The most beautiful love story in world history. Beautiful stories about love A story about instant love and a quick proposal


My story is very interesting. I've been in love with Timur since kindergarten. He's cute and kind. I even went to school early for him. We studied, and my love grew and strengthened, but Tima had no reciprocal feelings for me. Girls were constantly hovering around him, he took advantage of this, flirted with them, but did not pay attention to me. I was constantly jealous and cried, but could not admit my feelings. Our school consists of 9 classes. I lived in a small village, and then moved to the city with my parents. I entered medical college and lived a quiet, peaceful life. When I finished my first year, then in May I was sent to practice in the area where I lived before. But I wasn’t sent there alone... When I got to my native village by minibus, I sat next to Timur. He became more mature and handsome. These thoughts made me blush. I still loved him! He noticed me and smiled. Then he sat down and started asking me about life. I told him and asked about his life. It turned out that he lives in the city where I live and studies at the medical college where I study. He is the second student sent to our regional hospital. During the conversation, I admitted that I love him very much. And he told me that he loved me himself... Then a kiss, long and sweet. We didn’t pay attention to the people in the minibus, but drowned in a sea of ​​tenderness.
We are still studying together and we are going to become great doctors.

Basis for literary works

Each of the inhabitants of the earth dreams of experiencing at least once an unimaginable feeling in its intensity - love. Moreover, many people passionately long for it to be mutual and to exist until the end of the days of each of the created couple.

A beautiful love story often becomes the basis for literary works, and in the last century it has also been embodied in cinema. Of course, such a “product” is in great demand. Those who have not yet experienced this in their own lives not only empathize with book or screen characters, but often perceive their relationships as a kind of standard of how everything can happen in reality.

Ruler of the Golden Age

However, reality often turns out to be many times more interesting and multifaceted than its embodiment in works of art. It is extremely difficult even for a master to convey all the diversity of such great love, which happened to real people, and not their artistic images. Despite the fact that there are a lot of similar cases in human history, it is very difficult to choose the most romantic and beautiful of them. However, among them there are those who have been talked about for decades and which potential lovers take as a kind of model for themselves.

One of these stories happened where, it would seem, only dynastic calculations take place, but one cannot even think about love feelings - in the royal family. The lucky one who knew the joys of love within the framework of a pre-planned marriage was the British ruler Victoria (whose reign many people still consider to be the “golden age” of Foggy Albion).

True love for Albert

This girl, who ascended the throne before reaching the age of twenty, had to marry the one whom her grandmother, who came from the Sachsen-Coburg dynasty, wanted for her - the German Prince Albert. However, even before they took their wedding vows, Victoria had been yearning for just such an outcome for several years. The young princess met her future “soul mate” two years before the crown was placed on her head. Then the heart of the young girl, who had never known love before, trembled joyfully when she saw Albert. She still did not understand: a feeling so deep had arisen in her soul that it would even be capable of surviving the death of the one to whom it was addressed. However, then the future English ruler only wrote in her diary how amazed she was by her cousin’s appearance.

A couple of years later, she had to propose to him herself - her rank obliged her to do this. It cannot be said that Albert did not guess why he was summoned to his cousin-queen. Moreover, he himself did not remain indifferent to her charms. True, he obviously managed to understand how strong his feelings were only years later. Already not just a loving and beloved husband, but also the father of several children (in total, he and Victoria managed to produce nine offspring - which is not surprising, because, contrary to aristocratic tradition, they always slept in the same room), he wrote to his brother about how that he should definitely visit them in order to enjoy the picture of true quiet family happiness.

Victoria and Albert Union

Such was Albert's nature. This true German was not passionate and even in joyful moments he was very reserved. There were virtually no quarrels between him and Victoria - even though they, as lovers, were in an extremely difficult position: they were bound by aristocratic conventions and different positions as members of the ruling dynasty. Albert, however, was quite diplomatic. Realizing that he would not become a king, he turned into his wife’s faithful assistant.

Victoria called him her good angel - and was plunged into deep sadness when her beloved passed away after two decades of marriage. The queen survived her husband, who died of typhus, for forty years - and for all these long years, every evening, the servants, on her instructions, put her husband's pajamas in her bed - in order to maintain the feeling that he was alive.

The union of Victoria and Albert is revered by many as the most beautiful love story. It has been immortalized in several high-profile film adaptations - and lives in the memory of the British, proud that such great people once walked on their land.

Love story- this is an event or story of a love event from the life of lovers, which introduces us to the spiritual passions that flared up in the hearts of people who love each other.

Happiness, which is somewhere very close

I was walking along the pavement. She held high-heeled shoes in her hands because the heels were falling into the dimples. What sunshine it was! I smiled at him because it shone straight into my heart. There was a bright premonition of something. When it began to worsen, the bridge ended. And here - mysticism! The bridge ended and it started to rain. Moreover, very unexpectedly and sharply. After all, there wasn’t even a cloud in the sky!

