Christmas wreath made of paper. Christmas origami

With your own hands

There is such a tradition - to decorate the house for Christmas with Christmas tree wreaths with candles. Although the tradition is not entirely Russian, it is very beautiful, so let’s support and make such a paper wreath with our own hands. Decorate it with confetti, ribbons and a paper candle.

Master class on how to make a paper wreath

To make a craft, we need: a disposable paper plate, colored paper light and dark green, red, white, yellow, scissors, glue.

Let's start by cutting out and removing the bottom of the plate; we only need the edges. Cut paper in two shades of green into strips 1 cm thick. Then glue the strips onto the plate and connect the edges.

Glue along the entire perimeter, alternating light and dark stripes. Then we cut the ends.

Let's make a candle. Cut out 2 strips of white paper. Place them on top of each other perpendicularly and glue the ends together. We first bend one ribbon onto the other, then the second onto the first, and so on, alternating until we get a candle of the required length. glue the ends together.

It’s better seen in the example of yellow and red stripes; by the way, the candle can also be made in different colors.

Cut out and glue the flame, decorate the wreath with a red bow, circles of red paper and cotton balls.

Bright holiday decoration for your home - Christmas wreath in technology origami you can do it yourself to prepare your home for the New Year. Involve children, friends, and all family members in the creative process. Good mood guaranteed!

How to make a Christmas wreath

For this craft you will need:

  • 8 red squares of paper measuring 10x10 cm;
  • 8 square sheets of green, same size;
  • PVA glue;
  • materials for decorating the middle of the flower (glitter, sequins, beads or rhinestones).

First, let's assemble individual parts from red and green paper, and then connect them together.


Let's start making leaves from green squares. Take one and mark vertical and horizontal lines on it by folding the sheet in half in different directions.

Then fold each side toward the center crease. As a result, the sheet will be divided into equal squares. All that remains is to fold it diagonally, and it is ready to assemble the figure.

Direct each side towards the center of the sheet, and fold the ends in half, pointing one after the other in the chosen direction. After folding all the sides it will look like this.

One green piece for the Christmas wreath is ready. Make 7 more of these and set aside.

Red flower

Now take the red leaves and fold each one as follows:

Connect the red parts to the green ones using glue. Decorate the center of the flowers with rhinestones, sequins or beads, whatever is at hand.

Collect the finished products into a beautiful wreath. Connect them in a circle, gluing the parts in inconspicuous places. Eight colors form a perfect circle. We took shades just right for New Year and Christmas.

With this decoration you can successfully decorate your apartment or hall for New Year's events. But that is not all. Complete the Christmas wreath using the origami technique. Look for step-by-step instructions on the links.

Happy New Year and a magical Christmas everyone! Don't forget to subscribe to new articles to always be aware of interesting crafts in the origami style!

Panel “Christmas wreath” using origami technique. Master class with step-by-step photos

Natalya Viktorovna Suslova, primary school teacher, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7 named after. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, Tutaev, Yaroslavl region.
Description: This master class is intended for children from 6 years old, primary school teachers, educators, and parents.
Purpose: applique for the New Year, work for an exhibition, gift, decoration of a children's room.
Target: creating panels using origami technique.
introduce types of origami;
develop practical skills in working with paper;
consolidate skills in handling simple tools - scissors, paper:
develop artistic taste, creativity and imagination based on knowledge, skills and abilities;
develop spatial imagination;
to form a work culture: teach accuracy, the ability to use materials carefully and economically, and keep the workplace in order;
cultivate independence, patience, perseverance, a sense of satisfaction from the habit of finishing things;
instill a love of art, arts and crafts.

Paper- this is a material that can be easily transformed. It can be cut, glued, folded in one way or another. It is not surprising that many types of art (especially decorative and applied) are associated with it. One of the most fascinating types of it is origami.
Origami(Japanese: “folded paper”) is the ancient art of folding paper figures. Classic origami requires the use of one square, evenly colored sheet of paper without glue or scissors. Contemporary art forms sometimes depart from this canon. (Christmas tree branches on the panel)
Kirigami- involves the use of scissors, and paper can also be cut. (snowflake on the panel)
Modular origami- the whole figure is assembled from many identical modules. Each of which is assembled according to the rules of classic origami from a sheet of paper of the same color and then laid out and connected together.
(1 module of hexagonal kusudama - Christmas tree balls on a panel)

Dear colleagues, today I would like to present you a master class on making the “Christmas Wreath” panel using the origami technique.

