Script for the New Year's play "Time Travel". Scenario for the New Year’s holiday in the preparatory group “Time Machine or New Year’s Adventures”

For teenagers

Script for the New Year's play "Time Travel".

Good afternoon dear friends!
Let me remind you that winter has come again.
We are celebrating the New Year!
With which we congratulate you!
New Year is just around the corner -
Everyone's favorite holiday.
Still awaiting his arrival
Quiet and mischievous.
Both old and young
We are glad to meet him.
In winter he will come to you and me,
Having passed blizzards and obstacles.
He will light the lights on the Christmas tree,
The holiday will give us gifts.
His affairs are like a round dance,
Both cheerful and hot.
And we will immediately become warmer,
Even though the world is freezing in a blizzard.
And we will be even stronger
Love, take care of each other.
Well, what would a holiday be without jokes and pranks?..
Without smiles and laughter?..
Without a fun, witty song?


The lights in the hall go out, and a man’s voice sounds in the background of the music “A Space Odyssey” - a phonogram.

Attention attention! We are conveying an important message! A miracle computer has been sent to one of Serov’s schools, with the help of which it will be possible to quickly meet Santa Claus. But we warn you: there is a computer Virus roaming around in your computer, which is disturbing everyone. Beware of him. Avoid communicating with him.

The teacher brings in the computer. The presenters enter with flashlights.

He must be here somewhere.
Who is he?
Miracle computer
What does he look like?
Like a regular computer - screen, keyboard, processor.

The teacher turns on the light.


And here it is, a miracle computer!
Exactly! Come on quickly! Choose a program to quickly meet Santa Claus and start celebrating the New Year.

The 2nd presenter presses the buttons.

I don't understand anything! What is this? It says: "Program failure."

The lights flicker and alarming music sounds. A computer virus runs in.

Ha ha ha! Look what you want! Hurry up and meet Santa Claus!.. I’ll stop you from doing this, you won’t succeed.
Children (in unison).
And who are you?
I am a computer virus, created specifically to disable computers. So your computer will take a very long time to figure out.

The virus sings a song to the tune of "Island of Bad Luck."
All covered with files.
Absolutely all
I am a computer virus
Appeared here
All covered with files,
Absolutely all.
Whatever you do
Things aren't going well.
I'm a flawed product
And mine took it.
Whatever you do
Things aren't going well
I'll mix it up for you
calendar days,
Buttons on a computer
You are looking in vain.
I'll mix it up for you
Days of the calendar.

Did you understand? I am a computer Virus, and you are unlikely to be able to cope with me. Ha ha ha1

The virus escapes.

What to do?
Let's try an antivirus program.
Come on, because today is a holiday and we must hope for the best.

Presenters (sitting at the computer).

1st presenter.
Let's try to get into the future.
1st presenter.
Choose another antivirus program.

The music stops and the lights come on. Virus runs in.

Virus .
Ha ha! Looking for? Well, well, now I’ll give you another surprise.(Runs away).

(The lights in the hall go out. The soundtrack of the chorus of the song “Happy New Year” performed by the ABBA ensemble plays. The Christmas goat Yolupukke, dressed in a shaggy fur coat, comes on stage, holding a magic book.)

1st presenter.
Look where we ended up!
2nd presenter.

Who is this?

I am a goat in a shaggy fur coat -

Scandinavian Santa Claus!

I walk with a magic book

I brought it here for you.

My name is Yolupukki;

I love to sing and dance.

And then to obedient children

Give away as a gift!

Be-e-e! Hello guys! I want to say for those who don’t know that in Scandinavian countries, instead of Santa Claus, we come - the Christmas goats.

1st: Yolupukki, what does your name mean?

Yolupukki: Christmas goat. Be-e-e! Do you know how the Christmas goats greet each other?

2nd: Don't know.

Yolupukki : Do you children know?

Children : No!

Yolupukki: Watch and remember!

(With his right hand he shows “horns” above his head, and at the same time he extends his left hand forward with his thumb protruding, while saying “Wo!” He claps his hands and stamps his feet. Then he does the same, but quickly changing hands.)

1st: It's funny what you do, Yolupukki!

Yolupukki: And now I invite everyone to greet me like a goat!.. What, you didn’t remember the movements?.. Let’s practice!

Game "Goat Greeting".

(Yolupukki and the presenters show the movements of the game. Then, to the rhythmic music, everyone performs the goat greeting).

Yolupukki: Great! It was like a goat! And now, kids, I want to test you. All children’s misdeeds and pranks are written in my magic book. Now we will find out what kind of children live in Russia. (Opens a magic book.)

Game "Everything is the other way around"

(The goat reads phrases from a magic book, and the children must answer “yes” or “no” regardless of the rhyme).


At school, we always say “twos” only... (no)

And it’s no secret to the “fives”, We always say... (yes)

We’ll say “thank you” to mom for a bag of sweets?., (yes)

We'll go to the buffet now, push everyone around?., (no)

Oh, what nonsense, Crushing the flowers in the flowerbed... (no)

Past the trash can without difficulty Will we throw candy wrappers?., (no)

Sometimes we forget to say “Hello”... (no)

We will be the elders in response to telling lies?., (no)

Grandfather is riding next to us. Will we give way?., (yes)

Our bike is dirty. Shall we wash it? Of course yes)

Yolupukki: Well done! I like these kids!

2nd : And now, dear Yolupukki, our children will congratulate you on your holiday!

1st: Well, guys, we had fun playing, but we live in Russia, not Scandinavia, and we want to celebrate the New Year with our Santa Claus.

2nd: Certainly! Thank you, Yolupukki, it was very interesting and fun for us! Or maybe you will come with us?

Yolupukki : With pleasure!

1st: Let's try again, where is our miracle computer?

(The song “Italiano Vero” by T. Cutunio is played. The fairy Bofana enters))

Fairy Befana:

I'm in sunny Italy

I come to the kids.

Through chimneys

I’m rushing to see them on New Year’s Day.

With a burning broom

I'll sparkle in the middle of the night.

To get into houses

I do not need keys.

Befana Sorceresses

You couldn't find a kinder one.

Stockings for obedient children

I put it along the way

Wonderful gifts;

And just a clue

It happens to mischievous people

What do they see?

2nd : Hello, Fairy Befana!

Fairy Befana: Ciao, bambini! I said in Italian "Hello, children!" But I can speak different languages ​​because I am a sorceress. What beautiful children here! I wonder who has more boys or girls? Now we'll find out!

Game "Hello!"

Fairy Befana : When I say "Hello!" - all the boys will shout “Salute!” and clap their hands 3 times. Let's try. Hello! (The boys greet.) Bravo! The girls will simply say "Ciao!" and send me a kiss. We are rehearsing. Hello! (Girls greet.) Bravo! Bravo! Now we all say hello together, but each in our own way: boys “Salute!”, girls “Ciao!”

Fairy Befana : Bravo! Russian children are just as smart and playful as Italian girls and boys! I liked your warm greetings so much that I wanted to play!

Game "Unite!"
The leader gives the command: “Unite in twos.” All players must instantly find a partner and hold hands. Without allowing the players to come to their senses, the leader commands: “Unite in threes.” The leader’s commands follow one after another: “Four people, five, six…”.
“Everyone in a common circle,” the leader commands, and all players form a large round dance.

1st: Great!

Fairy: Liked?

All: Very!

2nd : And now, dear fairy, our children also want to wish you a Happy New Year!

Congratulations number

Fairy : Thanks guys! Stay with us in Italy and we will play different games!..

2nd : No, Fairy Befana, we cannot stay. We definitely need to get to Russia. Thank you! We will certainly come to visit you again, but for now it’s time for us to go!

Fairy B .: Well, guys, we played fun, had fun, it’s a pity to leave...

1st: Fairy Befana, the guys and I will be happy to take you with us.

Fairy Befana: Really? I will be very glad!

1st : Now we have to hurry, where is our miracle computer?

The music plays and the Virus appears.

Ha ha ha! Are you still trying to get into the New Year?! You don't know that there are no limits to my harmfulness. I infected your entire computer!(Runs away).
1- th: Dial! Look, it's not the same again!

(The phonogram of an American New Year's song sounds).

2nd : So, we are in America! Look, skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty! (corresponding images on the slide). I think someone is coming towards us.

(The phonogram of an American New Year's song sounds. Santa Claus comes out, dressed in a red fur coat).

Santa Claus:

Guys, I'm Santa Claus!

American Santa Claus.

Your path was very far.

It was illuminated magically

New Year's light.

You're in America, guys.

I am glad to meet you!

"Wellkam!" - I'm telling you.

For your visit, even if unexpected

I thank you all!

1st : Hello, Santa Claus!

Santa Klaus : Hello ! Happy New Year!

