The most effective positions for conception. Poses for conceiving a child of the desired gender

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Having decided to have a child, women learn about many things - ovulation, favorable days... There are so many ovulation tests sold in pharmacies that many decide - why not buy them and do everything “scientifically”? And now you have caught ovulation, charged yourself with a positive attitude, and have even chosen two names - for a girl and for a boy... But time passes, you are already going to buy a pregnancy test, and then a surprise - menstruation. But everything was done on an auspicious day? Is this really infertility?

There's no need to worry. Sometimes what stands on the way to a desired pregnancy is not a disease, but ordinary physiology - say, the difficult shape of the uterus. This does not threaten either conception or pregnancy - the main thing is to choose the right position that very night.

Which pose is considered the best?

Before you begin the most enjoyable activity, tell yourself how you can characterize your intimate life - regular or frequent? The fact is that the regularity of sexual relations plays a very important role for conception.

But if you are too passionate about sex (say, you can have it several times a day), this will be a disservice. Indeed, in this case, the body of your boyfriend/husband/partner/lover (underline as appropriate) will not produce so many sperm each time, and they may not be enough to fertilize your egg. And in terms of viability they will be rather weak.

Sexologists are sure: if you want a child, you need to choose a position for the sexual ending in which sperm will not flow out of the vagina. Besides, the closer your bodies are in contact, the better.

The third factor is the convenience of the partner. If a woman feels discomfort or even pain during sex, the psychological factor comes into play and the chances of conceiving a child are reduced. So if you feel uncomfortable during sex, be honest about it and change your position.

Is it possible to “order” the conception of a girl or a boy using a pose?

There are the most favorable positions for conception - these are the top three, described and studied by sexologists.

Is it possible to conceive twins on purpose?

Lately, you can increasingly see a stroller with twins on the street. Some women look at these babies - and they really want twins for themselves! However, conceiving two children at a time is not so easy - this is directly influenced by the hereditary factor... Or fertilization using IVF.

But there is no special position or diet for such conception.

What if a woman has a special uterus?

Sperm may not always get into the uterus with special features. But here it’s just the right position that decides everything, so if you don’t “make” the baby in the first month, don’t rush to the hospital - first try the “Kama Sutra” for an unusual uterus.

“Adjusting” to the uterus with a bend

From the vagina of such an organ, it is not easy for the “living creatures” to reach the fallopian tubes. This means that you need a position in which the sperm “rolls” all the way to the cervix, and then the sperm will do everything themselves.

The best position of this kind can be called “doggy style”, in which the lady leans not just on her hands, but on her elbows.

Features of conception with a saddle uterus

In this case, the sperm must be “driven” directly into the uterus. The previous position will definitely not suit you. Try to lie on your back, place a pillow (not the skinny one) under your butt, and pull your knees higher towards your chest.

How to help your body?

Sometimes the position is correct, and the time is chosen correctly, and there seem to be no illnesses, but there is still no pregnancy. There are some simple rules that will help you properly prepare for that very sex and increase your chances.

  • Mood. What you believe will happen to you. Imagine how two stripes are “drawn” on your dough, how a little one is moving in your tummy, whatever you call it...
  • No stress and nerves! Did you fail to conceive during this ovulation? Don’t rush to give up on yourself - some healthy couples manage to “make” a child in just six months. Don't give up your attempts, and they will definitely be crowned with success.
  • Many people arrange a romantic evening, buy champagne... But alcohol spoils the quality of sperm before sex, and it also has a bad effect on the unborn baby. Better relax with a beautiful erotic massage.
  • Immediately after love, soak in bed for 15 minutes, allow the sperm to get where it needs to go during this time.

In general, it is impossible to plan the gender of the baby with just one position. But speeding up pregnancy is still possible! Sometimes the right position helps couples who have not been able to conceive for about a year. So try the “Kama Sutra” for those “wants”, and you will definitely succeed!

In this article we will not discuss ovulatory processes and functional tests that can be used to determine the best day for pregnancy. We will talk about all kinds of positions that contribute to the speedy onset of pregnancy.

How can you get pregnant quickly? To answer this question, we need to remember the law of universal gravitation. Those positions in which seminal fluid flows out of the female genital tract do not contribute to conception. That is, cowgirl-type poses or those in which a woman stands do not do the job very well.

What positions to use?

First, you should pay attention to the classic poses in which the woman is below and the man is on top. To increase efficiency, you can put a pillow under the buttocks, or stand in the “birch” position after sexual intercourse.

The second group is lying on your side. In this position, a maximum of seminal fluid enters the vagina, and then into the uterus. The position “lying on your side” is most effective when the uterus is bent to the side. In this case, you need to lie on the side in which the uterus is turned. To increase the chances of conception, after intercourse you need to lie down for some time.

