "Smile."
5. “Grandma next to grandpa.”
6. “The daisies hid.”
7. “Small Country.”
8. "Katyusha".
9. “Porushka Poranja.”
10. “Eh, Semyonovna.”
11. “He’s going on leave, a young sailor.”

Presenter: And now I invite you to take part in the comic competition “Lyubashki”. I have balloons in my hands. Using glue and colored paper, you need to depict the girl’s face and put on a headscarf.
Competition "Lyubashki".
Presenter: Dear grandmothers! You are still full of strength, vigor, you are young at heart. And now I offer you the sports competition “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.” Condition: whoever spins the hoop the longest is the winner.
Competition “I’m spinning like a squirrel in a wheel.”
Presenter: Well done! What our grandmothers can’t do, isn’t it? We have just confirmed this. How kind and good they are! These poems are for you!
Good grandmothers - there are many of you in the world,
You look into the eyes openly and directly.
No matter how far the road calls us -
We are all accompanied by good grandmothers.
We rarely give bouquets to grandmothers,
But everyone upsets her so often.
And a kind grandmother forgives all this,
A good grandmother forgives everything.
Under the load of worries, without stubbornly bending,
She performs her duty patiently.
Every grandmother is good in her own way,
She is beautiful with her love.
Yes, it happens that your grandchildren bring you grief. But I hope that they love you very, very much and for them you are the best.
And now the very last competition is a dance competition, you can do everything, and therefore I invite you to show yourself how you dance.
Competition "Dance"
Each participant draws a card with the name of the dance and performs it.
1. Gypsy.
2. Eastern.
3. Rock and roll.
4. Cannes – Cannes.
5. Spanish.
6. Lambada.
7. Caucasus.
8. Quadrille.
9. And any modern (youth) dance.

Presenter: This is where we end our competitions, it’s time to sum up the results. But I think that all our grandmothers did an excellent job, they are all just great. We hope that our meeting is not the last, we will see you often. See you again!

Presenter 1 Attention, attention. The school speaks and shows. Today we celebrate the holiday - International Day of Older Persons.

Presenter 2. International Day of Older Persons is a relatively new holiday. In the life of every person there have always been, are and will be grandparents. And, probably, out of love and gratitude for grandparents, some wise person declared October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

Presenter 1 I looked at our grandparents!.. But I don’t agree with that person! This day should have been called the International Day of Beloved and Loving Grandparents!

The years, like birds, flew over you,
You have known the happiness of life through your work.

Childhood years, the beginning of the journey,
A happier time is hard to find.

Youth opened the paths of the universe,
A time of wonderful learning in life.

Years of study, struggle and labor,
Many were hardened by the war.

Survived battles, had children,
They sang new songs with delight.

Believed in a miracle for all time,
Love gave happiness then.

The children grew up, and so did you.
The best people of a great country.
They built cities, raised wheat,
Space has opened borders for you.

In general, it was not in vain that we visited this world,
The world on the planet has changed slightly.

Your children have already given you grandchildren,
There is a continuation of great Russia!

Today is a holiday for all times,
Your native country congratulates you!

Song "Grandma Next to Grandfather"

I swear I'll never forget

Give every day for lunch:
I'll pour it into my right hand,
I'll pour it into my left hand,
And I’ll just pour it on the dish,
A mountain of colorful candies!

I swear I'll never forget

You shouldn't scold for bad marks.
Just to relieve boredom,
I'll send it to a cheerful friend
And I'll let you watch TV,
I'll let you go for a longer walk.

And, apparently, only A's
She wore it from school.
And her friend didn’t come to her,
And I didn’t whisper in her ear,
What a loser grandpa Kolya
I waited for her at the window.

Reader4 Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!

We go for walks together,
Together we go to bed,
We wash the dishes together -

We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance -
Grandma will clap for me

I try not to be capricious,
I don’t shed tears, but I smile -
We are great friends with her,
Because we are FAMILY!

Song "We Divide Everything in Half"

Text (lyrics) of the song “We Divide Everything in Half”

As friends should,
We divide everything in half,
And raindrops and snowflakes,

And raindrops and snowflakes,

As friends should,
We divide everything in half,
And laughs and tears,
In half, in half, in half-lam-lam,
And laughs and tears,
Half, half, half-lam-lam.