2nd : Happy New Year to you too! But we would like to go to Russia for the New Year, could you help us?

Santa Claus : Everything will be okay! Don’t worry. I’ll try to help you, but first I suggest you relax a little and take a walk through festive America.

(Against the background of the slide presentation is Santa Claus's story about New Year's traditions in America):

Preparations for Christmas in the USA begin immediately after the end of Thanksgiving Day (the last Thursday of November). Americans decorate their homes and Christmas trees. The front doors of their houses are decorated with pine wreaths. Santa Clauses put gifts and Christmas tree decorations in special stockings for children. At the beginning of December, holiday Carol lights are lit across the United States. And representatives of each of the 50 states send a small Christmas tree to Washington, decorate each one and sign which state the tree came from. They are placed around the main green beauty, America - the one that grows opposite the White House.

Santa Claus: There is another tradition in America. Every year on New Year's Eve in America there is a competition for the strongest and most dexterous. There are probably some of you among you, come to me.

Two participants stand opposite each other, with a prize lying on a chair in front of them.
Santa Claus believes:
“One, two, thirteen... eleven!”
“One, two thirty...twenty!”
“One, two, three... a hundred!” and so on.
The winner is the one who is attentive and the first to take the prize when Santa Claus says: “Three!”

Santa Claus: Well done boys

1st: Thank you, Santa Claus! And our guys also prepared an interesting surprise for you!

Congratulations number

Santa Claus : Thanks guys. Stay, we will celebrate the New Year together! I really enjoyed playing and having fun with you.

2nd: And us too! But it's time for us.

Santa Claus : Will you take me with you?

Children: Yes!

1st: Well, come on quickly, the miracle computer.

(African music)

2nd : Do you hear the tom-toms?

They knock in the distance.

Long boats float along the river.

Jumping into the water

The kids are screaming.

And the African heat is everywhere.


And if we look

We are in the distance

Everywhere instead of Christmas trees -

Palm trees

And instead of balls


Monkeys hanging

On the vines.

(African music sounds. African Santa Claus comes out to the music -Tumba Yumba).

Cabinet Yumba:

I'm in a tropical savanna

I'm coming on New Year's Eve.

They know there that Tumba Yumba

Little people love it!

I give gifts to children

And I’m having fun by the palm tree.

On a hot New Year's holiday

I'm in a hurry to make joy!

Aoi, guys!

2nd : Hello! Are you probably the African Santa Claus?

Tumba Yumba: Yes, I am the African Santa Claus - Tumba Yumba, I come to African girls and boys for the New Year. And who are you?

1st: We are with the guys from Russia.

Cabinet Yumba: Interesting... (examines the guys). And your kids are not at all like ours, but they are also very cute!

2nd: Grandfather, the guys and I wanted to use the miracle computer to quickly meet Santa Claus and start celebrating the New Year, but a virus got into the computer and we keep ending up in the wrong place. Maybe you can help us?
Cabinet Yumba : No. But you can ask the spirits for help. We always turn to them and they help us.

1st : Oh, of course, grandfather, let's try. We really, really need it! What should we do?

Cabinet Yumba : In order for the spirits to help us, you must guess my New Year's riddles. Will you help me?

Children: Certainly!

Cabinet Yumba:

1. If the forest is covered with snow,

If it smells like pies,

If the Christmas tree goes into the house,

What kind of holiday? ... (New Year)

2.Christmas tree on New Year's holiday

Calls adults and children.

All people are invited

On New Year's... (round dance).

3. I powdered the paths,

I decorated the windows.

Gave joy to children

And I went for a sledding ride. (winter)

4. There is noise everywhere on this holiday!

An explosion followed by cheerful laughter!

Very noisy toy -

New Year's... (cracker)

5.Christmas balls -

The best gift for children.

Fragile, fabulous and bright

This holiday... (gift).

6.Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And he draws like an artist

He patterns on the window. (freezing)

7.On trees, on bushes

Flowers are falling from the sky.

White, fluffy,

Just not the scented ones. (snowflakes)

8. He is always busy with work,

He can't go in vain.

He goes and paints it white

Everything he sees along the way. (snow)

9. I am snowy, I am white,

The guys made me

During the day they are always with me,

In the evening they go home.

Well, at night under the moon

I'm very sad alone. (snow woman)

10.They fly faster than the wind,

And I fly three meters from them.

My flight is over. Clap!

Soft landing in a snowdrift. (sled)

11.And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (frost)

12. Everyone is afraid of him in winter -

It can hurt when he bites.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose,

After all, on the street... (Frost)

13. The hedgehog looks like her

You won't find any leaves at all.

Like a beauty, slim,

And for the New Year it’s important. (Christmas tree)

14. She sparkles in the sky,

Decorates our Christmas tree.

Will never fade

On New Year's Day... (star).

15.Santa Claus came to visit us

With a fragile, snow-white guest.

He called her daughter.

This girl... (Snow Maiden).

Cabinet Yumba.: Well done! You did well, the spirits will definitely hear you.

2nd : Dear Tumba Yumba guys would like to wish you a Happy New Year.

Congratulations number

Cabinet Yumba : Such wonderful kids live in Russia, and I really don’t want to part with you!

1st : Come with us! Let's cure our miracle computer and go to Russia to celebrate the New Year!

Cabinet Yumba : It's my pleasure!

2nd : Well, let's go! Turn on the miracle computer quickly!

(Chinese music plays.)

1st: I hear the sounds of Chinese music!

2nd: We're in China!

(Chinese Santa Claus - Shan Dan Laozhen - comes on stage).

Shan Dan: "NI HAO!" (greets in Chinese) Hello guys! Welcome to China! What brought you here?

1st: There was a glitch in our computer program and we keep ending up in the wrong place. We need to go to Russia.

Shan Dan: I will try to help you, but for now I will tell you how the New Year is celebrated in the Middle Kingdom.

(against the background of the slide presentation there is a story about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in China):

Chinese New Year begins on the first new moon of each year. Instead of a Christmas tree, every family is supposed to get a flowering plant. It could be a blooming aster or hyacinth, a small azalea, but better - a tree, especially orange, with fragrant flowers. Our Santa Claus is called Shan Dan Laozhen. On December 31, all the Chinese start a spring cleaning, and with the clock striking at 12 o'clock at night, they go to bed in order to get up before dawn and celebrate the New Year with the first rays of the sun. During the New Year celebrations in China it is very beautiful. The whole country looks like a big glowing ball.

Shan Dan : Not a single New Year is complete without exotic dancing! According to the Chinese horoscope, the coming year is the Year of the Snake. Now I invite you to perform the snake dance!

Game "Catch the snake by the tail!" (to the sounds of Chinese music).

Everyone lines up one after another so that the right hand is placed on the right shoulder of the person in front. The one who stands in front is the head of the snake, the last one is its tail. The head should catch the tail. Then the children change; whoever was the tail becomes the front. The game continues until all the children are caught.

2nd: Thank you for the interesting story and games. Our guys also know a lot of songs and dances.

Congratulatory number

Shan Dan: Thank you guys, it’s a lot of fun to be with you and I don’t want to leave at all.

1st : Dear Shan Dan, we invite you to celebrate the New Year together!

(The children and the presenter thank the Chinese Santa Claus and invite them to visit, everyone sits in a circle and, with the help of a miracle computer, returns to Russia).

2nd: Guys, our little trip around the New Year’s planet has ended. We visited different countries and learned a lot of new things. But as they say, visiting is good, but home is better!

1st : Guys, let's call our Santa Claus and his granddaughter and start celebrating the New Year!
Music sounds, the Snow Maiden next to Father Frost enters and stops in the center of the hall.

Father Frost.
Hello my friends, I am very glad to see you.
I wish you a Happy New Year
All children and all guests.
I wish you happiness, joy,
New holiday ideas.
They grew up and became big.
Did you recognize me?
Who am I?..

Santa Claus!
Father Frost.
I'm still the same gray haired one,
But still young.
Well, Snow Maiden, tell me,
Tell your grandfather the truth:
How you all waited for my holiday,
What new have you learned?
Snow Maiden.
Dear grandpa, really.
I'll tell you then:
New Year is my favorite holiday,
Everyone is always waiting for him.
He comes to us in winter
In the cold, blizzard and frost,
Starts with round dances.
We all need this holiday.
You and I are so interested,
Sing a song, grandpa.
Father Frost.
Will you sing along?


Father Frost.
Hey, Snow Maiden, help me and support me.
I'm starting to dance today.
Will you help me now?
Grandfather Mor oz (boasts).
Well, did I dance well?

Children's answers.
Father Frost.

And now the game is like this. I will say phrases: if you agree with me, clap your hands together, if not, stomp your feet:

    Let's not be discouraged in the new year

We sing songs together.

