Clown script for a 5 year old girl's birthday. Birthday scenario with clown toffee

February 23

Birthday for children with clown Klepoy for middle age

Birthday script for children “Travel with Klepa the Clown!”

Scenario for a birthday party for middle-aged children. The main character is the presenter Klepa the Clown. Children go to a land of adventure, where they participate in various competitions and games.

Hello everyone, friends!
I greet you all today!
My name is Klepa the Clown,
And I'm very funny!
What is your name, my dear, charming and funny children? Let's get to know each other better: I throw a ball into everyone's hands, and you must catch it, saying your name in an affectionate manner.
1. Game “Getting Acquainted”
Presenter (Klepa): We met everyone, but I don’t understand one thing: which of you is the main culprit of today’s celebration?
(children answer)
Leading(Klepa) (addressing the birthday boy): Please tell me, which song do you consider your most favorite?
(birthday boy answers)
Presenter (Klepa): That’s great! Let's start our holiday with a round dance. I invite all guests to stand in a circle and sing his favorite song for our birthday boy!
2. Festive round dance
(all guests perform the song named by the birthday boy)

Birthday has arrived!
Today is a holiday, treats
There are candies, there are cookies!
But congratulations are not enough.
And now we will fix it. Each person (in a circle) will now wish something good to our beloved birthday boy on this wonderful day!
3. Congratulations from friends
Leading(Klepa): Tell me, guys, do you like to travel?
(children answer)
Presenter (Klepa): Then I invite everyone to go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there by special transport - in a hot air balloon! (all party participants receive balloons). Whoever inflates the balloon first will be the first to enter the magical land. The only condition: you need to make sure that the ball does not burst. So, let's fly!

4. Balloon competition: who can inflate it faster!
Presenter (Klepa): Here we are with you on the island of fabulous adventures. The first to arrive was.... (name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Tell me, can you draw? Can you draw a portrait of our birthday boy?
(children answer)
Leading(Klepa): Now we will check this. I will ask all guests of the wonderful island to divide into 2 teams. Each player takes out an inscription from the magic bag, which says what he should draw: nose, eyes, mouth, hair, etc.
(The presenter shows what paper and markers prepared in advance.).
Leading(Klepa): Each team has identical pieces of paper. But in what order you pull them out depends only on you. So, young artists, let's quickly draw the hero of our occasion!
5. Team competition “Portrait of the Birthday Boy”
Presenter (Klepa): Yes, I see that we have real artists here today! But the birthday boy will determine which portrait turned out to be more beautiful and realistic!
And you and I, dear guys, continue to play. Please remind Clown Gag: what did you use to get to this magical land of adventure? That's right, in balloons! These are exactly what we need now! I invite everyone to take part in the “Hold the Ball” competition
6. Competition “Keep the balloon in the air”
Presenter (Klepa): The task of each participant is to hold the ball in the air for as long as possible without using their hands. You can help with your noses, foreheads, head, but not with your hands. Whoever drops the ball on the floor first is out of the game. The most dexterous and most resourceful will win! So, I wish everyone good luck, especially our birthday boy!
Presenter (Klepa): Well done! Now let’s give our birthday boy a performance of songs with the words “Birthday”. Everyone takes turns singing a verse from any birthday song to our hero of the occasion.
7. Song assortment.
Presenter (Klepa): Well, friends, it’s time to return home from this unusual land of adventure. Take your air transport (balloons familiar to everyone), and on my command burst it! This balloon fireworks display is dedicated to our birthday boy! Happy holiday to you again!
8. Soap bubble fireworks

9. Birthday games "Pass the parcel"
You need to: prepare the parcel - take a piece of candy or a small toy and wrap it in many pieces of paper or newspaper (you can use adhesive tape, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for children to unwrap).
The children sit in a circle and the leader says: “We received the package, but I don’t know who it’s for. Let’s find out!”
Children begin to pass the parcel to each other in a circle, unfolding one piece of paper at a time.
Whoever unwraps it last gets the package.
This game teaches children to share.
10. “Stick Your Nose” Competition
Required: draw a funny face (without a nose) on a large piece of paper, and separately sculpt a nose from plasticine.
Attach the sheet to the wall. The players take a few steps back. One by one, they blindfold themselves, approach the portrait and try to stick the nose in place. The one who sticks the nose more accurately wins.

Leading(Klepa) It's time to refresh yourself! Bring in the cake!
(Mom solemnly brings in the cake, everyone sings “Loaf” together, and the birthday boy puts out the candles and makes a wish.)
We had a lot of fun, but it's time for me to leave.
Bye-bye everyone!
See you!

Our Makarushka is already 5 years old! Anniversary! And we celebrated it a lot of fun! I wanted something unusual...

There were quite a few children invited, so this time I decided to hold super fun birthday! What would be super fun without Clowns? But even this seemed not enough... What else did we come up with? Read more...

There was very little time left for preparation, almost only a week... But I managed to do everything and Birthday was a success ! So, first things first...

The guests have arrived! Begin!

Mom is surprised to tell everyone that someone else has come to the party! And then Coca the Clown appears:

Hello kids! Girls and boys! Surely you recognize me? I am the funniest clown Koka, I came to your holiday to entertain the guests and the birthday boy! Can you clap for me, who's louder?

The guests applaud...

