Scenario for the New Year's holiday “The Magic Keys of Santa Claus. Scenario for the New Year in the middle group "Santa Claus's magic clock" Scenario for the New Year's party Santa Claus's clock

For teenagers

Target: Strengthen knowledge, skills, speech, singing, dancing, gaming. Contribute to the formation of a children's team and camaraderie.Tasks: Immerse children in the atmosphere of a fairy tale and bring them joy.Preparatory work: viewing of modern cartoons “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent” and “Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych”, discussion of characters, work on words, acting skills.Attributes: a cauldron for Baba Yaga, a large ladle, a chest with promissory notes, a mace, swords, costumes.Decor: New Year's decoration of the hall.Participants: Prince VladimirAlesha Popovich

Ilya Muromets


KolyvanHorse Gaius Julius Caesar

Gypsies Koschei the DeathlessBaba Yaga

Cat Scientist


Storyteller: There are still fairy tales in the world, but no one knows where

There is not much free space left for them on the planet.

Here we would be with you in a mysterious fairy-tale world...

Probably fairy tales live beyond the seas,

Or maybe fairy tales live just beyond the mountains,

Or maybe fairy tales live behind the forests,

Or maybe in the next apartment.

How wonderful it is to settle in this country,

Where the firebird flies like a rainbow in the sky.

Let our hearts beat joyfully,

And all people will remember the fairy tale and miracle,

And the fairy tale will never end...

The buffoons come out.

Buffoon 1: Attention everyone, gentlemen! You hurry to the hall, here. There will be jokes, there will be laughter, We will make you all happy!

Buffoon 2: We invite everyone to the hall today, Let's give a show! Celebrate the holiday with joy, Never be discouraged!

Buffoon 1: The Christmas tree is sparkling in the hall, He invites you all to visit. There are bright toys on her, Everyone is here: friends, girlfriends!

Buffoon 2: All for the holiday - New Year! Come, honest people. We invite everyone who is cheerful, Let's begin our fairy tale!

I action.

Russian folk music sounds, the Grand Duke enters:

He walks around the tree and speaks dreamily.

Prince: Well, the tree is ready, the invitations have been sent out, I’ve made an agreement with Santa Claus, he gave me his watch, it’s magical! (considering) We won't miss the New Year with this watch.

A messenger runs in

Prince: Hey Alyosha! Come here. Listen here.

I, Grand Duke, At this festive hour, I issue the following decree: “Everyone come to me, To have fun!”

Understood!?Messenger: Understood.

Prince:Go and announce it to the people.

The messenger bows and leaves.

Prince: Hello dear guests,

hello beautiful girls,

hello good fellows!

I am glad to welcome everyone to my great principality.

Today is New Year's holiday,But not a simple one, but a carnival.And near the Christmas tree todayWe'll have a fun ball.

Buffoon: According to tradition, first

A cheerful round dance.

Come on, it's fun and friendly

Run to the Christmas tree, people.

Children dance in a circle.

Kolyvan comes in, carrying his chest with promissory notes.

Kolyvan: Hello Grand Duke, Prince: And you are not sick, why did you come?Kolyvan: Yes, I think the new year is coming soon. Don't you want to get even?Prince waves it off: What are you, what are you!Kolyvan: Well as you know…Prince: How much debt do I have?Kolyvan: 40 thousand!Prince: Oh, what grief! Kolyvan: (after seeing Santa Claus's clock) And you give me Frost's watch. And I will forgive you your debt.Prince: I can’t, Frost will find out - it will be bad for me! Kolyvan: No one will know, that's it (takes out the ring) , ring of Koshchei the Immortal, tell everyone that he stole!

Prince: (reluctantly) Well, okay, give me your ring.

They shook hands and Kolyvan left. Prince Testament of the Messenger. A messenger runs in.

Prince: Hey, Alyosha - well done!Run around the whole palace.Yes find your friendsAll my heroes!

The heroes enter to the music...

Dobrynya: Greetings, Grand Duke.

Ilya: I called the post office. Didn't let me rest.

Dobrynya: Ali what happened?

Ilya: Has Tugarin really attacked the Russian land?

Dobrynya : Or has Nightingale the Robber started playing pranks again?

Prince: Hello, my faithful friends, trouble has befallen us today! Koschey stole the cursed Santa Claus's watch, and without it the New Year will not come(shows the ring). Alyosha: Oh, you evil spirit. She went her separate ways again and went wild on Russian soil. Dobrynya: This will not happen. Let's fight with strength in an equal duel.

Alyosha:It’s not right to spoil people’s holiday, it’s not humane!

Ilya: Prepare yourself, Russian heroes, for a dangerous journey. Let us defeat the insidious adversaries. Let's show the heroic strength. Let's bring back Santa Claus' watch.

Prince: Thank you, my dear ones. Princely bow to you. I'll go while I write out your orders. And I’ll go to meet Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

The prince leaves.

Ilya Muromets: Get ready for a long journey,To return the clock backDon't waste timeWe must ride into the dense forest.

The heroes are leaving.

II action.

Storyteller: IN fabulous forest, What remarkable,

Earlier All was Amazing

The heroes feasted at feasts

Geese - swans of children stole

The Nightingale the Robber whistled

Grandfather was sweating over a turnip

Pike with Emeley communicated

The frog turned into a princess

And suddenly everything changed

Ryaba's chicken egg did not break

Koshchei was overcome by melancholy

Firebird disappeared somewhere

Ivan the Fool - became an obscene fool

The fairy tale was attacked by boredom and indifference.

Everyone is sad...

Only Baba Yaga knew what was going on...

Let's look into her hut on chicken legs...

Baba Yaga is over the cauldron, conjuring something.

Baba Yaga:In our forest on New Year's Eve
A snowstorm covered the path.
Well why, who can say why
They don’t like me, Granny the Hedgehog?

Kolyvan comes in.

Kolyvan: Well, Yagusya, I brought the watch.

The Grand Duke was brought to tears.

Baba Yaga: Santa Claus for the New Year
He won't find his way to them,
They will have a little joy
He will come to our doorstep!

We can stop the clock

We'll help you learn Koshchei

We are the notes of our party,

So that the song is sung more cheerfully.

Kolyvan:Okay, okay, just don't forget about me

Come on, grandma, faster,
Brew your own miracle potion!!
I want to like it very much
To all beautiful girls!

And see that it works! Otherwise I won’t forgive you for your debt!

Baba Yaga: Well, well, well, be careful!

Taras - bars - rastabars,
Chufras - mufras - crap,
She promised the potion in hours, so it will be there.

There you go, almost ready.

Give me the watch.(Gives away the potion).

Takes Kalyvan's watch . Kalyvan leaves .

Baba Yaga:(Looks at his watch). Ah-ah-ah. Now Koshchei and I and the Scientist Cat will definitely get into the competition. Now I’ll stop time and our group “Wild Guitars” will have time to prepare for it.

Baba Yaga runs away.

III action.

The heroes come out.

Alyosha: Where are we going?
Dobrynya: To Koshchei the immortal, we will fight him in an equal duel.

Koschey comes out.

Gorynych: I smell the Russian spirit! Ah-ah-ah! hero! He came to his death!

They run up, run around the tree from different sides,

ahead they meet and hug.

Dobrynya: Hello my friend, Koscheyushka!
Koschey: Hello my named brother!

Long time no see!
Dobrynya: There is something to do with you, Koschey,
Your honor suffers again.

(takes out a ring)

Your ring? Tell me honestly!
Did you steal a watch from the castle?
Koschey: I didn’t take the watch, and I’m not lying!

I'm playing fair.

He only stole red girls...

And I haven’t seen them for a long time
Now I remember!

Kolyvan took my ring,
I lost my talisman.

Dobrynya: I thought so, I knew so...
But who stole the watch then?
Koschey: Let's ask the gypsies,
They are always here and there.

Koschey leaves.

IV action.

The gypsies come out.

1 gypsy: (to Alyosha) Oh, young, not married. Gild the handle. I'll tell you the whole truth. (Looks at palm) I see a long road.
2 gypsy: (To Ilya Muromets) You will meet a smart cat and an old grandmother there.
1 gypsy: Here, take the horse. He will help you.

(leads the horse out from behind the tree, the horse’s mouth is gagged)
The gypsies leave.