    Better to look sour

The Christmas tree will forgive us

    Santa Claus forgot about us

In the New Year's glorious hour.

    Let's play with the Snow Maiden

and let's make a wish

    New Year gifts

Ugly and dim

    All the kids are happy to eat

Oranges, chocolates

    On the holiday of Grandfather Frost

The mummer brought a cactus.

    May he come to us in the New Year

Barmaley and the wild cat.

    Our Christmas tree is good

Noodles hang on the branches.

    Christmas tree in festive attire

The guys in the hall are happy about her.

Father Frost.
And now the game is different. My favorite “I’ll freeze”

Father Frost.
We sang and danced and played games merrily. Now I'll go and rest a little. But I’m not saying goodbye to you, I’ll be back a little later!

Santa Claus leaves the hall.

That's great! Fun, cheerful!
Let's see what the miracle computer will show us next.

Here I am, how are you guys?
Thank you, Virus.
For what?
After all, it was thanks to you that we made an amazing journey through different countries.
And we saw so many interesting things,

A voice is heard behind the stage: “Ay! I’m coming!”

It's Santa Claus! Hooray!
Father Frost.
I'm back, dear friends! You can't live without me. After all, I am the symbol of the New Year holiday.

I wish you health and joy,
May life be without grief and worries!
I wish you all a Happy New Year!
Let the New Year be happy!

1st: New Year is a Christmas tree, fun and laughter,
New Year is a joy for everyone.
Happy New Year, teacher!
Happy New Year, parent!

2nd: May you have success in everything!
Let us wish each other warmth and goodness,
The New Year is coming, hooray!

Final congratulatory number.

Scenario of the New Year's performance
for children 5-7 years old
Musical director: Pototskaya Tatyana Valerievna
MBDOU "Solnyshko"
Art. Giaginskaya
Participants of the performance:
Grandfather Frost, Grandfather Heat, Reluctant, Presenter - adults.
Tiger cub - boy 5 years old
Snowflakes – girls 5 years old
Savages - boys 6-7 years old
Goldfish – girls 6-7 years old
Grains of Sand – girls 6-7 years old
Presenter: Our dear guests!
We hasten to congratulate everyone!
May they come in the coming year
Good luck and success to you!
May it be good for all people,
Not afraid of worries,
It will not just be NEW,
Children enter the hall to the soundtrack of any New Year's song and perform a simple mass dance.
1 child: Blizzards and blizzards came to us today again,
They put white hats on the birch and spruce trees.
There was a lot of snow. Not visible around the earth.
If it snows together, it means New Year is coming soon!
Child 2: A nice Christmas tree was brought to our house.
Needle after needle on a forest dress!
Child 3: Look at the Christmas tree, how beautiful it is!
I combed my Christmas tree bangs and dressed up slowly!
We hung lanterns, balls,
Monkey - checkered cap. And a lot of tinsel!
4 child: Everyone is rushing to the Christmas tree for the holiday,
And the quiet one and the prankster
Waiting for Santa Claus
He will bring a cartload of gifts!
5 child: Dancing, music and songs!
Are there any more wonderful holidays?
Jokes, laughter, a mountain of ideas!
The Christmas tree is waiting for its guests!
Round dance "NEW YEAR'S HOLIDAY"
Presenter: Guys, guests, adults!
Happy New Year!
It’s just surprising why Grandfather Frost hasn’t come yet! Let's call him together!

Presenter: Apparently someone didn’t scream,
Apparently someone was silent!
Call again.
Nehochukha runs in instead of Santa Claus.
Song of the Unwanted:
- I don’t want, I don’t want! I do not want anything!
Don’t invite me, because I go everywhere myself!
I'll do some magic, I'll ruin everything! The holiday will not come to you!
Well, who wants, who wants a New Year without Frost!
- Oh, look at them, sit down and celebrate! They're waiting for Santa Claus, oh I can't!
Well, wait, wait! He will not come! I bewitched him!
Presenter: How to bewitch Santa Claus in a fashionable way? After all, he himself is a wizard!
Reluctant: Oh, so you still don’t believe me? That's it! Now me and you are everything
I'll put a spell on you!
Presenter: And nothing will work out for you, I don’t want to!
Children, let's show Unwanted how we can laugh!
Reluctant: But it’s not true that all your children are cheerful! There's a little tiger cub sitting under the Christmas tree and crying. (laughs, runs away)
Presenter: Guys, the Tiger Cub is really crying. What's wrong with him?
It happened?
Presenter: So you missed your jungle? I think ours
Grandfather Frost will help you! Children, let's call him again!
All: Santa Claus! Come quickly!
Many children are waiting for you at the holiday!
D.M.: Hello guys, girls and boys!
I walked through storms and blizzards to achieve my goal!
But I had one thing in mind - I dreamed of coming to you for a long time!
And the desired hour has come! I'm very glad to see you!
Come on, mischievous people, who will sing a song for me?
Presenter: Thank you, D.M., for listening to us and coming to visit us! We
We've been waiting for you! You're a wizard! Help us!
D.M.: I see something happened to you!
Presenter: Nekhukha came running, she wanted to bewitch the children so that they wouldn’t
They laughed, but only cried. But she didn't succeed.
Only now the little Tiger Cub is crying!
D.M.: Children, maybe you offended him? Why is he crying? Home,
wants to go to the jungle? Don't cry, Tiger Cub, I just have a ticket to
warm countries. And so that you don’t get bored, all the guys will go with you
(He casts a spell, the ticket becomes big)
Presenter: Here we are in a hot country! But for some reason there is no one here.
Let's stamp and clap, maybe someone will appear.
Presenter: How fun it is here! But do they have Santa Claus?
(asks the children, it turns out that Grandfather ZAR lives in hot countries, who also plays with the children and brings
(Give children one snowball each)
Presenter: Well then, let's call D.Zh. come to us for a holiday.
All: Grandfather Heat! Come quickly!
Many children are waiting for you at the holiday!
Presenter: Our D.J. got into trouble. While the savages run away, let's help
To him! We accidentally ended up with a bag of snowballs. If you throw snowballs at a fire, they will melt and drown the fire.
Grandfather Zhar: Thank you, good people!
Who you are? Where did you come from?
Presenter: (Explains the situation)
Grandfather Heat: Well, I can help, I’m burning!
There behind the palm tree we have the sea...
There is no snow - on the contrary...
Let's stand under the palm tree in a round dance!
A roar is heard, Nehochukha runs out, followed by savages.
Grandfather Zhar: What happened, who are you?
Reluctant: I am a great sorceress! Now I'll put a spell on everyone!
Grandfather Zhar: Why didn’t you bewitch our savages?
Reluctant: Out of fear, I forgot all the magic words. Well here I am now
I will enchant your snowflakes.
The snowflakes dance the traditional "SNOWFLAKE DANCE".
Reluctant: Abra-kadabra, sibi-dobi!
Turn snowflakes into water!
Presenter: Oh, what will happen now?
Grandfather Zhar: That's it!
Abra-kadabra, palm trees, boots!
Turn snowflakes into grains of sand!
Dance of grains of sand "MAMBA"
Reluctant: Well, just think, it almost didn’t work out! I'm still a holiday for you
I'll ruin it! I will cast the most evil spells on you!
Grandfather Zhar: So what, you think we can’t handle it?
Reluctant: For my witchcraft to lose its power, I must say three times
WANT! Only you won’t force me!
Grandfather Zhar: And we are not going to force you. We will play, and you, if you want,
stand in a circle too.
Don't want: I don't want!!!
Grandfather Zhar: Well, no need, we can do without you!
Game “IF YOU HAVE FUN TO LIVE...” (after the first figure, NO ONE screams: “I WANT to play too”) Grandfather Zhar: Somehow I’m feeling hot. Give me some water to drink (drinks from a glass).
Thank you. But one glass is not enough for me, give me a bucket.
(Goldfish comes out)
Golden Fish: Let me go, Grandfather Heat, back to the blue sea, I’ll do it
any of your desires.
Grandfather Heat: Oh, yes, it was the Goldfish that fell into the bucket...
Reluctant: But I WANT the fish to dance.
Golden Fish: Although you are not Grandfather Heat, but since you said I WANT - please!
Dance of the GOLDFISH.
Grandfather Heat: Now guess my riddles!
I don’t want to, are you going to guess?
Don't want: I don't want!!!
Grandfather Zhar: Well, don’t! And the guys will guess!
What kind of stars are carved on the coat and on the scarf?
Everything is through, lacy, and if you take it, there is water in your hand?
Reluctant: Snowflakes!
Grandfather Zhar: You didn’t want to guess!
Not wanting: And now I WANT!
Grandfather Zhar: Let's continue!
Boards and legs are running along the path! (skis).
Stands prickly, like a hedgehog, always in the same outfit.
And if he comes to us for the New Year, the guys will be happy! (Christmas tree).
Grandfather Zhar: So you were left without your harmful magic, three times
said I WANT!
The unwilling woman cries.
Grandfather Zhar: Well, don't cry! Look how fun the guys are celebrating the New Year!
Reluctant: I also want to play with the children! I even have balls for this
Stocked up! Let's play jumping jacks!!!
Grandfather Zhar: It’s time for you to return to your Giaginskaya, Grandfather
The frost has been waiting for you, and your Tiger Cub is cheerful.
And to say goodbye, let's dance my favorite dance!
Dance "Boogie-Woogie"
D.M.: Welcome! How was your trip? I hope not with you
Did anything bad happen?
And our holiday continues!
Reluctant: Grandfather Frost, what a beautiful Christmas tree you brought for the guys
to a kindergarten! There are so many toys and decorations on her. I want
so that it sparkles with different lights!
D.M.: Wow! I didn't want to fly to Africa, but I WANTED to arrive!
Presenter: Grandfather Frost, we are all looking forward to our Christmas tree sparkling.
D.M.: Let's all say the magic words together!
-One, two, three - the Christmas tree is on fire!
Children repeat the words three times.
D.M.: The tree is all shining, glowing with lights!
The music plays loudly and invites us into a round dance!
Round dance around the Christmas tree.
Games with Santa Claus.
Poems for Grandfather Frost.
Round dance "Little Christmas tree"
D.M.: I say goodbye to the round dance, happy New Year!
And, of course, as always, on New Year’s Eve, receive... receive....
Where's my bag?
D.M.: Hello! Airport! Luggage for us? New Year's bag with snowflakes?
Oh, with gifts! Yes, this is probably for us! Guys, what is the address of your kindergarten? When to expect? Already got a ride? Reluctantly, she drags the bag, followed by Grandfather Heat.
Grandfather Zhar: Well, I couldn’t sit at home on such a holiday, I decided to bring it too
gifts for you...
GRANDFATHER Frost and Grandfather HEAT each hand out gifts from his bag, Reluctant helps them.