Clown Coca:

Oh, wait, I can’t understand something, which one of you is the birthday boy today? Everyone is so dressed up (teasingly). Well, wait, I’m a wizard and now I’ll find out everything... Nope, not the one... And this is not the birthday boy... Aha! This is exactly him! Hello! I know your name - Makarik! Well guys, let's all join hands now, stand in a circle and congratulate Makar on the most fun, most beautiful and sweet holiday. Three four: "Happy Birthday!"

Happy music sounds...

And so that everyone can see who our birthday boy is today, I will give him such a colorful cap and a bow for his neck! And I also have gifts for all your friends, Makar! Guys, here are your caps and bows! (different in color from those of the birthday boy)

Well, now everything is in order! And now we will all go on a fun journey together! Do you want to go on a trip?

Children: Yes!

Makar, come here, you will be the main driver on our train! Guys, everyone lined up like a train behind Makar! Do you know what the train does before departure? He beeps! Here's a whistle for you all! We raised our right hand up and made a beep together! And let's go!

(Here is a song from the cartoon "Locomotive Bug" - very funny and catchy...)

I’m in front of the locomotive, dancing all kinds of things, and the children are behind me:

Now we are passing through Africa! Who lives in Africa? Monkey! Let's jump like monkeys: grab our knees and jump on two legs! Now let's play game "We are funny monkeys":

We are funny monkeys

We play too loud!

We clap our hands

We're stomping our feet!

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes!

And even to each other

Let's show our tongues!

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's put our finger to your temple!

Let's stick out our ears,

Ponytail on top!

Let's open our mouth wider

And we'll make a face!

How can I say the number 3?

Freeze your faces!

And in front of us are crocodiles! They showed what kind of mouth a crocodile has! Well done! Let's move on! And before us is Russia again! And here in Russia we have bears, let’s show you how bears walk! Now let's play game "Teddy Bear":

Teddy Bear

Walking through the forest!

Collects cones

Sings songs!

Suddenly a cone fell

Directly to the bear's forehead (we hit ourselves on the forehead with our palm)

Mishka got angry

And foot TOP!

Along the forest lawn

The bunnies have run away!

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies!

(children press their hands to their chests and jump like bunnies)

The bunnies sat in a circle

They dig the root with their paw!

These are the bunnies

Running bunnies!

(children repeat the movements)

Here comes the fox!

Red-haired sister!

Looking for: Where are the bunnies?

Running bunnies!

(the children hid their faces with their hands, are sitting in a circle, the fox is looking for them...)

Here! Got some bunnies!

Running bunnies...

(the children run away, the fox catches someone and now he is the fox, we play several times).

(there's a knock on the door...)

Clown Coca:

Yeah! I think I know who it is! This is the always late, harmful and boring clown Lelik!

(music plays and Lelik the Clown runs into the room with a huge bouquet of balloons)

Clown Lelik:

Yeah! Where are you! Deceiver!

Clown Coca:

Who is the deceiver, Me?

You, you... Who promised to take me to my birthday?

Ha ha ha! How can anyone take you? You are the most boring and uninteresting, boring clown!

Am I the boring one? Yes, you are the most uninteresting, old and nasty clown!

(Koka the clown moves threateningly towards Lelik, he backs away, stumbles and falls in front of him... the children laugh...)

Okay, okay, Koka... Don't worry so much! It’s just that I also wanted to have fun at Makarik’s birthday - it’s his birthday today, isn’t it? So I came to you for a holiday....

That's what I would say, loser! Okay, let's agree this way: if you cheer the guys up as much as you should, then stay at the party! Guys, should we feel sorry for Lelik?

(The children are of course happy to leave him, 2 clowns are much better and more fun than one...)

That is great! I will try. For example, I prepared a greeting card for our birthday boy (unfolds a huge Whatman paper and reads the congratulations...) at the end:

And all your guests will leave their palms on this card so that you remember this day!

(in advance, the birthday boy’s mother prepared gouache, brushes and water. Adults help the children paint their hands in different ways and leave traces-prints on the postcard, which they have already fixed on the wall... Then the parents also control and help the children wash their hands so that they don’t get each other dirty and all around... There were one-year-olds, three-year-olds, five-year-olds and older children!)

Today all the children, your guests, should have fun, jump, play, dance and eat delicious cakes!

What about you, Lelik, maybe you came up with some interesting game for our guys?

Certainly! I'm learning from you, Koka! I announce game "Boring Ball"! Let's make a big circle and pretend it's a balloon! Let's join hands and begin to inflate it all together! (children hold hands and disperse in a large circle with their arms stretched...)

And suddenly our balloon burst: sh-sh-sh-sh-shh (the circle narrows towards the center...)

And our ball became thin, thin, we’ll show you what it is! (raise our hands up, stretch on our toes, depicting a deflated thin ball...)

But we will not be discouraged! We need to inflate the balloon again! (the ball inflates - the circle diverges again...)

(repeat the game several times)

(we form children into a team of boys, a team of girls, the first to put in their hands is a large wooden pencil, with a tied rope, at the end of which there are cars... On command, the children must wind the rope around the pencil, whoever is faster... music sounds and they start!) Wins , of course, friendship in the end...

And now we invite adults to play too. And now they will show the children a performance on the theme of the well-known fairy tales "Turnip"!

Speeches by role have been prepared in advance, roles are distributed, props are attached to the forehead (cut out pictures of heroes...)

Fairy tale "Turnip" remake...

Characters: Grandmother, Grandfather, Granddaughter, Bug, Cat, Mouse and Kolobok!