Interesting…. Where did the rain come from? I didn’t take an umbrella or a raincoat. I really didn’t want to get wet to the threads, since the dress I was wearing was very expensive. And as soon as I thought about it, it became clear to me that luck exists! A red car (very nice) stopped next to me. The guy who was driving opened the window and invited me to quickly dive into the interior of his car. If the weather had been good, I would have thought, showed off, and of course been afraid... And since the rain got heavier, I didn’t even think for a long time. Literally flew into the seat (near the driver's). I was dripping like I had just stepped out of the shower. I said hello, shivering from the cold. The boy threw a jacket over my shoulders. It became easier, but I felt the temperature rising. I was silent because I didn’t want to talk. The only thing I was looking forward to was warming up and changing clothes. Alexey (my savior) seemed to guess my thoughts!

He invited me to his place. I agreed because I forgot my keys at home and my parents went to the dacha for the whole day. Somehow I didn’t want to go to my girlfriends: they were like their boyfriends. And they will start laughing when they see what happened to my expensive outfit. I was not afraid of this unfamiliar Leshka - I liked him. I wanted us to at least be friends. We came to him. I stayed with him - Live! We fell in love with each other like teenagers! Can you imagine... As soon as we saw each other, we fell in love. As soon as I came to visit, we started living together. The most beautiful thing in this whole story was our triplets! Yes, we have such “unusual” children, our “luck”! And everything is just beginning...

A story about instant love and a quick proposal

We met in a regular cafe. Trivial, nothing extraordinary. Then everything was more interesting and much…. The “interest” began, it would seem..., with little things. He began to look after me beautifully. He took me to cinemas, restaurants, parks, and zoos. I once hinted that I adore attractions. He took me to a park where there were many attractions. He told me to choose what I wanted to ride. I chose something reminiscent of “Super 8” because I like it when there is a lot of extremeness. I persuaded him to join me. She persuaded me, but he did not agree immediately. He admitted that he was afraid, that he only rode these as a child, that’s all. And even then I cried a lot (from fear). And as an adult, I didn’t even skate because I had seen enough of all sorts of news that showed how people got stuck at heights, how they died on such unfortunate “swings.” But, for the sake of my beloved, he forgets for a moment about all his fears. But I didn’t even know that I wasn’t the only reason for his heroism!

Now I’ll tell you what the culmination actually was. When we found ourselves at the very, very top of the attraction... He put a ring on my finger, smiled, quickly shouted for me to marry him, and we rushed down. I don’t know how he managed to do all this in a hundredth of a second! But it was incredibly pleasant. My head was spinning. But it’s unclear why. Either because of a wonderful time, or because of a great offer. It was both very pleasant. I received all this pleasure in one day, in one moment! I can’t even believe this, to be completely honest. The next day we went to submit an application to the registry office. The wedding day was set. And I began to get used to the planned future, which would make me the happiest. Our wedding, by the way, is at the end of the year, in winter. I wanted it in winter, not summer, to avoid banality. After all, everyone rushes to the registry office in the summer! In the spring, as a last resort...

A beautiful story about Love from the life of lovers

I was visiting my relatives by train. I decided to take a ticket for a reserved seat so that the journey would not be so scary. And then, you never know... There are a lot of bad people. I reached the border successfully. They dropped me off at the border because something was wrong with my passport. I poured water on it and the font smeared on the name. They decided that the document was forged. There is no use arguing, of course. That’s why I didn’t waste time arguing. I had nowhere to go, but it was a shame. Because I started to really hate myself. Yeah…. With my negligence... It's all her own fault! So I walked for a long, long time along the railway road. She walked, but didn’t know where. The main thing was that I walked, fatigue knocked me down. And I thought it would hit me... But I walked another fifty steps and heard a guitar. Now I was already answering the guitar’s call. It's good that my hearing is good. It's arrived! The guitarist wasn't that far away. I still had to go through the same amount of time. I love the guitar, so I no longer felt tired. The guy (with a guitar) was sitting on a large stone, not far from the railway. I sat down next to him. He pretended not to notice me at all. I played along with him and just enjoyed the music flying from the guitar strings. He played excellently, but I was very surprised that he didn’t sing anything. I’m used to the fact that if they play such a musical instrument, they also sing something romantic.

When the stranger stopped playing amazingly, he looked at me, smiled, and asked where I came from here. I noticed the heavy bags that I could barely drag to the “random” stone.