Characters and performers:

Father Frost
Snow Maiden
Bulgarians (2 people)
Germans (2 people)
Khazar Jews (2 people)
Greeks (2 people)
Court lady

There is an inventor on stage. She is doing something enthusiastically. Musical beat. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost(very solemnly):
Who's knocking on my door?
With a bag of gifts on your back?
Who's bringing us the Christmas tree?
Who does the New Year come with?

The inventor does not pay any attention to those who come. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are at a loss.

Father Frost: Who came to you? Who brought gifts for such a sweet girl?

Inventor(without turning around, waves his hand): Leave me alone, I have no time to be distracted by all sorts of nonsense. My time machine just won't start!

Father Frost: Glu...Glu...Stupidity? Snow Maiden, I feel sick! I feel bad!

The Snow Maiden waves at Grandfather and fusses around him.

Snow Maiden: Girl, do you know who we are?

Inventor: I know I know. You are what’s her name, Snow Maiden. And the old man is your ancestor, that is, your grandfather. But I really don't have time. And I, by the way, am not just a girl, but a laureate of a competition for young programmers. You see, I invented a time machine. But she doesn't want to work.

Father Frost: Time machine, you say? What does it do, your car?

Inventor: In fact, a time machine should take a person into the past or into the future. But this, of course, is impossible. These are fairy tales, like you.

Snow Maiden: How are we a fairy tale?

Inventor: Well, the real Father Frost and Snow Maiden. You are not real, but just mummers. From some company. So my time machine is not real. In fact, this is just my website on the Internet, where you can find out everything about historical events and figures. It just won't start.

Father Frost: So you don't believe that we are real?

Inventor: Do you think I look like an underdeveloped person?

Father Frost: Do you want me to prove it to you?

Inventor: How is this possible? Will you slip gifts under the tree unnoticed?

Father Frost: I will make your site become a real time machine and take us to the distant past!

Inventor: You're kidding, right?

Father Frost: Do not believe? Well look!

Musical beat. Hermes appears on the scene.

Inventor: What is this? Who is this? Where I am? Where is my room? Where are we?

Hermes: Welcome to Olympus!

Inventor: Where?

Hermes: Listen, buddy, who did you bring me this time? She doesn't even know what Olympus is?

The guys tell the Inventor what Olympus is.

Inventor: Santa Claus, how does he know you?

Father Frost: I have always existed, even in Ancient Greece. After all, the New Year is a holiday associated with time. And people, even in the most ancient times, tried to understand what time is? Why can't we bring back the past? How to predict the future? And I am the embodiment of people’s thoughts about time. It's clear?

Inventor: Y...yes. That is, no. Who is he, what is he doing on Olympus?

Snow Maiden: Let me introduce Hermes - the god of trade and commerce, the patron of merchants, business people, as well as swindlers and rogues.

Hermes: Well, well, no need to give away all my secrets. Especially since you got to the feast. Today is the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. And since you are guests, you can take pride of place at Zeus's table.

Enter Zeus, Hera, Athena and Aphrodite.

Zeus: ABOUT! Time itself has come to visit us! Who are your beautiful companions?

Father Frost: This is my granddaughter and assistant. And this is a guest from the distant, distant future.

Zeus: Now it’s time for me to introduce the inhabitants of Olympus. As I understand it, you have already met Hermes? This is my wife Hera, queen of the gods. This is my daughter Athena. And this is Aphrodite.

Inventor: Very nice.

Hera: Let's continue our feast! Ambrosia and nectar taste better than ever today! By the way, my great husband forgot to say that I am the goddess of air, the patroness of family and marriage.

Athena: Oh, Mama, few people are interested in this. I am, by the way, the goddess of just war and victory, as well as wisdom, knowledge, arts and crafts.

Hera: Don't you dare call me mother! First of all, I didn’t give birth to you! Secondly, you don’t have any mother at all! Thirdly, I am too young to have such an adult daughter!

Zeus: I'm so tired of these arguments! By the way, here’s a riddle for you, guest from the future: how was Athena born if she really didn’t have a mother?

Inventor: I don't know... Maybe someone can tell me?

The audience gives hints.

Aphrodite: I think everyone has forgotten that there is another goddess at this table. And I, by the way, am the goddess of beauty and love!

Zeus: So, the third one connected...

Hermes runs in.

Hermes: Zeus! Zeus! We're in trouble! Woe to us!

Zeus: Well, what else is there?

Hermes: We forgot to send an invitation to the feast to Eris! She showed up uninvited! She's furious!

Inventor: Who is this Eris?

Father Frost: Eris - goddess of discord! Where she is, there are quarrels and squabbles!

Inventor: Yes, you can’t offend someone like that! I can imagine what kind of showdown is about to begin.

Eris appears on the stage to the sounds of thunderous music.

Eris: Are you feasting? Bon appetit!

Zeus: I...We...Thank you...

Eris: Please! Ah, everything is here! All the color of Olympus! Thief Hermes! Vredina Hera! Masculine Athena! And even Aphrodite, as I see it, got out of her bubble bath?

All those named are outraged, each in their own way, creating a ruckus.

Hera: Zeus, how can you sit quietly when your wife is being insulted? Are you the king of the gods or not?

Zeus: Listen, Eris, am I a king or not? Ugh, I wanted to say that I am the king of the gods and will not allow you to call my guests names! I will demote you to mortals! I'll drive you away from Olympus! Be silent!

Eris(pretends to be very frightened): Oh, forgive me, king! I have already corrected myself! I take all my words back! Your guests, and especially your guests, are wonderful! I will even give one of them, the most beautiful one, a gift! Do you see this apple? It was stolen by Hercules in the Gardens of the Hesperides. I will write on it only one word “most beautiful” and throw it on your table. Let the most beautiful of goddesses take it! And I - I'm leaving!

Eris disappears laughing. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite rush for the apple. A small dump is formed.

Zeus: Stop it! I'm ashamed of you in front of the guests!

Hera: Then tell these impudent people that the apple is mine. I am the queen of the gods! I am your wife! Is it not clear to every mortal and immortal that Zeus married the most beautiful!

Athena: Daddy, tell your wife and Aphrodite that the apple should rightfully belong to me! I am your daughter! I look like you! How can I not be the most beautiful in the world?

Aphrodite: Oh great Zeus! I bring love and beauty to people! Quiet your quarrelsome relatives and give me the apple!

The goddesses sort things out among themselves.

Hermes: Oh Zeus! You must urgently give one of them the apple, otherwise it will be bad for all of us here!