Narrator (we have Koka the clown):

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a grandmother

Ate porridge with milk

We washed everything down with cocoa,

We ate a pretzel...

Grandfather and Grandmother appear...

Grandfather: Hey, Parsley! Oh... Old lady! Bake me a turnip! ugh... Plant me a turnip!

Grandma: Are you old? What kind of Parsley am I to you? You yourself are a cheesecake!

Grandfather: Oh, so, and you... you... Carrot! Cheesecake! Sausage! Radish!

(fight and run away...)

The Mouse appears:

Hi guys! Grandfather and Grandma won't be of any use anyway, so you'll have to plant the turnips yourself!

(the mouse moves towards the garden... for this we just spread a green blanket on the floor in the corner...)

So how is this done? Let me remember... Yeah... First we dig a hole! Ready! And then what? I remembered! You need to put money in the hole and say the magic words:


Ate dumplings!

Who is 4 years old -

Good weather!

Who turns 5

All his wishes come true!

Grow big, turnip!

May baby Makarik grow up!

To grow higher than the roof!

So that mice would be afraid of him!...

Well, now the turnip will grow like this!...

Granddaughter appears:

Hello, Mashenka! Oh, that is, Little Mouse! It's me Mashenka...Have you seen my grandparents?

I saw!..... How they fought...

How? Again? What kind of punishment is this? You educate and educate, but it’s all to no avail... Granny! Grandpa, where are you?...

Grandmother and Grandfather appear.

Grandmother: Hello, Granddaughter! How are things at school?

Granddaughter: Yes, grandma! Don't talk to me about it! I know everything... What happened here?

Grandma: It’s not me! It's all him!

Grandfather: Masha, don’t listen to her old one... She was the one who started it first!

Granddaughter: Well, what kind of ill-mannered old men are they? Maybe you, children, can explain to them how to behave? Is it possible to snitch? Is it possible to call me names? How about fighting? (addresses grandfather and grandmother): - Well, have you heard?

Grandfather and grandmother: ...Have you heard...

Granddaughter: Now stand in the corner for your behavior! You are punished!

Grandfather and grandmother in unison: Oh, we won’t do this again... We don’t want to go into the corner...

Granddaughter: Guys, should we believe them? Shall we not punish them? (children: no-no...) - Well, okay! Just listen now!

Grandfather: Okay, okay! Mashenka, let's go for a walk!

Granddaughter: Well, let's go!

Grandfather and grandmother: Hurray! Will you buy us lollipops?

Granddaughter: ...It's starting!...


Save, Help! Oh-oh-oh!

A bun appears:

Oh! Where did I end up? To the grocery store or what? Oh! What charming children! Hello guys! You recognized me? Yes, it was I who ran away from my grandmother, from my grandfather, from the hare, even from the bear... And now I’m running away from this very... what’s her name... Well, she’s so red... I forgot what it’s called... (the children tell me ...) - Exactly! From the fox! Oh, she'll catch up with me! Where can I hide from her? Let me climb into the garden bed! I’ll just cover myself with leaves... And you guys, don’t give me away, okay?

The Mouse appears:

Oh, what did I tell you? The turnip has grown so much! Beauty! It's time to get her out! (trying to pull out Kolobok...) - No! Does not exceed! I'll have to call the cat! I really wouldn't want to... Hey, cat! Run here!

Cat: Yes, yes, dear! I am here!

Mouse: “It’s right there,” better say! Grab hold of me, just be careful not to eat it on purpose! Pull-pull!...

Cat: Of course I wouldn’t want to... But I’ll have to call the Bug: Me-ah!

Bug: Woof-woof-woof! Who said that nasty Meow?

Mouse: Now is not the time to quarrel! Help better! Grab it! Let's pull and pull! ... Eh... Nothing works...

Granddaughter appears:

What are you doing here? A! Are you carrying a turnip? Let me help! Once again! And two! Three!... I'll have to call grandma! Grandmother! Guys, she probably can’t hear... Call her! Ba-abu-u-u-shka!

Grandma: Oh! Fathers! The turnip has grown so much! Can't you get her out? Eh, weaklings! You need to do exercises in the morning! Pull and pull!.... So... Where is this radish-sausage... Oh, excuse me... Grandfather? Children, call Grandfather, otherwise my voice is completely hoarse from the ice cream! Grandfather!

Grandfather: Well, I’m coming, I’m coming... They won’t let me suck Chupa Chups in peace... But who is it that pulls the turnip like that? What do you get: a mouse for a turnip, a cat for a mouse, a bug for a cat, a granddaughter for a bug, a grandmother for her granddaughter? Guys, how should you pull a turnip correctly? .... Certainly! Grandfather for the turnip.... (children list...) - Well, let's pull and pull! Oops! They pulled out a turnip!

All in chorus:

What's this? .... That is... Who is this?

Kolobok: Yes, I am a Kolobok! Can't you see it?

Mouse: When I planted the turnip, I probably mixed up the words...

Kolobok: Aren't you going to eat me?

All in unison: No, what are you doing?

Mouse: Let’s all go to Makarik’s birthday! I also have a gift (takes out the cake without candles for now...)

Here the feast begins... about 10 minutes...