Ilya: Come on, gypsies, come on people!
They tied the horse's mouth!!! (unties)
Alyosha: I wonder how to help
Will the horse be able to give us this night? (scratching the back of his head)
Horse: (jumped, ran) A-and-and!!! Freedom! Finally, I thought I forgot the speech!
All: Oh, a talking horse!!! (scared)
Horse: Again, why is there always such a reaction!!! Have you never seen the talking horse?
All: Nope (shakes head)
Horse: Well, then you are very lucky! Do you even know what year ends?
Tlya: Of course, 2014.
Horse: What about the Chinese calendar?
Alyosha: By what?
Horse: According to ki-tai-sko-mu!!!

(everyone shakes their head)

Horse: So, according to the Chinese calendar, it is the Year of the Horse,(proudly) that is, me, the horse! Alyosha: So what?
Horse: I'm sorry, what. And what you need is Me. Are you looking for a watch?


Ilya: So, in short, if you can help, go ahead, but no... (waves away) You make a lot of noise.
Horse: Remember what the gypsy said? (a gypsy woman’s muffled scream is heard from behind the tree) “You will meet a smart cat and an old grandmother there.”
Horse: So, a smart cat is none other than the Scientist Cat. Remember, as in Pushkin:

He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale

Ilya: Let's keep it short.

Horse:Well, that's what I'm saying,and the old grandmother is Yaga Babusya.
Alyosha: Maybe you know where they are?
Horse: Yes, it’s not far away, in a swamp, near Mount Kudykina.
Dobrynya:OK then.What is the name of such a smart horse?
Horse: Gaius Julius Caesar. (Fanfares sound) Maybe just Yuli.
Dobrynya: We have enough time to waste,
New Year must be saved!
Come on, Alyosha, sing our heroic song.
Alyosha: Our heroic rule -

We need to help a friend in need,
To defend a just cause in the struggle,
Overcome the strong man by force.

Horse: Stop, stop, stop! There’s no mood anyway, but with a song like that, you’re in the deep end!
Ilya: Why didn't you like the song?
Horse. Is this really a song? Don't tell my horseshoes! Here, keep the beat!

Music from the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent")

Horse dance.

The heroes then join in and everyone leaves to the music.

V action.

Song of "Wild Guitars"

Cat: Can't you play a dominant 7th chord?
Koschey: What?
Baba Yaga: For your sake, I took sin on my soul, I stole Prince Vladimir’s watch and all so that you could learn the notes. And you (offended), and you took it one and a half octaves higher!
Yes, for this...
Koschey : Well, what?
Cat: I'm sorry, what? Yes, for such amateur performances... there will be no Competition at all, and now there’s also a new year! Give me the tool, that's what!
Koschey: (Crying) Oh, my life is miserable, everyone scolds me. In the native team, in the native cave.You are evil, I will leave you.
Baba Yaga: Yes, okay, okay, although he is dishonest, he also has his own feelings.
Cat: Okay, let him sing.

Thunderclaps are heard.

Baba Yaga: Alarm, someone has sneaked into our forest! The alarm went off.
Koschey: And who could it be that could have gotten through?
Cat: Who got in?
Baba Yaga: Let's see. Eniki-Beniks, panicles, brooms.
Leshy and the Cat: Make the wall transparent.

Heroes appear

Alyosha: We came to Kudykina Mountain...

Well, now where do we go?
Here, Kudykina Mountain.

Baba Yaga, Leshy and the Cat are whispering.

Cat: What about our New Year, and the Guitarist-Vocalists competition?
Baba Yaga: Oh... They're following the clock! Well, that's it! Our “Guitars” are missing!
Koschey: It was Prince Vladimir who sent them!

Dobrynya: Hey, you forest scum. Do you want to try the heroic silushka? Return the watch in a kind and healthy manner.
Cat: Eh, now they're going to beat me!
Baba Yaga : What to do, we need to stop them somehow!
Cat: Fire?
Koschey: Not really! We need them!
Cat: We need them!
Goblin: We need them!
Cat: We need them!

Baba Yaga comes out

Baba Yaga: I won't give you the watch
Even though you are fighting.
And my magical charms
You take care.(Conjures). Chufyr-chufyr, earn the hero.
Ilya:Yeah, I decided to do some magic! Don't you want something nice? It will be bad!

Guys, come on We will all fight these villains together. (Addresses the audience) Guys, can you march? (One half of the hall) Show me.

How about buzzing like airplanes? Give it a try. (Second half of the hall).

Now wait for my signal. (Loud) Attention attention! Baba Yaga, Cat and Koschey you are surrounded! Our army is coming to the left. (Children are marching)

My planes are flying in the air. (Children humming) .???????????
Baba Yaga: OK OK. I will return your watch if you solve the riddles of the Scientist Cat.

Cat: All the people are having fun -

This is a holiday... (New Year)

Whose drawings are on the window,
What's the pattern on the crystal?

Pinches everyone's nose

Winter grandfather... (Frost)

They fall from the sky in winter,
And they circle above the ground

Light fluff.

He was once water
But suddenly he changed his appearance.

And now on New Year's Eve

On the river we see... (Ice)

I'm standing in the taiga on one leg,
Cones on top, bears below,

Green in winter and summer,

The dress is covered in needles, but I call myself... (Christmas tree)

There was barely a breath of winter,
They are always with you.

Two sisters will warm you up.

Their name is...(Mittens)

Her house is on a white cloud,
But she is afraid of the sun's ray.

Silver fluff,

Hexagonal... (Snowflake)

He is kind, he is also strict,
He has a beard up to his eyes.

Red-nosed, red-cheeked,

Our beloved...(Santa Claus)

The snow swirls along the streets,
Like the feathers of white hens.

Winter-winter friend,

Northern guest…(Blizzard)

He comes on a winter evening,
Light candles on the Christmas tree.

He starts a round dance -

This is a holiday... (New Year)

He is made of snow alone,
His nose is made of carrots.

A little warm, she’ll cry instantly.

And it will melt... (Snowman)

Baba Yaga: Here, take your watch.

The heroes take the watch and leave.

Baba Yaga: Wow, how naive!

Kolyvan comes in.

Kolyvan: Is Baba Yaga crazy?
Why did you give away the watch?
Have you forgotten our agreement?
Baba Yaga: Yes, I remember our conversation!

That you will forgive the debt and give me the dacha
Give it as a gift in snowy December.
After all, I stopped time,
And she finished our potion.
All that's left to do is wait
Another minute, so 25.
The heroes are with their spoils,
Let them continue to the palace.
When they arrive, everyone will see
What a new year the end!

All: Well done grandma
Well done, Yagusya!

They are leaving...

VI action.

The prince comes out and the heroes meet him.

Prince: I'm so glad to see you! All the guests have already arrived!
Dobrynya: Here is the prince, a New Year's watch!
Old Yaga gave them to us.
Prince: (picks it up ) So they are enchanted!!!
Time has stopped in them! What should we do?
Alyosha: Or maybe call Santa Claus, he’s a wizard, and he’ll cast a spell on the clock.
Prince: That's right, and why didn't I think of it myself?

The name is Santa Claus. All the children help
The music sounds, Santa Claus comes in and sings the song “Blizzards Play Out.”

Father Frost. And where did I end up? It feels like time has stopped here... strange.
Prince: Hello Santa Claus, you have come all right, Baba Yaga did not lead you astray, but we have trouble, she bewitched the New Year's clock and stopped time. How will the New Year come to us now?
Father Frost. Well, it doesn’t matter, Baba Yaga’s witchcraft cannot compare with my magic!

He casts a spell... the chimes ring out.

The final

Father Frost: Well, it's time to start the New Year! I see everyone has gathered. Good old familiar fairy tale characters and children are here. We will sing, dance and play, and receive gifts. But where is my granddaughter Snegurochka? Guys, let's call her.

The children call Snegurochka.

Snow Maiden:The hour has come
New Year has arrived.
The holiday is coming towards us with big steps.
Everyone get up to the Christmas tree for a round dance.
The holiday has come to us,
New Year has come!

Children perform a round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”

Father Frost:Nice, you have fun,
The legs themselves are eager to dance.
I ask you to help,
Together we will dance.
Well, my granddaughter,
There will be dances announced.

Snow Maiden: We play, don't get bored, let's start the Russian dance!(Children dance.)

Oh, fun, and that’s all, a loud polka sounded.(Children dance.)

Come out and waddle, we'll dance a gypsy dance. (Children dance.)

My back hasn't hurt yet, let the lezginka sound now. (Children dance.)

The flight of music is gentle, the round dance takes off.