Knee-elbow position - the woman rests on her knees and elbows, and the man is behind. Like the previous pose, the knee-elbow position is very suitable for bending the uterus. For greater effectiveness, a woman should linger in this position with an arched lower back.

Of course, each case is individual. We only give general advice, but we really hope that it will be effective and help you get pregnant.

To successfully conceive, you should follow several recommendations. Pregnancy depends not only on the schedule of sex, the number of acts, mood, but also posture. Sometimes this significant detail is overlooked, although a lot depends on it. The correct position will bring the long-awaited result and even allows you to control the sex of the child.

Creating conditions

Regular sex - once every few days - will create favorable conditions for conception. Between sexual acts you need to take breaks of at least two days. In addition, to get pregnant, it is best to have sex a few days before ovulation.

Positions for conceiving a child also affect the result. Due to physical laws, some provisions prevent sperm from flowing out, which increases the chance of fertilization. You can have sex in any position, but before the end of the act it is advisable to change it to a more favorable one.

Changing the position will allow the male penis to be as close to the uterus as possible, which will increase the chance of fertilization. There is a whole Kama Sutra, collected from successful poses.

Choosing a position is also not an easy matter. A woman should not experience inconvenience, discomfort, or other unpleasant sensations. Sex must be enjoyable, and a negative attitude affects the final result.

However, when choosing poses, you need to take into account not only the mood. The physiological characteristics of the partner should be taken into account.

There are several rules:

  • When bending the uterus, positions where the man is behind are desirable. This is necessary to improve sperm entry.
  • If the uterus is higher than usual, the woman should be on the bottom during sex.
  • The best position for conceiving a child when the uterus is rotated is on its side.
  • Sex in water is highly undesirable.
  • If the uterus is small, you need to lift your partner's buttocks with a pillow, press your knees and raise your legs.
  • Before conception, it is important not to drink alcohol.
  • After sex, you don’t need to get up immediately, much less wash and remove sperm.

Stress worsens the results. You shouldn't get hung up on which position is best to get pregnant. Before sex, it is advisable to get rid of all negative thoughts.

Best poses

When conceiving, you cannot do without experimenting in sex. Gynecologists advise diversifying your sex life to achieve positive results.

The best positions for conceiving a child:

  • Partners lie sideways, snuggling. From this position, the man will be able to caress the woman and also set the pace.
  • Sitting on the table, the partner deviates a little. The man rests his hands and penetrates her.
  • A woman lying on her back throws her legs over the shoulders of the partner who entered her. This position allows the man to control the pace.
  • The partner lying on her back spreads and holds her legs. A man on his knees enters her. The position ensures maximum proximity of the uterus to the partner’s dignity.
  • Lying on her back, the woman raises her legs up. The man, spreading his knees and holding his partner, penetrates her.
  • A pillow is placed under the woman lying with her stomach down. The partner lies on top, legs spread apart, and penetrates. This position is good for getting pregnant and having an orgasm.
  • Sitting, the man straightens his legs, and the woman sits on top and hugs him. Sex is completely controlled by the partner.
  • To reproduce the position you need an ottoman. The woman places her back and buttocks on it, while dangling her legs. The man enters his partner on his knees and holding her.
  • The woman is on all fours. The man from behind enters her.
  • Lying with her stomach down, the partner spreads her bent legs. The man rests his hands and penetrates from behind. This position is considered the best when the uterus is bent.

Having figured out what position you can quickly get pregnant in, you need to start experimenting. However, you should not use just one pose. Variety will not only add spark to the relationship, but will also increase the chance of pregnancy.

Conception of a boy

There are many ways created to control the sex of a child. The Kama Sutra for conception is considered one of the most effective. Of course, the result will not be 100%, but the probability will increase.

Poses for conceiving a boy:

  • The partner sits leaning on a chair. The woman sits down on top, facing him.
  • The partner bends over, resting her hands on the bed. The man enters her from behind.
  • A pillow is placed under the pelvis of the partner lying on her back. Man on top.
  • The woman is on all fours, and her partner penetrates her from behind.

To get pregnant with a boy, you should try positions with deep penetration. Reducing the path to the egg has a positive effect on the result.

Conception of a girl

Among the methods that help control the sex of a child, special positions are considered the most effective. By controlling the depth of penetration, you can even control the gender of the child.

Poses for conceiving a girl:

  • Lying position. Partner on top.
  • The woman is positioned sideways. The man is behind.
  • Partner on a woman lying face down.