Zeus: And if I give the apple to one, then the remaining two will bring me to death! No thanks! Take all three beauties, grab our guests, don't forget the apple, and go to earth! Find some mortal there, let him decide who to give this damned fruit to! And I urgently need rest - my immortal head ached from this scream as if a second Athena was about to emerge from it!

Hermes(grabs an apple): Everyone follow me! Let mortals decide which of you is the most beautiful.

Everyone leaves. Paris appears, tending sheep. Suddenly Hermes, three goddesses, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and the Inventor appear in front of him.

Hermes: What is your name, mortal?

Paris: Paris. Why did you scare away my sheep? You’ll fly off to your Olympus now, and gather sheep for me here?

Hermes: Listen, we have something important to do. You see, Zeus ordered you to take this apple and give it to the most beautiful of the three goddesses.

Hera: Oh, Paris, if you give the apple to me, I will give you power over people.

Paris: By power? Well, that's not bad, not bad...

Athena: Take your time, Paris, look at me. If you give the apple to me, you will become famous for your military success and no one will be able to defeat you!

Paris: Hmm, it turns out it’s good to be a judge at a beauty contest!

Aphrodite: Paris, I want to introduce you to someone!

Elena comes out to the music.

Paris: Who is this? I have never seen such a beauty among us mortals!

Aphrodite: Don't be afraid, come to her!

Paris: What to call you, oh miracle of beauty!

Elena: My name is Elena, Elena the Beautiful! But how dare you, shepherd, so easily address me, a person of royal blood! Ew, sheep! What a terrible smell here! And in general, move away, you are blocking the sun for me!

Paris leaves, saddened.

Aphrodite: Well, did you like Elena?

Paris: Oh yes, she is truly beautiful! But so arrogant, arrogant...

Aphrodite: Would you like Elena, the most beautiful of earthly women, to love you?

Paris: You're laughing at me, Aphrodite!

Aphrodite: Oh no! You forgot that I am the goddess of love. Give me the apple and Elena will love you!

Hera: Power! There is nothing stronger than power!

Athena: Don't you dream of victories?

Paris: I give the apple to the most beautiful of you - Aphrodite!

All the Greeks disappear to the music.

Inventor: Wow, it all ended at the most interesting point. I wonder what happened next?

Father Frost: Nothing good came of this. Now, maybe one of the guys will tell you what happened after Elena fell in love with Paris.

The guys give me some hints.

Father Frost: But our journey through time is not over yet! We will go to Russia, during the time of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich.

Vladimir sits sadly, surrounded by servants, with a feast in the background. Dobrynya approaches him.

Vladimir: Hello, Dobrynya, my uncle and dear friend!

Dobrynya: Let me ask you, prince... This question has not given me peace for a long time.

Vladimir: Ask!

Dobrynya: Why are you sad? What do you think? Your squad is strong, your boundaries are strong. The Russian people sing your praises, for you have again restored them to peace and quiet.

Vladimir: I don't trust idols, uncle. Apparently, the wise Greeks are telling the truth: there is no more truth in them than in wooden blocks. It is a shame for our people to worship stumps and make sacrifices to them. We need a different faith.

Dobrynya: Just wait, prince, give up the idols. It will always be done. First, let’s find out what kind of faith someone has. We have many trade guests in Kyiv - there are Mohammedans, cunning Khazar Jews, people of the Latin faith, and wise Greeks. We'll ask them.

Vladimir: So be it! Tell the overseas merchants: next time they go to Rus', they should take learned people with them. Let the learned men tell us about their faith. Whose love we have, we will accept with all our people.

Musical beat.

Servant: Kama Bulgarians!

First Bulgarian: Hello forever and ever, Grand Duke!

Second Bulgarian: We learned that you want to accept a new faith.

First Bulgarian: You are the prince of a great people, but the true law is unknown to you. Come to your senses and serve Mohammed. There is no more correct faith than Mohammedanism.

Vladimir: What do you believe in?

Second Bulgarian: There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet. Mohammed teaches us: live righteously, do not eat pork, and after death the prophet will give everyone up to seventy beautiful wives.
Vladimir: Are my merchants telling the truth that according to your faith you cannot drink wine?

First Bulgarian: Is it true.

Vladimir: Why are you silent about that? No, we don’t like this kind of faith. Rus' has joy to drink, it cannot exist without it...

The Mohammedans left with nothing, and didn’t even have time to leave, but Catholic Germans had already grown up at the doors of the gridnice.

Servant: German-Latins.

Vladimir: Well, do you drink wine?

First German: We believe in forgiveness by force. If anyone drinks and anyone eats, then everything is for the glory of God, as Paul taught us.

Second German: And the vicar of God on earth is the Pope, and true Catholics must worship him.

Vladimir: Go home, Germans. Our fathers did not accept your faith, and we will not accept it either. We want to worship the true God, but not the Pope.

The disgraced Germans had barely left, empty-handed, when the arrogant Khazar Jews entered the gridnitsa.

Servant: Khazar Jews!

The first Khazar Jew: We are glad to see you, bright prince!

Second Khazar Jew: We are glad to tell you about our faith! Our faith is better than Christian!

The first Khazar Jew: Christians believe in the one whom we crucified and gave up to a shameful death on the cross.

Vladimir: Well, what do you believe, Jews?

Second Khazar Jew: In one God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Dobrynya: What is your law?

The first Khazar Jew: Do not eat hare, do not eat pork, keep the Sabbath, that is, do not do any work on the Sabbath.

Vladimir: Almost like the Mohammedans. Well, where is your land?

Second Khazar Jew: Our land is in Jerusalem. But our God was angry with our fathers and took the land from us, and expelled us and scattered us throughout the world.

Vladimir: How can you Jews teach others if you have angered God to such an extent that he deprived you of your land and scattered you across foreign countries? Go and don't come back!

Musical beat. The Greek embassy enters.

Servant: Greeks from Constantinople!

Vladimir: What do you, Greeks, believe in?

First Greek: We believe in one God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, visible to all and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God...

Vladimir: The Jews told me: the Greeks, they say, believe in the one whom they crucified on the cross and betrayed to a shameful death. Is this true? Is it conceivable that the omnipotent God would allow himself to be crucified by the Jews, because he would want and with one glance turn his executioners into ashes?

Second Greek: Truly we believe in Him, for this is what the prophets also taught: one, how our Lord was destined to be born, and others, that He would be crucified and buried, and on the third day He would rise and ascend into heaven. Such prophets were put to death, but their prophecy still came true. Jesus resurrected and ascended to heaven to his Father. They wanted to bring Him to shame, but this only served to bring His great glory.

Vladimir: I learned from you about what happened. Now tell me what will happen. Do you know about this?

First Greek: The Lord has set one day when He will come with glory to judge the living and the dead, and there will be no end to His Kingdom. He will reward all those who have lived and are living according to their deeds, and the righteous will be sent to heaven, and sinners will be doomed to eternal torment.

Second Greek: Look, the judgment seat of the Lord is depicted here. The Lord Almighty sits on the throne. On the right hand, the righteous go to heaven in great joy, while on the left hand, with weeping and groaning, sinners march into eternal torment.

Vladimir: I would like my people to be with those on the right, and not with those on the left.

First Greek: If you want to be with the righteous, then be baptized.

Musical beat.

Inventor: And I know what piece of history we have just seen. It was Vladimir who chose religion for Rus'.

Snow Maiden: Let's ask the guys what Prince Vladimir's nickname was.

The guys answer.

Father Frost: Did you like Kievan Rus?

Inventor: Liked. Where are we going now? To another country, or will we stay in Russia?

Father Frost: We will stay in Russia. And you and I will find ourselves in a time when Russia was ruled by the daughter of Peter I, Elizaveta Petrovna...

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the Inventor end up in Elizabeth's palace. The Court Lady enters, says something, and notices those present.

Lady: So, the mummers have already arrived. For some reason I don’t recognize your faces, but the costumes are not bad, in the folk style. Only you, my lady, look kind of incomprehensible... However, I don’t have time, Mother Elizaveta Petrovna told me to see to everything so that our ball is a success...

The lady runs away.

Inventor: I wonder what they are having a ball in honor of today? Let me ask that girl over there, she’s heading straight towards us.

Ekaterina enters.

Inventor: Hello, could you please tell us...

Catherine(with accent): Infinite, I speak Russian poorly. Darns, I understand, corrugate slower.

Inventor(towards Santa Claus): Well, we ran into some foreigner. (Tries to speak slowly and loudly). Please tell me what holiday is today? What is the ball in honor of today?

Catherine: Oh, today there is a ball in honor of Christmas! This will be a lot of fun! But my aunt zofet me, I have to hurry!

Catherine leaves, a lady approaches the Inventor and bows.

Lady: Sorry, I don't recognize you, but now I see that you are a very important person. And these are probably your servants?