Clown Lelik:

Well done, Koka! Amused all the guests! How do you do it? And I also want to have an interesting game "Grandfather Planted a Turnip"! Only now the kids will play! Children, as I see, you all know the turnip fairy tale, right? And you know all the heroes, right? Were they able to pull the turnip out alone? (children: no-no), Let's come to me two Grandfathers: Grandfather Makar will be there, and Grandfather Artem! Choose your grandmother, your granddaughter, your bug, your cat and your mouse! We form into two teams. (at the other end of the room we place a chair opposite each team) - Imagine that the chair is a turnip! Now the grandfather runs, touches the turnip, returns for the grandmother, they run touch the turnip and return for the granddaughter, the three of them run... and so on... Whose team is faster..

This script has been used in different audiences. Depending on the age and number of participants, you can slightly change the tasks - either simplify or complicate them.

Klepa. Hey guys! Hi all! Were you waiting for us or not?

Toffee. Oh, so many kids!

Klepa. Hey, let's get acquainted! I am Klepa!

Toffee. And I am Toffee!

Klepa. Just be careful not to confuse it: not a sausage, but a toffee. I bet I can guess your name!

Toffee. But you won’t guess!

Klepa. I'll guess! Let's do it! Together you shout out your name loudly, and I will tell you who’s name is what. (Shouts out names, confusing).

Toffee. Klepa, as always, you got everything mixed up.

Klepa. Not all! I guessed Zhenya!

Toffee. But guess what holiday Zhenya has today?

Klepa. ABOUT! It's easy! Defender of the Fatherland Day! Or New Year? (addresses the children).

Toffee. But I didn’t guess right!

The children give hints.

Klepa. Hooray! Cooking day! I love jam so much! Do you love it? Let's find out which of you is the greatest connoisseur of jams?

Toffee. How will we know?

Klepa. Yes, very simple. You must take turns naming any jam that you remember. Anyone who doesn't remember is out. And the one who remains the very last will be the connoisseur of jams.

Klepa Hey, how could I forget! My wife received telegrams from fairy-tale characters! Oh, where are they? (looks in pockets).

Toffee. Can't be! Have you lost your telegrams?

Klepa. And I didn’t lose them at all - they were stolen from me! And I even know who!

Toffee. Who?

Klepa. Yes forest troll! He really doesn’t like fun, so he’s disturbing us!

Toffee. So what should we do now?

Klepa. Only a magic wand can help us, and it is far away in a fairy-tale forest, lying in a box under a large fairy-tale oak tree. And we will go in search of her, but only toys and animals can enter the fairy forest...

Toffee. But we are just children!.. (prepares face painting: blue bunny, red fox, purple cat, green monkey, pirate, flower, spider-man, butterfly)

Klepa. And we will turn into animals and toys and enter the fairy forest! Now you will turn into different animals, pirates, butterflies! (draws face painting).

Klepa. Now even your own mother won’t recognize you. Let's stand in a circle and say the main spell of magical toys and animals. We try to repeat after me the words and movements:

"We are toys and animals,
we play too loud.
We clap our hands
we stomp our feet
puff out our cheeks
jumping on tiptoes
and even to each other
We'll show you the tongues.
Let's jump to the ceiling together
We bring our finger to our temple.
Let's stick out our ears,
ponytail on top of head.
Let's open our mouths wider,
Let's make a face.
When I say the number 3,
Freeze your faces!"

Toffee. Now you can go to the fairy forest.

Klepa. You just have to take some magical items with you; everything might come in handy along the way. (They go). Look how mysterious it is around! And scary! The gnarled stumps stand, oh, the crows are flying, the trees are waving their branches and paws!..

Toffee. Oh, I'm afraid! (prepares “paths” with “palms”).

Klepa. Don't be afraid, I will protect you, protect you, protect you! We need to walk along the paths, but the paths are so mysterious, they do not allow those who walk on their hind legs to pass through, but only those who walk on their front legs. We need to divide into two teams: toys and animals. Then stand in twos at one end and the other. You run one at a time, then the second one gets on the path and so on until all four have run along the path.

Toffee. And we have one extra animal!

Klepa. We don't have any extra! This is the leader, the commander in chief! While the teams compete, our little fox will keep a keen eye on who can run these paths faster.

Toffee. And we will hold you by the hind legs.

A game

Klepa. So we entered the very depths of the forest. Oh, how dark! I can not see anything!

Toffee. Let's see what magic items we have, maybe they will help us... Here are magic lanterns, but only the fastest can light them. You need to wind the cord around the stick, only each of you takes hold of your own end of the stick.

Klepa. And let's see who will win the lantern to their side.

A game

Toffee. So it became light in the forest... Oh, look: a swamp.

Klepa. Just think! Let the troll not even hope that he can detain us.

Toffee. Are we going to swim across the swamp?

Klepa. Do not even dream. Only the smartest will find their way through the swamp. I will ask you riddles, and if you know the answer, raise your hand up.

Toffee. Just don’t shout, but raise your hand to answer, otherwise you’ll wake up the forest troll.

Toffee. Round, smooth, like a watermelon.
Any color, for different tastes.
If you let me off the leash,
It will fly away beyond the clouds. (ball)

Klepa. The grandmother loved the girl very much.
I gave her a red riding hood.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name! (Little Red Riding Hood)

Klepa. I received these miracle bricks as a gift.
Whatever I put together, I break. And first I collect. (cubes)

Toffee. Treats birds and animals.
He treats small children.
He looks through his glasses.
Good doctor... (Aibolit)

Klepa. This funny animal is made of plush. There are paws, there are ears. Give the beast some honey. And make him a den. (bear)

Choose the 2 smartest ones.