To get pregnant with a girl, the penetration should not be particularly deep. Almost any position will do, but just before the end, the man should increase the distance between the uterus and the penis. This creates favorable conditions for slow-moving X chromosomes. After completing the act, it is recommended to rest a little and relax, but you should not wash.

Conceiving multiple children

The ways to have a boy or girl are quite clear. But what if a couple wants twins? There are correct provisions for this too.

  • A man enters a standing woman. The partner should bend over.
  • You can get pregnant with twins in the doggy style position.
  • The partner enters the woman on her knees.

The method of having twins is similar to insemination with a boy. All positions that provide deep penetration and reduce the distance between the penis and the uterus are suitable.

Although not only positions will help in conceiving twins. Only an integrated approach will help achieve positive results. You will need to follow some recommendations.

  • Proper nutrition. The diet should focus on dairy products, bananas and other fruits containing folic acid. This will help you get pregnant with twins.
  • Weight gain. It is believed that full partners are more likely to give birth to twins.

Although the poses are effective, the mood plays an important role. Partners, especially women, should avoid stress and discomfort.

At some stage in life, every woman has a desire to have a child. This is due to the program that is embedded in every representative of the fair half of humanity. Usually, a girl feels the need to get pregnant when a reliable and loving husband appears in her life, with whom she agrees to walk hand in hand for the rest of her days. In this case, the couple plans to conceive a baby in advance, carefully prepares for it and leads a correct lifestyle. And of course, in this case, future parents are faced with the question: “In which position is it easier to conceive a child?” Today we will try to answer it in as much detail as possible, taking into account possible nuances and difficulties.

In what position can you quickly get pregnant: how relevant is this question?

For some couples, the question: “Which position is considered best for quickly conceiving a child?” may seem ridiculous and irrelevant. However, if you have been trying to get pregnant for several months without success, then perhaps the problem is precisely in the position you have chosen for the decisive sexual intercourse.

Whatever position you choose, remember that it should suit both partners. If one of the couple experiences stress and discomfort during sexual intercourse, then the chances of conceiving a child will sharply decrease.

The problem of choosing a pose is not relevant for everyone. It depends on many factors. Some couples manage to get pregnant on the first try in the most inappropriate position for this, while others cannot conceive a child so quickly; they need to not only correctly and accurately calculate ovulation, but also take into account a lot of other nuances.

What factors influence how quickly a woman can get pregnant:

  1. First of all, how easily and quickly a couple can conceive a child depends on the activity of the man’s sperm. If these germ cells move quickly and are quite durable, then you are unlikely to need to choose the right position for conception.
  2. The physiological structure of a woman’s uterus is no less important. Irregular shape, various bends and inflammations make conception possible only in certain positions.
  3. Conception also depends on the health and usefulness of a woman’s egg.

Thus, in some cases, the position when conceiving a child is of great importance. Unfortunately, modern ecology is not ideal, and our pace of life involves constant reboots and stress, so there are a lot of couples experiencing difficulties when planning a pregnancy. In order to easily and quickly conceive a child, we advise you to calculate the correct positions in advance and take into account all the nuances of your structure.

Which position is best for conceiving a child?

So, returning to the question: “In which well-known positions is it better to conceive?”, we need to find out the basic principles for choosing positions. All our advice is based on the laws of physics, namely, the principles of gravity.

Some believe that the position at the time of conception determines the position of the baby. There is no scientific evidence for this. However, many people think that the position when a woman is under a man promotes the birth of a girl, and the knee-elbow position increases the chances of conceiving a boy.

Thus, when choosing a position, you should think about how, after completing the process of sexual intercourse, as little sperm as possible flows out of the vagina. By following this rule, you will increase the chances of sperm to fertilize the egg.

Another important condition is that at the moment of ejaculation, the penis should enter the vagina as deeply as possible. This will shorten the path of sperm to the egg, and conception will occur more efficiently.

There are many positions suitable for conceiving a child. Some of them are quite simple, while others will require a lot of practice. We will tell you about three poses that give excellent results, and there are no easier positions.

Positions most suitable for conceiving a child:

  1. Doggy pose or dog style are all names for the knee-elbow position. In this case, the woman gets on all fours. This position prevents sperm from spilling out and promotes faster conception.
  2. The missionary position is most often used to conceive a child. In this position, the woman lies on her back with her partner on top of her. This position is very favorable for conception.
  3. When a couple lies on their side and the man is behind the woman, the chances of getting pregnant are very high. This position also promotes faster conception.

All these positions are considered the most favorable for conceiving a child. They promote better penetration of sperm into the egg.

If there are nuances of physiology, in what position is it better to get pregnant?