As friends should,
We divide everything in half,
Adventures, sorrows,
In half, in half, in half-lam-lam,
Adventures, sorrows,
Half, half, half-lam-lam.

As friends should,
We divide everything in half,
We even share the song honestly
In half, in half, in half-lam-lam,
We even share the song honestly
Half, half, half-lam-lam.

We went to the hall

A friend will save you from various troubles.
I look a lot like my friend
Because he is my grandfather.
My grandfather and I are on Sundays
We're heading to the stadium
I love ice cream with jam
And he loves cartoons.
With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

I scattered it in the corners.
Grandfather brings me toys
And he plays them himself.
Tin battalion
Grandfather commands: “Forward!” —
And leads to distant lands
My paper steamer.
With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

They creak in the snow.
I'm following my grandfather
In front of all the guys.
I still can't understand
No surprises,

Which of us two is younger?

Either my grandfather or me?

Teacher: Guys, can you solve riddles?
Let's check
Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,
Delicious pancakes
At my beloved... (grandmother)

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he's old and gray
My dear, beloved... (grandfather)

Grandfather and grandmother
Were young
And now they're old,
Became... (elderly)

He will teach you to work,
Have fun from the heart
He is an example to all the guys -
Our dear... (retired)!

Autumn gave a holiday
And I didn’t forget to congratulate
Clear sunshine for lunch
Our grandmother and... (grandfather)!

In the portrait there is a brave guy -
This is my young grandfather.
And I am rightfully proud of him,
Although he has become completely ... (gray-haired)

Together with my grandmother
We set an example for everyone.
And we will meet guests with her
On the holiday of the elderly... (people)

Reader 8 My grandmother and I
Old friends
How good
My grandmother
Knows so many fairy tales
What can't be counted
And always in stock
There's a new girl
But grandmother's hands -
It's just a treasure.
Being idle for grandma
Hands don't tell
Golden, dexterous,
How I love them!
No, probably others
You won't find these!

Sketch “Granny Encyclopedia”

Grandma has a grandson and granddaughter -
WHY and WHY.
All day long your questions
The snub-nosed people ask:

“WHY green leaf?
WHY does the artist sing?

WHY does a cat have a mustache?
WHY does a chair have legs?

WHY does fire burn?
WHY does the eagle soar?

WHY does grass grow?
WHY are the leaves making noise?

Grandma wears glasses all day
Checks in dictionaries

Finds out for the grandchildren
WHY do streams gurgle?

WHY is it frosty in winter,
WHY do roses have thorns?

WHY does the bear roar?
WHY does copper sparkle?

WHY does it rain?
WHY the prickly hedgehog...

What a granddaughter! What a grandson!
They managed to get grandma
Make a "Doctor of Science"
And in just two weeks!

Reader 9 My grandmother is with me,

I can open cabinets,
Water flowers with kefir,
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands?
Slam the door on purpose!
But this won’t work with mom.
I've already checked.

Dance “Old Grandmothers.”

They go out into the hall


Grandfather Matvey is a big fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river

But then I caught it

Sunken dump truck.

The doctor said "An injection in the shoulder blade"

But grandfather Vitya is not a coward

Took a mining shovel

And he said: “Stab!”

Oh let's go, let's go dance

Grandmother Lukerya

There is no hair on the back of my head

I put on feathers.

Old grandfather Nazar

I went to the market in the morning

But he forgot to take his glasses

I bought hooks instead of chickens.

Grandfather Ivan fixing a socket

Surprised us today

He stuck his finger into the socket

And I laughed for an hour.

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains

Grandfather Egor came out

In his mushroom basket

Just an old fly agaric

Baba Shura walked through the market

And tripped over the basket

And fell into a hole - wow

Squished 40 flies

Old Grandfather Pakhom

Riding on a broom

It turned out he was for dinner

Accidentally ate a fly agaric

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us.

The kindest, dearest,
We congratulate you,
Me and all my relatives!
You, my dear, don’t be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
You could easily collect
I'll get older in years,
I will help too!
Even though I'm small,
Do you understand me?
And probably because
I love you most of all!

They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandma
How I love her
What are her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!