And now it sounds for you, New Year's winter waltz.

Dance of snowflakes.

Father Frost: Did I dance well?
I'm very tired, kids!
I'll go into the winter forest,
I'll rest there for a while!

Snow Maiden: Grandfather, we won’t let you go.

Father Frost: Like this?

Snow Maiden:And like this. Our guys have prepared for you not only dances, but also poetry. Sit down, relax,

Well, we will read poetry.

Prince: Santa Claus is playing too hard, but did you bring gifts?

Baba Yaga: Why are you, Grandfather Frost, with a white beard? Where are the gifts, come on, woe to you and me.

Father Frost: I brought a big bag. It contains toys, books... I just don’t remember where it is, dear kids.

Scientist cat: And we’ll go around the Christmas tree and find your bag ourselves!

The cat walks around the Christmas tree.

So here he is!

Father Frost:I am very grateful, my missing item was found,

Now you go to class and receive gifts.

Love each other, learn, grow
And all this year, I ask you not to be sad.

Snow Maiden:We are leaving you to return to you again.
And you should be ready for this meeting!

Final song

"Father Frost's Magic Clock"
script for a New Year's party for the middle group
Leading teacher
Snow Maiden
Father Frost
Dwarf - Dyudyuka Barbidontovna
In the group, the Snow Maiden invites the guys to the Christmas tree
Any of us, of course, is waiting
Happy New Year!
But more than anything in the world,
Children are waiting for this holiday.

Children enter to the music with the Snow Maiden and stop around the Christmas tree.
Came to us again today
Mother's holiday - winter,
This holiday is New Year's
We waited impatiently.
Children: (one by one)
What will it be?
What will it be?
What will it be?
Firecrackers, candies,
Icicles, silver balls,
Gifts, twinkling colored lights,
Stars, snowflakes, garlands of flags,
Dances and songs, and laughter without stopping!
What do you think it will be?
Children: (together) Christmas tree!
1st child:
Hello, holiday tree,
We've been waiting for you all year.
We are at the New Year's tree
Let's celebrate the New Year together!
2nd child:
The Christmas tree glows with lights.
It’s good for us to meet friends at the Christmas tree!
"Oh, they're flying, snowflakes are flying"
All: Hello, Christmas tree!
3rd child:
New Year is coming! To everyone's surprise
Santa Claus will bring treats to the children!
Snegur.: For some reason the Christmas tree is silent, doesn’t say anything,
The lights are not blinking, maybe our tree is sleeping?
Let's say together: one, two, three
Well, let the Christmas tree burn!!!
-several times (mom, dad, help)-
Garlands light up
4th child:
And under the tree there is a round dance,
And he dances and sings.
All friends and all girlfriends,
Invites you to join the circle.
“Near the Christmas tree” round dance game-danceLeader:
Time is running at full speed.
Under the frosty sound of winter
"Happy New Year!"
Children: Happy New Year!
Host: We are talking to each other.
“Sleigh”, Children sit down
Mysterious music sounds
Snow Maiden: It seemed to me, guys,
It was as if the tree was swaying.
Someone seems to be coming.
Let's see what kind of people they are!
(magic music. A Gnome comes out of the clock)
Gnome: Hello guys! I'm a Kind, fairy-tale gnome, I've been living in this old clock for many years... Guys, look, I have the key to the New Year's clock! Very soon we will start them up and when they strike 12 times, the long-awaited New Year will come! (gives the presenter the KEY)
You go to the clock and swing the pendulum. A fairy tale will come to visit you, because the New Year holiday is coming soon.
Snegur: Thank you, good Dwarf!
Dwarf: Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye kids! (Leaves)
Snegur.: Well, guys, do you want to meet a fairy tale? (approaches the clock, touches)
Dyudyuka comes out to the song of Dyudyuka from the cartoon “On the Road with the Clouds”.
Dyudyuka: Everyone was invited to the holiday, but they forgot about me, the beauty, Dyudyuka Barbidontovna.
That means everyone is having fun, but I’m sitting alone, sad, my new dress is wasted! And I’m only 305 years old, I don’t even go to school yet! If you didn’t invite me, I’ll put out the lights on your Christmas tree for that. (raises)
Snow Maiden: Wait, wait! Sorry for not sending you an invitation, stay with us to celebrate the New Year. Our guys can sing and dance, recite poetry, and what can you do to amuse and amuse us?
Dyudyuka: Oh, they can do it! Yes, I can do the same thing. I can eat candy, jam, and cookies. This is so yummy!
Snow Maiden: No, Dydyuk won’t be surprised by this.
Dyudyuka: You won’t surprise them with anything. I really want to ruin the holiday... I know how to surprise you! Come out guys, repeat after me.
DANCE - game “We will go right first”
Snow Maiden: Well done Dudyuka! You made us very happy. Stay with us at the holiday and let's play together with the guys.
The Snow Maiden plays the game "Snowballs" during the game Dyudyuka takes the key.
Snow Maiden: We had a lot of fun, it’s time to start the New Year’s clock. (Looks for the key) Where is the key to the New Year's clock? Guys, haven't you seen it?
Snow Maiden: It seems to me that it’s clear who took the key. Are you misbehaving with Dyudyuk Barbidontovan again?
Dyudyuka: I’ll give you a wonderful holiday without a watch. To begin with, I will blow out all the lanterns on the tree. (It blows and the lights go out) Then I will take away everyone’s candies and gifts. After…
Snow Maiden: Guys, I think it’s time to call Santa Claus for help.
Dyudyuka: But he won’t find a path to your kindergarten. This morning all the paths were covered with snow.
Snow Maiden:
This is not a problem at all.
Gnomes! Hurry here.
Help Santa Claus,
Light the path!
Dance of Dwarfs with lanterns (light only ball at the beginning)
After the dance, D. M. comes out with a song (full light)
Hello. kids!
Girls and boys!
The New Year is knocking on us with a ringing song,
And there is no more wonderful holiday in the world.
When winter showers everything with silver,
When a fairy tale comes to every home,
When ringing laughter sounds everywhere.
And everyone believes in happiness and success!
Snow Maiden: Hello Grandfather Frost. We've been waiting for you!
D.M.: I’ll tell you, friends,
How I was in a hurry for the holiday,
Only you help me
And you repeat after me!
Round dance game with D.M. “The clock is knocking ding-dong”
children sit down
Well guys, are you happy to see me?
Snow Maiden: We are very happy, Grandfather. The only problem we have is that the New Year's clock doesn't work. Dyudyuka took the key. And he doesn't want to give it away.
Dyudyuka: Yes, I don’t want to. And I will never give you the key. Because I am Dyudyuka Barbidontovna, Byaka, picky. An exceptional wretch, sneak and mischief! No one invites me to the holiday. But everyone loves and waits for the Snow Maiden. (thinks)
I came up with an idea! I'll give you the key, Santa Claus, and you make me your granddaughter Snow Maiden!
D.M.: Okay Dyudyuka, I’ll make you the Snow Maiden. But first you complete my task.
I have a self-horned pipe, it plays happily. And the task is simple, try to dance it.
Play the pipe more boldly
And dance Dyudyuk more fun.
The Russian folk melody of Dyudyuk sounds, he dances, cannot stand it and falls.
Dyudyuka: Here, take your key.
Well, forgive me, beauty.
D.M.: Guys, will we forgive Dydyuk? (children answer)
Stay Dudyuk with us.
Well, it’s time for us to wind up the New Year’s clock and start the holiday.
Just a minute, come out
Help me wind the clock!
Minute girls:
Let's go, let's go, run, run,
We add minutes to an hour
We are friends always and everywhere,
That's why they respect us.
Dance "WATCH"
After the dance, the chimes ring out.
The lights go out, the lights on the tree come on.
D.M.: Happy new year, happy new happiness!
I hasten to congratulate everyone.
Let bad weather pass you by.
Let children's laughter sound!
Hold your hands tightly
Stand in a wide circle.
We'll sing and dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year!
Round dance "Spruce Paws"
Snow Maiden: We won’t let you out, grandpa!
Children: (collars up) So you got into our circle here and stay
You won't get away Frost, no matter how hard you try!
“Traps” by D.M. trying to run out
D.M.: Now I’ll freeze you
Game "Oh, what kind of people."
Santa Claus: I'm tired, tired.
Oh, and he had fun playing!
I’ll sit near the Christmas tree,
I'll take a look at the guys.
Snow Maiden: Our guys have known for a long time
What does Grandfather Frost like?
When they read poetry to him
About snow, blizzards and frost.
Reading poetry
. Santa Claus: We played very fun,
Celebrated the New Year together
And for this everyone, friends,
I will give gifts.
Well, dear friends, I have the main supply of miracles for you. The gifts I prepared for you, now, guys, I’ll give it to you (looks for the bag) where is my bag? Here's a secret... not on the right... and not on the left... but not on the tree? And not under the tree? I must have lost my bag of gifts.
Snegur.: What to do now, grandfather?
D.M.: Don’t worry, Snow Maiden! Do you see this clock? They are not simple, they are magical. I’ll take the magic key and quietly go to the clock.
(D.M. approaches the clock)
D.M.: You shine the clock brighter, give gifts to children!
(Grandfather M. invites the children to stand behind the Snow Maiden one after another and go to the clock for gifts. Gifts appear from the clock. Before the gift appears, D.M. touches the clock with his wand). Santa Claus: Here comes the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish!
Much joy today
I wish you the best, kids!
Snow Maiden: So that you grow big,
So that you don't have any worries!
And me and Grandfather Frost
We'll come back to you in a year!
Together. Goodbye!