Inventor: They are not servants. And where did you get the idea that I am an important person?

Lady: Oh, I saw who you were talking so nicely with here just now.

Inventor: Oh, are you talking about this foreign girl? The one who ran away to her aunt?

Lady: To a girl? Foreign? To Aunt? Oh, every liberty has its limits! You can’t even talk about the highest dignitaries like that even at a Christmas masquerade ball!

Inventor: What kind of superior person is she if she is not taller than me?

Lady: This girl is Grand Duchess Catherine, and her aunt is our mother queen, Elizaveta Petrovna. Ah, I think it's my name.

The lady runs away.

Inventor: Oh, how I embarrassed myself! I completely forgot that Catherine the Second, the great Russian Empress, was a foreigner...

Father Frost: Yes, and she came to Russia when she was still just a girl. And Queen Elizabeth was the aunt of Catherine’s husband, the future Peter the Third. It's okay, don't be upset. It seems that Catherine is not offended by you. Look who's coming here.

Elizabeth, Catherine and the lady enter.

Elizabeth: Is everything ready for the masquerade ball?

Lady: That's it, Your Majesty!

Elizabeth: Oh, dear Katenka, how much I love fun, balls, and dancing. So I came up with the idea of ​​celebrating Christmas with a masquerade ball, to please myself and you. Otherwise, you must be bored in our cold Russia.

Catherine: Oh, what are you talking about, auntie! It's boring for me not to eat! I loved Russia with all my heart. And the Russian language is a joy to learn, even though it is very difficult!

Elizabeth: You, Katenka, are great, you will be a good thing. But time for business is time for fun. Let's see who came up with what costume for our masquerade. And for the next ball I’ll tell the ladies to wear men’s suits, because such a suit really suits me! Let the mummers come in!

As the lady names the participants in the ball, all the characters in the play enter and bow to Elizabeth and Catherine.

Lady: Gods and heroes of Ancient Greece...Prince Vladimir and his uncle Dobrynya with a servant...Bulgarian ambassadors...German ambassadors...Embassy from the Khazar Jews...Greek embassy...Guest from the future...Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Elizabeth: Well, your costumes are nice! And Santa Claus is right here at the Christmas ball. And where there is Santa Claus, there are gifts! Give gifts to everyone, Santa Claus, both small and old, ancient and future...

Santa Claus gives gifts.





BABA YAGA - Nechaeva N.P.

LESOVIK- Shipunova T.V.

KARABAS-Adamovich A.A.

Buratino-Cherepanova D.A.

SANTA CLAUS - Tyryshkin V.S.

SNOW Maiden-Cherepanova D.A.

Skomorokh1 Get here quickly, people.

Many wonderful things await us today.

A world of magic, miracles and miracles!

Hurry up - time is running out.

Skomorokh2 Come in, come in a cheerful crowd,

Bring a smile and a song with you!

Our holiday will be very successful,

If you don't be gloomy.

Mysterious music sounds

Skomorokh 1 Not in some kingdom

Not in ancient times

And in our state

It happened.

Skomorokh 2 Just before the New Year

In one of the many schools

Such a wonderful occasion

It happened to us.

The buffoons run away and take out the box, something clicks there and a light comes on.

Skomorokh1 Hooray! Happened! We are saved! Hooray!

Skomorokh 2 Time Machine! Real!

Skomorokh 1 Now we will roll up a Christmas tree that no one has ever dreamed of!

Skomorokh 2 Extraordinary! The very best! After all, we have a fabulous time machine!

Skomorokh 1 Maybe we won’t celebrate the Christmas tree in the palace?

Skomorokh 2 Exactly! Let's go to the forest! Do you guys agree?

Skomorokh 1 Guys, do you want to go into the forest in a time machine?

Skomorokh 2 Then quickly come to us. Closer to the center!

Skomorokh 1 Cover your eyes with your palms. Don't peek.

Skomorokh 2 Let's turn on the time machine!

Unusual music sounds. Countdown in progress: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

The music ends.

Skomorokh 1 Open your eyes, be brave!

Skomorokh 2 We are with you in the winter forest!

Skomorokh 1 And each of you has your own forest!

Skomorokh 2 Do you hear a blizzard blowing? Snowflakes came to us along with the blizzard. They dance the Snowflake dance.

Skomorokh 1 Is it cold in the forest, guys? And so that we don’t freeze here, let’s play the game “Centipede”

After the game, a disgruntled guardian of the forest, the Forester, crawls out from under the tree.

Lesovik What's that noise? What's all the fuss? Who you are? Here I am, for example, Lesovik. I was walking around my property, and suddenly...

Skomorokh1 And we are Skomorokhs.

Skomorokh 2 We made a Time Machine. And with her help we ended up in this forest.

Lesovik Time Machine! (Looks at her with interest)

Skomorokh 1 Dear Lesovichok, stay with us at our holiday.

Lesovik But according to you, I won’t be able to sing or dance.

Skomorokh2 And we will quickly teach you this. Shall we teach Lesovichka to dance, guys?

Dance of the Skomorokhs.

Buffoons Let’s invite you here through the Time Machine to our holiday of fairy tale heroes.

Skomorokh 1 Oh, how great! Who will we invite?

Skomorokh 2 Now we’ll ask the guys. Guys, who would you like to invite to the Christmas tree?

Suddenly there is a whistling, crackling, hissing sound. The light on the car goes out. Baba Yaga rushes into the hall on a broom.

Baba Yaga Hello...Apchi! Where did I end up? Ugliness! I fell and almost broke my neck! Apchhi!

He takes out binoculars, looks around, notices the guys.

What are you doing here?

Skomorokh 1 We are celebrating the Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga Who did you ask permission from?

Skomorokh 2 We ourselves. By time machine...

Baba Yaga Themselves - with a mustache. Call the forest commandant and his retinue to see me. (Blows the whistle)

The Queen of Spades appears with a crowd of gypsies.

Baba Yaga I called the commandant!!! What are you up to?

Gypsy He got so sick and ate hare meat, so I stand for him.

Baba Yaga Did you ask them for permission to have a Christmas tree?

Gypsy Didn't have time, your meanest Yagishism.

Baba Yaga Yeah, you keep having fun, you keep singing, dancing, and extorting money from the forest inhabitants!

Gypsy I sing, I dance, and I extort a little.

Baba Ya ha Are you dancing or talking? Well then dance!!!

Gypsy dance.

Baba Yaga Ay, well done!!!

Baba Yaga Do you think that my vigilance was lulled by dancing? Not so!

So, if they don’t have permission, I won’t let them hold a holiday here. This is my territory! We'll have our own holiday here! (Blows the whistle) Hey, where are you, my faithful friends? Come, run, hurry!!!

A whistle sounds. The melody has a robber character. Forest evil spirits appear dancing.

Forest evil spirits (in chorus) Why did you deign to call me, dear one? Were we having so much fun? Show?

Baba Yaga Well, tell me already!!!

Dance of the forest evil.

The forest evil spirits group around Baba Yaga, gesticulating, heatedly discussing without words how to get the children and the forests out.

Baba Yaga blows the whistle.

The council has decided! (The evil spirits echo the words of Baba Yaga) If you fulfill our demands, then we will allow you to hold a holiday here, and if not...

Forest evil spirits We'll tickle you to death! Let's turn them into spiders and frogs! We won't let you live in peace.

Skomorokh 1 Fine. We accept your condition.

Skomorokh 2 Guys, don't let us down.

Baba Yaga Our first condition is this: we will dance, and you try to repeat all the movements after us. Let's see which of you dances better. Maestro, music!

The dance is performed in modern rhythms.

Baba Yaga (after the dance) Well, you completed this task. But try playing this game.

Game "Volume Control"

Skomorokh 1 Well, is Baba Yaga happy?

Baba Yaga Okay, stay. We are the ones who look so menacing and angry. But in fact, we love children very much.

Suddenly shouts are heard: “Hold him!” Hold him! Pinocchio runs out. Karabas-Barabas is chasing him.

The song "Pinocchio" sounds

Pinocchio Oh oh oh! Save! Help! Karabas is chasing me!

He runs around the hall, hiding behind the children.

Karabas You won't leave, you vile boy! I'll catch you anyway!

Karabas' song sounds

Buffoons Run to us, Pinocchio! We will not let you be offended!

The guys trip him up and tie up Karabas!

Pinocchio And here I am, Karabas Barabas!

Karabas (tries to free himself) Oh, there you are!

Pinocchio And here is my golden key! (shows key)

Karabas Give it back, give it to me now. This is my key, mine!

Pinocchio But it's not yours. Guys, whose key is this?

Screams of children : “Yours, Pinocchio, yours!”