Teacher The storehouse of worldly wisdom is, of course, our older generation.
And honor to you, and honor,
And thank you for being and being there.
Get young at heart,
It's too early to grow old.
So be healthy
Live richly!

The music is "Grandmother Next to Grandfather"

Reader1 Now, if I’m a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
Give every day for lunch:
I'll pour it into my right hand,
I'll pour it into my left hand,
And I’ll just pour it on the dish,
A mountain of colorful candies!

Reader2 Now, if I’m a grandmother,
I swear I'll never forget
What about a granddaughter, or maybe a grandson?
You shouldn't scold for bad marks.
Just to relieve boredom,
I'll send it to a cheerful friend
And I'll let you watch TV,
I'll let you go for a longer walk.

Reader 3 But grandma obviously forgot
That I loved candy as a child.
And, apparently, only A's
She wore it from school.
And her friend didn’t come to her,
And I didn’t whisper in her ear,
What a loser grandpa Kolya
I waited for her at the window.

Reader4 Together with my grandmother
We live very friendly!

We go for walks together,
Together we go to bed,
We wash the dishes together -
True true! I will not lie!

We don't like to be sad
We can sing and dance -
Grandma will clap for me
Well, I’m spinning and stomping!

I try not to be capricious,
I don’t shed tears, but I smile -
We are great friends with her,
Because we are FAMILY!

Reader 5 If things suddenly get tough,
A friend will save you from various troubles.
I look a lot like my friend
Because he is my grandfather.
My grandfather and I are on Sundays
We're heading to the stadium
I love ice cream with jam
And he loves cartoons.
With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

Reader 6 Cranes, satellites and guns
I scattered it in the corners.
Grandfather brings me toys
And he plays them himself.
Tin battalion
Grandfather commands: “Forward!” —
And leads to distant lands
My paper steamer.
With such a good grandfather
Not boring even in the rain
With such a good grandfather
You won't get lost anywhere!

Reader 7 We bought skis with our grandfather,
They creak in the snow.
I'm following my grandfather
In front of all the guys.
I still can't understand
No surprises,

Which of us two is younger?

Either my grandfather or me?

Reader 8 My grandmother and I
Old friends
How good
My grandmother
Knows so many fairy tales
What can't be counted
And always in stock
There's a new girl
But grandmother's hands -
It's just a treasure.
Being idle for grandma
Hands don't tell
Golden, dexterous,
How I love them!
No, probably others
You won't find these!

Reader 9 My grandmother is with me,
And that means I’m the boss in the house,
I can open cabinets,
Water flowers with kefir,
Play pillow football
And clean the floor with a towel.
Can I eat cake with my hands?
Slam the door on purpose!
But this won’t work with mom.
I've already checked.

Reader 10 Grandfather is very businesslike with us:
He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.
He helps his grandmother all day,
He is not at all lazy to do this.
Then he constantly loses points,
Either he will break something, or he will break something,
Always in a hurry, but tired of work,
He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.

Reader 11 Glorious grandfather, dear,
The kindest, dearest,
We congratulate you,
Me and all my relatives!
You, my dear, don’t be sick,
Healthier every year
To berries with mushrooms
You could easily collect
I'll get older in years,
I will help too!
Even though I'm small,
Do you understand me?
And probably because
I love you most of all!

Reader 12 Finally everyone fell asleep,
They won't spy on my secret
Because for grandma
I'll draw a bouquet.
Roses, asters, daisies
They will flash brightly on the postcard.
I'll write to grandma
How I love her
What are her pancakes
I always praise.
It's good that everyone fell asleep
It's already dawn outside the window.
I love you grandma
And I give you a bouquet!


Grandfather Matvey is a big fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river

But then I caught it

Sunken dump truck.

The doctor said "An injection in the shoulder blade"

But grandfather Vitya is not a coward

Took a mining shovel

And he said: “Stab!”

Oh let's go, let's go dance

Grandmother Lukerya

There is no hair on the back of my head

I put on feathers.

Old grandfather Nazar

I went to the market in the morning

But he forgot to take his glasses

I bought hooks instead of chickens.

Grandfather Ivan fixing a socket

Surprised us today

He stuck his finger into the socket

And I laughed for an hour.