Materials: colored paper, glue, scissors, pencil, paper clips, hole punches, art frame.

Step-by-step description of the work:
1. Christmas tree branches. To make a wreath, we need Christmas tree branches, which we will fold from 8*8 cm squares. Draw green paper of different shades. Cut the squares.

From each square, first fold the “Water Bomb” base along technological map.

1. Base – square.
2 – 5. Fold the square along the diagonals.
6. Connect two adjacent corners on the right, laying the middle. Press.
7. Do the same with the left side. The base is ready.

Continue making modules of spruce branches according to technological map.

8. Mark the axis of symmetry on the base.
9. Fold the first right corner of the base towards the middle.
10. Fold the left side in the same way.
11. Draw additional fold lines according to the drawing.
12. Fold the right corner along the fold line.
13. Fold the left corner in the same way. The spruce branch module is READY!

To make a wreath you will need 15 pieces of green modules of different shades.

By inserting the modules into each other, rounding the structure, assemble the wreath. (For the strength of the wreath, I recommend gluing the modules in the structure together)

The wreath is ready!

2. Panel background. For the background of the panel we chose a shade of purple. Using a shaped hole punch, decorate the edges.

Decorate the wreath with New Year's rain and place it on the background.

3. Making Christmas tree decorations. For Christmas tree decorations we will make two modules of hexagonal kusudama.
Let's start making the “Catamaran” base according to technological map.
The basis of our toy is a square with a side of 10 cm.

1 – 4. Fold the square along the diagonals.
5 – 8. Fold the square horizontally and vertically.
9. Place the bottom edge of the workpiece to the horizontal line.
10. Fold the top part in the same way.
11. Fold the upper right corner according to the drawing, insert the middle.
12. Return the corner to its place. The result is a corner with a fold.
13. Lay all corners in the same way. The result was the basis of the “Catamaran”.

Continue manufacturing the hexagonal kusudama module according to technological map.

14. Bend the upper corner of the “Catamaran” base according to the drawing.
15. Fold a square according to the pattern.
16. Fold all corners of the base into squares.
17 - 18. Fold the edges to the middle of each square.
19 - 20. Straighten each fold according to the pattern.
21. Bend the corners of the square back. Kusudama module is READY!

For our panel, make 2 modules (Christmas tree decorations on our wreath)

4. Making a snowflake By technological map.

1. The base is a square with a side of 8-10 cm.
2. Fold the square diagonally, do not open it.
3. Fold the resulting triangle along the axis of symmetry, do not unfold it.
4. Fold the triangle again along the axis of symmetry and secure with a paper clip.
Using a pencil, draw the desired snowflake pattern on the sides. Cut using scissors.
5. Unfold the snowflake. READY!

Glue the finished parts onto the background.

5.For making a candle Roll the colored paper into a tube.

Glue the edge.

Place the candle on the background and add flame.
Glue the background with panel details onto the base (colored cardboard, wallpaper).

Using shaped hole punches, make snowflakes and lights.

Glue snowflakes and lights onto the panel. Decorate the panel with an artistic frame. The panel is ready!

Panel in the interior.

The idea arose to decorate the panel with New Year's serpentine, cutting it out of colored paper in a circle.

It turned out to be an interesting addition!!! Our panel is completely ready!

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DIY SHUTTERS - interior for a CHILDREN'S room

Description of work. The slats are placed on top of each other, glued in pairs, and after the glue has dried, additionally fastened with screws = racks for fastening the shutters.

Cut out 4 planks of plywood measuring 10×133 cm and 10×56 cm, cut the edges of the planks at an angle of 45°.

From tracing paper, cut out one template measuring 7 x 133 cm and 7 x 56 cm, cut the short sides at an angle of 45°.