Toffee. Have you forgotten that we were going to cross the swamp?

Klepa. Not at all. Our guys, with the help of these two magic planks, will pave a road through the swamp.

Toffee. And then the rest will pass?

Klepa. Certainly! You must put one plank in front of you, stand on it, then put a second one in front of you, stand on it, and take the first one back. And thus reach the figure, go around it and come back.

They pass through the "swamp".

Toffee. How quickly you went through this nasty swamp!

Klepa. It’s good that you weren’t noticed by the poisonous balls living in the swamp, but they don’t sleep, so you’ll still have to meet them (addresses the winner). You came first, which means you get the right to choose. Will you fight the poison balls or will you tame them?

If they choose to fight.

Klepa. From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter.

Toffee. With the help of this magic cap he will destroy poisonous balls.

Klepa.. And everyone else will have to help him - direct the balls to him. Put on your caps and be careful, try to touch the flying ball with the top of your head. Each team has 4 balls. Try to deal with the balls faster.

There is a "battle" going on.


Klepa. Don't be afraid, Toffee! They can still be re-educated, and they will become kind and good.

Toffee. Let's populate these balls with kind people!

Klepa. Let's! Toys, take one ball, and you little animals, take another. Take markers in your hands and draw a lot of people on the ball. The more people, the kinder the ball.

Draw on balls.

If you choose taming.

Toffee. Let's try to tame the poisonous balls, and for this we will populate them with kind people.


Toffee. Oh, look, there are still poisonous balls left!

Klepa. Apparently we'll have to fight them! From each team - toys and animals - choose who will be the fighter

There is a "battle" going on.

Klepa. So we came out into a clearing, somewhere here there should be a box with a magic wand hidden.

Toffee. Oh, what a bright light here!

Toffee. We are very close to the magic box!

Klepa. We will join hands and make our way in a chain to the hiding place where the box is hidden.

While everyone follows Klepa, Iriska imitates tree branches, touching the children in turn with various attributes: balls, real branches. After that, a chair is installed in the center with the box on it. The guys are lined up with their backs around a chair.

Klepa. Now we are very close to the box, all that remains is to take it. Now be very careful. You must walk five steps in the direction you are directed to. Stop. Turn in the opposite direction. Walk 5 steps again. And take the box.

Children pass by. One of the guys finds the box.

Toffee. You were the first to find the box - you should open it.

They help open the box.

Klepa. Look, there's a note!

Toffee. (picks up a note from the box). This is from Troll.

Klepa. (is reading)“So be it, have fun. You win. Only the wand doesn’t work without the spell. This is the last task.” A spell was written on these pieces, it needs to be folded.

Cast a spell: “Happy Birthday!”

Toffee. Let's all say this spell together!

They say in chorus: “Happy birthday!”

Klepa. Oh! What's happened! Telegrams have arrived! (pulls telegrams out of his pocket).

Toffee. Great! Let's read them together!

Klepa. Let's! Only the Troll still did some harm. The telegrams are unfinished!

Toffee. Or maybe the guys will help us read them?

Klepa. Let's try!

They read the telegrams one by one.

Let the sneaky, arrogant people disappear! Hello and congratulations from...
The film about me is a great picture! I wish you a lot of happiness!
Prefer transport on foot. Go to the forest! Greetings...
Let people, birds, animals be friends with you! We wish you success! Tom and...
I promise everyone a piece of the pie! And chicken legs!..
Let the white fluff fall to the ground! More gifts for you!..
Eat more fruits and vegetables! Good health to you!..

Klepa. We had a lot of fun, but it's time for us to leave.

Toffee. Klepa, what about the guys, will they remain little animals and toys?

Klepa. That would be great! But if you want to become boys and girls again, take a dip in the magic water, and the witchcraft will pass.

Toffee. Bye-bye everyone!

Klepa. See you!

Comment on the article "Birthday with clowns"

Birthday. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. I would like to invite a clown to my daughter’s house for her birthday. Can anyone recommend a good, trusted company?

birthday clown? Children holidays. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development Clown for a birthday. - gatherings. Foreign 7th. Life of Russians abroad: emigration, visa, work, mentality, raising children.

Birthday is coming soon. How to celebrate: ideas, tips.. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. Birthday is coming soon. Girls...tired of clowns...I want something new...a show of soap bubbles, a magician or a juggler or...

Birthday with clowns. Decoration with balloons, photo, video, DJ, Soap Bubbles Show [link-1] Children's party, children's birthday, organization of children's parties, please write a price, I need one clown or Rapunzel for a birthday party. for 30 min. 09/27/2011 17...

Birthday with clowns. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, daily... Birthday with clowns. Print version. 3.7 5 (262 ratings) Rate this article. This script has been used in different audiences.

How to organize a child's birthday in kindergarten. Where to celebrate a 7 year old child’s birthday? Girls, I need some advice. The program for 3 hours costs 15 tr. (possibly less time and cheaper). For info - I celebrated at home (children 3 years old + 4 years old + 4 years old + 5 years old + 6 years old + 6 years old + 2 years old): I ordered a clown...

Birthday with clowns. For birthday boys 4-8 years old, we offer the scenarios “Indians”, “At the Fairy”, “Clowns” or “Pirate Party”. Where can we gather 10 people aged 7 years, so that they can be fed and exercised, but within reason?