From behind the forest, from behind the mountains

Grandfather Egor came out

In his mushroom basket

Just an old fly agaric

Baba Shura walked through the market

And tripped over the basket

And fell into a hole - wow

Squished 40 flies

Old Grandfather Pakhom

Riding on a broom

It turned out he was for dinner

Accidentally ate a fly agaric

We sang ditties for you

Is it good or bad?

And now we ask you

So that you clap for us.

Sketch “Granny Encyclopedia”

Grandma has a grandson and granddaughter -
WHY and WHY.
All day long your questions
The snub-nosed people ask:

“WHY green leaf?
WHY does the artist sing?

WHY does a cat have a mustache?
WHY does a chair have legs?

WHY does fire burn?
WHY does the eagle soar?

WHY does grass grow?
WHY are the leaves making noise?

Grandma wears glasses all day
Checks in dictionaries

Finds out for the grandchildren
WHY do streams gurgle?

WHY is it frosty in winter,
WHY do roses have thorns?

WHY does the bear roar?
WHY does copper sparkle?

WHY does it rain?
WHY the prickly hedgehog...

What a granddaughter! What a grandson!
They managed to get grandma
Make a "Doctor of Science"
And in just two weeks!

Natalia Konovalova

Presenter1: Good evening, dear friends!

Presenter2: Good evening!

Presenter 1: At the beginning of October there is a good holiday,

It's been on our calendar recently.

We congratulate grandparents

Here in Russia and all over the world!

Presenter2: They deserve our recognition.

After all, how would we raise children without them?

Who always helps us in everything,

Who, sometimes, we don’t take care of.

Presenter1: We have gathered today to say our warmest words to our dearest grandparents. We want to please you with our poems, songs and dances.

Presenter2: You are our most devoted viewers and we prepared this concert to cheer you up and show that you are very important not only for your grandchildren, but for each of us too.

Dance "The Miracle of the Balalaika"

Presenter1: Each season has its own joys, its own colors.

Winter has white fluffy snow and invigorating frost. Spring pleases with the first greenery and freshness. Summer is full of colors and flowers. Autumn - with its generosity, rich harvest.

This is probably how it is in life person. Youth is always full of hope and love. Mature years are the time for the blossoming of creative powers, the time for achievements, caring for children and grandchildren.

Presenter2: The General Assembly on December 14, 1990 decided to recognize October 1 as the International Day of old people.

Many countries celebrate this holiday. Day in Russia elderly people celebrate October 1st.

Presenter 1. Dear grandparents! Today your grandchildren came to congratulate you, they are looking forward to their performance. Let's bless them inwardly.

Our bow to you, our thanks for the sunshine of your eyes.

And for the fact that autumn is beautiful for yours the holiday began.

Giving something purchased is empty, but so did you remember the holiday,

We are for you today let's open our hearts, because we give our love!

Grandfathers and grandmothers, dear, dear,

After all, once you were too young!

And they walked around in shorts and braided their hair,

And you learned poems like bunnies and foxes.

Mom and dad are busy, always at work,

You will tell us a fairy tale and sing a song!

Grannies cook pies and pancakes,

And they play get-together with grandpa’s grandchildren.

We love you very much and wish you not to get sick,

After relaxing at the dacha, fly to the Canary Islands!

What else can I say that I wish you today?

So that you don’t have to wait long for a good law.

So that a pension is given every month - a million!

Then you would say: "Wonderful Law"!

Summer flashed by quickly and ran through the flowers.

He wanders somewhere beyond the mountains and is bored there without us.

Well, we won’t be sad - autumn is also good.

We will sing you a song together, let your soul have fun.

Song: "Grandma next to grandpa"

Presenter 1: There are many good poems and songs written about grandparents. I appeal to all the boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind, sensitive to them, do not cause pain with your words and actions. And you, our dear guests, welcome the next musical present:

Children of the group "Chamomile" with a song "Antoshka"

Presenter 2:

What is all this noise and commotion? Someone is eager to visit us!

Well, let's sit quietly.

Who is this? Let's see!

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom to the music.

Baba Yaga:

In a dark thicket at the edge of the forest I live in my hut.

I can cast magic and fly smartly on a broom.

I see there are a lot of guys here... What is this?