Pinocchio Oh, guys, my mood has worsened, this one has tormented me... (points to Karabas) Maybe you will dance with me?

Dance Buratin

Game "Floor, Nose, Ceiling"

Buffoon 1 He is incorrigible.

Skomorokh 2 I figured out what to do with it

Buffoon 1 What?

Skomorokh 2 He must be sent to a desert island.

Skomorokh 1 Right. Let it be fixed there.

Skomorokh 2 We have a time machine.

Karabas Me? For what?

Baba Yaga (addressing Karabas) Hey-hey-hey! Let him go! I will not allow my friend to be offended. (Affectionately.) Please!

Karabas is untied.

Baba Yaga (addressing Karabas) And shame on you. It's high time to stop trying to take away the key. Nothing will work out anyway. It’s better to play some kind of game with the guys, and have fun with us at the holiday.

Karabas Persuaded! So be it! I won’t offend Pinocchio anymore! And my game will be like this: I want to check how much you know foreign languages. My game is called foreign languages. And I would also like the guys to dance.

Dance of Karabasikov

Baba Yaga (claps his hands) Bravo, bravo, Karabas! But for some reason my legs also want to dance.

Dance of grandmothers Yozhek.

Buffoons It's time to light our Christmas tree.

Baba Yaga Now! (Conjures) One! Two! Three! Ready!

The tree doesn't light up.

I don't understand anything. Ah, I understand. It was while I was jumping and dancing with you that I lost all my magical power. Hey, you, my loyal subjects, help me light the Christmas tree!

Forest evil spirits Once! Two! Three! The tree is on fire!

Buffoons Nothing works for you, Baba Yaga. Guys, who will help us light the Christmas tree?

Answer from children from the "Santa Claus" hall

Buffoons Let's call him guys


Here is the Christmas tree.

And everything is on fire.

So the holiday is coming!

But someone is missing!

We need to call him

We need to scream loudly.

Who is louder? Here's the question!

Come on, guys... (Santa Claus)

Hey girls, look up!

Let's shout together... (Santa Claus)

Father Frost Hello dear viewers:

Children, teachers, parents!

We haven't seen you for a long time,

Thank you for inviting us to the holiday.

Snow Maiden To everyone who came to us -

We will give you joy.

We'll make anyone have fun here!

All participants To make it brighter here,

To make it more fun-

Light the Christmas tree, Santa Claus

Have fun guys!

Father Frost Christmas tree, Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Green needle,

Light up with different lights

Green and red.

Shine in honor of the former year

And the coming year!

Once! Two three!

Shine, shine, burn!

Strikes with a staff. The tree lights up.

Snow Maiden In honor of the beautiful Christmas tree

We'll sing a song.

In honor of the beautiful Christmas tree

We'll go dancing.

A traditional song about the Christmas tree is sung.

Father Frost Now we'll play.

Who is not afraid of Frost?

And are you ready to fight me?

The game “Frozen” is being played

Snow Maiden That's how Grandfather Frost is!

Freeze everyone to tears.

Look at the guys

They all stand like icicles.

Play the music hotter

Invite everyone to the dance!


Snow Maiden Carnival! Carnival!

I gathered everyone in the hall today.

Here are Pierrot and Pinocchio,

Karabas and Chippolino,

Here is Malvina, the Gray Wolf,

Everyone knows a lot about suits.

Hold hands, friends, take hold

Yes, walk to the music

There will be a prize for the best today

What a prize - so far a surprise!

Waltz music sounds. All children move in a round dance. The Snow Maiden and Father Frost examine the children's costumes. The most interesting costumes are given tokens to win prizes at a designated location.

Santa Claus and all participantsSo, at the Christmas tree

We didn't waste our time in vain:

They played, danced, sang,

And we were able to visit a fairy tale.

Happy New Year to you, friends!

Happy New Year!

Good luck! Happiness! Health to everyone!

Happy winter holidays!!!

Natalya Dushkina
Scenario for the New Year's holiday in the preparatory group "Time Machine or New Year's Adventures."

Goals: Contribute to the creation of positive emotions from participation in holiday.


Development of vocal skills, coordination of movements in dancing, contribute to the development of a sense of rhythm.

Create conditions for the development of children's creative activity.

Foster a culture of behavior holiday.

Celebration progress:

The presenter and 3 children come out.

Leading: A cheerful man came to us holiday -

Dreamer, joker, prankster!

He calls us to a round dance,

This New Year holiday!

Gleb: WITH Happy New Year

Everyone who came to this hall!

Let's start, let's start...

New Year's carnival!

Vova B: Our dear guests,

We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May they come in the coming year

Good luck and success to you!

Faith: We’ll dance and sing under the tree,

After all New Year today!

Look everyone, let's get started

Our New Year's holiday!

Children coming out to song « New Year»

Leading: (takes out a letter) Guys, Grandfather Frost sent us an invitation. (opens) He writes “Wave your arms three times, stamp your feet three times, and you will find yourself in Fairytale Land! I’m sending you the Snow Maiden to help!”

Children perform movements.

Leading: Somehow we didn’t manage to get to Fairyland. Where is the Snow Maiden? Let's call her!

Children: Snow Maiden!

The Snow Maiden's entrance to the music.

Snow Maiden: Friends, I am called the Snow Maiden,

I'm not afraid of the cold.

I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard,

I'm even friends with her.

Frost is my dear grandfather,

Snowflakes are my relatives.

In the silence, the wilderness of the forest

I have a house.

Hello, my good, beautiful and pretty ones! How I miss you, how you have grown and matured in a year. Oh, what happened to you! I'm late?

Leading: Hello, Snow Maiden! No, no, you're just during. We received an invitation from Grandfather Frost to Fairyland. We did everything that was written in it, but nothing worked. Tell me how we can get there. In the meantime, you think the guys will read poetry to you.

Nastya K: At the door New Year is knocking,

Santa Claus is rushing to visit us,

In the sky festive fireworks,

And the clock strikes twelve.

The lights sparkle brightly.

Candles, balloons, gifts.

Soon a fairy tale will come into the house,

Coming soon New Year!

Matvey: Outside the window it’s white and white,

All the paths were covered with snow.

Santa Claus is hurrying in his sleigh,

Frost glistens in his beard.

Soon a fairy tale will come to the house -

Coming New Year!

Zaida: Santa Claus lit the lights,

The Christmas tree began to shine

I like a white snowflake

It fell into the palm of my hand.

I'm not afraid of frost

And ready for winter

I want everyone today

Congratulations on New Year.

Sevgi: The Christmas tree is beautiful,

Balls on it.

We will become happier

Better and kinder.

Because joyful

The holiday is coming.

There will be a lot of sweets

In that New Year!

Zafar: Good Grandfather Frost

I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

We'll raise our hands high

Let's say: "Christmas tree, light up".

Come to our round dance

Hurry up New Year!

Ramiz: New Year is about to come,

He will bring joy to everyone.

The Christmas tree will light up brightly,

Santa Claus will present gifts.

Vova I: It smells like fresh tar again,

We gathered at the Christmas tree,

Our Christmas tree is dressed up,

The lights on it came on.

Games, jokes, songs, dances!

Masks flash here and there.

You are a bear and I am a fox.

What miracles!

Let's dance together,

Hello hello, New Year

Snow Maiden: Thank you guys for such wonderful poems. I think I know how to help you, but first let’s not hurt our Christmas tree. Let's stand together in a round dance, dance and sing together.

Round dance around the Christmas tree with a song "Our Christmas tree"

Snow Maiden: Well, so that the Christmas tree lights up, we need to play now.

Playing a game with a bell

Two teams, two chairs, two bells. One child from each team must run around the tree, run up to the bell, ring it, run to their team and pass the baton to the next player.

The Christmas tree sparkles with lights

Leading: Well, tell me, Snow Maiden, what did you come up with? How will you help us?

Snow Maiden: Now you’ll find out everything. (picks up the phone and starts calling) Hello, Uncle Shurik, we really need you. And don't forget to take your invention. We are looking forward to seeing you, come to kindergarten as soon as possible "Friendship".

Magic music sounds, the lights flash, Shurik appears with time machine.

Shurik: Hello friends, who and why needed me so urgently.

Snow Maiden: We all needed you. We have a problem, Santa Claus invited the guys to Fairytale Land, but we can’t get there. Help us please. After all, you have a miracle car.

Leading: Guys, let's all ask Uncle Shurik to help us.

Children ask for help

Shurik: Well, okay, we persuaded you. I'll help you. Now I will teach you how to use my miracle technology. Say the country you want to go to, tap the top three times car and click on the red button. Well, it’s time for me to go home, because they’re waiting for me new discoveries. Goodbye everyone.