Clown on a child's birthday. Organization of a birthday. Child from 7 to 10. Raising a child from 7 to 10 years old: school, relationships with classmates, parents and teachers, health, additional activities, hobbies.

Birthday. Holidays and gifts. Organization of holidays: animators, script, gift. They very actively offer me to order a clown animator. Question: how do children at the age of 2.5-3 years react to clowns and whether they can spend an hour with a stranger.

Section: Birthday (I would like to find one directly, and not through a company. Maybe someone has proven, cheerful, able to occupy a group of 4-5 year old children?) I was at such a birthday myself. Funny. There seem to be two options for clowns. We took Tanusik and Yurasik.

birthday clown? Children holidays. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old, please share!!! how much do Muscovites cost, who invited clowns to their children’s birthday party? If you liked it, share the coordinates and how much it costs...

The child's birthday is coming soon. I would like to invite clowns or some kind of animators to the garden, and best of all a magician - because the child is now very interested in them. Share your experience, please. Thank you in advance.

birthday clown? Children holidays. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old, please share!!! how much do Muscovites cost, who invited clowns to their children’s birthday party? If you liked it, share the coordinates and how much it costs...

Birthday with clowns. Where to celebrate a 7 year old child’s birthday? Girls, I need some advice. Where can we gather people 10 years of age 7? The program for 3 hours costs 15 tr. (possibly less time and cheaper). Birthday. Holidays and gifts. They are very actively offering me...

Birthday. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers. Please recommend good clowns. And how much it can cost approximately. Sorry for the impudence - I just don’t have time to look.

Tell me, where can I find a clown for a children's birthday? We want to celebrate in the kindergarten, since my daughter invited too many people, our apartment won’t accept that much :) The teachers don’t mind :) I’m interested in an entertainment program for an hour or two with a clown or...

Birthday clowns. Holidays, rest. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers 309 57 90 or 19. Invited to a birthday party and a New Year tree. The children are delighted. Very cool, fun and heartfelt.

Children's cafe with a clown. Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. Clowns are cheerful, lively, young guys and girls. They have all sorts of funny things ready. Deciding whether to hold a children's birthday at home or in a cafe? Our games are easy to arrange in any setting.

Birthday scenario with clown Toffee

A clown comes in holding a bouquet of balloons.

Hello kids!

The clown Iriska has come to you,

Oh, I forgot the sausages!

I will amuse you

and give gifts.

How beautiful it is here, how festive! What kind of holiday are you having?

I'm sorry, what? As you said? (puts his free hand to his ear)

Jam day? No?

Cookie day? Also no?

Treatment day? Not again?

Day of torment?

So what are we celebrating anyway? School day? No? But you still need to study, we must not forget about it!

Wait a minute... I think I understand. Ah-ah-ah-ah, that's it! Birthday! How did I not guess right away? Who is our birthday boy? Whose birthday is It? At your place? Let's congratulate our hero of the occasion!


Still, mere congratulations in words are not enough! My mother told me that you should give gifts on your birthday.

(looks around)

But where is my candy trailer? It seems I lost everything along the way... Well, let's see(turns out his pants pockets, spreads his hands)- empty.

Oh, children, children, did you hide the candy? No? What's your name? (approaches one of the children). Well, we’ll find out what it is now!

(hiding the candy in his hand, he holds it behind the child’s ear and seems to take it out from there)

Now I know where my sweets are - you picked them up and hid them. No?(scratches his chin thoughtfully)

Then who picked them up? Let's try to solve it! Do you like riddles? Well, of course you will, I knew it!

So let's get started.

I was traveling by train and mixed up the regions.

I moved to the wrong place - there are no trains here!

All the candies were scattered,

left behind somewhere...

Now we will figure out who picked up the candy.


1) Who opened the huge mouth? That's right - it's... (hippopotamus).

2) He jumps and gallops briskly, he really loves carrots (hare)

3) Bristles with needles and hides under fir trees (hedgehog)

4) He lives in an earthen hole, and is simply called - (mole)

5) Milk gives us again, it’s called - (cow)

6) Cunning, shameless, and red-haired too! (fox)

7) He knows a lot about piglets, but they call him - (wolf)

8) A log is floating along the river, it’s all green. Green (crocodile) did not surprise us with his cunning

9) Huge, clubfooted, sucking his paw in the den. And he knows how to roar, and his name is (bear)

10) The dog barks angrily at strangers and bites robbers

Game "Freedom for Candy!"

We determined the answers and received the gifts!

But what are these magic balls? Children, look - it seems there is something inside. After all, these are candies! But how to get them out of there? You will have to play the game and defeat the resistance of the ball.

How to get candy, how to do this? You need to press down the ball to release it!

Children, you need to press on the balloon so that it bursts! If you can't do it, call your friends for help and do it together. Friendship conquers all!

In the meantime, I’ll play you a funny song!

Finally we won and got the candy!

Game "Curious Ball".

N Asha Masha is crying loudly - she dropped a ball into the river.

Hush, girl, don't cry - now your ball has come to us!

Children, you love to play ball, don’t you? Raise your hands, who loves! Very good. Do you know who asks the most questions? That's right - you yourself. This is because you are interested in knowing everything in the world. Now you are a know-nothing, but when you get answers to all the questions in the world, you will become a know-it-all!

But we need to learn the rules of how to play the game “Curious Ball”! It's very simple: the one who caught my ball - I asked him a question!