New Year's party script
"The Adventures of the Magic Clock"
Cinderella. Today is a holiday for me, Cinderella!
I invited guests, I sent out invitations, I’m waiting for adults and children. Everyone, hurry to my ball and give me fun!
Hello, my friends! So I was waiting for you at the ball! In the festive hall, At the New Year's carnival Sing, dance, joke, Let the hall be filled with fun! And for this I am opening Our New Year's ball!
Clock. The pendulum swings, the Old Year ends, the New Year comes, the Fairy Tale begins!
My Magic Clock, How good it is that you came. You will strike twelve times at midnight And, having heard you, Father Frost, Taking gifts with him, will come with the Snow Maiden.
Cinderella. Children, I invited Pinocchio and Malvina to the ball, we are old friends. Malvina, Buratino, the guests have been gathering for a long time, but you are late.
Pinocchio. We were in a hurry, but we were attacked by the evil Baba Yaga with Koshchei the Immortal. They stole your invitation. We couldn't catch up with them. They were very angry with you, Cinderella, because you did not invite them to the ball.
Malvina. Look, Cinderella, Baba Yaga almost maimed Pinocchio when we were chasing her and Koshchei. She scratched his arm with her broom and gave him bruises on his legs.
Cinderella. Go quickly to Doctor Aibolit, he has a magic ointment, he will help Pinocchio.
Pinocchio. We're fast!
Baba Yaga. Oh, how nice it is all around, Oh, how nice! What do you think, Koschey, Isn’t it decent?
Koschey. All my life I dreamed of being at the children’s Christmas tree and I was almost late.
Cinderella. Who invited you here anyway? Where is the invitation to the ball?
Baba Yaga.A: invitation? Show me! Pushes Koshchei.
Koschey. Here it is! So, we are allowed to be here!
Cinderella. I know about this invitation, My friends told me about it. How you attacked them And stole the invitation. I’m always glad to see my guests, But we don’t need to spoil the holiday! You return the invitation, But you’d better leave!
Baba Yaga. So, you want to drive us out? Well, don’t expect any good now! Koschey. And now you stay and have fun here without a watch.
Cinderella. Don’t be upset, children, because we have a Magic Clock. When they strike twelve times, Santa Claus will come. He will light the Christmas tree for us again and bring us gifts.
At this time, Baba Yaga and Koschey approach the child in a watch suit and take him out of the hall. Children talk about missing. Pinocchio and Malvina appear.
Pinocchio. What happened, Cinderella?
Malvina. What are you excited about?
Cinderella. Trouble has happened! These villains stole the Magic Clock. Now Santa Claus will not come to our ball!
Pinocchio and Malvina are quietly talking to each other.
Pinocchio. Children, don’t worry, everything will work out for us.
Malvina. We immediately go to tell Santa Claus about the missing Magic Clock.
What great fellows you are! Hurry up, hurry up, warn Santa Claus so that you don’t wait for the clock to strike, but go to Cinderella’s ball.
And you guys, don’t be sad, And wait for us a little.
We will go around the whole earth, But we will bring Santa Claus to you!
Take a wonderful cape - it will help you on the way, Cover yourself with it and say the Magic words: “Ice, icicles, crispy snow, Carry us, cape, forward.”
The light can be dimmed. Pinocchio and Malvina say magic words, cover themselves with a transparent cape and “fly away”. The lights in the hall turn on.
The howling of the wind can be heard in the recording. Dim the lights. On the screen is the "North" decoration. Pinocchio and Malvina appear. The light turns on.
Pinocchio. Here comes the soft landing.
Malvina. Not a cape, just a fairy tale.
Pinocchio. Shall we ride some more?
What are you: There’s still plenty to do. How scary and cold it is here:
What are we going to do here? After all, in Antarctica there are ice floes everywhere, And who lives here... who?. Malvina.
The Snow Queen!!!
So you need to ask her, Where can Santa Claus be?
The Snow Queen.
I walked behind the ice floes, But I didn’t meet Frost, Look for him in Africa, There are many monkeys living among the vines. You hurry there quickly, Ask the Papuans.
Buratino, it's time to go, Goodbye, friends!
They cover themselves with a cape and say the magic words. The lights go out, a soundtrack of wind noise sounds, and the heroes “fly away.” The lights come on, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear in the hall with the Magic Clock in their hands.
Baba Yaga.
What a great fellow, we stole the clock. Soon it will strike twelve times and Santa Claus will be called
I don’t want to wait long, Now I’ll turn the arrows, Santa Claus won’t understand the deception and will bring me gifts.
He turns the hands on the clock, a click is heard, and a spring falls to the floor. Child - watch folds into the pose of a broken watch.
Baba Yaga.
What have you done, idiot! You ruined our whole plan! Now we will have to look for Santa Claus ourselves. We no longer need the clock, Let it stay here.
Baba Yaga and Koschey leave the Clock under the tree and leave. Fast-paced music sounds and the scenery changes on the screen. Pinocchio and Malvina appear and look with surprise at the palm trees that appear on the screen. A child comes out playing the role of Monkey.
Ah, Africa, ah, Africa - a wonderful country. Ah, Africa, ah, Africa, You are full of fun! In Africa live monkeys: Monkeys, gorillas, and also crocodiles. And in this cheerful country we live, We dance merrily and sing songs.
Children - monkeys dance to the soundtrack of the song "In Every Little Child." Everyone runs back to their places, only one monkey remains.
Pinocchio. Wow, what a great dance! Have you seen Santa Claus?
I sat on the highest palm tree, I looked at the earth from the top vigilantly. But I didn’t see Santa Claus, You need to go to the North Pole, friends.
Yes, he is not there, I tell you.
You promised the children that you would go around the whole earth, and that you would bring Santa Claus to the ball.
Pinocchio. Promised, promised:
Malvina. So what are we waiting for? Let's fly!
Pinocchio and Malvina again say the magic words, cover themselves with a cape and “fly away.” The lights in the hall go out. Change of scenery. “North” is on the screen again. The light turns on. Around the Christmas tree are girls who are Blizzard's assistants.
We are the assistants of the Blizzard - Young Snowflakes. We sweep the pine trees, spruce trees, and spread the drifting snow.
You, Snowflakes, are flying, look for Santa Claus, what happened at the ball
Tell him in detail.
Dance of Snowflakes
We flew around the whole area, We met a blizzard on the way, The blizzard answered us that it had met Santa Claus. He waited for the clock to strike for a long time, Then he went to the ball. We walked around everything, We found some kind of clock.
Yes, this is a magic watch! It’s so good that you found it.
They were stolen from us at the ball and, of course, broken.
Let's take them with us and take them to the ball.
They cover themselves with the cape again and say the magic words. The light goes out. Pinocchio, Malvina and the Magic Clock run around the Christmas tree. The decorations of the North are being removed. The light turns on. Travelers are greeted by Cinderella.
Where have we been! What have we not seen! We found your watch, and Santa Claus is already on his way.
Oh, what great fellows! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
The villains broke your watch and buried it in the snow. Blizzard found it and brought the watch to us.
I’ll wave my magic wand now and I’ll fix the clock. Listen, now the clock will strike twelve times, the New Year will come and Santa Claus will come here.
The recording sounds like a clock striking. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Father Frost. Hello, my friends, I’m a little late. Happy New Year, I wish you all happiness. And you have become big, It’s hard even to recognize you, Let’s continue the holiday!
Father Frost.
I’ll probably dance today, I’ll make everyone laugh today. And don’t spare your hands, beat your hands harder, so that my legs will start shaking on their own.
Santa Claus dances to cheerful music, and at the end of the dance he falls helplessly onto a chair standing under the tree.
Father Frost.
Oh, it’s hot, it’s hot, it’s hot! I’m dancing, friends. You, Snow Maiden, go, cool the heat quickly.
The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus and blows cool air on him. At this time, Baba Yaga and Koschey enter, dressed as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.
Baba Yaga. Hello kids, do you recognize us?
Koschey. It's me, good Grandfather Frost.
Baba Yaga. And I, his granddaughter Snegurochka. We were in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday. How pretty, fat, delicious you all are:
Cinderella. What's happened? Father Frost and Snow Maiden have been at the holiday for a long time.
Baba Yaga. Where? Show!
Cinderella. Yes, here he is, our Santa Claus.
Baba Yaga. No, this one is kind of tired, old, sitting quietly under the tree.
He strokes Koshchei's head. Here he is, our good grandfather.
Cinderella. Yes, he doesn’t look like Santa Claus at all, and his eyes are evil. And you: crooked nose, spiky hair, what kind of Snow Maiden are you? Here is the Snow Maiden. Shows the real Snow Maiden. Children, who came here and is shaking your license?
Children. Baba Yaga and Koschey!
Father Frost. Now let's see who Santa Claus is here. I severely punish you for cheating! Now I’ll turn it into an icicle!
He touches Baba Yaga and Koshchei with his staff.
Baba Yaga. Your hands are frozen!
My feet are frozen! And I can’t move, I ask you to forgive me.
Father Frost. Shall we forgive them?
Let's breathe on Baba Yaga and Koshchei, and they will come to life.
Children are breathing.
Baba Yaga. Oh, I almost froze. Thank you, children have compassion for the old woman.
Father Frost. Atone for your guilt!
Baba Yaga. Hey, my granddaughters, young Grandmas Yozhki, come out here!
Baba Yaga and the girls - Babki Yozhek dance to the soundtrack of the song "Ditties of Babok Yozhek" from the film "The Flying Ship".
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden.