On the shorter longitudinal side of each template, cut a scalloped edge, as in the photo.

Place the template on the corresponding plank, aligning the straight edge of the template with the long edge of the plank, and trace the scallops.

Cut out the scalloped edges. Glue two long and short strips along the beveled sides into frames = 2 frames for shutters.

Clean all edges and surfaces of frames and posts with sandpaper and coat first with green varnish, then, after drying, with colorless varnish.

Attach the racks with dowels to the walls on both sides of the window frame. Attach each frame to the rail using two hinges.

Cut out two screens for shutters measuring 59x139 cm from fabric, and make a double hem 2 cm wide on all four sides. Iron the hems. Take 4 pieces of contact tape, 51 cm each. Sew the soft halves of the tape into the edge along the short sides of the screens from the front side.

Attach the rigid halves to the back of the frames using a stapler. Place the screens by aligning the halves of the contact strips.

Description of work. Cover the slabs with a double layer of acrylic varnish: the long slab is red, the middle slab is blue, the short slab is yellow.

Let the varnish dry well and fasten the slabs with piano hinges into a three-leaf screen, with a long slab in the middle.

Screw in the hooks for the sachet on the front side of the yellow flap and hang the sachet.

Hang a mirror on the front side of the red door. Cover the hanger with a double layer of red varnish, paint the hooks with blue varnish.

  • After the paint has dried, attach the hanger with screws to the blue sash from the front side.
  • On the other side of the screen, draw a grid with a pencil on the blue and yellow doors.
  • PVA glue;
  • Along the marked lines, stick pieces of grosgrain tape of the appropriate length and nail them with furniture nails, as in the photo.
  • I first saw such a wreath on foreign websites, but I couldn’t find a good description. I had to open 3 different pages in parallel and figure it out step by step. But everything turned out to be not difficult at all! I offer my version of MK. It took me 11 minutes to make one element. Plus gluing and decoration with beads.

To work you will need:

  1. square sheets of paper, size 20 x 20 cm, 4 green and 4 red;
  2. pencil glue;
  3. 8 beads;
  4. hanging thread

  5. How to make an origami wreath:
  6. On the sheet you need to bend the diagonals and transverse lines. You need to fold it carefully so that all the lines intersect at one central point.
  7. From each corner, fold the sides along the diagonal (in the form of a kite). Press the folds and unfold.
  8. This is what the sheet looks like with the folds outlined. Now you can start folding.

  9. We align the lower corner with the red dot at the top, which is located diagonally at the intersection of the intended folds. Below we notice two points and smooth out the distance between them.
  10. The result is a petal. The central vein is marked in red, one of the sides of the quadrangle leaf is marked in blue.
  11. Combine the blue line with the red one and smooth out the fold.
  12. Repeat step 11 for the left side.

  13. Next comes the repetition of steps 4-12, but I will repeat myself a little for clarity. We unfold the craft with the finished leaf facing up and start working with the bottom corner again. The dots indicate the same supporting nodes - the corners of the triangle.
  14. We combine the lower and upper corners, smoothing the fold between the points.
  15. We tuck in the parts that protrude beyond the sides of the triangle.
  16. Let's move on to points 5-12.

  17. We place the finished leaves horizontally and again work with the lower triangle.
  18. Here the base of the triangle is already clearly visible, along this line we bend the triangle upward. We repeat points 5-12.
  19. Place the figure with the last free triangle facing down.
  20. Repeat 5-12 and glue the two opening parts from the inside out with pencil glue. The first element is ready.

  21. In total you need to prepare 4 green and 4 red elements.

  22. The elements on the reverse side are squares. Lubricate the corner of one element with pencil glue and insert it into the pocket of an element of a different color, moving along the diagonal and deepening exactly 2/3. It is important that the Christmas wreath is even. We repeat the action alternating colors until the circle is closed.

  23. Drop a drop of PVA into the center of each element and place a yellow bead on it. We wait for the glue to dry and use it as New Year's decor. The wreath can be hung on the door or placed in the center of the festive table, placing a New Year's candle in the center.

Shared master class

Kononenko Anastasia