Baba Yaga:

So, it was not in vain that I was confused! So, I got there!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

Leshay brother told me: You should fly to kindergarten!

Children greet guests there, with congratulate everyone on the holiday

But they didn’t invite me, they forgot about the beauty!

I don’t forgive insults, I cancel the fun, I kick everyone out of here!

Presenter 2:

Stop it, Yaga be angry! Well, where is this good?

Don't waste your energy in vain, we are not afraid of you!

Baba Yaga:

Oh, aren't you afraid of me? Okay, then hang in there!

I'm about to scream (screams like I'm banging a broom (knocking).

I'll make you feel so bored! We are friends with boredom, we cannot be cheered up!

Presenter 2:

We are a cheerful people, we drive boredom out of the gates!

If we want, we’ll make you laugh too!

Keep your ears on top! Kindergarten sings ditties!


Baba Yaga:- OK OK! We won! You made me laugh!

But I won't give up that easily. No! This won't happen!

I will still take revenge on you, I will still do some dirty tricks!

Presenter 1:

Well, that's enough, Grandma. be angry because you have today too holiday!

Baba Yaga:

I have? Which holiday? Day elderly person in kindergarten! Oh, that's right, I'm a grandmother too! Are you going to congratulate me too?

Presenter 1:

Of course, listen to what wonderful poems our guys have prepared for their grandmothers.

Children read poetry.

Dear Granny!

Don’t read the years in vain, don’t be sad that your temples have turned grey.

This always happens in nature - snowstorms leave a trail.

Even if your life was not easy, there was still joy and happiness in it.

Be strong dear, hold on, bad weather will pass you by.

After all, your wealth is We: daughter, son, grandchildren, even great-grandchildren!

You will live for a long, long time so that you can nurse your great-great-grandchildren too!


I'll give you the sun

To my grandmother,

So that in the eyes of sadness

She didn't have it.

Lit up with joy

On this clear day

Every wrinkle

On a native face.

I'm a scarlet flower

I will also give

And I'll tell her: "Grandma, I love you!"

Grandma, like the sun, will warm everyone with her gaze,

How good it is for the grandchildren to be with their grandmother!

Grandma will give everyone warmth and affection,

He will gently kiss us and tell us a fairy tale.

My dear grandmother, my dear,

More than anyone in the world, I love you.

I’ll run my hand over your wrinkles...

There is no grandmother like her in the whole world.

I will never upset you.

Just be healthy, my grandmother!

Presenter 2: Dear grandparents, please accept the following congratulations from the children of the group "Stream"

SKETCH"Whose grandmother is better"

Teddy Bear:

My grandmother gave me a barrel of honey,

She brought me some delicious berries!

My grandma is the best in the world!

This song is for you, my song.

Lisa appears.

Fox: What are you humming here, Mishenka?

bear: And I composed this song about my grandmother. You know how good my grandmother is.

Fox: What's so good about her?

bear: He brings me honey and berries. She doesn't feel sorry for me.

Fox: Honey, berries...That's all! But my grandmother, my grandmother is better than yours!

bear: And why is that?

Fox: Yes, because my grandmother teaches me all sorts of tricks.

bear: What kind of tricks?


How to catch ducks

How to pluck chickens

How to catch up with hares

And how to cover your tracks.

My grandmother is the best in the world!

bear: No, mine!

Lisa and Misha are arguing. A frog appears.

Little Frog: Kva-kva-kva! You made me laugh... Yes, all frogs know that no one is better than my grandmother find: sings songs for me, swallows mosquitoes the fastest, and also protects me from herons. My grandma is the best! Kwa!

bear: No, mine!

Fox: And I say – mine!

The animals are arguing. A girl appears and sings a song.


Very my young grandmother,

My dear, my kind.

How beautiful my grandmother is -

I will look like her.

Sees animals.

What are you like? angry, little animals? Why are your cheeks puffed out? Or were you offended by someone?

Animals: We were offended at each other.

Girl: Why?

bear: We argued whose grandmother was better.

Girl: Oh, you stupid animals! How can anyone compare with my grandmother! What pies she bakes, what fairy tales she tells, what warm mittens she knits for me for winter! You won't find a better grandmother in the whole wide world!

The animals look questioningly at the girl.