Glafira Drobot

New Year's carnival. 2015-16

Magic clock of Santa Claus.

Description of work.

Holidays in kindergarten are an important part of the pedagogical process in the education and development of preschoolers. By actively influencing the formation of a preschooler’s personality, they allow the child to demonstrate his skills, reveal his creative potential, show initiative, and the ability to act together.

The scenario developed by me for carrying out New Year's party in kindergarten or junior school. Central link matinee are the magic hours, around which the action unfolds. To help grandfather Frost the heroes of the children's favorite cartoon, Fixies, come. In this case, these are Simka and Nolik. The holiday ends with a surprise - magical moment of transformation. The finale to everything - gifts from Santa Claus.


Give children and guests an idea of New Year as a cheerful and good holiday, with adventures and magic, causing joyful Christmas mood.

Main goals:

To educate children’s ability to act together, bringing joy to loved ones, evoking an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday;

Teach endurance, mutual assistance, attention and involvement in the action taking place;

Harmoniously develop musical-rhythmic, dance-imaginative creative abilities, thinking, beautiful and correct speech.


Adults: presenter, Baba Yaga, grandfather Freezing.

Children (former students): fixies.

Hall decoration: magic clock(on the fireplace, mirror ball.

Progress of the holiday.

Children enter the hall to the music and surround the Christmas tree.

Dance “And one, two, three...”

There is a holiday in our hall again,

The Christmas tree came to visit us.

Dressed up, sparkled,

She lit her lights.

Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly...

We are celebrating the New Year!

A wonderful day is coming -

New Year is coming to us.

A holiday of laughter and inventions,

Fairy tale holiday for children.

The cheerful hall is shining today,

Lots of lights sparkle.

On a noisy holiday New Year

Calls friends warmly.

Near the Christmas tree today

Hello, holiday New Year,

Hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

Let's hold hands, friends,

And let's dance in a circle.

Not every day, but once a year

New Year is coming!

Round dance “It’s good that every year...”

What kind of guest has come to us?

She brought the smell of pine needles.

And there are lights and garlands on it.

How elegant they are!

How good Christmas tree,

Look how she dressed up.

Dress on a green silk tree,

Bright beads on her, confetti!

The Christmas tree is green, how glad we are for it.

Many guests gathered at the Christmas tree.

Bright toys shine on the branches,

The guests all want to dance around the Christmas tree!

Round dance song "Miracle Tree"

Children sit on chairs.

Any of us, of course, is waiting

Happy holiday - New Year.

But more than anything else

Children are waiting for this holiday!

The old year is ending,

Good, good year.

We won't be sad

After all, a new one is coming to us!

And we are looking forward to the cheerful striking of the clock.

The phonogram sounds "Clock chime"

The clock strikes as a joke,

But seriously, Grandfather should come to us Freezing!

The New Year is about to come, but grandfather is still not there.

How many minutes are left, fireplace watch, tell me?

Music from the film is playing "Carnival Night" - "5 minutes".

Minute girls run out. There are 5 of them.

1 minute

We - New Year's moments,

Don't look at the little ones!

2 minutes.

We can change the time.

Everyone should know about this.

3 minutes.

People save minutes.

The whole year is made up of minutes.

4 minutes

We add minutes into an hour,

We are respected for accuracy.

5 minutes.

It's getting close to midnight

The arrows are moving forward.

All the minutes.

They will only strike 12 times -

Expect a miracle this very hour!

Dance of the Minutes "Tiki-tock" (music from the cartoon about fixies)

Guys, let's count the minutes and find out whether the New Year will come soon.

(girls count for minutes together).

Oh guys, only 5 minutes left!

What about grandpa? The frost is not coming?.

And the blizzard raged, covering all the roads.

Winter has bewitched everything, covered the forest, fields, houses.

3 children run out preg. gr.

Hooray! We were looking forward to the first snowball.

Finally you have come, Zimushka-Winter!

It's simply impossible not to love winter,

Soon we will sculpt a snow woman.

If we fall while walking in the snow,

Let's get up, dust ourselves off, and go again.

Our Winter Queen decorates the yard with snow,

There is a pattern on its icicle-spokes of white fluff.

Every day a different yarn - like Winter is trying!

She knits thin blankets from snowflakes for houses!

Dance "Winter" (Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest) Spanish 6 pairs preg. gr.

The children sit down. The readers of the article come out. gr.

We all gathered at the Christmas tree,

Grandfather The frost just won't come.

There are so many snowdrifts -

How will he find a kindergarten?

The Snowman comes out to him.


I'm a funny Snowman

TO frost, I'm used to the cold.

I protect the kindergarten

I sweep the snow with a broom.

I’ll take it now - I’ll quickly sweep away the snowdrifts.

To make it more fun, I’ll invite my friends.

Hey, Snowmen, come out and shovel the snow with a broom!

Dance of Snowmen with Brooms. Spanish boys st. gr.

Oh, how clean it became. Now D.M. will definitely not get lost.

Let's call him loudly together!

Grandfather Freezing, come here!

The lights dim. Music is playing. Suddenly B. Ya. enters, scares everyone, shakes his fist... Stops in the center of the hall.

You Frost, children, were waiting (sarcastically) "Grandfather Freezing, come here, hurry up!”

Screaming (offended-affirmative) They were screaming...

But you didn’t invite me! You didn’t shout to me like that!

Oh, how you offended me. Now I will take revenge on you!

You won't have any fun! You won't celebrate the New Year!

I know what to do...

I'll break the magic clock, and I’ll scatter the arrows around the fairy tales.

(looks around the hall, the tree, casts a spell while looking at the tree).

Knots, nuzles, carabets! There is no Christmas tree - and there is no laughter! (the lights on the tree go out)

And I’ll take the minutes, I’ll stop the New Year!

Disturbing music sounds with broken glass. B. Ya. approaches the clock, removes the hands, throws a rope over the minute girls and leads them to the exit.

Suddenly D.M. enters, blocking B.Ya.’s path. She runs back to the center of the hall. (Sit quietly on the chairs for a minute). The run around the tree begins (1 time). D.M. stops her words: Stop! And he knocks with his staff. B.Ya. and D.M. go to the center.