Then he said that he was playing so that I would come. He beckoned to me with his guitar, as if he knew it was me who would come. In any case, he played and thought about his beloved. Then he put the guitar aside, put my bags on my back, picked me up in his arms, and carried me. I only found out where later. He took me to his country house, which was nearby. And he left the guitar on the stone. He said that he doesn’t need her anymore..... I’ve been with this wonderful man for almost eight years. We still remember our unusual acquaintance. I remember even more that guitar, left on the stone, which turned our love story into a magical one, like a fairy tale...

Continuation. . .

Chance meetings of future couples turned their lives upside down, some romantic relationships changed the destinies of other people, influenced art and even the history of the 20th century.

Feelings sometimes required significant sacrifices from lovers; perhaps the largest of them shocked Great Britain in the 30s of the 20th century.

Kingdom in exchange for love

An acquaintance that radically changed the lives of Prince Edward of Wales and the American Wallis Simpson occurred in 1931. They began dating 3 years later, and the high-born family initially accepted the prince’s new hobby condescendingly, hoping that he would soon lose interest in the married woman.

At the end of January 1936, King George V, father of the Prince of Wales, who became the new monarch Edward VIII, died, and the scandalous relationship could no longer be continued without jeopardizing his reputation. He understood this, but the couple was not allowed even a morganatic marriage, so on December 10, 1936, the man abdicated the throne. The modest wedding ceremony took place on June 3, 1937, and Times magazine awarded Wallis the title of “Person of the Year,” because her love was more important to Edward than power and changed the fate of the United Kingdom.

In the USSR, around the same time, a beautiful love story took place, which became a standard for the tender, respectful feelings of two creative people.

Director and muse

In 1933, by order from above, Grigory Alexandrov (pseudonym of Alexander Mormonenko) was to film the first Soviet musical comedy with Leonid Utesov in the leading male role, and he had to painfully search for a partner worthy of him. There are several versions of how the director met Lyubov Orlova, who later brilliantly played the housekeeper Anyuta: from the romantic version in which Alexandrov saw his future wife in the musical theater at the Moscow Art Theater, to a pragmatic meeting arranged by the actress’s friend. In January 1934, Alexandrov and Orlova got married, all 41 years of married life addressed each other as “you,” and after the death of his beloved, the man made a documentary film in memory of her.

Student novels pSometimes they are strong, especially if one of the partners becomes famous, but there are happy exceptions.

echo of love

In Moscow in the 50s, there was a meeting between Alla Kireeva, a student at the Literary Institute, and the talented young man Robert Rozhdestvensky, who had transferred to the capital’s university from the philological department of Karelian University. He dedicated many poems to his beloved, who became his only wife and permanent muse, and, perhaps, was able to express the entire depth of his feelings with the words “we coincided with you.” Deafening popularity fell on the poet, who became one of the most beloved “sixties” people, but he did not pay attention to the huge number of fans, because his wife and 2 daughters were waiting for him at home.

Over the course of the 41 years allotted to them by fate, they went through the everyday chaos of the first years of their life together, the test of fame, Rozhdestvensky’s serious illness, the incredibly harmonious relationship of the couple was immortalized in his poems.

In theater circles, beautiful romances are not uncommon, but not all couples can boast that they were able to preserve their relationship.

Creative Union

The acquaintance of the already famous actor Sergei Yursky and theater institute student Natalya Tenyakova took place in 1965 at the television play “The Big Cat's Tale”, in which they played detective Sidney Hall and his bride Alice, respectively. The romance did not happen - they were not free, but a few years later a new meeting on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater became the beginning of their story of happy love. The modest wedding took place 5 years after they met, and the romantic and creative union of the actors turned out to be surprisingly strong - they live together and play on the same stage. The actors' collaboration in the film “Love and Doves,” where Yursky and Tenyakova portrayed an elderly married couple (in fact, they were 49 and 40 years old at the time), was a resounding success.

It was a quiet, warm summer night. Two people were walking along the side of the road, holding hands. They were together. They loved...

Suddenly, an instant collision of two cars... The girl felt wild pain and lost consciousness, the guy barely dodged the debris, he suffered less.

Hospital... These indifferently cruel hospital walls... Ward. Bed. It shows a girl with fractures and significant blood loss. There was a guy sitting next to her, he didn’t leave her side for a minute. Once again, a nurse came into the room and called the guy to her. They went out.