Rules of the game:

Questions should be short and simple. For example, “what is your name?”, “what color is the ball?”, “how old is the birthday boy?” and so on.

Game "Attentive Listeners".

And now - pay attention! We listen diligently.

Don't believe your eyes - better believe your ears.

The monkey repeats - he doesn’t understand the words!

You can’t knock us down that easily - we can tell where the lies are.

The principle of this game is as follows:children look at the clown and follow his instructions. For example, the clown says “let’s squat!” and begins to squat, then “raise your hands up!”, after which he raises his hands up, etc.

To test children's attentiveness, periodically the command does not coincide with the actions of the clown. For example, he says “let’s squat,” and he begins to clap his hands. The one who did not sit down, but also began to clap, is eliminated from the game. By the end of the game, the most attentive players should remain.

Game “Imagine an animal”.

(Iriska shows the children a basket with cards)

In order to be there in time for the holiday, I had to travel through many countries. And when I hurried to you, I met different animals.

Funny and scary, decorated in different colors!

To guess the name, you need to show the animal!

In the clown’s basket there are two or three dozen cards with the names of animals (more are possible). Toffee chooses the child who will play first. He comes up and pulls a card at random from the basket, reads to himself what is written there, and then must show the animal so that the audience guesses who it is about.

Relay race

The finale is the game “Decorate the cake with candles.”

( The melody of the alarm clock or the clock on the phone in the clown’s pocket sounds loudly)

The signal has rung - our carnival is over!

Toffee needs to get ready, so we will say goodbye...

Have I forgotten anything? How, did you forget? Really, children - where are the gifts?

Oh, but what is this? What I see? I can’t believe my eyes - a birthday cake without candles! We need to help and provide him with candles.

(Donut takes out a candle and three boxes, puts the candle in one of them, closes all three, then puts them on the table in front of the audience. After that, he begins to rearrange the boxes so that the audience forgets which one contains the candle)

I twist and turn - I want to confuse!

Come on, come on, guess it and we’ll decorate the loaf!

The child who guessed which box the candle is in gets the right to place it on the cake.

After all the candles are installed, the birthday person makes a wish.

I was thinking about what could please the kids, and... I came up with - sweets, of course! Well, with them the Land of Sweets appeared, and the main character is the candy Toffee. And this is what happened... Most of the poems and riddles were composed by me, and some were borrowed and partially redone.


Toffee rings the doorbell, and the kids greet her in unison, and her friend reads out a poem:

One day, luxuriously dressed,
Candy appeared to Daryana.
She had a pretty candy wrapper on her,
A protruding blue bow.
And she had an errand,
Celebrate your birthday here!


Do you know that in the city where I live, everything is made of sweets - chocolate houses, jelly rivers, candy flowers, and candy grows on trees and bushes? There are only candies and sweets everywhere! And sweet girls and boys live there, very similar to you. Do you want to go to the Land of Sweets?

Children: YES!



Then let's cast a spell and move there!

Children repeat line by line after Toffee.

Toffee and children:

We are lovers of cakes, pastries and sweets,
Give us a ticket to the land of sweets,
We want to stay in the country for only one hour,
It's a miracle to watch at least once!


One, two, three, come in!!!

We spin around ourselves, clap our hands and go into the room (previously children were not allowed into it).

I decorated the room in advance as a Land of Sweets, hung paper candies on the walls, real candies on the curtains, made a garland of candy wrappers and candies, a fanty sun, a congratulatory poster with a cake and a daughter crawling out of it, set a sweet table, and made a gingerbread man. There was an idea to put up a New Year tree decorated with candies, but I didn’t have time.

Game "Painting"


This is beauty, it’s almost like in my city! And to give you an even better idea of ​​what my city looks like, I’ll now show you a picture. Oh, the trouble is, it fell apart in pieces. Can you help me fold it?

Butterscotch hands out parts of the picture, and the children attach them.

I drew a landscape and individual parts of the picture in advance - a house with a chocolate roof, caramel walls, a pipe made of cookies and candies, a tree on which candies grow, candy flowers, a jelly lake... I attached double-sided tape to them for adhesion.

Master class "Ship"


Do you know that you don’t have to throw away candy wrappers? You can make many different things out of them, roll them into different shapes, cut them out, stick them, weave them, and just save them, because they are so elegant! Let's make a chocolate boat!

Iriska distributes Gorky chocolates, toothpicks, and candy wrappers. We make boats: use a toothpick to pierce the candy wrapper in two places, shape it into a sail and stick the toothpick into the candy. We place the completed ships on the Kisel River in the picture.

Master class "Crown"


And now, in order to feel like princes and princesses of the beautiful Land of Sweets, I propose to make yourself a crown using candy wrappers. Here's some paper, a stapler, glue, scissors and candy wrappers. Let's stick and attach candy wrappers to paper, you can cut something out of them, in general, as you wish. Go!

Toffee gives each child a strip of paper 10cm wide and about 30cm long, cut with jagged edges. You need to attach candy wrappers to a strip of paper of your choice, roll them into a crown, put them on the children’s heads and admire them. Not without the help of parents.

General photo

A photo session is taking place wearing crowns.

Sugar bowling game


Now let's play bowling, not regular bowling, but sugar bowling, we're in the Land of Sweets! Now I will teach you. Here are 5 towers (we build towers from pieces of sugar, stacking one on top of the other, you can also include children). Everyone takes turns throwing the ball 1-2 times, and whoever knocks down the most turrets wins a prize.