Stop, B.Ya.! Are you planning your intrigues again? What did you take this time?

B. Ya. (shyly sly)

I didn’t steal anything, I came to visit the children and wish them a Happy New Year. Yes, children?

She watch broke and took away the arrows!

Oh, you harmful Yaga! Give me back the arrows immediately, otherwise I'll kill you

I'll transform it!

B. Ya. (fearfully)

Oh, no need... I'll give you your arrows, I don't need them.

Pretends to be looking in his pockets.

Let's be quicker, you've been fussing for a long time!

B. Ya. (distracting)

Oh, look, the Snow Maiden is coming!

Where is the Snow Maiden?

D. M. turns away from B. Ya., slightly moving his hand with the staff in her direction. At this time, B. Ya. snatches the staff from him and runs away.

Oh, woe is me, woe! Oh, what a disaster!

Hello guys! Hello, dear adults.

I spent a whole year getting ready to visit the guys, I missed it, I collected gifts, it’s a miracle prepared something new, but he didn’t save the staff, and the magic clock has stopped. What should I do?

If we don't turn the clock hands back

Believe me, we will never make it to the New Year.

There will be no laughter, there will be no jokes,

Until we get the minutes back!

D.M., don't worry. Look at our guys. We've grown up, wiser, and

how brave! We will help you!

Aren't you scared? After all, the path is not close and dangerous.

Guys, won't you be afraid of the dangers on the road?

Children. No!

Well, then, all the guys, get into a round dance.

And the game will lead us along the road of fairy tales.

Children form a round dance around the Christmas tree. Perform a song-game

A game "Baba Yaga"

Now, everyone run to your places, and I’ll catch up with you!

The children run away from D.M. and sit on chairs.

You are very good guys. And we will not be discouraged. I'll call my people now

new friends, and they will definitely help us.

D.M. takes out the phone and pretends to dial the number (calls). The phonogram sounds "telephone" from a cartoon about fixies, the fixie's conversation is recorded - “Well, who else is there...”.

Fixie music sounds. Nolik and Simka enter cheerfully.

Hello guys!

Hello adults!

Hello grandpa Freezing!

You sent us an SOS signal! What's happened?

What's wrong?

D.M. (hopelessly)

Well, the lights on the Christmas tree don’t light up. B.Y. stayed here - a lot of troubles

done. (complaining) She took the miraculous staff from me. Watch

magic broken, the arrows were dragged away. I put out the Christmas tree. That's it, now it's a holiday

on the verge of breakdown!

Is this not enough?

Well, we'll fix the lights now. In the meantime, D.M., turn on the Internet, we are now

Let's quickly figure out where B. Ya. lives.

Music is playing “1,2,3 – thousand”. The fixies take out the wires and pliers and go behind the tree. They return after a couple of seconds.

We have finished checking the light bulbs.

D.M., say yours magic words.

Guys, help me. Let's say it together together: "One two Three,

light up, lights!

Children repeat, the tree lights up.

Simka and Nolik together. Hooray!

Thank you, fixies. This means that nothing is lost yet, and we can

continue our holiday!

Hey guys, let's sing a song Let's sing New Year's,

Don’t be sad, we will definitely return what you lost!

Song "Winter-Fun" (sing while standing by the chairs)

Simka and Nolik take their tablets and go to the center. D.M. stands next to them.

Found it! Found it! B. Ya. was walking through fairy tales.

I scattered the arrows at them.

We need to swirl around like snowflakes in order to quickly find ourselves in a fairy tale. Ready?

Music sounds, children get up, spin around the chairs, and sit down. The presenter picks up a snowflake from the floor near the tree.

What an unusual snowflake (looks at her) There's something written here.

(is reading)

If you find the answer, you will end up in this fairy tale.

In the fairy tale, I help everyone, I fulfill all their wishes.

Throw your nets into the sea three times, not once.

Maybe you'll catch me...Who? Tell me if you know! (Gold fish)

That's right, guys. What fairy tale is this fish from?

The Tale of the Goldfish.

Perhaps B. Ya. dropped an arrow into the sea?

How can we get it?

We must throw the net into the sea,

And we can catch a goldfish.

In the meantime, while the children are playing, you, D.M., sit down.

The chair stands on the side of the tree, against the side wall. D. M. sits down, and the fixers help the players.

The game is being played “Who will catch the fish faster?”

2 hoops are placed and fish are placed in them. 3 children each go up to the hoops, take fishing rods with magnets and catch fish, putting them in a bucket. When all the fish are caught, the buckets are given to the fixers.

Nolik (addressing the bucket)

Help us, fish,

Hurry up in the blue sea.

You are swimming to the bottom of the sea,

Return the arrow to us as soon as possible.

They go behind the tree to release the fish into the sea. They put buckets against the wall. They return and sit on the chairs with the guys.

The music of S-Sans sounds "Aquarium". Girls run out - fish and algae.

Dance of fish and algae. Spanish girls st. gr.

At the end, one girl runs up to D.M. and holds out an arrow, then all the girls sit on chairs one after another. D.M. gets up.

So there was one arrow. Thank you, goldfish.

Simka and Nolik come out.

Nolik, what do you have in your search engine? What other fairy tale has B.Ya visited?

But look! All the beauties of the East surrounded Aladdin.

They entertain the prince with dance and lift his spirits!

I direct the beam to the satellite and move all the guys to Baghdad.

The light dims. Nolik directs the beam of a laser flashlight at the mirror ball, oriental music sounds. Aladdin sits down on the pillow. D.M. and the fixers sit in the places assigned to them. The light comes on.

Girls and Aladdin. dancing "East Dance" preg. gr

D.M. approaches Aladdin, he stands up, hands folded in front of his chest.

Hello, good Aladdin, we found out that you accidentally got

arrow from ours magic hours.

Give it back to us, please, the New Year will not come without it...

And the guys won't receive the most wonderful of wonderful gifts.

No, I need the arrow myself, it’s very sharp.

Now, if only you can surprise me with something outlandish, then I’ll give you your arrow.

D.M., we have a wonderful Russian accordion. Let's give it away

Aladdin, but first we’ll show him how to play it, and we’ll dance at the same time.

Children (senior group) stand in front of the tree, forming a circle. D.M. stands on the side. The fixies are dancing.

Dance "Play it, harmonica"

Aladdin approaches D.M.

I return the arrow to you, you made me very happy. And for the accordion

Thank you. I'll go learn to play it.

The girls and Aladdin sit beautifully on their chairs.

Now the second arrow has been found. Now we can fix it magical


D.M., it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Wait a minute, my little friends. We'll fix the clock, where are ours

Without them, the arrows will not show us the time when the New Year will come!

D.M., this is B.Ya. She took Minutes to her place. We need to call Yaga, and just a minute

take away

Right. I see among you brave musketeers and gallant hussars. This

glorious heroes. They will be able to bring B. Ya. here and free up some minutes. Come on,

Musketeers, come out and show your valor. Yes, and you, brave Hussars,

let's get down to business!

The heroes come out.

1 musketeer.

I am resourceful and cunning, a brave, dexterous musketeer.

Since childhood, I have wielded a sword and my eyes sparkle with courage!

All friends are protected if I am next to them!

2 musketeer.

The hand is faithful and the eye is sharp, I am the royal musketeer.

I know how to fence, I’ll defend for a minute!

I am a hussar - always a hero,

Brave, brave, daring!

I have a smart uniform, I’m galloping to a feat of arms.

I have a cloak and a sword, but I am full of courage!

3 musketeer

When my friends are with me, nothing is scary.

I am responsible alone for all...

And all for one!

We'll go hiking.

Battle glory awaits us all today!

Dance of Hussars and Musketeers. Boys preg. gr.

After the dance, the heroes march behind the tree and quietly sit down in their places.

We are in our garden again...

Silently the clock is on the fireplace, The Christmas tree became a little sad.

Get down to business quickly, friends. After all, midnight has almost arrived.

And we, guys, will help the Fixies!

Fixies run to the clock, attach the hands and stand in the center, they show the movements.

D.M., if possible, also dances with minor movements for the show.

Warm-up dance at the chairs "Helper"

from the cartoon "Fixies"

Everyone takes their seats.

March music sounds. The musketeers enter, followed by B.Ya., followed by minutes and at the end - the Hussars. They go out to the center in the middle. Report D. Frost:

Heroes together.

Your task has been completed! B. Ya., magic staff and minutes delivered to

safe and sound!