Shurik leaves

Leading: This is a miracle, this is a miracle. Is it really that simple? Well guys, are you ready to go on a trip? Then we pronounce the country together and follow all the instructions.

All participants follow the instructions, the lights turn off, the lights flash and Spanish music plays.

Leading: Snow Maiden, where are we?

Snow Maiden: I think I guessed it. We ended up in Spain, but how could that be, because we did everything right.

Spanish dance

Leading: Guys, we urgently need to get out of this country. Snow Maiden, try to work some magic on this by car.

The Snow Maiden follows all of Shurik’s instructions. The lights go out, the lanterns flash, African music sounds, savages appear and dance around the fire to the music

1 savage: Who came to visit us?

2 savage: So many delicious little kids.

Approaching the Snow Maiden

Savages (together): How pretty, how white. Probably delicious. Well, we'll eat you first.

Snow Maiden: Don't eat me. Who will the children be with? Celebrate the New Year? Who will help them get to Santa Claus?

1 savage: What kind New Year? What kind of miracle is this?

2 savage: And who is Santa Claus, and why should you look for him?

Leading: How can it be, they are so big, but you don’t know anything. Now the guys will tell you everything.

Children read poetry

Ruslan: New Year is a fun holiday.

All the kids are waiting for him.

He's like a lonely rider

Enters bright houses.

New the year brings happiness,

Sweet tangerine scent.

Brings bad weather into the past,

And the bitter taste of orange.

Inna: All the boys and girls

They decorate the Christmas trees together,

The snow is swirling in the yard,

Time speeds up!

Why? Everything is very simple!

I will answer without questions:

We are all moving forward

Very fast New Year!

Aishe: New Year, New Year,

He comes to our doorstep.

Gives toys to everyone

Balls, firecrackers!

We are meeting New Year,

We dance together.

And we'll spin it around -

WITH Happy New Year, let's be friends!

Dasha: Who is standing there at the gate?

This holiday, New Year.

We will open the doors for him,

We'll set a delicious table soon.

Let there be no troubles at all,

I wish everyone happiness

And health and goodness.

It's time to dance in circles!

A song is being performed "One two Three"

1 savage: Yes, you have fun holiday.

2 savage: But we can't just let you go. Still, we will leave someone for ourselves. (start approaching the guys)

Leading: Stop. There is no need to leave anyone. I invite you to compete with us. And if you like the game, then let us go. Do you agree?

The game is being played "Snow Relay"

To play you will need 12 paper snowflakes and two chairs. Children are divided into two teams, in front of each they place a chair on which 6 snowflakes are placed. Which team will be the fastest to transfer all the snowflakes from the chairs to their vases? From each team, first one child runs around the chair and takes a snowflake, returns, puts it in a vase and passes the baton to the next participant. The relay continues until all the snowflakes are in the vases.

Savages (together): Oh, and you made us laugh. So be it, we will let you go. So, quickly go to your Santa Claus before we change our minds.

The savages are running away

The Snow Maiden casts a spell over time machine. The lights go out, the lights flicker. The lights come on and Indian music plays

Indian dance being performed "Medley"

Leading: Snow Maiden, for now you deal with by car, and the guys and I read poetry. Maybe this will help us somehow.

Children read poetry

Timur: Congratulations on New Year!

Let him come with a sandwich

With honey, sugar, jam

And in a good mood.

Bilal: Winter is spinning outside.

Let's have fun together

New the year has come to our house,

Santa Claus brought him.

Elnur: New Year brings gifts,

Fulfills all dreams.

Makes adjustments to life

Lots of things to do and bustle.


Snow Maiden: I think I know why things aren't working out for us. I need an assistant.

One of the parents comes out and follows all the instructions with time machine. The lights go out, the lights flicker. The lights come on and Russian folk music sounds

Russian folk dance performed in pairs “Oh, snow-snowball”

Leading: Finally, we are in the land of Santa Claus.

Snow Maiden: Let's all call him together.

The children call Santa Claus. Music sounds and Santa Claus comes in

Father Frost: Hello, good friends! My dear pretty ones!

WITH Happy New Year I wish you happiness and joy!

Let there be laughter today, our Christmas tree is the best!

Hello my granddaughter. I already thought that something bad had happened to you. I wanted to go after you myself. But you completed my task.

Snow Maiden: We managed, only at the same time we visited different countries and we were even almost eaten by savages.

Father Frost: Oh, forgive me guys, I didn’t think it would work out like this. For this, ask for whatever you want. I will fulfill all your wishes. Only one condition. There must be three wishes.

Leading: Well, we agree. In the meantime, the guys and I will come up with wishes, sit and listen to the poems.

Children read poetry

Kirill: Santa Claus, you are the kindest,

But I didn’t make a mistake either -

I was doing the cleaning

I decorated the Christmas tree with my mother.

I hope it's under the tree

I'll find a surprise soon.

After all, I've been waiting for him for so long.

Santa Claus, hurry up!

Andrey: Father Frost! I ate porridge

At a quiet hour I was about to sleep,

Listened to the teacher

And I'm tired of it!

Get the gifts quickly

There is no more strength to endure,

Do you want us to dance for you?

We can even sing a song!

Nastya D: Soon soon New Year.

Santa Claus will come to me

He will give me a gift,

I'll tell him a poem.

I ask that all winter

A fluffy snow was falling.

Ulyana: Came to us to ask a question

Good Grandfather Frost.

How did the kids behave?

Have you read a lot of books?

Did you listen to mom and dad?

We answer together: Yes!

Well, I believe, well then

Look under the tree.

There is a pile of gifts there.

I fulfill all my wishes,

WITH Happy New Year!

Nastya R: I won't go to bed today

Will Celebrate the New Year.

Long Hail Santa Claus

I'll wait for you at night.

I'll see how he presents

Places it near the Christmas tree,

I'll ask you to stay

He's with me for a whole year.

Vika: WITH Happy New Year!

May we have Santa Claus

He will bring gifts soon.

Let there be no tears in life.

Glory: The Christmas tree is lit with lights

And shiny balls

Soon Santa Claus

Will bring a cartload of gifts.

We will meet Grandfather,

Let's dance together in a round dance,

After all, today New Year!

Father Frost: Thanks guys. They made me happy. What touching poems, I haven’t heard anything like this for a long time.

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, are you ready to fulfill our first wish?

In it time the presenter calls the children to her and, discussing something with them, approaches Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden

Father Frost: Of course, I’m ready, I always keep my promises.

Presenter: Then let’s get into a round dance, because today New Year, and let's sing a song.

Children sing a song with Santa Claus in a round dance "Hello Dedushka Moroz"

Father Frost: We had a nice round dance. You make me happy every minute more and more.

Leading: We're glad you liked the song. But it came time fulfill our second wish. Come play with us.

Round dance game "Father Frost"

Target: development of attention and imagination.

“Santa Claus, Santa Claus!

The guys are waiting for you

They lead a round dance together,

They sing songs!”

Santa Claus also stops at the last words speaks:

“I can do it like this!

I can do that!”

The players repeat the movements of the driver. The game repeats itself.

Father Frost: Oh, and I have fun with you. Only I got really excited. And I'm afraid that I'll melt. (Begins to squat on a chair, as if melting)

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, help, save my grandfather. Let's all blow on it together on the count of three. (One, two, three, the guys are blowing)

Father Frost: Oh, thank you, good. Only you were blowing so hard that you started to freeze. (Gets up and starts dancing and rubbing his arms and legs)

The presenter again gathers the children around her and says something

Presenter: Well then. Then you need to fulfill our third wish. Since you’re so cold, you’ll have to start dancing with the guys.

General dance with Santa Claus "Father Frost"

Father Frost: Well, kids, girls and boys. You read poems to me, danced nicely, did a round dance, and played together. For this, I have prepared a surprise for you. (addresses the Snow Maiden) Granddaughter, bring my magic box here and open it.

The Snow Maiden brings the box and opens it

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, there are just snow balls here. Perhaps you were joking?

Father Frost: And I'm not joking at all! These balls are not ordinary, but magical! Whoever takes the balloon will receive a gift from me! You just need to be honest, kind and polite! Ready? Then fly in and choose a ball for yourself.

The Snow Maiden scatters snowballs around the hall in front of the Christmas tree. Each child should take only one snowball and raise his hand

Father Frost: Well done, I see friendly guys. There were enough magic balls for everyone, which means there will be gifts for everyone. Come to our miracle car, throw your magic snowball and see a real miracle.

Children approach time machine, throw a snowball at it, and gifts appear from there. To the music, Father Frost and Snow Maiden distribute gifts to children

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka (together): Once again with holiday!

Must leave you, friends!

Let the coming New Year

It will only bring you joy.

Father Frost and Snow Maiden are leaving.

The holiday has come to an end, the children leave the hall