Crossword in riddles


Now let’s see if you can guess what sweets are encrypted in my crossword puzzle. I will ask riddles, and you guess boldly!

I wear different clothes,
But inside I am, as before:
Caramel, chocolate,
And condensed, marmalade.
Children all over the world know
There is no one tastier than me in the world!
Unfold, look
And immediately put me in your mouth.
There's certainly no secret here.
What's my name?...

On Happy Name Day
They bake bread alone,
And everyone sings: “Choose,
Someone you love, ..."

It's tile, but not in the bathroom,
It contains nuts and raisins,
As soon as you take a bite, it's immediately sweet.
What is this? ...

Wooden leg,
Chocolate shirt.
I melt in the sun
In my mouth I disappear.

Children love it very much
Chill in a bag.
Chill, chill,
Let me lick you once!
(ice cream)

We made two halves
And we received a white ball.
For many children he is an idol,
And it's called...

Sweet, not sugar
Sticky, not glue,
The bees give it,
Eat and don't get sick!

I'm being baked for my birthday
With nuts, cream and even jam.
And they cover everything with whipped cream,
And they stick candles in me, if necessary!

The white stone in the tea melts. It will fall into a glass of water
And while it goes to the bottom, it will disappear.

The kids wrote in the guess words themselves.


What other sweets do you know? And who loves what most?

Children's answers: toffee, gingerbread, cakes, jam, preserves, halva, kozinaki, jelly, waffles, marmalade, condensed milk, meringue...



I am announcing to everyone now,
It's our birthday.
And so it's time
Everyone should shout "Hurray!"

Children: HURRAY!

Master class "Chupa-chups flowers"


There are a lot of candy flowers in my country, let’s make one of these flowers and give it to mothers, because they also love sweets!

The birthday girl cuts candy from the curtain and gives everyone a lollipop.

Toffee distributes blanks of petals and leaves, glue. We make a craft: we pierce the petal blank with a lollipop stem, wrap the leaf blank around the stem and glue it together. We give it to moms and dads.

Game "One candy, two candy"


Now let's play the candy game. Line up, facing your parents, and be attentive. Now, one by one, you will say:

First participant: That's sweet!
Second participant: Two sweeties!
Third participant: Three!
Fourth participant: That's sweet!
Fifth participant: Two sweeties!
Sixth participant: Three!

But the one who says “Three candy” and not “Three” leaves the game. The most attentive participant wins - the one who remains last. That's the prize.

We were left with three of the most attentive ones who did not want to make mistakes, so they all received prizes.

Round dance to the song of the sweet tooth

(lyrics and music by Anna Petryasheva)

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets:
Lemonade and cakes
Marmalade and sweets.
It's just a pleasure!
This is simply delicious!
For children all over the world
There is nothing tastier!

Strawberry jam for us
It lifts your spirits!
Instead of cabbage soup and semolina porridge
We will always eat it!
Chocolate candies
All our omelettes will be replaced.
We only talk about this to adults
We will never tell!

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets:
A sea of ​​delicious caramel
Cotton candy clouds!
We'll eat waffles and gingerbread.
Adults, no need to panic!
Our teeth will be intact
We know for sure!

There will be more joy in the world
If there are more sweets!
In every chocolate bar
Fun secret!
The world will be filled with sweets
Pastila and marmalades.
For children all over the world
There is nothing tastier!

I printed out the lyrics and gave them to my parents, they bravely sang along, and the children danced in a circle.

Search for gifts


And I have news for you! They handed me a letter and said that somewhere in this room there was a surprise prepared for you, and we need to find it using a riddle note. Let's open it and guess!

We open it and find a blank sheet.


Wow! Where is the text of the letter? How many of you know how to develop text? Maybe shake him, maybe say: “Text, appear!”, maybe blow? (we carry out all these manipulations with children) No, it doesn’t help. But I know another way - you need to wet the leaf! Let's try!

The envelope contains an invisible letter. But in order to read it, you need to figure out how to restore the text. The letter is made like this: take two pieces of paper, wet one with water, put a dry piece of paper on top and write the text with a ballpoint pen, then dry the wet sheet and put it in an envelope. But to develop the text, you need to wet the sheet again.

We read the riddle and guess it:

A movable support hangs on the ceiling,
He rocks his friends and makes him very happy.
You can climb up it to the very ceiling,
And you can exercise by pulling your toes forward.

A large candy with gifts for children is pre-tied on the rope ladder; it must be removed and opened. And we entrusted this to the birthday girl.


Birthday girl, let's cut the candy and see what's inside.

The birthday girl takes out the candy, opens it and distributes gifts to friends. We had Shrek figurines with candy.



Oh, how quickly time has flown by, it’s time for me to return to my home. I had a lot of fun and interesting time with you! The land of sweets is wonderful, but remember that eating a lot of sweets is harmful, although we live in such a country, we eat a little sweets. After all, teeth suffer from sweets, and we take great care of them. So promise me that you will brush your teeth twice a day and eat sweets in moderation!

Children: We promise!


Well then I’m calm and can go back to my home. Happy birthday, Daryanochka! Bye! Happily! And don't be sick!!!

P.S. After the competitions, of course, small gifts were given. Those who wished to did so took their crowns with them (I was pleased that one guest wore his crown all day long!). And, of course, then there was cake and a wild independent game with mayhem!