They give the staff to D. M and sit on the chairs.

Thank you, brave heroes. And to you, my friends, Simka and Nolik. (fixies)

Staff magical returned to me,

So there will be fun and laughter here!

And now our minutes have been found. Here they are, beauties!

(to B. Ya.) What are you doing, B. Me? You're being disgraceful!

Come on, give us back our minutes in an amicable way.

What more! So I gave them to you! I really need them.

(tearful) I live alone in the forest, and my moments are very strict. They force you to wash your face in the morning and strictly tell you to comb your hair. They love me and dove me, they call me Babusenka-Yagusenka.

1 minute

Let us go, Grandma Yaga, without us the magic clock will not strike 12 times and

New Year will not come.

2 minutes

And all the heroes of fairy tales, children, and you too, will not be able to have fun. There is no holiday

3 minutes (strictly)

And you, B. Ya., have not yet washed the dishes, and the floor has not been swept.

I poured water into the trough, but who will clean up?

That's it, B.Ya., who will clean up? Give us a few minutes and run quickly

I know that you can be good and earn our forgiveness. And we will come to visit you and bring gifts.

Well, okay, if so, take your minutes, just don’t cheat. Promise

To visit Yagusya. I will be waiting for you all to visit.

B. Ya. leaves.

That's the end of Grandma Yaga's tricks.

Simka, Nolik, launch our magic clock.

The fixies go to the clock and wind it up. Music is playing "the clock is ticking".

Everything is in place now.

And the minutes boldly move the arrows forward.

Soon we will celebrate the New Year at the Christmas tree!

A dense forest, a blizzard field

A glorious holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together:

Hello, hello, New Year!

Children stand by the chairs.

Song “If D.M. came to us today.”

Everyone sat down.

Grandfather Freezing, I would come up with a game to amuse the kids.

Yes, I don’t mind playing myself. Here with my staff do you want it magical?


Guys, now the music will start and you and I will pass the staff around. As soon as the music stops and whoever has a staff in his hands, he will dance with me. Do you agree? Be careful, and I’ll start catching up with the staff!

A game "Staff Santa Claus»

Oh, mischievous people! Oh, how nimble! I haven’t played or danced like that for a long time.

I admit, I'm a little tired.

Grandfather Freezing, sit down, relax, and the children will read poetry to you.

I'll be happy to listen.

Children read poetry (2 verses from groups.)

D.M. (rises)

And now for you guys, New Year's riddles.

I’ll start, you continue, answer in unison.

Near the Christmas tree in every house, children dance in a circle.

What is the name of this holiday? Well, of course (n.g.)

The sunny summer has flown by, and everything is covered in white snow.

The beauty herself came to visit us (winter)

The needles glow softly. The pine spirit comes from (Christmas trees)

The two of us rolled a ball, a hat old one on it.

They attached the nose and instantly it turned out (snowman)

Oh yes, well done! Made my grandfather happy...

(look at watch, approaching them a little)

Time moves forward uncontrollably.

And this means – the New Year is coming!

Minutes run out.

1 minute.

The New Year is approaching - a time of joyful worries.

Good time news,

Time for fabulous guests.

May the New Year come to your home

And the house will be filled with happiness!

And everything you dreamed of

May the New Year be fulfilled! (run to the chairs)

Tick ​​tock! - knocking we have a watch

and the arrows hurry forward in succession.

An hour has passed. And again we hear the fight.

Now the clock will strike 12 times!

The clock begins to strike. Children count. D. M. approaches the clock.

They beat magic clock, A miracle is happening.

Let the fireplace lights turn into gifts! (knocks with staff)

Fixies come up to D.M., move the fireplace grate and take out gifts. They give them to D.M. He distributes them to children with good wishes.

Have you received all the gifts? Have I forgotten anyone?

We had a great day, and I’m sad to admit,

That the hour of farewell has come, it’s time for us to part.

Happy New Year, guys! Happy New Year, teachers and music director! Happy New Year, dear parents! Until next time.

The children get up and see D. M. off. To the music, D. M. walks around the hall and leaves. Then the children leave too.

Glafira Filippovna Drobot.

Musical director of MADOU TsRR-d/s No. 19 "Berry",

Stupino, Moscow region.

Children dressed as penguins, monkeys and snowstorms stand in front of the entrance to the hall. One of the children plays the role of a watch. The roles of other characters are played by adults. Cinderella meets the children.

Cinderella. Today is a holiday for me, Cinderella!

I invited guests
Sent out invitations
I'm waiting for adults and children.
Everyone hurry to my ball
And give fun!

Children run into the hall to the rhythmic, joyful music.

Hello my friends!
So I was waiting for you at the ball!
In the festive hall
At the New Year's carnival
Sing, dance, joke,
Let the hall be filled with fun!
And for this I open
Our New Year's ball!
And like at any ball
I'll light the candles now.

Lights candles.

How beautiful it is in this room!
How many candles lit up!
We will stand together in a round dance,
To please the guests.
Happy New Year to you, friends,
I'll light the Christmas tree for you.
With your magic wand
I’ll light a hundred lights for you at once.
Come on, Christmas tree, smile,
Light up with the light of joy!
And you guys, help,
Repeat in unison.

Come on, Christmas tree, smile,
Light up with the light of joy!

The lights on the tree come on. Children read poems about the Christmas tree and the New Year holiday. They perform a New Year's song chosen by the music director, then sit down. The lights in the hall go out. A mysterious voice is heard.

The pendulum swings
The old year is ending
New Year is coming,
The fairy tale begins!

A child dressed as a watch comes out to the Christmas tree. And performs the clock dance to Andriessen's play "Synchronous Clocks".

My Magic Clock
It's so good that you came.
You will strike twelve times at midnight
And, having heard you, Santa Claus,
Taking gifts with you,
He will come with the Snow Maiden.

A child dressed as a watch sits on a prepared chair near the Christmas tree. The song "Pinocchio" from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio" is playing. Buratino and Malvina appear and greet the children and guests.

Cinderella. Hello. Children, I invited Pinocchio and Malvina to the ball, we are old friends. Malvina, Buratino, the guests have been gathering for a long time, but you are late.

Pinocchio. We were in a hurry, but we were attacked by the evil Baba Yaga with Koshchei the Immortal. They stole your invitation. We couldn't catch up with them. They were very angry with you, Cinderella, because you did not invite them to the ball.

Malvina. Look, Cinderella, Baba Yaga almost maimed Pinocchio when we were chasing her and Koshchei. She scratched his arm with her broom and gave him bruises on his legs.

Cinderella. Go quickly to Doctor Aibolit, he has a magic ointment, he will help Pinocchio.

Pinocchio. We're fast!

They run away. A fragment from the play “In the Cave of the Mountain King” by E. Grieg plays, Baba Yaga and Koschey the Immortal fly in on a broom.

Baba Yaga.

Oh, how nice it is all around,
Oh, how cute!
What do you think, Koschey,
Really, it's decent?

I've been dreaming all my life
To be at the guys' Christmas tree
And I was almost late.

Who called you here anyway?
Where's the invitation to the ball?

Baba Yaga.

A: invitation? Show me!
Pushes Koshchei.

Here it is!
So we are allowed to be here!

I know about this invitation
My friends told me about him.
How did you attack them?
And the invitation was stolen.
I am always glad to see my guests,
But we don’t need to spoil the holiday!
Return the invitation
You better leave!

Baba Yaga.

So you want to kick us out?
Well, don't expect any good now!
We need to put out the tree,
Stop pointlessly shining.
I'll swing the broom once,
I'll put out the tree quickly.

Baba Yaga waves her broom in front of the Christmas tree, the lights go out.

Now you stay
Have fun without a Christmas tree.
Baba Yaga and Koschey are hiding behind the Christmas tree.

Don't be upset, children,
After all, we have the Magic Clock.
When they strike twelve times,
Santa Claus will come at that time.
Will light the Christmas tree for us again
And he will bring gifts.

At this time, Baba Yaga and Koschey approach the child in a watch suit and take him out of the hall. Children talk about missing. Pinocchio and Malvina appear.

Pinocchio. What happened, Cinderella?

Malvina. What are you excited about?

Cinderella. Trouble has happened! These villains stole the Magic Clock. Now Santa Claus will not come to our ball!

Pinocchio and Malvina are quietly talking to each other.

Pinocchio. Children, don’t worry, everything will work out for us.