Remember debaters, dear children:

For every grandson, everyone is the best in the world

Together: My own, dear, dear grandmother!

Girls perform a song « Young grandmother»

Baba Yaga: - Oh, how you love your grandmothers. And I want to be loved the same way.

Presenter 2: - You need to improve, be kind and not scare children.

Baba Yaga: - Well, I'll try. It's great, you're here, but I'm bored.

Presenter 2: - Well, it’s not good for us to be bored! Let's continue to have fun! We know that grandmothers know their grandchildren well. But I think everyone will be interested to know how well children know their grandmothers.

The game is being played: “RECOGNIZE GRANDMOTHER BY VOICE”.

Children stand in a circle with their eyes closed, and the grandmother calls her grandson or granddaughter, but not by name, but affectionately, for example, sunshine, kitten. Children must guess who was called.

Presenter 1: - Now, dear guests, I suggest you remember those times when you rushed to dance every day. Let's remember how it was and have a fun dance warm-up “Only grandparents on the dance floor”. Meet!


Familiar dance tunes are heard - grandparents are dancing.

Baba Yaga: - You tired me, I can’t take it anymore, I want to rest a little, and you can rest with me. I know that all children love fairy tales. Who reads fairy tales to you?

Children: Grandmothers

Baba Yaga: Now we’ll check if they remember them well. And if they fail, the grandchildren will help.

The TALES quiz is being held.

Baba Yaga asks children questions about their knowledge of fairy tales.

What baked goods escaped from your grandparents? (Kolobok)

Whose grandmother is the longest in the world? (Boa constrictor)

Which hero really loves jam? (Carlson)

Which hero has the longest nose? (Pinocchio)

Name the girl with blue hair (Malvina)

In what fairy tale did the grandfather, in order to pull out a huge plant, have to call all the household members for help? (Turnip)

Which heroine flies in a mortar with a broom? (Baba Yaga)

What hero doesn't like chocolate or marmalade? Does he only love little children? (Barmaley)

VED 2: Everything about grandma, and about grandma. It's time to talk about grandfathers.

Children read poetry

My dear grandfather,

We are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret:

There is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Look up to you in everything!

Grandpa is very much with us business:

He walks around the house, forgetting about peace.

He helps his grandmother all day,

He is not at all lazy to do this.

Then he constantly loses points,

Either he will break something, or he will break something,

Always in a hurry, but tired of work,

He sits down with the newspaper and is already snoring.

If things suddenly get tough,

A friend will save you from various troubles.

I look a lot like my friend

Because he is my grandfather.

My grandfather and I are on Sundays

We're heading to the stadium

I love ice cream with jam

And he loves cartoons.

With such a good grandfather it’s not boring even in the rain

With such a good grandfather you won't go anywhere

Song "My grandfather"

Presenter 2: - Let's remember what games you and your grandchildren play on the street? And I invite two grandfathers for the competition. We all know that boys love to play with cars more than anything else. Now you will play with these excellent machines while walking. This is the task. You have equal distances, you need to bring the car towards you without leaving your chair, twisting the rope onto a pencil, the one who gets the car in his hands the fastest wins.

A CAR competition is being held.


2 cars on a string,

Baba Yaga:

I am the soul looked younger, I would still dance and sing songs.

But it’s time to know your limits, you need to quickly run into the forest!

Don't forget me in the future

Invite us to visit more often! Goodbye!

Presenter1: In the explanatory dictionary written: « elderly- beginning to grow old", just a beginner. Therefore, live under motto: “You can grow to be a hundred years old without getting old”. And today, on this wonderful day, we sincerely congratulate you on holiday!. I wish you health, prosperity and attention. We bow low. After all, you are our history, our joys and victories! Accept a musical gift from the kindergarten team - a dance.

Dance "Burn, Burn Clear"

Presenter 2:

Here comes our holiday to end.

We wish you all the best things in life today!

The sun is clear, prosperity, warm words and friendly eyes.

Presenter 1:

Well, the most important thing is that don’t let the years age your soul,

Better health so that you don’t get sick forever, live without grieving, and don’t grow old in your soul.

Presenter 2: Today you are our guests, and it is customary to treat guests to tea. You are welcome to the table.