She will live, right? - Tears flowed from his tired, swollen and sleep-deprived eyes.
- We are doing everything possible, but you yourself understand...
- Please, I beg you, don’t let her die, I have no one but her.
- We will make every effort, we will try very hard...
The guy wiped his tears and returned to the room with the nurse. The girl felt that something was wrong:
- Tell me, I’ll survive, won’t you help me get out? Is it true?
“Of course, honey, we will do our best,” the nurse said and lowered her eyes.
When the guy and the girl were alone, she said to him:
- Promise me: no matter what happens, you will definitely be happy! I want it!
- What are you saying? You are my happiness! I can't live without you!
-Promise me! You understand everything yourself! I want to make sure that you will be happy! Even if without me! Promise me this, for my sake!
-...Okay, I'll try, but I can't promise...
Night has come. The girl fell asleep, and the guy dozed off by her bed... The girl had a dream in which her mother came down to her from the sky and said:
- My girl. Tomorrow evening I will come for you. We will fly to another world, where there is no evil, pain, or betrayal. You will be calm there...
- Mother?! How?! Already?! But... but I don’t want to leave... I... I love him... I can’t live without him
- I came to warn you, be prepared. Spend your last day with him... I have to go,” large silver-white wings spread behind her back, and she flew away.
A nurse came in the morning and the test results left no hope. The girl and the guy stayed together. She told him that she would die today... He didn’t believe it, he shouted at her, he spoke. That everything would be fine, but she told him:
- Please, let's spend the last day together. I want to be with you.
He was silent. His heart was beating wildly, his soul was torn to pieces, tears flowed like a river, he did not know what to do.
- Let's just be together, remember our happiness. I want to meet my last sunset with you, I want to kiss you...
They were together all day, without opening their hands, remembering all their joys... He could not even for a second imagine himself without her... But... The sun was already setting for their last sunset. Both had tears in their eyes...
- I don't want to lose you, my love.
- I understand, but this is probably necessary, this is how it should be.
- I will feel very bad without you. Very. I will never forget you.
- Darling, I will always be by your side. I will always help you. My love for you is eternal! Remember this!
In these last minutes they both cried.
- Darling, I’m not afraid to die, because I know what love is! I lived for you! I've never lied to you.
- Darling, I'm scared.
- Don't be afraid. I will be near…
Suddenly the pulse stopped. The soul fluttered out of the body. She saw how he tightly pressed her body to him, how he screamed and begged her not to leave him. The nurses came running. They tried to do something, but it was too late.
Suddenly she felt someone take her hand. It was mom.
- Mommy, I don’t want to leave him, please, just one more minute, I want to go to him. Please, mom!!!
- My girl, it’s time for us... We must fly...
The girl looked at herself. She glowed, and snouts appeared behind her. She looked at her lover one last time, flapped her wings and flew away with her mother...
He felt pain in his heart and felt his soul being torn apart. There was not a single thought in his head, only her, her eyes, her hands, her lips.
After a long time, a telephone call brought him to his senses.
- Hello...
“We can bury you tomorrow,” they called from the hospital.
- How to bury? Already? No! Please, can I say goodbye to her one last time?
- Here at the cemetery you’ll say goodbye! - answered a rough male voice.

It’s a warm summer day again, the sun is shining in a special way. He stands next to the coffin in which lies the one for whom he lived, the one he dreamed of. She. My favorite. He didn't understand what was happening.

Suddenly he felt someone's gaze staring at his back. He turned around, but didn’t see anything. It seemed to him that someone put a hand on his shoulder. He turned around again and again didn’t see anything, but he felt that she was standing next to him, he just didn’t see her. He held her hand. Angela. I felt her warmth. So dear... She kept her promise to be with him.

Many days passed, she flew to him every day. She was with him when he woke up, when he fell asleep. She was there when it was difficult for him, when he felt bad.

Quiet winter evening... Snowflakes sparkle in the light of the lanterns. He looks out the window. The lights are on in the neighboring houses. He remembers her, her voice, her eyes, his love... He so wants to hug her again, take her hands again, look into her eyes again. But…

He left a trace of his breath on the cold glass and wrote her name.

How bad I feel without you... I miss you so much. I would give anything just to hug you again. If only I could see you again. I'm so sad without you... I want to come to you. Take me to your place, will you? Or... Or come back.

Suddenly, another breath mark appeared on the street side of the glass. Someone wrote his name. It was her. She heard him calling her.

Tears appeared in his eyes. He cried like a child, powerless to change anything.

Drops appeared on the other side of the glass and immediately froze... These were her tears. It was the purest love in the world. The one that is talked about in fairy tales, the one that everyone dreams of, but cannot turn it into reality, the love that cannot be described in words. You can only feel it. It was the love of an angel for a man.

Patterns began to appear on the glass that appear in severe frost, but the drawing was unusual, it depicted her. She was still just as beautiful. Still the same bottomless eyes, the same look...

God saw their love and suffering. He just wanted them to be happy. He did just that. He gave new life to this girl.

One fine morning, the guy and the girl just woke up together again. They didn't remember anything, they just felt that something inexplicable had happened. Some kind of miracle. Only their frozen names remained on the glass, which they themselves wrote there. Since then, the two have lived side by side. Among us... They will become angels when another such fabulous, mutual love appears on earth.