Malvina. We immediately go to tell Santa Claus about the missing Magic Clock.

What great fellows you are!
Hurry up, hurry up
Warn Santa Claus
Whatever the clock strikes,
And he was going to Cinderella’s ball.


And you guys, don't be sad,
Sing songs and dance.


We will go around the whole earth,
But we will bring Santa Claus to you!

Take a wonderful cape -
She will help you along the way,
Cover yourself with it and say
Magic words:
"Ice flakes, icicles, crispy snow,
Carry us forward, cape."

The light can be dimmed. Pinocchio and Malvina say magic words, cover themselves with a transparent cape and “fly away”. The lights in the hall turn on

Well, let's not be sad
And let's forget about sorrows.
All friends and girlfriends
I invite you to the circle.
We'll continue the ball
Let's dance!

Any dance chosen by the music director is performed.

The howling of the wind can be heard in the recording. Dim the lights. On the screen is the "North" decoration. Pinocchio and Malvina appear. The light turns on.

Pinocchio. Here comes the soft landing.

Malvina. Not a cape, just a fairy tale.

Pinocchio. Shall we ride some more?


What are you: There’s still plenty to do.
How scary and cold it is here:


What are we going to do here?
After all, in Antarctica there are ice floes everywhere,
And only penguins live here.


That's what you need to ask,
Where can Santa Claus be?


Hey you black penguins,
Come out from behind the ice floe.

Boys perform the Penguin dance to a song from S. Krylov's repertoire "Penguins".

We walked behind the ice floes,
But they didn’t meet Frost,
Look for him in Africa
There among the vines
There are many monkeys.
You hurry there quickly,
Ask the monkeys.


Pinocchio, it's time to go,
Goodbye friends!

They cover themselves with a cape and say the magic words. The lights go out, a soundtrack of wind noise sounds, and the heroes “fly away.” The lights come on, Baba Yaga and Koschey appear in the hall with the Magic Clock in their hands.

Baba Yaga.

Well done guys
We stole the watch.
Soon they will strike twelve times
And Santa Claus will be called

I don't want to wait long
Now I’ll tighten the arrows,
Santa Claus will not understand the deception
And he will bring me gifts.

He turns the hands on the clock, a click is heard, and a spring falls to the floor. Child - watch folds into the pose of a broken watch.

Baba Yaga.

What have you done, you idiot!
You ruined our whole plan!
Now we ourselves will have to look for Santa Claus.
We don't need watches anymore
Let them stay here.

Baba Yaga and Koschey leave the Clock under the tree and leave. Fast-paced music sounds and the scenery changes on the screen. Pinocchio and Malvina appear and look with surprise at the palm trees that appear on the screen. A child comes out playing the role of Monkey.


Ah, Africa, ah, Africa -
Wonderful country.
Ah, Africa, ah, Africa,
You're full of fun!
Monkeys live in Africa:
Monkeys, gorillas, and also crocodiles.
And in this cheerful country we live,
We dance merrily and sing songs.

Children - monkeys dance to the soundtrack of the song "In Every Little Child." Everyone runs back to their places, only one monkey remains.

Pinocchio. Wow, what a great dance! Have you seen Santa Claus?


I sat on the tallest palm tree,
I looked at the ground from the top vigilantly.
But I didn’t see Santa Claus,
You need to go to the North Pole, friends.


He's not there
I'm telling you.


You promised the children
That you will go around the whole earth,
And you will bring Santa Claus to the ball.

Pinocchio. Promised, promised:

Malvina. So what are we waiting for? Let's fly!

Pinocchio and Malvina again say the magic words, cover themselves with a cape and “fly away.” The lights in the hall go out. Change of scenery. “North” is on the screen again. The light turns on. Around the Christmas tree are girls who are Blizzard's assistants.


We are Blizzard's assistants -
Young Snowstorms.
Sweeping pine and spruce trees
And we creep along with the drifting snow.


You, Snowstorms, are flying,
Look for Santa Claus
Tell him in detail
What happened at the ball.

Girls perform the Blizzard Dance to the music of a waltz chosen by the music director. At the end of the dance, the child playing the role of the Clock is brought to the center.


We flew around the whole area,
We met a blizzard on the way,
The blizzard answered us,
That I met Santa Claus.
He waited a long time for the clock to strike,
Then he went to the ball.
We walked around everything
We found some kind of watch.


Yes, this is a magical watch!
It's good that you found them.


They were stolen from us at the ball
And, of course, they broke it.


Let's take them with us
And we'll take them to the ball.

They cover themselves with the cape again and say the magic words. The light goes out. Pinocchio, Malvina and the Magic Clock run around the Christmas tree. The decorations of the North are being removed. The light turns on. Travelers are greeted by Cinderella.


Where have we been!
What have we not seen!
We found your watch
And Santa Claus is already on his way.

Oh, what great guys!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!


Villains broke your watch
And they buried them in the snow.
Metelitsy found them
And they brought us the Watch.

I'll wave my magic wand now
And I'll fix the clock.
Listen, now the clock will strike twelve times,
New Year will come
And Santa Claus will come here.

The recording sounds like a clock striking. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost.

Hello my friends,
I'm a little late.
Happy New Year,
I wish you all happiness.
And you have become big,
It's hard even to recognize you
Let's continue the celebration!

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus, it's time to light the tree.

Baba Yaga joked here,
Our Christmas tree was extinguished.

Father Frost.

I'll say the magic words
And now I’ll light the Christmas tree for you:
"Pine cones, icicles, hail,
Christmas tree, light up for the guys!"

He touches the tree with his staff, the lights light up.

Father Frost.

And now quickly come here,
To the Christmas tree, to the Christmas tree, kids,
Let's stand together in a round dance,
Let's celebrate the New Year with songs!

Children perform New Year's songs at the discretion of the music director. Then they play outdoor games with Santa Claus.

Father Frost.

I'll probably dance
I'll make everyone laugh today.
And don’t spare your hands,
Beat your hands harder,
So that my feet themselves
They came in with walkers.

Santa Claus dances to cheerful music, and at the end of the dance he falls helplessly onto a chair standing under the tree.

Father Frost.

Oh, it's hot, it's hot, it's hot!
I danced, friends.
You, Snow Maiden, go,
Cool the heat quickly.

The Snow Maiden approaches Santa Claus and blows cool air on him. At this time, Baba Yaga and Koschey enter, dressed as Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Baba Yaga. Hello kids, do you recognize us?

Koschey. It's me, good Grandfather Frost.

Baba Yaga. And I, his granddaughter Snegurochka. We were in such a hurry to come to you for the holiday. How pretty, fat, delicious you all are:

Cinderella. What's happened? Father Frost and Snow Maiden have been at the holiday for a long time.

Baba Yaga. Where? Show!

Cinderella. Yes, here he is, our Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga. No, this one is kind of tired, old, sitting quietly under the tree.

He strokes Koshchei's head. Here he is, our good grandfather.

Cinderella. Yes, he doesn’t look like Santa Claus at all, and his eyes are evil. And you: crooked nose, spiky hair, what kind of Snow Maiden are you? Here is the Snow Maiden. Shows the real Snow Maiden. Children, who came here and is shaking your license?

Children. Baba Yaga and Koschey!

Father Frost. Now let's see who Santa Claus is here. I severely punish you for cheating! Now I’ll turn it into an icicle!

He touches Baba Yaga and Koshchei with his staff.

Baba Yaga. Your hands are frozen!

My feet are frozen!
And I can't move
I ask you to forgive me.

Father Frost. Shall we forgive them?

Let's breathe on Baba Yaga and Koshchei, and they will come to life.

Children are breathing.

Baba Yaga. Oh, I almost froze. Thank you, children have compassion for the old woman.

Father Frost. Atone for your guilt!

Baba Yaga. Hey, my granddaughters, young Grandmas Yozhki, come out here!

Baba Yaga and the girls - Babki Yozhek dance to the soundtrack of the song "Ditties of Babok Yozhek" from the film "The Flying Ship".

Baba Yaga. Would you like me to give you a ride on my jet broom?

Baba Yaga rides children on a broom.

Cinderella. Santa Claus, and the children are waiting for gifts.

Father Frost. Here is my bag, look into it, there are gifts there.

Cinderella. Looks in. It's empty!

Father Frost. So I'm a wizard. Let's clap three times, stamp three times, and the bag will be filled.

Children perform the movements of Santa Claus, the light goes out, then turns on. Under the tree there is a bag of gifts.