As we said earlier, very often a couple fails to conceive a child in one position or another due to the physiology of the female body. Therefore, pregnancy planning should begin with an examination that will help determine possible features and find differences in the structure of the uterus that must be taken into account during conception.

If a couple is unable to get pregnant due to insufficiently active sperm, then medications that increase their activity can help. These drugs include Spematon or Speroton. However, you should not abuse this medicine without consulting your doctor.

So, let's look at the structure of the uterus and which position is best suited for conception. Knowing these nuances will significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant.

What position should you choose if there are some deviations from the norm in your body:

  1. The knee-elbow position is the most successful position for conception when the uterus is bent. It allows sperm to travel directly to the cervix, which increases the chances of conception.
  2. If you have a saddle uterus, then it is best to conceive a child in the missionary position, placing a pillow under the woman's lower back. Such manipulations will allow the sperm to get exactly where the egg is located. In this case, it is better to press your knees to your chest.
  3. If a woman has inflammation in the left or right ovary, then the uterus in this case may shift to one side or another. In case of such a problem, you need to determine in which direction the uterus has shifted and lie on the side to which it is closer.

Today, the problem of conceiving a child concerns quite a lot of married couples.

There are many ways and methods that influence this process.

Among which, one of the important points is the position of the bodies for the rapid occurrence.

Couples who are seriously planning to conceive a child should carefully consider many aspects of their intimate life. It is especially worth considering the timing of the fertile period.

According to medical statements, a high probability of conception occurs in a time period of 6 days, consisting of three days before and after ovulation.

To accurately determine the period in the female body, it is recommended to use special tests that are sold in pharmacy supermarkets.

An important fact in this process is the period of increased sperm activity during the day. They are most active in the second half of the day, which accordingly determines the most favorable time for conception.

By choosing the most favorable days, you can speed up the expected process by choosing the most suitable position.

It is worth giving preference to such an arrangement of the woman’s body, in which it is as close as possible to the uterine cervix and at the same time cannot spontaneously leak out.

The most suitable positions for women with individual structural features of the genitourinary system:

The process of conception is significantly influenced by a woman’s behavior after intercourse. It is not recommended to suddenly get up and run to the shower. It is better to lift your pelvis up, placing a pillow under your buttocks, and lie in this position for 10-20 minutes.

The healthy bodies of the partners and their psychological calm, combined with the correct positioning of the bodies, will help to fertilize the egg in the shortest possible time. Which will give the young couple a long-awaited child in the near future.

The most favorable positions for conceiving a child

According to many experts, choosing the appropriate position for successful fertilization of an oocyte is not as important as it is described, because many women can become pregnant in different positions.

Among them it is worth noting:

  • Doggy style
  • Lying on your side

The “missionary” position defines the position of the woman below the man, lying on his back. In this position, all female organs are in balance and correctly positioned, which provides the most comfortable conditions for fertilization of the egg.

The effect can be enhanced if the woman bends her knees to her stomach, lifts them onto her partner’s shoulders, or crosses them behind the man’s back. This ensures that the sperm is located as close as possible to the uterus. This position is ideal for women who have been diagnosed with a uterine flexion.

Doggy style or knee-elbow position is

According to experts, when choosing a position for successful fertilization, it is necessary to take into account the natural laws of nature and physics

universal for any anatomical structure of the female genital organs. It makes it possible for internal organs to be positioned in other planes. When a woman is on her knees, leaning on her elbows, she is located below the height of the vagina, and her bend does not prevent the ejaculate from penetrating inside.

The side-lying position increases the likelihood of conception for women with a displaced uterus. Initially, before sexual intercourse, you should decide which side to lie on and then just enjoy your partner, without thinking about any unpleasant moments.

When choosing a suitable one for quick conception, you should consult with the doctor who is seeing the woman. Only with a competent approach does the likelihood of rapid fertilization increase. After all, wherever there are positive aspects, there are also negative ones.

Sexologists say that the most favorable position for conceiving a girl is “missionary”, and if you want to have a boy, you should give preference to doggy style.

It is almost impossible to provide the most expanded list of positions that promote rapid conception.

This is due to the fact that in the modern sexual world people use a lot of different Kama Sutra positions.

When choosing a position for fertilization, it is necessary to take into account the laws of nature and physics. In particular, the well-known law of universal gravitation. And give preference to those positions that eliminate the likelihood of ejaculate leaking.

When making love, remember that it should take place in pleasure and caresses, so you should not approach sexual intercourse as an inevitable and necessary process.

Enjoy your partner, imagine how beautiful your baby will be, treat each other with kindness and care, and then an unexpected surprise will soon surprise you.

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